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Created May 1, 2017 15:43
Randomly create haiku based on Plex libraries content.
from plexapi.server import PlexServer
import random
import re
baseurl = 'http://localhost:32400'
token = 'XXXXXXXXXX'
plex = PlexServer(baseurl, token)
sections_lst = []
LIBRARIES_LST = ['Movies', 'TV Shows'] # Whatever you name your libraries
sections = plex.library.section(x).all()
sections_lst += [section.title for section in sections]
word_site = [line.split() for line in sections_lst]
WORDS = [item for sublist in word_site for item in sublist]
count = len(WORDS)
r = range(0,count)
def ran_words(cnt,):
word_site = [line.split() for line in sections_lst]
WORDS = [item for sublist in word_site for item in sublist]
ran_word = random.choice(WORDS)
ran_word = ''.join(e for e in ran_word if e.isalnum())
sy_cnt = sylco(ran_word)
word_cnt = {ran_word: sy_cnt}
return word_cnt
def sylco(word):
# pulled from
word = word.lower()
# exception_add are words that need extra syllables
# exception_del are words that need less syllables
exception_add = ['serious', 'crucial']
exception_del = ['fortunately', 'unfortunately']
co_one = ['cool', 'coach', 'coat', 'coal', 'count', 'coin', 'coarse', 'coup', 'coif', 'cook', 'coign', 'coiffe',
'coof', 'court']
co_two = ['coapt', 'coed', 'coinci']
pre_one = ['preach']
syls = 0 # added syllable number
disc = 0 # discarded syllable number
# 1) if letters < 3 : return 1
if len(word) <= 3:
syls = 1
return syls
# 2) if doesn't end with "ted" or "tes" or "ses" or "ied" or "ies", discard "es" and "ed" at the end.
# if it has only 1 vowel or 1 set of consecutive vowels, discard. (like "speed", "fled" etc.)
if word[-2:] == "es" or word[-2:] == "ed":
doubleAndtripple_1 = len(re.findall(r'[eaoui][eaoui]', word))
if doubleAndtripple_1 > 1 or len(re.findall(r'[eaoui][^eaoui]', word)) > 1:
if word[-3:] == "ted" or word[-3:] == "tes" or word[-3:] == "ses" or word[-3:] == "ied" or word[
-3:] == "ies":
disc += 1
# 3) discard trailing "e", except where ending is "le"
le_except = ['whole', 'mobile', 'pole', 'male', 'female', 'hale', 'pale', 'tale', 'sale', 'aisle', 'whale', 'while']
if word[-1:] == "e":
if word[-2:] == "le" and word not in le_except:
disc += 1
# 4) check if consecutive vowels exists, triplets or pairs, count them as one.
doubleAndtripple = len(re.findall(r'[eaoui][eaoui]', word))
tripple = len(re.findall(r'[eaoui][eaoui][eaoui]', word))
disc += doubleAndtripple + tripple
# 5) count remaining vowels in word.
numVowels = len(re.findall(r'[eaoui]', word))
# 6) add one if starts with "mc"
if word[:2] == "mc":
syls += 1
# 7) add one if ends with "y" but is not surrouned by vowel
if word[-1:] == "y" and word[-2] not in "aeoui":
syls += 1
# 8) add one if "y" is surrounded by non-vowels and is not in the last word.
for i, j in enumerate(word):
if j == "y":
if (i != 0) and (i != len(word) - 1):
if word[i - 1] not in "aeoui" and word[i + 1] not in "aeoui":
syls += 1
# 9) if starts with "tri-" or "bi-" and is followed by a vowel, add one.
if word[:3] == "tri" and word[3] in "aeoui":
syls += 1
if word[:2] == "bi" and word[2] in "aeoui":
syls += 1
# 10) if ends with "-ian", should be counted as two syllables, except for "-tian" and "-cian"
if word[-3:] == "ian":
# and (word[-4:] != "cian" or word[-4:] != "tian") :
if word[-4:] == "cian" or word[-4:] == "tian":
syls += 1
# 11) if starts with "co-" and is followed by a vowel, check if exists in the double syllable dictionary, if not, check if in single dictionary and act accordingly.
if word[:2] == "co" and word[2] in 'eaoui':
if word[:4] in co_two or word[:5] in co_two or word[:6] in co_two:
syls += 1
elif word[:4] in co_one or word[:5] in co_one or word[:6] in co_one:
syls += 1
# 12) if starts with "pre-" and is followed by a vowel, check if exists in the double syllable dictionary, if not, check if in single dictionary and act accordingly.
if word[:3] == "pre" and word[3] in 'eaoui':
if word[:6] in pre_one:
syls += 1
# 13) check for "-n't" and cross match with dictionary to add syllable.
negative = ["doesn't", "isn't", "shouldn't", "couldn't", "wouldn't"]
if word[-3:] == "n't":
if word in negative:
syls += 1
# 14) Handling the exceptional words.
if word in exception_del:
disc += 1
if word in exception_add:
syls += 1
# calculate the output
return numVowels - disc + syls
def hi_build(d, cnt):
dd = d
while sum(dd.values()) < cnt:
up = ran_words(1)
if sum(dd.values()) == cnt:
return [dd]
if sum(dd.values()) > cnt:
dd = {}
except Exception:
return [dd]
m_lst = hi_build(ran_words(1), 5) + hi_build(ran_words(1), 7) + hi_build(ran_words(1), 5)
stanz1 = ' '.join(m_lst[0].keys())
stanz2 = ' '.join(m_lst[1].keys())
stanz3 = ' '.join(m_lst[2].keys())
lines = stanz1,stanz2,stanz3
lines = '\n'.join(lines)
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