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Last active September 29, 2024 04:50
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  • Save bladeSk/9feeeb6c2ba9939faa3c88cc9133700c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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AutoHotKey: Make mouse cursor follow window focus
; Makes the mouse cursor follow window focus, but ONLY if the focus change
; wasn't caused by the mouse - e.g. Alt-Tab, Win+<Number>, hotkeys, ...
; Saves a lot of mousing around on multi-monitor setups!
Gui +LastFound
lastMouseClickTime := 0
hWnd := WinExist()
DllCall("RegisterShellHookWindow", UInt, hWnd)
msgNum := DllCall("RegisterWindowMessage", Str, "SHELLHOOK")
OnMessage(msgNum, "OnShellMessage")
OnMessage(WM_MOUSEMOVE:=0x0201, "OnMouseDown")
OnShellMessage( wParam, lParam )
If (wParam = 4 or wParam = 32772) {
; ignore when dragging
GetKeyState, mouseDown, LButton
if (mouseDown <> "D" and A_TickCount - lastMouseClickTime > 500) {
; delay a tiny bit to ignore taskbar focus on Win+Number switching
Sleep, 10
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
WinGetPos, wx, wy, width, height, A
; puts the cursor in the upper right corner of the active window, tweak to your needs
mx := Round(wx + width * 0.85)
my := Round(wy + height * 0.35)
DllCall("SetCursorPos", int, mx, int, my)
lastMouseClickTime := A_TickCount
lastMouseClickTime := A_TickCount
lastMouseClickTime := A_TickCount
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