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Created November 6, 2021 00:08
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Save bladecoding/0036ba135d3bb53193ef04798d29b15d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. updated to automatically find checkpoint and reset item ids
// AutoSplitter for The Binding of Isaac: Repentance
// Updated by Krakenos
// Original code by Hyphen-ated
// Checkpoint code & pointer annotations by blcd/Zamiel
state("isaac-ng_ v1.06.J820", "1.06.J820")
// 0x0078A46C - GlobalsPtr
int wins: 0x0078A46C, 0xE40;
int character: 0x0078A46C, 0x108C58;
int winstreak: 0x0078A46C, 0x31C;
int frameCounter: 0x0078A46C, 0x4899C;
int itemConfigsStart: 0x0078A46C, 0x28714;
int itemConfigsEnd: 0x0078A46C, 0x28718;
// 0x0078A454 - GamePtr (which is the same thing as the Lua "game" pointer)
int timer: 0x0078A454, 0x2027B0;
int floor: 0x0078A454, 0x0;
int curse: 0x0078A454, 0xC;
int itemCountsArray: 0x0078A454, 0x1B710, 0x0, 0x15D0;
// Equivalent Lua: Game():GetPlayer(0):GetCollectibleNum(x)
// 0x1B710 - PlayerVectorPtr
// 0x0 - Player1
// 0x15D0 - Player1 CollectibleNum Vector Ptr
settings.Add("character_run", true, "Multi-character run");
settings.SetToolTip("character_run", "Disables auto-resetting when you're past the first split.");
settings.Add("racing_plus_custom_challenge", false, "You're using the Racing+ custom challenge for multi-character runs", "character_run");
settings.Add("floor_splits", false, "Split on floors");
settings.Add("grouped_floors", false, "Combine Basement, Caves, Depths, and Womb into one split each", "floor_splits");
settings.Add("blck_cndl", false, "You're using the \"BLCK CNDL\" seed (the \"Total Curse Immunity\" Easter Egg) or using the Racing+ mod (which disables curses)", "floor_splits");
vars.timerDuringFloorChange = 0;
vars.runStartFrame = 0;
// Checkpoint is a custom item planted at the end of a run in the Racing+ mod
vars.checkPointName = "Checkpoint";
vars.checkPointId = -1;
vars.oldCheckPointCount = 0;
// Reset is a custom item used by the Racing+ mod to signal the AutoSplitter that the mod is sending the player back to the first character
vars.resetName = "Reset";
vars.resetId = -1;
vars.oldResetCount = 0;
// In order to sync gametime without any real time estimations this has to return true always.
return true;
double fps = 1.0/60.0;
int elapsedFrames = current.frameCounter - vars.runStartFrame;
double seconds = Convert.ToDouble(elapsedFrames) * fps;
double nanosecondTicks = seconds * 10000000;
long ticks = (long)nanosecondTicks;
TimeSpan time = new TimeSpan(ticks);
return time;
//print("wins: " + current.wins + ", floor: " + current.floor + ", character: " + current.character + ", timer: " + current.timer + ", curse: " + current.curse);
//print("cpCount: " + current.cpCount);
if (old.timer == 0 && current.timer != 0)
vars.timerDuringFloorChange = 0;
vars.runStartFrame = current.frameCounter;
// Get checkpoint/reset item ids
if (settings["racing_plus_custom_challenge"]) {
vars.checkPointId = -1;
vars.oldCheckPointCount = 0;
vars.resetId = -1;
vars.oldResetCount = 0;
var start = current.itemConfigsStart;
var end = current.itemConfigsEnd;
var len = end - start;
var itemCount = len / 0x4;
var itemConfigPtrs = memory.ReadBytes(new IntPtr(start), (int)len);
// Walk backwards since the modded items are closer to the end
for (int i = itemCount - 1; i >= 0 && (vars.checkPointId == -1 || vars.resetId == -1); --i) {
var itemConfigPtr = BitConverter.ToInt32(itemConfigPtrs, i * 0x4);
if (itemConfigPtr == 0)
struct ItemConfig {
int type;
int id;
// "std::string name" expanded out for clarity.
struct std_string {
union {
char c_str[16]; // Used when name plus null-term can fit in 16 bytes.
void *c_str_ptr; // Used when name plus null-term exceeds 16 bytes
int c_str_len;
int c_str_capacity;
} name;
var itemConfig = memory.ReadBytes(new IntPtr(itemConfigPtr), 0x20);
var strLen = BitConverter.ToInt32(itemConfig, 0x18);
if (strLen != vars.checkPointName.Length && strLen != vars.resetName.Length)
var str = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(itemConfig, 0x8, strLen);
if (str == vars.checkPointName)
vars.checkPointId = BitConverter.ToInt32(itemConfig, 0x4);
else if (str == vars.resetName)
vars.resetId = BitConverter.ToInt32(itemConfig, 0x4);
print("checkPointId: " + vars.checkPointId);
print("resetId: " + vars.resetId);
if (vars.checkPointId == -1 || vars.resetId == -1)
return false;
return true;
// old.timer is 0 immediately during a reset, and also when you're on the main menu
// this "current.timer < 10" is to stop a reset from happening when you s+q.
// (unless you s+q during the first 1/3 second of the run, but why would you)
if (old.timer == 0 && current.timer != 0 && current.timer < 10
&& (!settings["character_run"] || timer.CurrentSplitIndex == 0))
vars.timerDuringFloorChange = 0;
return true;
if (settings["racing_plus_custom_challenge"] && vars.resetId != -1) {
var oldResetCount = vars.oldResetCount;
var curResetCount = memory.ReadValue<int>(new IntPtr(current.itemCountsArray + (vars.resetId * 0x4)));
vars.oldResetCount = curResetCount;
if (curResetCount == 1 && oldResetCount != 1 && current.floor != 0)
return true;
if (current.wins == old.wins + 1)
return true;
if (settings["racing_plus_custom_challenge"] && vars.checkPointId != -1) {
var oldCpCount = vars.oldCheckPointCount;
var curCpCount = memory.ReadValue<int>(new IntPtr(current.itemCountsArray + (vars.checkPointId * 0x4)));
vars.oldCheckPointCount = curCpCount;
if (curCpCount == 1 && oldCpCount != 1 && current.floor != 0)
return true;
if (settings["floor_splits"])
if (current.floor > old.floor && current.floor > 1 && old.floor > 0
&& (!settings["grouped_floors"] || (current.floor != 2 && current.floor != 4 && current.floor != 6 && current.floor != 8)))
// when using floor splits, if they just got into an xl floor, we are going to doublesplit
vars.timerDuringFloorChange = current.timer;
return true;
if (vars.timerDuringFloorChange != -1
&& current.timer > vars.timerDuringFloorChange)
vars.timerDuringFloorChange = -1;
// if they're in blck_cndl mode, there is no xl even if the xl curse looks like it's on
// similarly, with grouped floors, there's no split to skip
if (current.curse == 2 && !settings["blck_cndl"] && !settings["grouped_floors"])
var model = new TimerModel { CurrentState = timer };
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