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Created January 1, 2021 08:54
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SCCS1. Intercommunity Trade as Food Source
[NA] NA (3)
[1] No Trade (7)
[2] No Food Imports (51)
[3] Salt & Minerals only (4)
[4] < 10% of Food (81)
[5] < 50% of Food/less local source (38)
[7] > 50% of Food (2)
SCCS2. Food Import Acquisition
[NA] NA (62)
[1] Direct exchanges (49)
[2] Indirect exchanges (10)
[3] Local markets (28)
[4] Middlemen (34)
[5] 3 or 4 of above (3)
SCCS3. Agriculture - Contribution to Local Food Supply
[NA] NA (0)
[1] None (35)
[2] Non-Food Crops (3)
[3] < 10% (17)
[4] < 50% < single source (12)
[5] < 50% > single source (42)
[6] Primarily agricultural (77)
SCCS4. Crops - Principal
[NA] NA (36)
[1] Non-Food (2)
[3] Tree or Vine (14)
[4] Roots (38)
[5] Cereals (96)
SCCS5. Animal Husbandry - Contribution to Food Supply
[NA] NA (0)
[1] None (8)
[2] Present, not food source (41)
[3] < 10% Food Supply (67)
[4] < 50% chiefly meat (33)
[5] < 50% chiefly dairy (21)
[7] > 50% (16)
SCCS6. Animals - Domesticated
[NA] NA (8)
[1] Small Species (54)
[2] Pigs (34)
[3] Ovides (23)
[4] Equines (14)
[5] Reindeer (3)
[6] Camels (4)
[7] Bovines (46)
SCCS7. Fishing - Contribution to Food Supply
[NA] NA (2)
[1] None (27)
[2] < 10% Food Supply (79)
[3] < 50% < single source (55)
[4] < 50% > single source (10)
[5] > 50% (13)
SCCS8. Fish
[NA] NA (29)
[1] Shellfish (6)
[2] True Fish (123)
[4] 2 or more of above (28)
SCCS9. Hunting - Contribution to Food Supply
[NA] NA (4)
[1] None (18)
[2] Not food source (2)
[3] < 10% Food Supply (86)
[4] < 50% < single source (61)
[5] < 50% > single source (8)
[6] > 50% (7)
SCCS10. Animals Hunted
[NA] NA (23)
[1] Birds or Waterfowl (18)
[2] Small Mammals (35)
[3] Large Game (65)
[4] Two or more of above (45)
SCCS11. Gathering - Contribution to Food Supply
[NA] NA (4)
[1] O None (15)
[2] U Not food source (117)
[3] S < 10% Food Supply (40)
[4] I < 50% < single source (7)
[5] D < 50% > single source (3)
SCCS12. Gathered Foods
[NA] NA (21)
[1] a Wild Animals products (18)
[2] h Wild Herbs, Leaves, Blossoms (15)
[3] p Tree Pith, e.g. Sago (7)
[4] r Wild Roots or Tubers (11)
[5] s Wild Fruit, seeds, nuts, berries (54)
[6] v 2 or more of above (60)
SCCS13. Land Transport (Especially regarding Food Transport)
[NA] NA (1)
[1] Human Carriers, tumpline (108)
[2] Pack Animals (41)
[3] Draft Animals (13)
[4] Animal Drawn Wheeled vehicles (12)
[5] Motorized vehicles (11)
SCCS14. Routes of Land Transport
[NA] NA (5)
[1] Unimproved Trails (124)
[2] Improved Trails/porters/animal (26)
[3] Unpaved roads/wheeled vehicles (22)
[4] Paved Roads (9)
SCCS15. Water Transport
[NA] NA (5)
[1] Not feasible (20)
[2] None, but feasible (56)
[3] Floats or rafts (10)
[4] Human powered crafts (73)
[5] Sail powered crafts (20)
[6] Motorized craft (2)
SCCS16. Water Craft
[NA] NA (91)
[1] Small <10 people/load (50)
[2] Medium >10 people/load (31)
[3] Large >40 people/load (14)
SCCS17. Money (Media of Exchange) and Credit
[NA] NA (3)
[1] No media of exchange or money (77)
[2] Domestically usable articles (12)
[3] Tokens of conventional value (26)
[4] Foreign coinage/paper currency (42)
[5] Indigenous coinage/paper currency (26)
SCCS18. Credit Source
[NA] NA (17)
[1] Personal loans/friends/relatives (113)
[2] Internal money (26)
[3] External money (23)
[4] Banks or comparable institutions (7)
SCCS19. Preservation and Storage of Food
[NA] NA (0)
[1] Year-round food supply, none (31)
[2] Year-round food supply, simple (29)
[3] Year-round foos supply, complex (14)
[4] Daily Variation, none (8)
[5] Daily Variation, simple (2)
[7] Seasonal variation/barely adequate (24)
[8] Seasonal variation/adequate (46)
[9] Seasonal variation/adequate_duplicated_9 (16)
[10] Annual variation/barely adequate (6)
[11] Annual variation/adequate (5)
[12] Annual variation/adequate_duplicated_12 (3)
[13] Imported food/barely adequate (2)
SCCS20. Food Storage
[NA] NA (4)
[1] None (36)
[2] Individual households (129)
[3] Communal facilities (7)
[4] Political agent controlled (3)
[5] Economic agent controlled (7)
SCCS21. Food Surplus via Storage
[NA] NA (0)
[1] None or barely adequate (69)
[2] Simple or adequate (84)
[3] Complez or> adequate (33)
SCCS22. Food Supply (Ecological or Distribution Network)
[NA] NA (0)
[1] year-round food supply locally (74)
[2] daily variation in food supply (10)
[3] seasonal variation (86)
[4] Annual variation (14)
[5] Imported food supply (2)
SCCS23. Sleeping Proximity of Parents to Infant
[NA] NA (13)
[2] Mo same room/Fa different room (12)
[4] Mo same room/Fa different bed (30)
[5] Mo, Fa same room/ beds not specified (55)
[6] Mo same bed/Fa different room (24)
[7] Mo same bed/Fa not specified (5)
[8] Mo same bed/Fa same room (24)
[9] Mo & Fa same bed w/infant (23)
SCCS24. Bodily Restrictiveness - Early Infancy
[NA] NA (55)
[1] None except emergency (42)
[2] Loose confinement/tether/playpen (1)
[3] Limited Space/bed/hammock (21)
[4] Movement limited/swaddling (41)
[5] Often Bound/Cradle Board (26)
SCCS25. Bodily Restrictiveness - Later Infancy
[NA] NA (63)
[1] None except emergency (61)
[2] Loose confinement/tether/playpen (8)
[3] Limited Space/bed/hammock (14)
[4] Movement limited/swaddling (23)
[5] Often Bound/Cradle Board (17)
SCCS26. Bodily Contact - Early Infancy
[NA] NA (65)
[1] Limited to routine/precautionary care (3)
[2] Occasionally (16)
[3] Up to 1/2 (33)
[4] >1/2 time (49)
[5] Almost constantly (20)
SCCS27. Bodily Contact - Late Infancy
[NA] NA (69)
[1] Limited to routine/precautionary care (3)
[2] Occasionally (15)
[3] Up to 1/2 (41)
[4] > 1/2 time (43)
[5] Almost constantly (15)
SCCS28. Infant Carrying Devices
[NA] NA (30)
[1] None, skin contact (22)
[2] None/clothing/blanket (22)
[3] Sling or pouch (75)
[4] Basket (9)
[5] Rigid Cradleboard (28)
SCCS29. Infant Carrying Position
[NA] NA (30)
[1] Back (91)
[2] Side (54)
[3] Front (10)
[4] Other (1)
SCCS30. Infant Eye Contact with Carrier
[NA] NA (44)
[1] Away from carrier (26)
[2] Toward Carrier (116)
SCCS31. Infant Crying - Response
[NA] NA (83)
[1] Indifferent/punitive (3)
[2] Slow/perfunctory nurturant (3)
[3] Speedy but inconsistent (19)
[4] Generally speedy (67)
[5] Always speedy (11)
SCCS32. Infant Crying - Amount
[NA] NA (139)
[1] Very Infrequent/brief (16)
[2] Infrequent/short (10)
[3] Infrequent/prolonged (9)
[4] frequent/short (11)
[5] frequent/prolonged (1)
SCCS33. Childhood Pain Infliction
[NA] NA (38)
[1] Absent (17)
[2] Only neonatally/very mild pain (37)
[3] Occasional mild pain (63)
[4] Frequent mild pain/infrequent severe (25)
[5] Frequent pain (6)
SCCS34. Post - Partum Sex Taboo
[NA] NA (52)
[1] Intercourse expected soon after birth (2)
[2] None (7)
[3] 1 month or < (29)
[4] 6 months or < (42)
[5] 1 year or < (12)
[6] 2 years or < (20)
[7] > 2 years (22)
SCCS35. Ceremonialism Surrounding Child, beyond Nuclear Family
[NA] NA (7)
[1] None (20)
[2] Only in first 2 months (73)
[3] One occasion at later age (56)
[4] Two or more ceremonies (20)
[5] Prominent (10)
SCCS36. Magical Protectiveness Applied to Parents and Child
[NA] NA (8)
[1] None (8)
[2] Only neonatal period, e.g. couvade (22)
[3] Slight, neonatally and later (76)
[4] Moderate, neonatally and later (66)
[5] Exaggerated, neonatally and later (6)
SCCS37. Physical Protectiveness against Childhood Illness
[NA] NA (20)
[1] No Special effort (1)
[2] Slight (43)
[3] Moderate, e.g. regular bath (79)
[4] Some exceptional techniques/medicines (39)
[5] Variety of exceptional techniques (4)
SCCS38. Introduction of New Foods (Other than Milk) in Childhood
[NA] NA (95)
[1] Before 1 Month (33)
[2] 1-6 months (27)
[3] 7-12 months, including solids (11)
[4] 7-12 months, only liquids/premasticated (6)
[5] After 12 months (14)
SCCS39. Weaning - Age and Severity
[NA] NA (29)
[1] >2 years and gentle (103)
[2] >2 years and severe (27)
[3] >1 year and gentle (17)
[4] >1 year and severe (5)
[5] >6 months and gentle (3)
[6] >6 months and severe (1)
[7] < 6 months and gentle (1)
SCCS40. Motor Skills - Encouragement in Childhood
[NA] NA (109)
[1] Discourage or punish early development (2)
[2] Ignore Development (2)
[3] No active assistance, attention given (22)
[4] Definite but inconsistent rewards (42)
[5] Strong encouragement and assistance (9)
SCCS41. Autonomy - Encouragement in Childhood
[NA] NA (81)
[1] >4 years and gradual (25)
[2] >4 years and abrupt (3)
[3] 2-4 years and gradual (54)
[4] 2-4 years and gradual/< 2 yrs & gradual (23)
SCCS42. Elimination - Encouragement of Control in Childhood
[NA] NA (121)
[0] None (2)
[1] 3-5 yeas (7)
[2] >18 Months (27)
[3] >1 year (9)
[4] >6 months (7)
[5] <6 months (13)
SCCS43. Covering Genitals - Age
[NA] NA (39)
[0] Even adults uncovered (11)
[1] Very Late (85)
[2] Late (14)
[3] >1 year (2)
[4] < 6 months (1)
[5] After Birth (34)
SCCS44. Weaning - Age of Onset
[NA] NA (30)
[1] up to 12 Months (19)
[2] 13-20 Months (12)
[3] 21-24 (67)
[4] 25-30 (6)
[5] 31-36 (36)
[6] 37-42 (9)
[7] 43-48 (7)
SCCS45. Weaning - Age of Termination
[NA] NA (30)
[1] up to 12 Months (7)
[2] 13-20 Months (5)
[3] 21-24 (38)
[4] 25-30 (8)
[5] 31-36 (64)
[6] 37-42 (16)
[7] 43-48 (14)
[8] 49-60 (4)
SCCS46. Weaning - Childhood Developmental Order of Onset (among categories: weaning, motor skills, autonomy, elimination control, covering genitals)
[NA] NA (27)
[1] 1st in onset (among variables 46-50) (7)
[2] 2nd (80)
[3] 3rd (57)
[4] 4th (15)
SCCS47. Motor Skills - Childhood Developmental Order
[NA] NA (10)
[1] 1st (121)
[2] 2nd (46)
[3] 3rd (7)
[4] 4th (2)
SCCS48. Autonomy - Childhood Developmental Order
[NA] NA (80)
[2] 2nd (18)
[3] 3rd (46)
[4] 4th (33)
[5] 5th (9)
SCCS49. Elimination Control - Childhood Developmental Order
[NA] NA (122)
[1] 1st (17)
[2] 2nd (31)
[3] 3rd (10)
[4] 4th (5)
[5] 5th (1)
SCCS50. Covering Genitals - Childhood Developmental Order
[NA] NA (36)
[1] 1st (32)
[2] 2nd (9)
[3] 3rd (34)
[4] 4th (45)
[5] 5th (30)
SCCS51. Non-maternal Relationships, Infancy
[NA] NA (24)
[1] Almost exclusively mother (5)
[2] Pricipally mother, others minor roles (81)
[3] Principally mother, others impotant roles (63)
[4] Mother < 1/2 care (10)
[5] Mother minor but significant (2)
[6] Mother minimal except nursing (1)
SCCS52. Non-maternal Relationships, Early Childhood
[NA] NA (50)
[2] Principally mother, other important roles (36)
[3] Mother <1/2 care (60)
[4] Primarily others (38)
[5] exclusively others (2)
SCCS53. Role of Father, Infancy
[NA] NA (32)
[1] Distant (8)
[2] Rarely close (27)
[3] Occasionally close (72)
[4] Frequently close (44)
[5] Regularly close (3)
SCCS54. Role of Father, Early Childhood
[NA] NA (36)
[1] Distant (4)
[2] Rarely close (18)
[3] Occasionally close (46)
[4] Frequently close (73)
[5] Regularly close (9)
SCCS55. Principal Relationships, Infancy Caretakers and Companions
[NA] NA (48)
[1] children, females (31)
[2] children, unspecified (4)
[3] children, both sexes (11)
[4] adult family, females (60)
[6] adult family, both sexes (14)
[7] others, female (17)
[9] others, both sexes (1)
SCCS56. Principal Relationships, Early Childhood Caretakers and Companions
[NA] NA (45)
[1] peer group, single sex (10)
[2] peer group, sex unspecified (1)
[3] peer group, both sexes (43)
[4] older children, single sex (22)
[5] older children, sex unspecified (8)
[6] older children, both sexes (22)
[7] adults, single sex (10)
[8] adults, sex unspecified (4)
[9] adults, both sexes (21)
SCCS57. General Indulgence, Infancy (Taking 51 and 52 into Account)
[NA] NA (67)
[1] Severe or neglectful (1)
[2] Lesser severity (8)
[3] Occasional indulgence (19)
[4] Greater (80)
[5] Highly affectionate (11)
SCCS58. General Indulgence, Infancy - Modifiers of General Scale Types
[NA] NA (67)
[1] Low in category (36)
[2] Medium in category (34)
[3] High in catagory (49)
SCCS59. General Indulgence, Early Childhood (Taking 51 and 52 into Account)
[NA] NA (54)
[1] Severe (2)
[2] Less Severity (24)
[3] Occasional severity (32)
[4] Greater leniency (64)
[5] Consistent leniency (10)
SCCS60. General Indulgence, Early Childhood - Modifiers of General Scale Types
[NA] NA (54)
[1] Low in category (43)
[2] Medium in catagory (44)
[3] High in Category (45)
SCCS61. Fixity of Settlement
[NA] NA (0)
[1] Migratory (28)
[2] Seminomadic-fixed then migratory (21)
[3] Rotating among 2+ fixed (6)
[4] Semisedentary-fixed core, some migratory (14)
[5] Impermanent-periodically moved (15)
[6] Permanent (102)
SCCS62. Compactness of Settlement
[NA] NA (0)
[1] Dispersed (44)
[2] Spatially separated subsettlements (20)
[3] Partially dispersed with central core (18)
[4] Compact (104)
SCCS63. Community Size
[NA] NA (1)
[1] < 50 (28)
[2] 50-99 (28)
[3] 100-199 (45)
[4] 200-399 (32)
[5] 400-999 (29)
[6] 1,000-4,999 (15)
[7] 5,000-49,999 (5)
[8] > 50,000 (3)
SCCS64. Population Density (from Murdock and Wilson Data)
[NA] NA (2)
[1] < 1 person / 5 sq. mile (36)
[2] 1 person / 1-5 sq. mile (22)
[3] 1-5 persons / sq. mile (25)
[4] 1-25 persons / sq. mile (27)
[5] 26-100 persons / sq. mile (34)
[6] 101-500 persons / sq. mile (21)
[7] over 500 persons / sq. mile (19)
SCCS65. Types of Dwelling
[NA] NA (0)
[1] Conical (13)
[2] Beehive (2)
[3] Dome or hemispherical (11)
[4] Wedge-shape roof (5)
[5] Semicylindrical (6)
[6] Cone-cylinder (24)
[7] Rectangular on ground, vegetal material walls (49)
[8] Rectangular on piles (18)
[9] Rectangular on ground, mineral walls (17)
[10] Flat roofs (12)
[11] Caves or rock shelters (9)
[12] Tents (9)
[13] Semisubterranean (8)
[14] Miscellaneous (3)
SCCS66. Large or Impressive Structures
[NA] NA (0)
[1] None (96)
[2] Residences of influential individuals (24)
[3] Secular or public building(s) (31)
[4] Religious or ceremonial building(s) (27)
[5] Military structure(s) (4)
[6] Economic or industrial buildings (4)
SCCS67. Household Form
[NA] NA (0)
[1] Large communal structures (6)
[2] Multi-family dwellings (4)
[3] Single family dwellings (87)
[4] Family homestead (37)
[5] Multi-dwelling households, married pair (24)
[6] Multi-dwelling households, husband rotates (9)
[7] Multi-dwelling households, husbands separate (3)
[8] Multi-dwelling households, individuals (married) (16)
SCCS68. Form of Family (See 79, 80)
[NA] NA (0)
[1] Monogamous, no polygyny (7)
[2] Monogamous, <20% polygyny (42)
[3] Polygynous, > 20% (26)
[4] Polyandruos (2)
[5] S Stem family, monogamy (9)
[6] Stem family, < 20 % polygyny (7)
[7] Small extended, monogamy (10)
[8] Small extended, <20 % polygamy (30)
[9] >20% polygyny (19)
[10] Large extended, monogamy (5)
[11] Large extended, <20% polygyny (17)
[12] Large extended, >20% polygyny (12)
SCCS69. Marital Residence
[NA] NA (1)
[1] Matrilocal or uxorilocal-with wife's kin (38)
[2] Avunculocal-w/husband's mother's brother's kin (8)
[3] Patrilocal or virilocal (118)
[4] Ambilocal-w/ either wife's or husband's kin (12)
[5] Neolocal-separate from kin (9)
SCCS70. Descent - Membership in Corporate Kinship Groups
[NA] NA (0)
[1] Matrilineal-through female line (26)
[2] Double descent-through male and female lines (10)
[3] Patrilineal-through male line (75)
[4] Ambilineal- through one parent in each generation (6)
[5] Bilateral- not a corporate kin group (69)
SCCS71. Descent Groups, Location of Core Gender Group
[NA] NA (69)
[1] Localized lineages->1per community (22)
[2] Clan communities -core group and spouses (6)
[3] Dispersed sibs- in different communities (89)
SCCS72. Intercommunity Marriage
[NA] NA (1)
[1] Local endogamy 90-100% (11)
[2] Local endogamy 61-89% (agamous) (50)
[3] Local endogamy 40-60% (agamous) (51)
[4] Local endogamy 11-39 % (agamous) (38)
[5] Local endogamy 0-10% (exogamy) (35)
SCCS73. Community Integration
[NA] NA (0)
[1] Lacking/low compared to segments (6)
[2] By common residence only (26)
[3] Common Identity, dialect, subculture (16)
[4] Overlapping kin ties (78)
[5] Common social or economic status (8)
[6] Common political ties (20)
[7] Common religious ties (32)
SCCS74. Prominent Community Ceremonials
[NA] NA (0)
[1] Rites of Passage (67)
[2] Calendrical (69)
[3] Magical or religious (36)
[4] Individual sponsored and communally attended (14)
SCCS75. Ceremonial Elements
[NA] NA (0)
[1] Feasting and/or drinking (54)
[2] Exchange other than food (10)
[3] Entertainment (51)
[4] Sacrafice other than human (57)
[5] Human sacrifice (13)
[6] Masochistic behavior (1)
SCCS76. Community Leadership
[NA] NA (0)
[1] No centralized local leadership (13)
[2] Higher level only (4)
[3] Single local leader (53)
[4] Dual/plural headmen (8)
[5] Single local leader and council (72)
[6] Local councils (15)
[7] Single local leader and subordinates (11)
[8] Too complex to be coded (10)
SCCS77. Local Political Succession, Primary
[NA] NA (3)
[1] No headmen or council (17)
[2] By appointment (11)
[3] Seniority (10)
[4] Divination (2)
[5] Informal Consensus (37)
[6] Electoral Process (22)
[7] Patrilineal (60)
[8] Matrilineal (14)
[9] Hereditary w/ personal qualifications (10)
SCCS78. Local Political Succession, Secondary
[NA] NA (126)
[3] Seniority (33)
[5] Informal Consensus (22)
[6] Electoral Process (3)
[7] Patrilineal (2)
SCCS79. Polygamy
[NA] NA (0)
[1] Polyandry-primarily monogamous (2)
[2] Monogamy (31)
[3] Polygyny < 20% plural wives (96)
[4] Polygyny >20% plural wives (57)
SCCS80. Family Size
[NA] NA (0)
[1] Nuclear Monogamous (7)
[2] Nuclear Poygynous (70)
[3] Stem Family (16)
[4] Small extended (59)
[5] Large extended (34)
SCCS81. Political Autonomy
[NA] NA (2)
[1] Dependent totally (16)
[2] Semi-autonomous (41)
[3] Tribute paid (4)
[4] De Facto Autonomy (78)
[5] Equal status in pluralistic society (16)
[6] Fully autonomous (29)
SCCS82. Trend in Autonomy
[NA] NA (2)
[1] Declining Autonomy (54)
[2] Declining territory or population control (43)
[3] State of equilibrium (49)
[4] State of equilibrium, expanding territory (22)
[5] Increasing autonomy (16)
SCCS83. Levels of Sovereignty
[NA] NA (2)
[1] Stateless society (98)
[2] Sovereignty 1st hierarchical level up (31)
[3] Sovereignty 2nd hierarchical level up (14)
[4] Sovereignty 3rd or higher hierarchical level (41)
SCCS84. Higher Political Organization
[NA] NA (3)
[1] Absent (85)
[2] Peace group (28)
[3] Alliances (46)
[4] Confederation (7)
[5] International organization (17)
SCCS85. Executive
[NA] NA (3)
[1] Absent (98)
[2] Council (7)
[3] Executive and Council (22)
[4] Plural executive (2)
[5] Single leader (54)
SCCS86. Selection of Executive
[NA] NA (7)
[1] Absent (98)
[2] Patrilineal, Fa to So (21)
[3] Patrilineal, Fa to faBr, then to So (3)
[4] Matrilineal, MoBr to SiSo (5)
[5] Matrilineal, MoBr to MoBr (1)
[6] Ruling Family (24)
[7] Decision by limited power group (1)
[8] Elected by council (12)
[9] Informal recognition (2)
[10] Formal elections (6)
[11] Appointee of alien society (5)
[12] Divination (1)
SCCS87. Deliberative and Consultative Bodies
[NA] NA (5)
[1] Absent (154)
[2] Aristocrats (5)
[3] Appointed (5)
[4] By ethnic components (9)
[5] Elective (8)
SCCS88. Advisory Bodies
[NA] NA (5)
[1] Absence of sovereignty (98)
[2] Absent (28)
[3] Relatives of executive (13)
[4] Favorites of executive (2)
[6] Subordinate groups (14)
[7] Hereditary (3)
[8] Subordinate functionaries (23)
SCCS89. Judiciary
[NA] NA (3)
[1] Absent (103)
[2] Not local (6)
[3] Executive (49)
[4] Appointed by executive (23)
[5] Priesthood (1)
[6] Hereditary (1)
SCCS90. Police
[NA] NA (6)
[1] Not specialized (124)
[2] Incipient specialization (4)
[3] Retainers of chiefs (4)
[4] Military (6)
[5] Specialized (42)
SCCS91. Administrative Hierarchy
[NA] NA (3)
[1] Absent (98)
[2] Popular Assemblies (7)
[3] Heads of kin groups (8)
[4] Heads of decentralized territorial divisions (38)
[5] Heads of centralized territorial divisions (31)
[6] Part of centralized system (1)
SCCS92. Selection of Subordinate Officials
[NA] NA (9)
[1] Absent (98)
[2] Patrlineal succession (16)
[3] Matrilineal succession (2)
[4] Ruling lineage (12)
[5] Seniority of age (2)
[6] Personal qualities (4)
[7] Formal election (10)
[8] Appointment by executive (33)
SCCS93. Political Power - Most Important Source
[NA] NA (3)
[0] Direct subsistence production (90)
[1] Warfare wealth (11)
[2] Tribute or taxes (3)
[3] Slaves (13)
[4] Contributions of free citizens (20)
[5] Large land-holdings (12)
[6] Political Office (14)
[7] Foreign Commerce (6)
[8] Capitalistic enterprises (11)
[9] Priestly services (3)
SCCS94. Political Power - Second Most Important Source
[NA] NA (114)
[1] Warfare wealth (5)
[2] Tribute or taxes (4)
[3] Slaves (12)
[4] Contributions of free citizens (7)
[5] Large land-holdings (5)
[6] Political Office (8)
[7] Foreign Commerce (19)
[8] Capitalistic enterprises (6)
[9] Priestly services (6)
SCCS95. Political Power - Third Most Important Source
[NA] NA (145)
[1] Warfare wealth (6)
[2] Tribute or taxes (1)
[3] Slaves (4)
[5] Large land-holdings (1)
[6] Political Office (14)
[7] Foreign Commerce (9)
[8] Capitalistic enterprises (4)
[9] Priestly services (2)
SCCS96. Political Power - Fourth Most Important Source
[NA] NA (170)
[1] Warfare wealth (3)
[2] Tribute or taxes (1)
[3] Slaves (1)
[4] Contributions of free citizens (2)
[6] Political Office (6)
[7] Foreign Commerce (2)
[8] Capitalistic enterprises (1)
SCCS97. Political Power - Fifth Most Important Source
[NA] NA (181)
[3] Slaves (2)
[6] Political Office (1)
[7] Foreign Commerce (1)
[9] Priestly services (1)
SCCS98. Political Power - Sixth Most Important Source
[NA] NA (184)
[2] Tribute or taxes (1)
[7] Foreign Commerce (1)
SCCS99. Food Collection: Vegetal (sexual division of labor)
[NA] NA (7)
[0] Task Absent (10)
[-1] Task present, sex unspecified (34)
[1] Males Exclusively (6)
[2] Males Predominantly (4)
[3] Equally (18)
[4] Females Predominantly (42)
[5] Females Exclusively (65)
SCCS100. Food Collection: Eggs, Insects, and/or Small Land Fauna (sexual division of labor)
[NA] NA (53)
[0] Task Absent (18)
[-1] Task present, sex unspecified (48)
[1] Males Exclusively (27)
[2] Males Predominantly (3)
[3] Equally (9)
[4] Females Predominantly (13)
[5] Females Exclusively (15)
SCCS101. Food Collection: Shellfish/Small Aquatic Fauna (sexual division of labor)
[NA] NA (24)
[0] Task Absent (85)
[-1] Task present, sex unspecified (22)
[1] Males Exclusively (11)
[2] Males Predominantly (4)
[3] Equally (1)
[4] Females Predominantly (12)
[5] Females Exclusively (27)
SCCS102. Food Collection: Honey (sexual division of labor)
[NA] NA (80)
[0] Task Absent (38)
[-1] Task present, sex unspecified (20)
[1] Males Exclusively (39)
[2] Males Predominantly (5)
[3] Equally (2)
[5] Females Exclusively (2)
SCCS103. Food Collection: Fowling (sexual division of labor)
[NA] NA (29)
[0] Task Absent (16)
[-1] Task present, sex unspecified (2)
[1] Males Exclusively (131)
[2] Males Predominantly (5)
[3] Equally (3)
SCCS104. Food Collection: Fishing (sexual division of labor)
[NA] NA (4)
[0] Task Absent (29)
[-1] Task present, sex unspecified (10)
[1] Males Exclusively (83)
[2] Males Predominantly (45)
[3] Equally (8)
[4] Females Predominantly (5)
[5] Females Exclusively (2)
SCCS105. Food Collection: Trapping (sexual division of labor)
[NA] NA (15)
[0] Task Absent (20)
[-1] Task present, sex unspecified (1)
[1] Males Exclusively (136)
[2] Males Predominantly (12)
[3] Equally (1)
[4] Females Predominantly (1)
SCCS106. Food Collection: Large Land Fauna (sexual division of labor)
[NA] NA (6)
[0] Task Absent (36)
[1] Males Exclusively (139)
[2] Males Predominantly (5)
SCCS107. Food Collection: Large Aquatic Fauna (sexual division of labor)
[NA] NA (9)
[0] Task Absent (127)
[-1] Task present, sex unspecified (2)
[1] Males Exclusively (48)
SCCS108. Food Production: Land Clearance (sexual division of labor)
[NA] NA (2)
[0] Task Absent (44)
[-1] Task present, sex unspecified (1)
[1] Males Exclusively (95)
[2] Males Predominantly (34)
[3] Equally (6)
[4] Females Predominantly (3)
[5] Females Exclusively (1)
SCCS109. Food Production: Soil Preparation (sexual division of labor)
[NA] NA (2)
[0] Task Absent (49)
[-1] Task present, sex unspecified (1)
[1] Males Exclusively (66)
[2] Males Predominantly (27)
[3] Equally (14)
[4] Females Predominantly (17)
[5] Females Exclusively (10)
SCCS110. Food Production: Planting (sexual division of labor)
[NA] NA (1)
[0] Task Absent (44)
[1] Males Exclusively (27)
[2] Males Predominantly (35)
[3] Equally (33)
[4] Females Predominantly (26)
[5] Females Exclusively (20)
SCCS111. Food Production: Crop Tending (sexual division of labor)
[NA] NA (4)
[0] Task Absent (48)
[-1] Task present, sex unspecified (3)
[1] Males Exclusively (22)
[2] Males Predominantly (23)
[3] Equally (24)
[4] Females Predominantly (30)
[5] Females Exclusively (32)
SCCS112. Food Production: Harvesting (sexual division of labor)
[NA] NA (1)
[0] Task Absent (44)
[1] Males Exclusively (10)
[2] Males Predominantly (37)
[3] Equally (34)
[4] Females Predominantly (34)
[5] Females Exclusively (26)
SCCS113. Food Production: Small Domestic Animals (sexual division of labor)
[NA] NA (6)
[0] Task Absent (13)
[-1] Task present, sex unspecified (70)
[1] Males Exclusively (19)
[2] Males Predominantly (8)
[3] Equally (14)
[4] Females Predominantly (12)
[5] Females Exclusively (44)
SCCS114. Food Production: Large Domestic Animals (sexual division of labor)
[NA] NA (2)
[0] Task Absent (76)
[-1] Task present, sex unspecified (10)
[1] Males Exclusively (54)
[2] Males Predominantly (24)
[3] Equally (14)
[4] Females Predominantly (3)
[5] Females Exclusively (3)
SCCS115. Food Production: Milking (sexual division of labor)
[NA] NA (1)
[0] Task Absent (127)
[-1] Task present, sex unspecified (10)
[1] Males Exclusively (15)
[2] Males Predominantly (2)
[3] Equally (8)
[4] Females Predominantly (2)
[5] Females Exclusively (21)
SCCS116. Food Preparation: Vegetal: Food Preparation (sexual division of labor)
[NA] NA (8)
[0] Task Absent (2)
[-1] Task present, sex unspecified (2)
[1] Males Exclusively (3)
[2] Males Predominantly (1)
[3] Equally (4)
[4] Females Predominantly (21)
[5] Females Exclusively (145)
SCCS117. Food Preparation: Butchering (sexual division of labor)
[NA] NA (19)
[0] Task Absent (8)
[-1] Task present, sex unspecified (16)
[1] Males Exclusively (122)
[2] Males Predominantly (9)
[3] Equally (4)
[4] Females Predominantly (4)
[5] Females Exclusively (4)
SCCS118. Food Preparation: Preservation (sexual division of labor)
[NA] NA (25)
[0] Task Absent (31)
[-1] Task present, sex unspecified (64)
[1] Males Exclusively (18)
[2] Males Predominantly (2)
[3] Equally (3)
[4] Females Predominantly (3)
[5] Females Exclusively (40)
SCCS119. Food Preparation: Drinks (sexual division of labor)
[NA] NA (16)
[0] Task Absent (37)
[-1] Task present, sex unspecified (42)
[1] Males Exclusively (15)
[2] Males Predominantly (3)
[3] Equally (4)
[4] Females Predominantly (4)
[5] Females Exclusively (65)
SCCS120. Food Preparation: Dairy (sexual division of labor)
[NA] NA (8)
[0] Task Absent (130)
[-1] Task present, sex unspecified (20)
[1] Males Exclusively (4)
[5] Females Exclusively (24)
SCCS121. Food Preparation: Cooking (sexual division of labor)
[NA] NA (1)
[-1] Task present, sex unspecified (1)
[2] Males Predominantly (2)
[3] Equally (2)
[4] Females Predominantly (63)
[5] Females Exclusively (117)
SCCS122. Extractive Industries: Mining/Quarrying (sexual division of labor)
[NA] NA (39)
[0] Task Absent (106)
[-1] Task present, sex unspecified (6)
[1] Males Exclusively (31)
[2] Males Predominantly (1)
[3] Equally (2)
[5] Females Exclusively (1)
SCCS123. Extractive Industries: Fuel Gathering (sexual division of labor)
[NA] NA (7)
[0] Task Absent (1)
[-1] Task present, sex unspecified (11)
[1] Males Exclusively (25)
[2] Males Predominantly (12)
[3] Equally (12)
[4] Females Predominantly (24)
[5] Females Exclusively (94)
SCCS124. Extractive Industries: Lumbering (sexual division of labor)
[NA] NA (17)
[0] Task Absent (14)
[-1] Task present, sex unspecified (16)
[1] Males Exclusively (135)
[2] Males Predominantly (4)
SCCS125. Extractive Industries: Water Fetching (sexual division of labor)
[NA] NA (1)
[-1] Task present, sex unspecified (25)
[1] Males Exclusively (4)
[2] Males Predominantly (4)
[3] Equally (8)
[4] Females Predominantly (13)
[5] Females Exclusively (131)
SCCS126. Intermediate Processing: Skins (sexual division of labor)
[NA] NA (13)
[0] Task Absent (48)
[-1] Task present, sex unspecified (44)
[1] Males Exclusively (39)
[2] Males Predominantly (4)
[3] Equally (2)
[4] Females Predominantly (5)
[5] Females Exclusively (31)
SCCS127. Intermediate Processing: Spinning (sexual division of labor)
[NA] NA (30)
[0] Task Absent (56)
[-1] Task present, sex unspecified (9)
[1] Males Exclusively (7)
[2] Males Predominantly (3)
[3] Equally (4)
[4] Females Predominantly (5)
[5] Females Exclusively (72)
SCCS128. Intermediate Processing: Loom Weaving (sexual division of labor)
[NA] NA (16)
[0] Task Absent (81)
[-1] Task present, sex unspecified (1)
[1] Males Exclusively (24)
[3] Equally (6)
[4] Females Predominantly (8)
[5] Females Exclusively (50)
SCCS129. Intermediate Processing: Smelting (sexual division of labor)
[NA] NA (24)
[0] Task Absent (125)
[1] Males Exclusively (37)
SCCS130. Manufacturing: Matmaking (sexual division of labor)
[NA] NA (23)
[0] Task Absent (29)
[-1] Task present, sex unspecified (31)
[1] Males Exclusively (30)
[2] Males Predominantly (4)
[3] Equally (9)
[4] Females Predominantly (5)
[5] Females Exclusively (55)
SCCS131. Manufacturing: Netmaking (sexual division of labor)
[NA] NA (31)
[0] Task Absent (45)
[-1] Task present, sex unspecified (45)
[1] Males Exclusively (42)
[2] Males Predominantly (2)
[3] Equally (5)
[4] Females Predominantly (1)
[5] Females Exclusively (15)
SCCS132. Manufacturing: Basketmaking (sexual division of labor)
[NA] NA (16)
[0] Task Absent (21)
[-1] Task present, sex unspecified (19)
[1] Males Exclusively (37)
[2] Males Predominantly (9)
[3] Equally (15)
[4] Females Predominantly (18)
[5] Females Exclusively (51)
SCCS133. Manufacturing: Rope or Cordage (sexual division of labor)
[NA] NA (16)
[0] Task Absent (3)
[-1] Task present, sex unspecified (56)
[1] Males Exclusively (62)
[2] Males Predominantly (7)
[3] Equally (18)
[4] Females Predominantly (5)
[5] Females Exclusively (19)
SCCS134. Manufacturing: Leather (sexual division of labor)
[NA] NA (23)
[0] Task Absent (57)
[-1] Task present, sex unspecified (32)
[1] Males Exclusively (35)
[2] Males Predominantly (3)
[3] Equally (2)
[4] Females Predominantly (5)
[5] Females Exclusively (29)
SCCS135. Manufacturing: Clothing (sexual division of labor)
[NA] NA (23)
[0] Task Absent (36)
[-1] Task present, sex unspecified (5)
[1] Males Exclusively (16)
[2] Males Predominantly (4)
[3] Equally (11)
[4] Females Predominantly (13)
[5] Females Exclusively (78)
SCCS136. Manufacturing: Pottery (sexual division of labor)
[NA] NA (14)
[0] Task Absent (61)
[-1] Task present, sex unspecified (6)
[1] Males Exclusively (14)
[2] Males Predominantly (5)
[3] Equally (6)
[4] Females Predominantly (6)
[5] Females Exclusively (74)
SCCS137. Manufacturing: Wood (sexual division of labor)
[NA] NA (4)
[0] Task Absent (1)
[-1] Task present, sex unspecified (17)
[1] Males Exclusively (159)
[2] Males Predominantly (3)
[3] Equally (1)
[4] Females Predominantly (1)
SCCS138. Manufacturing: Bone (sexual division of labor)
[NA] NA (46)
[0] Task Absent (14)
[-1] Task present, sex unspecified (44)
[1] Males Exclusively (71)
[2] Males Predominantly (7)
[3] Equally (2)
[5] Females Exclusively (2)
SCCS139. Manufacturing: Stone (sexual division of labor)
[NA] NA (43)
[0] Task Absent (39)
[-1] Task present, sex unspecified (31)
[1] Males Exclusively (67)
[3] Equally (6)
SCCS140. Manufacturing: Metal (sexual division of labor)
[NA] NA (7)
[0] Task Absent (93)
[1] Males Exclusively (85)
[2] Males Predominantly (1)
SCCS141. Manufacturing: Musical Instruments (sexual division of labor)
[NA] NA (16)
[0] Task Absent (8)
[-1] Task present, sex unspecified (74)
[1] Males Exclusively (83)
[2] Males Predominantly (3)
[3] Equally (1)
[5] Females Exclusively (1)
SCCS142. Miscellaneous: Fire (sexual division of labor)
[NA] NA (1)
[0] Task Absent (3)
[-1] Task present, sex unspecified (96)
[1] Males Exclusively (40)
[2] Males Predominantly (6)
[3] Equally (16)
[4] Females Predominantly (4)
[5] Females Exclusively (20)
SCCS143. Miscellaneous: Laundering (sexual division of labor)
[NA] NA (59)
[0] Task Absent (52)
[-1] Task present, sex unspecified (9)
[1] Males Exclusively (5)
[3] Equally (4)
[4] Females Predominantly (8)
[5] Females Exclusively (49)
SCCS144. Miscellaneous: Bodily Mutilation (sexual division of labor)
[NA] NA (22)
[0] Task Absent (13)
[-1] Task present, sex unspecified (45)
[1] Males Exclusively (36)
[2] Males Predominantly (4)
[3] Equally (48)
[4] Females Predominantly (6)
[5] Females Exclusively (12)
SCCS145. Miscellaneous: Bonesetting/Surgery (sexual division of labor)
[NA] NA (88)
[0] Task Absent (37)
[-1] Task present, sex unspecified (17)
[1] Males Exclusively (34)
[2] Males Predominantly (6)
[3] Equally (4)
SCCS146. Miscellaneous: Burden Carrying (sexual division of labor)
[NA] NA (31)
[0] Task Absent (3)
[-1] Task present, sex unspecified (6)
[1] Males Exclusively (18)
[2] Males Predominantly (12)
[3] Equally (46)
[4] Females Predominantly (34)
[5] Females Exclusively (36)
SCCS147. Miscellaneous: Boatbuilding (sexual division of labor)
[NA] NA (11)
[0] Task Absent (79)
[-1] Task present, sex unspecified (5)
[1] Males Exclusively (84)
[2] Males Predominantly (3)
[3] Equally (3)
[5] Females Exclusively (1)
SCCS148. Miscellaneous: Housebuilding (sexual division of labor)
[NA] NA (1)
[0] Task Absent (1)
[-1] Task present, sex unspecified (6)
[1] Males Exclusively (105)
[2] Males Predominantly (30)
[3] Equally (14)
[4] Females Predominantly (9)
[5] Females Exclusively (20)
SCCS149. Scale 1- Writing and Records
[NA] NA (0)
[1] None (73)
[2] Mnemonic devices (49)
[3] Nonwritten records (21)
[4] True writing; no records (12)
[5] True writing, records (31)
SCCS150. Scale 2- Fixity of Residence
[NA] NA (0)
[1] Nomadic (28)
[2] Seminomadic (21)
[3] Semisedentary (20)
[4] Sedentary; impermanent (15)
[5] Sedentary (102)
SCCS151. Scale 3- Agriculture
[NA] NA (0)
[1] None (38)
[2] 10% food supply (17)
[3] 10 %; secondary (11)
[4] Primary; not intensive (63)
[5] Primary; intensive (57)
SCCS152. Scale 4- Urbanization
[NA] NA (0)
[1] fewer than 100 persons (56)
[2] 100-199 persons (43)
[3] 200-399 persons (33)
[4] 400-999 persons (30)
[5] 1000 persons (24)
SCCS153. Scale 5- Technological Specialization
[NA] NA (0)
[1] None (39)
[2] Pottery only (27)
[3] Loom weaving only (31)
[4] Metalwork only (56)
[5] Smiths, weavers, potters (33)
SCCS154. Scale 6- Land Transport
[NA] NA (0)
[1] Human only (108)
[2] Pack Animals (42)
[3] Draft Animals (14)
[4] Animal-drawn vehicles (11)
[5] Automotive vehicles (11)
SCCS155. Scale 7- Money
[NA] NA (0)
[1] None (77)
[2] Domestically usable particles (14)
[3] Alien currency (43)
[4] Elementary forms (27)
[5] True money (25)
SCCS156. Scale 8- Density of Population
[NA] NA (0)
[1] < 1 person / sq. mile (58)
[2] 1-5 persons / sq. mile (25)
[3] 5.1-25 persons/ sq. mile (28)
[4] 26-100 persons / sq. mile (35)
[5] 100 persons / sq. mile (40)
SCCS157. Scale 9- Political Integration
[NA] NA (0)
[1] None (11)
[2] Autonomous local communities (71)
[3] 1 level above community (47)
[4] 2 levels above community (28)
[5] 3 levels above community (29)
SCCS158. Scale 10- Social Stratification
[NA] NA (0)
[1] Egalitarian (65)
[2] Hereditary slavery (52)
[3] 2 social classes, no castes/slavery (19)
[4] 2 social classes, castes/slavery (20)
[5] 3 social classes or castes, w/ or w/out slavery (30)
SCCS159. Talk about Sex
[NA] NA (126)
[1] Adults & adults talk explicitly (18)
[2] Except w/ children (2)
[3] Except w/ certain people (13)
[4] Only with intimates (9)
[5] Never (18)
SCCS160. Sex Frequency in Marriage
[NA] NA (120)
[1] No abstinence (11)
[2] Abstinence at times (40)
[3] Moderation (6)
[4] Abstinence admired (9)
SCCS161. Sex Believed Dangerous
[NA] NA (152)
[1] Absent (14)
[2] With specific categories (4)
[3] Only unusual practices (9)
[4] Only sexual secretions (1)
[5] Always (6)
SCCS162. Foreplay
[NA] NA (151)
[1] Present (18)
[2] Minimal (4)
[3] Absent (13)
SCCS163. Age for Clothing - Male
[NA] NA (147)
[1] Never (6)
[2] Adulthood (1)
[3] Puberty (9)
[4] Toddler to puberty (19)
[5] Toddler (1)
[6] At birth (3)
SCCS164. Age for Clothing - Female
[NA] NA (138)
[1] Never (4)
[2] Adulthood (2)
[3] Puberty (7)
[4] Toddler to puberty (27)
[5] Toddler (5)
[6] At birth (3)
SCCS165. Premarital Sex Attitudes - Female
[NA] NA (56)
[1] Expected (30)
[2] Tolerated (28)
[3] Mildly disapproved (22)
[4] Moderately disapproved (11)
[5] Disallowed (4)
[6] Strongly disapproved (35)
SCCS166. Frequency of Premarital Sex - Male
[NA] NA (84)
[1] Universal (60)
[2] Moderate (18)
[3] Occasional (11)
[4] Uncommon (13)
SCCS167. Frequency of Premarital Sex - Female
[NA] NA (77)
[1] Universal (51)
[2] Moderate (19)
[3] Occasional (16)
[4] Uncommon (23)
SCCS168. Initiator of Premarital Sex
[NA] NA (156)
[1] Women always (5)
[3] Both equally (9)
[4] Men more than women (5)
[5] Men always (11)
SCCS169. Extramarital Sex
[NA] NA (77)
[1] Single standard- both allowed (13)
[2] Double standard- husband only (48)
[3] Double standard- both forbidden, women punished (24)
[4] Single standard- both condemn edequally (24)
SCCS170. Frequency of Extramarital Sex - Male
[NA] NA (135)
[1] Universal (6)
[2] Moderate (29)
[3] Occasional (6)
[4] Uncommon (10)
SCCS171. Frequency of Extramarital Sex - Female
[NA] NA (133)
[1] Universal (6)
[2] Moderate (23)
[3] Occasional (9)
[4] Uncommon (15)
SCCS172. Wifesharing
[NA] NA (83)
[1] For any reason (4)
[2] Vis-a-vis specific group men (11)
[3] Vis-a-vis specific man (5)
[4] Occasionally for sex gratification (7)
[5] For husband's economic benefit (3)
[6] Aside from sex gratification (11)
[7] None (62)
SCCS173. Rape
[NA] NA (147)
[1] Accepted/ignored (9)
[2] Ridiculed (4)
[3] Mildly disapproved (8)
[4] Strongly disapproved (18)
SCCS174. Frequency of Rape
[NA] NA (155)
[1] Absent (8)
[2] Rare (10)
[3] Common (13)
SCCS175. Male Sexual Aggressiveness
[NA] NA (126)
[1] Men diffident, shy (5)
[2] Men sexually forward but not diffident (7)
[3] Men forward verbally (26)
[4] Men forward physically (7)
[5] Men forward; hostile occasionally (6)
[6] Men foward; hostile typically (9)
SCCS176. Homosexuality
[NA] NA (146)
[1] Accepted/ignored (9)
[2] None (4)
[3] Ridiculed, no punishment (6)
[4] Mildly disapproved (4)
[5] Strongly disapproved (17)
SCCS177. Frequency of Homosexuality
[NA] NA (117)
[1] Absent (40)
[2] Present (29)
SCCS178. Impotence
[NA] NA (149)
[1] No concern (7)
[2] Concern (30)
SCCS200. Trance states [Note, identical to EA112]
[NA] Missing data (0)
[1] Trance, no possession (26)
[2] Possession (9)
[3] T due to P only; P causes T only (10)
[4] Two T states, one due to P; P expl. T and others (31)
[5] T and P, but T not due to P (27)
[6] T due to P only; P explains T and others (25)
[7] Two T states, one due to P; P explains T only (5)
[8] No trance or possession (18)
SCCS201. Marital residence with kin: change after first years [Note, identical to EA201]
[NA] Missing data (0)
[1] Different (40)
[2] Same (145)
SCCS202. Societal rigidity [Note, identical to EA113]
[NA] Missing data (0)
[1] Rigid (3)
[2] Flexible (8)
SCCS203. Subsistence economy: gathering [Note, identical to EA001]
[0] 0-5% (86)
[NA] Missing data (0)
[1] 6-15% (51)
[2] 16-25% (23)
[3] 26-35% (9)
[4] 36-45% (9)
[5] 46-55% (4)
[6] 56-65% (3)
[7] 66-75% (0)
[8] 76-85% (1)
[9] 86-100% (0)
SCCS204. Subsistence economy: hunting [Note, identical to EA002]
[0] 0-5% (63)
[NA] Missing data (0)
[1] 6-15% (48)
[2] 16-25% (33)
[3] 26-35% (19)
[4] 36-45% (11)
[5] 46-55% (5)
[6] 56-65% (3)
[7] 66-75% (2)
[8] 76-85% (1)
[9] 86-100% (1)
SCCS205. Subsistence economy: fishing [Note, identical to EA003]
[0] 0-5% (57)
[NA] Missing data (0)
[1] 6-15% (55)
[2] 16-25% (29)
[3] 26-35% (14)
[4] 36-45% (12)
[5] 46-55% (11)
[6] 56-65% (5)
[7] 66-75% (1)
[8] 76-85% (1)
[9] 86-100% (1)
SCCS206. Subsistence economy: animal husbandry [Note, identical to EA004]
[0] 0-5% (77)
[NA] Missing data (0)
[1] 6-15% (39)
[2] 16-25% (29)
[3] 26-35% (19)
[4] 36-45% (7)
[5] 46-55% (3)
[6] 56-65% (2)
[7] 66-75% (1)
[8] 76-85% (4)
[9] 86-100% (5)
SCCS207. Subsistence economy: agriculture [Note, identical to EA005]
[0] 0-5% (44)
[NA] Missing data (0)
[1] 6-15% (11)
[2] 16-25% (4)
[3] 26-35% (2)
[4] 36-45% (16)
[5] 46-55% (37)
[6] 56-65% (38)
[7] 66-75% (17)
[8] 76-85% (13)
[9] 86-100% (4)
SCCS208. Transactions at marriage: prevailing type [Note, identical to EA006]
[NA] Missing data (0)
[1] Bride-wealth (71)
[2] Bride-service (24)
[3] Token bride-wealth (16)
[4] Gift exchange (15)
[5] Woman exchange (9)
[6] Insignificant (42)
[7] Dowry (9)
SCCS209. Transactions at marriage: alternate type [Note, identical to EA007]
[NA] Missing data (0)
[1] Bride-wealth (9)
[2] Bride-service (15)
[3] Token bride-wealth (4)
[4] Gift exchange (0)
[5] Woman exchange (3)
[6] Insignificant (0)
[7] Dowry (9)
[8] No alternate (146)
SCCS210. Domestic organization [Note, identical to EA008]
[NA] Missing data (0)
[1] Nuclear, monogamous (14)
[2] Nuclear, limited polygyny (43)
[3] Polyandrous (2)
[4] Polygyny, atypical cowives pattern (6)
[5] Polygyny, typical cowives pattern (22)
[6] Minimal extended (12)
[7] Small extended (44)
[8] Large extended (42)
SCCS211. Marital composition: monogamy and polygamy [Note, identical to EA009]
[NA] Missing data (0)
[1] Monogamous (35)
[2] Limited polygyny (82)
[3] Polygyny, sororal cohabit (16)
[4] Polygyny, sororal separate (2)
[5] Polygyny, non-sororal cohabit (34)
[6] Polygyny, non-sororal separate (14)
[7] Polyandrous (2)
SCCS213. Marital residence with kin: first years [Note, identical to EA010]
[NA] Missing data (0)
[1] Avunculocal (2)
[2] Ambilocal (10)
[3] Avuncu-uxorilocal (0)
[4] Avuncu-virilocal (0)
[5] Matrilocal (16)
[6] Neolocal (8)
[7] Separate (5)
[8] Patrilocal (59)
[9] Uxorilocal (38)
[10] Virilocal (22)
[11] Ambi-uxo (5)
[12] Ambi-viri (20)
SCCS214. Transfer of residence at marriage: prevailing pattern [Note, identical to EA011]
[NA] Missing data (0)
[1] Wife to husband (103)
[2] Ambi/neo-local (59)
[3] Husband to wife (22)
[9] Separate (1)
SCCS215. Marital residence with kin: prevailing pattern [Note, identical to EA012]
[NA] Missing data (0)
[1] Avunculocal (8)
[2] Ambilocal (12)
[3] Avuncu-uxorilocal (1)
[4] Avuncu-virilocal (1)
[5] Matrilocal (16)
[6] Neolocal (15)
[7] Separate (1)
[8] Patrilocal (69)
[9] Uxorilocal (6)
[10] Virilocal (25)
[11] Ambi-uxo (8)
[12] Ambi-viri (23)
SCCS217. Marital residence with kin: alternate [Note, identical to EA014]
[NA] Missing data (0)
[1] Avunculocal (9)
[2] Ambilocal (0)
[3] Avuncu-uxorilocal (1)
[4] Avuncu-virilocal (0)
[5] Matrilocal (0)
[6] Neolocal (22)
[7] Separate (0)
[8] Patrilocal (2)
[9] Uxorilocal (29)
[10] Virilocal (17)
[11] No alternate (105)
SCCS218. Transfer of residence at marriage: alternate [Note, identical to EA013]
[NA] Missing data (0)
[1] Wife to husband (18)
[2] Ambi/neo-local (22)
[3] Husband to wife (29)
[4] Separate (0)
[9] No alternate (116)
SCCS219. Community marriage organization [Note, identical to EA015]
[NA] Missing data (0)
[1] Demes (17)
[2] Segmented, no exogamy (40)
[3] Agamous (67)
[4] Exogamous (27)
[5] Segmented, exogamy (2)
[6] Clans (29)
SCCS220. Organization of clan communities [Note, identical to EA016]
[NA] Missing data (0)
[1] Clans (26)
[2] Clans with barrios (3)
[9] No exogamous clans (153)
SCCS221. Largest patrilineal kin group [Note, identical to EA017]
[NA] Missing data (1)
[1] None (104)
[2] Exogamy only (0)
[3] Lineages (17)
[4] Sibs (43)
[5] Phratries (15)
[6] Moieties (6)
SCCS222. Largest patrilineal exogamous group [Note, identical to EA018]
[NA] Missing data (1)
[1] No exogamy (120)
[2] Extended taboo (0)
[3] Lineages (24)
[4] Sibs (32)
[5] Phratries (6)
[6] Moieties (3)
SCCS223. Largest matrilineal kin group [Note, identical to EA019]
[NA] Missing data (0)
[1] None (144)
[2] Exogamy only (3)
[3] Lineages (7)
[4] Sibs (15)
[5] Phratries (5)
[6] Moieties (11)
SCCS224. Largest matrilineal exogamous group [Note, identical to EA020]
[NA] Missing data (0)
[1] No exogamy (147)
[2] Extended taboo (3)
[3] Lineages (8)
[4] Sibs (15)
[5] Phratries (3)
[6] Moieties (9)
SCCS225. Cognatic kin groups [Note, identical to EA021]
[NA] Missing data (0)
[1] Bilateral inferred (48)
[2] Bilateral kindreds (27)
[3] Ambilineal (0)
[4] Ramages (7)
[5] Exogamous ramages (2)
[6] Quasi-lineages (4)
[9] No cognatic kin (97)
SCCS226. Secondary cognatic kin group: kindreds and ramages [Note, identical to EA022]
[NA] Missing data (0)
[2] Kindreds (2)
[4] Ramages (1)
[9] No secondary groups (182)
SCCS227. Cousin marriages permitted [Note, identical to EA023]
[NA] Missing data (0)
[1] Cross-cousin (42)
[2] Paternal only (1)
[3] Maternal only (1)
[4] FaBrDa/MoBrDa only (0)
[5] FaSiDa/MoSiDa only (0)
[6] Matrilateral cross only (6)
[7] No first/second cousins (43)
[8] No first cousins (27)
[9] Patrilateral cross only (0)
[10] Any first cousins (25)
[11] Some second only (2)
[12] Only second cousins (19)
[13] Trilateral (8)
SCCS228. Cousin marriages preferred [Note, identical to EA025]
[NA] Missing data (0)
[1] Cross-cousin: either (18)
[2] Cross-cousin: matri (12)
[3] Cross-cousin: patri (5)
[4] Maternal: MoBrDa (1)
[5] Uni: MoBrDa (6)
[6] Uni: FaSiDa (0)
[7] All: FaBrDa (8)
[8] All: cross (1)
[9] All: matri (3)
[10] Some second only (2)
[11] Second cousins preferred (4)
[12] Tri: bilateral (0)
[13] Tri: matrilateral (1)
[14] Tri: patrilateral (0)
[15] None preferred (113)
SCCS229. Cousin marriages permitted: subtypes [Note, identical to EA024]
[NA] Missing data (0)
[1] Quadrilateral (25)
[2] Trilateral (8)
[3] Duolateral (44)
[4] Unilateral (6)
[5] Only second cousins (19)
[6] Some second only (2)
[7] No first cousins (27)
[8] No first/second cousins (43)
SCCS230. Cousin marriages preferred: subtypes [Note, identical to EA026]
[NA] Missing data (0)
[1] Cross-cousin (19)
[2] MoBrDa (23)
[3] FaSiDa (5)
[4] FaBrDa (8)
[5] Second cousin (6)
[9] None preferred (113)
SCCS231. Kin terms for cousins [Note, identical to EA027]
[NA] Missing data (1)
[1] Crow (15)
[2] Descriptive (16)
[3] Eskimo (23)
[4] Hawaiian (55)
[5] Iroquois (44)
[6] Omaha (14)
[7] Sudanese (1)
[8] Mixed (4)
SCCS232. Agriculture: intensity [Note, identical to EA028]
[NA] Missing data (0)
[1] No agriculture (42)
[2] Casual (10)
[3] Extensive/shifting (55)
[4] Horticulture (18)
[5] Intensive (32)
[6] Intensive irrigated (29)
SCCS233. Agriculture: major crop type [Note, identical to EA029]
[NA] Missing data (1)
[1] No agriculture (42)
[2] Non-food (0)
[3] Vegetables (0)
[4] Tree-fruits (13)
[5] Roots/tubers (38)
[6] Cereals (91)
SCCS234. Settlement patterns [Note, identical to EA030]
[NA] Missing data (0)
[1] Nomadic (26)
[2] Seminomadic (24)
[3] Semisedentary (13)
[4] Impermanent (3)
[5] Dispersed homesteads (20)
[6] Hamlets (17)
[7] Villages/towns (75)
[8] Complex permanent (8)
SCCS235. Mean size of local communities [Note, identical to EA031]
[NA] Missing data (0)
[1] <50 (31)
[2] 50-99 (29)
[3] 100-199 (24)
[4] 200-399 (17)
[5] 400-1000 (12)
[6] 1000+ no towns (4)
[7] 5000-50000 (10)
[8] 50000+ (21)
SCCS236. Jurisdictional hierarchy of local community [Note, identical to EA032]
[NA] Missing data (0)
[2] Independent families (45)
[3] Extended families (117)
[4] Clan-barrios (24)
SCCS237. Jurisdictional hierarchy beyond local community [Note, identical to EA033]
[NA] Missing data (2)
[1] Acephalous (82)
[2] One level (48)
[3] Two levels (23)
[4] Three levels (19)
[5] Four levels (12)
SCCS238. Religion: high gods [Note, identical to EA034]
[NA] Missing data (0)
[1] Absent (68)
[2] Otiose (47)
[3] Active, but not supporting morality (13)
[4] Active, supporting morality (40)
SCCS239. Games [Note, identical to EA035]
[NA] Missing data (1)
[1] No games (10)
[2] Physical skill only (41)
[3] Chance only (0)
[4] Physical skill and chance (2)
[5] Strategy only (40)
[6] Strategy and physical skill (11)
[7] Strategy and chance (0)
[8] All types (18)
SCCS240. Post-partum sex taboos [Note, identical to EA036]
[NA] Missing data (2)
[1] No taboo (5)
[2] Up to one month (24)
[3] One to six months (33)
[4] Six months to a year (8)
[5] A year to two years (19)
[6] More than two years (18)
SCCS241. Male genital mutilations [Note, identical to EA037]
[NA] Missing data (0)
[1] Absent (135)
[2] Shortly after birth (5)
[3] Infancy (1)
[4] Early childhood (5)
[5] Late childhood (15)
[6] Adolescence (16)
[7] Early adulthood (2)
[8] Maturity (0)
[9] Old age (1)
[10] Customary, age unclear (3)
SCCS242. Segregation of adolescent boys [Note, identical to EA038]
[NA] Missing data (1)
[1] No segregation (106)
[2] Partial (19)
[3] Complete: outside nuclear family (8)
[4] Complete: outside kin (4)
[5] Complete: own peers (18)
SCCS243. Domestic animals: plow cultivation [Note, identical to EA039]
[NA] Missing data (0)
[1] Absent (153)
[2] Not aboriginal but present (2)
[3] Present (31)
SCCS244. Domestic animals: type [Note, identical to EA040]
[NA] Missing data (0)
[1] Absence or near absence (54)
[2] Pigs (31)
[3] Sheep/goats (15)
[4] Equine (10)
[5] Deer (3)
[6] Camelids (5)
[7] Bovine (68)
SCCS245. Domestic animals: milking [Note, identical to EA041]
[NA] Missing data (0)
[1] Absence or near absence (129)
[2] More than sporadically (57)
SCCS246. Subsistence economy: dominant activity [Note, identical to EA042]
[NA] Missing for at least 1 activity (0)
[1] Gathering (15)
[2] Fishing (19)
[3] Hunting (12)
[4] Pastoralism (16)
[5] Casual agriculture (0)
[6] Extensive agriculture (60)
[7] Intensive agriculture (57)
[8] Two or more sources (7)
[9] Agriculture, type unknown (0)
SCCS247. Descent: major type [Note, identical to EA043]
[NA] Missing data (1)
[1] Patrilineal (59)
[2] Duolateral (11)
[3] Matrilineal (27)
[4] Quasi-lineages (4)
[5] Ambilineal (6)
[6] Bilateral (64)
[7] Mixed (14)
SCCS248. Sex differences: metal working [Note, identical to EA044]
[NA] Missing data (0)
[1] Males alone (79)
[2] Both, males more (1)
[3] Differentiated but equal (0)
[4] Equal participation (0)
[5] Both, females more (0)
[6] Females alone (0)
[7] Sex irrelevant (1)
[8] Activity present, sex diff. unspecified (1)
[9] Activity is absent (101)
SCCS249. Sex differences: weaving [Note, identical to EA045]
[NA] Missing data (0)
[1] Males alone (20)
[2] Both, males more (3)
[3] Differentiated but equal (5)
[4] Equal participation (0)
[5] Both, females more (1)
[6] Females alone (47)
[7] Sex irrelevant (0)
[8] Activity present, sex diff. unspecified (9)
[9] Activity is absent (89)
SCCS250. Sex differences: leather working [Note, identical to EA046]
[NA] Missing data (0)
[1] Males alone (32)
[2] Both, males more (1)
[3] Differentiated but equal (0)
[4] Equal participation (1)
[5] Both, females more (3)
[6] Females alone (32)
[7] Sex irrelevant (0)
[8] Activity present, sex diff. unspecified (22)
[9] Activity is absent (48)
SCCS251. Sex differences: pottery making [Note, identical to EA047]
[NA] Missing data (0)
[1] Males alone (9)
[2] Both, males more (2)
[3] Differentiated but equal (4)
[4] Equal participation (2)
[5] Both, females more (2)
[6] Females alone (73)
[7] Sex irrelevant (1)
[8] Activity present, sex diff. unspecified (19)
[9] Activity is absent (58)
SCCS252. Sex differences: boat building [Note, identical to EA048]
[NA] Missing data (0)
[1] Males alone (73)
[2] Both, males more (5)
[3] Differentiated but equal (0)
[4] Equal participation (0)
[5] Both, females more (0)
[6] Females alone (1)
[7] Sex irrelevant (0)
[8] Activity present, sex diff. unspecified (19)
[9] Activity is absent (62)
SCCS253. Sex differences: house construction [Note, identical to EA049]
[NA] Missing data (0)
[1] Males alone (90)
[2] Both, males more (18)
[3] Differentiated but equal (17)
[4] Equal participation (5)
[5] Both, females more (5)
[6] Females alone (14)
[7] Sex irrelevant (0)
[8] Activity present, sex diff. unspecified (1)
[9] Activity is absent (0)
SCCS254. Age or occupational specialization: metal working [Note, identical to EA055]
[NA] Missing data (0)
[1] Junior age (0)
[2] Senior age (0)
[3] Craft (76)
[4] Industrial (2)
[9] Most adults (4)
[10] Activity is absent (101)
SCCS255. Age or occupational specialization: weaving [Note, identical to EA056]
[NA] Missing data (0)
[1] Junior age (0)
[2] Senior age (0)
[3] Craft (16)
[4] Industrial (1)
[9] Most adults (69)
[10] Activity is absent (88)
SCCS256. Age or occupational specialization: leather working [Note, identical to EA057]
[NA] Missing data (0)
[1] Junior age (0)
[2] Senior age (0)
[3] Craft (18)
[4] Industrial (0)
[9] Most adults (73)
[10] Activity is absent (48)
SCCS257. Age or occupational specialization: pottery making [Note, identical to EA058]
[NA] Missing data (0)
[1] Junior age (0)
[2] Senior age (0)
[3] Craft (23)
[4] Industrial (1)
[9] Most adults (88)
[10] Activity is absent (58)
SCCS258. Age or occupational specialization: boat building [Note, identical to EA059]
[NA] Missing data (0)
[1] Junior age (0)
[2] Senior age (0)
[3] Craft (12)
[4] Industrial (0)
[9] Most adults (86)
[10] Activity is absent (62)
SCCS259. Age or occupational specialization: house construction [Note, identical to EA060]
[NA] Missing data (0)
[1] Junior age (0)
[2] Senior age (0)
[3] Craft (14)
[4] Industrial (0)
[9] Most adults (136)
[10] Activity is absent (0)
SCCS260. Sex differences: gathering [Note, identical to EA050]
[NA] Missing data (0)
[1] Males alone (3)
[2] Both, males more (4)
[3] Differentiated but equal (3)
[4] Equal participation (11)
[5] Both, females more (24)
[6] Females alone (64)
[7] Sex irrelevant (0)
[8] Activity present, sex diff. unspecified (4)
[9] Activity is absent (49)
SCCS261. Sex differences: hunting [Note, identical to EA051]
[NA] Missing data (0)
[1] Males alone (152)
[2] Both, males more (2)
[3] Differentiated but equal (0)
[4] Equal participation (0)
[5] Both, females more (0)
[6] Females alone (0)
[7] Sex irrelevant (0)
[8] Activity present, sex diff. unspecified (0)
[9] Activity is absent (25)
SCCS262. Sex Differences: fishing [Note, identical to EA052]
[NA] Missing data (0)
[1] Males alone (65)
[2] Both, males more (43)
[3] Differentiated but equal (10)
[4] Equal participation (8)
[5] Both, females more (5)
[6] Females alone (3)
[7] Sex irrelevant (0)
[8] Activity present, sex diff. unspecified (1)
[9] Activity is absent (38)
SCCS263. Sex differences: animal husbandry [Note, identical to EA053]
[NA] Missing data (0)
[1] Males alone (35)
[2] Both, males more (23)
[3] Differentiated but equal (18)
[4] Equal participation (13)
[5] Both, females more (4)
[6] Females alone (12)
[7] Sex irrelevant (0)
[8] Activity present, sex diff. unspecified (2)
[9] Activity is absent (56)
SCCS264. Sex differences: agriculture [Note, identical to EA054]
[NA] Missing data (2)
[1] Males alone (16)
[2] Both, males more (37)
[3] Differentiated but equal (14)
[4] Equal participation (25)
[5] Both, females more (37)
[6] Females alone (5)
[7] Sex irrelevant (0)
[8] Activity present, sex diff. unspecified (0)
[9] Activity is absent (43)
SCCS265. Age or occupational specialization: gathering [Note, identical to EA061]
[NA] Missing data (0)
[1] Junior age (1)
[2] Senior age (0)
[3] Craft (0)
[4] Industrial (0)
[9] Most adults (113)
[10] Activity is absent (48)
SCCS266. Age or occupational specialization: hunting [Note, identical to EA062]
[NA] Missing data (0)
[1] Junior age (1)
[2] Senior age (0)
[3] Craft (8)
[4] Industrial (0)
[9] Most adults (146)
[10] Activity is absent (24)
SCCS267. Age or occupational specialization: fishing [Note, identical to EA063]
[NA] Missing data (0)
[1] Junior age (0)
[2] Senior age (0)
[3] Craft (8)
[4] Industrial (0)
[9] Most adults (126)
[10] Activity is absent (39)
SCCS268. Age or occupational specialization: animal husbandry [Note, identical to EA064]
[NA] Missing data (0)
[1] Junior age (4)
[2] Senior age (0)
[3] Craft (1)
[4] Industrial (0)
[9] Most adults (102)
[10] Activity is absent (56)
SCCS269. Age or occupational specialization: agriculture [Note, identical to EA065]
[NA] Missing data (2)
[1] Junior age (0)
[2] Senior age (0)
[3] Craft (1)
[4] Industrial (0)
[9] Most adults (133)
[10] Activity is absent (43)
SCCS270. Class differentiation: primary [Note, identical to EA066]
[NA] Missing data (0)
[1] Absence of distinctions (76)
[2] Wealth distinctions (45)
[3] Elite stratification (3)
[4] Dual stratification (37)
[5] Complex stratification (25)
SCCS271. Class differentiation: secondary features [Note, identical to EA067]
[NA] Missing data (0)
[1] Absence of distinctions (0)
[2] Wealth distinctions (3)
[3] Elite stratification (4)
[4] Dual stratification (4)
[5] Complex stratification (2)
[9] No secondary type (173)
SCCS272. Caste differentiation: primary [Note, identical to EA068]
[NA] Missing data (0)
[1] Absence of distinctions (153)
[2] Despised occupation groups (18)
[3] Ethnic stratification (3)
[4] Complex caste stratification (7)
SCCS273. Caste differentiation: secondary features [Note, identical to EA069]
[NA] Missing data (0)
[1] Absence of distinctions (0)
[2] Despised occupation groups (1)
[3] Ethnic stratification (1)
[4] Complex caste stratification (0)
[9] No secondary type (179)
SCCS274. Slavery: type [Note, identical to EA070]
[NA] Missing data (0)
[1] Absence of slavery (100)
[2] Slavery, nonhereditary (27)
[3] Slavery, no info on heritability (9)
[4] Slavery, hereditary (44)
SCCS275. Slavery: timing [Note, identical to EA071]
[NA] Missing data (0)
[1] Slavery never practiced (100)
[2] Past slavery (50)
[3] Past and present slavery (30)
SCCS276. Political succession [Note, identical to EA072]
[NA] Missing data (0)
[1] Patrilineal heir (59)
[2] Matrilineal heir (17)
[3] Nonhered: appointed by auth. (5)
[4] Nonhered: seniority (7)
[5] Nonhered: influence (9)
[6] Nonhered: election (24)
[7] Nonhered: inf. consensus (23)
[9] Absence of office (19)
SCCS277. Political succession: hereditary succession [Note, identical to EA073]
[NA] Missing data (0)
[1] Son (44)
[2] Patrilineal heir (15)
[3] Sister's son (8)
[4] Matrilineal heir (9)
[5] Nonhereditary (68)
[9] Absence of office (19)
SCCS278. Inheritance rule for real property (land) [Note, identical to EA074]
[NA] Missing data (4)
[1] No inher. of real property (59)
[2] Matrilineal by sister's sons (3)
[3] Matrilineal by heirs (10)
[4] Children, less for daughters (12)
[5] Children (9)
[6] Patrilineal by heirs (8)
[7] Patrilineal by sons (54)
SCCS279. Inheritance rule for movable property [Note, identical to EA076]
[NA] Missing data (1)
[1] No inher. of mov. property (21)
[2] Matrilineal by sister's sons (5)
[3] Matrilineal by heirs (9)
[4] Children, less for daughters (14)
[5] Children (22)
[6] Patrilineal by heirs (9)
[7] Patrilineal by sons (72)
SCCS280. Inheritance distribution for real property (land) [Note, identical to EA075]
[NA] Missing data (7)
[1] Equally distributed (54)
[2] Best qualified (6)
[3] Ultimogeniture (4)
[4] Primogeniture (28)
[9] No inher. of real property (59)
SCCS281. Inheritance distribution for movable property [Note, identical to EA077]
[NA] Missing data (3)
[1] Equally distributed (86)
[2] Best qualified (6)
[3] Ultimogeniture (5)
[4] Primogeniture (27)
[9] No inher. of mov. property (21)
SCCS282. Norms of premarital sexual behavior of girls [Note, identical to EA078]
[NA] Missing data (0)
[1] Precluded by early marriage (13)
[2] Prohibited, strongly sanctioned (38)
[3] Prohibited but weakly sanctioned (37)
[4] Permitted, sanction if pregnancy (16)
[5] Trial marriage (5)
[6] Permitted, no sanctions (37)
SCCS283. House construction: ground plan [Note, identical to EA079]
[NA] Missing data (4)
[1] Semicircular (1)
[2] Circular (58)
[3] Elliptical (6)
[4] Polygonal (0)
[5] Rectangular (108)
[6] Quadrangular around interior (9)
SCCS284. House construction: floor level [Note, identical to EA080]
[NA] Missing data (0)
[1] Subterranean (13)
[2] Floor level with ground (138)
[3] Elevated slightly (12)
[4] Raised substantially (18)
SCCS285. House construction: wall material [Note, identical to EA081]
[NA] Missing data (0)
[1] Stone, stucco or brick (12)
[2] Plaster, clay or similar (19)
[3] Wood, incl. bamboo (35)
[4] Bark (1)
[5] Hides or skins (1)
[6] Fabric (6)
[7] Mats (17)
[8] Grass, leaves or thatch (14)
[9] Adobe, clay or brick (17)
[10] Open walls (6)
[11] Walls not diff. from roof (48)
SCCS286. House construction: shape of roof [Note, identical to EA082]
[NA] Missing data (0)
[1] Rounded or semi-cylindrical (10)
[2] Hemispherical (20)
[3] Beehive shaped (7)
[4] Conical (33)
[5] Semi-hemispherical (2)
[6] One slope (6)
[7] Flat (14)
[8] Two slopes (69)
[9] Four slopes (15)
SCCS287. House construction: roofing materials [Note, identical to EA083]
[NA] Missing data (0)
[1] Stone or slate (0)
[2] Plaster, clay or similar (3)
[3] Wood, incl. bamboo (10)
[4] Bark (6)
[5] Hides or skins (5)
[6] Fabric (5)
[7] Mats (9)
[8] Grass, leaves or thatch (118)
[9] Earth or turf (18)
[10] Ice or snow (1)
[11] Tile or fired brick (2)
SCCS288. House construction (secondary house type): ground plan [Note, identical to EA084]
[NA] Missing data (1)
[1] Semicircular (2)
[2] Circular (18)
[3] Elliptical (3)
[4] Polygonal (0)
[5] Rectangular (38)
[6] Quadrangular around interior (7)
SCCS289. House construction (secondary house type): floor level [Note, identical to EA085]
[NA] Missing data (0)
[1] Subterranean (1)
[2] Floor level with ground (50)
[3] Elevated slightly (8)
[4] Raised substantially (8)
SCCS290. House construction (secondary house type): wall material [Note, identical to EA086]
[NA] Missing data (0)
[1] Stone, stucco or brick (8)
[2] Plaster, clay or similar (5)
[3] Wood, incl. bamboo (10)
[4] Bark (3)
[5] Hides or skins (0)
[6] Fabric (2)
[7] Mats (3)
[8] Grass, leaves or thatch (3)
[9] Adobe, clay or brick (8)
[10] Open walls (3)
[11] Walls not diff. from roof (16)
SCCS291. House construction (secondary house type): shape of roof [Note, identical to EA087]
[NA] Missing data (0)
[1] Rounded or semi-cylindrical (0)
[2] Hemispherical (1)
[3] Beehive shaped (0)
[4] Conical (16)
[5] Semi-hemispherical (2)
[6] One slope (2)
[7] Flat (7)
[8] Two slopes (31)
[9] Four slopes (8)
SCCS292. House construction (secondary house type): roofing materials [Note, identical to EA088]
[NA] Missing data (0)
[1] Stone or slate (0)
[2] Plaster, clay or similar (1)
[3] Wood, incl. bamboo (3)
[4] Bark (1)
[5] Hides or skins (5)
[6] Fabric (2)
[7] Mats (4)
[8] Grass, leaves or thatch (42)
[9] Earth or turf (5)
[10] Ice or snow (0)
[11] Tile or fired brick (3)
SCCS293. Duration of Early Childhood
[NA] NA (7)
[1] Short: 7 yrs old (87)
[2] Medium: 9 yrs old (36)
[3] Long: 11 or more yrs (56)
SCCS294. Fortitude: Early Boy
[NA] NA (46)
[2] (2 of 10) (17)
[3] (3 of 10) (16)
[4] (4 of 10) (11)
[5] moderately strong inculcation (5 of 10) (61)
[6] (6 of 10) (24)
[7] (7 of 10) (3)
[8] (8 of 10) (6)
[9] (9 of 10) (2)
SCCS295. Fortitude: Early Girl
[NA] NA (55)
[1] (1 of 10) (1)
[2] (2 of 10) (19)
[3] (3 of 10) (17)
[4] (4 of 10) (13)
[5] moderately strong inculcation (5 of 10) (60)
[6] (6 of 10) (15)
[7] (7 of 10) (1)
[8] (8 of 10) (3)
[9] (9 of 10) (2)
SCCS296. Fortitude: Late Boy
[NA] NA (31)
[2] (2 of 10) (3)
[3] (3 of 10) (5)
[4] (4 of 10) (10)
[5] moderately strong inculcation (5 of 10) (40)
[6] (6 of 10) (49)
[7] (7 of 10) (14)
[8] (8 of 10) (24)
[9] (9 of 10) (8)
[10] extremely strong inculcation (10 of 10) (2)
SCCS297. Fortitude: Late Girl
[NA] NA (41)
[2] (2 of 10) (5)
[3] (3 of 10) (11)
[4] (4 of 10) (9)
[5] moderately strong inculcation (5 of 10) (50)
[6] (6 of 10) (44)
[7] (7 of 10) (12)
[8] (8 of 10) (12)
[9] (9 of 10) (2)
SCCS298. Aggression: Early Boy
[NA] NA (53)
[1] (1 of 10) (6)
[2] (2 of 10) (25)
[3] (3 of 10) (14)
[4] (4 of 10) (7)
[5] moderately strong inculcation (5 of 10) (40)
[6] (6 of 10) (28)
[7] (7 of 10) (1)
[8] (8 of 10) (8)
[9] (9 of 10) (3)
[10] extremely strong inculcation (10 of 10) (1)
SCCS299. Aggression: Early Girl
[NA] NA (68)
[1] (1 of 10) (7)
[2] (2 of 10) (30)
[3] (3 of 10) (15)
[4] (4 of 10) (10)
[5] moderately strong inculcation (5 of 10) (30)
[6] (6 of 10) (17)
[7] (7 of 10) (2)
[8] (8 of 10) (5)
[9] (9 of 10) (1)
[10] extremely strong inculcation (10 of 10) (1)
SCCS300. Aggression: Late Boy
[NA] NA (38)
[1] (1 of 10) (4)
[2] (2 of 10) (9)
[3] (3 of 10) (11)
[4] (4 of 10) (9)
[5] moderately strong inculcation (5 of 10) (40)
[6] (6 of 10) (43)
[7] (7 of 10) (5)
[8] (8 of 10) (19)
[9] (9 of 10) (6)
[10] extremely strong inculcation (10 of 10) (2)
SCCS301. Aggression: Late Girl
[NA] NA (58)
[1] (1 of 10) (5)
[2] (2 of 10) (16)
[3] (3 of 10) (17)
[4] (4 of 10) (10)
[5] moderately strong inculcation (5 of 10) (37)
[6] (6 of 10) (26)
[7] (7 of 10) (5)
[8] (8 of 10) (10)
[9] (9 of 10) (1)
[10] extremely strong inculcation (10 of 10) (1)
SCCS302. Competitiveness: Early Boy
[NA] NA (75)
[0] no inculcation, or opposite trait (0 of 10) (6)
[2] (2 of 10) (21)
[3] (3 of 10) (15)
[4] (4 of 10) (9)
[5] moderately strong inculcation (5 of 10) (38)
[6] (6 of 10) (18)
[7] (7 of 10) (2)
[9] (9 of 10) (2)
SCCS303. Competitiveness: Early Girl
[NA] NA (80)
[0] no inculcation, or opposite trait (0 of 10) (6)
[2] (2 of 10) (21)
[3] (3 of 10) (15)
[4] (4 of 10) (9)
[5] moderately strong inculcation (5 of 10) (35)
[6] (6 of 10) (18)
[7] (7 of 10) (1)
[9] (9 of 10) (1)
SCCS304. Competitiveness: Late Boy
[NA] NA (51)
[0] no inculcation, or opposite trait (0 of 10) (5)
[2] (2 of 10) (15)
[3] (3 of 10) (18)
[4] (4 of 10) (9)
[5] moderately strong inculcation (5 of 10) (42)
[6] (6 of 10) (30)
[7] (7 of 10) (2)
[8] (8 of 10) (11)
[9] (9 of 10) (3)
SCCS305. Competitiveness: Late Girl
[NA] NA (60)
[0] no inculcation, or opposite trait (0 of 10) (5)
[2] (2 of 10) (17)
[3] (3 of 10) (16)
[4] (4 of 10) (10)
[5] moderately strong inculcation (5 of 10) (44)
[6] (6 of 10) (25)
[7] (7 of 10) (1)
[8] (8 of 10) (7)
[9] (9 of 10) (1)
SCCS306. Self-reliance: Early Boy
[NA] NA (31)
[0] no inculcation, or opposite trait (0 of 10) (1)
[1] (1 of 10) (7)
[2] (2 of 10) (39)
[3] (3 of 10) (27)
[4] (4 of 10) (9)
[5] moderately strong inculcation (5 of 10) (42)
[6] (6 of 10) (16)
[7] (7 of 10) (2)
[8] (8 of 10) (10)
[9] (9 of 10) (2)
SCCS307. Self-reliance: Early Girl
[NA] NA (33)
[0] no inculcation, or opposite trait (0 of 10) (2)
[1] (1 of 10) (8)
[2] (2 of 10) (48)
[3] (3 of 10) (29)
[4] (4 of 10) (11)
[5] moderately strong inculcation (5 of 10) (35)
[6] (6 of 10) (12)
[7] (7 of 10) (4)
[8] (8 of 10) (4)
SCCS308. Self-reliance: Late Boy
[NA] NA (26)
[1] (1 of 10) (4)
[2] (2 of 10) (6)
[3] (3 of 10) (5)
[4] (4 of 10) (5)
[5] moderately strong inculcation (5 of 10) (34)
[6] (6 of 10) (39)
[7] (7 of 10) (6)
[8] (8 of 10) (49)
[9] (9 of 10) (11)
[10] extremely strong inculcation (10 of 10) (1)
SCCS309. Self-reliance: Late Girl
[NA] NA (33)
[0] no inculcation, or opposite trait (0 of 10) (1)
[1] (1 of 10) (5)
[2] (2 of 10) (10)
[3] (3 of 10) (15)
[4] (4 of 10) (10)
[5] moderately strong inculcation (5 of 10) (48)
[6] (6 of 10) (34)
[7] (7 of 10) (6)
[8] (8 of 10) (19)
[9] (9 of 10) (4)
[10] extremely strong inculcation (10 of 10) (1)
SCCS310. Achievement: Early Boy
[NA] NA (40)
[0] no inculcation, or opposite trait (0 of 10) (1)
[1] (1 of 10) (3)
[2] (2 of 10) (49)
[3] (3 of 10) (23)
[4] (4 of 10) (4)
[5] moderately strong inculcation (5 of 10) (44)
[6] (6 of 10) (17)
[7] (7 of 10) (1)
[8] (8 of 10) (3)
[9] (9 of 10) (1)
SCCS311. Achievement: Early Girl
[NA] NA (50)
[0] no inculcation, or opposite trait (0 of 10) (1)
[1] (1 of 10) (2)
[2] (2 of 10) (49)
[3] (3 of 10) (24)
[4] (4 of 10) (4)
[5] moderately strong inculcation (5 of 10) (36)
[6] (6 of 10) (17)
[7] (7 of 10) (1)
[8] (8 of 10) (2)
SCCS312. Achievement: Late Boy
[NA] NA (24)
[1] (1 of 10) (1)
[2] (2 of 10) (14)
[3] (3 of 10) (16)
[4] (4 of 10) (8)
[5] moderately strong inculcation (5 of 10) (46)
[6] (6 of 10) (47)
[7] (7 of 10) (3)
[8] (8 of 10) (22)
[9] (9 of 10) (5)
SCCS313. Achievement: Late Girl
[NA] NA (34)
[1] (1 of 10) (2)
[2] (2 of 10) (7)
[3] (3 of 10) (16)
[4] (4 of 10) (8)
[5] moderately strong inculcation (5 of 10) (50)
[6] (6 of 10) (45)
[7] (7 of 10) (4)
[8] (8 of 10) (18)
[9] (9 of 10) (2)
SCCS314. Industry: Early Boy
[NA] NA (20)
[0] no inculcation, or opposite trait (0 of 10) (4)
[1] (1 of 10) (10)
[2] (2 of 10) (83)
[3] (3 of 10) (28)
[4] (4 of 10) (14)
[5] moderately strong inculcation (5 of 10) (20)
[6] (6 of 10) (6)
[8] (8 of 10) (1)
SCCS315. Industry: Early Girl
[NA] NA (21)
[0] no inculcation, or opposite trait (0 of 10) (3)
[1] (1 of 10) (3)
[2] (2 of 10) (62)
[3] (3 of 10) (35)
[4] (4 of 10) (13)
[5] moderately strong inculcation (5 of 10) (35)
[6] (6 of 10) (14)
SCCS316. Industry: Late Boy
[NA] NA (11)
[1] (1 of 10) (1)
[2] (2 of 10) (10)
[3] (3 of 10) (17)
[4] (4 of 10) (16)
[5] moderately strong inculcation (5 of 10) (69)
[6] (6 of 10) (37)
[7] (7 of 10) (3)
[8] (8 of 10) (19)
[9] (9 of 10) (3)
SCCS317. Industry: Late Girl
[NA] NA (11)
[2] (2 of 10) (4)
[3] (3 of 10) (11)
[4] (4 of 10) (6)
[5] moderately strong inculcation (5 of 10) (41)
[6] (6 of 10) (63)
[7] (7 of 10) (8)
[8] (8 of 10) (38)
[9] (9 of 10) (4)
SCCS318. Responsibility: Early Boy
[NA] NA (35)
[0] no inculcation, or opposite trait (0 of 10) (11)
[1] (1 of 10) (8)
[2] (2 of 10) (73)
[3] (3 of 10) (23)
[4] (4 of 10) (6)
[5] moderately strong inculcation (5 of 10) (21)
[6] (6 of 10) (8)
[8] (8 of 10) (1)
SCCS319. Responsibility: Early Girl
[NA] NA (36)
[0] no inculcation, or opposite trait (0 of 10) (4)
[1] (1 of 10) (5)
[2] (2 of 10) (63)
[3] (3 of 10) (32)
[4] (4 of 10) (5)
[5] moderately strong inculcation (5 of 10) (33)
[6] (6 of 10) (7)
[8] (8 of 10) (1)
SCCS320. Responsibility: Late Boy
[NA] NA (25)
[0] no inculcation, or opposite trait (0 of 10) (3)
[2] (2 of 10) (15)
[3] (3 of 10) (20)
[4] (4 of 10) (15)
[5] moderately strong inculcation (5 of 10) (49)
[6] (6 of 10) (37)
[7] (7 of 10) (2)
[8] (8 of 10) (19)
[9] (9 of 10) (1)
SCCS321. Responsibility: Late Girl
[NA] NA (28)
[2] (2 of 10) (3)
[3] (3 of 10) (11)
[4] (4 of 10) (12)
[5] moderately strong inculcation (5 of 10) (50)
[6] (6 of 10) (51)
[7] (7 of 10) (3)
[8] (8 of 10) (28)
SCCS322. Obedience: Early Boy
[NA] NA (26)
[0] no inculcation, or opposite trait (0 of 10) (2)
[1] (1 of 10) (3)
[2] (2 of 10) (27)
[3] (3 of 10) (11)
[4] (4 of 10) (14)
[5] moderately strong inculcation (5 of 10) (45)
[6] (6 of 10) (27)
[7] (7 of 10) (2)
[8] (8 of 10) (22)
[9] (9 of 10) (4)
[10] extremely strong inculcation (10 of 10) (3)
SCCS323. Obedience: Early Girl
[NA] NA (25)
[1] (1 of 10) (3)
[2] (2 of 10) (23)
[3] (3 of 10) (13)
[4] (4 of 10) (11)
[5] moderately strong inculcation (5 of 10) (44)
[6] (6 of 10) (31)
[7] (7 of 10) (2)
[8] (8 of 10) (25)
[9] (9 of 10) (5)
[10] extremely strong inculcation (10 of 10) (4)
SCCS324. Obedience: Late Boy
[NA] NA (24)
[0] no inculcation, or opposite trait (0 of 10) (1)
[1] (1 of 10) (1)
[2] (2 of 10) (15)
[3] (3 of 10) (10)
[4] (4 of 10) (12)
[5] moderately strong inculcation (5 of 10) (45)
[6] (6 of 10) (33)
[7] (7 of 10) (2)
[8] (8 of 10) (32)
[9] (9 of 10) (8)
[10] extremely strong inculcation (10 of 10) (3)
SCCS325. Obedience: Late Girl
[NA] NA (24)
[2] (2 of 10) (10)
[3] (3 of 10) (10)
[4] (4 of 10) (11)
[5] moderately strong inculcation (5 of 10) (45)
[6] (6 of 10) (36)
[7] (7 of 10) (3)
[8] (8 of 10) (32)
[9] (9 of 10) (11)
[10] extremely strong inculcation (10 of 10) (4)
SCCS326. Self-restraint: Early Boy
[NA] NA (52)
[1] (1 of 10) (6)
[2] (2 of 10) (38)
[3] (3 of 10) (35)
[4] (4 of 10) (5)
[5] moderately strong inculcation (5 of 10) (29)
[6] (6 of 10) (13)
[8] (8 of 10) (8)
SCCS327. Self-restraint: Early Girl
[NA] NA (53)
[1] (1 of 10) (7)
[2] (2 of 10) (32)
[3] (3 of 10) (31)
[4] (4 of 10) (7)
[5] moderately strong inculcation (5 of 10) (34)
[6] (6 of 10) (14)
[8] (8 of 10) (7)
[9] (9 of 10) (1)
SCCS328. Self-restraint: Late Boy
[NA] NA (51)
[1] (1 of 10) (1)
[2] (2 of 10) (19)
[3] (3 of 10) (19)
[4] (4 of 10) (12)
[5] moderately strong inculcation (5 of 10) (35)
[6] (6 of 10) (26)
[7] (7 of 10) (2)
[8] (8 of 10) (20)
[9] (9 of 10) (1)
SCCS329. Self-restraint: Late Girl
[NA] NA (54)
[1] (1 of 10) (1)
[2] (2 of 10) (16)
[3] (3 of 10) (16)
[4] (4 of 10) (11)
[5] moderately strong inculcation (5 of 10) (45)
[6] (6 of 10) (26)
[7] (7 of 10) (1)
[8] (8 of 10) (13)
[9] (9 of 10) (3)
SCCS330. Sexual Restraint: Early Boy
[NA] NA (30)
[0] no inculcation, or opposite trait (0 of 10) (1)
[1] (1 of 10) (14)
[2] (2 of 10) (67)
[3] (3 of 10) (22)
[4] (4 of 10) (14)
[5] moderately strong inculcation (5 of 10) (30)
[6] (6 of 10) (7)
[8] (8 of 10) (1)
SCCS331. Sexual Restraint: Early Girl
[NA] NA (32)
[0] no inculcation, or opposite trait (0 of 10) (1)
[1] (1 of 10) (11)
[2] (2 of 10) (57)
[3] (3 of 10) (19)
[4] (4 of 10) (14)
[5] moderately strong inculcation (5 of 10) (32)
[6] (6 of 10) (14)
[7] (7 of 10) (1)
[8] (8 of 10) (5)
SCCS332. Sexual Restraint: Late Boy
[NA] NA (22)
[1] (1 of 10) (7)
[2] (2 of 10) (41)
[3] (3 of 10) (27)
[4] (4 of 10) (25)
[5] moderately strong inculcation (5 of 10) (41)
[6] (6 of 10) (15)
[7] (7 of 10) (2)
[8] (8 of 10) (6)
SCCS333. Sexual Restraint: Late Girl
[NA] NA (21)
[1] (1 of 10) (4)
[2] (2 of 10) (32)
[3] (3 of 10) (18)
[4] (4 of 10) (25)
[5] moderately strong inculcation (5 of 10) (24)
[6] (6 of 10) (27)
[7] (7 of 10) (6)
[8] (8 of 10) (18)
[9] (9 of 10) (5)
[10] extremely strong inculcation (10 of 10) (6)
SCCS334. Generosity
[NA] NA (82)
[1] (1 of 10) (1)
[2] (2 of 10) (4)
[3] (3 of 10) (6)
[4] (4 of 10) (4)
[5] moderately strong inculcation (5 of 10) (24)
[6] (6 of 10) (31)
[7] (7 of 10) (2)
[8] (8 of 10) (27)
[9] (9 of 10) (4)
[10] extremely strong inculcation (10 of 10) (1)
SCCS335. Trust
[NA] NA (48)
[0] no inculcation, or opposite trait (0 of 10) (1)
[1] (1 of 10) (6)
[2] (2 of 10) (19)
[3] (3 of 10) (5)
[4] (4 of 10) (15)
[5] moderately strong inculcation (5 of 10) (34)
[6] (6 of 10) (18)
[7] (7 of 10) (11)
[8] (8 of 10) (25)
[9] (9 of 10) (3)
[10] extremely strong inculcation (10 of 10) (1)
SCCS336. Honesty
[NA] NA (76)
[0] no inculcation, or opposite trait (0 of 10) (1)
[1] (1 of 10) (5)
[2] (2 of 10) (18)
[3] (3 of 10) (15)
[4] (4 of 10) (13)
[5] moderately strong inculcation (5 of 10) (28)
[6] (6 of 10) (15)
[7] (7 of 10) (5)
[8] (8 of 10) (8)
[9] (9 of 10) (1)
[10] extremely strong inculcation (10 of 10) (1)
SCCS337. Importance of Non-family Companions: Early Boy
[NA] NA (6)
[1] Parents predominantly (2)
[2] Siblings; not other children (11)
[3] Primarily siblings, secondarily other children (104)
[4] Primarily other children, secondarily siblings (45)
[5] Other children; not siblings (18)
SCCS338. Importance of Non-family Companions: Early Girl
[NA] NA (6)
[1] Parents predominantly (2)
[2] Siblings; not other children (12)
[3] Primarily siblings, secondarily other children (105)
[4] Primarily other children, secondarily siblings (44)
[5] Other children; not siblings (17)
SCCS339. Importance of Non-family Companions: Late Boy
[NA] NA (6)
[1] Parents predominantly (1)
[2] Siblings; not other children (3)
[3] Primarily siblings, secondarily other children (80)
[4] Primarily other children, secondarily siblings (47)
[5] Other children; not siblings (49)
SCCS340. Importance of Non-family Companions: Late Girl
[NA] NA (8)
[1] Parents predominantly (1)
[2] Siblings; not other children (8)
[3] Primarily siblings, secondarily other children (91)
[4] Primarily other children, secondarily siblings (37)
[5] Other children; not siblings (41)
SCCS341. Sex of Companions: Early Boy
[NA] NA (6)
[1] Male Exclusively (6)
[2] Male Predominantly (62)
[3] Both Sexes = (111)
[4] Female Predominantly (1)
SCCS342. Sex of Companions: Early Girl
[NA] NA (6)
[3] Both Sexes = (112)
[4] Female Predominantly (62)
[5] Female Exclusively (6)
SCCS343. Sex of Companions: Late Boy
[NA] NA (6)
[1] Male Exclusively (58)
[2] Male Predominantly (90)
[3] Both Sexes = (31)
[4] Female Predominantly (1)
SCCS344. Sex of Companions: Late Girl
[NA] NA (8)
[2] Male Predominantly (1)
[3] Both Sexes = (32)
[4] Female Predominantly (84)
[5] Female Exclusively (61)
SCCS345. Importance of Non-parent in Residence: Early Boy
[NA] NA (4)
[1] Exclusively parental (56)
[2] Single atypical or occasional category of non-parent (63)
[3] Two or more atypical or occasional categories (7)
[4] Single category that typical & frequent less imprtnt. parent (39)
[5] 2 or more categories, at least one of typical & frequent (14)
[6] More typical & frequent than parents (3)
SCCS346. Importance of Non-parent in Residence: Early Girl
[NA] NA (4)
[1] Exclusively parental (62)
[2] Single atypical or occasional category of non-parent (67)
[3] Two or more atypical or occasional categories (10)
[4] Single category that typical & frequent less imprtnt. parent (28)
[5] 2 or more categories, at least one of typical & frequent (12)
[6] More typical & frequent than parents (3)
SCCS347. Importance of Non-parent in Residence: Late Boy
[NA] NA (4)
[1] Exclusively parental (44)
[2] Single atypical or occasional category of non-parent (52)
[3] Two or more atypical or occasional categories (4)
[4] Single category that typical & frequent less imprtnt. parent (34)
[5] 2 or more categories, at least one of typical & frequent (19)
[6] More typical & frequent than parents (5)
[7] Exclusively non-parental (24)
SCCS348. Importance of Non-parent in Residence: Late Girl
[NA] NA (4)
[1] Exclusively parental (48)
[2] Single atypical or occasional category of non-parent (67)
[3] Two or more atypical or occasional categories (11)
[4] Single category that typical & frequent less imprtnt. parent (25)
[5] 2 or more categories, at least one of typical & frequent (14)
[6] More typical & frequent than parents (3)
[7] Exclusively non-parental (14)
SCCS349. Principal Category of Non-parental Agent: Early Boy
[NA] NA (60)
[1] Foster parent (100)
[3] Grandparent (7)
[4] Uncle (mother's brother only) (4)
[5] Relative (including father's brother) (10)
[6] Child (2)
[7] Nonrelative (3)
SCCS350. Principal Category of Non-parental Agent: Early Girl
[NA] NA (66)
[1] Foster parent (90)
[3] Grandparent (9)
[4] Uncle (mother's brother only) (2)
[5] Relative (including father's brother) (7)
[6] Child (3)
[7] Nonrelative (9)
SCCS351. Principal Category of Non-parental Agent: Late Boy
[NA] NA (48)
[1] Foster parent (77)
[3] Grandparent (4)
[4] Uncle (mother's brother only) (5)
[5] Relative (including father's brother) (15)
[6] Child (21)
[7] Nonrelative (12)
[9] Independence of child; no agent (4)
SCCS352. Principal Category of Non-parental Agent: Late Girl
[NA] NA (51)
[1] Foster parent (74)
[3] Grandparent (12)
[4] Uncle (mother's brother only) (2)
[5] Relative (including father's brother) (13)
[6] Child (10)
[7] Nonrelative (23)
[9] Independence of child; no agent (1)
SCCS353. Sex of Parents in Residence: Early Boy
[NA] NA (4)
[2] Male Predominantly (2)
[3] Both Sexes = (135)
[4] Female Predominantly (22)
[5] Female Exclusively (23)
SCCS354. Sex of Parents in Residence: Early Girl
[NA] NA (4)
[2] Male Predominantly (1)
[3] Both Sexes = (135)
[4] Female Predominantly (21)
[5] Female Exclusively (25)
SCCS355. Sex of Parents in Residence: Late Boy
[NA] NA (28)
[1] Male Exclusively (9)
[2] Male Predominantly (1)
[3] Both Sexes = (124)
[4] Female Predominantly (13)
[5] Female Exclusively (11)
SCCS356. Sex of Parents in Residence: Late Girl
[NA] NA (18)
[2] Male Predominantly (1)
[3] Both Sexes = (127)
[4] Female Predominantly (16)
[5] Female Exclusively (24)
SCCS357. Sex of Non-parents in Residence: Early Boy
[NA] NA (61)
[1] Male Exclusively (8)
[2] Male Predominantly (1)
[3] Both Sexes = (114)
[5] Female Exclusively (2)
SCCS358. Sex of Non-parents in Residence: Early Girl
[NA] NA (65)
[1] Male Exclusively (4)
[3] Both Sexes = (107)
[4] Female Predominantly (1)
[5] Female Exclusively (9)
SCCS359. Sex of Non-parents in Residence: Late Boy
[NA] NA (52)
[1] Male Exclusively (33)
[2] Male Predominantly (1)
[3] Both Sexes = (98)
[5] Female Exclusively (2)
SCCS360. Sex of Non-parents in Residence: Late Girl
[NA] NA (53)
[1] Male Exclusively (9)
[2] Male Predominantly (1)
[3] Both Sexes = (105)
[5] Female Exclusively (18)
SCCS361. Non-parental Involvement in Child Caring: Early Boy
[NA] NA (7)
[1] Exclusively parental (33)
[2] Single atypical or occasional category of non-parent (19)
[3] Two or more atypical or occasional categories (21)
[4] Single category that typical & frequent less imprtnt. parent (26)
[5] 2 or more categories, at least one of typical & frequent (57)
[6] More typical & frequent than parents (17)
[7] Exclusively non-parental (6)
SCCS362. Non-parental Involvement in Child Caring: Early Girl
[NA] NA (6)
[1] Exclusively parental (35)
[2] Single atypical or occasional category of non-parent (19)
[3] Two or more atypical or occasional categories (21)
[4] Single category that typical & frequent less imprtnt. parent (24)
[5] 2 or more categories, at least one of typical & frequent (59)
[6] More typical & frequent than parents (17)
[7] Exclusively non-parental (5)
SCCS363. Non-parental Involvement in Child Caring: Late Boy
[NA] NA (26)
[1] Exclusively parental (34)
[2] Single atypical or occasional category of non-parent (13)
[3] Two or more atypical or occasional categories (17)
[4] Single category that typical & frequent less imprtnt. parent (24)
[5] 2 or more categories, at least one of typical & frequent (35)
[6] More typical & frequent than parents (9)
[7] Exclusively non-parental (28)
SCCS364. Non-parental Involvement in Child Caring: Late Girl
[NA] NA (23)
[1] Exclusively parental (39)
[2] Single atypical or occasional category of non-parent (14)
[3] Two or more atypical or occasional categories (19)
[4] Single category that typical & frequent less imprtnt. parent (22)
[5] 2 or more categories, at least one of typical & frequent (41)
[6] More typical & frequent than parents (10)
[7] Exclusively non-parental (18)
SCCS365. Principal Category of Non-parental Caretaker: Early Boy
[NA] NA (40)
[2] Sibling (58)
[3] Grandparent (38)
[4] Uncle (mother's brother only) (4)
[5] Relative (including father's brother) (18)
[6] Child (4)
[7] Nonrelative (22)
[8] Teacher (1)
[9] Independence of child; no agent (1)
SCCS366. Principal Category of Non-parental Caretaker: Early Girl
[NA] NA (41)
[2] Sibling (59)
[3] Grandparent (39)
[4] Uncle (mother's brother only) (1)
[5] Relative (including father's brother) (17)
[6] Child (4)
[7] Nonrelative (24)
[9] Independence of child; no agent (1)
SCCS367. Principal Category of Non-parental Caretaker: Late Boy
[NA] NA (59)
[2] Sibling (40)
[3] Grandparent (26)
[4] Uncle (mother's brother only) (2)
[5] Relative (including father's brother) (13)
[6] Child (4)
[7] Nonrelative (18)
[8] Teacher (1)
[9] Independence of child; no agent (23)
SCCS368. Principal Category of Non-parental Caretaker: Late Girl
[NA] NA (63)
[2] Sibling (42)
[3] Grandparent (32)
[4] Uncle (mother's brother only) (2)
[5] Relative (including father's brother) (14)
[6] Child (2)
[7] Nonrelative (19)
[8] Teacher (1)
[9] Independence of child; no agent (11)
SCCS369. Sex of Parental Caretakers: Early Boy
[NA] NA (13)
[1] Male Exclusively (1)
[2] Male Predominantly (4)
[3] Both Sexes = (26)
[4] Female Predominantly (38)
[5] Female Exclusively (104)
SCCS370. Sex of Parental Caretakers: Early Girl
[NA] NA (11)
[1] Male Exclusively (2)
[2] Male Predominantly (2)
[3] Both Sexes = (25)
[4] Female Predominantly (29)
[5] Female Exclusively (117)
SCCS371. Sex of Parental Caretakers: Late Boy
[NA] NA (54)
[1] Male Exclusively (11)
[2] Male Predominantly (3)
[3] Both Sexes = (17)
[4] Female Predominantly (22)
[5] Female Exclusively (79)
SCCS372. Sex of Parental Caretakers: Late Girl
[NA] NA (41)
[1] Male Exclusively (2)
[2] Male Predominantly (1)
[3] Both Sexes = (17)
[4] Female Predominantly (22)
[5] Female Exclusively (103)
SCCS373. Sex of Principal Non-parental Caretakers: Early Boy
[NA] NA (41)
[1] Male Exclusively (5)
[2] Male Predominantly (4)
[3] Both Sexes = (59)
[4] Female Predominantly (12)
[5] Female Exclusively (65)
SCCS374. Sex of Principal Non-parental Caretakers: Early Girl
[NA] NA (42)
[1] Male Exclusively (2)
[2] Male Predominantly (2)
[3] Both Sexes = (54)
[4] Female Predominantly (11)
[5] Female Exclusively (75)
SCCS375. Sex of Principal Non-parental Caretakers: Late Boy
[NA] NA (83)
[1] Male Exclusively (11)
[2] Male Predominantly (1)
[3] Both Sexes = (43)
[4] Female Predominantly (7)
[5] Female Exclusively (41)
SCCS376. Sex of Principal Non-parental Caretakers: Late Girl
[NA] NA (75)
[1] Male Exclusively (3)
[2] Male Predominantly (1)
[3] Both Sexes = (42)
[4] Female Predominantly (6)
[5] Female Exclusively (59)
SCCS377. Non-parental Involvement in Authority: Early Boy
[NA] NA (11)
[1] Exclusively parental (61)
[2] Single atypical or occasional category of non-parent (13)
[3] Two or more atypical or occasional categories of non-parent (8)
[4] Single category typical & frequent but less important parent (45)
[5] 2 or more categories, 1 typical & frequent,not imprtn parent (34)
[6] More typical & frequent than parents (11)
[7] Exclusively non-parental (3)
SCCS378. Non-parental Involvement in Authority: Early Girl
[NA] NA (10)
[1] Exclusively parental (67)
[2] Single atypical or occasional category of non-parent (15)
[3] Two or more atypical or occasional categories of non-parent (10)
[4] Single category typical & frequent but less important parent (42)
[5] 2 or more categories, 1 typical & frequent,not imprtn parent (30)
[6] More typical & frequent than parents (9)
[7] Exclusively non-parental (3)
SCCS379. Non-parental Involvement in Authority: Late Boy
[NA] NA (14)
[1] Exclusively parental (49)
[2] Single atypical or occasional category of non-parent (12)
[3] Two or more atypical or occasional categories of non-parent (5)
[4] Single category typical & frequent but less important parent (38)
[5] 2 or more categories, 1 typical & frequent,not imprtn parent (33)
[6] More typical & frequent than parents (10)
[7] Exclusively non-parental (25)
SCCS380. Non-parental Involvement in Authority: Late Girl
[NA] NA (10)
[1] Exclusively parental (62)
[2] Single atypical or occasional category of non-parent (13)
[3] Two or more atypical or occasional categories of non-parent (9)
[4] Single category typical & frequent but less important parent (41)
[5] 2 or more categories, 1 typical & frequent,not imprtn parent (28)
[6] More typical & frequent than parents (7)
[7] Exclusively non-parental (16)
SCCS381. Principal Non-parental Authority Figures: Early Boy
[NA] NA (72)
[2] Sibling (33)
[3] Grandparent (26)
[4] Uncle (mother's brother only) (17)
[5] Relative (including father's brother) (24)
[6] Child (3)
[7] Nonrelative (9)
[8] Teacher (1)
[9] Independence of child; no agent (1)
SCCS382. Principal Non-parental Authority Figures: Early Girl
[NA] NA (77)
[2] Sibling (34)
[3] Grandparent (28)
[4] Uncle (mother's brother only) (12)
[5] Relative (including father's brother) (23)
[6] Child (1)
[7] Nonrelative (9)
[8] Teacher (1)
[9] Independence of child; no agent (1)
SCCS383. Principal Non-parental Authority Figures: Late Boy
[NA] NA (63)
[2] Sibling (32)
[3] Grandparent (22)
[4] Uncle (mother's brother only) (15)
[5] Relative (including father's brother) (19)
[6] Child (9)
[7] Nonrelative (17)
[8] Teacher (7)
[9] Independence of child; no agent (2)
SCCS384. Principal Non-parental Authority Figures: Late Girl
[NA] NA (72)
[2] Sibling (32)
[3] Grandparent (26)
[4] Uncle (mother's brother only) (8)
[5] Relative (including father's brother) (22)
[6] Child (4)
[7] Nonrelative (15)
[8] Teacher (5)
[9] Independence of child; no agent (2)
SCCS385. Sex of Parental Authority Figures: Early Boy
[NA] NA (14)
[1] Male Exclusively (36)
[2] Male Predominantly (66)
[3] Both Sexes = (55)
[4] Female Predominantly (8)
[5] Female Exclusively (7)
SCCS386. Sex of Parental Authority Figures: Early Girl
[NA] NA (13)
[1] Male Exclusively (17)
[2] Male Predominantly (58)
[3] Both Sexes = (59)
[4] Female Predominantly (20)
[5] Female Exclusively (19)
SCCS387. Sex of Parental Authority Figures: Late Boy
[NA] NA (39)
[1] Male Exclusively (43)
[2] Male Predominantly (53)
[3] Both Sexes = (43)
[4] Female Predominantly (3)
[5] Female Exclusively (5)
SCCS388. Sex of Parental Authority Figures: Late Girl
[NA] NA (26)
[1] Male Exclusively (17)
[2] Male Predominantly (50)
[3] Both Sexes = (52)
[4] Female Predominantly (20)
[5] Female Exclusively (21)
SCCS389. Sex of Principal Non-parental Authority Figures: Early Boy
[NA] NA (73)
[1] Male Exclusively (66)
[2] Male Predominantly (4)
[3] Both Sexes = (37)
[4] Female Predominantly (2)
[5] Female Exclusively (4)
SCCS390. Sex of Principal Non-parental Authority Figures: Early Girl
[NA] NA (78)
[1] Male Exclusively (48)
[2] Male Predominantly (5)
[3] Both Sexes = (35)
[4] Female Predominantly (2)
[5] Female Exclusively (18)
SCCS391. Sex of Principal Non-parental Authority Figures: Late Boy
[NA] NA (65)
[1] Male Exclusively (80)
[2] Male Predominantly (6)
[3] Both Sexes = (29)
[4] Female Predominantly (2)
[5] Female Exclusively (4)
SCCS392. Sex of Principal Non-parental Authority Figures: Late Girl
[NA] NA (78)
[1] Male Exclusively (38)
[2] Male Predominantly (5)
[3] Both Sexes = (31)
[4] Female Predominantly (4)
[5] Female Exclusively (30)
SCCS393. Non-parental Involvement in Discipline: Early Boy
[NA] NA (110)
[1] Exclusivley parental (34)
[2] Single atypical or occasional category of non-parent (2)
[3] 2 or more atypical or occasional categories of non-parent (3)
[4] Single category typical & frequent but less impt than parent (12)
[5] 2 or more categories, least one of typical & frequent (14)
[6] More typical & frequent than parents (3)
[7] Exclusively non-parental (8)
SCCS394. Non-parental Involvement in Discipline: Early Girl
[NA] NA (112)
[1] Exclusivley parental (32)
[2] Single atypical or occasional category of non-parent (3)
[3] 2 or more atypical or occasional categories of non-parent (2)
[4] Single category typical & frequent but less impt than parent (11)
[5] 2 or more categories, least one of typical & frequent (13)
[6] More typical & frequent than parents (3)
[7] Exclusively non-parental (10)
SCCS395. Non-parental Involvement in Discipline: Late Boy
[NA] NA (109)
[1] Exclusivley parental (25)
[2] Single atypical or occasional category of non-parent (2)
[3] 2 or more atypical or occasional categories of non-parent (3)
[4] Single category typical & frequent but less impt than parent (18)
[5] 2 or more categories, least one of typical & frequent (12)
[6] More typical & frequent than parents (4)
[7] Exclusively non-parental (13)
SCCS396. Non-parental Involvement in Discipline: Late Girl
[NA] NA (113)
[1] Exclusivley parental (28)
[2] Single atypical or occasional category of non-parent (6)
[3] 2 or more atypical or occasional categories of non-parent (2)
[4] Single category typical & frequent but less impt than parent (14)
[5] 2 or more categories, least one of typical & frequent (8)
[6] More typical & frequent than parents (3)
[7] Exclusively non-parental (12)
SCCS397. Principal Non-parental Disciplinarians: Early Boy
[NA] NA (144)
[2] Sibling (12)
[3] Grandparent (6)
[4] Uncle (mother's brother only) (4)
[5] Relative (including father's brother) (5)
[6] Child (2)
[7] Nonrelative (8)
[8] Teacher (2)
[9] Independence of child; no agent (3)
SCCS398. Principal Non-parental Disciplinarians: Early Girl
[NA] NA (144)
[2] Sibling (13)
[3] Grandparent (7)
[4] Uncle (mother's brother only) (3)
[5] Relative (including father's brother) (5)
[6] Child (2)
[7] Nonrelative (7)
[8] Teacher (2)
[9] Independence of child; no agent (3)
SCCS399. Principal Non-parental Disciplinarians: Late Boy
[NA] NA (134)
[2] Sibling (10)
[3] Grandparent (6)
[4] Uncle (mother's brother only) (3)
[5] Relative (including father's brother) (5)
[6] Child (7)
[7] Nonrelative (9)
[8] Teacher (9)
[9] Independence of child; no agent (3)
SCCS400. Principal Non-parental Disciplinarians: Late Girl
[NA] NA (141)
[2] Sibling (13)
[3] Grandparent (5)
[4] Uncle (mother's brother only) (3)
[5] Relative (including father's brother) (5)
[6] Child (1)
[7] Nonrelative (10)
[8] Teacher (5)
[9] Independence of child; no agent (3)
SCCS401. Sex of Parental Disciplinarians: Early Boy
[NA] NA (118)
[1] Male Exclusively (18)
[2] Male Predominantly (9)
[3] Both Sexes = (21)
[4] Female Predominantly (6)
[5] Female Exclusively (14)
SCCS402. Sex of Parental Disciplinarians: Early Girl
[NA] NA (122)
[1] Male Exclusively (8)
[2] Male Predominantly (7)
[3] Both Sexes = (21)
[4] Female Predominantly (7)
[5] Female Exclusively (21)
SCCS403. Sex of Parental Disciplinarians: Late Boy
[NA] NA (122)
[1] Male Exclusively (24)
[2] Male Predominantly (8)
[3] Both Sexes = (18)
[4] Female Predominantly (2)
[5] Female Exclusively (12)
SCCS404. Sex of Parental Disciplinarians: Late Girl
[NA] NA (125)
[1] Male Exclusively (7)
[2] Male Predominantly (6)
[3] Both Sexes = (18)
[4] Female Predominantly (7)
[5] Female Exclusively (23)
SCCS405. Sex of Principal Non-parental Disciplinarians: Early Boys
[NA] NA (147)
[1] Male Exclusively (13)
[2] Male Predominantly (1)
[3] Both Sexes = (20)
[5] Female Exclusively (5)
SCCS406. Sex of Principal Non-parental Disciplinarians: Early Girls
[NA] NA (147)
[1] Male Exclusively (7)
[3] Both Sexes = (21)
[4] Female Predominantly (1)
[5] Female Exclusively (10)
SCCS407. Sex of Principal Non-parental Disciplinarians: Late Boys
[NA] NA (137)
[1] Male Exclusively (24)
[2] Male Predominantly (1)
[3] Both Sexes = (20)
[5] Female Exclusively (4)
SCCS408. Sex of Principal Non-parental Disciplinarians: Late Girls
[NA] NA (144)
[1] Male Exclusively (9)
[3] Both Sexes = (21)
[5] Female Exclusively (12)
SCCS409. Non-parental Involvement in Education: Early Boys
[NA] NA (10)
[1] Exclusively parental (36)
[2] Single atypical or occasional category on non-parent (18)
[3] Two or more atypical or occasional categories of non-parent (7)
[4] Single category typical & frequent less important than paren (26)
[5] 2 or more, 1 may be typical & frequent less than parents (46)
[6] More typical & frequent than parents (30)
[7] Exclusively non-parental (13)
SCCS410. Non-parental Involvement in Education: Early Girls
[NA] NA (10)
[1] Exclusively parental (51)
[2] Single atypical or occasional category on non-parent (16)
[3] Two or more atypical or occasional categories of non-parent (10)
[4] Single category typical & frequent less important than paren (30)
[5] 2 or more, 1 may be typical & frequent less than parents (42)
[6] More typical & frequent than parents (21)
[7] Exclusively non-parental (6)
SCCS411. Non-parental Involvement in Education: Late Boys
[NA] NA (9)
[1] Exclusively parental (23)
[2] Single atypical or occasional category on non-parent (16)
[3] Two or more atypical or occasional categories of non-parent (7)
[4] Single category typical & frequent less important than paren (31)
[5] 2 or more, 1 may be typical & frequent less than parents (50)
[6] More typical & frequent than parents (29)
[7] Exclusively non-parental (21)
SCCS412. Non-parental Involvement in Education: Late Girls
[NA] NA (9)
[1] Exclusively parental (53)
[2] Single atypical or occasional category on non-parent (16)
[3] Two or more atypical or occasional categories of non-parent (7)
[4] Single category typical & frequent less important than paren (26)
[5] 2 or more, 1 may be typical & frequent less than parents (44)
[6] More typical & frequent than parents (15)
[7] Exclusively non-parental (16)
SCCS413. Principal Category of Non-parental Educators: Early Boys
[NA] NA (47)
[2] Sibling (28)
[3] Grandparent (18)
[4] Uncle (mother's brother only) (7)
[5] Relative (including father's brother) (19)
[6] Child (37)
[7] Nonrelative (21)
[8] Teacher (9)
SCCS414. Principal Category of Non-parental Educators: Early Girls
[NA] NA (61)
[2] Sibling (28)
[3] Grandparent (23)
[4] Uncle (mother's brother only) (2)
[5] Relative (including father's brother) (20)
[6] Child (28)
[7] Nonrelative (20)
[8] Teacher (4)
SCCS415. Principal Category of Non-parental Educators: Late Boys
[NA] NA (33)
[2] Sibling (21)
[3] Grandparent (13)
[4] Uncle (mother's brother only) (11)
[5] Relative (including father's brother) (13)
[6] Child (26)
[7] Nonrelative (34)
[8] Teacher (35)
SCCS416. Principal Category of Non-parental Educators: Late Girls
[NA] NA (62)
[2] Sibling (21)
[3] Grandparent (15)
[4] Uncle (mother's brother only) (1)
[5] Relative (including father's brother) (19)
[6] Child (13)
[7] Nonrelative (33)
[8] Teacher (22)
SCCS417. Sex of Parental Educators: Early Boys
[NA] NA (23)
[1] Male Exclusively (58)
[2] Male Predominantly (27)
[3] Both Sexes = (51)
[4] Female Predominantly (17)
[5] Female Exclusively (10)
SCCS418. Sex of Parental Educators: Early Girls
[NA] NA (16)
[1] Male Exclusively (4)
[2] Male Predominantly (2)
[3] Both Sexes = (40)
[4] Female Predominantly (20)
[5] Female Exclusively (104)
SCCS419. Sex of Parental Educators: Late Boys
[NA] NA (31)
[1] Male Exclusively (117)
[2] Male Predominantly (18)
[3] Both Sexes = (14)
[4] Female Predominantly (3)
[5] Female Exclusively (3)
SCCS420. Sex of Parental Educators: Late Girls
[NA] NA (26)
[1] Male Exclusively (3)
[2] Male Predominantly (1)
[3] Both Sexes = (11)
[4] Female Predominantly (12)
[5] Female Exclusively (133)
SCCS421. Sex of Principal Non-parental Educators: Early Boys
[NA] NA (46)
[1] Male Exclusively (67)
[2] Male Predominantly (6)
[3] Both Sexes = (61)
[5] Female Exclusively (6)
SCCS422. Sex of Principal Non-parental Educators: Early Girls
[NA] NA (61)
[1] Male Exclusively (5)
[2] Male Predominantly (1)
[3] Both Sexes = (53)
[4] Female Predominantly (5)
[5] Female Exclusively (61)
SCCS423. Sex of Principal Non-parental Educators: Late Boys
[NA] NA (32)
[1] Male Exclusively (106)
[2] Male Predominantly (3)
[3] Both Sexes = (42)
[5] Female Exclusively (3)
SCCS424. Sex of Principal Non-parental Educators: Late Girls
[NA] NA (62)
[1] Male Exclusively (7)
[3] Both Sexes = (30)
[4] Female Predominantly (3)
[5] Female Exclusively (84)
SCCS425. Guidance or Formal Schooling: Early Boys
[NA] NA (9)
[1] Informal training, with minimal guidance (46)
[2] Apprenticeship atypical or occasional (20)
[3] Apprenticeship typical & frequent but informal training (78)
[4] Aprenticeship predominant (8)
[5] Formal schooling atypical or occasional (14)
[6] Formal schooling typical and frequent (11)
SCCS426. Guidance or Formal Schooling: Early Girls
[NA] NA (9)
[1] Informal training, with minimal guidance (47)
[2] Apprenticeship atypical or occasional (11)
[3] Apprenticeship typical & frequent but informal training (88)
[4] Aprenticeship predominant (11)
[5] Formal schooling atypical or occasional (10)
[6] Formal schooling typical and frequent (10)
SCCS427. Guidance or Formal Schooling: Late Boys
[NA] NA (8)
[1] Informal training, with minimal guidance (13)
[2] Apprenticeship atypical or occasional (6)
[3] Apprenticeship typical & frequent but informal training (42)
[4] Aprenticeship predominant (43)
[5] Formal schooling atypical or occasional (33)
[6] Formal schooling typical and frequent (41)
SCCS428. Guidance or Formal Schooling: Late Girls
[NA] NA (8)
[1] Informal training, with minimal guidance (16)
[2] Apprenticeship atypical or occasional (3)
[3] Apprenticeship typical & frequent but informal training (55)
[4] Aprenticeship predominant (47)
[5] Formal schooling atypical or occasional (32)
[6] Formal schooling typical and frequent (25)
SCCS429. Use of Example: Early Boys
[NA] NA (34)
[6] Children are expected to do things more or less by example (25)
[7] (7 on an ordinal scale of 6-11) (22)
[8] (8 on an ordinal scale of 6-11) (2)
[9] Children frequently shown example; considered very important in socializing child (79)
[10] (10 on an ordinal scale of 6-11) (21)
[11] Example given as most important method of education, or adults are constantly showing children how to do things. (3)
SCCS430. Use of Example: Early Girls
[NA] NA (33)
[6] Children are expected to do things more or less by example (24)
[7] (7 on an ordinal scale of 6-11) (23)
[8] (8 on an ordinal scale of 6-11) (2)
[9] Children frequently shown example; considered very important in socializing child (79)
[10] (10 on an ordinal scale of 6-11) (22)
[11] Example given as most important method of education, or adults are constantly showing children how to do things. (3)
SCCS431. Use of Example: Late Boys
[NA] NA (33)
[6] Children are expected to do things more or less by example (20)
[7] (7 on an ordinal scale of 6-11) (23)
[8] (8 on an ordinal scale of 6-11) (2)
[9] Children frequently shown example; considered very important in socializing child (83)
[10] (10 on an ordinal scale of 6-11) (22)
[11] Example given as most important method of education, or adults are constantly showing children how to do things. (3)
SCCS432. Use of Example: Late Girls
[NA] NA (31)
[6] Children are expected to do things more or less by example (20)
[7] (7 on an ordinal scale of 6-11) (23)
[8] (8 on an ordinal scale of 6-11) (2)
[9] Children frequently shown example; considered very important in socializing child (84)
[10] (10 on an ordinal scale of 6-11) (23)
[11] Example given as most important method of education, or adults are constantly showing children how to do things. (3)
SCCS433. Control by Public Opinion: Early Boys
[NA] NA (95)
[3] (3 of 11) (3)
[4] (4 of 11) (2)
[5] (5 of 11) (2)
[6] (6 of 11) (20)
[7] (7 of 11) (28)
[8] (8 of 11) (2)
[9] (9 of 11) (30)
[10] (10 of 11) (4)
SCCS434. Control by Public Opinion: Early Girls
[NA] NA (94)
[3] (3 of 11) (3)
[4] (4 of 11) (2)
[5] (5 of 11) (2)
[6] (6 of 11) (20)
[7] (7 of 11) (28)
[8] (8 of 11) (2)
[9] (9 of 11) (30)
[10] (10 of 11) (5)
SCCS435. Control by Public Opinion: Late Boys
[NA] NA (91)
[3] (3 of 11) (2)
[4] (4 of 11) (2)
[5] (5 of 11) (2)
[6] (6 of 11) (21)
[7] (7 of 11) (29)
[8] (8 of 11) (2)
[9] (9 of 11) (33)
[10] (10 of 11) (4)
SCCS436. Control by Public Opinion: Late Girls
[NA] NA (92)
[3] (3 of 11) (2)
[4] (4 of 11) (2)
[5] (5 of 11) (2)
[6] (6 of 11) (20)
[7] (7 of 11) (30)
[8] (8 of 11) (2)
[9] (9 of 11) (31)
[10] (10 of 11) (5)
SCCS437. Lecturing: Early Boys
[NA] NA (49)
[1] (1 of 11) (1)
[3] (3 of 11) (10)
[4] (4 of 11) (10)
[5] (5 of 11) (7)
[6] Often, but not constant lectures / myths (6 of 11) (48)
[7] (7 of 11) (25)
[8] (8 of 11) (4)
[9] Almost daily (9 of 11) (22)
[10] (10 of 11) (6)
[11] Constant and one of the most important methods used in socializing child (11 of 11) (4)
SCCS438. Lecturing: Early Girls
[NA] NA (52)
[3] (3 of 11) (10)
[4] (4 of 11) (11)
[5] (5 of 11) (8)
[6] Often, but not constant lectures / myths (6 of 11) (46)
[7] (7 of 11) (24)
[8] (8 of 11) (4)
[9] Almost daily (9 of 11) (22)
[10] (10 of 11) (5)
[11] Constant and one of the most important methods used in socializing child (11 of 11) (4)
SCCS439. Lecturing: Late Boys
[NA] NA (45)
[3] (3 of 11) (6)
[4] (4 of 11) (9)
[5] (5 of 11) (6)
[6] Often, but not constant lectures / myths (6 of 11) (44)
[7] (7 of 11) (31)
[8] (8 of 11) (5)
[9] Almost daily (9 of 11) (29)
[10] (10 of 11) (8)
[11] Constant and one of the most important methods used in socializing child (11 of 11) (3)
SCCS440. Lecturing: Late Girls
[NA] NA (47)
[3] (3 of 11) (6)
[4] (4 of 11) (10)
[5] (5 of 11) (8)
[6] Often, but not constant lectures / myths (6 of 11) (42)
[7] (7 of 11) (28)
[8] (8 of 11) (5)
[9] Almost daily (9 of 11) (29)
[10] (10 of 11) (7)
[11] Constant and one of the most important methods used in socializing child (11 of 11) (4)
SCCS441. Teasing: Early Boys
[NA] NA (85)
[3] (3 of 11) (9)
[4] (4 of 11) (8)
[5] (5 of 11) (4)
[6] (6 of 11) (34)
[7] (7 of 11) (24)
[8] (8 of 11) (2)
[9] (9 of 11) (19)
[10] (10 of 11) (1)
SCCS442. Teasing: Early Girls
[NA] NA (85)
[3] (3 of 11) (8)
[4] (4 of 11) (10)
[5] (5 of 11) (4)
[6] (6 of 11) (33)
[7] (7 of 11) (23)
[8] (8 of 11) (2)
[9] (9 of 11) (20)
[10] (10 of 11) (1)
SCCS443. Teasing: Late Boys
[NA] NA (73)
[3] (3 of 11) (5)
[4] (4 of 11) (8)
[5] (5 of 11) (4)
[6] (6 of 11) (39)
[7] (7 of 11) (31)
[8] (8 of 11) (2)
[9] (9 of 11) (23)
[10] (10 of 11) (1)
SCCS444. Teasing: Late Girls
[NA] NA (74)
[3] (3 of 11) (5)
[4] (4 of 11) (9)
[5] (5 of 11) (4)
[6] (6 of 11) (38)
[7] (7 of 11) (30)
[8] (8 of 11) (2)
[9] (9 of 11) (23)
[10] (10 of 11) (1)
SCCS445. Scolding: Early Boys
[NA] NA (76)
[1] (1 of 11) (2)
[2] (2 of 11) (3)
[3] (3 of 11) (11)
[4] (4 of 11) (8)
[5] (5 of 11) (9)
[6] (6 of 11) (54)
[7] (7 of 11) (15)
[8] (8 of 11) (1)
[9] (9 of 11) (7)
SCCS446. Scolding: Early Girls
[NA] NA (74)
[1] (1 of 11) (2)
[2] (2 of 11) (2)
[3] (3 of 11) (13)
[4] (4 of 11) (7)
[5] (5 of 11) (9)
[6] (6 of 11) (54)
[7] (7 of 11) (16)
[8] (8 of 11) (1)
[9] (9 of 11) (8)
SCCS447. Scolding: Late Boys
[NA] NA (71)
[1] (1 of 11) (2)
[2] (2 of 11) (1)
[3] (3 of 11) (8)
[4] (4 of 11) (8)
[5] (5 of 11) (10)
[6] (6 of 11) (51)
[7] (7 of 11) (19)
[9] (9 of 11) (13)
[10] (10 of 11) (2)
[11] (11 of 11) (1)
SCCS448. Scolding: Late Girls
[NA] NA (69)
[1] (1 of 11) (2)
[2] (2 of 11) (1)
[3] (3 of 11) (9)
[4] (4 of 11) (7)
[5] (5 of 11) (9)
[6] (6 of 11) (51)
[7] (7 of 11) (21)
[9] (9 of 11) (14)
[10] (10 of 11) (2)
[11] (11 of 11) (1)
SCCS449. Warning: Early Boys
[NA] NA (87)
[3] (3 of 11) (4)
[4] (4 of 11) (3)
[5] (5 of 11) (4)
[6] (6 of 11) (29)
[7] (7 of 11) (38)
[8] (8 of 11) (1)
[9] (9 of 11) (14)
[10] (10 of 11) (6)
SCCS450. Warning: Early Girls
[NA] NA (87)
[3] (3 of 11) (4)
[4] (4 of 11) (3)
[5] (5 of 11) (4)
[6] (6 of 11) (29)
[7] (7 of 11) (38)
[8] (8 of 11) (1)
[9] (9 of 11) (14)
[10] (10 of 11) (6)
SCCS451. Warning: Late Boys
[NA] NA (86)
[2] (2 of 11) (1)
[3] (3 of 11) (5)
[4] (4 of 11) (4)
[5] (5 of 11) (4)
[6] (6 of 11) (32)
[7] (7 of 11) (36)
[8] (8 of 11) (1)
[9] (9 of 11) (11)
[10] (10 of 11) (6)
SCCS452. Warning: Late Girls
[NA] NA (86)
[2] (2 of 11) (1)
[3] (3 of 11) (5)
[4] (4 of 11) (4)
[5] (5 of 11) (4)
[6] (6 of 11) (32)
[7] (7 of 11) (36)
[8] (8 of 11) (1)
[9] (9 of 11) (11)
[10] (10 of 11) (6)
SCCS453. Corporal Punishment: Early Boys
[NA] NA (41)
[1] (1 of 11) (10)
[2] (2 of 11) (6)
[3] (3 of 11) (34)
[4] (4 of 11) (18)
[5] (5 of 11) (11)
[6] (6 of 11) (39)
[7] (7 of 11) (20)
[9] (9 of 11) (3)
[10] (10 of 11) (3)
[11] (11 of 11) (1)
SCCS454. Corporal Punishment: Early Girls
[NA] NA (46)
[1] (1 of 11) (10)
[2] (2 of 11) (6)
[3] (3 of 11) (35)
[4] (4 of 11) (18)
[5] (5 of 11) (11)
[6] (6 of 11) (37)
[7] (7 of 11) (16)
[9] (9 of 11) (3)
[10] (10 of 11) (3)
[11] (11 of 11) (1)
SCCS455. Corporal Punishment: Late Boys
[NA] NA (39)
[1] (1 of 11) (9)
[2] (2 of 11) (4)
[3] (3 of 11) (29)
[4] (4 of 11) (15)
[5] (5 of 11) (8)
[6] (6 of 11) (41)
[7] (7 of 11) (17)
[8] (8 of 11) (1)
[9] (9 of 11) (18)
[10] (10 of 11) (4)
[11] (11 of 11) (1)
SCCS456. Corporal Punishment: Late Girls
[NA] NA (44)
[1] (1 of 11) (9)
[2] (2 of 11) (4)
[3] (3 of 11) (30)
[4] (4 of 11) (15)
[5] (5 of 11) (9)
[6] (6 of 11) (39)
[7] (7 of 11) (16)
[8] (8 of 11) (1)
[9] (9 of 11) (16)
[10] (10 of 11) (2)
[11] (11 of 11) (1)
SCCS457. Ceremonies for Children: Early Boys
[NA] NA (54)
[1] (1 of 9) (3)
[2] (2 of 9) (1)
[3] (3 of 9) (48)
[4] (4 of 9) (20)
[5] (5 of 9) (6)
[6] (6 of 9) (38)
[7] (7 of 9) (13)
[9] (9 of 9) (3)
SCCS458. Ceremonies for Children: Early Girls
[NA] NA (62)
[1] (1 of 9) (4)
[2] (2 of 9) (5)
[3] (3 of 9) (47)
[4] (4 of 9) (22)
[5] (5 of 9) (5)
[6] (6 of 9) (26)
[7] (7 of 9) (11)
[9] (9 of 9) (4)
SCCS459. Ceremonies for Children: Late Boys
[NA] NA (40)
[1] (1 of 9) (1)
[3] (3 of 9) (20)
[4] (4 of 9) (18)
[5] (5 of 9) (5)
[6] (6 of 9) (61)
[7] (7 of 9) (32)
[8] (8 of 9) (1)
[9] (9 of 9) (8)
SCCS460. Ceremonies for Children: Late Girls
[NA] NA (55)
[2] (2 of 9) (2)
[3] (3 of 9) (32)
[4] (4 of 9) (25)
[5] (5 of 9) (9)
[6] (6 of 9) (42)
[7] (7 of 9) (13)
[9] (9 of 9) (8)
SCCS461. Gifts for Approved Behaviors: Early Boys
[NA] NA (45)
[2] (2 of 8) (24)
[3] (3 of 8) (18)
[4] (4 of 8) (8)
[5] (5 of 8) (65)
[6] (6 of 8) (22)
[8] (8 of 8) (4)
SCCS462. Gifts for Approved Behaviors: Early Girls
[NA] NA (50)
[2] (2 of 8) (20)
[3] (3 of 8) (22)
[4] (4 of 8) (8)
[5] (5 of 8) (61)
[6] (6 of 8) (19)
[8] (8 of 8) (6)
SCCS463. Gifts for Approved Behaviors: Late Boys
[NA] NA (41)
[2] (2 of 8) (17)
[3] (3 of 8) (19)
[4] (4 of 8) (8)
[5] (5 of 8) (72)
[6] (6 of 8) (23)
[8] (8 of 8) (6)
SCCS464. Gifts for Approved Behaviors: Late Girls
[NA] NA (43)
[2] (2 of 8) (17)
[3] (3 of 8) (23)
[4] (4 of 8) (8)
[5] (5 of 8) (66)
[6] (6 of 8) (21)
[8] (8 of 8) (8)
SCCS465. Permissiveness: Early Boys
[NA] NA (17)
[0] Harsh socialization by parents or other authority figures with severe punishment (0 of 10) (1)
[1] (1 of 10) (1)
[2] Generally harsh treatment, not extreme (2 of 10) (4)
[3] (3 of 10) (9)
[4] (4 of 10) (12)
[5] Generally moderate or balanced degree of both harshness and permissiveness (5 of 10) (31)
[6] (6 of 10) (37)
[7] (7 of 10) (31)
[8] Generally indulgent, not extreme (8 of 10) (28)
[9] (9 of 10) (15)
SCCS466. Permissiveness: Early Girls
[NA] NA (19)
[0] Harsh socialization by parents or other authority figures with severe punishment (0 of 10) (1)
[1] (1 of 10) (1)
[2] Generally harsh treatment, not extreme (2 of 10) (7)
[3] (3 of 10) (7)
[4] (4 of 10) (17)
[5] Generally moderate or balanced degree of both harshness and permissiveness (5 of 10) (37)
[6] (6 of 10) (41)
[7] (7 of 10) (29)
[8] Generally indulgent, not extreme (8 of 10) (19)
[9] (9 of 10) (8)
SCCS467. Permissiveness: Late Boys
[NA] NA (18)
[0] Harsh socialization by parents or other authority figures with severe punishment (0 of 10) (1)
[1] (1 of 10) (5)
[2] Generally harsh treatment, not extreme (2 of 10) (6)
[3] (3 of 10) (10)
[4] (4 of 10) (23)
[5] Generally moderate or balanced degree of both harshness and permissiveness (5 of 10) (52)
[6] (6 of 10) (32)
[7] (7 of 10) (14)
[8] Generally indulgent, not extreme (8 of 10) (15)
[9] (9 of 10) (10)
SCCS468. Permissiveness: Late Girls
[NA] NA (18)
[0] Harsh socialization by parents or other authority figures with severe punishment (0 of 10) (1)
[1] (1 of 10) (7)
[2] Generally harsh treatment, not extreme (2 of 10) (8)
[3] (3 of 10) (13)
[4] (4 of 10) (31)
[5] Generally moderate or balanced degree of both harshness and permissiveness (5 of 10) (61)
[6] (6 of 10) (22)
[7] (7 of 10) (9)
[8] Generally indulgent, not extreme (8 of 10) (12)
[9] (9 of 10) (4)
SCCS469. Affection: Early Boys
[NA] NA (31)
[2] generally low expression of affection (6)
[3] (3 on an ordinal scale of 10) (3)
[4] (4 on an ordinal scale of 10) (16)
[5] moderate or sporadic expression of affection (40)
[6] (6 on an ordinal scale of 10) (43)
[7] (7 on an ordinal scale of 10) (19)
[8] consistent, occasional strong expression (24)
[9] (9 on an ordinal scale of 10) (4)
SCCS470. Affection: Early Girls
[NA] NA (31)
[1] (1 on an ordinal scale of 10) (1)
[2] generally low expression of affection (9)
[3] (3 on an ordinal scale of 10) (3)
[4] (4 on an ordinal scale of 10) (19)
[5] moderate or sporadic expression of affection (35)
[6] (6 on an ordinal scale of 10) (41)
[7] (7 on an ordinal scale of 10) (21)
[8] consistent, occasional strong expression (22)
[9] (9 on an ordinal scale of 10) (4)
SCCS471. Affection: Late Boys
[NA] NA (32)
[2] generally low expression of affection (10)
[3] (3 on an ordinal scale of 10) (4)
[4] (4 on an ordinal scale of 10) (20)
[5] moderate or sporadic expression of affection (43)
[6] (6 on an ordinal scale of 10) (44)
[7] (7 on an ordinal scale of 10) (17)
[8] consistent, occasional strong expression (16)
SCCS472. Affection: Late Girls
[NA] NA (32)
[1] (1 on an ordinal scale of 10) (1)
[2] generally low expression of affection (13)
[3] (3 on an ordinal scale of 10) (4)
[4] (4 on an ordinal scale of 10) (24)
[5] moderate or sporadic expression of affection (37)
[6] (6 on an ordinal scale of 10) (42)
[7] (7 on an ordinal scale of 10) (19)
[8] consistent, occasional strong expression (14)
SCCS473. Evaluation by Society: Early Boys
[NA] NA (14)
[2] only slight, sporadic expression of valuation of children (2)
[3] (3 on an ordinal scale of 10) (3)
[4] (4 on an ordinal scale of 10) (11)
[5] moderate or occasionally strong expression of value (39)
[6] (6 on an ordinal scale of 10) (46)
[7] (7 on an ordinal scale of 10) (32)
[8] strong, but no extreme valuation (26)
[9] intense, repeated expression of cutural valuation (13)
SCCS474. Evaluation by Society: Early Girls
[NA] NA (14)
[1] (1 on an ordinal scale of 8) (1)
[2] only slight, sporadic expression of valuation of children (7)
[3] (3 on an ordinal scale of 8) (9)
[4] (4 on an ordinal scale of 8) (23)
[5] moderate or occasionally strong expression of value (30)
[6] (6 on an ordinal scale of 8) (50)
[7] (7 on an ordinal scale of 8) (25)
[8] strong, but no extreme valuation (18)
[9] intense, repeated expression of cutural valuation (9)
SCCS475. Evaluation by Society: Late Boys
[NA] NA (14)
[2] only slight, sporadic expression of valuation of children (2)
[3] (3 on an ordinal scale of 8) (3)
[4] (4 on an ordinal scale of 8) (9)
[5] moderate or occasionally strong expression of value (39)
[6] (6 on an ordinal scale of 8) (48)
[7] (7 on an ordinal scale of 8) (32)
[8] strong, but no extreme valuation (27)
[9] intense, repeated expression of cutural valuation (12)
SCCS476. Evaluation by Society: Late Girls
[NA] NA (14)
[1] (1 on an ordinal scale of 8) (1)
[2] only slight, sporadic expression of valuation of children (6)
[3] (3 on an ordinal scale of 8) (9)
[4] (4 on an ordinal scale of 8) (21)
[5] moderate or occasionally strong expression of value (35)
[6] (6 on an ordinal scale of 8) (49)
[7] (7 on an ordinal scale of 8) (26)
[8] strong, but no extreme valuation (17)
[9] intense, repeated expression of cutural valuation (8)
SCCS477. Incorporation into Society: Early Boys
[NA] NA (16)
[0] almost complete exclusion from adult working (3)
[1] (1 on an ordinal scale of 8) (22)
[2] children are usually excluded from membership (50)
[3] (3 on an ordinal scale of 8) (49)
[4] (4 on an ordinal scale of 8) (22)
[5] inconsistent but substantial participation (19)
[6] (6 on an ordinal scale of 8) (4)
[8] children closely integrated in adult family activities (1)
SCCS478. Incorporation into Society: Early Girls
[NA] NA (16)
[0] almost complete exclusion from adult working (3)
[1] (1 on an ordinal scale of 8) (21)
[2] children are usually excluded from membership (38)
[3] (3 on an ordinal scale of 8) (47)
[4] (4 on an ordinal scale of 8) (25)
[5] inconsistent but substantial participation (32)
[6] (6 on an ordinal scale of 8) (3)
[8] children closely integrated in adult family activities (1)
SCCS479. Incorporation into Society: Late Boys
[NA] NA (15)
[1] (1 on an ordinal scale of 8) (2)
[2] children are usually excluded from membership (7)
[3] (3 on an ordinal scale of 8) (14)
[4] (4 on an ordinal scale of 8) (13)
[5] inconsistent but substantial participation (54)
[6] (6 on an ordinal scale of 8) (37)
[7] (7 on an ordinal scale of 8) (27)
[8] children closely integrated in adult family activities (11)
[9] almost complete, continual inclusion of children (6)
SCCS480. Incorporation into Society: Late Girls
[NA] NA (14)
[1] (1 on an ordinal scale of 8) (1)
[2] children are usually excluded from membership (2)
[3] (3 on an ordinal scale of 8) (7)
[4] (4 on an ordinal scale of 8) (12)
[5] inconsistent but substantial participation (40)
[6] (6 on an ordinal scale of 8) (44)
[7] (7 on an ordinal scale of 8) (37)
[8] children closely integrated in adult family activities (17)
[9] almost complete, continual inclusion of children (11)
[10] Almost complete, continual inclusion of children in adult activities (1)
SCCS481. Warmth and Affection of Caretakers - Mother: Boy
[NA] NA (174)
[5] (5 of 8) (1)
[6] Frequently (6 of 8) (2)
[7] (7 of 8) (1)
[8] Almost Always (8 of 8) (8)
SCCS482. Warmth and Affection of Caretakers - Mother: Girl
[NA] NA (174)
[4] Sometimes (4 of 8) (3)
[6] Frequently (6 of 8) (2)
[7] (7 of 8) (1)
[8] Almost Always (8 of 8) (6)
SCCS483. Warmth and Affection of Caretakers - Mother: Aver
[NA] NA (115)
[2] Rarely (2 of 8) (2)
[3] (3 of 8) (1)
[4] Sometimes (4 of 8) (2)
[5] (5 of 8) (3)
[6] Frequently (6 of 8) (10)
[7] (7 of 8) (7)
[8] Almost Always (8 of 8) (46)
SCCS484. Warmth and Affection of Caretakers - Father: Boy
[NA] NA (175)
[4] Sometimes (4 of 8) (4)
[6] Frequently (6 of 8) (1)
[7] (7 of 8) (3)
[8] Almost Always (8 of 8) (3)
SCCS485. Warmth and Affection of Caretakers - Father: Girl
[NA] NA (174)
[2] Rarely (2 of 8) (1)
[4] Sometimes (4 of 8) (1)
[5] (5 of 8) (2)
[6] Frequently (6 of 8) (5)
[7] (7 of 8) (1)
[8] Almost Always (8 of 8) (2)
SCCS486. Warmth and Affection of Caretakers - Father: Aver
[NA] NA (126)
[2] Rarely (2 of 8) (8)
[4] Sometimes (4 of 8) (3)
[5] (5 of 8) (2)
[6] Frequently (6 of 8) (5)
[7] (7 of 8) (5)
[8] Almost Always (8 of 8) (37)
SCCS487. Warmth and Affection of Caretakers - Others: Boy
[NA] NA (184)
[2] Rarely (2 of 8) (1)
[8] Almost Always (8 of 8) (1)
SCCS488. Warmth and Affection of Caretakers - Others: Girl
[NA] NA (185)
[6] Frequently (6 of 8) (1)
SCCS489. Warmth and Affection of Caretakers - Others: Aver
[NA] NA (165)
[2] Rarely (2 of 8) (2)
[4] Sometimes (4 of 8) (1)
[6] Frequently (6 of 8) (7)
[7] (7 of 8) (2)
[8] Almost Always (8 of 8) (9)
SCCS490. Warmth and Affection of Caretakers - Overall: Boy
[NA] NA (181)
[7] (7 of 8) (2)
[8] Almost Always (8 of 8) (3)
SCCS491. Warmth and Affection of Caretakers - Overall: Girl
[NA] NA (180)
[6] Frequently (6 of 8) (3)
[7] (7 of 8) (2)
[8] Almost Always (8 of 8) (1)
SCCS492. Warmth and Affection of Caretakers - Overall: Aver
[NA] NA (89)
[2] Rarely (2 of 8) (3)
[4] Sometimes (4 of 8) (3)
[5] (5 of 8) (4)
[6] Frequently (6 of 8) (14)
[7] (7 of 8) (16)
[8] Almost Always (8 of 8) (57)
SCCS493. Hostility and Aggression of Caretakers - Mother: Boy
[NA] NA (182)
[2] Rarely (2 of 8) (1)
[4] Sometimes (4 of 8) (2)
[6] Frequently (6 of 8) (1)
SCCS494. Hostility and Aggression of Caretakers - Mother: Girl
[NA] NA (182)
[2] Rarely (2 of 8) (2)
[4] Sometimes (4 of 8) (2)
SCCS495. Hostility and Aggression of Caretakers - Mother: Aver
[NA] NA (141)
[2] Rarely (2 of 8) (21)
[3] (3 of 8) (3)
[4] Sometimes (4 of 8) (13)
[5] (5 of 8) (2)
[6] Frequently (6 of 8) (3)
[7] (7 of 8) (1)
[8] Almost Always (8 of 8) (2)
SCCS496. Hostility and Aggression of Caretakers - Father: Boy
[NA] NA (185)
[2] Rarely (2 of 8) (1)
SCCS497. Hostility and Aggression of Caretakers - Father: Girl
[NA] NA (185)
[4] Sometimes (4 of 8) (1)
SCCS498. Hostility and Aggression of Caretakers - Father: Aver
[NA] NA (145)
[1] (1 of 8) (1)
[2] Rarely (2 of 8) (23)
[4] Sometimes (4 of 8) (11)
[5] (5 of 8) (2)
[6] Frequently (6 of 8) (4)
SCCS499. Hostility and Aggression of Caretakers - Others: Boy
[NA] NA (185)
[8] Almost Always (8 of 8) (1)
SCCS500. Hostility and Aggression of Caretakers - Others: Girl
[NA] NA (184)
[4] Sometimes (4 of 8) (1)
[8] Almost Always (8 of 8) (1)
SCCS501. Hostility and Aggression of Caretakers - Others: Aver
[NA] NA (171)
[2] Rarely (2 of 8) (3)
[4] Sometimes (4 of 8) (6)
[6] Frequently (6 of 8) (2)
[7] (7 of 8) (1)
[8] Almost Always (8 of 8) (3)
SCCS502. Hostility and Aggression of Caretakers - Overall: Boy
[NA] NA (181)
[2] Rarely (2 of 8) (2)
[3] (3 of 8) (1)
[4] Sometimes (4 of 8) (2)
SCCS503. Hostility and Aggression of Caretakers - Overall: Girl
[NA] NA (185)
[2] Rarely (2 of 8) (1)
SCCS504. Hostility and Aggression of Caretakers - Overall: Aver
[NA] NA (74)
[1] (1 of 8) (1)
[2] Rarely (2 of 8) (58)
[3] (3 of 8) (9)
[4] Sometimes (4 of 8) (31)
[5] (5 of 8) (5)
[6] Frequently (6 of 8) (5)
[7] (7 of 8) (2)
[8] Almost Always (8 of 8) (1)
SCCS505. Indifference of Caretakers - Mother: Boy
[NA] NA (178)
[2] Rarely (2 of 8) (6)
[4] Sometimes (4 of 8) (1)
[6] Frequently (6 of 8) (1)
SCCS506. Indifference of Caretakers - Mother: Girl
[NA] NA (169)
[2] Rarely (2 of 8) (15)
[4] Sometimes (4 of 8) (1)
[6] Frequently (6 of 8) (1)
SCCS507. Indifference of Caretakers - Mother: Aver
[NA] NA (134)
[1] (1 of 8) (1)
[2] Rarely (2 of 8) (38)
[3] (3 of 8) (2)
[4] Sometimes (4 of 8) (5)
[6] Frequently (6 of 8) (4)
[7] (7 of 8) (1)
[8] Almost Always (8 of 8) (1)
SCCS508. Indifference of Caretakers - Father: Boy
[NA] NA (169)
[2] Rarely (2 of 8) (13)
[3] (3 of 8) (1)
[4] Sometimes (4 of 8) (1)
[6] Frequently (6 of 8) (2)
SCCS509. Indifference of Caretakers - Father: Girl
[NA] NA (181)
[2] Rarely (2 of 8) (2)
[8] Almost Always (8 of 8) (3)
SCCS510. Indifference of Caretakers - Father: Aver
[NA] NA (146)
[2] Rarely (2 of 8) (27)
[3] (3 of 8) (2)
[4] Sometimes (4 of 8) (6)
[6] Frequently (6 of 8) (3)
[7] (7 of 8) (1)
[8] Almost Always (8 of 8) (1)
SCCS511. Indifference of Caretakers - Others: Boy
[NA] NA (181)
[2] Rarely (2 of 8) (4)
[7] (7 of 8) (1)
SCCS512. Indifference of Caretakers - Others: Girl
[NA] NA (183)
[2] Rarely (2 of 8) (3)
SCCS513. Indifference of Caretakers - Others: Aver
[NA] NA (171)
[2] Rarely (2 of 8) (11)
[3] (3 of 8) (1)
[4] Sometimes (4 of 8) (1)
[7] (7 of 8) (1)
[8] Almost Always (8 of 8) (1)
SCCS514. Indifference of Caretakers - Overall: Boy
[NA] NA (180)
[2] Rarely (2 of 8) (5)
[6] Frequently (6 of 8) (1)
SCCS515. Indifference of Caretakers - Overall: Girl
[NA] NA (182)
[2] Rarely (2 of 8) (3)
[4] Sometimes (4 of 8) (1)
SCCS516. Indifference of Caretakers - Overall: Aver
[NA] NA (88)
[1] (1 of 8) (1)
[2] Rarely (2 of 8) (67)
[3] (3 of 8) (5)
[4] Sometimes (4 of 8) (18)
[5] (5 of 8) (1)
[6] Frequently (6 of 8) (3)
[7] (7 of 8) (2)
[8] Almost Always (8 of 8) (1)
SCCS517. Control by Caretakers - Mother: Boy
[NA] NA (171)
[2] No Control (2 of 8) (4)
[4] Lax Control (4 of 8) (6)
[6] Firm Control (6 of 8) (3)
[7] (7 of 8) (1)
[8] Restrictive (8 of 8) (1)
SCCS518. Control by Caretakers - Mother: Girl
[NA] NA (166)
[2] No Control (2 of 8) (1)
[4] Lax Control (4 of 8) (2)
[6] Firm Control (6 of 8) (9)
[7] (7 of 8) (3)
[8] Restrictive (8 of 8) (5)
SCCS519. Control by Caretakers - Mother: Aver
[NA] NA (138)
[2] No Control (2 of 8) (10)
[3] (3 of 8) (2)
[4] Lax Control (4 of 8) (16)
[5] (5 of 8) (1)
[6] Firm Control (6 of 8) (11)
[7] (7 of 8) (3)
[8] Restrictive (8 of 8) (5)
SCCS520. Control by Caretakers - Father: Boy
[NA] NA (162)
[4] Lax Control (4 of 8) (5)
[6] Firm Control (6 of 8) (12)
[7] (7 of 8) (1)
[8] Restrictive (8 of 8) (6)
SCCS521. Control by Caretakers - Father: Girl
[NA] NA (175)
[4] Lax Control (4 of 8) (3)
[6] Firm Control (6 of 8) (4)
[7] (7 of 8) (1)
[8] Restrictive (8 of 8) (3)
SCCS522. Control by Caretakers - Father: Aver
[NA] NA (136)
[2] No Control (2 of 8) (9)
[3] (3 of 8) (2)
[4] Lax Control (4 of 8) (11)
[5] (5 of 8) (1)
[6] Firm Control (6 of 8) (19)
[7] (7 of 8) (2)
[8] Restrictive (8 of 8) (6)
SCCS523. Control by Caretakers - Others: Boy
[NA] NA (178)
[4] Lax Control (4 of 8) (2)
[6] Firm Control (6 of 8) (4)
[7] (7 of 8) (1)
[8] Restrictive (8 of 8) (1)
SCCS524. Control by Caretakers - Others: Girl
[NA] NA (182)
[2] No Control (2 of 8) (1)
[6] Firm Control (6 of 8) (2)
[8] Restrictive (8 of 8) (1)
SCCS525. Control by Caretakers - Others: Aver
[NA] NA (169)
[2] No Control (2 of 8) (2)
[4] Lax Control (4 of 8) (2)
[5] (5 of 8) (1)
[6] Firm Control (6 of 8) (10)
[7] (7 of 8) (1)
[8] Restrictive (8 of 8) (1)
SCCS526. Control by Caretakers - Overall: Boy
[NA] NA (158)
[2] No Control (2 of 8) (6)
[3] (3 of 8) (1)
[4] Lax Control (4 of 8) (8)
[5] (5 of 8) (2)
[6] Firm Control (6 of 8) (6)
[7] (7 of 8) (1)
[8] Restrictive (8 of 8) (4)
SCCS527. Control by Caretakers - Overall: Girl
[NA] NA (162)
[2] No Control (2 of 8) (1)
[3] (3 of 8) (1)
[4] Lax Control (4 of 8) (6)
[5] (5 of 8) (1)
[6] Firm Control (6 of 8) (9)
[7] (7 of 8) (1)
[8] Restrictive (8 of 8) (5)
SCCS528. Control by Caretakers - Overall: Aver
[NA] NA (71)
[2] No Control (2 of 8) (23)
[3] (3 of 8) (9)
[4] Lax Control (4 of 8) (23)
[5] (5 of 8) (7)
[6] Firm Control (6 of 8) (34)
[7] (7 of 8) (9)
[8] Restrictive (8 of 8) (10)
SCCS529. Initiation Occurrence: Boys
[NA] NA (4)
[0] Absent for Both Boys and Girls (80)
[1] Absent for Specified sex only (39)
[2] Present (63)
SCCS530. Initiation Occurrence: Girls
[NA] NA (3)
[0] Absent for Both Boys and Girls (81)
[1] Absent for Specified sex only (17)
[2] Present (85)
SCCS531. Initiation Time: Boys
[NA] NA (4)
[0] Absent (120)
[2] before genital maturation (13)
[3] at first signs of genital maturation (18)
[4] at genital maturation (6)
[5] within one year after genital maturation (17)
[6] later (up to 18 years) (8)
SCCS532. Initiation Time: Girls
[NA] NA (3)
[0] Absent (100)
[2] before genital maturation (9)
[3] at first sign of genital maturation (11)
[4] at genital maturation (57)
[5] within one year after genital maturation (5)
[6] later (up to 18 years) (1)
SCCS533. Number of Concurrent Initiates: Boys
[NA] NA (4)
[0] Absent (119)
[2] Single (29)
[3] Small group (7)
[4] Large group (27)
SCCS534. Number of Concurrent Initiates: Girls
[NA] NA (3)
[0] Absent (99)
[2] Single (73)
[3] Small group (6)
[4] Large group (5)
SCCS535. Duration of Initiation Ceremony: Boys
[NA] NA (4)
[0] Absent (119)
[2] Short (28)
[3] Medium (7)
[4] Long (28)
SCCS536. Duration of Initiation Ceremony: Girls
[NA] NA (3)
[0] Absent (99)
[2] Short (36)
[3] Medium (21)
[4] Long (27)
SCCS537. Number of Participants: Boys
[NA] NA (4)
[0] Absent (121)
[2] Immediate family (7)
[3] Local group (25)
[4] Large group (29)
SCCS538. Number of Participants: Girls
[NA] NA (3)
[0] Absent (99)
[2] Immediate family (40)
[3] Local group (29)
[4] Large group (15)
SCCS539. Sexes of Participants: Boys
[NA] NA (4)
[0] Absent (119)
[2] Both sexes (12)
[3] Partially limited to same sex as initiates (17)
[4] Exclusively same sex as initiates (34)
SCCS540. Sexes of Participants: Girls
[NA] NA (3)
[0] Absent (99)
[2] Both sexes (11)
[3] Partially limited to same sex as initiates (28)
[4] Exclusively same sex as initiates (45)
SCCS541. Primary Physical Components: Boys
[NA] NA (4)
[0] Absent (119)
[2] None (6)
[3] Manipulations or activities (17)
[4] Pain other than genital operation (20)
[5] Genital operation (13)
[6] Genital operation and other pain (7)
SCCS542. Primary Physical Components: Girls
[NA] NA (3)
[0] Absent (99)
[2] None (11)
[3] Manipulations or activities (45)
[4] Pain other than genital operations (21)
[5] Genital operations (7)
SCCS543. Secondary Physical Components: Boys
[NA] NA (4)
[0] Absent (119)
[2] Neither manipulations nor activities (15)
[3] Activities (14)
[4] Manipulations (9)
[5] Both Manipulations and activities (25)
SCCS544. Secondary Physical Components: Girls
[NA] NA (3)
[0] Absent (99)
[2] Neither manipulations or activities (20)
[3] Activities (10)
[4] Manipulations (26)
[5] Both Manipulations and activities (28)
SCCS545. Primary Cognitive or Performance Components: Boys
[NA] NA (4)
[0] Absent (119)
[2] Symbolic only (20)
[3] Learning skills, sharing secrets, or other (3)
[4] Observing taboos (8)
[5] Seclusion (7)
[6] Both seclusion and observing taboos (18)
[7] Fear (7)
SCCS546. Primary Cognitive or Performance Components: Girls
[NA] NA (3)
[0] Absent (99)
[2] Symbolic only (15)
[3] Learning skills, sharing secrets, or others (3)
[4] Observing taboos (1)
[5] Seclusion (9)
[6] Both seclusion and abserving taboos (54)
[7] Fear (2)
SCCS547. Secondary Cognitive or Performance Components: Boys
[NA] NA (4)
[0] Absent (118)
[2] Neither learning skils nor sharing secrets (43)
[3] Sharing secrets (8)
[4] Learning skills (4)
[5] Both learning skills and sharing secrets (9)
SCCS548. Secondary Cognitive or Performance Components: Girls
[NA] NA (3)
[0] Absent (100)
[2] Neither learning skills nor sharing secrets (60)
[3] Sharing secrets (2)
[4] Learning skills (11)
[5] Both learning skills and sharing secrets (10)
SCCS549. Primary Emic Interpretations: Boys
[NA] NA (4)
[0] Absent (119)
[2] None (4)
[3] Status marker, physical change, or behavior change (41)
[4] Spiritual change (11)
[5] Death-rebirth (7)
SCCS550. Primary Emic Interpretations: Girls
[NA] NA (3)
[0] Absent (99)
[2] None (5)
[3] Status marker, physical change, or behavior change (75)
[4] Spirtitual change (2)
[5] Death-rebirth (2)
SCCS551. Secondary Emic Interpretations: Boys
[NA] NA (4)
[0] Absent (118)
[2] No status marker (8)
[3] General status marker (17)
[4] Status marker for adolescence or youth (14)
[5] Status maker for full adulthood (25)
SCCS552. Secondary Emic Interpretations: Girls
[NA] NA (3)
[0] Absent (100)
[2] No status marker (8)
[3] General status marker (25)
[4] Status marker for adolescence or youth (12)
[5] Status marker for full adulthood (38)
SCCS553. Tertiary Emic Interpretations: Boys
[NA] NA (4)
[0] Absent (118)
[2] Neither physical nor behavior change (31)
[3] Behavior change (10)
[4] Physical change (12)
[5] Both physical and behavior change (11)
SCCS554. Tertiary Emic Interpretations: Girls
[NA] NA (3)
[0] Absent (100)
[2] Neither physical nor behavior change (48)
[3] Behavior change (12)
[4] Physical change (16)
[5] Both physical and behavior change (7)
SCCS555. Primary Social Consequences: Boys
[NA] NA (4)
[0] Absent (118)
[2] None (19)
[3] Familial intergration, independence, or other (14)
[4] Heterosexual intercourse (8)
[5] Same-sex bonding (17)
[6] Both same-sex bonding and heterosex. inter. (6)
SCCS556. Primary Social Consequences: Girls
[NA] NA (3)
[0] Absent (100)
[2] None (32)
[3] Familial integration, independence, or other (20)
[4] Heterosexual intercourse (25)
[5] Same-sex bonding (3)
[6] Both same-sex bonding and heterosex. inter. (3)
SCCS557. Secondary Social Consequences: Boys
[NA] NA (4)
[0] Absent (118)
[2] None (36)
[3] Other (6)
[4] Familial independence (13)
[5] Familial integration (9)
SCCS558. Secondary Social Consequences: Girls
[NA] NA (3)
[0] Absent (100)
[2] None (57)
[3] Other (8)
[4] Familial independence (9)
[5] Familial integration (9)
SCCS559. Principal Focus: Boys
[NA] NA (4)
[0] Absent (120)
[2] Fertility (11)
[3] Sexuality (10)
[4] Valor (6)
[5] Wisdom (7)
[6] Responsibility (26)
[7] Other (2)
SCCS560. Principal Focus: Girls
[NA] NA (3)
[0] Absent (99)
[2] Fertility (34)
[3] Sexuality (18)
[4] Valor (1)
[5] Wisdom (1)
[6] Responsibility (23)
[7] Other (7)
SCCS561. Menarcheal Ceremonies
[NA] NA (98)
[1] Absent (44)
[2] Present (44)
SCCS562. Circumcision
[NA] NA (94)
[1] Superincision, or subincision, or absent (70)
[2] Circumcision (22)
SCCS563. Maternal Restrictions
[NA] NA (97)
[1] Absent (43)
[2] Present (46)
SCCS564. Husband Involvement Scale (Couvade)
[NA] NA (99)
[1] Minor Observance or Informal (51)
[2] Seclusion, or postpartum work taboo, or food taboo (36)
SCCS565. Menstrual Segregation
[NA] NA (102)
[1] Absent (56)
[2] Present (28)
SCCS566. Male Segregation Practices
[NA] NA (104)
[1] Absent (60)
[2] Present (22)
SCCS567. Combined Segregation Practices
[NA] NA (110)
[1] Absent (42)
[2] Minor (22)
[3] Present (12)
SCCS568. Compensation Demands
[NA] NA (116)
[1] Absent (35)
[2] Present (35)
SCCS569. Fraternal Interest Group Size
[NA] NA (102)
[1] 1 (54)
[2] 2 (16)
[3] 3 (14)
SCCS570. Fraternal Interest Group Strength
[NA] NA (104)
[1] both brideprice and patrilineality are absent (35)
[2] either brideprice or patrilineality (12)
[3] political subunit is greater than 1000, brideprice present (16)
[4] size of political subunit is between 100-999 (8)
[5] political subunit greater than 1000, brideprice absent (11)
SCCS571. Resource Base
[NA] NA (94)
[1] low (18)
[2] unstable (35)
[3] high (39)
SCCS572. Residence Pattern
[NA] NA (94)
[1] not favoring formation of fraternal interest groups (36)
[2] favoring formation of fraternal interest groups (56)
SCCS573. Ritual Warfare
[NA] NA (104)
[1] Absent (52)
[2] Present (30)
SCCS574. Achieved Leadership through Wealth Distribution
[NA] NA (105)
[1] not important (61)
[2] very important (20)
SCCS575. Unstable Political Power Index
[NA] NA (110)
[1] All three variables have a score of 0 (44)
[2] Only one of the three variables has a score of 1 (10)
[3] two of the three variables have a score of 1 (17)
[4] All three variables have a score of 1 (5)
SCCS576. Sex of Gods and Spirits and Other Super-natural Beings
[NA] NA (119)
[1] All male (10)
[2] Males More Powerful (24)
[3] More Equal (13)
[4] Both Equal (20)
SCCS577. Mythical Founders of the Culture
[NA] NA (121)
[1] All males (21)
[2] Both sexes men more important (18)
[3] Both sexes fairly equal (19)
[4] Both sexes female more important (7)
SCCS578. Sex of Shamans
[NA] NA (113)
[1] All males (14)
[2] Male more, more powerful (26)
[3] male more, while power equal (26)
[4] Female more powerful (7)
SCCS579. Sex of Reputed Witches
[NA] NA (118)
[1] All males (16)
[2] Male predominance in power (21)
[3] Both, equal in power (23)
[4] Female predominance in power (8)
SCCS580. Participation in Collective Religious Ceremonies and Rituals
[NA] NA (113)
[1] Only males (4)
[2] Both, male more common (36)
[3] Both, farily equal (28)
[4] Both, Female more prominent (5)
SCCS581. Funeral or Burial Ceremonies Held
[NA] NA (102)
[1] Only for males (11)
[2] For both, and roughly equal (73)
SCCS582. Intermediate or Local Political Leaders
[NA] NA (112)
[1] Only males (65)
[2] Both sexes, male more powerful (7)
[3] Both sexes, female equally powerful (2)
SCCS583. Leadership Posts in Kinship or Extended Family Units
[NA] NA (124)
[1] Include men only (52)
[2] Both, men more Infuence (6)
[3] Both, roughly equal influence (4)
SCCS584. Participation in Collective Fighting and Warfare
[NA] NA (116)
[1] Only men (62)
[2] Both, men do most fighting (8)
SCCS585. Proportional Contribution of Women to Overall Subsistence
[NA] NA (94)
[1] low (2)
[2] (2 on ordinal scale with 8 levels) (2)
[3] (3 on ordinal scale with 8 levels) (14)
[4] (4 on ordinal scale with 8 levels) (23)
[5] (5 on ordinal scale with 8 levels) (27)
[6] (6 on ordinal scale with 8 levels) (18)
[7] (7 on ordinal scale with 8 levels) (2)
[8] high (4)
SCCS586. Relative Time and Effort Expended on Subsistence Activities
[NA] NA (98)
[1] Men expend more (14)
[2] Men and Women expend roughly equal (54)
[3] Women expend more (20)
SCCS587. Community-wide Exclusively Male Work Groups
[NA] NA (108)
[1] None (20)
[2] For one activity (44)
[3] For one or more activity (14)
SCCS588. Community-wide Exclusively Female Work Groups
[NA] NA (114)
[1] None (45)
[2] For one or more activity (27)
SCCS589. Degree of Segregation in Subsistence Activities
[NA] NA (109)
[1] Men and Women Segregated (15)
[2] Some Segregation (41)
[3] Little or no Segregation (21)
SCCS590. Inheritance of Property of Some Economic Value
[NA] NA (115)
[1] Only men (18)
[2] Both, Male of Preference (27)
[3] Roughly equal (22)
[4] Female Preference (4)
SCCS591. Ownership or Control of the Use of Dwellings
[NA] NA (114)
[1] Soley by Men (22)
[2] Most owned by men (12)
[3] Equal ownership (25)
[4] Most or all by Female (13)
SCCS592. Control of Disposal and Use of Fruits of the Labour Done Solely by Men
[NA] NA (94)
[1] Men Total say (30)
[2] Men have Predominant Say (41)
[3] Men and Women equal say (12)
[4] Women have total say (9)
SCCS593. Control of Disposal and Use of Fruits of the Labour Done by Men and Women
[NA] NA (105)
[1] Men Total say (7)
[2] Men Predominate Say (6)
[3] Men and Women equal say (60)
[4] Women Total Say (8)
SCCS594. Control of Disposal and Use of Fruits of the Labour Done Solely by Women
[NA] NA (94)
[1] Men Total say (6)
[2] Men and Women Have equal Say (10)
[3] Women Predominate Say (62)
[4] Women Total Say (14)
SCCS595. Men's Domestic Work
[NA] NA (94)
[1] Males do virtually None (47)
[2] Males do some (45)
SCCS596. (No) Double Standard in Regard to Premarital Sex
[NA] NA (113)
[1] Yes (32)
[2] No, Equal Restriction (41)
SCCS597. (No) Double Standard in Regard to Extramarital Sex
[NA] NA (111)
[1] Yes (32)
[2] No, Equal Restrictions (41)
[3] Male Punished Severely (2)
SCCS598. Extramarital Affairs of Married Women
[NA] NA (100)
[1] Not allowed and apparently rare (40)
[2] Not allowed and not uncommon (29)
[3] Allowed or very common (17)
SCCS599. Menstrual Taboos
[NA] NA (124)
[1] No menstrual Taboos (11)
[2] Rule against intercourse with Menstruating Women (15)
[3] Personal restriction on Menstruals (9)
[4] Belief that menstrual blood is dangerous (3)
[5] Menstruating women may not cook (3)
[6] Menstrualing women segregated from men (6)
[7] Menstrualing women, not have contact with male things (15)
SCCS600. The Role of Men and Women in Procreation Understood
[NA] NA (93)
[1] Men important role (7)
[2] Belief Roughly Equal (80)
[3] Women Important role (6)
SCCS601. Sexual Drives and Urges Understood
[NA] NA (93)
[1] Men stronger urges (17)
[2] Belief urges are Equal (71)
[3] Women Stronger Urges (5)
SCCS602. (No) Explicit View That Sexual Activity Is Dangerous or Contaminating
[NA] NA (118)
[1] Yes (15)
[2] No (53)
SCCS603. Role of the Older Generation in Arranging Marriages (1st Marriages Only)
[NA] NA (103)
[1] Male Monopolize arrangement (13)
[2] Both participate, men more say (33)
[3] Both participate, equal say (28)
[4] Both partcipate, females more say (9)
SCCS604. Voice of the Potential Bride and Groom in Marriage Decisions
[NA] NA (106)
[1] Only the Groom refuse a match (4)
[2] Groom more ability initiate or refuse (27)
[3] Equal ability to initiate, refuse a match (46)
[4] Bride, more ability to initiate or match (3)
SCCS605. Marriage Payments
[NA] NA (109)
[1] woman exchange (5)
[2] Substantial Bride Price (36)
[3] Bride service (10)
[4] Token Bride price (10)
[5] Gift exchange (10)
[6] Dowry (6)
SCCS606. Preferred Marriage Forms
[NA] NA (93)
[1] Polygnous unions over 20% (22)
[2] Polygnous unions under 20% (36)
[3] Monogamy (34)
[4] Polyandry (1)
SCCS607. (No Male) Multiple Spouses
[NA] NA (94)
[1] Only for males (71)
[2] Both, but commonly for males (4)
[3] For neither (15)
[4] Both, but commonly for females (2)
SCCS608. (No) Levirate
[NA] NA (110)
[1] Present (54)
[2] Absent (22)
SCCS609. Relative Distances Moved by the Bride and Groom Away from Their Families of Orientation at First Marriage
[NA] NA (102)
[1] Female moves farther away (58)
[2] About equal distance (7)
[3] Males moves farther away (19)
SCCS610. Relative Ease of Initiating Divorce
[NA] NA (93)
[1] Only available to male (5)
[2] Possible to both, difficult for females (12)
[3] Divorce equally possible (72)
[4] Possible to both, difficult for males (4)
SCCS611. Relative Ease of Remarriage
[NA] NA (101)
[1] Possible for both, fewer obstacles for male (21)
[2] Equally possible for both (64)
SCCS612. Average Relative Age at First Marriage of Men and of Women
[NA] NA (116)
[1] Women generally older (2)
[2] Ages about equal (7)
[3] Men 1-2 years older (12)
[4] Men 3-4 years older (18)
[5] Men more than 4 years older (31)
SCCS613. Final Authority over the Care, Handling and Discipline of Infants
[NA] NA (119)
[1] Monopolized by males (12)
[2] Is divided roughly equal (11)
[3] Is divided, females more say (21)
[4] Monopolized by females (23)
SCCS614. Final Authority over the Up-bringing and Discipline of Post-infant Unmarried Children Living in the Home
[NA] NA (118)
[1] Virtually monopolized by males (11)
[2] Divided, but more male (14)
[3] Divided roughly equally (34)
[4] Divided, but females more (9)
SCCS615. Wife to Husband Institutionalized Deference (Guttman Scale)
[NA] NA (102)
[1] None (29)
[2] Husband Dominate Domestic decision (15)
[3] Wife excluded from many gatherings (21)
[4] Wife rarely disputes husband (9)
[5] Husband has seating Priority (7)
[6] Wife kneels and bows when greeting Husband (3)
SCCS616. A Stated Preference for Children of One Sex
[NA] NA (93)
[1] For male (28)
[2] Equal, no preference (54)
[3] For females (11)
SCCS617. Any Evidence of Infanticide
[NA] NA (115)
[1] Mostly for females (6)
[2] For both, or for neither (64)
[3] Mostly for males (1)
SCCS618. Early Training for Adult Duties
[NA] NA (93)
[1] Boys are trained earlier generally (1)
[2] Training begins at roughly equal age (70)
[3] Girls are trained earlier generally (22)
SCCS619. Punishment for Equal Misbehavior
[NA] NA (93)
[1] Boys are punish more severely (3)
[2] Punishment about equal (82)
[3] Girls are punished more severely (8)
SCCS620. Physical Punishment of the Spouse Condoned
[NA] NA (123)
[1] Only husband hitting wife generally (39)
[2] Physical punishment by neither (16)
[3] either may hit the other (8)
SCCS621. (No) Explicit View That Men Should and Do Dominate Their Wives
[NA] NA (123)
[1] Yes (42)
[2] No, evidence of rough equality (19)
[3] No, evidence of wife dominance (2)
SCCS622. Attendance and Participation in General Community Gathering
[NA] NA (124)
[1] only, men more Prominetly (27)
[2] Both equally perhaps segregated (35)
SCCS623. Existence of General Female Initiation Ceremonies
[NA] NA (110)
[1] No initiations for females (36)
[2] Customary minimal social recognition (8)
[3] Personal dramatization of initiate (10)
[4] Organized social response (12)
[5] Affective social response (10)
SCCS624. Any Belief That the Status of Women Has Changed in Folklore or History
[NA] NA (93)
[1] Belief it has declined (6)
[2] No such belief, or no change (83)
[3] A belief it has improved (4)
SCCS625. High Value Placed on Males Being Aggressive, Strong, and Sexually Potent
[NA] NA (105)
[1] Marked emphasis (26)
[2] Moderate emphasis (33)
[3] Little or no emphasis (22)
SCCS626. (No) Belief That Women Are Generally Inferior to Men
[NA] NA (93)
[1] Yes (27)
[2] No such belief (66)
SCCS627. A Statement That Women Have More Informal Influence than Formal Norms of the Society Would Make It Appear
[NA] NA (93)
[1] No such statement (49)
[2] Somewhat informal influence (25)
[3] Much more informal influence (19)
SCCS628. Property Control Scale
[NA] NA (93)
[1] Women, low control over property (4)
[2] (2 on an ordinal scale with 4 levels) (19)
[3] (3 on an ordinal scale with 4 levels) (60)
[4] Women, high control over property (10)
SCCS629. Kin Power Scale
[NA] NA (93)
[1] Low power, women in kinship (19)
[2] (2 on an ordinal scale with 3 levels) (52)
[3] High power, women in kinship (22)
SCCS630. Value of Life Scale
[NA] NA (93)
[1] Low value placed on women's lives (8)
[2] (2 on an ordinal scale with 3 levels) (37)
[3] High value placed on women's lives (48)
SCCS631. Value of Labour
[NA] NA (93)
[1] Low value of women's labor (1)
[2] (2 on an ordinal scale with 5 levels) (9)
[3] (3 on an ordinal scale with 5 levels) (40)
[4] (4 on an ordinal scale with 5 levels) (34)
[5] High value of women's labor (9)
SCCS632. Domestic Authority Scale
[NA] NA (97)
[1] Low women's domestic authority (8)
[2] Med-Low (21)
[3] Med-High (32)
[4] High women's domestic authority (28)
SCCS633. Ritualized Female Solidarity Scale
[NA] NA (93)
[1] Low female solidarity (26)
[2] (2 on an ordinal scale with 3 levels) (38)
[3] High female solidarity (29)
SCCS634. Control of Sex Scale
[NA] NA (94)
[1] Stricter controls over women's marital, sexual lives (3)
[2] (2 on an ordinal scale with 3 levels) (56)
[3] Equal control over women's marital, sexuals lives (33)
SCCS635. Ritualized Fear Scale
[NA] NA (93)
[1] High ritualized fear of women (6)
[2] (2 on an ordinal scale with 3 levels) (18)
[3] Low ritualized fear of women (69)
SCCS636. Joint Participation Scale
[NA] NA (95)
[1] Low joint participation men-women (10)
[2] (2 on an ordinal scale with 3 levels) (50)
[3] High joint participation men-women (31)
SCCS637. Patterns for Grandparents
[NA] NA (37)
[1] bisexual pattern (89)
[2] merging pattern (27)
[3] bifurcate bisexual pattern (22)
[4] matri-skewed pattern (4)
[5] null pattern (4)
[7] patri-skewed pattern (1)
[8] rare patterns (2)
SCCS638. Patterns for Grandchildren
[NA] NA (42)
[1] merging pattern (76)
[2] bisexual pattern (21)
[3] self-reciprocal pattern (22)
[4] bifurcate bisexual pattern (10)
[5] null pattern (5)
[6] speaker's sex pattern (4)
[7] bifurcate pattern (2)
[8] bifurcate speaker's sex pattern (4)
SCCS639. Patterns for Uncles
[NA] NA (37)
[1] simple bifurcate merging pattern (45)
[2] simple bifurcate collateral pattern (43)
[3] skewed bifurcate collateral pattern (22)
[4] lineal pattern (22)
[5] generation pattern (7)
[6] age-differentiated bifurcate collateral pattern (2)
[7] relative age pattern (6)
[8] speaker differentiated bifurcate merging pattern (1)
[9] speaker differentiated bifurcate collateral pattern (1)
SCCS640. Patterns for Aunts
[NA] NA (37)
[1] simple bifurcate collateral pattern (41)
[2] bifurcate merging pattern (42)
[3] lineal pattern (23)
[4] generation pattern (14)
[5] skewed bifurcate collateral pattern (17)
[6] relative age pattern (6)
[7] age-differentiated bifurcate collateral pattern (3)
[8] speaker differentiated bifurcate collateral pattern (2)
[9] rare pattern (1)
SCCS641. Patterns for Nephews and Nieces (Male Speaking)
[NA] NA (42)
[1] simple bifurcate merging pattern (31)
[2] sex-differentiated bifurcate merging pattern (20)
[3] simple bifurcate collateral pattern (18)
[4] simple lineal pattern (19)
[5] generation pattern (17)
[6] sex-differentiated lineal pattern (15)
[7] sex-differentiated bifurcate collateral pattern (15)
[8] age-skewed bifurcate collateral pattern (4)
[9] age-differentiated bifurcate collateral pattern (1)
[11] brother-skewed bifurcate collateral pattern (3)
[12] rare patterns (1)
SCCS642. Patterns for Siblings
[NA] NA (39)
[1] Dravidian Pattern (32)
[2] European Pattern (22)
[3] Yoruban Pattern (18)
[4] Algonkian Pattern (15)
[5] Kordofanian Pattern (7)
[6] Southern Bantu Pattern (9)
[7] East Polynesian Pattern (8)
[8] Quechuan Pattern (8)
[9] Carolinian Pattern (6)
[10] Siouan Pattern (3)
[11] Caddoan Pattern (3)
[12] Malagasy Pattern (4)
[13] Jivaran pattern (3)
[14] Voltaic Pattern (3)
[15] Yukian Pattern (1)
[16] rare patterns (5)
SCCS643. Patterns for Cross-cousins
[NA] NA (38)
[1] Hawaiian Pattern (42)
[2] Iroquois Pattern (42)
[3] Eskimo Pattern (21)
[4] Omaha Pattern (10)
[5] Crow Pattern (17)
[6] Descriptive Pattern (10)
[7] Sudanese Pattern (6)
SCCS644. Patterns for Siblings-in-law
[NA] NA (73)
[1] merging pattern (20)
[2] simple bisexual pattern (12)
[3] speaker's sex bisexual pattern (15)
[4] opposite sex pattern (15)
[5] null pattern (10)
[6] differentiated pattern (5)
[7] strongly differentiated pattern (5)
[8] relative sex pattern (4)
[9] sex-of-link bisexual pattern (6)
[10] spouse's sibling vs. sibling's spouse pattern (4)
[11] Skewed Bisexual Pattern (3)
[12] Paired Bisexual Pattern (4)
[13] Potential spouse pattern (1)
[14] Same Sex Pattern (2)
[15] relative age pattern (1)
[16] Rare pattern (6)
SCCS645. Theories of Infection
[NA] NA (64)
[1] Absence of such a cause (91)
[2] Minor or relatively unimportant cause (30)
[4] Predominant cause recognized by the society (1)
SCCS646. Theories of Stress
[NA] NA (59)
[1] Absence of such a cause (56)
[2] Minor or relatively unimportant cause (68)
[3] An important auxiliary cause (3)
SCCS647. Theories of Deterioration
[NA] NA (58)
[1] Absence of such a cause (99)
[2] Minor or relatively unimportant cause (29)
SCCS648. Theories of Accident
[NA] NA (58)
[1] Absence of such a cause (91)
[2] Minor or relatively unimportant cause (37)
SCCS649. Theories of Fate
[NA] NA (59)
[1] Absence of such a cause (99)
[2] Minor or relatively unimportant cause (27)
[3] An important auxiliary cause (1)
SCCS650. Theories of Ominous Sensation
[NA] NA (59)
[1] Absence of such a cause (90)
[2] Minor or relatively unimportant cause (37)
SCCS651. Theories of Contagion
[NA] NA (58)
[1] Absence of such a cause (81)
[2] Minor or relatively unimportant cause (46)
[3] An important auxiliary cause (1)
SCCS652. Theories of Mystical Retribution
[NA] NA (55)
[1] Absence of such a cause (26)
[2] Minor or relatively unimportant cause (68)
[3] An important auxiliary cause (32)
[4] Predominant cause recognized by the society (5)
SCCS653. Theories of Soul Loss
[NA] NA (59)
[1] Absence of such a cause (96)
[2] Minor or relatively unimportant cause (30)
[3] An important auxiliary cause (1)
SCCS654. Theories of Spirit Aggression
[NA] NA (55)
[1] Absence of such a cause (2)
[2] Minor or relatively unimportant cause (18)
[3] An important auxiliary cause (37)
[4] Predominant cause recognized by the society (74)
SCCS655. Theories of Sorcery
[NA] NA (56)
[1] Absence of such a cause (16)
[2] Minor or relatively unimportant cause (45)
[3] An important auxiliary cause (45)
[4] Predominant cause recognized by the society (24)
SCCS656. Theories of Witchcraft
[NA] NA (55)
[1] Absence of such a cause (81)
[2] Minor or relatively unimportant cause (24)
[3] An important auxiliary cause (17)
[4] Predominant cause recognized by the society (9)
SCCS657. Flexible Marriage Mores (Divorce for Both Men and Women: or Mild Punishment for Adultery)
[NA] NA (44)
[1] Absent (28)
[2] Present (114)
SCCS658. Females Produce Goods for Nondomestic Distribution
[NA] NA (34)
[1] Absent (27)
[2] Present (125)
SCCS659. Demand for Female Produce beyond Household
[NA] NA (51)
[1] Absent (40)
[2] Present (95)
SCCS660. Female Economic Control of Products of Own Labour
[NA] NA (47)
[1] Absent (41)
[2] Present (98)
SCCS661. Female Political Participation, at Least Informal Influence
[NA] NA (41)
[1] Absent (62)
[2] Present (83)
SCCS662. Female Solidarity Groups, Formal or Informal
[NA] NA (56)
[1] Absent (93)
[2] Present (37)
SCCS663. Female Power Guttman Scale Constructed from 657-662
[NA] NA (53)
[1] All items absent (11)
[2] Flexible marriage mores only (9)
[3] Plus Female nondomestic production (5)
[4] Plus demand for female produce (13)
[5] Plus female economic control (23)
[6] Plus female political participation (41)
[7] Plus female solidarity groups (31)
SCCS664. Ideology of Male Toughness
[NA] NA (78)
[1] Absent (21)
[2] Present (87)
SCCS665. Male Segregation
[NA] NA (75)
[1] Absent (24)
[2] Present (87)
SCCS666. Moderate or Frequent Interpersonal Violence
[NA] NA (55)
[1] Absent (43)
[2] Present (88)
SCCS667. Rape: Incidents Reports, or Thought of as Means of Punishment Women, or Part of Ceremony
[NA] NA (91)
[1] Absent (45)
[2] Present (50)
SCCS668. At Least Some Wives Taken from Hostile Groups
[NA] NA (55)
[1] Absent (84)
[2] Present (47)
SCCS669. Male Aggression Guttman Scale Constructed from 664-668
[NA] NA (79)
[1] No items present (15)
[2] Ideology of male toughness only (5)
[3] Plus separate places for men (18)
[4] Plus interpersonal violence (12)
[5] Plus rape institutionalized or reported (19)
[6] Plus taking wives from hostile groups (38)
SCCS671. Menstrual Taboos (H16)
[NA] NA (76)
[1] no menstrual restrictions (8)
[2] one restriction present (26)
[3] two restrictions (25)
[4] three (17)
[5] four (15)
[6] five (19)
SCCS672. Male Avoidance of Female Sexuality (A11)
[NA] NA (70)
[1] None (26)
[2] sexual intercourse prohibited during menstruation (51)
[3] sexual intercourse prohibited at other times also (31)
[4] men avoid or fear female genitals (8)
SCCS673. Sex of Creative Agent, Ancestor, or Culture-hero
[NA] NA (147)
[1] Female (6)
[2] Sexless (2)
[3] Couples (6)
[4] Male (9)
[5] Animal (3)
[6] Supreme being or force (13)
SCCS674. Origin of First Creator or Ancestor
[NA] NA (147)
[1] From wothin ('feminine') (13)
[2] Form within and without (3)
[3] From without ('masuline') (21)
[4] Void (2)
SCCS675. Mode of First-mentioned Creation
[NA] NA (147)
[1] From the body: Union and/or birth (14)
[2] From the body: Self-propagation (2)
[3] From other than the body (20)
[4] Cannot be determined (3)
SCCS676. Creation Stories
[NA] NA (74)
[1] feminine symbolism (20)
[2] couple symbolism (36)
[3] masculine symbolism (56)
SCCS677. Migration
[NA] NA (81)
[1] aboriginal area or mograted centuries ago (47)
[2] recent migration, within past 100-150 years (58)
SCCS678. Food Stress or Hunger
[NA] NA (48)
[1] food constant (47)
[2] occasional hunger or famine (62)
[3] periodic or chronic hunger (26)
[4] starvation or evidence of protein deficiency (3)
SCCS679. Warfare or Fighting
[NA] NA (53)
[1] absent or occasional or periodical (41)
[2] frequent or endemic (92)
SCCS680. Plow
[NA] NA (94)
[1] Absent (66)
[2] Present (26)
SCCS681. Irrigation
[NA] NA (100)
[1] Absent (55)
[2] Present (31)
SCCS682. Cereal Grains the Principal Crop
[NA] NA (94)
[1] Absent (45)
[2] Present (47)
SCCS683. Roots or Tubers the Principal Crop
[NA] NA (93)
[1] Absent (71)
[2] Present (22)
SCCS684. Tree Fruits and Starches the Principal Crops
[NA] NA (94)
[1] Absent (82)
[2] Present (10)
SCCS685. Large Nonmilked Aboriginal Domestic Animals
[NA] NA (99)
[1] Absent (75)
[2] Present (12)
SCCS686. Large Milked Aboriginal Domestic Animals
[NA] NA (96)
[1] Absent (61)
[2] Present (29)
SCCS687. Small Aboriginal Domestic Animals - excluding Dogs, Cats, Fowl, Guinea Pigs
[NA] NA (98)
[1] Absent (39)
[2] Present (49)
SCCS688. Large Domestic Animals, Only since European Contact
[NA] NA (97)
[1] Absent (77)
[2] Present (12)
SCCS689. Small Domestic Animals, Only since European Contact
[NA] NA (106)
[1] Absent (71)
[2] Present (9)
SCCS690. Large Animals Are Hunted and Important to the Diet
[NA] NA (100)
[1] Absent (44)
[2] Present (42)
SCCS691. Small Animals Are Hunted and Important to the Diet
[NA] NA (104)
[1] Absent (35)
[2] Present (47)
SCCS692. Intermediate Animals Are Hunted and Important to the Diet
[NA] NA (104)
[1] Absent (33)
[2] Present (49)
SCCS693. Frequency of Intercommunity Armed Conflict
[NA] NA (95)
[1] Past, supralocal, or absent (49)
[2] Present and endemic local warfare (42)
SCCS694. Male Initiation Ceremonies (Guttman Scale - See Frank Young, 1965)
[NA] NA (111)
[1] No initiation (37)
[2] Minimal social recognition (10)
[3] Personal dramatization of the initiate (7)
[4] Organized social response (3)
[5] Affective social response: beating, hazing or operations (18)
SCCS695. Male Solidarity (Guttman Scale - See Young and Bacdayan 1965)
[NA] NA (93)
[1] No instructionalized male solidarity (57)
[2] Some exclusive male activity (7)
[3] Ritualization given to this activity (6)
[4] Definite ranking of men within this activity (14)
[5] War training or planning a part of this activity (9)
SCCS696. Matrilineal Descent
[NA] NA (93)
[1] Patrilineal, Dual, bilateral, or other (76)
[2] Matrilineal (17)
SCCS697. Matrilocal Residence
[NA] NA (96)
[1] All other (72)
[2] Matrilocal (18)
SCCS698. Preferred Family Form (Adapted from Murdock 1961)
[NA] NA (97)
[1] Nuclear (26)
[2] Stem (23)
[3] Lineal (10)
[4] Extended (30)
SCCS699. Political Organization (Adapted from Murdock 1961, P. 207)
[NA] NA (93)
[1] Absence of local political integration (11)
[2] Autonomous local community (40)
[3] Minmal state (13)
[4] Little state (27)
[5] State political integration in a unit (2)
SCCS700. Crimes against Person Punished
[NA] NA (94)
[1] By person or group wronged (37)
[2] By government action (55)
SCCS701. (No) Government Full-time Bureaucrats
[NA] NA (94)
[1] Full time bureaucrats unrelented to government head (62)
[2] No full time bureaucrats, or only relatives of head (30)
SCCS702. Community Is Part of a Kingdom
[NA] NA (99)
[1] No (70)
[2] Yes (17)
SCCS703. Community Part of a Kingdom in the past That No Longer Exists
[NA] NA (99)
[1] No (74)
[2] Yes (13)
SCCS704. Private Property
[NA] NA (102)
[1] Absent (70)
[2] Present (14)
SCCS705. Settlement Type
[NA] NA (93)
[1] Fully migratory or nomadic bands (7)
[2] Seminomadic (21)
[3] Neighborhoods of dispersed family settlements (22)
[4] Seperated hamlets (28)
[5] Compact or permanent village or town (12)
[6] Complex settlements surrounded by homesteads or hamlets (3)
SCCS706. Metalworking
[NA] NA (100)
[1] Absent (33)
[2] Present (53)
SCCS707. Manufacture of Pottery
[NA] NA (96)
[1] Absent (26)
[2] Present (64)
SCCS708. True Weaving
[NA] NA (100)
[1] Absent (43)
[2] Present (43)
SCCS709. Social Stratification in the Larger Society
[NA] NA (94)
[1] Lack of significant stratification among free men (24)
[2] Differences in wealth and control (31)
[3] Dual stratification into hereditary elitesd and commoners (11)
[4] Complex stratifiation into three or more classes/ castes (26)
SCCS710. Social Stratification in the Local Community
[NA] NA (95)
[1] Lack of strat. among free men (29)
[2] Differences in wealth & control (36)
[3] Dual strat. into hereditary elites & commoners (8)
[4] Complex strat. into 3 or more classes/castes (18)
SCCS711. Societal Complexity (Guttman Scale - Freeman and Winch 1957)
[NA] NA (93)
[1] Absence of all traits in scale (37)
[2] Crimes punished by government (13)
[3] Full-time specialized priests (9)
[4] Formal education (1)
[5] Written language (8)
[6] Full-time bureaucrats (25)
SCCS712. Institutionalized Envy
[NA] NA (100)
[1] No items present (13)
[2] One or two items present (14)
[3] Three of four items present (59)
SCCS713. (Pre-classical) Religion
[NA] NA (93)
[1] Preclassical (14)
[2] Mixture of classical & preclassical (31)
[3] Classical religion (Xianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism) (48)
SCCS714. Sex Ratio
[NA] NA (96)
[1] Female excess (10)
[2] Roughly equal (60)
[3] Male excess (20)
SCCS715. Systematic Absences of Married Males (Military Service, Labour Elsewhere, Extended Trade Expeditions, etc.)
[NA] NA (94)
[1] No systematic absences (38)
[2] Systematic absences - within memory of present adults (6)
[3] Systematic absences common presently (48)
SCCS716. Sex of Coders
[NA] NA (93)
[1] Both male (12)
[2] Male & Female (43)
[3] Both female (38)
SCCS717. Number of Sources Consulted
[NA] NA (93)
[1] One (11)
[2] Two (23)
[3] three (27)
[4] Four or Five (21)
[5] Six to Nine (11)
SCCS718. Number of Authorities Consulted
[NA] NA (93)
[1] One (27)
[2] Two (31)
[3] three (17)
[4] Four to Seven (18)
SCCS719. Total Pages in Sources Consulted
[NA] NA (93)
[1] Under 300 (15)
[2] 300 - 499 (22)
[3] 500 - 999 (44)
[4] Over 1000 (12)
SCCS720. Sex of Authorities
[NA] NA (93)
[1] All males (66)
[2] Mixed Males & Females (23)
[3] All Females (4)
SCCS721. Nationality of Authorities
[NA] NA (93)
[1] All Americans (28)
[2] Some Americans (28)
[3] None Americans (37)
SCCS722. Occupation of Authorities
[NA] NA (95)
[1] No Anthropologists (55)
[2] Some Anthropologists (30)
[3] All Anthropologists (6)
SCCS723. Formal Fieldwork Training of Authorities
[NA] NA (94)
[1] All had some (56)
[2] Some had (29)
[3] None had any (7)
SCCS724. Knowledge of Native Language ** (e.g., by Ethnographers)
[NA] NA (99)
[1] All knew it well (52)
[2] Some knew it well (33)
[3] None knew it well (2)
SCCS725. Total Periods of Fieldwork
[NA] NA (97)
[1] One year or less (11)
[2] One to three years (36)
[3] More than three years (42)
SCCS726. Anthropological Present
[NA] NA (93)
[1] Before 1800 A.D. (8)
[2] 1801 - 1900 (34)
[3] 1901 - 1950 (40)
[4] After 1950 A.D. (11)
SCCS727. Importance of Agriculture in Subsistence, including Gardening
[NA] NA (93)
[1] Dominant, the principal subsistence activity (43)
[2] Co-dominant with one or more other categories (20)
[3] Important, but not a major subsistence activity (6)
[4] Present, but relatively unimportant (2)
[5] Insignificant, Sporadic, or Absent (22)
SCCS728. Importance of Animal Husbandry in Subsistence
[NA] NA (93)
[1] Dominant, the principal subsistence activity (6)
[2] Co-dominant with one or more other categories (12)
[3] Important, but not a major subsistence activity (32)
[4] Present, but relatively unimportant (14)
[5] Insignificant, Sporadic, or Absent (29)
SCCS729. Importance of Fishing, Shellfishing and Marine Hunting
[NA] NA (93)
[1] Dominant, the principal subsistence activity (4)
[2] Co-dominant with one or more other categories (13)
[3] Important, but not a major subsistence activity (26)
[4] Present, but relatively unimportant (19)
[5] Insignificant, Sporadic, or Absent (31)
SCCS730. Importance of Hunting and Gathering in Subsistence
[NA] NA (93)
[1] Dominant, the principal subsistence activity (12)
[2] Co-dominant with one or more other categories (14)
[3] Important, but not a major subsistence activity (28)
[4] Present, but relatively unimportant (24)
[5] Insignificant, Sporadic, or Absent (15)
SCCS731. Importance of Handicrafts, Manufacturing
[NA] NA (93)
[2] Co-dominant with one or more other categories (1)
[3] Important, but not a major subsistence activity (42)
[4] Present, but relatively unimportant (44)
[5] Insignificant, Sporadic, or Absent (6)
SCCS732. Importance of Trade in Subsistence
[NA] NA (93)
[2] Co-dominant with one or more other categories (3)
[3] Important, but not a major subsistence activity (33)
[4] Present, but relatively unimportant (44)
[5] Insignificant, Sporadic, or Absent (13)
SCCS733. Contribution of the Sexes to Agriculture
[NA] NA (93)
[1] Male participation exclusively, or female contribution negli (6)
[2] Male participation appreciably greater (18)
[3] Equal participation (22)
[4] Female participation appreciably greater (17)
[5] Female participation exclusively, or male contribution negli (3)
[6] Activity conducted solely by slaves or servile classes (27)
SCCS734. Contribution of the Sexes to Animal Husbandry
[NA] NA (93)
[1] Male participation exclusively, or female contribution negli (12)
[2] Male participation appreciably greater (17)
[3] Equal participation (11)
[4] Female participation appreciably greater (7)
[5] Female participation exclusively, or male contribution negli (4)
[6] Activity conducted solely by slaves or servile classes (42)
SCCS735. Contribution of the Sexes to Fishing, Shellfishing, and Marine Hunting
[NA] NA (93)
[1] Male participation exclusively, or female contribution negli (25)
[2] Male participation appreciably greater (18)
[3] Equal participation (13)
[4] Female participation appreciably greater (2)
[5] Female participation exclusively, or male contribution negli (2)
[6] Activity conducted solely by slaves or servile classes (33)
SCCS736. Contribution of the Sexes to Hunting and Gathering
[NA] NA (93)
[1] Male participation exclusively, or female contribution negli (10)
[2] Male participation appreciably greater (19)
[3] Equal participation (37)
[4] Female participation appreciably greater (6)
[5] Female participation exclusively, or male contribution negli (1)
[6] Activity conducted solely by slaves or servile classes (20)
SCCS737. Relative Contribution of the Sexes to Handicrafts and Manufacture
[NA] NA (93)
[1] Male participation exclusively, or female contribution negli (4)
[2] Male participation appreciably greater (21)
[3] Equal participation (44)
[4] Female participation appreciably greater (10)
[5] Female participation exclusively, or male contribution negli (1)
[6] Activity conducted solely by slaves or servile classes (13)
SCCS738. Relative Contribution of the Sexes to Trade
[NA] NA (93)
[1] Male participation exclusively, or female contribution negli (16)
[2] Male participation appreciably greater (15)
[3] Equal participation (24)
[4] Female participation appreciably greater (5)
[5] Female participation exclusively, or male contribution negli (3)
[6] Activity conducted solely by slaves or servile classes (30)
SCCS739. Marriage Arrangements
[NA] NA (38)
[1] Individual selects partner (46)
[2] Ind selects/courts partner autonomously, but approval necessary or highly desireable (26)
[3] Ind suggests partner to parents/others: proceeds if approved (or, see detail) (5)
[4] Individual choice and arranged marriages are alternatives (27)
[5] Parents choose partner: individual can object (25)
[6] Parents select partner (19)
SCCS740. Marriage Arrangements (Female)
[NA] NA (35)
[1] Selects and courts partner autonomously: approval not needed (12)
[2] Selects partner parental, kin approval needed (40)
[3] Suggests partner to parents,is approved arrangements proceed (4)
[4] Individual choice & arranged marriages are alternatives (27)
[5] Parents choose partner: individual can object (35)
[6] Parents choose partner: individual cannot easily object (33)
SCCS741. Widow Remarriage: Choice of Partner
[NA] NA (94)
[1] Widow chooses new husband herself w/no interferences (28)
[2] Remarriage into 1st husbands kin group, may choose antoher (27)
[3] WIdow chooses new husband herself, 1st H kin, or community (4)
[4] Widow's husband's kin chooses new husband (27)
[5] Remarriage is absent, uncommon, or strongly disapproved (6)
SCCS742. Time of Mourning before Remarriage of Widows
[NA] NA (147)
[1] No period of mourning: remarriage as soon as possible (4)
[2] One week of two months of mourning (3)
[3] Over two months but less than one year of mourning (9)
[4] One year or over of mourning (18)
[5] No remarriage (5)
SCCS743. (Neg) Attitude towards Divorce
[NA] NA (126)
[1] Expected, accepted, tolerated, not disapproved (11)
[2] Mildly disapproved attempts by other to reconcile couple (16)
[3] Approved if reasons are considered jusitified (11)
[4] Expected, accepted, tolerated, not disapproved in 1st years (11)
[5] Strongly disapproved, stigma attached to divorce (11)
SCCS744. (Neg) Frequency of Divorce
[NA] NA (101)
[1] Universal or almost universal (8)
[2] Common, frequent, not uncommon (31)
[3] Moderate: a small minority of couples divorce (11)
[4] Frequent in first years of marriage and before children (10)
[5] Rare, isolated instances, never (25)
SCCS745. Grounds for Divorce (Male)
[NA] NA (105)
[1] None (54)
[2] Not Absolutely Necessary (17)
[3] Divore Only w/Grounds (7)
[4] No Divorce (3)
SCCS746. Grounds for Divorce (Female)
[NA] NA (104)
[1] None (39)
[2] Not Absolutely Necessary (30)
[3] Only w/Grounds (9)
[4] No Divorce (4)
SCCS747. Honeymoon Customs
[NA] NA (134)
[1] Couple goes off alone or is secluded for period of time (6)
[2] Special schedules to allow couple to spend time together (7)
[3] Special schedules set up for newlyweds (20)
[4] No special arrangements for newlyweds (11)
[5] Newlyweds avoid each others, either by tradition or from shy (8)
SCCS748. Customs Surrounding Consummation of Marriage
[NA] NA (120)
[1] Socially recongnized as a special occasion & couple privacy (21)
[2] Special occasion & pirvate, but signal of consummation (6)
[3] Special occasion, other present (8)
[4] Not a special occasion (31)
SCCS749. Living Arrangements for Newlyweds
[NA] NA (70)
[1] Couple move into own house ideally or in reality (43)
[2] Couple move in w/parents, separate room provided (12)
[3] Couple move in w/parents 1st year or so (29)
[4] Couple love permanently in extended family settings (27)
[5] Couple live separated form each other for a period of time (5)
SCCS750. (Distant) Sleeping Proximity between Husbands and Wives
[NA] NA (76)
[1] Same Room, Close (43)
[2] Same Room, Not Close (15)
[3] Same Room, Unknown (45)
[4] Different Rooms (7)
SCCS751. (Low) Privacy in Sleeping for Husbands and Wives (Only If Husband and Wife Sleep in Same Room)
[NA] NA (96)
[1] Together Alone (6)
[2] Togeter w/Y Children (13)
[3] Unmarried Members (6)
[4] Nuclear Family (22)
[5] Other Adults Occasionally (11)
[6] Other Adults Always (32)
SCCS752. (No) Husband-wife Eating Arrangements
[NA] NA (76)
[1] Together (71)
[2] Together, Wife Serves (11)
[3] Eat Apart (28)
SCCS753. (No) Husband-wife Leisure Time Activities
[NA] NA (88)
[1] Together w/Family (4)
[2] H and W spend time tgthr at home, sometimes in grp, same-sex activities not salient (21)
[3] Together w/Group (21)
[4] H and W spend time tgthr at home, sometimes in grp, but same-sex activities also salient (28)
[5] Apart (24)
SCCS754. Wife-beating
[NA] NA (116)
[1] Absent (14)
[2] Present (56)
SCCS755. (No) Husband Attends Birth
[NA] NA (118)
[1] Husbands expected or allowed to attend births of children (11)
[2] No taboo against presence of husband at births (4)
[3] Husbands attend births only in emergencies (4)
[4] H not allowed to attend births, have roles in labor (8)
[5] H not allowed to attend births not allowed to play role (41)
SCCS756. (Low) Political Role Differentiation: Full Time Specialists and Their Differentiation from Others in the Society
[NA] NA (96)
[1] Highly Differentiated (18)
[2] Moderately differentiated (10)
[3] Somewhat wealthier but share much of life style by age, gender (11)
[4] Same life style (7)
[5] Few exist but leadership roles present, wealthier than others (18)
[6] Few exist but leadership roles present, same life style (as #4) (15)
[7] None exist (11)
SCCS757. Political and Religious Differentiation
[NA] NA (103)
[1] Considerable Overlap between Leaders (23)
[2] Some overlab (30)
[3] Distinct (30)
SCCS758. Local Community Leadership Selection: Basis
[NA] NA (96)
[1] Kinship constrained (21)
[2] Kinship Broad Choicd (25)
[3] Non-Hereditary (31)
[4] Informal (13)
SCCS759. Perceptions of Political Leaders' Power as Seen by Society
[NA] NA (96)
[1] Very powerful (24)
[2] Somewhat Powerful (29)
[3] Limited (37)
SCCS760. Perceptions of Political Leaders' Benevolence as Seen by Society
[NA] NA (120)
[1] Capricious and arbitary (16)
[2] Neither Malevolent nor Benevolent (13)
[3] Basically benevolent (37)
SCCS761. Checks on Leaders' Power
[NA] NA (100)
[1] Few (5)
[2] Checks exist (24)
[3] Leaders secure support (38)
[4] No leaders act independently (19)
SCCS762. (No) Removal of Leaders Who Are Incompetent or Disliked
[NA] NA (109)
[1] No way other than rebellion or popular uprisings (11)
[2] Institutionalized means invoked occasionally, by elites (18)
[3] Not removed in formal manner, lose influence & are ignored (30)
[4] No formal leadership, loss of power when support diminishes (18)
SCCS763. (Low) Leaders' Exercise of Authority
[NA] NA (99)
[1] Frequently act independently & make authoritative decisions (24)
[2] Make relatively few decisions on own w/o consultation (26)
[3] Ude persuasion to help organized & structure group action (37)
SCCS764. (Few) Decision Making Bodies: How Most Decisions Are Made
[NA] NA (98)
[1] Individual(s), w/advice of dew advisors (23)
[2] Individual(s), w/ elite council (16)
[3] Individual(s), w/board based council (14)
[4] Broad base community council (19)
[5] Few explicit decisions, some made by community at large (16)
SCCS765. (Low) Political Participation: Range of Community Decision Making
[NA] NA (98)
[1] Collective decisions impinge many aspects of peoples lives (26)
[2] Collective decisions impinge on a moderate #'s of areas (18)
[3] Collective decisions impinge on few aspects of peoples lives (25)
[4] Minimal collective decisions which impinge on peoples lives (19)
SCCS766. (Low) Political Participation: Extensivity of Adult Participation in Areas Where Collective Decision Making Present
[NA] NA (102)
[1] Widespread: decision making forums open to all adults (13)
[2] High or some: excluded basis on gender, age, or kinship (31)
[3] Moderate:some consultation present, low input from community (24)
[4] Lowor non-existent: Leaders make most decisions (16)
SCCS767. (No) Conflict (Social or Political) in the Local Community
[NA] NA (96)
[1] Endemic: a reality of daily existence (ex. fueding) (4)
[2] High: Conflict present, not a pervasive aspect of daily life (20)
[3] Moderate: Disagreements do not result in high violence (46)
[4] Mild or rare (20)
SCCS768. (No) Conflict between Communities of the Same Society
[NA] NA (97)
[1] Endemic: High physical violence, feuding, and/or raiding (25)
[2] Moderately High, often involving physical violence (23)
[3] Moderate: Disputes may occur regularly, but manage w/ peace (21)
[4] Mild or rare (20)
SCCS769. Conflict Management in Local Community: Dominant Mode
[NA] NA (98)
[1] Conflicting partiesfind solution on their own (31)
[2] Conflicting party resolve disputes using informal mechanisms (27)
[3] Authorities often get invloved to achieve a settlement (30)
SCCS770. (No) Resort to Physical Force by Disputants in Settling Disputes, Exclusive of Police or Institutionalized Force,
[NA] NA (96)
[1] Often used (34)
[2] Sometimes used (32)
[3] Rarely or never used (24)
SCCS771. (No) Mediation/Negotiation/Arbitration: Third Parties in Disputes, Unable to Impose a Binding Decision, but May Facilitate Settlement
[NA] NA (98)
[1] Often used (to settle disputes) (57)
[2] Sometimes used (19)
[3] Rarely or never used (12)
SCCS772. (No) Litigation: Use of Third Parties Offering Binding Decisions, with or without Formal Court Systems
[NA] NA (97)
[1] Frequent involvement in litigation by society members (27)
[2] Occasional involvement (21)
[3] Rare or non-involvement (41)
SCCS773. (No) Internal Warfare (between Communities of Same Society)
[NA] NA (101)
[1] Frequent, yearly (31)
[2] Common (14)
[3] Occasional (10)
[4] Rare or never (30)
SCCS774. (No) External Warfare (with Other Societies)
[NA] NA (102)
[1] Frequent, yearly (45)
[2] Common (13)
[3] Occasional (6)
[4] Rare or never (20)
SCCS775. (Low) Compliance of Individuals with Community Norms and Decisions
[NA] NA (100)
[1] high (43)
[2] Moderate (31)
[3] Highly variable (12)
SCCS776. (Few) Formal Sanctions and Enforcement for Community Decisions
[NA] NA (96)
[1] Great power available (23)
[2] some (32)
[3] Little or none (35)
SCCS777. (No) Enforcement Specialists (e.g., Police, Tax Collectors)
[NA] NA (97)
[1] Present (29)
[2] done by leaders (21)
[3] Absent (39)
SCCS778. (Low) Loyalty to the Local Community
[NA] NA (103)
[1] Especially high (30)
[2] high (33)
[3] Moderate (14)
[4] low (6)
SCCS779. (Low) Loyalty to the Wider Society (in Some Cases Indistinguishable from the Local Community)
[NA] NA (102)
[1] Especially high (11)
[2] High for the most part (16)
[3] Moderate (33)
[4] low (24)
SCCS780. (Low) Hostility toward Other Societies
[NA] NA (112)
[1] Extensive (28)
[2] high (18)
[3] Moderate (17)
[4] low (11)
SCCS781. (Un) Acceptability of Violence toward Members of the Local Community
[NA] NA (100)
[2] Acceptable (7)
[3] Tolerated (18)
[4] Disapproved (61)
SCCS782. (Un) Acceptability of Violence toward Members of the Same Society, but outside the Local Community
[NA] NA (109)
[1] Valued (12)
[2] Acceptable (28)
[3] Tolerated (10)
[4] Disapproved (27)
SCCS783. (Un) Acceptability of Violence toward People in Other Societies
[NA] NA (122)
[1] Valued (39)
[2] Acceptable (16)
[3] Tolerated (3)
[4] Disapproved (6)
SCCS784. (No) Taxation Paid to Community (e.g., in Agricultural Produce, Labour, Finished Goods)
[NA] NA (101)
[1] Regular Taxes (31)
[2] Only in special cases, modest (20)
[3] None (34)
SCCS785. (No) Local Political Fission of Dissatisfied Persons
[NA] NA (122)
[1] Often move to another community (30)
[2] Sometimes (20)
[3] Rarely or never (14)
SCCS786. Adult Mobility
[NA] NA (107)
[1] None (18)
[2] Occasionally (22)
[3] Common (39)
SCCS787. (Low) Contact with Other Societies
[NA] NA (99)
[1] Frequent (45)
[2] Occasional (28)
[3] Rare or never (14)
SCCS788. Cross-cutting Ties: Extent to Which Individuals Living in Different Communities of the Same Society Linked Together in Politically Relevant Ways
[NA] NA (97)
[1] No Political links (34)
[2] Some links (30)
[3] Many links (25)
SCCS789. Type of Cross-cutting Ties: Age Organizations (Grades, Sets) Cutting across Communities
[NA] NA (97)
[1] Absent (78)
[2] Present, not Politically import (5)
[3] Present, Politically import (6)
SCCS790. Type of Cross-cutting Ties: Kinship Organizations Cutting across Communities
[NA] NA (96)
[1] Absent (23)
[2] Present, not import (27)
[3] Present, important (40)
SCCS791. Type of Cross-cutting Ties: Moieties Cutting across Communities
[NA] NA (97)
[1] Absent (76)
[2] Present, not important (8)
[3] Present, important (5)
SCCS792. Types of Cross-cutting Ties: Ritual Organizations (Religious, Cult Groups) Cutting across Communities
[NA] NA (97)
[1] Absent (42)
[2] Present, Politically Important (27)
[3] Present, not important (20)
SCCS793. (Low) Female Participation in Public Political Arenas, Relative to Males
[NA] NA (106)
[1] high (8)
[2] Significant (27)
[3] Not Great (19)
[4] Women excluded (26)
SCCS794. (Low) Female Participation in Private Political Arenas, Relative to Males
[NA] NA (120)
[1] high (35)
[2] Significant (15)
[3] Not Great (12)
[4] Not Involved (4)
SCCS795. (Low) Gender Differences in Political or Quasi-political Positions of Authority
[NA] NA (102)
[1] None (8)
[2] Occasional (18)
[3] Rarely if ever (7)
[4] Women excluded (51)
SCCS796. (No) Separate Female Organizations and Positions
[NA] NA (117)
[1] Some Associations (22)
[2] Some Positions (15)
[3] None (32)
SCCS797. (Low) Coder Assessment of Data Quality
[NA] NA (96)
[1] high (14)
[2] Good (31)
[3] Moderate (34)
[4] Weak (11)
SCCS798. Date of publication
[NA] NA (0)
SCCS799. Number of pages in the book
[NA] NA (0)
SCCS800. Number of pages related to child training practices
[NA] NA (0)
SCCS801. Proportion of book devoted to child training
[NA] NA (0)
SCCS802. Year fieldwork began
[NA] NA (113)
SCCS803. Total months of fieldwork
[NA] NA (103)
SCCS804. Age of informants
[NA] NA (106)
[1] Adults (66)
[2] Children and Adults (14)
SCCS805. Sex of informants
[NA] NA (106)
[1] Males (39)
[2] Females (6)
[3] Both (35)
SCCS806. Number of informants
[NA] NA (105)
[1] One (14)
[2] 2 to 3 (31)
[3] 4 to 7 (20)
[4] 8 to 10 (2)
[5] 11 or more (14)
SCCS807. Repeated observation of different families' socialization practices
[NA] NA (0)
[1] No (123)
[2] Yes (63)
SCCS808. Use of multiple informants to collect data on child rearing
[NA] NA (0)
[1] No (119)
[2] Yes (67)
SCCS809. Use of tests (e.g., Rorschach, TAT, sentence completion, I.Q.)
[NA] NA (0)
[1] No (167)
[2] Yes (19)
SCCS810. Other verification efforts
[NA] NA (0)
[1] No (179)
[2] Yes (7)
SCCS811. Number of verification efforts
[NA] NA (91)
[0] 0 (4)
[1] 1 (41)
[2] 2 (36)
[3] 3 (3)
[4] 4 (5)
[5] 5 or more (6)
SCCS812. Language familiarity
[NA] NA (97)
[1] Little or none (31)
[2] some (35)
[3] Fluent (23)
SCCS813. Community involvement
[NA] NA (95)
[1] Limited (17)
[2] Intermediate (38)
[3] Extensive (36)
SCCS814. Percent Importance of Agriculture in Contribution to Subsistence and Trade
[NA] NA (0)
[0] 0 (38)
[5] 0.05 (17)
[15] 0.15 (2)
[20] 0.2 (3)
[25] 0.25 (7)
[30] 0.3 (2)
[35] 0.35 (18)
[40] 0.4 (10)
[45] 0.45 (12)
[55] 0.55 (26)
[60] 0.6 (23)
[65] 0.65 (13)
[70] 0.7 (4)
[75] 0.75 (7)
[80] 0.8 (2)
[85] 0.85 (1)
[99] 0.99 (1)
SCCS815. Percent Importance of Domestic Animals in Contribution to Subsistence and Trade
[NA] NA (0)
[0] 0% (50)
[5] 5% (66)
[10] 10% (3)
[15] 15% (4)
[20] 20% (9)
[25] 25% (35)
[35] 35% (3)
[55] 55% (4)
[60] 60% (8)
[65] 65% (1)
[70] 70% (1)
[80] 80% (1)
[90] 90% (1)
SCCS816. Percent Importance of Fishing in Contribution to Subsistence and Trade
[NA] NA (0)
[0] 0% (30)
[5] 5% (78)
[10] 10% (2)
[15] 15% (5)
[20] 20% (8)
[25] 25% (39)
[35] 35% (1)
[40] 40% (5)
[45] 45% (3)
[50] 50% (2)
[55] 55% (3)
[60] 60% (1)
[65] 65% (3)
[70] 70% (4)
[90] 90% (2)
SCCS817. Percent Importance of Hunting in Contribution to Subsistence and Trade
[NA] NA (0)
[0] 0% (25)
[5] 5% (85)
[10] 10% (2)
[15] 15% (3)
[20] 20% (11)
[25] 25% (36)
[30] 30% (2)
[35] 35% (2)
[40] 40% (7)
[45] 45% (4)
[50] 50% (2)
[55] 55% (1)
[60] 60% (1)
[65] 65% (1)
[70] 70% (3)
[80] 80% (1)
SCCS818. Percent Importance of Gathering in Contribution to Subsistence and Trade
[NA] NA (0)
[0] 0% (20)
[5] 5% (116)
[10] 10% (1)
[15] 15% (1)
[20] 20% (10)
[25] 25% (22)
[30] 30% (2)
[35] 35% (2)
[40] 40% (3)
[45] 45% (5)
[50] 50% (1)
[65] 65% (1)
[75] 75% (2)
SCCS819. Percent Importance of Trade in Contribution to Subsistence [and Trade]
[NA] NA (0)
[0] 0% (65)
[5] 5% (80)
[10] 10% (2)
[15] 15% (1)
[20] 20% (7)
[25] 25% (29)
[55] 55% (1)
[65] 65% (1)
SCCS820. Principal Subsistence Category
[NA] NA (0)
[1] Gathering (10)
[2] Hunting (16)
[3] Fishing (23)
[4] Incipient Agriculture (18)
[5] Domestic Animals (16)
[6] Extensive Agriculture (46)
[7] Intensive Agriculture (55)
[8] Trade (2)
SCCS821. Percent Female Contribution to Agriculture
[NA] NA (44)
SCCS822. Percent Female Contribution to Domestic Animals
[NA] NA (72)
SCCS823. Percent Female Contribution to Fishing
[NA] NA (46)
SCCS824. Percent Female Contribution to Hunting
[NA] NA (28)
SCCS825. Percent Female Contribution to Gathering
[NA] NA (49)
SCCS826. Average Female Contribution to Subsistence
[NA] NA (3)
SCCS827. Sexual Expression in Adolescent Boys
[NA] NA (32)
[1] 1 (on a scale of 1-10) (9)
[2] Not Approved (27)
[3] 3 (on a scale of 1-10) (5)
[4] 4 (on a scale of 1-10) (12)
[5] Normally Approved (33)
[6] 6 (on a scale of 1-10) (15)
[7] 7 (on a scale of 1-10) (7)
[8] Strongly Approved (44)
[9] 9 (on a scale of 1-10) (2)
SCCS828. Sexual Expression in Adolescent Girls
[NA] NA (28)
[0] 0 (on a scale of 1-10) (1)
[1] 1 (on a scale of 1-10) (23)
[2] Not Approved (37)
[3] 3 (on a scale of 1-10) (3)
[4] 4 (on a scale of 1-10) (10)
[5] Normally Approved (31)
[6] 6 (on a scale of 1-10) (9)
[7] 7 (on a scale of 1-10) (7)
[8] Strongly Approved (34)
[9] 9 (on a scale of 1-10) (3)
SCCS829. Sexual Nonrestraint in Adolescent Boys
[NA] NA (31)
[1] 1 (on a scale of 1-10) (4)
[2] Strictly Prohibited (21)
[3] 3 (on a scale of 1-10) (7)
[4] 4 (on a scale of 1-10) (10)
[5] Disapproved & Punished (30)
[6] 6 (on a scale of 1-10) (13)
[7] 7 (on a scale of 1-10) (5)
[8] Condoned & Not Punished (45)
[9] 9 (on a scale of 1-10) (20)
SCCS830. Sexual Nonrestraint in Adolescent Girls
[NA] NA (27)
[0] 0 (on a scale of 1-10) (1)
[1] 1 (on a scale of 1-10) (7)
[2] Strictly Prohibited (36)
[3] 3 (on a scale of 1-10) (10)
[4] 4 (on a scale of 1-10) (9)
[5] Disapproved & Punished (32)
[6] 6 (on a scale of 1-10) (9)
[7] 7 (on a scale of 1-10) (3)
[8] Condoned & Not Punished (37)
[9] 9 (on a scale of 1-10) (15)
SCCS831. Differentiation of Adolescence from Childhood for Boys
[NA] NA (20)
[1] Low, Mostly the Same (48)
[2] Substantial but Inconsistent (57)
[3] High with Formal Transition (61)
SCCS832. Differentiation of Adolescence from Childhood for Girls
[NA] NA (22)
[1] Low, Mostly the Same (62)
[2] Substantial, but Inconsistent (59)
[3] High, with Formal Transition (43)
SCCS833. Subsistence Economy: Dominant Mode
[NA] NA (0)
[1] Advanced Agriculture (56)
[2] Horticulture (18)
[3] SImple or Shifting Cultivation (51)
[4] Domestic Animals (15)
[5] Exchange (1)
[6] Fishing (17)
[7] Gathering (13)
[8] Hunting (15)
SCCS834. Subsistence Economy: Subsidiary Mode
[NA] NA (0)
[0] 0 (90)
[1] Advanced Agriculture (2)
[4] Domestic Animals (33)
[5] Exchange (3)
[6] Fishing (22)
[7] Gathering (10)
[8] Hunting (26)
SCCS835. Political Integration
[NA] NA (3)
[1] Independent local communities (80)
[2] Single level of political integration (49)
[3] Two levels of supra-community intergration (24)
[4] Three or more levels of supra-community integration (30)
SCCS836. Rule of Descent: Primary
[NA] NA (0)
[1] Matrilineal, w/non-avunculocal residence (24)
[2] Matrilnineal, w/predominnatly avuncuolocal residence (6)
[3] Nonlineal/bilateral,i.e. w/o lineages though often w/kindred (66)
[4] Ambilineal, e.g. with nonunilineal ramages (71)
[5] Quasi-Patrilineal, incipient or decadent patrilineages (2)
[6] Patrilineal (10)
[8] Patrilineal, w/ Matrilineal secondary (6)
[9] Matrilineal, predominantly avunculocal residence, w/Patrilineal second (1)
SCCS837. Adequacy of HRAF File (in 1969)
[NA] NA (0)
[0] No HRAF file (51)
[1] Inadequate (98)
[2] Useful (26)
[3] Satisfactory (11)
SCCS860. Cultural Basis of Polygyny
[NA] NA (2)
[1] Monogamy prescribed (27)
[2] Monogamy preferred, but exceptional cases of polygyny (32)
[3] Polygyny preferred by men with leadership attributes(chiefs) (45)
[4] Polygyny preferred by men of higher social class(wealth etc) (34)
[5] Polygyny preferred by most men, to obtain wives (46)
SCCS861. Standard Polygamy Code: Whyte, Murdock and Wilson, Murdock Atlas
[NA] NA (8)
[0] Polyandry (2)
[1] Monogamy prescribed (27)
[2] Monogamy preferred, but exceptional cases of polygyny (33)
[3] Limited polygyny <20% of married males (56)
[4] Full polygyny 20% or more of married males (60)
SCCS862. Sororal Polygyny
[NA] NA (22)
[1] No polygyny (M) (25)
[2] Non-sororal polygyny predominant (94)
[3] Sororal or marriage to wife's kin predominant (36)
[4] Sororal or secondary marriage to wife's kin only (9)
SCCS863. Distance between Co-wives
[NA] NA (30)
[0] One wife, multiple husbands (1)
[1] One wife (25)
[2] Co-residence for mulitple wives (59)
[3] One wife resides w/husband others in separate houses (25)
[4] One wife resides w/husband, others in separate community (13)
[5] Separate housing in compound for every wife (31)
[6] Separate housing in village for every wife (2)
SCCS864. Rooming Arrangement for Wives
[NA] NA (6)
[1] Wife sleeps in same room with husband (130)
[2] Wife sleeps in room apart from husband's room (50)
SCCS865. Rooming Arrangement for Husband
[NA] NA (7)
[1] Husband has no room apart (141)
[2] Husband has a room apart, even if rotates among wives (38)
SCCS866. Higher Rates of Polygyny for Men of Wealth, Rank, Nobility, or Higher Social Class
[NA] NA (31)
[0] No Stratified polygny (64)
[1] Hereditary upper social class (91)
SCCS867. Multiple Wives for Skilled Hunters
[NA] NA (23)
[0] No, or unimportant (141)
[1] exceptional skill in hunting (22)
SCCS868. Multiple Wives for Leaders, Headmen, Chiefs
[NA] NA (24)
[0] No, or unimportant (95)
[1] Yes, or Leaders have more wives than commoners (67)
SCCS869. Multiple Wives for Medicine Men or Shamans
[NA] NA (25)
[0] No, or unimportant (141)
[1] Yes (20)
SCCS870. Additional Wives or Concubines from Slavery or Capture in Warfare
[NA] NA (28)
[0] No female captives (100)
[1] Women taken as captives but not married (58)
SCCS871. Percentage of Married Men with More than One Wife
[NA] continuous_delete (39)
SCCS872. Percentage of Married Women Polygynously Married (Share Husband with One or More Co-wives)
[NA] NA (41)
SCCS873. Reliability of Data for Percentage Polygynously Married
[NA] NA (40)
[1] Direct percentage: good quantitative data (87)
[2] Direct percentage for make polygyny, 2 wives per man (13)
[3] % female polygyny estimated from ethno. Notes (2)
[4] Lower of 2+ censuses, or estimates where reason (3)
[5] Estimates from 0 to 5% male polygyny inferred, then doubled to estimate female (23)
[6] Uncertain coding (18)
SCCS874. Polygyny Data Source
[NA] NA (46)
[1] Sample of over 100 married men (55)
[2] Sample of less 100 married men, of an entire settlement (29)
[3] Estimate from Ethnographer Statements (48)
[4] Estimate by Inference from Ethnographer Statements (8)
SCCS876. Polygyny Distributions
[NA] NA (135)
[0] True Binomial (26)
[1] Negative Binomial (25)
SCCS877. Polygyny Guttman Scale I: Co-wife Autonomy Constructed from 854-852
[NA] NA (5)
[0] None of the following (69)
[1] Stratified Polygyny (854) only (51)
[2] Negative binomial (855), plus above (6)
[3] Marriage of female captives (858), plus above (13)
[4] General polygyny (849), plus above (7)
[5] Rooming apart (853)m plus above (9)
[6] Polygyny compounds (852), plus above (26)
SCCS878. Polygyny Guttman Scale II: Charismatic Constructed from 851-855
[NA] NA (4)
[0] None of the following (44)
[1] Rooming together (853) only (72)
[2] Co-wives same dwelling (852), plus above (26)
[3] Sororal (851), plus above (25)
[4] Polygynous hunters (855), plus above (9)
[5] Exclusive sororal polygyny (851), plus above (6)
SCCS879. Shaman
[NA] NA (139)
[0] Absent (34)
[1] Present (13)
SCCS880. Shaman/Healer
[NA] NA (139)
[0] Absent (36)
[1] Present (11)
SCCS881. Healer
[NA] NA (139)
[0] Absent (25)
[1] Present (17)
[2] Present2 (5)
SCCS882. Medium
[NA] NA (139)
[0] Absent (30)
[1] Present (17)
SCCS883. Sorcerer/Witch
[NA] NA (140)
[0] Absent (29)
[1] Present (17)
SCCS884. Priest
[NA] NA (139)
[0] Absent (19)
[1] Present (28)
SCCS885. Female Contribution to Subsistence (percent): Ethnographic Atlas
[NA] NA (34)
SCCS886. Female Contribution to Subsistence (percent): Martin Whyte
[NA] NA (114)
SCCS887. Female Contribution to Subsistence (percent): Martin Whyte
[NA] NA (1)
SCCS888. Female Contribution to Subsistence (percent): Martin Whyte
[NA] NA (23)
SCCS889. Female Contribution to Subsistence (percent): Martin Whyte
[NA] NA (1)
SCCS890. Female Contribution to Subsistence: Average of Three Scores (Ordinated)
[NA] NA (1)
[0] 0-4% (5)
[1] 5-14% (13)
[2] 15-24% (27)
[3] 25-34% (45)
[4] 35-44% (48)
[5] 45-54% (34)
[6] 55-64% (8)
[7] 65-74% (4)
[8] 75-84% (1)
SCCS891. Frequency of Internal War Otterbein (1970: 3, 84, 143) Definition of Internal War
[NA] NA (26)
[1] Continual (17)
[2] Frequent (54)
[3] Infrequent (89)
SCCS892. Frequency of External War - Attacking [follows Otterbein 1970: 84, 143-144]
[NA] NA (29)
[1] Continual (31)
[2] Frequent (61)
[3] Infrequent (65)
SCCS893. Frequency of External War - Being Attacked [follows Otterbein 1970: 84, 143-144]
[NA] NA (33)
[1] Continual (26)
[2] Frequent (67)
[3] Infrequent (60)
SCCS894. Form of Military Mobilization [adapted from Otterbein 1970: 144]
[NA] NA (26)
[1] Age-Grades, Military Societies, Standing Armies (60)
[2] Friends, Family, Lineage, Clan (86)
[3] No Military Organization (14)
SCCS895. Decision to Engage in War [follows Otterbein 1970: 28-29, 144]
[NA] NA (49)
[1] Taken by Official or Council of the Political Community (102)
[2] Anyone (35)
SCCS896. Commencement of War [follows Otterbein 1970: 32, 144]
[NA] NA (53)
[1] By Announcement (21)
[2] By Mutual Agreement (8)
[3] By Surprise Attack (104)
SCCS897. Conclusion of War [follows Otterbein 1970: 35, 144]
[NA] NA (53)
[1] By Negotiation (61)
[2] By Simply Stopping (52)
[3] War is continual (20)
SCCS898. Peace Ceremony
[NA] NA (104)
[1] Present (61)
[2] Absent (21)
SCCS899. Military Expectations I-pre-state [follows Naroll L966, with Modifications by Otterbein 1970]
[NA] NA (19)
[1] High (99)
[2] low (68)
SCCS900. Military Expectations II-state
[NA] NA (20)
[1] High (76)
[2] low (90)
SCCS901. Casualty Rate Poor Correlation with Ember 2005 Male Mortality in War [follows Otterbein 1970: 81, 146]
[NA] NA (107)
[1] High (1/3rd or more of Combatants) (35)
[2] low (44)
SCCS902. Leadership during Battle [modified from Otterbein 1970: 23-28, 144]
[NA] NA (44)
[1] An Official Backed by Force (62)
[2] Informal Leader Obeyed by Respect (67)
[3] Everyone is on His Own (13)
SCCS903. Prestige Associated with Being a Soldier or Warrior
[NA] NA (35)
[1] A Great Deal; Important for every male (61)
[2] Some, not necessary to be a Warrior to have Influence (64)
[3] No Special Respect for Man who Fights (26)
SCCS904. Cowardice: Defined As
[NA] NA (128)
[1] Refusing to Fight (27)
[2] Leaving Companions (29)
[3] Running Away (2)
SCCS905. Rewards (Special Gifts, Praises, or Ceremonies, Not including Ritual Purification for a Man Who Has Killed an Enemy in Battle or Otherwise Shown Skill in War)
[NA] NA (77)
[1] Yes, Usually or Always (68)
[2] Sometimes (16)
[3] Rarely or never (25)
SCCS906. Did Members of the Society Expect Violence to Solve Their Problems?
[NA] NA (57)
[1] Yes (71)
[2] No (58)
SCCS907. Value of War: Violence/War against Non-members of the Group
[NA] NA (40)
[1] Enjoyed and Has High Value (72)
[2] Considered a Necessary Evil (51)
[3] Avoided, Denounced, Not Engaged In (23)
SCCS908. Military Success : Is Political Community/Cultural Unit Winning or Losing in the Long Run
[NA] NA (14)
[1] Yes, Boundaries & Population are Expanding (42)
[2] No Change (63)
[3] Breaking Evan, Territory Lost is Taken From Others (8)
[4] No, Bound. & Pop. are Shrinking (59)
SCCS909. Subjugation of Territory or People
[NA] NA (18)
[1] Present (35)
[2] Absent or not mentioned (133)
SCCS910. Collection of Tribute
[NA] NA (18)
[1] Present (18)
[2] Absent or not mentioned (150)
SCCS911. Acquisition of Land : Fields, Hunting/Fishing Territories, Pastures
[NA] NA (18)
[1] Present (50)
[2] Absent or not mentioned (118)
SCCS912. Plunder (including Captives for Slaves, Hostages, Adoption)
[NA] NA (18)
[1] Present (104)
[2] Absent or not mentioned (64)
SCCS913. Trophies and Honors (including Captives for Sacrifice)
[NA] NA (18)
[1] Present (49)
[2] Absent or not mentioned (119)
SCCS914. Revenge
[NA] NA (17)
[1] Present (111)
[2] Absent or not mentioned (58)
SCCS915. Defense
[NA] NA (18)
[1] Present (97)
[2] Absent or not mentioned (71)
SCCS916. Aggressive Defense (Pre-emptive Attack If Enemy Thought about to Attack)
[NA] NA (19)
[1] Present (13)
[2] Absent or not mentioned (154)
SCCS917. Historical Frame for Pinpointing Date Where Slaveholding Present
[NA] NA (1)
[-1] No slaveholding (119)
[0] 1750 BC (1)
[1] 620 BC (1)
[2] Ealry 100s (1)
[3] 1292 (1)
[4] Early 1500s (1)
[5] Mid 1500s (1)
[6] 1600-1650 (1)
[7] Mid 1700s (1)
[8] Lete 1700s (1)
[9] 1780-1820 (1)
[10] Early 1800s (2)
[11] 1800-1910 (1)
[12] 1850-1950 (1)
[13] 1800s (2)
[14] Mid 1800s (4)
[15] Late 1800s (15)
[16] Late 1800s - Early 1900s (7)
[18] Late 1800s - 1930s (1)
[19] Early 1900s (10)
[20] 1900 - 1920s (4)
[21] 1900 - 1930s (6)
[22] 1900 - 1940s (3)
SCCS918. Manumission of Slaves
[NA] NA (1)
[1] Infrequent (18)
[2] Not common (10)
[3] Frequent (21)
[4] No data on rates of manumission, hereditary slaveholding (17)
[5] Herdit. nt prest. Patterson def, prest. Murdock defintion (7)
[6] Heredit. slaveholding not preset Patterson, preset Murdock (5)
[7] Not present Patterson def. Nonherdit. present Murdock (8)
[8] Slavery not present by either definition (97)
[9] Slavery not present by either, but societies have ex-slave (2)
SCCS919. Large Scale Slaveholding Systems: Recency
[NA] NA (0)
[0] Not present (168)
[1] Present at or immediate proir to pinpointing date (6)
[2] Present within past fifty years (6)
[3] Present within past one hundred years (3)
[4] Present within past two hundred years (2)
[5] Present within past htree hundred years (1)
SCCS920. Large Scale Slaveholding Systems: Proportion of Slaves
[NA] NA (0)
[0] Not present (168)
[1] 1/6 to 1/3 of society, sometimes more (5)
[2] 1/3 or more (6)
[3] more than 40 percent (5)
[4] more than 50 percent (1)
[5] more than 80 percent (1)
SCCS931. Female Physical Appearance during the Daily Routine (Not Temporary Occasions Such as Ceremonial Gatherings)
[NA] NA (125)
[1] The amount, style, color, or material of garment worn (15)
[2] Paraphernalia (belts, footwear, headgear) (5)
[3] The amount, style, or placement of jewelry (18)
[4] The style, lenght, or color of head hair (7)
[6] The use of cosmetics (5)
[7] Removal of body hair (1)
[8] Deformation or mutilization of the body (10)
SCCS932. Male Physical Appearance during the Daily Routine (Not Temporary Occasions Such as Ceremonial Gatherings)
[NA] NA (127)
[1] The amount, style, color, or material of garment worn (18)
[2] Paraphernalia (belts, footwear, headgear) (7)
[3] The amount, style, or placement of jewelry (2)
[4] The style, lenght, or color of head hair (9)
[5] The growth of facial hair (moustaches and beards) (8)
[6] The use of cosmetics (3)
[7] Removal of body hair (3)
[8] Deformation or mutilization of the body (8)
[9] Deformation or mutiliation of the genitals (1)
SCCS933. Sleeping Arrangements of Adolescent Females: Where Unmarried but Sexually Mature Females Sleep in Relation to Sexually Mature Males in the Living Quarters
[NA] NA (129)
[1] Girls marry before or at puberty & live with husband (2)
[2] Sleep in same dwelling as parents & sibs (15)
[3] In Parents but separate area (5)
[4] In Parents but with mother (2)
[5] In Parents but only with girls (5)
[6] In Parents but males outside (12)
[7] In Parents but separate area & males outside (5)
[8] With Mother, males elsewhere outside (4)
[9] Girls in own hut, boys in theirs (7)
SCCS934. Married Women: Where Spouses Sleep in the Living Quarters
[NA] NA (126)
[1] Together (17)
[2] Together_duplicated_2 (11)
[3] Together_duplicated_3 (13)
[4] Togeth but Men's House (3)
[5] Wife's Room (5)
[6] Men's House (11)
SCCS935. Eating Arrangements: the Spatial Arrangement of the Sexes during the Main Meal of the Day
[NA] NA (139)
[1] Men & women eat together. No particular arrangement is set. (14)
[2] Men & women eat together. position accroding to kinship. (4)
[3] Men & women dont' eat together in public,may do in pirvate (12)
[4] Men & women do not eat togethe & eat in different areas (12)
[5] Men & women do not eat together; they eat diffferent times (5)
SCCS936. Individual Ordeal Involved at the Onset of the Menses. the Categories Are Arranged According to the Severity of the Ordeal
[NA] NA (139)
[1] No ordeal reported but may be a change in physical outlook (14)
[2] Slight ordeal, a relaxed period of seclusion, eating taboos (14)
[3] Moderate ordeal,strict seclusion ,restraint of movement, (7)
[4] Severe ordeal,painful physical operation.lenghty seclusion (12)
SCCS937. Social Celebration Involved at the Onset of the Menses
[NA] NA (140)
[1] There is no celebration of any kind (26)
[2] There is a small celebration, the family group has a party (5)
[3] Moderate party,family,friends have a feast ,dance,give gifts (11)
[4] Elaborate celebration,community,kin group celebrate a while (4)
SCCS938. The Social Signficance of Change in a Woman's Position with the Onset of Menstruation. the Categories Are
[NA] NA (145)
[1] Not especially significant beyond change in dress, name, etc (3)
[2] Main significant she is adult w/ more social responsiblity (7)
[3] Main significant she is capable of having intercourse (6)
[4] Main significance she is eligible for marriage & have sex (4)
[5] Main significance is she is eligible for marriage (11)
[6] Main significance she is eligible for marriage & is an adult (4)
[7] Main significance she is eligible for marriage & bear child. (3)
[8] Main singificance she is capable of bearing children (3)
SCCS939. Personal Restrictions or Regular Menstruation
[NA] NA (147)
[1] No restriction during this period, carries out activities (2)
[2] Restrictions on personal activities not social (5)
[3] Restrictions on personal & social movements (4)
[4] Few restrictions placed on her personal & social activities (10)
[5] Moderate restrictions, may not cook, see certain people (10)
[6] Severe restrictions, secluded in a menstrual hut (8)
SCCS940. Social Danger: Which Person (S) Would Be Most Harmed If the Woman Did Not Adhere to Her Menstrual Restrictions
[NA] NA (156)
[1] No one is thought to be endangered during this period (4)
[2] Only the menstruating woman is endangered (5)
[4] The woman endagers men. (4)
[5] The woman endangers other womeen and/or children (1)
[6] The woman endangers anyone with whom she comes in contact (6)
[7] The woman endangers her social group (10)
SCCS941. Personal Restrictions on Pregnancy
[NA] NA (134)
[0] 0 (7)
[1] No modification is reported (3)
[2] She modifies usual garments she wears ex.loosefitting clothe (2)
[3] She modifies the use of her sensory apparatus (11)
[4] She modifies her diet ex.avoid eating certain foods (17)
[5] She modifies her usual domestic or econimic duties (5)
[6] She modifies her usual mobility (4)
[7] She modifies her usual social relations (2)
[8] She modifiies her participation on social groups & activitie (1)
SCCS942. Purpose of Pregnancy Restrictions:
[NA] NA (146)
[1] They are to prevent harm to the baby (13)
[2] They are to prevent harm to the mother ex difficult delivery (4)
[3] They are to prevent harm to the baby adn the mother (21)
[4] They are to prevent harm to anyone she comes in contact with (2)
SCCS943. Special Segregation at Birth: Location of the Woman When She Gives Birth: Where the Birth of the First Child Takes Place
[NA] NA (139)
[1] No special place is prepared for the birth of the child (1)
[2] The woman gives birth in her place of residence (10)
[3] The woman gives birth in her residence but in a special room (11)
[4] The woman gives birth in a area near her residence (2)
[5] The woman does not give birth in any special dwelling (4)
[6] She gives birth in a structure constructed for the purpose (11)
[7] The woman gives birth at an affinal relative (1)
[8] The woman gives birth at a consanguineal relative (7)
SCCS944. Residence of the New Parents at the Birth of Their First Child
[NA] NA (130)
[1] Temporary matrilocality (15)
[2] Permanent matrilocality (11)
[3] Ambilicality (2)
[4] Neolocality (4)
[5] Patrilocality (24)
SCCS945. Purpose of Personal Birth Restrictions. Each Category Indicates Why the Taboos and Restrictions on a Woman's Personal Behavior Are Imposed after She Bears a Child
[NA] NA (148)
[1] Restrictions are on her to promote safety for the child (13)
[2] Restrictions are imposed on her to prevent harm to her care (4)
[3] Restrictions are imposed to prevent harm to her & her baby (14)
[4] Restrictions are imposed to prevent harm to those around her (7)
SCCS946. Duration of Personal Birth Restrictions. Each Category Specifies a Period of Time after Birth before the Woman Resumes Her Usual Domestic and Economic Activities
[NA] NA (131)
[0] 0 (5)
[1] 0-7 days (21)
[2] 8-14days (14)
[3] 15-30 days (6)
[4] 31-60 days (6)
[5] more than two months (3)
SCCS947. Type of Birth Celebration
[NA] NA (132)
[1] There is no celebration for the mother or child after birth (4)
[2] There is no celebration after birth, offer congratulations (5)
[3] There is a minor celebration after birth, small meal, drinks (21)
[4] There is moderate amont of celebration after birth, feast (9)
[5] There is an elaborate celebration after the birth (15)
SCCS948. When the Birth Celebration Occurs
[NA] NA (139)
[0] 0 (4)
[1] Immediately or a few days after delivery (20)
[2] After the mother comes out of confinement (1)
[3] When the baby is named or baptized (14)
[4] When the baby and mother come out of confinement (5)
[5] Other (3)
SCCS949. Participants in the Birth Celebration. the Code Indicates the Most Extensive Group Which Participates in the Celebration of Birth
[NA] NA (150)
[1] No one is involved in a celebration (5)
[2] The husband's family (1)
[3] Friends and neighbors (7)
[4] The wife's kin unit (1)
[5] Friends of the H and W and "relatives" (8)
[6] The W's and H's kin units of a group more extensive than fam (6)
[7] Community or large social, group which the H and W belong (8)
SCCS950. Preferred Sex and Number of Children
[NA] NA (139)
[1] They want very few children, regardless of sex (1)
[2] They prefer to have males ranther than females (19)
[3] They prefer to have females rather than males, regardless # (7)
[4] Either sex is acceptable, healthy child wanted (7)
[5] They prefer a large number of children, regardless of sex (13)
SCCS951. Explanation of Barrenness
[NA] NA (156)
[2] Barrenness is regarded as an unfortunate physical condition (6)
[3] Barrenness is regarded as the fault of others who has malice (7)
[4] Barrenness is regarded as the fault of other who break taboo (7)
[5] Barenness is regarded as the fault of supernatural forces (7)
[6] Barrenness is regarded as fault to the woman being punished (1)
[7] Barrenness is regarded as a punishment tto a woman (2)
SCCS952. Penalties for Barrenness
[NA] NA (134)
[1] No penalties are reported (1)
[2] Remedies are actively sought to correct the condition (13)
[3] Provision is made for a child by adoption for fosterage (12)
[4] Provision tis made for a child, H takind 2nd wife (7)
[5] The woman's husband can or does divorce her (15)
[6] The woman is ostracized b/c she has no children (4)
SCCS953. Contraception: Knowledge and Use of Means to Prevent the Conception of Children
[NA] NA (145)
[1] No contraception is known about or used (9)
[2] Contraception is present, but there is no info on the method (3)
[3] There is a rudimentary form of contraception (1)
[4] Contraception is present by implication (12)
[5] There is a long post-partum sex taboos & rudimentary contra. (4)
[6] There is a long post-partum sex taboos & the woman practice (3)
[7] The woman is primarily responsible for contraception (9)
SCCS954. Social Approval for Abortion: Approval of and Rationale for Action Taken to Prevent the Birth of a Child by Expelling the Fetus before It Is Viable
[NA] NA (139)
[1] Occurs but no data on Frequency (17)
[2] Permit & Frequent (12)
[4] Disapprov & Occur (9)
[5] Disapprov & Rare (9)
SCCS955. Rationale for Abortions
[NA] NA (152)
[1] No Abortions (8)
[2] Concern for Mother (6)
[3] Revenge on Husband (3)
[4] Concern for Child (3)
[5] Out of Wedlock (9)
[6] Illicit Relationship (4)
[7] Other (1)
SCCS956. Social Approval for Infanticide
[NA] NA (145)
[1] Occurs but no data (19)
[2] Premit & Frequent (3)
[3] Permit & Infrequent (4)
[4] Disapprov & Occurs (5)
[5] Disapprov & no Occur (10)
SCCS957. Rationale for Infanticide. Each Category Indicates a Reason for Which an Infant Might Be Killed
[NA] NA (147)
[1] No Infanticide (8)
[2] Mother's Welfare (4)
[3] Revenge on Husband (1)
[4] Child's Welfare (2)
[5] Child Deformed (7)
[6] Multiple Birth (8)
[7] Female Child (2)
[8] Illicit Relationship (6)
[9] Other (1)
SCCS958. Restrictions on the Occasion of Intercourse. Each Category Specifies an Occasion When Intercourse Is Proscribed or Strongly Preferred Not to Take Place
[NA] NA (130)
[1] Not during menstruation (2)
[2] Not for a period after childbirth or during pregnancy (16)
[3] Not during menstruation, pregnancy or after child birth (12)
[4] Not occur before, during, or after life cycle events (3)
[6] Not before, during, and/or after a military expedition (3)
[7] Not before, during, or after a major economic activity (11)
[8] Not occur before, during and/or after a ritual program (6)
[9] It cannot occur before, during and/or after non-life cycle (3)
SCCS959. Extensions of the Incest Taboo. Each Category Specifies an Extension of the Incest Taboo beyond the Nuclear Family
[NA] NA (144)
[1] No extention beyond the nuclear family is reported (5)
[2] Bilateral extensions by cross or parallel cousins (2)
[3] Bilateral extension by degree of cousinage from ego (17)
[4] Other (1)
[5] Matrilineal extensions, with or without other bilateral ext. (9)
[6] Patrilineal extentions, with or w/out other bilateral exten. (7)
[7] Extensions based on nonkinship considerations (1)
SCCS960. Violation of the Incest Taboo
[NA] NA (157)
[1] None or mild punishment (8)
[2] Moderate punishment (3)
[3] Severe punishment (9)
[4] Punishment ot others than the offenders (5)
[5] Punishment ot the total social group (1)
[6] Punishment that affects the offenders and their social group (3)
SCCS961. Restrictions on Premarital Sex
[NA] NA (125)
[1] It is permitted for both sexes (17)
[2] It is permitted for both but in limited contexts (1)
[3] It is permitted and not punished unless pregnancy results (9)
[4] It is permitted for males but not females (12)
[5] Premarital relations are disaproved but not infrequent fact (9)
[6] Insistence on virginity for the woman, no info on male (4)
[7] Premarital relations are strongly disapproved and rare (9)
SCCS962. Violation of Restrictions on Premarital Sex. Each Category Specifies the Consequences a Woman Faces If She Violates a Premarital Sex Prohibition
[NA] NA (135)
[1] Neither she nor her partner face punishment (19)
[2] Her partner is punished, but she is not (13)
[3] Mild punishment for the women (4)
[4] Moderate punishment for the woman (8)
[5] Severe punishment, banished from social group or killed (2)
[6] 6 (5)
SCCS963. Restrictions and Extramarital Sex
[NA] NA (128)
[1] Permitted for both H and W (3)
[2] Permitted for both but in limited context (11)
[3] Permitted and not punished unless pregnancy results (1)
[4] Permitted for the husband but not for the wife (15)
[5] Weakly prohibited (15)
[6] Strongly prohibited (13)
SCCS964. Punishment for Extramarital Sex
[NA] NA (132)
[1] No or mild punishment (5)
[2] Generally mild punishment (3)
[3] Moderate punishment, beating or incarceration (6)
[4] Generally moderate punishment, she can be killed or divorced (14)
[5] The woman is divorced (8)
[6] She is generally divorced, but can be killed for it (5)
[7] Severe punishment, permanent physical damage, or killed (8)
[8] The woman is killed or commits suicide (5)
SCCS965. Violation: Who Is Punished for Adultery
[NA] NA (138)
[2] Only the lover is punished (2)
[3] Both the lover and the woman is punished, the man is worse (15)
[4] Both the man and the woman are equally punished (19)
[5] Both the woman and her lover are punished, woman more severe (6)
[6] Only the woman is punished (6)
SCCS966. Violation: Who Punishes Adultery
[NA] NA (131)
[0] 0 (1)
[1] No punishment for the women (2)
[2] The husband punishes his wife and/or her lover (39)
[4] A representative of the wife's family punishes her (3)
[5] The community as a whole or its representative punishes her (8)
[6] Supernatural consequences fall upon the woman (2)
SCCS967. Age of Woman at Establishment of Marriage: First Marriage
[NA] NA (141)
[1] Under 12 years (2)
[2] 12-15 years (18)
[3] 16-17 years (11)
[4] 18-21 years (10)
[5] 22-25 years (3)
[6] 26 years and older (1)
SCCS968. Age of Man at Establishment of Marriage: First Marriage
[NA] NA (144)
[2] 12-15 years (4)
[3] 16-17 years (7)
[4] 18-21 years (15)
[5] 22-25 years (6)
[6] 26 years and older (10)
SCCS969. Choice of Spouse: Social Restrictions Which Limit an Individual's Choice of Whom He Can Marry
[NA] NA (127)
[1] Bilateral considerations, including not marrying a relative (18)
[2] Bilateral consideration, specifically cross&parrallel cousin (7)
[3] Kinship of a matrilineal or matrilateral nature (10)
[4] Kinship of a patrilineal or patrilateral nature (16)
[5] Locality where the potential spouse belongs (2)
[7] The age or generation of the potential spouse (1)
[8] The status of the potential spouse (5)
SCCS970. Marriage Proposal: besides the Groom, Whose Proposal Is Regarded as Most Necessary in Initiating Marriage
[NA] NA (128)
[1] The bride's family or a relative of the bride (6)
[2] The bride's and groom's family (30)
[3] The groom's kin group and the bride's family (2)
[5] The kin groups of the bride and groom (20)
SCCS971. Consent to Marry: How Necessary Is the Consent of the Prospective Wife for Marriage Arrangements to Proceed
[NA] NA (129)
[1] Propective spouse's consent is necessay (19)
[2] The prospective spouse is consulted (22)
[3] The prospective spouse is not consulted (16)
SCCS972. Consent to Marry: How Necessary Is the Consent of the Prospective Husband for Marriage Arrangements to Proceed
[NA] NA (132)
[1] Propective spouse's consent is necessary (23)
[2] The prospective spouse is consulted (22)
[3] The prospective spouse is not consulted (9)
SCCS973. Degree of Marriage Celebration
[NA] NA (129)
[1] No celebration (4)
[2] Small celebration (16)
[3] Moderate celebration (15)
[4] Elaborate celebration (22)
SCCS974. Type of Participants in the Wedding
[NA] NA (136)
[1] Friends of the couple (2)
[2] Family of the bride & groom (4)
[3] Kin group of the bride or groom (4)
[4] Families of the bride & groom (9)
[5] Kin groups or "relatives" of the bride & groom (19)
[7] 7 (12)
SCCS975. The Rights Transferred by Women at Marriage
[NA] NA (136)
[1] RIghts concerning priority of sxual access (9)
[2] Rights concerning offspring (10)
[3] Rights concerning choice of residence (6)
[4] Rights concerning domestic services (8)
[5] Rights concerning choice of resident & economic labor (12)
[6] 6 (5)
SCCS976. The Rights Transferred by Men at Marriage
[NA] NA (149)
[1] Rights concerning proirity of sexual access (1)
[2] Rights concerning offspring (2)
[3] Rights concerning choice of residence (1)
[5] Rights concerning economic labor (22)
[6] Rights concerning choice of residence & economic labor (11)
SCCS977. Finality: Factors That Are Important for the Firm Establishment of a Marriage
[NA] NA (141)
[1] After children or children of the appropriate sex are born (18)
[2] After cohabitation & the birht of children (2)
[3] After cohabitation (4)
[4] After children are born & after bride price is paid (6)
[5] After a marriage ceremony (5)
[6] After bride-price has been paid (10)
SCCS978. Grounds for Divorce: Wife's Reasons given for Dissolving a Marriage
[NA] NA (138)
[1] There is no divorce (5)
[2] Reproductive problems (3)
[3] Illicit sexual relationship (5)
[4] Physical violence (7)
[5] Incompatibility with affines (11)
[6] Desertion or ectreme neglect (1)
[7] Incompatibility with affines_duplicated_7 (2)
[8] Failure in economic or domestic duties (9)
[9] 9 (5)
SCCS979. Grounds for Divorce: Husband's Reasons given for Dissolving a Marriage
[NA] NA (130)
[1] There is no divorce (4)
[2] Reproductive problems (16)
[3] Illicit sexual relationship (9)
[5] Incompatibility (12)
[6] Desertion or extreme neglect (3)
[7] Incompatibility with affines (1)
[8] Failure in economic or domestic duties (8)
[9] None or trival grounds (3)
SCCS980. Restrictions on Divorce
[NA] NA (141)
[1] Divorce is allowed for both H and W (17)
[2] Divorce is more difficult for a man to obtain (6)
[3] Divorce is difficult and/or has a low frequenct for both H&W (8)
[4] Divorce is more difficult for the wife to obtain (14)
SCCS981. Rights over Offspring after Divorce
[NA] NA (141)
[1] No Divorce (4)
[2] Wife keeps all the children (8)
[3] Custody of chidren depend on age and who they wan to be with (11)
[4] Each spouse has custody of some of the children (6)
[5] Custudy depend on the circumstances of the divorce (7)
[6] THe husband has custody of all of the children (9)
SCCS982. Remarriage after Divorce
[NA] NA (145)
[1] Both H and W may remarry (29)
[2] Both the H and W may remarry, but easier for H (7)
[3] It is difficult for both the H and W to remarry after divorc (1)
[4] No Divorce (4)
SCCS983. Property Exchanges after Divorce. Ranked in Order of the Amount of Financial Loss Incurred by the Wife When a Divorce Occurs
[NA] NA (143)
[1] There is no divorce (4)
[2] No financial transactiond occur after a divorce, equal share (8)
[3] The H or his kin pay compensation (6)
[4] The transictiond that occur depend on the circumstances (16)
[6] The wife and/or her kin group pay compensation (9)
SCCS984. Remarriage of Widows
[NA] NA (129)
[1] She may remarry anyone she chooses (14)
[2] May remarry but often chooses not to (7)
[4] May remarry, 1st priority is to husband kin (20)
[5] May remarry, most be husband relative, or chosen by H kin (13)
[6] She may not remarry (3)
SCCS985. Length of Time before a Widow Remarries
[NA] NA (151)
[0] 0 (5)
[1] 0-6 months (9)
[2] 6 months to less than a year (5)
[3] 1 year to less than 2 years (10)
[4] More than 2 years (4)
[5] No remarriage (1)
[6] 6 (1)
SCCS986. Importance of Mothers for Boys
[NA] NA (173)
[6] Frequently the major caretaker (4)
[8] Almost always the major caretaker (9)
SCCS987. Importance of Mothers for Girls
[NA] NA (160)
[6] Frequently the major caretaker (2)
[7] Very Frequent ? (1)
[8] Almost always the major caretaker (23)
SCCS988. Importance of Mothers for Both Boys and Girls, without Regard to Gender
[NA] NA (62)
[2] Rarely the major caretaker (5)
[4] SOmetimes the major caretaker (2)
[5] Often ? (3)
[6] Frequently the major caretaker (18)
[7] Very Frequent ? (8)
[8] Almost always the major caretaker (88)
SCCS989. Importance of Fathers for Boys
[NA] NA (166)
[2] Rarely the major caretaker (1)
[4] SOmetimes the major caretaker (1)
[6] Frequently the major caretaker (5)
[8] Almost always the major caretaker (13)
SCCS990. Importance of Fathers for Girls
[NA] NA (177)
[2] Rarely the major caretaker (3)
[3] 3 (1)
[6] Frequently the major caretaker (5)
SCCS991. Importance of Fathers for Both Boys and Girls, without Regard to Gender
[NA] NA (119)
[2] Rarely the major caretaker (19)
[3] 3 (2)
[4] SOmetimes the major caretaker (13)
[5] Often ? (7)
[6] Frequently the major caretaker (17)
[7] Very Frequent ? (2)
[8] Almost always the major caretaker (7)
SCCS992. Importance of Others for Boys
[NA] NA (179)
[4] SOmetimes the major caretaker (3)
[6] Frequently the major caretaker (2)
[8] Almost always the major caretaker (2)
SCCS993. Identification of Others for Boys
[NA] NA (179)
[2] Elders in communtiy ( often elder males for boys, vice versa (2)
[3] Grandparents, usually grandmother (3)
[4] Mother's brother or mother's sister (2)
SCCS994. Importance of Others for Girls
[NA] NA (181)
[5] Often ? (1)
[6] Frequently the major caretaker (2)
[8] Almost always the major caretaker (2)
SCCS995. Identification of Others for Girls
[NA] NA (181)
[1] Adults in household or community (other than parents) (1)
[2] Elders in community (often elder males for boys, vive versa) (1)
[3] Granparents, usually grandmother (2)
[6] Siblings, (usually older sisters) (1)
SCCS996. Importance of Siblings (Usually Older Sisters) for Both Boys and Girls, without Regard to Gender
[NA] NA (137)
[2] Rarely the major caretaker (1)
[4] SOmetimes the major caretaker (13)
[5] Often ? (6)
[6] Frequently the major caretaker (11)
[7] Very Frequent ? (7)
[8] Almost always the major caretaker (11)
SCCS997. Importance of Grandparents (Usually Grandmothers) for Both Boys and Girls, without Regard to Gender
[NA] NA (163)
[4] SOmetimes the major caretaker (3)
[5] Often ? (1)
[6] Frequently the major caretaker (11)
[7] Very Frequent ? (2)
[8] Almost always the major caretaker (6)
SCCS998. Importance of Others for Both Boys and Girls, without Regard to Gender
[NA] NA (160)
[2] Rarely the major caretaker (2)
[3] 3 (1)
[4] SOmetimes the major caretaker (8)
[6] Frequently the major caretaker (9)
[7] Very Frequent ? (2)
[8] Almost always the major caretaker (4)
SCCS999. Identification of Others for Boys and Girls, without Regard to Gender
[NA] NA (160)
[1] Adults in household or community (other than parents) (10)
[2] Elders in community (4)
[4] Mother's brother or mother's sister (8)
[5] Peers, age-mates, older youths, but not siblings (4)
SCCS1000. Enculturative Continuity for Boys
[NA] NA (76)
[2] Discontinuity, fundamental (1)
[4] Discontinuity, significant (18)
[5] both elements? (6)
[6] Signigicant continuity (Minor elements only of discontinuity (43)
[7] Very Significant? (14)
[8] Fundamental contunuity (28)
SCCS1001. Incomplete Continuity for Boys: Age
[NA] NA (175)
[2] around age six (2)
[3] around age seven (2)
[4] around age eight (3)
[5] around age nine (1)
[6] around age ten (3)
SCCS1002. Enculturative Continuity for Girls
[NA] NA (77)
[2] Fundamental discontinuity (1)
[4] Significant discontinuity (11)
[5] both elements? (5)
[6] Significant continuity (Minor elements only of discontinuity (38)
[7] Very Significant ? (9)
[8] Fundamental continuity (45)
SCCS1003. Incomplete Continuity for Girls: Age
[NA] NA (174)
[1] around age five (or slightly younger) (2)
[2] around age six (1)
[3] around age seven (4)
[4] around age eight (1)
[5] around age nine (1)
[6] around age ten (3)
SCCS1004. Enculturative Continuity for Both Boys and Girls without Regard for Gender
[NA] NA (53)
[2] Fundamental dicontinuity (2)
[4] Significant discontinuity (14)
[5] both elements ? (7)
[6] Significant continuity (Minor elements only of discontinuity (55)
[7] Very Significant ? (18)
[8] Fundamental continuity (37)
SCCS1005. Incomplete Continuity for Both Boys and Girls without Regard for Gender: Age
[NA] NA (168)
[1] around age five (or slightly younger) (2)
[2] around age six (5)
[3] around age seven (5)
[4] around age eight (1)
[5] around age nine (2)
[6] around age ten (3)
SCCS1073. Change in 100 Years Prior to Observation
[NA] NA (99)
[0] No Change (14)
[1] Change as result of world-sysytem contact (73)
SCCS1074. Extent of Change in Subsistence or Supportive System
[NA] NA (99)
[0] No Change (14)
[1] Partial (65)
[2] Total change in subsistence system (8)
SCCS1075. Agricultural Intensification: Increase in Inputs without Increasing Land Area of Food Production
[NA] NA (100)
[0] No change/Not applicable (57)
[1] Change in intensification (29)
SCCS1076. Non-agricultural Intensification
[NA] NA (101)
[0] No change/Not applicable (71)
[1] Change in intensification (14)
SCCS1077. New Crops
[NA] NA (101)
[0] No (62)
[1] Yes (23)
SCCS1078. New Animals
[NA] NA (101)
[0] No (70)
[1] Yes (15)
SCCS1079. Change in Settlement Patterns
[NA] NA (101)
[0] No change/Not applicable (67)
[1] Change is settlement patterns (18)
SCCS1080. Expansion of Land Utilized in Subsistence or Supportive Practices
[NA] NA (105)
[0] No change/Not appplicable (64)
[1] Change in expansion (17)
SCCS1081. Major Loss of Subsistence Mode
[NA] NA (99)
[0] No change/Not applicable (60)
[1] Major loss (27)
SCCS1082. Wage Labour Introduced
[NA] NA (101)
[0] No (58)
[1] Yes (27)
SCCS1083. Wage Labour Increased
[NA] NA (100)
[0] No (64)
[1] Yes (22)
SCCS1084. Introduction to Trade
[NA] NA (101)
[0] No (63)
[1] Yes (22)
SCCS1085. Trade Increased
[NA] NA (100)
[0] No (53)
[1] Yes (33)
SCCS1116. Warfare Mortality (E&e 1983: 118)
[NA] NA (151)
[0] low or absent (30)
[1] high (5)
SCCS1117. Internal Warfare (or Feuding) (E&e 1983: 178, 179, 185, 188, 304-306) (Ott: 143-49 Variable 4)
[NA] NA (112)
[0] Absent (36)
[1] Present (33)
[2] Civil War, in absence of fueding or other internal wars (5)
SCCS1118. Pacification by Date of Observation
[NA] NA (171)
[1] Yes (15)
SCCS1119. External War Only (Ott: 143-49 Variables 4, 5, 6) (E&e: 204, 205, 207, 209, 304-306)
[NA] NA (133)
[0] No (32)
[1] Yes (21)
SCCS1120. Some External War (Ott: 143-49 Variables 5, 6) (E&e: 204, 205, 207, 209, 304-306)
[NA] NA (132)
[0] Absent (11)
[1] Present (43)
SCCS1121. Depopulation (E&e 1983: 228, 293)
[NA] NA (154)
[0] ?? (3)
[1] ??_duplicated_1 (25)
[2] ??_duplicated_2 (4)
SCCS1122. Log10 of Total Population
[NA] NA (1)
[1] 10-99 (2)
[2] 100-999 (22)
[3] 1000-9999 (57)
[4] 10000-99999 (35)
[5] 100000-999999 (39)
[6] 1000000-9999999 (19)
[7] 10000000-99999999 (9)
[8] 100000000-999999999 (2)
SCCS1123. Major Agricultural Staple
[NA] NA (2)
[0] Agriculuture not practiced or confined to non-food crops (38)
[10] Buckwheat (1)
[11] Wheat (14)
[12] Barley (4)
[13] Millet (15)
[14] Sorghum (30)
[15] Maize (9)
[16] Dry Rice (10)
[17] Wet Rice (9)
[18] Rye (1)
[19] Teff (1)
[21] Yam (9)
[22] Taro or Okuma (10)
[23] White Potato (4)
[24] Cassava (Manioc) (16)
[25] Sweet Potato (2)
[26] Tubers in general (1)
[31] Bananas or Plantains (4)
[32] Breadfruit (2)
[33] Coconut (2)
[34] Ensete (1)
[40] Industrial Crops, e.g., cotton (1)
SCCS1124. Agricultural Staple Data Quality: Inferences
[NA] NA (40)
[0] Good data (137)
[1] Inferential (9)
SCCS1125. Second Agricultural Staple
[NA] NA (2)
[0] Agricultureal not practiced or confines to non-food crops (38)
[1] No secondary agricultural staple (117)
[12] Barley (2)
[13] Millet (2)
[14] Sorghum (5)
[15] Maize (3)
[16] Dry Rice (2)
[17] Wet Rice (3)
[22] Taro or Okuma (1)
[23] White Potato (1)
[24] Cassava (Manioc) (3)
[31] Bananas or Plantains (3)
[35] Sago and other Palms (3)
[36] Pandanus (1)
SCCS1126. Second Agricultural Staple Data Quality: Inferences
[NA] NA (40)
[0] Good data (143)
[1] Inferential (3)
SCCS1127. Crop Type Plow-positive or -negative
[NA] NA (2)
[0] Agriculture not practiced or confined to non-food crops (38)
[1] Plow-negative(Millet,Sorghum,Maize,Dry Rice,Rye,Root Crops) (112)
[2] Plow-positive(Buckwheat, Wheat, Barley, Wet Rice, Rye, Teff) (34)
SCCS1128. Cropping Index (Rough Indicator of Fallowing) for Major Crops
[NA] NA (24)
[0] Agriculture not practiced or confined to non-food crops (38)
[1] less than 10%of land used per year (22)
[2] 10%-29% of land used per year (26)
[3] 30%- 49% of land used per year (15)
[4] 50% -99% of land used per year (32)
[5] 100% or more of land used per year (29)
SCCS1129. Cropping Index Data Quality: Inferences
[NA] NA (62)
[0] Good data (94)
[1] Inferential (30)
SCCS1130. Population Density (from Pryor Data)
[NA] NA (0)
[2] less than 1 per square mile (51)
[3] 1- 4.9 per square mile (28)
[4] 5- 24.9 per sqaure mile (35)
[5] 25- 99.9 per square mile (37)
[6] 99- 499.9 per square mile (24)
[7] 500 or more per square mile (11)
SCCS1131. Population Density Data Quality: Inferences
[NA] NA (0)
[0] Good data (146)
[1] Inferential (40)
SCCS1132. Political Integration (Wes Col 15; EA Var 89)
[NA] NA (12)
[0] Insufficient information, or not coded (48)
[1] Absence, even at local level (10)
[2] Autonomous local communities (not > 1,500) (46)
[3] Peace groups transcending local community (4)
[4] Minimal States (15,00-10,000) (27)
[5] Little States (10,000-100,000) (9)
[6] States (at least 100,000) (22)
[8] Dependent societies (8)
SCCS1133. Maximum Harem Size
[NA] NA (88)
[1] 3 conjugal relationships or less (40)
[2] 4-10 conjugal relationships (37)
[3] 11-100 conjugal relationships (13)
[4] More than 100 conjugal relationships (8)
SCCS1134. Despotic Bias in Conflict Resolution
[NA] NA (82)
[1] Despotism absent: bias in the resolution of individual (90)
[2] Depotism present: Conflicts of interest among individuals (14)
SCCS1135. Jurisdictional Perquisites
[NA] NA (152)
[1] Perquisistes are small, reward less than a bride price (25)
[2] Perguisites are substantial, greater/equal to bride price (9)
SCCS1136. Divorce Causes - Infidelity: Adultery
[NA] NA (26)
[0] Not mentioned as cause of divorce (73)
[1] Husband (2)
[2] Both (25)
[3] Unspecified (6)
[4] Wife (54)
SCCS1137. Divorce Causes - Infidelity: Lack of Virginity
[NA] NA (26)
[0] Not mentioned as cause of divorce (154)
[4] Wife (6)
SCCS1138. Divorce Causes - Infidelity: Polygamy
[NA] NA (26)
[0] Not mentioned as cause of divorce (135)
[1] Husband (25)
SCCS1139. Divorce Causes - Infidelity: Cruelty or Maltreatment
[NA] NA (26)
[0] Not mentioned as cause of divorce (106)
[1] Husband (46)
[2] Both (5)
[3] Unspecified (3)
SCCS1140. Divorce Causes - Infidelity: Disobedience or Disrespect
[NA] NA (24)
[0] Not mentioned as cause of divorce (148)
[3] Unspecified (1)
[4] Wife (13)
SCCS1141. Divorce Causes - Infidelity: Repressiveness
[NA] NA (26)
[0] Not mentioned as cause of divorce (159)
[1] Husband (1)
SCCS1142. Divorce Causes - Infidelity: Jealousy
[NA] NA (26)
[0] Not mentioned as cause of divorce (154)
[1] Husband (1)
[2] Both (4)
[3] Unspecified (1)
SCCS1143. Divorce Causes - Infidelity: Another Lover
[NA] NA (26)
[0] Not mentioned as cause of divorce (122)
[1] Husband (3)
[2] Both (11)
[4] Wife (24)
SCCS1144. Divorce Causes - Infertility: Sterility
[NA] NA (26)
[0] Not mentioned as cause of divorce (84)
[1] Husband (13)
[2] Both (12)
[3] Unspecified (22)
[4] Wife (29)
SCCS1145. Divorce Causes - Infertility: Sexual Neglect
[NA] NA (26)
[0] Not mentioned as cause of divorce (145)
[1] Husband (15)
SCCS1146. Divorce Causes - Infertility: Refusal to Have Sex
[NA] NA (26)
[0] Not mentioned as cause of divorce (148)
[4] Wife (12)
SCCS1147. Divorce Causes - Infertility: Death of Children
[NA] NA (26)
[0] Not mentioned as cause of divorce (146)
[3] Unspecified (14)
SCCS1148. Divorce Causes - Infertility: Old Age
[NA] NA (25)
[0] Not mentioned as cause of divorce (152)
[4] Wife (9)
SCCS1149. Divorce Causes - Infertility: Absence of Male Children
[NA] NA (26)
[0] Not mentioned as cause of divorce (158)
[3] Unspecified (2)
SCCS1150. Divorce Causes - Infertility: Exchange Wife Has Too Few Children
[NA] NA (26)
[0] Not mentioned as cause of divorce (159)
[3] Unspecified (1)
SCCS1151. Divorce Causes - Personality: Mutual Consent
[NA] NA (26)
[0] Not mentioned as cause of divorce (118)
[1] Husband (1)
[3] Unspecified (40)
[4] Wife (1)
SCCS1152. Divorce Causes - Personality: Displeasingness
[NA] NA (26)
[0] Not mentioned as cause of divorce (109)
[1] Husband (19)
[2] Both (17)
[4] Wife (15)
SCCS1153. Divorce Causes - Personality: Quarrelsomeness or Talkativeness
[NA] NA (26)
[0] Not mentioned as cause of divorce (150)
[2] Both (2)
[4] Wife (8)
SCCS1154. Divorce Causes - Personality: Bad Temper
[NA] NA (26)
[0] Not mentioned as cause of divorce (151)
[1] Husband (1)
[2] Both (1)
[4] Wife (7)
SCCS1155. Divorce Causes - Personality: Other Personality Problems
[NA] NA (26)
[0] Not mentioned as cause of divorce (146)
[1] Husband (5)
[2] Both (1)
[3] Unspecified (1)
[4] Wife (7)
SCCS1156. Divorce Causes - Economic: Laziness
[NA] NA (26)
[0] Not mentioned as cause of divorce (127)
[1] Husband (8)
[2] Both (9)
[3] Unspecified (3)
[4] Wife (13)
SCCS1157. Divorce Causes - Economic: Inadequate Support
[NA] NA (26)
[0] Not mentioned as cause of divorce (138)
[1] Husband (21)
[3] Unspecified (1)
SCCS1158. Divorce Causes - Economic: Inadequate Housing
[NA] NA (26)
[0] Not mentioned as cause of divorce (156)
[1] Husband (4)
SCCS1159. Divorce Causes - Economic: Inadequate Food
[NA] NA (26)
[0] Not mentioned as cause of divorce (154)
[1] Husband (5)
[2] Both (1)
SCCS1160. Divorce Causes - Economic: Inadequate Clothing
[NA] NA (25)
[0] Not mentioned as cause of divorce (157)
[1] Husband (4)
SCCS1161. Divorce Causes - Economic: Inadequate Food Preparation
[NA] NA (26)
[0] Not mentioned as cause of divorce (155)
[4] Wife (5)
SCCS1162. Divorce Causes - Economic: Inadequately Serving Spouse
[NA] NA (26)
[0] Not mentioned as cause of divorce (152)
[4] Wife (8)
SCCS1163. Divorce Causes - Economic: Other Economic Problems
[NA] NA (26)
[0] Not mentioned as cause of divorce (138)
[1] Husband (6)
[2] Both (6)
[3] Unspecified (1)
[4] Wife (9)
SCCS1164. Divorce Causes - In-law Conflicts: Conflicts with In-laws
[NA] NA (25)
[0] Not mentioned as cause of divorce (138)
[1] Husband (9)
[2] Both (3)
[3] Unspecified (1)
[4] Wife (10)
SCCS1165. Divorce Causes - In-law Conflicts: Inadequately Serving In-laws
[NA] NA (25)
[0] Not mentioned as cause of divorce (155)
[1] Husband (3)
[2] Both (1)
[4] Wife (2)
SCCS1166. Divorce Causes - In-law Conflicts: Bridewealth or Dowry Disputes
[NA] NA (25)
[0] Not mentioned as cause of divorce (155)
[1] Husband (6)
SCCS1167. Divorce Causes - In-law Conflicts: Disrespect for In-laws
[NA] NA (25)
[0] Not mentioned as cause of divorce (158)
[1] Husband (1)
[2] Both (1)
[4] Wife (1)
SCCS1168. Divorce Causes - In-law Conflicts: Spouse Favors Kin
[NA] NA (25)
[0] Not mentioned as cause of divorce (154)
[1] Husband (3)
[4] Wife (4)
SCCS1169. Divorce Causes - In-law Conflicts: Other In-law Problems
[NA] NA (25)
[0] Not mentioned as cause of divorce (141)
[1] Husband (9)
[3] Unspecified (9)
[4] Wife (2)
SCCS1170. Divorce Causes - Ritual: Witchcraft or Sorcery
[NA] NA (25)
[0] Not mentioned as cause of divorce (148)
[1] Husband (3)
[2] Both (2)
[3] Unspecified (1)
[4] Wife (7)
SCCS1171. Divorce Causes - Ritual: Broken Taboo
[NA] NA (25)
[0] Not mentioned as cause of divorce (156)
[1] Husband (1)
[2] Both (2)
[4] Wife (2)
SCCS1172. Divorce Causes - Ritual: Bad Dream of Omen
[NA] NA (25)
[0] Not mentioned as cause of divorce (160)
[3] Unspecified (1)
SCCS1173. Divorce Causes - Ritual: Other Ritual Problems
[NA] NA (25)
[0] Not mentioned as cause of divorce (153)
[2] Both (2)
[3] Unspecified (3)
[4] Wife (3)
SCCS1174. Divorce Causes - Absence or Desertion:
[NA] NA (25)
[0] Not mentioned as cause of divorce (136)
[1] Husband (18)
[2] Both (4)
[3] Unspecified (1)
[4] Wife (2)
SCCS1175. Divorce Causes - Health:
[NA] NA (25)
[0] Not mentioned as cause of divorce (138)
[1] Husband (13)
[2] Both (3)
[3] Unspecified (1)
[4] Wife (6)
SCCS1176. Divorce Causes - Politics: Theft
[NA] NA (25)
[0] Not mentioned as cause of divorce (151)
[1] Husband (1)
[2] Both (3)
[3] Unspecified (1)
[4] Wife (5)
SCCS1177. Divorce Causes - Politics: Confiction or Incarceration
[NA] NA (25)
[0] Not mentioned as cause of divorce (159)
[1] Husband (2)
SCCS1178. Divorce Causes - Politics: Other Political Problems
[NA] NA (25)
[0] Not mentioned as cause of divorce (154)
[3] Unspecified (7)
SCCS1188. Evil Eye Scaled Rating:
[NA] NA (0)
[1] Absent, incontrovertibly (1)
[2] Absent, almost certainly (45)
[3] Absent, probably (46)
[4] Absent, possibly (27)
[5] Present, possibly (8)
[6] Present, probably (13)
[7] Present, almost certainly (16)
[8] Present, incontrovertibly (30)
SCCS1189. Evil Eye Belief
[NA] NA (0)
[0] Absent (119)
[1] Present (67)
SCCS1190. Sororate
[NA] NA (129)
[0] Not present in either (20)
[1] Junior sibling only (7)
[3] Full sororate or Levirate (30)
SCCS1191. Levirate
[NA] NA (130)
[0] Not present in either (19)
[1] Junior sibling only (13)
[2] Half sibling only (2)
[3] Full sororate or Levirate (22)
SCCS1192. Structurally Opposed Kin Groups
[NA] NA (112)
[0] localized kin groups, not effectively exogamous (5)
[1] nonlocalized kin groups, not effectively exagamous (4)
[2] localized kin groups, effective kin exogamy (3)
[3] nonlocalized kin groups, effictive kin exogamy (62)
SCCS1193. Exogamous Nonlocalized Descent Groups
[NA] NA (121)
[0] bilateral (10)
[1] nonexclusive ambilineal (1)
[2] exclusive ambilineal (3)
[3] exclusive ambilineal_duplicated_3 (50)
[4] Quasi-unilineal (1)
SCCS1194. Indirect Exchange of Wives
[NA] NA (128)
[0] Direct exchange (18)
[1] no first or second cross cousin marriage (21)
[2] matrilineal second cross cousin marriage tendency (7)
[3] matrilineal first cross cousin marriage tendency (12)
SCCS1195. Bridewealth
[NA] NA (111)
[0] Dowry (10)
[1] no exchange at marriage (18)
[2] gift exchange or token bridewealth if descent matrilineal (4)
[3] brideprice or brideservice (40)
[4] not applicable: sister exchange (3)
SCCS1196. Avoidance: M-wbw or F-hzh Wife's Brother's Wife
[NA] NA (173)
[0] Absent (6)
[1] Present (7)
SCCS1197. Avoidance: M-wm or F-dh Mother-in-law
[NA] NA (126)
[0] Absent (35)
[1] Present (25)
SCCS1198. Avoidance: M-wf or M-dh Wife's Father
[NA] NA (151)
[0] Absent (28)
[1] Present (7)
SCCS1199. Avoidance: M-wb or F-zh Wife's Brother
[NA] NA (160)
[0] Absent (26)
SCCS1200. Avoidance: M-wbd or F-fzh Wife's Brother's Daughter
[NA] NA (182)
[0] Absent (4)
SCCS1201. Avoidance: M-wez or F-yzh Wife's Elder Sister
[NA] NA (138)
[0] Absent (44)
[1] Present (4)
SCCS1202. Avoidance: M-wyz or F-ezh Wife's Younger Sister
[NA] NA (137)
[0] Absent (48)
[1] Present (1)
SCCS1203. Avoidance: M-wzd or F-mzh Wife's Sister's Daughter
[NA] NA (183)
[0] Absent (3)
SCCS1204. Avoidance: F-hf or M-sw Husband's Father
[NA] NA (136)
[0] Absent (36)
[1] Present (14)
SCCS1205. Avoidance: F-hm or M-sw Husband's Mother
[NA] NA (153)
[0] Absent (29)
[1] Present (4)
SCCS1206. Avoidance: F-hz or F-bw Husband's Sister
[NA] NA (162)
[0] Absent (24)
SCCS1207. Avoidance: F-hzs or M-mbw Husband's Sister's Husband
[NA] NA (169)
[0] Absent (16)
[1] Present (1)
SCCS1208. Avoidance: F-heb or M-ybw Husband's Elder Brother
[NA] NA (132)
[0] Absent (45)
[1] Present (9)
SCCS1209. Avoidance: F-hyb or M-ebw Husband's Younger Brother
[NA] NA (133)
[0] Absent (51)
[1] Present (2)
SCCS1210. Avoidance: F-hbs or M-fbw Husband's Brother's Son
[NA] NA (179)
[0] Absent (6)
[1] Present (1)
SCCS1211. Avoidance: F-eb or M-yz Brother-elder Sister
[NA] NA (134)
[0] Absent (43)
[1] Present (9)
SCCS1212. Avoidance: M-ez or F-yb Brother-younger Sister
[NA] NA (134)
[0] Absent (43)
[1] Present (9)
SCCS1213. Avoidance: F-fs or M-fd Half-elder? Sibling
[NA] NA (175)
[0] Absent (9)
[1] Present (2)
SCCS1214. Avoidance: F-ms or M-md Half-younger? Sibling
[NA] NA (175)
[0] Absent (9)
[1] Present (2)
SCCS1215. Avoidance: F-mezs or M-myzd Matrilateral Parallel Cousin
[NA] NA (160)
[0] Absent (21)
[1] Present (5)
SCCS1216. Avoidance: F-myzs or M-mezd Matrilateral Parallel Cousin
[NA] NA (160)
[0] Absent (21)
[1] Present (5)
SCCS1217. Avoidance: F-febs or M-fybd Patrilateral Parallel Cousin
[NA] NA (158)
[0] Absent (23)
[1] Present (5)
SCCS1218. Avoidance: F-fybs or M-febd Patrilateral Parallel Cousin
[NA] NA (158)
[0] Absent (23)
[1] Present (5)
SCCS1219. Avoidance: F-mbs or M-fzd Patrilateral Cross-cousin
[NA] NA (149)
[0] Absent (34)
[1] Present (3)
SCCS1220. Avoidance: F-fzs or M-mbd Matrilateral Cross-cousin
[NA] NA (144)
[0] Absent (39)
[1] Present (3)
SCCS1221. Avoidance: M-fzs or M-mbs Male Cross-cousins
[NA] NA (173)
[0] Absent (13)
SCCS1222. Avoidance: F-fzd or F-mbd Female Cross-cousins
[NA] NA (173)
[0] Absent (13)
SCCS1223. Avoidance: M-fz or F-bs Paternal Aunt-nephew
[NA] NA (162)
[0] Absent (22)
[1] Present (2)
SCCS1224. Avoidance: F-mb or M-zd Maternal Uncle-neice
[NA] NA (162)
[0] Absent (23)
[1] Present (1)
SCCS1225. Avoidance: F-hzd or M-mbw Maternal Uncle's Wife
[NA] NA (184)
[0] Absent (2)
SCCS1226. Sister and Brother
[NA] NA (142)
[1] Aviodance (8)
[2] Respect (22)
[3] Informality (12)
[5] Joking (2)
SCCS1227. Wife's Mother and Daughter's Husband
[NA] NA (132)
[1] Aviodance (26)
[2] Respect (19)
[3] Informality (8)
[4] Forbidden sex relations (1)
SCCS1228. Husband's Mother and Son's Wife
[NA] NA (144)
[1] Aviodance (16)
[2] Respect (14)
[3] Informality (8)
[4] Forbidden sex relations (2)
[5] Joking (1)
[6] Sex privileged relationship (1)
SCCS1229. Mother's Brother's Wife and Husband's Sister's Son
[NA] NA (162)
[1] Aviodance (1)
[2] Respect (8)
[3] Informality (4)
[4] Forbidden sex relations (5)
[5] Joking (2)
[6] Sex privileged relationship (4)
SCCS1230. Wife's Brother's Daughter and Father's Sister's Husband
[NA] NA (175)
[1] Aviodance (1)
[2] Respect (1)
[4] Forbidden sex relations (7)
[5] Joking (1)
[6] Sex privileged relationship (1)
SCCS1231. Mother's Brother's Son and Father's Sister's Son
[NA] NA (141)
[1] Aviodance (3)
[2] Respect (3)
[3] Informality (8)
[4] Forbidden sex relations (13)
[5] Joking (11)
[6] Sex privileged relationship (7)
SCCS1232. Father's Sister's Daughter and Mother's Brother's Son
[NA] NA (140)
[1] Aviodance (2)
[2] Respect (4)
[3] Informality (9)
[4] Forbidden sex relations (15)
[5] Joking (10)
[6] Sex privileged relationship (6)
SCCS1233. Elder Brother's Wife and Husband's Younger Brother
[NA] NA (138)
[1] Aviodance (3)
[2] Respect (9)
[3] Informality (7)
[4] Forbidden sex relations (4)
[5] Joking (12)
[6] Sex privileged relationship (13)
SCCS1234. Younger Brother's Wife and Husband's Elder Brother
[NA] NA (137)
[1] Aviodance (10)
[2] Respect (8)
[3] Informality (6)
[4] Forbidden sex relations (6)
[5] Joking (9)
[6] Sex privileged relationship (10)
SCCS1235. Wife's Elder Sister and Younger Sister's Husband
[NA] NA (140)
[1] Aviodance (5)
[2] Respect (6)
[3] Informality (7)
[4] Forbidden sex relations (5)
[5] Joking (10)
[6] Sex privileged relationship (13)
SCCS1236. Wife's Younger Sister and Elder Sister's Husband
[NA] NA (140)
[1] Aviodance (1)
[2] Respect (6)
[3] Informality (6)
[4] Forbidden sex relations (4)
[5] Joking (13)
[6] Sex privileged relationship (16)
SCCS1237. Wife's Brother's Wife and Husband's Sister's Husband
[NA] NA (174)
[1] Aviodance (4)
[2] Respect (3)
[4] Forbidden sex relations (5)
SCCS1248. Female Body Type Considered Most Attractive
[NA] NA (128)
[1] plump or fat (20)
[2] (original code1.5) (6)
[3] moderate degree of fatness (20)
[4] Slim or slender (12)
SCCS1249. Exposure of Adolescent Girls to Male Sexual Advances
[NA] NA (137)
[2] Protection by Adult groups (5)
[3] (original code 2.5) (2)
[4] Protection by parents only (17)
[5] protection by peers (2)
[6] (original code 4.5) (1)
[7] no prptection (22)
SCCS1250. Consequences for Adolescent Girls Pregnant before Marriage
[NA] NA (136)
[1] no bad consequences (7)
[2] illegitimacy diapproved (12)
[3] (original code 2.5) (6)
[4] public disapproval (16)
[5] (original code 3.5) (2)
[6] Ostracism, permanent loss of status and support (6)
[7] 7 (1)
SCCS1251. Degree of Public Awareness of Menarche
[NA] NA (135)
[1] only mother and daughter know (16)
[2] Family knowledge (7)
[3] (original code 2.5) (1)
[4] Quiet segregation and/ or recognition among women outside (5)
[5] (original code 3.5) (1)
[6] public ceremony (21)
SCCS1253. Pathogen stress: Leishmanias
[NA] NA (0)
[1] Absent or not recorded (117)
[2] Present, no indication of severity (35)
[3] Present and serious, widespread (34)
SCCS1254. Pathogen stress: Trypanosomes
[NA] NA (0)
[1] Absent or not recorded (134)
[2] Present, no indication of severity (38)
[3] Present and serious, widespread (14)
SCCS1255. Pathogen stress: Malaria
[NA] NA (0)
[1] Absent or not recorded (55)
[2] Present, no indication of severity (20)
[3] Present and serious, widespread (111)
SCCS1256. Pathogen stress: Schistosomes
[NA] NA (0)
[1] Absent or not recorded (129)
[2] Present, no indication of severity (16)
[3] Present and serious, widespread (41)
SCCS1257. Pathogen stress: Filariae
[NA] NA (0)
[1] Absent or not recorded (89)
[2] Present, no indication of severity (1)
[3] Present and serious, widespread (96)
SCCS1258. Pathogen stress: Spirochetes
[NA] NA (0)
[1] Absent or not recorded (76)
[2] Present, no indication of severity (45)
[3] Present and serious, widespread (65)
SCCS1259. Pathogen stress: Leprosy
[NA] NA (0)
[1] Absent or not recorded (70)
[2] Present, no indication of severity (72)
[3] Present and serious, widespread (44)
SCCS1260. Pathogen stress: Total Pathogen Stress
[NA] NA (0)
[7] Sum of variables 1253-1259 is 7 (30)
[8] Sum of variables 1253-1259 is 8 (9)
[9] Sum of variables 1253-1259 is 9 (9)
[10] Sum of variables 1253-1259 is 10 (4)
[11] Sum of variables 1253-1259 is 11 (20)
[12] Sum of variables 1253-1259 is 12 (20)
[13] Sum of variables 1253-1259 is 13 (13)
[14] Sum of variables 1253-1259 is 14 (20)
[15] Sum of variables 1253-1259 is 15 (16)
[16] Sum of variables 1253-1259 is 16 (16)
[17] Sum of variables 1253-1259 is 17 (9)
[18] Sum of variables 1253-1259 is 18 (9)
[19] Sum of variables 1253-1259 is 19 (6)
[20] Sum of variables 1253-1259 is 20 (3)
[21] Sum of variables 1253-1259 is 21 (2)
SCCS1261. Ordinary Nutritional Conditions and Endemic Starvation
[NA] NA (85)
[1] Very Low (38)
[2] low (35)
[3] high (23)
[4] Very High (5)
SCCS1262. Occurrence of Short-term Starvation
[NA] NA (17)
[1] Very Low (21)
[2] low (133)
[3] high (15)
SCCS1263. Occurrence of Seasonal Starvation
[NA] NA (18)
[1] Very Low (35)
[2] low (5)
[3] moderate (64)
[4] high (29)
[5] Very High (35)
SCCS1264. Temporal Control Codes for Seasonal Starvation
[NA] NA (123)
[0] Post-dates ethnographic present (5)
[1] Remote:more than 20 years prior to the focus date (4)
[2] Proximate:no more than 20 years prior to the focus date (54)
SCCS1265. Occurrence of Famine
[NA] NA (16)
[1] Very Low (16)
[2] low (28)
[3] high (12)
[4] Very High (114)
SCCS1266. Temporal Control Codes for the Occurrence of Famine
[NA] NA (62)
[0] Post-dates ethnographic present (6)
[1] Very Remote:more than 200 years prior to the focus date (6)
[2] Remote:between 100 and 200 years prior to focus date (4)
[3] Proximate:between 20 and 100 years prior to focus date (27)
[4] Very Proximate: within 20 years of focus date (81)
SCCS1267. Severity of Famine
[NA] NA (76)
[1] Very Low (16)
[2] low (7)
[3] high (33)
[4] Very High (54)
SCCS1268. Persistence of Famine
[NA] NA (81)
[1] Very Low (29)
[2] low (27)
[3] high (49)
SCCS1269. Recurrence of Famine
[NA] NA (57)
[1] Very Low (28)
[2] low (87)
[3] high (14)
SCCS1270. Contingency of Famine
[NA] NA (85)
[0] Absent (16)
[1] Very Low (13)
[2] low (45)
[3] high (27)
SCCS1271. Adult Land Clearance: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (115)
[0] Activity not present (19)
[1] Men only (29)
[2] Men predominant (13)
[3] Men and women equal (4)
[4] Women predominant (3)
[5] Women only (2)
[10] Slaves only (1)
SCCS1272. Adult Soil Preparation: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (119)
[0] Activity not present (19)
[1] Men only (21)
[2] Men predominant (11)
[3] Men and women equal (6)
[4] Women predominant (5)
[5] Women only (4)
[10] Slaves only (1)
SCCS1273. Adult Planting: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (115)
[0] Activity not present (19)
[1] Men only (10)
[2] Men predominant (9)
[3] Men and women equal (10)
[4] Women predominant (10)
[5] Women only (10)
[8] Men, no data on women (1)
[9] Women, no data on men (1)
[10] Slaves only (1)
SCCS1274. Adult Crop Tending: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (119)
[0] Activity not present (19)
[1] Men only (6)
[2] Men predominant (8)
[3] Men and women equal (8)
[4] Women predominant (10)
[5] Women only (15)
[10] Slaves only (1)
SCCS1275. Adult Harvesting: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (115)
[0] Activity not present (19)
[1] Men only (5)
[2] Men predominant (11)
[3] Men and women equal (13)
[4] Women predominant (12)
[5] Women only (10)
[10] Slaves only (1)
SCCS1276. Adult Agricultural Task Unspecified: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (147)
[0] Activity not present (19)
[1] Men only (2)
[2] Men predominant (7)
[3] Men and women equal (4)
[4] Women predominant (5)
[5] Women only (1)
[10] Slaves only (1)
SCCS1277. Adult Other Agricultural Chores: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (166)
[0] Activity not present (19)
[10] Slaves only (1)
SCCS1278. Child Land Clearance: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (130)
[0] Activity not present (19)
[1] Boys only (13)
[2] Boys predominant (3)
[3] Boys and girls equal (5)
[5] Girls only (3)
[6] Not a child's task (5)
[7] Child task, no data on sex (4)
[8] Boys, no data on girls (2)
[9] Girls, no data on boys (1)
[10] Slaves only (1)
SCCS1279. Child Soil Preparation: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (133)
[0] Activity not present (19)
[1] Boys only (13)
[2] Boys predominant (3)
[3] Boys and girls equal (5)
[5] Girls only (4)
[6] Not a child's task (2)
[7] Child task, no data on sex (4)
[8] Boys, no data on girls (1)
[9] Girls, no data on boys (1)
[10] Slaves only (1)
SCCS1280. Child Planting: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (129)
[0] Activity not present (19)
[1] Boys only (5)
[2] Boys predominant (2)
[3] Boys and girls equal (9)
[4] Girls predominant (1)
[5] Girls only (8)
[6] Not a child's task (6)
[7] Child task, no data on sex (4)
[8] Boys, no data on girls (1)
[9] Girls, no data on boys (1)
[10] Slaves only (1)
SCCS1281. Child Crop Tending: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (125)
[0] Activity not present (19)
[1] Boys only (5)
[2] Boys predominant (5)
[3] Boys and girls equal (13)
[4] Girls predominant (3)
[5] Girls only (5)
[6] Not a child's task (3)
[7] Child task, no data on sex (5)
[8] Boys, no data on girls (1)
[9] Girls, no data on boys (1)
[10] Slaves only (1)
SCCS1282. Child Harvesting: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (126)
[0] Activity not present (19)
[1] Boys only (5)
[2] Boys predominant (3)
[3] Boys and girls equal (10)
[4] Girls predominant (4)
[5] Girls only (8)
[6] Not a child's task (1)
[7] Child task, no data on sex (6)
[8] Boys, no data on girls (2)
[9] Girls, no data on boys (1)
[10] Slaves only (1)
SCCS1283. Child Agricultural Task Unspecified: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (147)
[0] Activity not present (19)
[1] Boys only (3)
[2] Boys predominant (2)
[3] Boys and girls equal (5)
[4] Girls predominant (2)
[5] Girls only (3)
[7] Child task, no data on sex (2)
[8] Boys, no data on girls (2)
[10] Slaves only (1)
SCCS1284. Child Other Agricultural Chores: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (164)
[0] Activity no present (19)
[1] Boys only (1)
[5] Girls only (1)
[10] Slaves only (1)
SCCS1285. Children under 6 Clear Land: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (143)
[0] Children this age do not do task (40)
[4] Not a child's task (2)
[5] Child task, no data on sex (1)
SCCS1286. Children under 6 Soil Preparation: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (145)
[0] Children this age do not do task (39)
[4] Not a child's task (1)
[5] Child task, no data on sex (1)
SCCS1287. Children under 6 Planting: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (144)
[0] Children this age do not do task (39)
[2] Girls this age (1)
[4] Not a child's task (1)
[5] Child task, no data on sex (1)
SCCS1288. Children under 6 Crop Tending: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (143)
[0] Children this age do not do task (37)
[1] Boys this age (1)
[2] Girls this age (1)
[3] Boys and girls this age (3)
[5] Child task, no data on sex (1)
SCCS1289. Children under 6 Harvesting: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (145)
[0] Children this age do not do task (38)
[2] Girls this age (1)
[3] Boys and girls this age (1)
[5] Child task, no data on sex (1)
SCCS1290. Children under 6 Agricultural Tasks Unspecified: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (157)
[0] Children this age do not do task (28)
[5] Child task, no data on sex (1)
SCCS1291. Children under 6 Other Agricultural Chores: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (164)
[0] Children this age do not do task (21)
[2] Girls this age (1)
SCCS1292. Children 6 to 10 Clear Land: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (145)
[0] Children this age do not do task (32)
[1] Boys this age (2)
[3] Boys and girls this age (5)
[4] Not a child's task (2)
SCCS1293. Children 6 to 10 Soil Preparation: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (147)
[0] Children this age do not do task (28)
[1] Boys this age (3)
[2] Girls this age (1)
[3] Boys and girls this age (6)
[4] Not a child's task (1)
SCCS1294. Children 6 to 10 Planting: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (144)
[0] Children this age do not do task (27)
[1] Boys this age (2)
[2] Girls this age (3)
[3] Boys and girls this age (9)
[4] Not a child's task (1)
SCCS1295. Children 6 to 10 Crop Tending: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (144)
[0] Children this age do not do task (24)
[1] Boys this age (1)
[2] Girls this age (3)
[3] Boys and girls this age (14)
SCCS1296. Children 6 to 10 Harvesting: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (146)
[0] Children this age do not do task (23)
[1] Boys this age (4)
[2] Girls this age (4)
[3] Boys and girls this age (9)
SCCS1297. Children 6 to 10 Agricultural Tasks Unspecified: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (159)
[0] Children this age do not do task (20)
[3] Boys and girls this age (6)
[5] Child task, no data on sex (1)
SCCS1298. Children 6 to 10 Other Agricultural Chores: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (165)
[0] Children this age do not do task (20)
[3] Boys and girls this age (1)
SCCS1299. Children over 10 Clear Land: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (142)
[0] Children this age do not do task (20)
[1] Boys this age (13)
[2] Girls this age (1)
[3] Boys and girls this age (7)
[4] Not a child's task (2)
[6] Boys this age, no data on girls (1)
SCCS1300. Children over 10 Soil Preparation: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (144)
[0] Children this age do not do task (19)
[1] Boys this age (12)
[2] Girls this age (2)
[3] Boys and girls this age (7)
[4] Not a child's task (1)
[6] Boys this age, no data on girls (1)
SCCS1301. Children over 10 Planting: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (143)
[0] Children this age do not do task (20)
[1] Boys this age (5)
[2] Girls this age (5)
[3] Boys and girls this age (11)
[4] Not a child's task (1)
[6] Boys this age, no data on girls (1)
SCCS1302. Children over 10 Crop Tending: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (142)
[0] Children this age do not do task (21)
[1] Boys this age (4)
[2] Girls this age (4)
[3] Boys and girls this age (13)
[6] Boys this age, no data on girls (1)
[7] Girls this age, no data on boys (1)
SCCS1303. Children over 10 Harvesting: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (145)
[0] Children this age do not do task (19)
[1] Boys this age (4)
[2] Girls this age (5)
[3] Boys and girls this age (12)
[6] Boys this age, no data on girls (1)
SCCS1304. Children over 10 Agricultural Tasks Unspecified: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (158)
[0] Children this age do not do task (19)
[1] Boys this age (1)
[2] Girls this age (1)
[3] Boys and girls this age (6)
[5] Child task, no data on sex (1)
SCCS1305. Children over 10 Other Agricultural Chores: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (165)
[0] Children this age do not do task (20)
[3] Boys and girls this age (1)
SCCS1306. Uses of Fruits of Labour: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (121)
[0] None (e.g.,Activity not present) (19)
[2] Product consumer is household or community (36)
[4] Household and wage labor or product sold (9)
[5] 1 & 2 above (1)
SCCS1307. Children Clear Land Alone: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (137)
[0] Activity not present (20)
[1] Yes, Children do this (2)
[2] No, Children do not do this (27)
SCCS1308. Children Prepare Soil Alone: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (138)
[0] Activity not present (20)
[1] Yes, Children do this (4)
[2] No, Children do not do this (24)
SCCS1309. Children Plant Alone: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (135)
[0] Activity not present (19)
[1] Yes, Children do this (3)
[2] No, Children do not do this (29)
SCCS1310. Children Tend Crops Alone: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (135)
[0] Activity not present (19)
[1] Yes, Children do this (3)
[2] No, Children do not do this (29)
SCCS1311. Children Harvest Alone: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (134)
[0] Activity not present (19)
[1] Yes, Children do this (2)
[2] No, Children do not do this (31)
SCCS1312. Children Do Unspecified Agricultural Tasks Alone: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (148)
[0] Activity not present (19)
[1] Yes, Children do this (1)
[2] No, Children do not do this (18)
SCCS1313. Children Do Other Agricultural Chores Alone: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (161)
[0] Activity not present (19)
[1] Yes, Children do this (1)
[2] No, Children do not do this (5)
SCCS1314. Children Clear Land with Other Kids: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (136)
[0] Activity not present (20)
[1] Yes, Children do this (7)
[2] No, Children do not do this (23)
SCCS1315. Children Prepare Soil with Other Kids: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (138)
[0] Activity not present (20)
[1] Yes, Children do this (5)
[2] No, Children do not do this (23)
SCCS1316. Children Plant with Other Kids: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (136)
[0] Activity not present (19)
[1] Yes, Children do this (7)
[2] No, Children do not do this (24)
SCCS1317. Children Tend Crops with Other Kids: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (134)
[0] Activity not present (19)
[1] Yes, Children do this (12)
[2] No, Children do not do this (21)
SCCS1318. Children Harvest with Other Kids: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (134)
[0] Activity not present (19)
[1] Yes, Children do this (6)
[2] No, Children do not do this (27)
SCCS1319. Children Do Unspecified Chores with Other Kids: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (150)
[0] Activity not present (19)
[1] Yes, Children do this (5)
[2] No, Children do not do this (12)
SCCS1320. Children Do Other Agricultural Chores with Other Kids: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (162)
[0] Activity not present (19)
[1] Yes, Children do this (1)
[2] No, Children do not do this (4)
SCCS1321. Children Clear Land with Adults: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (137)
[0] Activity not present (20)
[1] Yes, Children do this (24)
[2] No, Children do not do this (5)
SCCS1322. Children Prepare Soil with Adults: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (138)
[0] Activity not present (20)
[1] Yes, Children do this (23)
[2] No, Children do not do this (5)
SCCS1323. Children Plant with Adults: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (136)
[0] Activity not present (19)
[1] Yes, Children do this (25)
[2] No, Children do not do this (6)
SCCS1324. Children Tend Crops with Adults: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (135)
[0] Activity not present (19)
[1] Yes, Children do this (23)
[2] No, Children do not do this (9)
SCCS1325. Children Harvest with Adults: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (134)
[0] Activity not present (19)
[1] Yes, Children do this (28)
[2] No, Children do not do this (5)
SCCS1326. Children Do Unspecified Agricultural Tasks with Adults: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (150)
[0] Activity not present (19)
[1] Yes, Children do this (14)
[2] No, Children do not do this (3)
SCCS1327. Children Do Other Agricultural Chores with Adults: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (164)
[0] Activity not present (19)
[1] Yes, Children do this (2)
[2] No, Children do not do this (1)
SCCS1328. Importance of Boy Clearing: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (146)
[0] Boys do not do this task (21)
[1] The most important task for boys (3)
[2] Boys commonly do the task, but not their most important (16)
SCCS1329. Importance of Boy Preparing Soil: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (147)
[0] Boys do not do this task (22)
[1] The most important task for boys (4)
[2] Boys commonly do the task, but not their most important (13)
SCCS1330. Importance of Boy Planting: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (144)
[0] Boys do not do this task (27)
[1] The most important task for boys (2)
[2] Boys commonly do the task, but not their most important (11)
[3] Boys rarely do, or usually done by girls (2)
SCCS1331. Importance of Boy Tending Crops: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (143)
[0] Boys do not do this task (23)
[1] The most important task for boys (4)
[2] Boys commonly do the task, but not their most important (14)
[3] Boys rarely do, or usually done by girls (2)
SCCS1332. Importance of Boy Harvesting: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (142)
[0] Boys do not do this task (25)
[1] The most important task for boys (2)
[2] Boys commonly do the task, but not their most important (15)
[3] Boys rarely do, or usually done by girls (2)
SCCS1333. Importance of Boy Unspecified Agricultural Tasks: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (157)
[0] Boys do not do this task (20)
[1] The most important task for boys (2)
[2] Boys commonly do the task, but not their most important (7)
SCCS1334. Importance of Boy Other Agricultural Chores: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (165)
[0] Boys do not do this task (19)
[2] Boys commonly do the task, but not their most important (2)
SCCS1335. Importance of Girl Clearing: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (146)
[0] Girls do not do this task (29)
[2] Girls commonly do the task, but not their most important (11)
SCCS1336. Importance of Girl Preparing Soil: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (149)
[0] Girls do not do this task (27)
[2] Girls commonly do the task, but not their most important (10)
SCCS1337. Importance of Girl Planting: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (143)
[0] Girls do not do this task (24)
[2] Girls commonly do the task, but not their most important (19)
SCCS1338. Importance of Girl Tending Crops: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (143)
[0] Girls do not do this task (22)
[1] The most important task for girls (1)
[2] Girls commonly do the task, but not their most important (19)
[3] Girls rarely do, or usually done by girls (1)
SCCS1339. Importance of Girl Harvesting: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (142)
[0] Girls do not do this task (23)
[2] Girls commonly do the task, but not their most important (20)
[3] Girls rarely do, or usually done by girls (1)
SCCS1340. Importance of Girl Unspecified Agricultural Tasks: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (155)
[0] Girls do not do this task (20)
[1] The most important task for girls (1)
[2] Girls commonly do the task, but not their most important (9)
[3] Girls rarely do, or usually done by girls (1)
SCCS1341. Importance of Girl Other Agricultural Chores: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (165)
[0] Girls do not do this task (19)
[2] Girls commonly do the task, but not their most important (2)
SCCS1342. Adult Preference in Land Clearing: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (121)
[0] None (e.g.,Activity not present) (21)
[1] Common or important adult task (43)
[3] Usually adult task; kids do only if suitable adult absent (1)
SCCS1343. Adult Preference in Soil Preparation: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (124)
[0] None (e.g.,Activity not present) (21)
[1] Common or important adult task (40)
[3] Usually adult task; kids do only if suitable adult absent (1)
SCCS1344. Adult Preference in Planting: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (121)
[0] None (e.g.,Activity not present) (21)
[1] Common or important adult task (42)
[2] Not preferred by adults, considered child's task (1)
[3] Usually adult task; kids do only if suitable adult absent (1)
SCCS1345. Adult Preference in Crop Tending: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (123)
[0] None (e.g.,Activity not present) (21)
[1] Common or important adult task (37)
[2] Not preferred by adults, considered child's task (4)
[3] Usually adult task; kids do only if suitable adult absent (1)
SCCS1346. Adult Preference in Harvesting: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (118)
[0] None (e.g.,Activity not present) (21)
[1] Common or important adult task (46)
[3] Usually adult task; kids do only if suitable adult absent (1)
SCCS1347. Adult Preference in Unspecified Agricultural Tasks: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (150)
[0] None (e.g.,Activity not present) (21)
[1] Common or important adult task (14)
[3] Usually adult task; kids do only if suitable adult absent (1)
SCCS1348. Adult Preference in Other Agricultural Chores: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (164)
[0] None (e.g.,Activity not present) (21)
[1] Common or important adult task (1)
SCCS1349. Primary Crop Name
[NA] NA (105)
[0] No agriculture (21)
[1] Barley (2)
[2] Maize (10)
[3] Millet (8)
[4] Dry Rice (3)
[5] Wet Rice (7)
[7] Wheat (5)
[13] Breadfruit (1)
[14] Cassava (5)
[15] Potato (2)
[16] Sweet Potato (1)
[18] Taro (4)
[19] Yams (5)
[21] Plantains (2)
[22] Dates (1)
[31] Coconut (2)
[51] Animal fodder (2)
SCCS1350. Other Primary Crop Name
[NA] NA (114)
[0] No agriculture (66)
[1] Barley (2)
[5] Wet Rice (1)
[6] Sorghum (2)
[13] Breadfruit (1)
SCCS1351. Irrigation Used: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (113)
[0] None/Absent (51)
[1] Yes/Present (22)
SCCS1352. Hand Plow Used: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (113)
[0] None/Absent (70)
[1] Yes/Present (3)
SCCS1353. Animal Plow Used: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (114)
[0] None/Absent (56)
[1] Yes/Present (16)
SCCS1354. Terraces and Mounds Used: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (120)
[0] None/Absent (46)
[1] Yes/Present (20)
SCCS1355. Fences Used: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (127)
[0] None/Absent (47)
[1] Yes/Present (12)
SCCS1356. Green Manure and Mulch Used: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (128)
[0] None/Absent (53)
[1] Yes/Present (5)
SCCS1357. Animal Manure Used: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (129)
[0] None/Absent (48)
[1] Yes/Present (9)
SCCS1358. Human Manure Used: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (129)
[0] None/Absent (54)
[1] Yes/Present (3)
SCCS1359. Pesticides Used: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (122)
[0] None/Absent (64)
SCCS1360. Extent of Weeding: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (126)
[0] None/No weeding/crops not weeded (26)
[1] Crop weeded once (1)
[2] Crop weeded twice (4)
[3] Crop weeded three times (6)
[4] Weeding, but not extensively, no data on # times (2)
[5] Extensive weeding, no data on # times (13)
[6] Weeding, no data on extent or # times (8)
SCCS1361. Crop Supervision: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (122)
[0] No agriculture (22)
[1] Crops supervised form homestead (27)
[2] Distant crops supervised, e.g. huts built in fields (15)
SCCS1362. Planting Techniques: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (129)
[0] No agriculture (21)
[1] Seeds broadcast (3)
[2] Seeds planted by hand/manually (14)
[3] Seedlings transplanted (6)
[4] Cuttings planted (9)
[5] 1 and 2 above (1)
[6] 2 and 3 above (3)
SCCS1363. Shortest Length of Fallow: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (130)
[0] No agriculture (24)
[1] 0 years (permanent cultivation) (15)
[2] 2 years (4)
[3] 3 years (2)
[4] 4 years (2)
[5] 5 years (5)
[6] 6 years (3)
[7] 7 years (1)
SCCS1364. Soil Treatments/Sands Used: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (128)
[0] None/Absent (53)
[1] Yes/Present (5)
SCCS1365. Chemical Fertilizers Used: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (124)
[0] None/Absent (59)
[1] Yes/Present (3)
SCCS1366. Stakes and Trellises Used: Primary Crop
[NA] NA (137)
[0] None/Absent (45)
[1] Yes/Present (4)
SCCS1367. Adult Land Clearance: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (122)
[0] Activity not present (26)
[1] Men only (17)
[2] Men predominant (11)
[3] Men and women equal (4)
[4] Women predominant (1)
[5] Women only (3)
[8] Men, no data on women (1)
[10] Slaves only (1)
SCCS1368. Adult Soil Preparation: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (125)
[0] Activity not present (26)
[1] Men only (13)
[2] Men predominant (8)
[3] Men and women equal (3)
[4] Women predominant (4)
[5] Women only (5)
[8] Men, no data on women (1)
[10] Slaves only (1)
SCCS1369. Adult Planting: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (127)
[0] Activity not present (25)
[1] Men only (7)
[2] Men predominant (1)
[3] Men and women equal (8)
[4] Women predominant (6)
[5] Women only (9)
[8] Men, no data on women (2)
[10] Slaves only (1)
SCCS1370. Adult Crop Tending: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (125)
[0] Activity not present (26)
[1] Men only (6)
[2] Men predominant (2)
[3] Men and women equal (9)
[4] Women predominant (6)
[5] Women only (10)
[8] Men, no data on women (1)
[10] Slaves only (1)
SCCS1371. Adult Harvesting: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (125)
[0] Activity not present (25)
[1] Men only (5)
[2] Men predominant (5)
[3] Men and women equal (8)
[4] Women predominant (9)
[5] Women only (7)
[7] Adult Task, No Data on Sex (1)
[10] Slaves only (1)
SCCS1372. Adult Agricultural Task Unspecified: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (147)
[0] Activity not present (25)
[1] Men only (1)
[2] Men predominant (3)
[3] Men and women equal (4)
[4] Women predominant (2)
[5] Women only (2)
[7] Adult Task, No Data on Sex (1)
[10] Slaves only (1)
SCCS1373. Adult Other Agricultural Chores: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (160)
[0] Activity not present (25)
[10] Slaves only (1)
SCCS1374. Child Land Clearance: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (135)
[0] Activity not present (26)
[1] Men only (9)
[2] Men predominant (1)
[3] Men and women equal (3)
[5] Women only (3)
[6] Not an Adult Task (3)
[7] Adult Task, No Data on Sex (3)
[8] Men, no data on women (1)
[9] Women, no data on men (1)
[10] Slaves only (1)
SCCS1375. Child Soil Preparation: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (136)
[0] Activity not present (26)
[1] Men only (7)
[2] Men predominant (1)
[3] Men and women equal (3)
[5] Women only (5)
[6] Not an Adult Task (2)
[7] Adult Task, No Data on Sex (3)
[8] Men, no data on women (1)
[9] Women, no data on men (1)
[10] Slaves only (1)
SCCS1376. Child Planting: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (138)
[0] Activity not present (25)
[1] Men only (3)
[2] Men predominant (1)
[3] Men and women equal (6)
[4] Women predominant (1)
[5] Women only (3)
[6] Not an Adult Task (2)
[7] Adult Task, No Data on Sex (4)
[8] Men, no data on women (1)
[9] Women, no data on men (1)
[10] Slaves only (1)
SCCS1377. Child Crop Tending: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (132)
[0] Activity not present (26)
[1] Men only (3)
[2] Men predominant (1)
[3] Men and women equal (10)
[4] Women predominant (2)
[5] Women only (3)
[6] Not an Adult Task (3)
[7] Adult Task, No Data on Sex (3)
[8] Men, no data on women (1)
[9] Women, no data on men (1)
[10] Slaves only (1)
SCCS1378. Child Crop Harvesting: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (134)
[0] Activity not present (25)
[1] Men only (5)
[2] Men predominant (1)
[3] Men and women equal (6)
[4] Women predominant (2)
[5] Women only (4)
[6] Not an Adult Task (1)
[7] Adult Task, No Data on Sex (6)
[9] Women, no data on men (1)
[10] Slaves only (1)
SCCS1379. Child Agricultural Task Unspecified: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (147)
[0] Activity not present (25)
[1] Men only (1)
[2] Men predominant (1)
[3] Men and women equal (4)
[4] Women predominant (1)
[5] Women only (3)
[7] Adult Task, No Data on Sex (2)
[9] Women, no data on men (1)
[10] Slaves only (1)
SCCS1380. Child Other Agricultural Chores: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (160)
[0] Activity not present (25)
[10] Slaves only (1)
SCCS1381. Children under 6 Clear Land: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (147)
[0] Children this age do not to task (39)
SCCS1382. Children under 6 Soil Preparation: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (147)
[0] Children this age do not do task (39)
SCCS1383. Children under 6 Planting: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (148)
[0] Children this age do not do task (38)
SCCS1384. Children under 6 Crop Tending: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (145)
[0] Children this age do not do task (39)
[3] Boys and girls this age (2)
SCCS1385. Children under 6 Harvesting: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (149)
[0] Children this age do not do task (37)
SCCS1386. Children under 6 Agricultural Tasks Unspecified: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (155)
[0] Children this age so not do task (31)
SCCS1387. Children under 6 Other Agricultural Chores: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (160)
[0] Children this age do not do task (26)
SCCS1388. Children 6 to 10 Clear Land: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (146)
[0] Children this age do not do task (35)
[1] Boys this age (1)
[3] Boys and girls this age (3)
[5] Child task, no data on sex (1)
SCCS1389. Children 6 to 10 Soil Preparation: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (147)
[0] Children this age do not do task (31)
[1] Boys this age (2)
[2] Girls this age (2)
[3] Boys and girls this age (3)
[5] Child task, no data on sex (1)
SCCS1390. Children 6 to 10 Planting: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (148)
[0] Children this age do not do task (31)
[1] Boys this age (1)
[2] Girls this age (1)
[3] Boys and girls this age (4)
[5] Child task, no data on sex (1)
SCCS1391. Children 6 to 10 Crop Tending: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (147)
[0] Children this age do not do task (30)
[1] Boys this age (1)
[2] Girls this age (1)
[3] Boys and girls this age (6)
[5] Child task, no data on sex (1)
SCCS1392. Children 6 to 10 Harvesting: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (149)
[0] Children this age do not do task (30)
[1] Boys this age (1)
[2] Girls this age (1)
[3] Boys and girls this age (3)
[5] Child task, no data on sex (2)
SCCS1393. Children 6 to 10 Agricultural Tasks Unspecified: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (155)
[0] Children this age do not do task (27)
[3] Boys and girls this age (3)
[5] Child task, no data on sex (1)
SCCS1394. Children 6 to 10 Other Agricultural Chores: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (160)
[0] Children this age do not do task (25)
[3] Boys and girls this age (1)
SCCS1395. Children over 10 Clear Land: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (146)
[0] Children this age do not do task (26)
[1] Boys this age (8)
[2] Girls this age (1)
[3] Boys and girls this age (4)
[5] Child task, no data on sex (1)
SCCS1396. Children over 10 Soil Preparation: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (147)
[0] Children this age do not do task (25)
[1] Boys this age (6)
[2] Girls this age (3)
[3] Boys and girls this age (4)
[5] Child task, no data on sex (1)
SCCS1397. Children over 10 Planting: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (148)
[0] Children this age do not do task (25)
[1] Boys this age (3)
[2] Girls this age (2)
[3] Boys and girls this age (7)
[5] Child task, no data on sex (1)
SCCS1398. Children over 10 Crop Tending: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (146)
[0] Children this age do not do task (26)
[1] Boys this age (3)
[2] Girls this age (3)
[3] Boys and girls this age (7)
[5] Child task, no data on sex (1)
SCCS1399. Children over 10 Harvesting: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (150)
[0] Children this age do not do task (25)
[1] Boys this age (4)
[2] Girls this age (2)
[3] Boys and girls this age (4)
[5] Child task, no data on sex (1)
SCCS1400. Children over 10 Agricultural Tasks Unspecified: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (156)
[0] Children this age do not do task (25)
[1] Boys this age (1)
[2] Girls this age (1)
[3] Boys and girls this age (3)
SCCS1401. Children over 10 Other Agricultural Chores: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (160)
[0] Children this age do not do task (25)
[3] Boys and girls this age (1)
SCCS1402. Uses of Fruits of Labour: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (127)
[0] None (e.g., Activity not present) (25)
[2] Product consumer is household or community (28)
[3] Wage labot/product sold (2)
[4] Household and wage labor or product sold (3)
[5] 1 &2 above (1)
SCCS1403. Children Clear Land Alone: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (142)
[0] Activity not present (26)
[1] Yes, Children do this (1)
[2] No, Children do not do this (17)
SCCS1404. Children Prepare Soil Alone: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (143)
[0] Activity not present (26)
[1] Yes, Children do this (1)
[2] No, Children do not do this (16)
SCCS1405. Children Plant Alone: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (142)
[0] Activity not present (25)
[1] Yes, Children do this (1)
[2] No, Children do not do this (18)
SCCS1406. Children Tend Crops Alone: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (140)
[0] Activity not present (26)
[1] Yes, Children do this (1)
[2] No, Children do not do this (19)
SCCS1407. Children Harvest Alone: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (140)
[0] Activity not present (25)
[1] Yes, Children do this (2)
[2] No, Children do not do this (19)
SCCS1408. Children Do Unspecified Agricultural Tasks Alone: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (147)
[0] Activity not present (25)
[1] Yes, Children do this (1)
[2] No, Children do not do this (13)
SCCS1409. Children Do Other Agricultural Chores Alone: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (157)
[0] Activity not present (25)
[1] Yes, Children do this (1)
[2] No, Children do not do this (3)
SCCS1410. Children Clear Land with Other Kids: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (141)
[0] Activity not present (26)
[1] Yes, Children do this (5)
[2] No, Children do not do this (14)
SCCS1411. Children Prepare Soil with Other Kids: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (143)
[0] Activity not present (26)
[1] Yes, Children do this (3)
[2] No, Children do not do this (14)
SCCS1412. Children Plant with Other Kids: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (142)
[0] Activity not present (25)
[1] Yes, Children do this (5)
[2] No, Children do not do this (14)
SCCS1413. Children Tend Crops with Other Kids: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (140)
[0] Activity not present (26)
[1] Yes, Children do this (9)
[2] No, Children do not do this (11)
SCCS1414. Children Harvest with Other Kids: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (140)
[0] Activity not present (25)
[1] Yes, Children do this (7)
[2] No, Children do not do this (14)
SCCS1415. Children Do Unspecified Chores with Other Kids: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (149)
[0] Activity not present (25)
[1] Yes, Children do this (4)
[2] No, Children do not do this (8)
SCCS1416. Children Do Other Agricultural Chores with Other Kids: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (158)
[0] Activity not present (25)
[1] Yes, Children do this (1)
[2] No, Children do not do this (2)
SCCS1417. Children Clear Land with Adults: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (142)
[0] Activity not present (26)
[1] Yes, Children do this (14)
[2] No, Children do not do this (4)
SCCS1418. Children Prepare Soil with Adults: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (143)
[0] Activity not present (26)
[1] Yes, Children do this (14)
[2] No, Children do not do this (3)
SCCS1419. Children Plant with Adults: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (142)
[0] Activity not present (25)
[1] Yes, Children do this (15)
[2] No, Children do not do this (4)
SCCS1420. Children Tend Crops with Adults: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (140)
[0] Activity not present (26)
[1] Yes, Children do this (13)
[2] No, Children do not do this (7)
SCCS1421. Children Harvest with Adults: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (140)
[0] Activity not present (25)
[1] Yes, Children do this (16)
[2] No, Children do not do this (5)
SCCS1422. Children Do Unspecified Agricultural Tasks with Adults: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (150)
[0] Activity not present (25)
[1] Yes, Children do this (7)
[2] No, Children do not do this (4)
SCCS1423. Children Do Other Agricultural Chores with Adults: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (160)
[0] Activity not present (25)
[2] No, Children do not do this (1)
SCCS1424. Importance of Boy Clearing: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (150)
[0] Boys do not do this task (26)
[2] Boys commonly do the task, but not their most important (10)
SCCS1425. Importance of Boy Preparing Soil: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (150)
[0] Boys do not do this task (28)
[1] The most important task for boys (1)
[2] Boys commonly do the task, but not their most important (7)
SCCS1426. Importance of Boy Planting: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (148)
[0] Boys do not do this task (27)
[2] Boys commonly do the task, but not their most important (9)
[3] Boys rarely do, or usually done by girls (2)
SCCS1427. Importance of Boy Tending Crops: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (148)
[0] Boys do not do this task (27)
[2] Boys commonly do the task, but not their most important (10)
[3] Boys rarely do, or usually done by girls (1)
SCCS1428. Importance of Boy Harvesting: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (145)
[0] Boys do not do this task (27)
[2] Boys commonly dothe task, but not their most important (13)
[3] Boys rarely do, or usually done by girls (1)
SCCS1429. Importance of Boy Unspecified Agricultural Tasks: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (154)
[0] Boys do not do this task (26)
[1] The most important task for boys (1)
[2] Boys commonly do the task, but not their most important (5)
SCCS1430. Importance of Boy Other Agricultural Chores: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (160)
[0] Girls do not do this task (25)
[2] Girls commonly do the task, but not their most impportant (1)
SCCS1431. Importance of Girl Clearing: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (148)
[0] Girls do not do this task (30)
[2] Girls commonly do the task, but not their most important (8)
SCCS1432. Importance of Girl Preparing Soil: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (150)
[0] Girls do not do this task (27)
[2] Girls commonly do the task, but not their most important (9)
SCCS1433. Importance of Girl Planting: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (147)
[0] Girls do not di this task (27)
[2] Girls commonly do the task, but not their most important (11)
[3] Girls rarely do, or usually done by girls (1)
SCCS1434. Importance of Girl Tending Crops: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (147)
[0] Girls do not do this task (27)
[1] The most important task for girls (1)
[2] Girls commonly do the task, but not their most important (11)
SCCS1435. Importance of Girl Harvesting: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (144)
[0] Girls do not do this task (28)
[1] The most important task for girls (1)
[2] Girls commonly do the tsk, but not their most important (13)
SCCS1436. Importance of Girl Unspecified Agricultural Tasks: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (151)
[0] Girls do not do this task (26)
[1] The most important tsk for girls (1)
[2] Girls commonly do the task, but not their most important (8)
SCCS1437. Importance of Girl Other Agricultural Chores: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (160)
[0] Girls do not so this task (25)
[2] Girls commonly do the task, but not their most important (1)
SCCS1438. Adult Preference in Land Clearing: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (125)
[0] None(e.g., Activity not present) (29)
[1] Common or important adult task (31)
[3] Usually adult task;kids do only if suitableafult absent (1)
SCCS1439. Adult Preference in Soil Preparation: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (126)
[0] None(e.g., Activity not present) (29)
[1] Common or important adult task (30)
[3] Usually adult task;kids do only if suitableafult absent (1)
SCCS1440. Adult Preference in Planting: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (128)
[0] None(e.g., Activity not present) (28)
[1] Common or important adult task (29)
[3] Usually adult task;kids do only if suitableafult absent (1)
SCCS1441. Adult Preference in Crop Tending: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (128)
[0] None(e.g., Activity not present) (29)
[1] Common or important adult task (26)
[2] Not preferred by adults, considered child's task (2)
[3] Usually adult task;kids do only if suitableafult absent (1)
SCCS1442. Adult Preference in Harvesting: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (127)
[0] None(e.g., Activity not present) (28)
[1] Common or important adult task (30)
[3] Usually adult task;kids do only if suitableafult absent (1)
SCCS1443. Adult Preference in Unspecified Agricultural Tasks: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (146)
[0] None(e.g., Activity not present) (28)
[1] Common or important adult task (12)
SCCS1444. Adult Preference in Other Agricultural Chores: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (156)
[0] None(e.g., Activity not present) (28)
[1] Common or important adult task (2)
SCCS1445. Secondary Crop Name
[NA] NA (107)
[0] No agriculture (28)
[1] Barley (3)
[2] Maize (7)
[3] Millet (4)
[4] Dry Rice (3)
[7] Wheat (1)
[8] Buckwheat (1)
[11] Groundnut (2)
[12] Beans (4)
[14] Cassava (3)
[15] Potato (3)
[16] Sweet Potato (1)
[18] Taro (6)
[19] Yams (3)
[21] Plantains (2)
[22] Dates (1)
[24] Other fruit trees (1)
[41] Cocoa (1)
[42] Cotton (1)
[44] Sugarcane (1)
[45] Cardamum (1)
[46] 46 (1)
[47] Rubber (1)
SCCS1446. Other Secondary Crop Name
[NA] NA (115)
[0] No agriculture (57)
[5] Wet Rice (1)
[6] Sorghum (3)
[7] Wheat (1)
[13] Breadfruit (1)
[17] Squashes (4)
[18] Taro (1)
[19] Yams (1)
[21] Plantains (1)
[23] Mango (1)
SCCS1447. Irrigation Used: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (118)
[0] None/Absent (53)
[1] Yes/Present (15)
SCCS1448. Hand Plow Used: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (116)
[0] None/Absent (67)
[1] Yes/Present (3)
SCCS1449. Animal Plow Used: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (117)
[0] None/Absent (58)
[1] Yes/Present (11)
SCCS1450. Terraces and Mounds Used: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (125)
[0] None/Absent (47)
[1] Yes/Present (14)
SCCS1451. Fences Used: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (125)
[0] None/Absent (48)
[1] Yes/Present (13)
SCCS1452. Green Manure and Mulch Used: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (128)
[0] None/Absent (53)
[1] Yes/Present (5)
SCCS1453. Animal Manure Used: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (129)
[0] None/Absent (48)
[1] Yes/Present (9)
SCCS1454. Human Manure Used: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (129)
[0] None/Absent (55)
[1] Yes/Present (2)
SCCS1455. Pesticides Used: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (122)
[0] None/Absent (64)
SCCS1456. Extent of Weeding: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (129)
[0] None/No weeding/crops not weeded (32)
[1] Crop weeded once (1)
[2] Crop weeded twice (2)
[3] Crop weede three times (4)
[4] Weeding, but not extensively, no data on # times (3)
[5] Extensive weeding, no data in # times (8)
[6] Weeding, no data on extent or # times (7)
SCCS1457. Crop Supervision: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (124)
[0] No agriculture (32)
[1] Crops supervised from homestead (20)
[2] Distant crops supervised, e.g.huts built in fields (10)
SCCS1458. Planting Techniques: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (130)
[0] No agriculture (28)
[1] Seeds broadcast (2)
[2] Seeds planted by hand/manually (12)
[3] Seedlings tranplanted (2)
[4] Cuttings planted (11)
[5] 2 and 3 above (1)
SCCS1459. Shortest Length of Fallow: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (137)
[0] No agriculture (28)
[1] 0 years (permanent cultivation) (12)
[2] 2 years (1)
[3] 3 years (1)
[4] 4 yeas (1)
[5] 5 years (2)
[6] 6 years (2)
[10] 10 years (1)
[20] 20 years (1)
SCCS1460. Soil Treatments/Sands Used: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (126)
[0] None/Absent (56)
[1] Yes/Present (4)
SCCS1461. Chemical Fertilizers Used: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (122)
[0] None/Absent (62)
[1] Yes/Present (2)
SCCS1462. Stakes and Trellises Used: Secondary Crop
[NA] NA (134)
[0] None/Absent (48)
[1] Yes/Present (4)
SCCS1463. Adults Herd Small Animals
[NA] NA (142)
[0] Activity not present (27)
[1] Men only (7)
[2] Men Preodominant (3)
[5] Women only (5)
[6] Not an Adult Task (1)
[10] Slaves only (1)
SCCS1464. Adults Care for Small Animals
[NA] NA (130)
[0] Activity not present (26)
[1] Men only (3)
[2] Men Prodominant (3)
[3] Men and women equal (5)
[4] Women predominant (6)
[5] Women only (12)
[6] Not an Adult Task (1)
SCCS1465. Children Herd Small Animals
[NA] NA (139)
[0] Activity not present (27)
[1] Boys only (7)
[2] Boys predominant (5)
[3] Boys and girls equal (2)
[5] Girls only (3)
[7] Child task, no data on sex (1)
[8] Boys, no data on girls (2)
SCCS1466. Children Care for Small Animals
[NA] NA (138)
[0] Activity not present (26)
[1] Boys only (4)
[2] Boys predominant (4)
[3] Boys and girls equal (2)
[4] Girls predominant (3)
[5] Girls only (5)
[7] Child task, no data on sex (2)
[8] Boys, no data on girls (2)
SCCS1467. Children under 6 Herd Small Animals
[NA] NA (147)
[0] Children this age do not do task (35)
[1] Boys this age (2)
[6] Boys this age, no data on girls (2)
SCCS1468. Children 6 to 10 Herd Small Animals
[NA] NA (145)
[0] Children this age do not to task (26)
[1] Boys this age (7)
[2] Girls this age (1)
[3] Boys and girls this age (4)
[6] Boys this age, No data on Sex (3)
SCCS1469. Children over 10 Herd Small Animals
[NA] NA (145)
[0] Children this age do not do task (26)
[1] Boys this age (6)
[2] Girls this age (2)
[3] Boys and girls this age (4)
[6] Boys this ae, No data on Girls (3)
SCCS1470. Children under 10 Care for Small Animals
[NA] NA (145)
[0] Children thsi age do not do task (37)
[1] Boys this age (1)
[2] Girls this age (1)
[6] Boys this age, no data in girls (2)
SCCS1471. Children 6 to 10 Care for Small Animals
[NA] NA (145)
[0] Children this age do not do task (27)
[1] Boys this age (2)
[2] Girls this age (2)
[3] Boys and girls this age (8)
[6] Boys this age, no data in girls (2)
SCCS1472. Children over 10 Care for Small Animals
[NA] NA (145)
[0] Children this age do not do task (26)
[1] Boys this age (4)
[2] Girls this age (4)
[3] Boys and girls this age (5)
[6] Boys this age, no data on girls (2)
SCCS1473. Product Use of Small Animals
[NA] NA (138)
[0] None (e.g., Activity not present) (25)
[2] Product consumer is household or community (16)
[4] Household and wage labor or product sold (5)
[5] 1 and 2 above (2)
SCCS1474. Children Herd Small Animals Alone
[NA] NA (151)
[0] None (e.g., Activity not present) (25)
[1] Yes, Children do this (2)
[2] No, Children do not do this (8)
SCCS1475. Children Herd Small Animals with Children
[NA] NA (151)
[0] None (e.g., Activity not present) (25)
[1] Yes, Children do this (9)
[2] No, chilfren do not do this (1)
SCCS1476. Children Herd Small Animals with Adults
[NA] NA (150)
[0] None (e.g., Activity not present) (25)
[1] Yes, Children do this (8)
[2] No, Children do not do this (3)
SCCS1477. Children Care for Small Animals Alone
[NA] NA (152)
[0] None (e.g., Activity not present) (25)
[1] Yes, Children do this (1)
[2] No, Children do not do this (8)
SCCS1478. Children Care for Small Animals with Children
[NA] NA (152)
[0] None (e.g., Activity not present) (25)
[1] Yes, Children do this (5)
[2] No, Children do not do this (4)
SCCS1479. Children Care for Small Animals with Adults
[NA] NA (151)
[0] None (e.g., Activity not present) (25)
[1] Yes, Children do this (9)
[2] No, Children do not do this (1)
SCCS1480. Importance of Boy Herding Small Animals
[NA] NA (147)
[0] Boys do not do this task (26)
[1] The most important task for boys (9)
[2] Boys commonly do the task, but not their most important (4)
SCCS1481. Importance of Girl Herding Small Animals
[NA] NA (149)
[0] Boys do not do this task (30)
[2] Boys commonly do the task, but not their most important (6)
[3] Boys rarely do, or usually done by girls (1)
SCCS1482. Importance of Boy Care for Small Animals
[NA] NA (150)
[0] Boys do not do this task (28)
[1] The most important tsk for boys (1)
[2] Boys commonly do the tsk, but not their most important (6)
[3] Boys rarely do, or usually done by girls (1)
SCCS1483. Importance of Girl Care for Small Animals
[NA] NA (149)
[0] Girls do not do this task (26)
[2] Girls commonly do the task, but not theri most important (11)
SCCS1484. Adult Preference in Herding Small Animals
[NA] NA (143)
[0] None (e.g., Activity not present) (25)
[1] Common or importatn adult task (12)
[2] Not preferred by adults, considered child's task (6)
SCCS1485. Adult Preference in Caring for Small Animals
[NA] NA (139)
[0] None (e.g., Activity not present) (25)
[1] Common or important adult task (19)
[2] Not preferred by adults, considered child's task (3)
SCCS1486. Goats Present
[NA] NA (108)
[0] Absent (51)
[2] Present, important (27)
SCCS1487. Sheep Present
[NA] NA (108)
[0] Absent (52)
[2] Present, important (26)
SCCS1488. Pigs Present
[NA] NA (108)
[0] Absent (50)
[1] Present, minor (2)
[2] Present, important (26)
SCCS1489. Rabbits and Guinea Pigs Present
[NA] NA (108)
[0] Absent (50)
[1] Present, minor (2)
[2] Present, important (26)
SCCS1490. Sled and Pack Dogs Present
[NA] NA (108)
[0] Absent (74)
[2] Present, important (4)
SCCS1491. Adults Herd Large Animals
[NA] NA (128)
[0] Activity not present (29)
[1] Men only (16)
[2] Men predominant (9)
[3] Men abd Women Equal (1)
[5] Women only (1)
[6] Not an Adult Task (1)
[8] Men, no data on women (1)
SCCS1492. Adults Care for Large Animals
[NA] NA (126)
[0] Activity not present (28)
[1] Men only (7)
[2] Men predominant (11)
[3] Men abd Women Equal (6)
[4] Women predominant (5)
[5] Women only (1)
[8] Men, no data on women (1)
[9] Women, no data on men (1)
SCCS1493. Children Herd Large Animals
[NA] NA (125)
[0] Activity not present (28)
[1] Men only (17)
[2] Men predominant (11)
[3] Men abd Women Equal (1)
[7] Adult Task, No Data on Sex (3)
[8] Men, no data on women (1)
SCCS1494. Children Care for Large Animals
[NA] NA (127)
[0] Activity not present (28)
[1] Men only (10)
[2] Men predominant (12)
[3] Men abd Women Equal (1)
[4] Women predominant (2)
[5] Women only (1)
[7] Adult Task, No Data on Sex (3)
[8] Men, no data on women (2)
SCCS1495. Children under 6 Herd Large Animals
[NA] NA (132)
[0] Children this age do not do task (52)
[1] Boys this age (2)
SCCS1496. Children 6 to 10 Herd Large Animals
[NA] NA (132)
[0] Children this age do not do task (37)
[1] Boys this age (8)
[3] Boys and girls this age (6)
[6] Boys this age, no data on girls (3)
SCCS1497. Children over 10 Herd Large Animals
[NA] NA (131)
[0] Children this age do not do task (29)
[1] Boys this age (17)
[3] Boys and girls this age (6)
[6] Boys this age, no data on girls (3)
SCCS1498. Children under 6 Care for Large Animals
[NA] NA (133)
[0] Children this age do not do task (51)
[1] Boys this age (1)
[2] Girls this age (1)
SCCS1499. Children 6 to 10 Care for Large Animals
[NA] NA (133)
[0] Children this age do not do task (34)
[1] Boys this age (7)
[2] Girls this age (1)
[3] Boys and girls this age (10)
[6] Boys this age, no data on girls (1)
SCCS1500. Children over 10 Care for Large Animals
[NA] NA (133)
[0] Children this age do not do task (28)
[1] Boys this age (13)
[2] Girls this age (2)
[3] Boys and girls this age (9)
[6] Boys this age, no data on girls (1)
SCCS1501. Product Use of Large Animals
[NA] NA (130)
[0] None (e.g., Activity not present) (28)
[2] Product consumer is household or community (19)
[4] Household and wage labor or product sold (7)
[5] 1 and 2 above (2)
SCCS1502. Children Herd Large Animals Alone
[NA] NA (138)
[0] None (e.g.,Activity not present) (28)
[1] Yes, children do this (5)
[2] No, Children do not do this (15)
SCCS1503. Children Herd Large Animals with Children
[NA] NA (138)
[0] None (e.g.,Activity not present) (28)
[1] Yes, children do this (17)
[2] No, Children do not do this (3)
SCCS1504. Children Herd Large Animals with Adults
[NA] NA (138)
[0] None (e.g.,Activity not present) (28)
[1] Yes, children do this (16)
[2] No, Children do not do this (4)
SCCS1505. Children Care for Large Animals Alone
[NA] NA (141)
[0] None (e.g.,Activity not present) (28)
[1] Yes, children do this (3)
[2] No, Children do not do this (14)
SCCS1506. Children Care for Large Animals with Children
[NA] NA (141)
[0] None (e.g.,Activity not present) (28)
[1] Yes, children do this (14)
[2] No, Children do not do this (3)
SCCS1507. Children Care for Large Animals with Adults
[NA] NA (141)
[0] None (e.g.,Activity not present) (28)
[1] Yes, children do this (15)
[2] No, Children do not do this (2)
SCCS1508. Importance of Boy Herding Large Animals
[NA] NA (136)
[0] Boys do not do this task (28)
[1] The most important task for girls (16)
[2] Girls commonly do the task, but not their most important (5)
[3] Girls rarely do, or usually done by girls (1)
SCCS1509. Importance of Girl Herding Large Animals
[NA] NA (138)
[0] Girls do not do this task (39)
[1] The most important task for boys (1)
[2] Girls commonly do the task, but not their most important (5)
[3] Girls rarely do, or usually done by girls (3)
SCCS1510. Importance of Boy Care for Large Animals
[NA] NA (144)
[0] Boys so not do this task (29)
[1] The most important task for girls (6)
[2] Boys commonly do the task, but not their most important (5)
[3] Boys rarely do, or usually done by girls (2)
SCCS1511. Importance of Girl Care for Large Animals
[NA] NA (144)
[0] Girls do not do this task (33)
[1] Girls commonly do the task, but not their most important (2)
[2] Girls commonly do the task, but not their most important_duplicated_2 (5)
[3] Girls rarely do, or usually done by girls (2)
SCCS1512. Adult Preference in Herding Large Animals
[NA] NA (132)
[0] None (e.g., Activity not present) (28)
[1] Common or important adult task (19)
[2] Not preferred by adults, considered child's task (7)
SCCS1513. Adult Preference in Caring for Large Animals
[NA] NA (134)
[0] None (e.g., Activity not present ) (28)
[1] Common or important adult task (22)
[2] Not preferred by adults, considered child's task (2)
SCCS1514. Cattle Present
[NA] NA (109)
[0] Absent (42)
[1] Present, minor (3)
[2] Present, important (32)
SCCS1515. Horses Present
[NA] NA (110)
[0] Absent (52)
[1] Present, minor (2)
[2] Present, important (22)
SCCS1516. Donkeys/Mules Present
[NA] NA (109)
[0] Absent (61)
[2] Present, important (16)
SCCS1517. Camels Present
[NA] NA (109)
[0] Absent (72)
[2] Present, important (5)
SCCS1518. Reindeer Present
[NA] NA (109)
[0] Absent (75)
[2] Present, important (2)
SCCS1519. Yaks Present
[NA] NA (109)
[0] Absent (75)
[2] Present, important (2)
SCCS1520. Buffalo Present
[NA] NA (109)
[0] Absent (74)
[2] Present, important (3)
SCCS1521. Llama Present
[NA] NA (109)
[0] Absent (76)
[2] Present, important (1)
SCCS1522. Adults Do Wage Labour
[NA] NA (129)
[0] Activity not present (14)
[1] Men only (17)
[2] Men predominant (10)
[3] Men and women equal (7)
[4] Women predominant (1)
[8] Men, no data on women (8)
SCCS1523. Children Do Wage Labour
[NA] NA (148)
[0] Activity not present (14)
[1] Boys only (10)
[2] Boys predominant (5)
[3] Boys and girls equal (1)
[6] Not a child's task (8)
SCCS1524. Children under 6 Do Wage Labour
[NA] NA (170)
[0] Children this age do not do task (14)
[4] Not a child's task (2)
SCCS1525. Children 6 to 10 Do Wage Labour
[NA] NA (169)
[0] Children this age do not do task (14)
[1] Boys this age (1)
[4] Not a child's task (2)
SCCS1526. Children over 10 Do Wage Labour
[NA] NA (162)
[0] Children this age do not do task (14)
[1] Boys this age (6)
[3] Boys and girls this age (2)
[4] Not a child's task (1)
[6] Boys this age, no data on girls (1)
SCCS1527. Who Controls the Earnings of Wage Labour?
[NA] NA (161)
[0] None (14)
[1] Child (7)
[2] Parents (2)
[4] Child and Parents (2)
SCCS1528. Children Do Wage Labour Alone
[NA] NA (170)
[0] Activity not present (14)
[1] Yes, Children do this (1)
[2] No, Children do not do this (1)
SCCS1529. Children Do Wage Labour with Children
[NA] NA (170)
[0] Activity not present (14)
[2] No, Children do not do this (2)
SCCS1530. Children Do Wage Labour with Adults
[NA] NA (170)
[0] Activity not present (14)
[1] Yes, Children do this (1)
[2] No, Children do not do this (1)
SCCS1531. Importance of Boy Doing Wage Labour
[NA] NA (165)
[0] Boy do not do this task (14)
[1] The most important task for boys (1)
[2] Boys commonly do the task, but not theri most important (4)
[3] Boys rarely do, or usually done by girls (2)
SCCS1532. Importance of Girl Doing Wage Labour
[NA] NA (170)
[0] Girls do not do this task (14)
[2] Girls commonly do the task, but not theri most important (1)
[3] Girls rarely do, or usually done by boys (1)
SCCS1533. Adult Preference Wage Labour
[NA] NA (151)
[0] None (e.g.,Activity not present) (14)
[1] Common or important adult task (18)
[2] Not preferred by adults,considered childs's task (2)
[3] Usually adult task; kids do only if suitable adutl absent (1)
SCCS1534. Adults Trade
[NA] NA (138)
[0] Activity not present (2)
[1] Men only (8)
[2] Men predominant (5)
[3] Men and women equal (22)
[4] Women Predonminant (5)
[5] Women only (2)
[9] Women, no data on men (4)
SCCS1535. Children Trade
[NA] NA (156)
[0] Activity not present (2)
[1] Boys only (4)
[2] Boys predominant (1)
[3] Boys and girls equal (3)
[5] Girls only (4)
[6] Not a child's task (14)
[7] Child task, no data on sex (2)
SCCS1536. Children under 6 Trade
[NA] NA (180)
[0] Children this age do not do task (2)
[2] Girls this age (1)
[4] Not a child's task (3)
SCCS1537. Children 6 to 10 Trade
[NA] NA (176)
[0] Children this age do not do task (2)
[2] Girls this age (5)
[4] Not a Child Task (3)
SCCS1538. Children over 10 Trade
[NA] NA (170)
[0] Children this age do not do task (2)
[1] Boys this age (4)
[2] Girls this age (4)
[3] Boys and girls this age (3)
[4] Not a child's task (3)
SCCS1539. Who Controls the Cash from Trade?
[NA] NA (173)
[0] None (3)
[1] Child (7)
[2] Parents (1)
[4] Child and Parents (2)
SCCS1540. Children Trade Alone
[NA] NA (176)
[0] Activity not present (3)
[1] Yes, Children do this (4)
[2] No, Children do not do this (3)
SCCS1541. Children Trade alongside Other Children
[NA] NA (176)
[0] Activity not present (3)
[2] No, Children do not do this (7)
SCCS1542. Children Trade alongside Adults
[NA] NA (176)
[0] Activity not present (3)
[1] Yes, Children do this (5)
[2] No, Children do not do this (2)
SCCS1543. Importance of Boy Trading
[NA] NA (176)
[0] Boys do not do this task (3)
[2] Boys commonly do the task, but not their most important (7)
SCCS1544. Importance of Girl Trading
[NA] NA (176)
[0] Girls do not do this task (3)
[2] Girls commonly do the task, but not their most important (7)
SCCS1545. Adult Preference in Trade
[NA] NA (151)
[0] None (e.g., Activity not present) (2)
[1] Common or important adult task (33)
SCCS1546. Adults Gather
[NA] NA (133)
[0] Activity not present (11)
[3] Men and women equal (4)
[4] Women predominant (9)
[5] Women only (26)
[7] Adult Task, No Data on Sex (1)
[8] Men, no data on women (1)
[9] Women, no data on men (1)
SCCS1547. Children Gather
[NA] NA (151)
[0] Activity not present (11)
[1] Boys only (1)
[2] Boys predominant (1)
[3] Boys and girls equal (4)
[4] Girls predominant (5)
[5] Girls only (9)
[7] Child's Task, No Data on Sex (3)
[9] Girls, no data on boys (1)
SCCS1548. Children under 6 Gather
[NA] NA (173)
[0] Children this age do not do task (11)
[2] Girls this age (1)
[3] Boys and GIirls this age (1)
SCCS1549. Children 6 to 10 Gather
[NA] NA (162)
[0] Children this age do not do task (11)
[1] Boys this age (1)
[2] Girls this age (4)
[3] Boys and girls this age (5)
[6] Boys this age, no data on girls (1)
[7] Girls this age, no data on boys (2)
SCCS1550. Children over 10 Gather
[NA] NA (159)
[0] Children this age do not do task (11)
[1] Boys this age (2)
[2] Girls this age (7)
[3] Boys and girls this age (4)
[4] Not a child's task (1)
[7] Girls this age, no data on boys (2)
SCCS1551. Who Controls the Products of Gathering?
[NA] NA (156)
[0] None (e.g., Activity not present) (11)
[2] Product consumer is household or community (12)
[5] 1 and 2 above (7)
SCCS1552. Children Gather Alone
[NA] NA (158)
[0] Activity not present (11)
[2] No, Children do not do this (17)
SCCS1553. Children Gather with Children
[NA] NA (158)
[0] Activity not present (11)
[1] Yes, Children do this (5)
[2] No, Children do not do this (12)
SCCS1554. Children Gather with Adults
[NA] NA (158)
[0] Activity not present (11)
[1] Yes, Children do thsi (15)
[2] No, Children do not do this (2)
SCCS1555. Importance of Boy Gathering
[NA] NA (164)
[0] Girls do not do this task (11)
[2] Boys commonly do the task, but not their most important (7)
[3] Girls rarely do, or usually done by boys (4)
SCCS1556. Importance of Girl Gathering
[NA] NA (160)
[0] Girls do not do this task (11)
[2] Girls commonly do the task, but not their most important (14)
[3] Girls rarely do, or usually done by boys (1)
SCCS1557. Adult Preference Gathering
[NA] NA (139)
[0] None (e.g., Activity not present) (11)
[1] Common or important adult task (36)
SCCS1558. Adult hunt
[NA] NA (117)
[0] Activity not present (14)
[1] Men only (41)
[2] Men predominant (12)
[3] Men and women equal (2)
SCCS1559. Children hunt
[NA] NA (129)
[0] Activity not present (14)
[1] Boys only (31)
[2] Boys predominant (4)
[3] Boys and girls equal (3)
[6] Not a child's task (2)
[7] Child Task, No Data on Girls (2)
[8] Boys, no data on girls (1)
SCCS1560. Children under 6 hunt
[NA] NA (169)
[0] Children this age do not do task (14)
[3] Boys and girls this age (1)
[4] Not a child's task (2)
SCCS1561. Children 6 to 10 hunt
[NA] NA (152)
[0] Children this age do not do task (14)
[1] Boys this age (14)
[3] Boys this age_duplicated_3 (3)
[4] Not a child's task (2)
[6] Boys this age, no data on girls (1)
SCCS1562. Children over 10 hunt
[NA] NA (144)
[0] Children this age do not do task (14)
[1] Boys this age (21)
[3] Boys and girls this age (5)
[4] Not a child's task (2)
SCCS1563. Who controls the products of hunting?
[NA] NA (142)
[0] None (e.g., sctivity not present) (14)
[1] Product consumer is child only (3)
[2] Product consumer is household or community (10)
[4] Household and wage labor or product sold (3)
[5] 1 and 2 above (12)
[6] All (2)
SCCS1564. Children hunt alone
[NA] NA (144)
[0] Activity not present (14)
[1] Yes, Children do this (7)
[2] No, Children do not do this (21)
SCCS1565. Children hunt with adults
[NA] NA (143)
[0] Activity not present (14)
[1] Yes, Children do this (19)
[2] No, Children do not do this (10)
SCCS1566. Children hunt with adults
[NA] NA (145)
[0] Activity not present (14)
[1] Yes, Children do this (20)
[2] No, Children do not do this (7)
SCCS1567. Importance of boy hunting
[NA] NA (146)
[0] Boys do not do this task (14)
[1] The most important task for boys (4)
[2] Boys commonly do the tsk, but not theri most important (18)
[3] Boys rarely do, or usually done by girls (4)
SCCS1568. Importance of girl hunting
[NA] NA (167)
[0] Girls do not do this task (14)
[2] Girls commonly do the task, but not their most important (5)
SCCS1569. Adult preference hunting
[NA] NA (129)
[0] None (e.g., Activity not present) (14)
[1] Common or important adult task (40)
[2] Not preferred by adults, considered child's task (3)
SCCS1570. Adults do child care
[NA] NA (122)
[3] Men and women equal (4)
[4] Women predominant (24)
[5] Women only (33)
[9] Women, no data on men (3)
SCCS1571. Children do child care
[NA] NA (138)
[3] Boys and girls equal (10)
[4] Girls predominant (13)
[5] Girls only (13)
[6] Not a child's task (1)
[7] Child task, no data on sex (7)
[9] Girls, no data on boys (4)
SCCS1572. Children under 6 do child care
[NA] NA (181)
[2] Girls this age (3)
[7] Girls this age, no data on boys (2)
SCCS1573. Children 6 to 10 do child care
[NA] NA (156)
[2] Girls this age (9)
[3] Boys and girls this age (14)
[5] Child task, no data on sex (2)
[7] Girls this age, no data on boys (5)
SCCS1574. Children over 10 do child care
[NA] NA (159)
[2] Girls this age (9)
[3] Boys and girls this age (10)
[5] Child Task, No Data on Girls (1)
[7] Girls this age, no data on boys (7)
SCCS1575. Children do child care alone
[NA] NA (172)
[1] Yes, Children do this (4)
[2] No, Children do not do this (10)
SCCS1576. Children do child care along with other children
[NA] NA (173)
[1] Yesm CHildren do this (8)
[2] No, Children do not do this (5)
SCCS1577. Children do child care with adults
[NA] NA (174)
[1] Yes, Children do this (9)
[2] No, Children do not do this (3)
SCCS1578. Importance of boy doing child care
[NA] NA (167)
[1] The most important task for boys (2)
[2] Boys commonly dothe task, but not their most important (11)
[3] Boys rarely do, or usually done by girls (6)
SCCS1579. Importance of girl doing child care
[NA] NA (152)
[1] The most important task for girls (3)
[2] Girls commonly do the task, but not their most important (30)
[3] Girls rarely do, or usually done by boys (1)
SCCS1580. Adult preference in child care
[NA] NA (129)
[1] Common or important adult task (56)
[2] Not preferred by adults, considered child's task (1)
SCCS1581. Adults do housekeeping
[NA] NA (135)
[0] Activity not present (1)
[3] Men and women equal (1)
[4] Women predominant (7)
[5] Women only (39)
[9] Women, no data on men (3)
SCCS1582. Children do housekeeping
[NA] NA (144)
[0] Activity not present (1)
[3] Boys and girls equal (1)
[4] Girls predominant (9)
[5] Girls only (27)
[7] Child task, no data on sex (2)
[9] Girls, no data on boys (2)
SCCS1583. Children under 6 do housekeeping
[NA] NA (183)
[0] Children this age do not do task (1)
[2] Girls this age (1)
[7] Girls this age, no data on boys (1)
SCCS1584. Children 6 to 10 do housekeeping
[NA] NA (162)
[0] Children this age do not do task (1)
[2] Girls this age (17)
[3] Boys and girls this age (5)
[7] Girls this age, no data on boys (1)
SCCS1585. Children over 10 do housekeeping
[NA] NA (161)
[0] Children this age do not do task (1)
[2] Girls this age (17)
[3] Boys and girls this age (6)
[7] Girls this age, No Data on Boys_duplicated_7 (1)
SCCS1586. Children do housekeeping alone
[NA] NA (165)
[0] Activity not present (1)
[1] Yes, Children do this (4)
[2] No, Children do not this (16)
SCCS1587. Children do housekeeping with children
[NA] NA (163)
[0] Activity not present (1)
[1] Yes, Children do this (2)
[2] No, Children do not do this (20)
SCCS1588. Children do housekeeping with adults
[NA] NA (163)
[0] Activity not present (1)
[1] Yes, Children do this (22)
SCCS1589. Importance of boy housekeeping
[NA] NA (178)
[0] Boys do not do this task (1)
[2] Boys commonly do the task, but not their most important (4)
[3] Boys rarely do, or usually done by girls (3)
SCCS1590. Importance of girl housekeeping
[NA] NA (159)
[0] Girls do not do this task (1)
[2] Girls commonly do the task, but not their most important (26)
SCCS1591. Adult preference housekeeping
[NA] NA (140)
[0] None (e.g., Activity not present) (1)
[1] Common or important adult task (45)
SCCS1592. Adults Cook
[NA] NA (110)
[2] Men predominant (1)
[3] Men and women equal (1)
[4] Women Prredominant (25)
[5] Women only (44)
[9] Women, no data on men (5)
SCCS1593. Children Cook
[NA] NA (136)
[2] Boys predominant (1)
[3] Boys and girls equal (2)
[4] Girls predominant (12)
[5] Girls only (31)
[6] Not a child's task (2)
[7] Child task, no data on sex (1)
[9] Girls, no data on boys (1)
SCCS1594. Children under 6 Cook
[NA] NA (180)
[2] Girls this age (3)
[3] Boys and girls this age (1)
[4] Not a child's task (2)
SCCS1595. Children 6 to 10 Cook
[NA] NA (159)
[2] Girls this age (17)
[3] Boys and girls this age (7)
[4] Not a Childs Task (2)
[7] Girls this age, No Data on Boys (1)
SCCS1596. Children over 10 Cook
[NA] NA (153)
[1] Boys this age (1)
[2] Girls this age (21)
[3] Boys and girls this age (8)
[4] Not a child's task (2)
[7] Girls this age, no data on boys (1)
SCCS1597. Who Controls the Products of Cooking?
[NA] NA (147)
[3] Wage labor/Product sold (1)
[5] 1 and 2 above (37)
[6] All (1)
SCCS1598. Children Cook Alone
[NA] NA (162)
[1] Yes, Children do this (2)
[2] No, Children do not do this (22)
SCCS1599. Children Cook with Children
[NA] NA (162)
[1] Yes, Children do this (5)
[2] No, Children do not do this (19)
SCCS1600. Children Cook with Adults
[NA] NA (162)
[1] Yes, Children do this (24)
SCCS1601. Importance of Boy Cooking
[NA] NA (176)
[2] Boys commonly do the task, but not their most important (5)
[3] Boys rarely do, or usually done by girls (5)
SCCS1602. Importance of Girl Cooking
[NA] NA (148)
[1] The most important task for girls (1)
[2] Girls commonly do the task, but not their most important (37)
SCCS1603. Adult Preference Cooking
[NA] NA (119)
[1] Common or important adult task (66)
[2] Not preferred by adults, considered child's task (1)
SCCS1604. Adults Tend Fires
[NA] NA (156)
[3] Men and women equal (4)
[4] Women predominant (6)
[5] Women only (15)
[8] Men, No Dara on Women (2)
[9] Women, no data on men (3)
SCCS1605. Children Tend Fires
[NA] NA (172)
[3] Boys and girls equal (1)
[4] Girls predominant (3)
[5] Girls only (4)
[7] Child Task, No Data on Girls (3)
[9] Girls, no data on boys (3)
SCCS1606. Children under 6 Tend Fires
[NA] NA (186)
SCCS1607. Children 6 to 10 Tend Fires
[NA] NA (179)
[2] Girls this age (4)
[3] Boys and girls this age (2)
[7] Girls this age, no data on boys (1)
SCCS1608. Children over 10 Tend Fires
[NA] NA (178)
[1] Boys this age (1)
[2] Girls this age (4)
[5] Child Task, No Data on Girls (2)
[7] Girls this age, no data on boys (1)
SCCS1609. Children Tend Fires Alone
[NA] NA (182)
[2] No, Children do not do this (4)
SCCS1610. Children Tend Fires along with Other Children
[NA] NA (182)
[1] Yes, Children do this (1)
[2] No, Children do not do this (3)
SCCS1611. Children Tend Fires with Adults
[NA] NA (182)
[1] Yes, Children do this (4)
SCCS1612. Importance of Boy Tending Fires
[NA] NA (181)
[2] Boys commonly do the task, but not their most important (3)
[3] Boys rarely do, or usually done by girls (2)
SCCS1613. Importance of Girl Tending Fires
[NA] NA (178)
[2] Girls commonly do the task, but not their most important (8)
SCCS1614. Adult Preference in Tending Fires
[NA] NA (167)
[1] Common or important adult task (18)
[2] Not preferred by adults, considered child's task (1)
SCCS1615. Adults Gather Fuel
[NA] NA (135)
[2] Men predominant (5)
[3] Men and women equal (2)
[4] Women predominant (13)
[5] Women only (27)
[8] Men, No Data on Sex (1)
[9] Women, no data on men (3)
SCCS1616. Children Gather Fuel
[NA] NA (138)
[1] Boys only (2)
[2] Boys predominant (4)
[3] Boys and girls equal (5)
[4] Girls predominant (6)
[5] Girls only (21)
[7] Child task, no data on sex (7)
[8] Boys, no data on girls (1)
[9] Girls, no data on boys (2)
SCCS1617. Children under 6 Gather Fuel
[NA] NA (180)
[1] Boys this age (1)
[2] Girls this age (2)
[3] Boys and girls this age (2)
[7] Girls this age, no data on boys (1)
SCCS1618. Children 6 to 10 Gather Fuel
[NA] NA (164)
[2] Girls this age (9)
[3] Boys and girls this age (8)
[5] Child task, no data on sex (1)
[6] Boys this age, no data on girls (1)
[7] Girls this age, no data on boys (3)
SCCS1619. Children over 10 Gather Fuel
[NA] NA (164)
[1] Boys this age (1)
[2] Girls this age (10)
[3] Boys and girls this age (7)
[6] Boys this age, no data in girls (1)
[7] Girls this age, no data on boys (3)
SCCS1620. Children Gather Fuel Alone
[NA] NA (173)
[1] Yes, Children do this (3)
[2] No, Children do not do this (10)
SCCS1621. Children Gather Fuel with Children
[NA] NA (172)
[1] Yes, Children do this (4)
[2] No, Children do not do this (10)
SCCS1622. Children Gather Fuel with Adults
[NA] NA (173)
[1] Yes, Children do this (13)
SCCS1623. Importance of Boy Gathering Fuel
[NA] NA (172)
[2] Boys commonly do the task, but not their most important (10)
[3] Boys rarely do, or usually done by girls (4)
SCCS1624. Importance of Girl Gathering Fuel
[NA] NA (158)
[1] The most important task for girls (1)
[2] Girls commonly do the task, but not their most important (26)
[3] Girls rarely do, or usually done by girls (1)
SCCS1625. Adult Preference Fuel Gathering
[NA] NA (145)
[1] Common or important adult task (36)
[2] Not preferred by adults, considered child's task (3)
[3] Usually adult task; kids do only if suitable adutl absent (2)
SCCS1626. Adults Carry Burdens
[NA] NA (135)
[0] Activity not present (1)
[1] Men only (2)
[2] Men predominant (5)
[3] Men and women equal (9)
[4] Women predominant (15)
[5] Women only (7)
[8] Men, no data on women (2)
[9] Women, no data on men (10)
SCCS1627. Children Carry Burdens
[NA] NA (161)
[0] Activity not present (1)
[1] Boys only (1)
[2] Boys predominant (1)
[3] Boys and girls equal (6)
[4] Girls predominant (3)
[5] Girls only (5)
[6] Not a child's task (1)
[7] Child task, no data on sex (4)
[8] Boys, no data on girls (1)
[9] Girls, no data on boys (2)
SCCS1628. Children under 6 Carry Burdens
[NA] NA (182)
[0] Children this age do not do task (1)
[3] Boys and girls this age (1)
[7] Child task, no data on sex (2)
SCCS1629. Children 6 to 10 Carry Burdens
[NA] NA (181)
[0] Children this age do not do task (1)
[3] Boys and girls this age (3)
[7] Girls this age, no data on boys (1)
SCCS1630. Children over 10 Carry Burdens
[NA] NA (177)
[0] Children this age do not do task (1)
[1] Boys this age (1)
[2] Girls this age (2)
[3] Boys and girls this age (3)
[6] Boys this age, no data on girls (1)
[7] Girls this age, no data on boys (1)
SCCS1631. Children Carry Burdens Alone
[NA] NA (180)
[0] Activity not present (1)
[1] Yes, Children do this (1)
[2] No, Children do not do this (4)
SCCS1632. Children Carry Burdens along with Other Children
[NA] NA (180)
[0] Activity not present (1)
[1] Yes, Children do this (2)
[2] No, Children do not do this (3)
SCCS1633. Children Carry Burdens with Adults
[NA] NA (180)
[0] Activity not present (1)
[1] Yes, Children do this (5)
SCCS1634. Importance of Boy Carrying Burdens
[NA] NA (180)
[0] Boys do not do this task (1)
[2] Boys commonly do the task, but not their most important (4)
[3] Boys rarely do, or usually done by girls (1)
SCCS1635. Importance of Girl Carrying Burdens
[NA] NA (174)
[0] Girls do not do this task (1)
[2] Girls commonly do the task, but not their most important (11)
SCCS1636. Adult Preference in Carrying Burdens
[NA] NA (158)
[0] None (e.g., Activity not present) (1)
[1] Common or important adult task (26)
[2] Not preferred by adults, considered child's task (1)
SCCS1637. Adults Carry Water
[NA] NA (135)
[0] Activity nhot present (2)
[2] Men predominant (1)
[3] Men and women equal (2)
[4] Women predominant (5)
[5] Women only (39)
[9] Women, no data on men (2)
SCCS1638. Children Carry Water
[NA] NA (137)
[0] Activity not present (2)
[1] Boys only (1)
[3] Boys and girls equal (3)
[4] Girls predominant (10)
[5] Girls only (26)
[7] Child task, no data on sex (5)
[8] Boys, no data on girls (1)
[9] Girls, no data on boys (1)
SCCS1639. Children under 6 Carry Water
[NA] NA (180)
[0] Children this age do not do task (2)
[2] Girls this age (4)
SCCS1640. Children 6 to 10 Carry Water
[NA] NA (156)
[0] Children this age do not do task (2)
[2] Girls this age (16)
[3] Boys and girls this age (9)
[6] Boys this age, no data on girls (1)
[7] Girls this age, no data on boys (2)
SCCS1641. Children over 10 Carry Water
[NA] NA (154)
[0] Children this age do not do task (2)
[1] Boys this age (1)
[2] Girls this age (20)
[3] Boys and girls this age (6)
[6] Boys this age, no data on girls (1)
[7] Girls this age, no data on boys (2)
SCCS1642. Children Carry Water Alone
[NA] NA (172)
[0] Activity not present (2)
[1] Yes, Children do this (1)
[2] No, Children do not do this (11)
SCCS1643. Children Carry Water along with Other Children
[NA] NA (171)
[0] Activity not present (2)
[1] Yes, Children do this (8)
[2] No, Children do not do this (5)
SCCS1644. Children Carry Water with Adults
[NA] NA (172)
[0] Activity not present (2)
[1] Yes, Children do this (9)
[2] No, Children do not do this (3)
SCCS1645. Importance of Boy Carrying Water
[NA] NA (172)
[0] Boys do not do this task (2)
[2] Boys commonly do the task, but not their most importanta (7)
[3] Boys rarely do, or usually done by girls (5)
SCCS1646. Importance of Girl Carrying Water
[NA] NA (155)
[0] Girls do not do this task (2)
[1] The most important task, but not their most important (2)
[2] Girls commonly do the task, but not their most important (27)
SCCS1647. Adult Preference in Carrying Water
[NA] NA (148)
[0] None (e.g., Activity not present) (2)
[1] Common or important adult task (31)
[2] Not preferred by adults, considered child's task (4)
[3] Usually adult task; kids do only if suitable adutl absent (1)
SCCS1648. Overall Frequency of Warfare (Resolved Rating)
[NA] NA (26)
[1] Warfare seems to be absent or rare (original code 1) (39)
[2] original code 1.25 (2)
[3] original code 1.5 (5)
[4] original 1.625 (1)
[5] original code 1.75 (2)
[6] Warfare seems to occur once every 3 to 10 years(org.code 2 (9)
[7] original code 2.25 (3)
[8] original code 2.5 (6)
[9] original code 2.75 (4)
[10] Warfare seems to occur at least once every 2 years (4)
[11] original code 3.25 (4)
[12] original code 3.5 (9)
[13] original code 3.75 (5)
[14] Warfare seems to occur every year, during particular season (5)
[15] original 4.25 (1)
[16] origainal 4.5 (12)
[17] original 4.75 (5)
[18] Warfare seems to occur constantly at any time of the year (44)
SCCS1649. Frequency of Internal Warfare (Resolved Rating)
[NA] NA (0)
[0] No resolved rating (original code 0) (23)
[1] Internal warfare seems to be absent or rare (original code1) (60)
[2] original code 1.25 (4)
[3] original code 1.5 (5)
[4] original code 1.75 (4)
[5] Interal warfare seems to occur once every 3 to 10 years (7)
[6] original code 2.25 (3)
[7] original code 2.5 (5)
[8] origianl code 2.75 (2)
[9] Internal warfare seems to occur once every 2 years (org.cd3) (4)
[10] original code 3.25 (3)
[11] original code 3.5 (6)
[12] original code 3.75 (2)
[13] Internal warfare occur every year, duriing particular season (8)
[14] original code 4.25 (1)
[15] original code 4.5 (10)
[16] original code 4.75 (1)
[17] Internal warfare seems to occur constantly any time of year (27)
[88] Don't know or unclear (original code 8) (11)
SCCS1650. Frequency of External Warfare (Resolved Rating)
[NA] NA (0)
[0] No resolved rating (original code 0) (26)
[1] External warfare seems to be absent or rare (orginal code 1) (52)
[2] original code 1.25 (2)
[3] original code 1.5 (8)
[4] original code 1.75 (1)
[5] External warfare semems to occur once every 3 to 10 years (10)
[6] original code 2.25 (3)
[7] original code 2.5 (7)
[8] original code 2.75 (2)
[9] External warfare seems to occur at least once every two years (original code 3) (6)
[10] original code 3.25 (3)
[11] original code 3.5 (3)
[12] original code 3.75 (3)
[13] External warfare seems to occur every year particular season (5)
[14] original code 4.25 (1)
[15] original code 4.5 (7)
[16] original code 4.75 (4)
[17] External warfare occur almost constantly any time of year (37)
[88] Don't know or unclear (original code 8) (6)
SCCS1651. Reliability of Overall Warfare Ratings
[NA] NA (0)
[0] No reliability score (see Variable 1651 in for reasons) (11)
[1] The different coders agree perfectly (including the situation when they both said dont know) (80)
[2] The different coders are not more than .5 point apart on the original scale (21)
[3] The different coders are not more than 1 point apart on the original scale (24)
[4] One of the first two coders says dont know and the other two coders would have received a reliability score of 1, 2, or 3 if they had been the only raters (1)
[5] The coders are more than 1 point apart on the original scale, but the ratings do not cross the dichotomy on frequency (greater than or equal to once every two years vs. less often) that we have used in previous studies of warfare (11)
[6] One coder says dont know and the two others would have received a reliability score of 5 if they had been the only raters (2)
[7] Two coders are more than 1 point apart and do not meet the condition mentioned in reliability score 5 (31)
[8] One rater says dont know and does not meet the conditions specified in reliability scores 4 or 6 (5)
SCCS1652. Reliability of Internal Warfare Ratings
[NA] NA (0)
[0] No reliability score (see Variable 1651 in for reasons) (12)
[1] The different coders agree perfectly (including the situation when they both said dont know) (84)
[2] The different coders are not more than .5 point apart on the original scale (11)
[3] The different coders are not more than 1 point apart on the original scale (19)
[4] One of the first two coders says dont know and the other two coders would have received a reliability score of 1, 2, or 3 if they had been the only raters (7)
[5] The coders are more than 1 point apart on the original scale, but the ratings do not cross the dichotomy on frequency (greater than or equal to once every two years vs. less often) that we have used in previous studies of warfare (6)
[6] One coder says dont know and the two others would have received a reliability score of 5 if they had been the only raters (2)
[7] Two coders are more than 1 point apart and do not meet the condition mentioned in reliability score 5 (35)
[8] One rater says dont know and does not meet the conditions specified in reliability scores 4 or 6 (10)
SCCS1653. Reliability of External Warfare Ratings
[NA] NA (0)
[0] No reliability score (see Variable 1651 in 78.REL for reasons) (14)
[1] The different coders agree perfectly (including the situation when they both said dont know) (84)
[2] The different coders are not more than .5 point apart (13)
[3] The different coders are not more than 1 point apart (20)
[4] One of the first two coders says dont know and the other two coders would have received a reliability score of 1, 2, or 3 if they had been the only raters (4)
[5] The coders are more than 1 point apart, but the ratings do not cross the dichotomy on frequency (greater than or equal to once every two years vs. less often) that we have used in previous studies of warfare (11)
[6] One coder says dont know and the two others would have received a reliability score of 5 if they had been the only raters (3)
[7] Two coders are more than 1 point apart and do not meet the condition mentioned in reliability score 5 (23)
[8] One rater says dont know and does not meet the conditions specified in reliability scores 4 or 6 (14)
SCCS1654. Pacification
[NA] NA (0)
[1] Not pacified for all or part of the twenty-five-year time pd (73)
[2] Inferred to be unpacified b/c warfare frequency is >or = to3 (41)
[3] Not completely pacified: indication that warfare decreased (9)
[4] Pacified before the the 25 year enthnographic present (28)
[6] The culture is part ofa state society (3)
[7] Ambiguous or sontrasictory information (19)
[9] Not enough information to judge (13)
SCCS1655. Outcomes regarding Land in Internal Warfare
[NA] NA (0)
[0] No resolved rating (original code 0) (32)
[1] The defeated are never driven form their territory (27)
[2] original code 1.25 (1)
[3] original code 1.5 (2)
[4] THe defeated are sometimes driven form their territory (4)
[5] original code 2.5 (3)
[6] Defeated are sometimes driven from land, winners use land (16)
[7] original code 3.75 (1)
[8] Defeated driven form land winners usually use land of defeat (2)
[9] original code 4.5 (1)
[10] original code 4.75 (1)
[11] Defeated usually driven form territory, winners use land (10)
[12] Land is taken, but apparently not used(original code 7) (2)
[88] Don't know (original code 8) (30)
[99] Not applicable (there is no or rare warfare of this type) (54)
SCCS1656. Outcomes regarding Land in External Warfare
[NA] NA (0)
[0] No resolved rating (original code 0) (41)
[1] The defeated are never driven form their territory (21)
[2] original code 1.25 (2)
[3] original code 1.5 (6)
[4] THe defeated are sometimes driven form their territory (3)
[5] original code 2.5 (10)
[6] Defeated are sometimes driven from land, winners use land (1)
[7] original code 3.75 (2)
[8] Defeated driven form land winners usually use land of defeat (4)
[9] original code 4.5 (5)
[10] original code 4.75 (17)
[88] Don't know (original code 8) (25)
[99] Not applicable (there is no or rare warfare of this type) (49)
SCCS1657. Outcomes regarding Land in War Overall - Combined Scale Scores from Vars 1655 and 1656
[NA] NA (0)
[0] No score (original code 0) (106)
[1] Original score 1 (22)
[2] Original score 1.5 (2)
[3] Original score 2 (5)
[4] Original socre 2.5 (2)
[5] Original score 3 (17)
[6] Original score 3.25 (1)
[7] Original score 4 (5)
[8] Original score 4.5 (5)
[9] Original score 5 (21)
SCCS1658. Outcomes regarding Nonland Resources in Internal Warfare
[NA] NA (0)
[0] No resolved rating (roiginal code 0) (33)
[1] Nonland resources are never taken from the defeated (code1) (7)
[2] original code 1.25 (1)
[3] original code 1.75 (1)
[4] Nonland resources are sometimes taken form the defeated(cd2) (4)
[5] original code 2.25 (2)
[6] original code 2.5 (4)
[7] original code 2.75 (1)
[8] Nonland resources are usually taken from the defeated(cd3) (3)
[9] original code 3.25 (1)
[10] original code 3.5 (12)
[11] original code 3.75 (1)
[12] Nonland resources are always taken form the defeated (cd4) (38)
[88] Don't know (original code 8) (25)
[99] Not applicable (there is no warfare of this type) (code 9) (53)
SCCS1659. Outcomes regarding Nonland Resources in External Warfare
[NA] NA (0)
[0] No resolved rating (roiginal code 0) (34)
[1] Nonland resources are never taken from the defeated (code1) (2)
[2] original code 1.25 (1)
[3] original code 1.75 (1)
[4] Nonland resources are sometimes taken form the defeated(cd2) (1)
[5] original code 2.25 (2)
[6] original code 2.5 (4)
[7] original code 2.75 (1)
[8] Nonland resources are usually taken from the defeated(cd3) (4)
[9] original code 3.25 (13)
[10] original code 3.5 (5)
[11] original code 3.75 (49)
[88] Don't know (original code 8) (20)
[99] Not applicable (there is no warfare of this type) (code 9) (49)
SCCS1660. Outcomes regarding Nonland Resources in War Overall
[NA] NA (0)
[0] No score (original code 0) (89)
[1] Original score 1 (3)
[2] Original socre 1.75 (2)
[3] Original score 2 (1)
[4] Original score 2.25 (2)
[5] Original score 2.5 (3)
[6] Original score 2.75 (2)
[7] Original score 3 (3)
[8] Original score 3.5 (16)
[9] Original score 3.75 (4)
[10] Original score 4 (61)
SCCS1661. Reliability of Outcomes of Internal Warfare Ratings (Var. 1655)
[NA] NA (0)
[0] No reliability score (see Varialbe STDS78.REL for reasons) (17)
[1] Different coders agree perfectly(including"don't know ans.) (89)
[2] Diff. coders not more than .5 apart on original scale (2)
[3] Diff. coders not more than 1 point apart on original scale (5)
[4] 1 coders says"don't know" or "not applicable" score 1,2,or 3 (11)
[5] 1 coders are more than 1 point apart on orig. scale(1-5) (5)
[6] 1 coder says"don't know"or "not applicable"2 others score 5 (12)
[7] 2 coders are more than 1 point apart on original scale (7)
[8] 1 of the 2 or 3 raters says"don't know"or"not applicable" (38)
SCCS1662. Reliability of Outcomes of External Warfare Ratings (Var. 1656)
[NA] NA (0)
[0] No reliability score (see Varialbe STDS78.REL for reasons) (18)
[1] Different coders agree perfectly(including"don't know ans.) (65)
[2] Diff. coders not more than .5 apart on original scale (1)
[3] Diff. coders not more than 1 point apart on original scale (6)
[4] 1 coders says"don't know" or "not applicable" score 1,2,or 3 (10)
[5] 1 coders are more than 1 point apart on orig. scale(1-5) (7)
[6] 1 coder says"don't know"or "not applicable"2 others score 5 (14)
[7] 2 coders are more than 1 point apart on original scale (16)
[8] 1 of the 2 or 3 raters says"don't know"or"not applicable" (49)
SCCS1663. Reliability of Outcomes of Internal Warfare Ratings (Var. 1658)
[NA] NA (0)
[0] No reliability score (see Varialbe STDS78.REL for reasons) (18)
[1] Different coders agree perfectly(including"don't know ans.) (83)
[2] Diff. coders not more than .5 apart on original scale (3)
[3] Diff. coders not more than 1 point apart on original scale (15)
[4] 1 coders says"don't know" or "not applicable" score 1,2,or 3 (17)
[5] 1 coders are more than 1 point apart on orig. scale(1-5) (4)
[6] 1 coder says"don't know"or "not applicable"2 others score 5 (11)
[7] 2 coders are more than 1 point apart on original scale (4)
[8] 1 of the 2 or 3 raters says"don't know"or"not applicable" (31)
SCCS1664. Reliability of Outcomes of External Warfare Ratings (Var. 1659)
[NA] NA (0)
[0] No reliability score (see Varialbe STDS78.REL for reasons) (18)
[1] Different coders agree perfectly(including"don't know ans.) (79)
[2] Diff. coders not more than .5 apart on original scale (4)
[3] Diff. coders not more than 1 point apart on original scale (12)
[4] 1 coders says"don't know" or "not applicable" score 1,2,or 3 (21)
[5] 1 coders are more than 1 point apart on orig. scale(1-5) (3)
[6] 1 coder says"don't know"or "not applicable"2 others score 5 (13)
[8] 1 of the 2 or 3 raters says"don't know"or"not applicable" (36)
SCCS1665. Individual Aggression - Homicide
[NA] NA (0)
[0] No resolved rating (original code 0) (31)
[1] Low (original code 1) (45)
[2] original code 1.25 (8)
[3] original code 1.5 (10)
[4] original code 1.75 (2)
[5] Moderate (original code 2) (25)
[6] original code 2.25 (6)
[7] original code 2.5 (7)
[8] original code 2.75 (5)
[9] High (original code 3) (13)
[88] Don't know (original code 8) (34)
SCCS1666. Individual Aggression - Assault
[NA] NA (0)
[0] No resolved rating (original code 0) (31)
[1] Low (original code 1) (29)
[2] original code 1.25 (7)
[3] original code 1.5 (13)
[4] original code 1.75 (2)
[5] Moderate (original code 2) (20)
[6] original code 2.25 (4)
[7] original code 2.5 (7)
[8] original code 2.75 (6)
[9] High (original code 3) (25)
[88] Don't know (original code 8) (42)
SCCS1667. Individual Aggression - Theft
[NA] NA (0)
[0] No resolved rating (original code 0) (32)
[1] Low (original code 1) (37)
[2] original code 1.25 (4)
[3] original code 1.5 (14)
[4] original code 1.75 (2)
[5] Moderate (original code 2) (21)
[6] original code 2.25 (1)
[7] original code 2.5 (8)
[8] original code 2.75 (2)
[9] High (original code 3) (23)
[88] Don't know (original code 8) (42)
SCCS1668. Individual Aggression - Trespass
[NA] NA (0)
[0] No resolved rating (original code 0) (47)
[1] Low (original code 1) (21)
[2] original code 1.25 (1)
[3] original code 1.5 (9)
[4] original code 1.75 (1)
[5] Moderate (original code 2) (10)
[7] original code 2.5 (2)
[8] original code 2.75 (1)
[9] High (original code 3) (9)
[88] Don't know (original code 8) (76)
[99] 99 (9)
SCCS1669. Individual Aggression - Suicide (Resolved Ratings)
[NA] NA (0)
[0] No resolved rating (original code 0) (27)
[1] Low (original code 1) (46)
[2] original code 1.25 (1)
[3] original code 1.5 (5)
[4] original code 1.75 (3)
[5] Moderate (original code 2) (19)
[7] original code 2.5 (7)
[9] High (original code 3) (6)
[88] Don't know (original code 8) (72)
SCCS1670. Reliability of Individual Aggression Ratings-homicide (Var. 1665)
[NA] NA (0)
[0] No reliability score (see Varialbe STDS78.REL for reasons) (14)
[1] Different coders agree perfectly(including"don't know ans.) (81)
[2] Diff. coders not more than .5 apart on original scale (12)
[3] Diff. coders not more than 1 point apart on original scale (15)
[4] 1 coders says"don't know" or "not applicable" score 1,2,or 3 (14)
[7] 2 coders are more than 1 point apart on original scale (11)
[8] 1 of the 2 or 3 raters says"don't know"or"not applicable" (39)
SCCS1671. Reliability of Individual Aggression Ratings-assault (Var. 1666)
[NA] NA (0)
[0] No reliability score (see Varialbe STDS78.REL for reasons) (14)
[1] Different coders agree perfectly(including"don't know ans.) (81)
[2] Diff. coders not more than .5 apart on original scale (17)
[3] Diff. coders not more than 1 point apart on original scale (26)
[4] 1 coders says"don't know" or "not applicable" score 1,2,or 3 (9)
[7] 2 coders are more than 1 point apart on original scale (9)
[8] 1 of the 2 or 3 raters says"don't know"or"not applicable" (30)
SCCS1672. Reliability of Individual Aggression Ratings-theft (Var. 1667)
[NA] NA (0)
[0] No reliability score (see Varialbe STDS78.REL for reasons) (14)
[1] Different coders agree perfectly(including"don't know ans.) (93)
[2] Diff. coders not more than .5 apart on original scale (6)
[3] Diff. coders not more than 1 point apart on original scale (21)
[4] 1 coders says"don't know" or "not applicable" score 1,2,or 3 (7)
[7] 2 coders are more than 1 point apart on original scale (17)
[8] 1 of the 2 or 3 raters says"don't know"or"not applicable" (28)
SCCS1673. Reliability of Individual Aggression Ratings-trespass (Var. 1668)
[NA] NA (0)
[0] No reliability score (see Varialbe STDS78.REL for reasons) (35)
[1] Different coders agree perfectly(including"don't know ans.) (80)
[2] Diff. coders not more than .5 apart on original scale (1)
[3] Diff. coders not more than 1 point apart on original scale (7)
[4] 1 coders says"don't know" or "not applicable" score 1,2,or 3 (8)
[6] 1 coder says"don't know"or "not applicable"2 others score 5 (4)
[7] 2 coders are more than 1 point apart on original scale (1)
[8] 1 of the 2 or 3 raters says"don't know"or"not applicable" (50)
SCCS1674. Reliability of Individual Aggression Ratings-suicide (Var. 1669)
[NA] NA (0)
[0] No reliability score (see Varialbe STDS78.REL for reasons) (15)
[1] Different coders agree perfectly(including"don't know ans.) (111)
[2] Diff. coders not more than .5 apart on original scale (3)
[3] Diff. coders not more than 1 point apart on original scale (17)
[4] 1 coders says"don't know" or "not applicable" score 1,2,or 3 (6)
[7] 2 coders are more than 1 point apart on original scale (3)
[8] 1 of the 2 or 3 raters says"don't know"or"not applicable" (31)
SCCS1675. Socially Organized Homicide
[NA] NA (0)
[0] No resolved rating (original code 0) (83)
[1] Low (original code 1) (23)
[2] original code 1.25 (4)
[3] original code 1.5 (5)
[4] original code 1.75 (2)
[5] Moderate (original code 2) (8)
[6] original code 2.25 (5)
[7] original code 2.5 (6)
[8] original code 2.75 (5)
[9] High (original code 3) (9)
[88] Don't know (original code 8) (36)
SCCS1676. Socially Organized Assault
[NA] NA (0)
[0] No resolved rating (original code 0) (80)
[1] Low (original code 1) (13)
[2] original code 1.25 (3)
[3] original code 1.5 (5)
[4] original code 1.75 (2)
[5] Moderate (original code 2) (9)
[6] original code 2.25 (3)
[7] original code 2.5 (11)
[8] original code 2.75 (60)
SCCS1677. Socially Organized Theft
[NA] NA (0)
[0] No resolved rating (original code 0) (81)
[1] Low (original code 1) (22)
[2] original code 1.25 (1)
[3] original code 1.5 (2)
[4] original code 1.75 (1)
[5] Moderate (original code 2) (3)
[6] original code 2.25 (1)
[7] original code 2.5 (8)
[8] original code 2.75 (67)
SCCS1678. Socially Organized Trespass
[NA] NA (0)
[0] No resolved rating (original code 0) (88)
[1] Low (original code 1) (11)
[2] original code 1.25 (2)
[3] original code 1.5 (5)
[8] original code 2.75 (71)
[9] High (original code 3) (9)
SCCS1679. Reliability of Socially Organized Homicide Ratings (Var. 1675)
[NA] NA (0)
[0] No reliability score (see Varialbe STDS78.REL for reasons) (70)
[1] Different coders agree perfectly(including"don't know ans.) (43)
[2] Diff. coders not more than .5 apart on original scale (8)
[3] Diff. coders not more than 1 point apart on original scale (7)
[4] 1 coders says"don't know" or "not applicable" score 1,2,or 3 (12)
[7] 2 coders are more than 1 point apart on original scale (7)
[8] 1 of the 2 or 3 raters says"don't know"or"not applicable" (39)
SCCS1680. Reliability of Socially Organized Assault Ratings (Var. 1676)
[NA] NA (0)
[0] No reliability score (see Varialbe STDS78.REL for reasons) (68)
[1] Different coders agree perfectly(including"don't know ans.) (47)
[2] Diff. coders not more than .5 apart on original scale (2)
[3] Diff. coders not more than 1 point apart on original scale (10)
[4] 1 coders says"don't know" or "not applicable" score 1,2,or 3 (6)
[7] 2 coders are more than 1 point apart on original scale (4)
[8] 1 of the 2 or 3 raters says"don't know"or"not applicable" (49)
SCCS1681. Reliability of Socially Organized Theft Ratings (Var. 1677)
[NA] NA (0)
[0] No reliability score (see Varialbe STDS78.REL for reasons) (68)
[1] Different coders agree perfectly(including"don't know ans.) (53)
[2] Diff. coders not more than .5 apart on original scale (2)
[3] Diff. coders not more than 1 point apart on original scale (1)
[4] 1 coders says"don't know" or "not applicable" score 1,2,or 3 (9)
[7] 2 coders are more than 1 point apart on original scale (3)
[8] 1 of the 2 or 3 raters says"don't know"or"not applicable" (50)
SCCS1682. Reliability of Socially Organized Trespass Ratings (Var. 1678)
[NA] NA (0)
[0] No reliability score (see Varialbe STDS78.REL for reasons) (73)
[1] Different coders agree perfectly(including"don't know ans.) (54)
[4] 1 coders says"don't know" or "not applicable" score 1,2,or 3 (7)
[6] 1 coder says"don't know"or "not applicable"2 others score 5 (6)
[8] 1 of the 2 or 3 raters says"don't know"or"not applicable" (46)
SCCS1683. Threat of Famine (Resolved Rating)
[NA] NA (0)
[0] No resolved rating (17)
[1] Low threat of severe natural disrupters of the food supply (47)
[2] Moderate threat of severe natural disrupters of food supply (1)
[3] Moderately high threat of severe natural disrupters food sup (39)
[4] high (21)
[5] Don't know (2)
[6] High - more than one famine/the 25-year time period (9)
[8] 8 (50)
SCCS1684. Threat of Weather or Pest Disasters
[NA] NA (0)
[0] No resolved rating (17)
[1] Low threat of severre natural disrupters of the food supply (29)
[2] Moderate threat of severe natural disrupters of food supply (33)
[3] Moderate high threat of severe natural disrupters of food su (20)
[4] high (32)
[8] Don't know (55)
SCCS1685. Chronic Resource Problems (Resolved Ratings)
[NA] NA (0)
[0] No resolved rating (original code 0) (16)
[1] Low or rare (original code 1) (73)
[2] original code 1.5 (6)
[3] There are some "hungry times" during the year food is scarce (44)
[4] Some members of the population do not have enough to eat (14)
[5] Most members of the pop. usually do not have enough to eat (7)
[8] Don't know (original code 8) (26)
SCCS1686. Reliability of Threat of Famine Ratings (Var. 1683)
[NA] NA (0)
[0] No reliability score (see Varialbe STDS78.REL for reasons) (15)
[1] Different coders agree perfectly(including"don't know ans.) (102)
[3] Diff. coders not more than 1 point apart on original scale (14)
[4] 1 coders says"don't know" or "not applicable" score 1,2,or 3 (12)
[5] 1 coders are more than 1 point apart on orig. scale(1-5) (3)
[7] 2 coders are more than 1 point apart on original scale (9)
[8] 1 of the 2 or 3 raters says"don't know"or"not applicable" (31)
SCCS1687. Reliability of Threat of Natural and Pest Disaster Rating (Var 1684)
[NA] NA (0)
[0] No reliability score (see Varialbe STDS78.REL for reasons) (15)
[1] Different coders agree perfectly(including"don't know ans.) (99)
[2] Diff. coders not more than .5 apart on original scale (1)
[3] Diff. coders not more than 1 point apart on original scale (13)
[4] 1 coders says"don't know" or "not applicable" score 1,2,or 3 (7)
[5] 1 coders are more than 1 point apart on orig. scale(1-5) (9)
[7] 2 coders are more than 1 point apart on original scale (11)
[8] 1 of the 2 or 3 raters says"don't know"or"not applicable" (31)
SCCS1688. Reliability of Chronic Scarcity Ratings (Var. 1685)
[NA] NA (0)
[0] No reliability score (see Varialbe STDS78.REL for reasons) (12)
[1] Different coders agree perfectly(including"don't know ans.) (106)
[2] Diff. coders not more than .5 apart on original scale (4)
[3] Diff. coders not more than 1 point apart on original scale (8)
[4] 1 coders says"don't know" or "not applicable" score 1,2,or 3 (9)
[5] 1 coders are more than 1 point apart on orig. scale(1-5) (3)
[7] 2 coders are more than 1 point apart on original scale (24)
[8] 1 of the 2 or 3 raters says"don't know"or"not applicable" (20)
SCCS1689. Sex Ratio (Males/Females*10)
[NA] No sex ratio calculated (126)
SCCS1691. Sex Ratio Unit
[NA] No sex ratio calculated (126)
[1] The whole society (30)
[2] The "breeding population" (3)
[3] The district, but not known whether or not the breeding unit (7)
[4] The local group group or community (9)
[8] Not sure what unit (11)
SCCS1692. Scarification 1: Males
[NA] NA (41)
[0] no scarification (7)
[1] ear, nose piercing (50)
[2] tatooing and cicatrization (83)
[3] sacrification includes removal of skin (5)
SCCS1693. Scarification 1: Females
[NA] NA (49)
[0] no scarification (7)
[1] ear, nose piercing (57)
[2] tatooing and cicatrization (72)
[3] sacrification includes removal of skin (1)
SCCS1694. General Scarification: Males
[NA] NA (13)
[1] no scarification (82)
[2] ear, nose piercing (11)
[3] tatooing and cicatrization (77)
[4] sacrification includes removal of skin (3)
SCCS1695. General Scarification: Females
[NA] NA (15)
[1] no scarification (73)
[2] ear, nose piercing (13)
[3] tatooing and cicatrization (81)
[4] scarification includes removal of skin (4)
SCCS1697. Pathogen: Wound Opportunistic Typhus
[NA] NA (33)
[1] Absent or not recorded (98)
[2] Present, no indication of severity (7)
[3] present and serious, widespread or endemic (48)
SCCS1698. Pathogen: Wound Opportunistic Bejel
[NA] NA (30)
[1] Absent or not recorded (156)
SCCS1699. Pathogen: Wound Opportunistic Pinta
[NA] NA (29)
[1] Absent or not recorded (147)
[2] Present, no indication of severity (3)
[3] present and serious, widespread or endemic (7)
SCCS1700. Pathogen: Wound Opportunistic Yaws
[NA] NA (29)
[1] Absent or not recorded (99)
[2] Present, no indication of severity (24)
[3] present and serious, widespread or endemic (34)
SCCS1701. Pathogen: Wound Opportunistic Leprosy
[NA] NA (29)
[1] Absent or not recorded (71)
[2] Present, no indication of severity (54)
[3] present and serious, widespread or endemic (32)
SCCS1702. Pathogen: Wound Opportunistic Leishmania
[NA] NA (29)
[1] Absent or not recorded (121)
[2] Present, no indication of severity (2)
[3] present and serious, widespread or endemic (34)
SCCS1703. Pathogen: Wound Opportunistic Spirochetes
[NA] NA (30)
[1] Absent or not recorded (109)
[2] Present, no indication of severity (21)
[3] present and serious, widespread or endemic (26)
SCCS1704. Pathogen: Tick Vector Typus
[NA] NA (32)
[1] Absent or not recorded (103)
[2] Present, no indication of severity (4)
[3] present and serious, widespread or endemic (47)
SCCS1705. Pathogen: Tick Vector Spirochetes
[NA] NA (29)
[1] Absent or not recorded (117)
[2] Present, no indication of severity (2)
[3] present and serious, widespread or endemic (38)
SCCS1706. Pathogen: Trypanosomas (from Ludvico Data)
[NA] NA (29)
[1] Absent or not recorded (130)
[2] Present, no indication of severity (3)
[3] present and serious, widespread or endemic (24)
SCCS1707. Pathogen: Malaria (from Ludvico Data)
[NA] NA (29)
[1] Absent or not recorded (44)
[2] Present, no indication of severity (2)
[3] present and serious, widespread or endemic (111)
SCCS1708. Pathogen: Schistosomes (from Ludvico Data)
[NA] NA (29)
[1] Absent or not recorded (108)
[2] Present, no indication of severity (9)
[3] present and serious, widespread or endemic (40)
SCCS1709. Pathogen: Filariae (from Ludvico Data)
[NA] NA (30)
[1] Absent or not recorded (78)
[2] Present, no indication of severity (1)
[3] present and serious, widespread or endemic (77)
SCCS1710. Person (S) Infants and Children Sleep With
[NA] NA (81)
[1] mother alone (28)
[3] mother and father (29)
[4] grandparents (6)
[5] other siblings (4)
[7] entire family (26)
[8] alone (12)
SCCS1711. Where Adolescents Sleep
[NA] NA (90)
[1] entire family together (56)
[2] seperate room in parent's house (11)
[3] outside of parent's house, but near (5)
[4] separate dwelling (22)
[5] other relatives (2)
SCCS1712. Sex Segregation in Sleeping Areas of Children
[NA] NA (98)
[1] boys & girls in same room or bed (63)
[2] boys & girls in separate rooms or separate beds (23)
[3] boys & girls in separate houses (2)
SCCS1713. Sex Segregation in Sleeping Areas of Adolescents and Teens
[NA] NA (95)
[1] boys & girls in same room or bed (33)
[2] boys & girls in separate rooms or separate beds (31)
[3] boys & girls in separate houses (27)
SCCS1716. Primary Source of Subsistence
[NA] missing data (85)
[1] intensive agriculture (26)
[2] extensive agriculture (37)
[3] animal husbandry (9)
[4] fishing (11)
[5] hunting (9)
[6] gathering (8)
[7] trade (0)
[8] wage labor (1)
SCCS1717. Secondary Source of Subsistence
[NA] missing data (86)
[1] intensive agriculture (0)
[2] extensive agriculture (9)
[3] animal husbandry (22)
[4] fishing (19)
[5] hunting (25)
[6] gathering (10)
[7] trade (13)
[8] wage labor (2)
SCCS1718. Sharing of Food
[NA] missing data (97)
[1] sharing of food among nuclear family (7)
[2] sharing of food among kin residing in local community (14)
[3] sharing of food among kin, not restricted to local community (9)
[4] sharing of food among non-kin within local community (4)
[5] sharing of food among all members of local community (21)
[6] sharing of food among groups within unit of maximal political authority or ethnic group (24)
[7] sharing of food among other than mentioned groups (10)
SCCS1719. Periodical Variation of Food Scarcity
[NA] missing data (95)
[10] food supply constant, no scarcity (26)
[20] periodical food scarcity (20)
[30] aperiodical food scarcity (e.g. as caused by natural disasters), no further information on frequency of occurrence (10)
[31] seldom (occurrence uncommon) (7)
[32] often (occurrence common) (6)
[40] periodical as well as aperiodical food scarcity (2)
[50] chronic food scarcity (1)
[60] food scarcity occurs, no further information on frequency (19)
SCCS1720. Causes of Land Shortage
[NA] missing data (104)
[1] no land shortage (54)
[2] population pressure (caused by humans or animals) (19)
[3] territorial invasions (8)
[4] more than one of the above (1)
SCCS1721. Number of Rich People (Wealthy)
[NA] missing data (88)
[10] absence of rich (27)
[20] presence of rich, no information on numbers (41)
[21] few rich (27)
[22] many rich (3)
SCCS1722. Sources of Wealth
[NA] missing data (91)
[88] absence of rich (variable SCCS1721 coded ´10´) (27)
[10] presence of rich, no information on sources of wealth (5)
[11] acquired wealth of land (through buying or skill) (4)
[12] inheritance of land (8)
[13] acquired wealth of cattle (through buying or skill) (6)
[14] inheritance of cattle (1)
[15] acquired wealth (means of production other than cattle or land) (7)
[16] inherited wealth (means of production other than cattle or land) (1)
[177] more than one of the above (36)
SCCS1723. Number of Poor
[NA] missing data (98)
[10] absence of poor (32)
[20] presence of poor, no information on percentage (41)
[21] few poor (8)
[22] many poor (7)
SCCS1724. Number of Dispossessed
[NA] missing data (98)
[10] no dispossessed (57)
[20] presence of dispossessed, no information on percentage (15)
[21] few dispossessed (12)
[22] many dispossessed (4)
SCCS1725. Possibility for Peaceful Territorial Expansion
[NA] missing data (101)
[88] no need for expansion (variable SCCS1720 coded as ´10´) (42)
[10] peaceful territorial expansion impossible (18)
[20] peaceful territorial expansion possible, no information on quality of land (17)
[21] access to land of good quality (7)
[22] access to land of restricted quality (1)
SCCS1726. Communality of Land
[NA] missing data (88)
[1] land predominantly private property (22)
[2] land partially communally used (24)
[3] communal land use rights only (52)
SCCS1727. Resource Acquisition as Motive for Violent Conflict Management
[NA] missing data (96)
[88] absence of violent conflict management (7)
[1] resource acquisition no motive (31)
[2] resource acquisition motive for violent conflict management (52)
SCCS1728. Rich, Poor, or Dispossessed as One Party in Violent Conflicts
[NA] missing data (128)
[88] equal distribution of resources (26)
[1] rare or never (27)
[2] occasional (3)
[3] often (1)
[4] permanent (1)
SCCS1729. Presence of an Overarching Political Unit
[NA] missing data (85)
[10] local community autonomous (13)
[20] local community is part of a precolonial state (2)
[21] ethnic group to which the local community belongs is politically dominant in the precolonial state (6)
[22] ethnic group to which the local community belongs occupies a politically subordinate position in the precolonial state (4)
[30] local community is part of a colonial state (33)
[40] local community is part of a postcolonial state (3)
[41] ethnic group to which the local community belongs is politically dominant in the postcolonial state (7)
[42] ethnic group to which the local community belongs occupies a politically subordinate position in the postcolonial state (33)
SCCS1730. Administrative Integration of Local Community within Overarching Political Unit
[NA] missing data (90)
[88] local community not part of an overarching political unit (variable SCCS1729 coded as ´10´) (14)
[10] overarching political unit claims administrative hierarchy without actual execution (28)
[20] administration representative absent or only sporadically present, administrative functions are executed from outside (18)
[30] administration representative present (e.g. military, civilian administrators, school personnel) (3)
[31] same as above (30), administration representative member of the same ethnic group as local community (24)
[32] same as above (30), administration representative of different ethnic affiliation than local community (9)
SCCS1731. Power Participation of Local Elite within Overarching Political Unit
[NA] missing data (95)
[88] local community not part of an overarching political unit (variable SCCS1729 coded as ´10´); ethnic group occupies a dominant position within overarching political unit (variable SCCS1729 coded as ´21´ or ´41´); overarching political unit does not execute administrative functions (variable SCCS1730 coded as ´10´) (46)
[1] no elite present in ethnic group of which the local community is a part (8)
[2] local elite does not participate in decisions of overarching political unit (17)
[3] local elite occupies leading positions within overarching political unit, at the local or regional level (20)
SCCS1732. Presence of Wage Labour
[NA] missing data (97)
[1] no wage labor (36)
[2] wage labor present, migratory labor unimportant (22)
[3] wage labor, mainly in the form of migratory labor (31)
SCCS1733. Market Exchange within Local Community
[NA] missing data (90)
[10] no market exchange (23)
[20] market exchange within local community present, no further information (10)
[21] market exchange within local community present, involving local and regional products (27)
[22] market exchange within local community present, involving local, regional, and supra-regional products (36)
SCCS1734. Market Exchange outside of Local Community
[NA] missing data (87)
[10] no market exchange outside of local community (10)
[20] market exchange outside of local community (at trading posts, market places), no further information (5)
[21] market exchange outside of local community, involving local and regional products (26)
[22] market exchange outside of local community, involving local, regional, and supra-regional products (58)
SCCS1735. Relationship between Production for Subsistence and Production for Market Exchange
[NA] missing data (93)
[1] production for consumption more important (68)
[2] production for consumption and production for market exchange of equal importance (25)
SCCS1736. Tribute, Taxation, Expropriation
[NA] missing data (108)
[10] no tribute, taxation, or expropriation (27)
[20] payment of tribute, taxation, or expropriation occur (3)
[21] corveé labor (3)
[22] money (15)
[23] mobile goods (6)
[24] more than one of the above (24)
SCCS1737. Extent of Burden Caused by Tribute Payments or Taxation
[NA] missing data (111)
[88] no tribute or taxation (27)
[20] sporadic taxation or request for tribute (3)
[21] the sporadic exactions are reported not to be burdensome (2)
[22] the sporadic exactions are reported to be burdensome (0)
[30] regular taxation or request for tribute (19)
[31] the regular exactions are reported not to be burdensome (7)
[32] the regular exactions are reported to be burdensome (13)
[10] --invalid-- (4)
SCCS1738. Presence of Formal Education within Local Community
[NA] missing data (96)
[10] no formal education (50)
[20] formal education present (6)
[21] small fraction of local community is formally educated (21)
[22] large part of local community is formally educated (5)
[23] members of local community have a higher education (8)
SCCS1739. Types of Violence against Overarching Political Institution
[NA] missing data (105)
[88] no overarching political unit (variable SCCS1729 coded as ´10´) (24)
[1] violent acts absent (27)
[2] acts of violence, in reaction against attacks by overarching political unit (12)
[3] active resistance, aiming at revolution (18)
SCCS1740. Levels of Political Hierarchy
[NA] missing data (85)
[10] no political office (17)
[20] no political office at the head of local community, but segments of different local communities belong to supralocal non-territorially organized political unit (1)
[21] highest political office one level above smallest supralocal non-territorially organized political unit (1)
[22] highest political office two levels above smallest supralocal non-territorially organized political unit (3)
[23] highest political office three levels above smallest supralocal non-territorially organized political unit (0)
[24] highest political office four levels above smallest supralocal non-territorially organized political unit (0)
[30] highest political office at the head of local community (=politically autonomous local community) (33)
[31] highest political office one level above local community (15)
[32] highest political office two levels above local community (13)
[33] highest political office three levels above local community (10)
[34] highest political office four or more levels above local community (8)
SCCS1741. Overarching Formal Jurisdiction within Unit of Maximal Political Authority
[NA] missing data (91)
[1] no formal jurisdiction present (31)
[2] highest level of formal jurisdiction below the unit of maximal political authority (6)
[3] highest level of formal jurisdiction at the level of maximal political authority (58)
SCCS1742. Selection of Officials at the Lowest Level of Political Hierarchy
[NA] missing data (90)
[88] no political office above the level of the local community (variable SCCS1740 coded as ´10´, ´20´, or ´30´ (51)
[1] selection of officials at the lowest level of political hierarchy independent of higher-ranking officials (25)
[2] selection of officials at the lowest level of political hierarchy within local community, but it has to be reconfirmed by higher-ranking officials (11)
[3] officials at the lowest level of political hierarchy are determined by higher-ranking officials (9)
SCCS1743. Sanctions
[NA] missing data (88)
[88] no formal political office present (variable SCCS1740 coded as ´10´) (17)
[1] no or few means of coercion (26)
[2] restricted means of coercion, e.g. only for certain types of decisions (17)
[3] coercive means to enforce all decisions (38)
SCCS1744. Lower Level Participation in Decision Making of the Unit of Maximal Political Authority
[NA] missing data (91)
[88] no formal political office present (variable SCCS1740 coded as ´10´) (17)
[1] decision making at the highest level of political authority independent of lower-ranking levels, groups, or individuals (24)
[2] decisions at the highest level of political authority are made after consultation with representatives of lower-ranking levels, groups, or individuals (21)
[3] lower-ranking individuals or group representatives fully participate in decision making at the highest level of political authority, they are members of the decisionmaking body (33)
SCCS1745. Religio-political Overlap
[NA] missing data (96)
[88] no formal political office present (variable SCCS1740 coded as ´10´) (17)
[1] religious specialists have no influence on decision making at the level of maximal political authority (18)
[2] religious specialists participate in decision making at the level of maximal political authority (19)
[3] officials at the level of maximal political authority are at the same time religious specialists (36)
SCCS1746. Sources of Legitimation of Power
[NA] missing data (86)
[88] no formal political office present (variable SCCS1740 coded as ´10´) (17)
[1] supernatural powers (0)
[2] office holder has been installed by gods (0)
[3] office holder belongs to privileged descent group (8)
[4] office holder elected by the represented group (7)
[5] office holder elected by subordinate authorities (3)
[6] office holder is formal owner of the group´s land (0)
[7] wealth based on possession of mobile property (0)
[8] office inherited (6)
[9] seniority (3)
[10] office holder installed by overarching administration, e.g. colonial power (1)
[11] other sources of legitimation (1)
[77] multiple sources of legitimation; more than one of the above (54)
SCCS1747. Frequency of External Warfare: Unit of Maximal Political Authority
[NA] missing data (95)
[88] no formal political office present (variable SCCS1740 coded as ´10´) (17)
[1] rare or never (13)
[2] occasional (15)
[3] often (27)
[4] permanent (19)
SCCS1748. Frequency of Internal Warfare; i.e. between Local Communities within Unit of Maximal Political Authority
[NA] missing data (96)
[88] no political office above the level of the local community (variable SCCS1740 coded as ´10´, ´20´, or ´30´ (51)
[1] rare or never (15)
[2] occasional (11)
[3] often (11)
[4] permanent (2)
SCCS1749. Frequency of Internal Warfare Involving Non-territorially Organized Groups within Unit of Maximal Political Authority
[NA] missing data (96)
[88] no political office above the level of the local community (variable SCCS1740 coded as ´10´, ´20´, or ´30´ (51)
[1] rare or never (20)
[2] occasional (9)
[3] often (7)
[4] permanent (3)
SCCS1750. Frequency of Violent Conflict between Groups within Local Communities
[NA] missing data (113)
[1] rare or never (52)
[2] occasional (12)
[3] often (7)
[4] permanent (2)
SCCS1751. Social Stratification
[NA] missing data (90)
[1] no differences in access to economic resources, political power, and/or status (17)
[2] differences in access to economic resources, political power, and/or status, not resulting in class formation (45)
[3] two classes (17)
[4] complex stratification into more than two classes (17)
SCCS1752. Groom's Dependency on Relatives for Marriage Transactions
[NA] missing data (90)
[1] no marriage transactions (10)
[2] marriage transactions, but not by the groom or his kin (5)
[3] groom is able to procure the necessary goods for marriage transactions or else can provide alternatives as e.g. bride service (26)
[4] groom depends on the help of father or another single relative of the father for marriage transaction (27)
[5] groom depends on the help of father or a relative of the father and additional paternal relatives (15)
[6] groom depends on help of non-paternal or not exclusively paternal relatives to provide for marriage transaction (13)
SCCS1753. Depth of Unilineal Descent
[NA] NA (90)
[1000] patrilineal descent no information on genealogical depth (22)
[1002] patrilineal descent, genealogical depth= 002 (2)
[1003] patrilineal descent, genealogical depth= 003 (4)
[1004] patrilineal descent, genealogical depth= 004 (6)
[1005] patrilineal descent, genealogical descent= 005 (4)
[1006] patrilineal descent, genealogical depth= 006 (1)
[1008] patrilineal descent, genealogical depth= 008 (1)
[1009] patrilineal descent, genealogical depth= 009 (2)
[1011] patrilineal descent, genealogical depth= 011 (1)
[1015] patrilineal descent, genealogical depth= 015 (1)
[1030] patrilineal descent, genealogical depth= 030 (1)
[2000] matrilineal descent, no information on genealogical depth (14)
[2002] matrilineal descent, genealogical depth= 002 (1)
[2003] matrilineal descent, genealogical depth= 003 (1)
[2004] matrilineal descent, genealogical depth= 004 (1)
[2006] matrilineal descent, genealogical depth= 006 (2)
[2007] matrilineal descent, genealogical depth= 007 (1)
[2009] matrilineal descent, genealogical depth= 009 (1)
[2011] matrilineal descent, genealogical depth= 011 (1)
[3002] double descent, genealogical depth= 002 (1)
[3003] double descent, genealogical depth= 003 (2)
[3004] double descent, genealogical depth= 004 (1)
[3005] double descent, genealogical depth= 005 (1)
[4000] no unilineal descent (24)
SCCS1754. Size of Maximal Effective Kin Group
[NA] missing data (93)
[1] absent (34)
[2] present (59)
SCCS1755. Local Distribution of Maximal Effective Kin Group
[NA] missing data (93)
[88] does not apply, variable SCCS1754 coded as '1' (34)
[1] maximal effective kin group forms part of local community (18)
[2] maximal effective kin group congruent with local community, no subgroups discernible (12)
[3] maximal effective kin group congruent with local community, with spatially segregated subgroups (e.g. wards) (3)
[4] maximal effective kin group covers a bounded territory including a number of local communities, which form segments of the maximal effective kin group (7)
[5] maximal effective kin group is dispersed among several local communities, located in the same territory as local communities inhabited by other effective kin groups (2)
[6] segments of maximal effective kin groups coreside with segments of other maximal effective kin groups in several local communities (17)
SCCS1756. Size of Local Community
[NA] missing data (107)
SCCS1757. Frequency of Violent Conflict Involving at Least One Maximal Effective Kin Group
[NA] missing data (101)
[88] does not apply, variable SCCS1754 coded as '1' (34)
[1] rare or never (12)
[2] occasional (16)
[3] often (18)
[4] permanent (5)
SCCS1758. Frequency of Violent Conflict Involving at Least One Local Community
[NA] missing data (97)
[1] rare or never (25)
[2] occasional (21)
[3] often (30)
[4] permanent (13)
SCCS1759. Affection during Early Childhood
[NA] missing data (115)
[10] children often experience emotional rejection; no further information about loving affection (1)
[11] children receive noticeably more emotional rejection than loving affection (6)
[20] children receive emotional rejection and loving affection to the same degree (8)
[30] children often experience loving affection; no further information about emotional rejection (45)
[31] children receive noticeably more loving affection than emotional rejection (11)
SCCS1760. Frequency of Interactions between Boys (Early Childhood) and Male Adults
[NA] missing data (107)
[1] boys have almost no contact with adult males (12)
[2] even though boys have contact with adult males, they have more contact with adult females (24)
[3] contact with male and female adults is about the same (26)
[4] boys have noticeably more contact with male than female adults (17)
SCCS1761. Inculcation of Children's Trust in Other Persons
[NA] missing data (161)
[1] inculcation of mistrust and fear in children; the socializing agents scare the children by pretending to harm them, or by instilling of fear by reference to potentially harmful persons, groups, or supernatural beings. (8)
[2] Children´s mistrust is restricted to a certain group of persons. Instilling of fear by certain persons or warning of potential threat occurs rarely. (10)
[3] inculcation of trust in children; the socializing agents never scare children or warn them of distant persons or groups. (7)
SCCS1762. Positive Reinforcement of Children's Willingness to Share, Give, and Help (Generosity)
[NA] missing data (155)
[1] generosity is rarely fostered; the children rarely exhibit willingness to share, give, or help. This behavior is rarely causes punishment. (3)
[2] generosity is moderately fostered; the children show willingness to share, give, or help. A lack of this behavior causes punishment or admonishment. (10)
[3] generosity is strongly fostered; other adults and children frequently request the children to share, give, and help. (18)
SCCS1763. Emphasis on Honesty
[NA] missing data (139)
[1] honesty is not furthered. (Dishonesty is generally accepted.) (2)
[2] honesty is rarely furthered. (Dishonest behavior is only accepted towards a specific group of persons.) (2)
[3] honesty is furthered (9)
[4] honesty is explicitly furthered. (Dishonest behavior of children is the cause for punishment and reprimands.) (34)
SCCS1764. Reaction of Socializing Agents towards Violent Behavior of Boys in Late Childhood
[NA] missing data (133)
[10] violence of children is generally objected (14)
[20] violence of children is tolerated (socializing agents only interfere when there is danger of serious injuries); no data on restriction of violence to specific group of persons. (4)
[21] violence of children is tolerated only towards specific group of persons (13)
[22] violence of children is tolerated regardless of group of persons (3)
[30] violence of children is explicitly encouraged; no data on restriction to specific group of persons. (16)
[31] violence of children is explicitly encouraged only towards specific group of persons (2)
[32] violence of children is explicitly encouraged regardless of group of persons (1)
SCCS1765. Emphasis on Courage of Boys in Late Childhood
[NA] missing data (147)
[1] courage is not emphasized; children are protected from harm which may be caused by scary situations, cold, and physical injuries (5)
[2] courage is mildly emphasized; children are not protected from potentially dangerous situations; the expression of fear and pain is tolerated (11)
[3] courage is strongly emphasized; children are expected to tolerate pain and overcome fear in dangerous situations; the expression of fear and pain is not tolerated (23)
SCCS1766. Corporal Punishment of Boys in Late Childhood
[NA] missing data (107)
[10] children are not punished physically, corporal punishment as a means of education is rejected (32)
[20] children are punished physically; no information on frequency of occurrence (10)
[21] children are rarely punished physically for only certain types of misbehavior (27)
[22] children are often punished physically for almost any type of misbehavior (10)
SCCS1767. Ideology of Male Superiority
[NA] missing data (104)
[1] no ideology of male superiority (47)
[2] weakly articulated ideology of male superiority (8)
[3] strongly articulated ideology of male superiority (it is the basic determinant of gender relations) (27)
SCCS1768. Attitude towards Physical Violence against Members of Local Community
[NA] missing data (118)
[1] physical violence within local community is rejected (51)
[2] physical violence within local community is tolerated or accepted (13)
[3] physical violence within local community is appreciated (4)
SCCS1769. Attitude towards Physical Violence against Members of Same Ethnic Group, Not Restricted to Local Community
[NA] missing data (124)
[1] physical violence within ethnic group is rejected (31)
[2] physical violence within ethnic group is tolerated or accepted (21)
[3] physical violence within ethnic group is appreciated (10)
SCCS1770. Attitude towards Physical Violence against Members of Other Ethnic Groups
[NA] missing data (145)
[88] no contact with other ethnic groups (1)
[10] physical violence outside of ethnic group is rejected (5)
[11] physical violence outside of ethnic group is rejected because of military inferiority or cowardice (3)
[20] physical violence is tolerated or accepted - specification of the enemies is absent (5)
[21] physical violence is tolerated or accepted - but not against the majority of other ethnic groups (1)
[22] physical violence is tolerated or accepted against the majority of other ethnic groups (5)
[30] physical violence is appreciated - no further specification against whom (14)
[31] physical violence is appreciated - but not against the majority of other ethnic groups (3)
[32] physical violence is appreciated against the majority of other ethnic groups (4)
SCCS1771. Loyalty within Ethnic Group
[NA] missing data (100)
[1] low (41)
[2] middle (18)
[3] high (27)
SCCS1772. Hostility towards Other Ethnic Groups
[NA] missing data (113)
[88] no contact with other ethnic groups (1)
[10] no or negligible hostility (8)
[20] weak degree of hostility (6)
[30] moderate degree of hostility (14)
[31] moderate degree of hostility, only directed against some other ethnic groups (9)
[32] moderate degree of hostility; directed against almost all other ethnic groups (8)
[40] high degree of hostility (2)
[41] high degree of hostility; only directed against some other ethnic groups (9)
[42] high degree of hostility; directed against almost all other ethnic groups (16)
SCCS1773. Prestige of Warriors
[NA] missing data (111)
[88] no warriors (12)
[10] low prestige, warriors receive no special recognition (9)
[20] middle to high prestige; warriors have a good reputation, no data on other sources of reputation (13)
[21] medium prestige of warriors, other sources of reputation are valued higher (12)
[22] high prestige of warriors, other equally valued sources of reputation exist (15)
[23] very high prestige, to gain prestige as a warrior is of special importance for every man (14)
SCCS1774. Revenge Related Norms
[NA] missing data (106)
[10] revenge taking is forbidden (15)
[20] taking of revenge is neither forbidden nor prescribed (17)
[21] taking of revenge is prescribed but compensation by payment equally valued (18)
[30] taking of revenge is prescribed (16)
[31] taking of revenge is prescribed, retaliation is allowed only against the culprit (14)
SCCS1775. Reglementation of Intraethnic Violence
[NA] missing data (120)
[88] no intraethnic violence (variable SCCS1776 coded as ´1´) (23)
[1] no reglementation (10)
[2] moderate reglementation (25)
[3] highly reglemented or ritualized (8)
SCCS1776. Frequency of Intraethnic Violence
[NA] missing data (93)
[1] rare or never (23)
[2] occasional (28)
[3] often (29)
[4] permanent (13)
SCCS1777. Intensity of Intraethnic Violence
[NA] missing data (116)
[88] no intraethnic violence (variable SCCS1776 coded as ´1´) (22)
[1] low; when violence occurs, only occasional victims (30)
[2] moderate; when violence occurs many victims, ca. one half of one of the parties in conflict is killed (12)
[3] high; one of the parties in conflict is nearly extinguished (6)
SCCS1778. Frequency of Interethnic Violence/Attacking
[NA] missing data (97)
[88] no contact with other ethnic groups (4)
[1] rare or never (26)
[2] occasional (20)
[3] often (24)
[4] permanent (15)
SCCS1779. Weapons Used in Warfare
[NA] missing data (106)
[1] projectiles (18)
[2] shock weapons (4)
[3] both (58)
SCCS1780. Defensive (Protective) Weapons Used in Warfare
[NA] missing data (126)
[1] no protective weapons (21)
[2] body armor (6)
[3] shields (26)
[4] both (7)
SCCS1781. Gossip on Adultery
[NA] NA (51)
[0] Absent (96)
[1] Present (13)
[2] Present, Males Only (24)
[3] Present, Females Only (2)
SCCS1782. Gossip on Boasting
[NA] NA (51)
[0] Absent (102)
[1] Present (25)
[2] Present, Males Only (7)
[3] Present, Females Only (1)
SCCS1783. Gossip on Bride Price
[NA] NA (51)
[0] Absent (115)
[1] Present (9)
[2] Present, Males Only (11)
SCCS1784. Gossip on Cattle/Livestock
[NA] NA (51)
[0] Absent (116)
[1] Present (11)
[2] Present, Males Only (8)
SCCS1785. Gossip on Dowry Payments
[NA] NA (51)
[0] Absent (131)
[1] Present (2)
[3] Present, Females Only (2)
SCCS1786. Gossip on Drinking
[NA] NA (51)
[0] Absent (107)
[1] Present (17)
[2] Present, Males Only (8)
[3] Present, Females Only (3)
SCCS1787. Gossip on Family
[NA] NA (51)
[0] Absent (49)
[1] Present (25)
[2] Present, Males Only (53)
[3] Present, Females Only (8)
SCCS1788. Gossip on Farming
[NA] NA (51)
[0] Absent (113)
[1] Present (11)
[2] Present, Males Only (11)
SCCS1789. Gossip on Government/Colonial Affairs
[NA] NA (51)
[0] Absent (85)
[1] Present (27)
[2] Present, Males Only (21)
[3] Present, Females Only (2)
SCCS1790. Gossip on Hunting
[NA] NA (51)
[0] Absent (100)
[1] Present (29)
[2] Present, Males Only (5)
[3] Present, Females Only (1)
SCCS1791. Gossip on Inheritance
[NA] NA (51)
[0] Absent (122)
[1] Present (7)
[2] Present, Males Only (6)
SCCS1792. Gossip on Laziness
[NA] NA (51)
[0] Absent (106)
[1] Present (12)
[2] Present, Males Only (13)
[3] Present, Females Only (4)
SCCS1793. Gossip on Men
[NA] NA (51)
[0] Absent (50)
[1] Present (48)
[2] Present, Males Only (27)
[3] Present, Females Only (10)
SCCS1794. Gossip on Murder/Assault
[NA] NA (51)
[0] Absent (87)
[1] Present (27)
[2] Present, Males Only (20)
[3] Present, Females Only (1)
SCCS1795. Gossip on Neighbors
[NA] NA (51)
[0] Absent (86)
[1] Present (12)
[2] Present, Males Only (35)
[3] Present, Females Only (2)
SCCS1796. Gossip on Politics
[NA] NA (51)
[0] Absent (84)
[1] Present (26)
[2] Present, Males Only (25)
SCCS1797. Gossip on Scandal
[NA] NA (51)
[0] Absent (73)
[1] Present (18)
[2] Present, Males Only (41)
[3] Present, Females Only (3)
SCCS1798. Gossip on Sex/Sexual Joking
[NA] NA (51)
[0] Absent (83)
[1] Present (17)
[2] Present, Males Only (28)
[3] Present, Females Only (7)
SCCS1799. Gossip on Social Control
[NA] NA (51)
[0] Absent (23)
[1] Present (45)
[2] Present, Males Only (59)
[3] Present, Females Only (8)
SCCS1800. Gossip on Socializing/News
[NA] NA (51)
[0] Absent (40)
[1] Present (26)
[2] Present, Males Only (59)
[3] Present, Females Only (10)
SCCS1801. Gossip on Wife Beating
[NA] NA (51)
[0] Absent (117)
[1] Present (6)
[2] Present, Males Only (10)
[3] Present, Females Only (2)
SCCS1802. Gossip on Women
[NA] NA (51)
[0] Absent (61)
[1] Present (18)
[2] Present, Males Only (31)
[3] Present, Females Only (25)
SCCS1803. Gossip on Marriage
[NA] NA (51)
[0] Absent (126)
[1] Present (2)
[2] Present, Males Only (5)
[3] Present, Females Only (2)
SCCS1804. Gossip on Religion
[NA] NA (51)
[0] Absent (131)
[1] Present (2)
[2] Present, Males Only (2)
SCCS1805. Importance of Gossip
[NA] NA (51)
[0] absent (6)
[1] not important (9)
[1.5] 1.5 (on a scale of 0-5) (2)
[2] 2 (on a scale of 0-5) (15)
[2.5] 2.5 (on a scale of 0-5) (3)
[3] 3 (on a scale of 0-5) (37)
[3.5] 3.5 (on a scale of 0-5) (10)
[4] 4 (on a scale of 0-5) (36)
[4.5] 4.5 (on a scale of 0-5) (1)
[5] very important (16)
SCCS1805.1. Fact_1 News & General Gossip Scale (sum of Men, Neighbors, Socializing & News, And Women Gossip)
[NA] NA (51)
[0] Absent (20)
[1] 1 Item Present (21)
[2] 2 Items Present (31)
[3] 3 Items Present (32)
[4] 4 Items Present (31)
SCCS1805.2. Fact_2 Political Gossip Scale (sum of Family, Govt., Political Gossip)
[NA] NA (51)
[0] Absent (37)
[1] 1 Item Present (39)
[2] 2 Items Present (29)
[3] 3 Items Present (30)
SCCS1805.3. Fact_3 Machismo Gossip Scale (sum of Boasting, Hunting, Laziness, Wife Beating Gossip)
[NA] NA (51)
[0] Absent (67)
[1] 1 Item Present (38)
[2] 2 Items Present (17)
[3] 3 Items Present (9)
[4] 4 Items Present (4)
SCCS1805.4. Fact_4 Sex & Scandals Scale (sum of Adultery And Scandal Gossip)
[NA] NA (51)
[0] Absent (64)
[1] 1 Item Present (41)
[2] 2 Items Present (30)
SCCS1805.5. Fact_5 Drinking & Murder Scale (sum of Drinking, Murder And Assault Gossip)
[NA] NA (51)
[0] Absent (77)
[1] 1 Item Present (40)
[2] 2 Items Present (18)
SCCS1805.6. Fact_6 Marriage Payments Gossip Scale (sum of Bride Price And Dowry Gossip)
[NA] NA (51)
[0] Absent (114)
[1] 1 Item Present (18)
[2] 2 Items Present (3)
SCCS1805.7. Fact_7 Farming & Religion Gossip Scale (sum of Farming And Religious Gossip)
[NA] NA (51)
[0] Absent (111)
[1] 1 Item Present (22)
[2] 2 Items Present (2)
SCCS1805.8. Fact_8 Cattle & Marriage Gossip Scale (sum of Cattle And Marriage Gossip)
[NA] NA (51)
[0] Absent (110)
[1] 1 Item Present (22)
[2] 2 Items Present (3)
SCCS1806. Trade: 1.1. Changes in Trade and Trade Goods
[NA] NA (51)
[0] Absent (27)
[1] Present (87)
[2] 2 additional items present (21)
SCCS1807. Trade: 1.2. Introduction of Wage Labour and Immigrant Workers
[NA] NA (51)
[0] Absent (67)
[1] Present (67)
[2] 2 additional items present (1)
SCCS1808. Trade: 1.3. Introduction of Monetary System Such as Money
[NA] NA (51)
[0] Absent (59)
[1] Present (76)
SCCS1809. Technology: 2.1. Introduction of Foreign Goods Such as Weapons
[NA] NA (51)
[0] Absent (66)
[1] Present (69)
SCCS1810. Technology: 2.2. Minor Technological Developments
[NA] NA (51)
[0] Absent (47)
[1] Present (72)
[2] 2 additional items present (11)
[3] 3 additional items present (5)
SCCS1811. Technology: 2.3. Major Technological Changes
[NA] NA (51)
[0] Absent (96)
[1] Present (35)
[2] 2 additional items present (4)
SCCS1812. Agriculture: 3.1. Agricultural Improvements, Improvement in Farming Mehods, Fertilization, Irrigation, Food Preservation
[NA] NA (51)
[0] Absent (59)
[1] Present (76)
SCCS1813. Agriculture: 3.2 Changes in Agriculture and Crops
[NA] NA (51)
[0] Absent (74)
[1] Present (56)
[2] 2 additional items present (5)
SCCS1814. Agriculture: 3.3. Introduction of New Livestock
[NA] NA (51)
[0] Absent (85)
[1] Present (50)
SCCS1815. Transportation: 4.1. Mechanical Transport (Automobiles, Railroads, Buses)
[NA] NA (51)
[0] Absent (99)
[1] Present (36)
SCCS1816. Transportation: 4.2. Changes and Introduction of Water Transport
[NA] NA (51)
[0] Absent (109)
[1] Present (26)
SCCS1817. Transportation: 4.3. Introduction of Roads and Highways
[NA] NA (52)
[0] Absent (112)
[1] Present (22)
SCCS1818. Government, Political and Legal System: 5.1 New Positions Such as Government Officials
[NA] NA (51)
[0] Absent (22)
[1] Present (113)
SCCS1819. Government, Political and Legal System: 5.2 Changes or Implementation of Foreign Judicial System
[NA] NA (51)
[0] Absent (43)
[1] Present (92)
SCCS1820. Government, Political and Legal System: 5.3 Political Changes, Uprising, Cargo Cults
[NA] NA (51)
[0] Absent (94)
[1] Present (35)
[2] 2 additional items present (6)
SCCS1821. Government, Political and Legal System: 5.4 Large Scale Projects Introduced by outside Agencies
[NA] NA (52)
[0] Absent (86)
[1] Present (48)
SCCS1822. Family/Social Organization: 6.1 Changes in Family Structure
[NA] NA (51)
[0] Absent (58)
[1] Present (67)
[3] 3 additional items present (10)
SCCS1823. Family/Social Organization: 6.2 Changes in Marriage Rituals, Weddings
[NA] NA (51)
[0] Absent (60)
[1] Present (69)
[2] 2 additional items present (6)
SCCS1824. Family/Social Organization: 6.3 Changes in Choice of Spouse, Mixed-marriages, Etc
[NA] NA (51)
[0] Absent (78)
[1] Present (57)
SCCS1825. Family/Social Organization: 6.4 Changes in Female Role or Status
[NA] NA (51)
[0] Absent (73)
[1] Present (62)
SCCS1826. Body Toilet, Adornment and Dress: 7.1 Changes in Body Toilets Such as Piercing, Jewelry
[NA] NA (51)
[0] Absent (71)
[1] Present (63)
[2] 2 additional items present (1)
SCCS1827. Body Toilet, Adornment and Dress: 7.2 Changes in Dress Customs
[NA] NA (51)
[0] Absent (25)
[1] Present (110)
SCCS1828. Behavior: 8.1 Introduction of Drugs Such as Tobacco, Alcohol
[NA] NA (51)
[0] Absent (72)
[1] Present (55)
[2] 2 additional items present (8)
SCCS1829. Behavior: 8.2 Changes in Food Processing Such as Cooking Methods
[NA] NA (51)
[0] Absent (51)
[1] Present (84)
SCCS1830. Information and Education: 9.1. Changes in Communication and the Arts
[NA] NA (51)
[0] Absent (57)
[1] Present (70)
[2] 2 additional items present (8)
SCCS1831. Information and Education: 9.2 Changes in Education
[NA] NA (51)
[0] Absent (48)
[1] Present (82)
[2] 2 additional items present (5)
SCCS1832. Information and Education: 9.3 Introduction of Contact Languages, Foreign Words, Vocabulary Distortion, Pidgin Languages
[NA] NA (51)
[0] Absent (50)
[1] Present (75)
[2] 2 additional items present (10)
SCCS1833. Health: 10.1 Introduction of Foreign Medical Practices, Hospitals
[NA] NA (51)
[0] Absent (68)
[1] Present (61)
[2] 2 additional items present (6)
SCCS1834. Health: 10.2 Introduction of Foreign Diseases
[NA] NA (51)
[0] Absent (84)
[1] Present (51)
SCCS1835. Health: 10.3 Changes in Sanitation Methods
[NA] NA (51)
[0] Absent (104)
[1] Present (31)
SCCS1836. Religion: 11.1 Changes in Native Religion
[NA] NA (51)
[0] Absent (53)
[1] Present (82)
SCCS1837. Religion: 11.2 Introduction of Foreign Religion
[NA] NA (51)
[0] Absent (14)
[1] Present (121)
SCCS1838. Religion: 11.3 Changes in Burial Practices or Other Rituals
[NA] NA (51)
[0] Absent (51)
[1] Present (67)
[2] 2 additional items present (17)
SCCS1850. Secondary Bone/Body Treatment: Original Scale
[NA] NA (24)
[1] Absent (101)
[3] present: return home (5)
[4] present: circumstances (3)
[5] present: status determines (13)
[6] present: almost all (38)
[7] present: other form (2)
SCCS1851. Disarticulation: Original Scale
[NA] NA (24)
[1] Absent (92)
[3] present: return home (6)
[4] present: timing (1)
[5] present: status determines (17)
[6] prsent: nearly all (33)
[7] scavenger activity (13)
SCCS1852. Secondary Bone/Body Treatment: Scale Two
[NA] NA (24)
[1] Absent (101)
[2] present: minority (23)
[3] present: nearly all (38)
SCCS1853. Disarticulation: Scale Two
[NA] NA (24)
[1] Absent (92)
[2] present: minority (37)
[3] present: nealy all (33)
SCCS1854. Secondary Bone/Body Treatment: Scale Three
[NA] NA (24)
[1] Absent (101)
[2] Present (61)
SCCS1855. Disarticulation: Scale Three
[NA] NA (24)
[1] Absent (92)
[2] Present (70)
SCCS1856. Secondary Bone/Body Treatment: Scale Four
[NA] NA (24)
[1] absent/minority (124)
[2] present all (38)
SCCS1857. Disarticulation: Scale Four
[NA] NA (24)
[1] absent/minority (129)
[2] present: nealy all (33)
SCCS1862. Highest Number Counted
[NA] NA (93)
SCCS1863. Confidence in Making Counting Rating
[NA] NA (95)
[0] Not Confident (34)
[1] Confident (57)
SCCS1864. Concordance: Number of Societies within 100 Mile Radius
[NA] NA (3)
SCCS1865. Concordance: Number of Societies within 150 Mile Radius
[NA] NA (3)
SCCS1866. Concordance: Number of Societies within 200 Mile Radius
[NA] NA (3)
SCCS1867. Concordance: Number of Societies within 250 Mile Radius
[NA] continuous_delete (3)
SCCS1868. Concordance: Number of Societies within 300 Mile Radius
[NA] NA (3)
SCCS1869. Concordance: Number of Societies within 350 Mile Radius
[NA] NA (3)
SCCS1870. Concordance: Number of Societies within 400 Mile Radius
[NA] NA (3)
SCCS1871. Concordance: Number of Societies within 450 Mile Radius
[NA] NA (3)
SCCS1872. Concordance: Number of Societies within 500 Mile Radius (100 Value)
[NA] NA (3)
SCCS1874. Atlas: Number of Societies within 100 Mile Radius
[NA] NA (3)
SCCS1875. Atlas: Number of Societies within 150 Mile Radius
[NA] NA (3)
SCCS1876. Atlas: Number of Societies within 200 Mile Radius
[NA] NA (3)
SCCS1877. Atlas: Number of Societies within 250 Mile Radius
[NA] NA (3)
SCCS1878. Atlas: Number of Societies within 300 Mile Radius (100 Value)
[NA] NA (3)
SCCS1880. Atlas: Number of Societies within 350 Mile Radius (100 Value)
[NA] NA (3)
SCCS1882. Atlas: Number of Societies within 400 Mile Radius (100 Value)
[NA] NA (3)
SCCS1884. Atlas: Number of Societies within 450 Mile Radius (100 Value)
[NA] NA (3)
SCCS1886. Atlas: Number of Societies within 500 Mile Radius (100 Value)
[NA] NA (3)
SCCS1918. Crying Frequency
[NA] NA (128)
[0] Crying is absent (1)
[2] 2 (on a scale of 0-10) (1)
[6] 6 (on a scale of 0-10) (2)
[7] 7 (on a scale of 0-10) (8)
[8] Crying is frequent (46)
SCCS1919. Crying Duration
[NA] NA (155)
[0] Less than a few minutes (1)
[2] 2 (on a scale of 0-16, where 0 is 'a few minutes' and 16 is 'more than a week') (3)
[8] 8 (on a scale of 0-16, where 0 is 'a few minutes' and 16 is 'more than a week') (1)
[10] 10 (on a scale of 0-16, where 0 is 'a few minutes' and 16 is 'more than a week') (2)
[11] 11 (on a scale of 0-16, where 0 is 'a few minutes' and 16 is 'more than a week') (1)
[12] 12 (on a scale of 0-16, where 0 is 'a few minutes' and 16 is 'more than a week') (8)
[14] 14 (on a scale of 0-16, where 0 is 'a few minutes' and 16 is 'more than a week') (4)
[15] 15 (on a scale of 0-16, where 0 is 'a few minutes' and 16 is 'more than a week') (1)
[16] More than a week (10)
SCCS1920. Male Crying: Frequency
[NA] NA (134)
[0] Absent (8)
[1] 1 (on a scale of 0-10) (2)
[3] 3 (on a scale of 0-10) (1)
[5] 5 (on a scale of 0-10) (7)
[6] 6 (on a scale of 0-10) (4)
[7] 7 (on a scale of 0-10) (3)
[8] Very frequent (9)
[9] 9 (on a scale of 0-10) (10)
[10] Always occurs (8)
SCCS1921. Female Crying: Frequency
[NA] NA (130)
[0] Absent (1)
[2] 2 (on a scale of 0-10) (1)
[3] 3 (on a scale of 0-10) (1)
[5] 5 (on a scale of 0-10) (2)
[6] 6 (on a scale of 0-10) (1)
[7] 7 (on a scale of 0-10) (4)
[8] Very frequent (13)
[9] 9 (on a scale of 0-10) (20)
[10] Always occurs (13)
SCCS1922. Attempted Self-injury: Frequency
[NA] NA (142)
[0] Absent (20)
[1] 1 (on a scale of 0-10) (2)
[2] 2 (on a scale of 0-10) (1)
[3] 3 (on a scale of 0-10) (4)
[4] 4 (on a scale of 0-10) (3)
[5] 5 (on a scale of 0-10) (2)
[6] 6 (on a scale of 0-10) (2)
[7] 7 (on a scale of 0-10) (2)
[8] Very frequent (8)
SCCS1923. Actual Self-injury: Frequency
[NA] NA (143)
[0] Absent (20)
[1] 1 (on a scale of 0-10) (5)
[2] 2 (on a scale of 0-10) (4)
[3] 3 (on a scale of 0-10) (1)
[4] 4 (on a scale of 0-10) (3)
[6] 6 (on a scale of 0-10) (1)
[7] 7 (on a scale of 0-10) (2)
[8] Very frequent (7)
SCCS1924. Male Attempted Self-injury: Frequency
[NA] NA (155)
[0] Absent (15)
[1] 1 (on a scale of 0-10) (1)
[2] 2 (on a scale of 0-10) (5)
[4] 4 (on a scale of 0-10) (1)
[5] 5 (on a scale of 0-10) (2)
[6] 6 (on a scale of 0-10) (2)
[8] Very frequent (3)
[9] 9 (on a scale of 0-10) (1)
[10] Occurs always (1)
SCCS1925. Female Attempted Self-injury: Frequency
[NA] NA (155)
[0] Absent (12)
[2] 2 (on a scale of 0-10) (5)
[3] 3 (on a scale of 0-10) (2)
[4] 4 (on a scale of 0-10) (1)
[5] 5 (on a scale of 0-10) (1)
[6] 6 (on a scale of 0-10) (1)
[7] 7 (on a scale of 0-10) (3)
[8] Very frequent (2)
[9] 9 (on a scale of 0-10) (3)
[10] Occurs always (1)
SCCS1926. Male Actual Self-injury: Frequency
[NA] NA (157)
[0] Absent (14)
[1] 1 (on a scale of 0-10) (1)
[2] 2 (on a scale of 0-10) (4)
[4] 4 (on a scale of 0-10) (1)
[5] 5 (on a scale of 0-10) (2)
[6] 6 (on a scale of 0-10) (2)
[7] 7 (on a scale of 0-10) (1)
[8] Very frequent (2)
[9] 9 (on a scale of 0-10) (1)
[10] Occurs always (1)
SCCS1927. Female Actual Self-injury: Frequency
[NA] NA (156)
[0] Absent (11)
[1] 1 (on a scale of 0-10) (2)
[2] 2 (on a scale of 0-10) (4)
[3] 3 (on a scale of 0-10) (2)
[4] 4 (on a scale of 0-10) (1)
[5] 5 (on a scale of 0-10) (3)
[6] 6 (on a scale of 0-10) (1)
[7] 7 (on a scale of 0-10) (1)
[8] Very frequent (3)
[9] 9 (on a scale of 0-10) (1)
[10] Occurs always (1)
SCCS1928. Institutionalized Attack by Widow of Something or Someone
[NA] NA (170)
[0] Both raters say it is absent (7)
[1] Raters disagree on presence (2)
[2] Both raters say it is present (7)
SCCS1929. Institutionalized Attack by Widower of Something or Someone
[NA] NA (175)
[0] Both raters say it is absent (7)
[1] Raters disagree on presence (1)
[2] Both raters say it is present (3)
SCCS1930. Institutionalized Attack on Self by Widow
[NA] NA (174)
[0] Both raters say it is absent (6)
[1] Raters disagree on presence (1)
[2] Both raters say it is present (5)
SCCS1931. Institutionalized Attack by Adult Offspring of Deceased
[NA] NA (176)
[0] Both raters say it is absent (6)
[1] Raters disagree on presence (1)
[2] Both raters say it is present (3)
SCCS1932. Institutionalized Self Attack by Adult Offspring of Deceased
[NA] NA (173)
[0] Both raters say it is absent (6)
[1] Raters disagree on presence (1)
[2] Both raters say it is present (6)
SCCS1933. Institutionalized Attack by Adult Siblings of Deceased
[NA] NA (176)
[0] Both raters say it is absent (6)
[1] Raters disagree on presence (1)
[2] Both raters say it is present (3)
SCCS1934. Outgroup Member Institutional Target
[NA] NA (171)
[0] Both raters say it is absent (5)
[1] Raters disagree on presence (2)
[2] Both raters say it is present (8)
SCCS1935. Presumed Killer Institutional Target
[NA] NA (175)
[0] Both raters say it is absent (5)
[1] Raters disagree on presence (3)
[2] Both raters say it is present (3)
SCCS1936. Self Institutionalized Target
[NA] NA (170)
[0] Both raters say it is absent (5)
[1] Raters disagree on presence (1)
[2] Both raters say it is present (10)
SCCS1937. Somebody Institutionalized Target
[NA] NA (162)
[0] Both raters say it is absent (5)
[1] Raters disagree on presence (4)
[2] Both raters say it is present (15)
SCCS1938. Something Institutionalized Target
[NA] NA (167)
[0] Both raters say it is absent (5)
[1] Raters disagree on presence (3)
[2] Both raters say it is present (11)
SCCS1939. Something Institutionalized Target, Not a Sacrifice
[NA] NA (178)
[0] Both raters say it is absent (5)
[1] Raters disagree on presence (1)
[2] Both raters say it is present (2)
SCCS1940. Spontaneous Aggression after Sudden Death
[NA] NA (175)
[0] Both raters say it is absent (5)
[1] Raters disagree on presence (1)
[2] Both raters say it is present (5)
SCCS1941. Fear of Ghost Present
[NA] NA (145)
[0] Absent (7)
[1] Present (34)
SCCS1942. Degree of Fear of Ghost
[NA] NA (147)
[0] None (7)
[8] 8 (on a scale of approx. 1-27) (1)
[10] 10 (on a scale of approx. 1-27) (1)
[12] 12 (on a scale of approx. 1-27) (3)
[13] 13 (on a scale of approx. 1-27) (3)
[15] 15 (on a scale of approx. 1-27) (2)
[17] 17 (on a scale of approx. 1-27) (2)
[18] 18 (on a scale of approx. 1-27) (1)
[20] 20 (on a scale of approx. 1-27) (7)
[22] 22 (on a scale of approx. 1-27) (5)
[23] 23 (on a scale of approx. 1-27) (3)
[25] 25 (on a scale of approx. 1-27) (3)
[27] Terror (1)
SCCS1943. Fear of Bodies Present
[NA] NA (166)
[0] Absent (12)
[1] Present (8)
SCCS1944. Sex Difference, Crying
[NA] NA (138)
[2] Women show much more of it than men (13)
[3] 3 (on a scale of 1-10) (6)
[4] 4 (on a scale of 1-10) (8)
[5] 5 (on a scale of 1-10) (8)
[6] Sexes are approximately equal (12)
[8] 8 (on a scale of 1-10) (1)
SCCS1945. Sex Difference, Attempted Self-mutilation
[NA] NA (169)
[2] Women show much more of it than men (5)
[3] 3 (on a scale of 1-10) (1)
[4] 4 (on a scale of 1-10) (3)
[5] 5 (on a scale of 1-10) (3)
[6] Sexes are approximately equal (2)
[8] 8 (on a scale of 1-10) (1)
[9] 9 (on a scale of 1-10) (1)
[10] Men show much more of it than women (1)
SCCS1946. Sex Difference, Actual Self-mutilation
[NA] NA (171)
[2] Women show much more of it than men (4)
[4] 4 (on a scale of 1-10) (3)
[5] 5 (on a scale of 1-10) (3)
[6] Sexes are approximately equal (2)
[8] 8 (on a scale of 1-10) (1)
[9] 9 (on a scale of 1-10) (1)
[10] Men show much more of it than women (1)
SCCS1947. Sex Difference, Anger and Aggression
[NA] NA (176)
[1] Sexes are equal (1)
[2] 2 (on a scale of 1-5) (3)
[3] 3 (on a scale of 1-5) (2)
[4] 4 (on a scale of 1-5) (1)
[5] Men show much more of the behavior (3)
SCCS1948. Importance of Ritual Specialists up to and including Initial Body Disposal
[NA] NA (141)
[0] Specialists do nothing (12)
[1] 1 (on a scale of 0-9) (8)
[2] 2 (on a scale of 0-9) (4)
[3] 3 (on a scale of 0-9) (3)
[4] 4 (on a scale of 0-9) (3)
[5] 5 (on a scale of 0-9) (6)
[6] 6 (on a scale of 0-9) (3)
[7] 7 (on a scale of 0-9) (2)
[8] 8 (on a scale of 0-9) (2)
[9] 9 (on a scale of 0-9) (2)
SCCS1949. Ritualization up to and including Initial Disposal
[NA] NA (124)
[1] 1 (on a scale of 0-8) (2)
[2] 2 (on a scale of 0-8) (9)
[3] 3 (on a scale of 0-8) (8)
[4] 4 (on a scale of 0-8) (15)
[5] 5 (on a scale of 0-8) (10)
[6] 6 (on a scale of 0-8) (9)
[7] 7 (on a scale of 0-8) (8)
[8] A very large amount (1)
SCCS1950. Amount of Contact by Bereaved with Corpse
[NA] NA (130)
[1] 1 (on a scale of 0-8) (3)
[2] 2 (on a scale of 0-8) (1)
[3] 3 (on a scale of 0-8) (10)
[4] 4 (on a scale of 0-8) (10)
[5] 5 (on a scale of 0-8) (12)
[6] 6 (on a scale of 0-8) (11)
[7] 7 (on a scale of 0-8) (7)
[8] A very large deal (2)
SCCS1951. Isolation of Widows
[NA] NA (152)
[0] Absent (19)
[1] Present (15)
SCCS1952. Isolation of Widowers
[NA] NA (154)
[0] Absent (21)
[1] Present (11)
SCCS1953. Isolation of Adult Offspring of Deceased
[NA] NA (159)
[0] Absent (24)
[1] Present (3)
SCCS1954. Isolation of Parent of Deceased Subadult Offspring
[NA] NA (159)
[0] Absent (24)
[1] Present (3)
SCCS1955. Marking of Widows
[NA] NA (139)
[0] Absent (4)
[1] Present (43)
SCCS1956. Marking of Widowers
[NA] NA (149)
[0] Absent (5)
[1] Present (32)
SCCS1957. Marking of Adult Offspring of Deceased
[NA] NA (157)
[0] Absent (5)
[1] Present (24)
SCCS1958. Marking of Subadult Offspring of Deceased
[NA] NA (167)
[0] Absent (5)
[1] Present (14)
SCCS1959. Marking Duration, Parent of Subadult Offspring
[NA] NA (170)
[0] Absent (7)
[2] 2 (on a scale of 0-8) (2)
[4] Present for at least thirty days (1)
[6] 6 (on a scale of 0-8) (1)
[7] 7 (on a scale of 0-8) (1)
[8] 8 (on a scale of 0-8) (4)
SCCS1960. Ghosts Present
[NA] NA (127)
[0] No (1)
[1] Yes (58)
SCCS1961. Ghosts Perceived Are of Those Best Known
[NA] NA (148)
[0] Absent (2)
[1] Possibly present (7)
[2] Present (29)
SCCS1962. Eventual Distance of Spirits
[NA] NA (140)
[0] Close to survivors (1)
[2] 2 (on a scale of 0-20) (1)
[3] 3 (on a scale of 0-20) (1)
[5] 5 (on a scale of 0-20) (3)
[7] 7 (on a scale of 0-20) (1)
[8] 8 (on a scale of 0-20) (4)
[10] 10 (on a scale of 0-20) (5)
[12] 12 (on a scale of 0-20) (3)
[13] 13 (on a scale of 0-20) (5)
[15] 15 (on a scale of 0-20) (6)
[17] 17 (on a scale of 0-20) (4)
[18] 18 (on a scale of 0-20) (2)
[20] Always away from survivors (10)
SCCS1963. Sororate Present Vs. Absent
[NA] NA (168)
[0] Absent (2)
[1] Present (16)
SCCS1964. Percentage of Widow Remarrying
[NA] NA (159)
SCCS1965. Percentage of Widows Remarrying by Levirate
[NA] NA (168)
SCCS1966. Levirate Present Vs. Absent
[NA] NA (149)
[0] Absent (3)
[1] Present (34)
SCCS1967. Some Personal Objects of Deceased Are Disposed of with Corps or Ggiven to Other Groups or Put off Sight and Use for Substantional Amount of Time
[NA] NA (142)
[0] No (8)
[1] Yes (36)
SCCS1968. Amount of Useful Property Destroyed
[NA] NA (124)
[0] None (13)
[2] 2 (on a scale of 0-11) (9)
[4] 4 (on a scale of 0-11) (9)
[5] 5 (on a scale of 0-11) (2)
[6] 6 (on a scale of 0-11) (11)
[7] 7 (on a scale of 0-11) (6)
[8] 8 (on a scale of 0-11) (9)
[10] 10 (on a scale of 0-11) (2)
[11] 11 (on a scale of 0-11) (1)
SCCS1969. Name Taboo Present
[NA] NA (146)
[0] No taboo (19)
[1] 1 (on a scale of 0-8) (1)
[2] 2 (on a scale of 0-8) (2)
[4] Name taboo present and permanent (4)
[6] 6 (on a scale of 0-8) (3)
[7] 7 (on a scale of 0-8) (1)
[8] 8 (on a scale of 0-8) (10)
SCCS1970. Dwelling or Room of Deceased Abandoned at Least Temporarily
[NA] NA (135)
[0] No (35)
[1] Yes (16)
SCCS1971. Temporary or Permanent Camp or Village Abandonment
[NA] NA (134)
[0] No (46)
[1] Yes (6)
SCCS1972. Name Taboo, If Present, Applies Primarily to Close Relatives or Behavior in Presence of Close Relatives of the Deceased
[NA] NA (171)
[0] No (4)
[1] Yes (11)
SCCS1973. Cleansing of Widows
[NA] NA (160)
[0] Absent (9)
[2] Possibly present (4)
[4] Definitely present (13)
SCCS1974. Ghost Feared Those of People Best Known
[NA] NA (160)
[0] Absent (1)
[1] Possibly present (6)
[2] Present (19)
SCCS1975. Initial Funeral Ceremonies, Attendance
[NA] NA (129)
SCCS1976. Final Funeral Ceremonies, Attendance
[NA] NA (161)
SCCS1977. Mourning: Duration, Widowers
[NA] NA (157)
SCCS1978. Mourning: Duration, Widows
[NA] NA (146)
SCCS1979. Mourning: Duration, Adult Offspring
[NA] NA (172)
SCCS1980. Final Ceremonies Present or Absent
[NA] NA (134)
[0] Absent (14)
[1] Present (38)
SCCS1981. Series of Final Ceremonies
[NA] NA (162)
[0] No (12)
[1] Yes (12)
SCCS1982. Final Ceremonies Coincide with Annual Death Ceremonies
[NA] NA (164)
[0] No (21)
[1] Yes (1)
SCCS1983. Final Disposal of Remains at Final Ceremony
[NA] NA (161)
[0] No (18)
[1] Yes (7)
SCCS1984. Final Ceremonies Terminates Mourning
[NA] NA (165)
[0] No (6)
[1] Yes (15)
SCCS1985. Amount of Grief after End of Mourning
[NA] NA (167)
[1] 1 (on a scale of 1-7) (2)
[2] 2 (on a scale of 1-7) (4)
[3] 3 (on a scale of 1-7) (2)
[4] 4 (on a scale of 1-7) (1)
[5] 5 (on a scale of 1-7) (4)
[6] 6 (on a scale of 1-7) (1)
[7] 7 (on a scale of 1-7) (5)
SCCS1986. Feasting at Initial Funeral Ceremonies
[NA] NA (140)
[0] Absent (21)
[1] Present (25)
SCCS1987. Games at Initial Funeral Ceremonies
[NA] NA (153)
[0] Absent (24)
[1] Present (9)
SCCS1988. Dances at Initial Funeral Ceremonies
[NA] NA (148)
[0] Absent (27)
[1] Present (11)
SCCS1989. Sexual Liberties at Initial Funeral Ceremonies
[NA] NA (168)
[0] Absent (17)
[1] Present (1)
SCCS1990. Alcohol at Initial Funeral Ceremonies
[NA] NA (151)
[0] Absent (20)
[1] Present (15)
SCCS1991. Feasting at Final Funeral Ceremonies
[NA] NA (159)
[0] Absent (3)
[1] Present (24)
SCCS1992. Games at Final Funeral Ceremonies
[NA] NA (176)
[0] Absent (6)
[1] Present (4)
SCCS1993. Dances at Final Funeral Ceremonies
[NA] NA (167)
[0] Absent (6)
[1] Present (13)
SCCS1994. Sexual Liberties at Final Funeral Ceremonies
[NA] NA (177)
[0] Absent (5)
[1] Present (4)
SCCS1995. Alcohol at Final Funeral Ceremonies
[NA] NA (168)
[0] Absent (6)
[1] Present (12)
SCCS1996. Final Ceremonies Held for More than One Death at a Time
[NA] NA (171)
[0] No (10)
[1] Yes (5)
SCCS1997. Degree of Christian Influence
[NA] NA (119)
[0] None (45)
[2] 2 (on a scale of approx. 1-100) (2)
[10] 10 (on a scale of approx. 1-100) (5)
[15] 15 (on a scale of approx. 1-100) (2)
[20] 20 (on a scale of approx. 1-100) (1)
[30] 30 (on a scale of approx. 1-100) (4)
[40] 40 (on a scale of approx. 1-100) (2)
[45] 45 (on a scale of approx. 1-100) (1)
[60] 60 (on a scale of approx. 1-100) (2)
[70] 70 (on a scale of approx. 1-100) (2)
[80] Entirely Christian (1)
SCCS1998. Belief in Reincarnation of Deceased Adults
[NA] NA (133)
[0] None (33)
[1] 1 (on a scale of 0-4) (2)
[2] 2 (on a scale of 0-4) (6)
[3] 3 (on a scale of 0-4) (3)
[4] Strong belief (9)
SCCS1999. Conflict and Resentment over Property Inheritance
[NA] NA (167)
[0] None (3)
[2] 2 (on a scale of 0-8) (4)
[3] 3 (on a scale of 0-8) (1)
[4] 4 (on a scale of 0-8) (1)
[6] 6 (on a scale of 0-8) (6)
[7] 7 (on a scale of 0-8) (1)
[8] High degree of that (3)
SCCS2000. Age of Marriage, Females (N = 35)
[NA] NA (151)
SCCS2001. Deep Islamization/Christianization (1806)
[NA] NA (0)
[0] 0 (absent) (161)
[1] 1 (deep Islamization) (19)
[2] 2 (deep Christianization) (6)
SCCS2002. World Religions (1807)
[NA] NA (0)
[0] 0 (indigenous religion) (116)
[1] 1 (deep Islamization) (19)
[2] 2 (deep Christianization) (6)
[3] 3 (superficial Islamization) (7)
[4] 4 (superficial Christianization) (24)
[5] 5 (Mahayana Buddhism) (6)
[6] 6 (Hinayana Buddhism) (2)
[7] 7 (Vajrayana Buddhism) (2)
[8] 8 (Hinduism) (4)
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