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Created October 9, 2018 15:06
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Parallel loading
"""Load data efficiently into Odoo"""
import threading
import xmlrpclib
import hashlib
import sys
import json
import datetime
import pandas as pd, numpy as np
from time import time, sleep
from ast import literal_eval
from functools import partial
from rpc_thread import RpcThread
from utils import log
def get_load_config(config):
return {
'group_by' : config.get(LOAD_PARAMS[0]),
'context' : config.get(LOAD_PARAMS[1]) or {},
'chunk_size': int(config.get(LOAD_PARAMS[2]) or 15),
'worker' : int(config.get(LOAD_PARAMS[3]) or 3 ),
'call' : config.get(LOAD_PARAMS[4]) or [],
def convert(item):
"""Prep vals for loading"""
try: return item.item() # Flatten from dtypes
if item != item: return '' # Item is a nan
else: return item
class DummyLock(object):
def acquire(blocking=None):
return True
def release():
return True
class BaseLoader(object):
Loader for Odoo Model Data, supporting
- Parallel loading via multiple connections (threads/workers)
- Batching by chunk_size to avoid timeouts
- Group by lock to avoid concurrent updates
- Implicit toposort for parent column dependency resolution
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s object for %r at %s>' % (
def __init__(self, Model, config={}):
self.model = Model
self.conn = Model.rModel
self.config = config and get_load_config(config) or config
'parent_field': self.model._parent_name,
'groupby_flds': self.model.get_group_by_candidates()
# Keep track of locks globally
self.gby_lock_map = {}
self.dep_lock_map = {}
self.grp_lock_map = {}
# Retain result ids for call methods
self.result_ids = []
def _load_schema(self, schema):
self.headers = [col['name'] for col in schema['columns']]
def _get_indices(self, headers):
headers = [h.split('/')[0] for h in headers] # Normalize field name to Odoo
groupby_flds = [f in headers for f in self.config['groupby_flds']]
self.indices = {}
for item in ['group_by', 'parent_field']:
self.indices[item] = headers.index(self.config[item])
log("Column {!r} not found".format(item))
self.indices[item] = None
'id_column' : self.indices['parent_field'] and headers.index(self.model.id_col) or None,
'group_by' : self.indices['group_by'] or (len(groupby_flds) and groupby_flds[0]) or None # TODO implement multiple grouping cols
def group_data(self, df):
Groups & Slices Data to enforce chunck size, parent key toposort and mutually exclusive (groupby) values.
..param df: pandas.DataFrame
..return: pandas.groupby Object
chunk = self.config['chunk_size']
return (
(np.arange(len(df))//chunk)+1, # This is the best magic I've ever seen so far!!! (
sort=False # Save resources
def _assign_locks(self, df):
return zip(
df.apply(self._make_group_lock_key, axis=1),
df.apply(self._make_parent_lock_key, axis=1)
) # (Unlocked, Locked) by default
def _make_group_lock_key(self, row):
"""Return a unblocked groupby lock per row."""
g_ix = self.indices['group_by']
g_key = g_ix and convert(row[g_ix]) or None
g_lck = self.gby_lock_map.setdefault(
g_key and threading.Lock() or DummyLock()
return g_lck
def _make_parent_lock_key(self, row):
"""Return a blocked parent-child dependency lock per row."""
p_ix = self.indices['parent_field']
p_key = p_ix and convert(row[p_ix]) or None
p_lck = self.dep_lock_map.setdefault(
p_key and threading.Lock() or DummyLock()
# Block parent_dependencies by default.
# Will be unblocked after that parent is loaded.
return p_lck
def _make_lock_key(self, row):
g_ix, d_ix = self.indices['group_by'], self.indices['parent_field']
g_key = g_ix and convert(row[g_ix]) or None
d_key = d_ix and convert(row[d_ix]) or None
g_lck = self.gby_lock_map.setdefault(g_key, g_key and threading.Lock() or DummyLock())
d_lck = self.dep_lock_map.setdefault(d_key, d_key and threading.Lock() or DummyLock())
d_lck.acquire(0) # Else: (Re-)Load the gun
return (g_lck, d_lck) # (Unlocked, Locked) by default
def key_log_context(self, key):
return "Grp: {exl:>5} / Hie: {rec:>5} / Lot: {lot:>5} / Thrd: {thrd!r:>12}".format(
exl=key[1][0] and hashlib.md5(str(key[1][0])).hexdigest()[:5],
rec=key[1][1] and hashlib.md5(str(key[1][1])).hexdigest()[:5],
lot=key[0], thrd=threading.currentThread().name)
def boost(self, df=pd.DataFrame, log_writer=None, prev_load_log=None):
Threaded loading of data at the speed of light.
..param: pandas.DataFrame
if bool(df.empty):
if not bool(self.model.df.empty):
df = self.model.df
raise Excpetion("We need a dataframe. Either explicitly passed or loaded on the Model object.")
# Filter out previously loaded rows (based on a json file log)
if prev_load_log:
ids_not_to_load = [d[self.model.id_col] for d in prev_load_log if d['loaded'] is not False]
df = df[~df[self.model.id_col].isin(ids_not_to_load)]
if not df.shape[0]:
print "Data for {!r} already completely loaded, aborting.".format(
return []
print "Chunk Size: " + str(self.config['chunk_size'])
print "No. Worker: " + str(self.config['worker'])
print "Groupby Fl: " + str(self.config['group_by'])
print "Parent Fld: " + str(self.config['parent_field'])
print "Context : " + str(self.config['context'])
thread = RpcThread(self.config['worker'])
self.run_times = [] # Calculate average time
st = time()
group_obj = self.group_data(df)
groups = group_obj.groups.copy()
def schedule_thread(key):
log_work = partial(log, context=self.key_log_context(key))
grp_lock = key[1][0]
dep_lock = key[1][1]
if grp_lock.acquire(0):
if dep_lock.acquire(0): # Existing dependency is not resolved yet
dep_lock.release() # Keep dependency resolved, if existed
key, groups, log_writer)
grp_lock.release() # Cleanup
return True
grp_lock.release() # Cleanup
log_work("INFO: Dependency locked.")
return False
log_work("INFO: Group locked.")
return False
# Print out some useful logs to valdiate the hashlib log print-outs
for gby in self.gby_lock_map.keys():
key = ['', (self.gby_lock_map[gby],'')]
log(str(gby), context=self.key_log_context(key))
for dep in self.dep_lock_map.keys():
key = ['',('',self.dep_lock_map[dep])]
log(str(dep), context=self.key_log_context(key))
while len(groups)>0:
for key in sorted(groups.keys()):
log_work = partial(log, context=self.key_log_context(key))
if not self.grp_lock_map.setdefault( key, threading.Lock()).acquire(0):
log_work("INFO: Lot locked.")
if not schedule_thread(key):
# Give a time estimate after three loads.
if len(self.run_times) == 3:
log('Boosted: Estimated loading time: {:.0f} min.'.format(
log('Boosted: Avg/Batch - {:.2f}, Total - {:.2f}, Avg/Row {:.4f}'.format(
(time() - st),
(time() - st)/len(df.index),
return self.result_ids
def _work(self, group_df, key, groups, log_writer):
load_df = group_df[group_df.columns.difference(['composite_lock'])]
def load_failed(result):
failed = False
for msg in result['messages']:
if msg['message'].startswith('could not serialize access due to concurrent update'):
return 'serialization issue'
if msg['type'] == 'error':
failed = True
return failed
def write_log_file(load_df, result):
if log_writer:
output_df = load_df.loc[:,self.model.id_col].to_frame()
now ='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')
output_df['timestamp'] = now
output_df['batch'] = self.key_log_context(key)
output_df['loaded'] = result['ids']
reclist = output_df.to_dict('records')
for rec in reclist:
log_writer.write(json.dumps(rec, sort_keys=True, indent=4))
log_work = partial(log, context=self.key_log_context(key))
st = time()
# Load the batch
result = self.conn.load(
write_log_file(load_df, result)
# Failed with error
if load_failed(result) and not load_failed(result) == 'serialization issue':
log_work("Loading failed with errors...")
# Failed with serialization error, reschedule
elif load_failed(result) == 'serialization issue':
log_work("WARNING: Serialization issue. Rescheduling...")
# Success
for r in load_df.loc[:,self.model.id_col].tolist():
rc = self.dep_lock_map.get(r, None) # Last level has no dependency lock defined.
if rc: rc.release()
except xmlrpclib.Fault as e:
log_work("ERROR: Host error: " + e.faultString)
except Exception as e:
log_work("ERROR: Unknown Problem", sys.exc_info()[:2])
del groups[key]
log_work("Execution Time: {:.4f}".format(time() - st))
self.run_times.append(float(time() - st))
import threading
class RpcThread(object):
def __init__(self, max_connection):
self.semaphore = threading.BoundedSemaphore(max_connection)
self.max_thread_semaphore = threading.BoundedSemaphore(max_connection * 4)
self.thread_list = []
def spawn_thread(self, fun, *args, **kwargs):
def run(*args, **kwargs):
fun(*args, **kwargs)
except Exception:
# Interprocess communication starts here
thread = threading.Thread(None, run, None, args=args, kwargs=kwargs)
def wait(self):
for t in self.thread_list:
def thread_number(self):
return len(self.thread_list)
"""Manipulate & Load Pandas DataFreames in an Odoo ETL project"""
import re
import json
import pandas as pd, numpy as np, networkx as nx
from functools import wraps
from pprint import pformat
from os.path import commonprefix
import openerplib
'boolean': 'boolean',
'integer': 'bigint',
'float': 'float',
'monetary': 'float',
'char': 'string',
'text': 'string',
'html': 'string',
'date': 'date',
'datetime': 'date',
'binary': 'string',
'selection': 'string',
'reference': 'string',
'many2one': 'bigint',
'one2many': 'string',
'many2many': 'string',
'serialized': 'string',
# Basic logging
def log(*args, **kwargs):
context = kwargs.get('context', 'n/a')
for thing in args:
if type(thing) is dict:
thing = json.dumps(thing)
thing.encode('ascii', 'ignore')
print('Odoo export [{}] - {}'.format(context, thing))
def extract_params(config, params, params_lst):
for k in params_lst:
if k in config:
if bool(config[k]):
params.update({k: config[k]})
del config[k]
def get_conn_config(config):
config_dict = {
'hostname': config.get(CONN_PARAMS[0] ),
'database': config.get(CONN_PARAMS[1] ),
'login' : config.get(CONN_PARAMS[2] ),
'password': config.get(CONN_PARAMS[3] ),
'protocol': config.get(CONN_PARAMS[4] , "xmlrpc"),
'port' : int(config.get(CONN_PARAMS[5] , "80" )),
if any([x == "" for x in config_dict.values()]):
raise Exception("Mandatory connection parameters are missing.")
return config_dict
def get_connection(conn_info):
return openerplib.get_connection(**conn_info)
def check_prefix(prefix, search=re.compile(r'[^a-z0-9.]').search):
if not bool(search(prefix)):
return prefix
raise Exception("Prefix name is invalid.")
def check_modell(modell, search=re.compile(r'[^a-z0-9._]').search):
if not bool(search(modell)):
return modell
raise Exception("Model name is invalid.")
def get_custom_meta(meta):
return meta['custom']['kv']
def get_id_column(df):
if '.id' in df.columns:
return '.id'
if 'id' in df.columns:
return 'id'
raise Exception("No ID column defined. Define one of 'id' (ExtId) or '.id' (DbId)")
def infer_model(df):
id_column_list = (
if len(id_column_list) == 0:
raise Exception('ID column doesn\'t have any values.')
prefix = commonprefix(id_column_list)
if len(prefix) == 0:
raise Exception('ID column doesn\'t have a common prefix in it\'s values.')
if not '.' in prefix:
raise Exception('ID column\'s common prefix does not contain a module specification (no "." present).')
model = (
.split('__')[0] # composed keys with only 1 base value import.product_attruibute__attr_val1
return model
class Project(object):
""" Project level helpers"""
def __init__(self, prefix, config={}):
self.prefix = check_prefix(prefix)
self.conn_info = config and get_conn_config(config)
self.rInstance = self.conn_info and get_connection(self.conn_info) or None
self.mgraph = nx.DiGraph(prefix=self.prefix)
def make_xid(self, model, row, idxs):
p = re.compile('[\W_]+')
vals = {
'prefix': self.prefix,
'model' : model.replace('.', '_'),
'iid' : (
.cat(sep='_', na_rep='?')
) # pd.Series
return "{prefix}.{model}__{iid}".format(**vals)
def assign_xid(self, model, df, idxs):
return df.apply(lambda row: self.make_xid(model, row, idxs), axis=1)
def get_inferred_model(self, df, meta={}):
if get_custom_meta(meta):
if '.id' in df.columns and 'model' not in get_custom_meta(meta):
raise Exception("If you have a Db primary Id ('.id' column) defined, you need to specify the model in the metadata: {\"model\":\"MODEL.NAME\"}")
if 'model' in get_custom_meta(meta):
return Model(self, get_custom_meta(meta)['model'], meta=meta)
if 'id' not in df.columns:
raise Exception("No id column, nor metadata model defined in this dataframe")
return Model(self, infer_model(df), meta=meta)
if 'id' not in df.columns:
raise Exception("No id column, nor metadata model defined in this dataframe")
return Model(self, infer_model(df), meta=meta)
class Model(object):
"""Model level helper"""
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s object for %r at %s>' % (
def __init__(self, Project, model, config={}, meta={}):
self.project = Project = check_modell(model)
self.meta = meta
self.custom_meta = meta and get_custom_meta(meta) or {}
self.id_col = None
self.df = pd.DataFrame
self.rInstance = self.project.rInstance
self.conn_info = config and get_conn_config(config) or self.project.conn_info
self.rModel = self.conn_info and get_connection(self.conn_info).get_model( or None
self.project.mgraph.add_node(self,, meta=self.meta)
if self.rModel:
try: = self.rModel.get_model_info()
self._parent_name =['_parent_name']
self._inherits =['_inherits']
self._fields =['_fields']
def need_model_info(func):
def func_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
if not hasattr(args[0], 'info'):
raise Exception("Model info was not loaded: {!r}".format(args[0]))
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return func_wrapper
def need_dataframe(func):
def func_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
if bool(args[0].df.empty):
raise Exception("Dataframe is empty. Load with `load_df(df)`. {!r}".format(args[0]))
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return func_wrapper
def make_xid(self, *args):
return self.project.make_xid(, *args)
def assign_xid(self, *args):
return self.project.assign_xid(, *args)
def get_read_schema(self, fields=[], writable=False, required=False):
if not isinstance(fields, list):
raise Exception("Fields must be of type list")
result = {'columns': []}
for f, attrs in self._fields.iteritems():
if writable and attrs['readonly']: continue
if required and not attrs['required']: continue
if not fields or f in fields:
'name': f,
'type': TYPE_MAP[attrs['type']],
'comment': str(attrs['string']) + '\n>>\n' + str(pformat(attrs, indent=2))
return result
def get_group_by_candidates(self):
result = []
for f, attrs in self._fields.iteritems():
if attrs['type'] == 'one2many': result.append(f)
return result
def load_df(self, df):
self.id_col = get_id_column(df)
self.df = df
for col in df.columns:
field = col.split('/')[0]
if field not in self._fields or field == self._parent_name:
if 'relation' not in self._fields[field]:
relation = self._fields[field]['relation']
for node, model in list(self.project.mgraph.nodes(data='model')):
if relation == model:
self.project.mgraph.add_edge(self, node)
def get_invalid_column_names(self):
result = []
for col in self.df.columns:
if '.id' == col: # Db primary Id column
field = 'id'
elif '/.' in col: # DbId relation column
field = col.split('/.')[0]
field = col.split('/')[0] # ExtId relation column
result.append(field not in self._fields)
return result
def get_invalid_relation_column_names(self):
result = []
for col in self.df.columns:
field = col.split('/')[0]
idstr = col.split('/')[1] if len(col.split('/')) > 1 else None
if field in self._fields and 'relation' in self._fields[field] and idstr not in ['id', '.id']:
return result
def validate_dataframe(self):
if True in self.get_invalid_column_names():
raise Exception("Not all column names are valid in {!r}. Invalids: {!r}".format(, self.df.columns[self.get_invalid_column_names()]))
if u'model' in self.custom_meta:
if u'.id' in self.df.columns:
raise Exception("It seems you have defined a db id column '.id', but haven't defined a model in the df's metadata.")
elif self.custom_meta['model'] !=
raise Exception("The 'model' metadata key doesn't seem to fit {!r}.".format(
elif infer_model(self.df) !=
raise Exception("The 'id' column doesn't seem to fit {!r}.".format(
if len(self.get_invalid_relation_column_names()):
raise Exception("Relational columns {!r} are not properly formed in {!r}.".format(
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