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Last active March 3, 2019 05:31
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⭐ Frontend tooling & development environment for OS X

Setup your development environment for OS X

I bought new Macbook Pro 15 Retina. These are tools I like to install on macOS operating system.


Prep OS X

  • Download and install latest version of Xcode from the Mac App Store.
  • Download and install Apple's Command Line Tools by issuing this command xcode-select --install


  1. Download Node.js This will install Node.js and NPM, but I want latest version of NPM. So I needed to run
    sudo npm install -g npm@latest

  2. Then install Git, Atom, Desktop GitHub, Gitter

  3. Setup iTerm2 terminal emulator. Download iTerm2, then create new iTerm profile named blagoeres, download and install Oh-my-ZSH and Dracula Theme for iTerm and install theme by following instructions.

  4. Download Sublime Text 3 program and plugins Package Control, SublimeLinter, ColorHighlighter, ColorPicker, SideBarEnhancements, AutoFileName, AutoPrefixer, Seti_UI, SpaceGray, Solarized, Material Theme, Dracula Theme, Schemr, Themr, EditorConfig, Emmet, Cobalt 2, MarkdownEditing, JavaScriptNext ES6 Syntax, Seti_UX, Soda Theme, Predawn theme, AdvancedNewFile, CSS3, SCSS, Sass, ApplySyntax, Origami, ColorHelper, WildCherry Theme, Emoji, ColorSublime, Haml, Jade, Handlebars, Pug, PackageResourceViewer, SublimeLinter-php, SublimeLinter-contrib-eslint

  5. I like these programs WebStorm, Brackets, Coda 2, Transmit, Oracle VM VirtualBox, Gifgrabber, Sketch App, Pixelmator, Alfred, ImageOptim, PNGMini, Divvy, Spectacle, GPGTools, Visual Studio Code, , Homebrew, Slack, Glyphs, Codekit, TextMate, Espresso, ScreenFlow, MAMP, Vagrant, ColorSnapper, Dropbox, 1password, Contexts, Telegram, GitTower, IA Writer, Cloud App, Skype, Camatasia, Safari Technology Preview, Webkit Nightly, Google Chrome Canary, WMWare Fusion, Sequel Pro, Dash, Thunderbird, Reflector 2, MacVim, PHP Storm, Screen-Cast-O-Matic, QuickLensApp, Marked 2, SourceTree App, CodeRunner 2, BinaryNights, LastPass, Xcode 8 IDE, Android Studio, Visual Studio, CyberDuck, Google Drive App, TextExpander, Textual, Parallels, GhostLab, Hammer for Mac, PrePros, SnippetsLab, Charles Proxy, OneDrive for Mac, FishShell, Kaleidoscope, UlyssesApp, MySQL Server, FileZilla, Navicat, Heroku toolbelt, Keeper, AirMail, RoboMongo, Postgresapp, Ngrok, Ghost Desktop App, Bartender 2, Clipmenu, Flux, XtraFinder, AppCleaner, Apple Remote Desktop, Moom, LightTable, Sip App, Spotify, OmniGraffle, Sococo App, RStudio, aText, Clocks, Coffitivity, LICEcap, Sneek App, Jeff App, Things App, ImageMagick, FFmpeg, NoSleep, CheatSheet, Gimp, Patterns, RESTed, Yoink, Little Snitch 3, Scout App, Tapes: Screencast Sharing, GitUp, iStat Menus, Evom, BetterTouchTool, BetterSnapTool, GitKraken, Postman, iHash, GifBrewery, ScreenyApp, SkyFonts, Byword, MultiMarkdown Composer, SimpleNote, nvALT, Notational Velocity, Deckset, Creative Cloud app, Andorid File Transfer

  6. Run:

     sudo npm install -g gulp-cli
     sudo npm install -g grunt-cli
     sudo npm install -g browser-sync
     sudo npm install -g bower
     sudo npm install -g yo
     sudo npm install -g eslint
     sudo npm install -g less
     sudo npm install -g stylus
     sudo npm install -g surge
     sudo npm install -g live-server ?
     sudo npm install -g node-sass ?
     sudo gem install -n /usr/local/bin sass
     sudo gem install -n /usr/local/bin jekyll
     sudo gem install -n /usr/local/bin bundler
  7. Make Sublime Text 3 symbolic link:

     cd /usr/local/bin
     sudo ln -s "/Applications/Sublime" subl
  8. Create .bash_profile file inside of home directory and paste this:

     export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH
     export CLICOLOR=1
     export LSCOLORS=ExFxCxDxBxegedabagacad
  9. Set Sublime Text 3 to use soft tabs with 2 spaces in Preferences and disable detection of indentation and other prefs. Download source code pro font

     // Settings in here override those in "Default/Preferences.sublime-settings",
     // and are overridden in turn by syntax-specific settings.
       "font_size": 16,
       "font_face": "Source Code Pro",
       "color_scheme": "",
       "theme": "",
       "tab_size": 2,
       "translate_tabs_to_spaces": true,
       "detect_indentation": false,
       "draw_minimap_border": true,
       "line_padding_bottom": 1,
       "line_padding_top": 1,
       "highlight_line": true,
       "highlight_modified_tabs": true,
       "bold_folder_labels": true,
       "fade_fold_buttons": false,
       "wide_caret": true,
       "caret_style": "blink",
       "caret_extra_bottom": 2,
       "caret_extra_top": 2,
       "caret_extra_width": 2,
       "match_brackets": true,
       "match_brackets_angle": true,
       "match_brackets_braces": true,
       "match_brackets_content": true, 
       "match_brackets_square": true,
       "auto_complete_delay": 5,
       "show_line_endings": true,
       "show_encoding": true,
       "indent_guide_options": ["draw_normal", "draw_active"],
       "folder_exclude_patterns": [".svn", ".git", ".hg", "CVS", ".DS_Store", ".sass-cache"],
       "file_exclude_patterns": ["*.pyc", "*.pyo", "*.exe", "*.dll", "*.obj","*.o", "*.a", "*.lib", "*.so", "*.dylib", "*.ncb", "*.sdf", "*.suo", "*.pdb", "*.idb", ".DS_Store", "*.class", "*.psd", "*.db", "*.sublime-workspace", "*", "*"],
       "ignored_packages": ["Vintage"],
  10. Go to Preferences --> Package Settings --> Color Highlighter --> Settings User and set:

             "ha_style": "filled"
  11. Install Source Code Pro font for Sublime Text 3

  12. Set up git configuration - ~/.gitconfig

    git config --global "Blago Eres"
    git config --global user.username "blagoeres"
    git config --global ""
    git config --global core.editor "nano -w"
    git config --global color.ui true
    git config --global core.autocrlf "input"
    # Global ignore file
    git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore
           	name = Blago Eres
           	email =
           	username = blagoeres
           	ui = true
           	autocrlf = input
           	editor = nano -w
           	s = status -s
           	lg = log --oneline --all --graph --decorate
           	br = branch
           	st = status
           	co = checkout
  13. Generate SSH key so you can access GitHub over SSH protocol and paste it in GitHub settings

# Generating a new SSH key
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C ""
$ cat ~/.ssh/ | pbcopy

# Check if SSH is working
$ ssh -T

# Make SSH configuration in ~ directory
$ touch ~/.ssh/config
  1. Make TextMate symbolic link

    ln -s /Applications/ ~/bin/mate
  2. Sublime text shortcuts - cmd + t, cmd + r, cmd + alt + g, cmd + d, cmd + ctrl + g

Iterm 2 cmd + t, cmd + w, cmd + d

Copy link

blagoeres commented Nov 2, 2017

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