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Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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wp: Display immediate children or siblings as a menu. [WordPress]
* Get related menu
* Displays immediate children or siblings
* @param boolean $echo echo or return result
* @return str $r
function prefix_related_menu( $echo = true ) {
global $post;
$r = '';
// bail if we don't have any ids to work with
if( is_null( $post ) )
return $r;
// get children
$pages = wp_list_pages( 'title_li=&child_of=' . $post->ID . '&echo=0' );
// get siblings
if( ! $pages && $post->post_parent ) {
$pages = wp_list_pages( 'title_li=&child_of=' . $post->post_parent . '&depth=1&echo=0' );
// output menu
if( $pages ) {
$r .= '<div class="widget">' . "\n";
$r .= ' <h3 class="widget__heading">Related</h3>' . "\n";
$r .= ' <ul class="menu related-menu">' . "\n";
$r .= ' ' . $pages . "\n";
$r .= ' </ul>' . "\n";
$r .= '</div>' . "\n";
if( $echo ) :
echo $r;
else :
return $r;
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