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Last active August 5, 2019 16:52
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Combining Monads
module Async =
let retn x = async {
return x }
let bind f m = async {
let! x = m
return! f x }
module Result =
let retn =
let bind f = function
| Ok x -> f x
| Error e -> Error e
type Writer<'w, 't> =
Writer of (unit -> 't * 'w)
module Writer =
let run<'w,'t> (Writer w) : ('t * 'w) =
w ()
let retn a =
Writer <| fun () -> a, []
let bind m f =
let (a, w1) = run m
let (b, w2) = run (f a)
Writer <| fun () -> b, w1 @ w2
module AsyncWriterResult =
let retn x =
x |> Result.retn |> Writer.retn |> Async.retn
let bind f m = async {
let! w = m
let (r, w1) = w
match r with
| Ok a ->
let! ww = f a
let (b, w2) = ww
return Writer <| fun () -> b, w1 @ w2
| Error e ->
return Writer <| fun () -> Error e, w1 }
let write log = async {
return Writer (fun () -> Result.retn (), [log]) }
type AsyncWriterResultBuilder () =
member __.Return (x) = AsyncWriterResult.retn x
member __.ReturnFrom (m: Async<Writer<'a, Result<'b, 'c>>>) = m
member __.Bind (m, f) = AsyncWriterResult.bind f m
member __.Zero () = __.Return ()
let asyncWriterResult =
new AsyncWriterResultBuilder ()
let getThing x = async {
do! Async.Sleep 100
return Result.retn x |> Writer.retn }
let checkThing r =
if r > 0 then Ok "thing is ok" else Error "thing is bad"
|> Writer.retn |> Async.retn
let expr x = asyncWriterResult {
do! write "getting thing"
let! thing = getThing x
do! write "checking thing"
let! result = checkThing thing
do! write "returning thing"
return result }
let eval x =
expr x
|> Async.RunSynchronously
eval 1
open System.Diagnostics
let failToGetThing x = async {
do! Async.Sleep 100
return Error "could not get thing" |> Writer.retn }
let measure name f = asyncWriterResult {
return! async {
let sw = Stopwatch.StartNew ()
let! w = f ()
let (r, logs) = w
let log = sprintf "%s: %i" name sw.ElapsedMilliseconds
return Writer <| fun () -> r, log :: logs } }
let exprWithMeasure x = asyncWriterResult {
do! write "getting thing"
let! thing = measure "elapsed" <| fun () -> failToGetThing x
return thing }
let s : Result<string,string> * string list =
exprWithMeasure 0
|> Async.RunSynchronously
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