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Last active February 6, 2018 16:44
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  • Save blair55/fcbb276fc04e17517fd92beb37f33d11 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save blair55/fcbb276fc04e17517fd92beb37f33d11 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Slow paket install
nuget Microsoft.AspNetCore
nuget Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc
nuget Microsoft.AspNetCore.StaticFiles
nuget Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk
nuget Moq
nuget Newtonsoft.Json
nuget PetaPoco.NetCore
nuget Serilog.AspNetCore
nuget Serilog.Enrichers.Environment
nuget Serilog.Sinks.Literate
nuget Serilog.Sinks.Loggly
nuget System.ServiceModel.Duplex
nuget System.ServiceModel.Http
nuget System.ServiceModel.NetTcp
nuget System.ServiceModel.Security
nuget System.Xml.XmlSerializer
nuget xunit
nuget xunit.console
nuget xunit.runner.console
nuget xunit.runner.visualstudio
clitool Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.CodeGeneration.Tools
Castle.Core (4.2.1) - restriction: || (>= net45) (>= netstandard1.3)
NETStandard.Library (>= 1.6.1) - restriction: && (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Collections.Specialized (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.ComponentModel (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Diagnostics.TraceSource (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Dynamic.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Reflection (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Reflection.Emit (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Reflection.TypeExtensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Xml.XmlDocument (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3)
Libuv (1.10) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard1.0
loggly-csharp ( - restriction: || (>= net45) (>= netstandard1.5)
loggly-csharp-config (>= - restriction: || (>= net45) (>= netstandard1.5)
Newtonsoft.Json (>= 6.0.8) - restriction: >= net45
Newtonsoft.Json (>= 9.0.1) - restriction: && (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.Diagnostics.Process (>= 4.1) - restriction: && (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.Diagnostics.Tracing (>= 4.1) - restriction: && (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.Net.Http (>= 4.1) - restriction: && (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.Net.NameResolution (>= 4.0) - restriction: && (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.Net.Requests (>= 4.0.11) - restriction: && (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.Net.Security (>= 4.0) - restriction: && (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.Net.Sockets (>= 4.1) - restriction: && (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5)
loggly-csharp-config ( - restriction: || (>= net45) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.Collections (>= 4.0.11) - restriction: && (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.Diagnostics.Tools (>= 4.0.1) - restriction: && (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.Linq (>= 4.1) - restriction: && (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.1) - restriction: && (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.Text.RegularExpressions (>= 4.1) - restriction: && (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.Threading.Tasks (>= 4.0.11) - restriction: && (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5)
Microsoft.AspNetCore (2.0.1)
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Diagnostics (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.IISIntegration (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Https (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.CommandLine (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.EnvironmentVariables (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.FileExtensions (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Json (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.UserSecrets (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Logging (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Configuration (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Console (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Debug (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Antiforgery (2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Abstractions (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Extensions (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.WebUtilities (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.ObjectPool (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.Abstractions (2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Abstractions (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Options (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.Core (2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.Abstractions (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Extensions (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization (2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Options (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization.Policy (2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.Abstractions (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Cors (2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Extensions (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Options (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Cryptography.Internal (2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection (2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Cryptography.Internal (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.Abstractions (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Abstractions (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Options (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Win32.Registry (>= 4.4) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
System.Security.Cryptography.Xml (>= 4.4) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.Abstractions (2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Diagnostics (2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Diagnostics.Abstractions (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Abstractions (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Extensions (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.WebUtilities (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders.Physical (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Options (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource (>= 4.4.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
System.Reflection.Metadata (>= 1.5) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Diagnostics.Abstractions (2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting (2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Abstractions (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Server.Abstractions (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Extensions (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.EnvironmentVariables (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.FileExtensions (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders.Physical (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Logging (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Options (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource (>= 4.4.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
System.Reflection.Metadata (>= 1.5) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Abstractions (2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Server.Abstractions (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Abstractions (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders.Abstractions (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.Abstractions (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Server.Abstractions (2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Features (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Html.Abstractions (2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
System.Text.Encodings.Web (>= 4.4) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http (2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Abstractions (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.WebUtilities (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.ObjectPool (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Options (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Net.Http.Headers (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Abstractions (2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Features (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
System.Text.Encodings.Web (>= 4.4) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Extensions (2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Abstractions (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders.Abstractions (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Net.Http.Headers (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
System.Buffers (>= 4.4) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Features (2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.HttpOverrides (2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Extensions (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Options (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.JsonPatch (2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.CSharp (>= 4.4) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Newtonsoft.Json (>= 10.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Localization (2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Extensions (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Localization.Abstractions (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Options (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc (2.0.2)
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ApiExplorer (>= 2.0.2) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Cors (>= 2.0.2) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.DataAnnotations (>= 2.0.2) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Formatters.Json (>= 2.0.2) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Localization (>= 2.0.2) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.RazorPages (>= 2.0.2) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers (>= 2.0.2) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ViewFeatures (>= 2.0.2) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Abstractions (2.0.2) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.Abstractions (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Net.Http.Headers (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ApiExplorer (2.0.2) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Core (>= 2.0.2) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Core (2.0.2) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.Core (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization.Policy (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Abstractions (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Extensions (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Abstractions (>= 2.0.2) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.ResponseCaching.Abstractions (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyModel (>= 2.0.3) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders.Abstractions (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource (>= 4.4.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Cors (2.0.2) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Cors (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Core (>= 2.0.2) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.DataAnnotations (2.0.2) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Core (>= 2.0.2) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Localization (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
System.ComponentModel.Annotations (>= 4.4) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Formatters.Json (2.0.2) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.JsonPatch (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Core (>= 2.0.2) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Localization (2.0.2) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Localization (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor (>= 2.0.2) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Localization (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor (2.0.2) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.Extensions (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ViewFeatures (>= 2.0.2) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor.Runtime (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp (>= 2.3.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Razor (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders.Composite (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.Extensions (2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor.Language (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: || (>= net46) (>= netstandard2.0)
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Razor (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: || (>= net46) (>= netstandard2.0)
NETStandard.Library (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= net46
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.RazorPages (2.0.2) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor (>= 2.0.2) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers (2.0.2) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor (>= 2.0.2) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor.Runtime (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.Abstractions (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.FileSystemGlobbing (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ViewFeatures (2.0.2) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Antiforgery (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Diagnostics.Abstractions (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Html.Abstractions (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Core (>= 2.0.2) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.DataAnnotations (>= 2.0.2) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Formatters.Json (>= 2.0.2) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.WebEncoders (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Newtonsoft.Json.Bson (>= 1.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor (2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor.Language (2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
NETStandard.Library (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= net46
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor.Runtime (2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Html.Abstractions (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.ResponseCaching.Abstractions (2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing (2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Extensions (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.Abstractions (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.ObjectPool (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Options (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.Abstractions (2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Abstractions (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.IISIntegration (2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.Core (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Abstractions (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Extensions (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.HttpOverrides (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Options (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
System.Security.Principal.Windows (>= 4.4) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel (2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Core (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Transport.Libuv (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Core (2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Abstractions (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Transport.Abstractions (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.WebUtilities (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Options (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Net.Http.Headers (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions (>= 4.4) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Https (2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Abstractions (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Core (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Transport.Abstractions (2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Features (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
System.Buffers (>= 4.4) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
System.Numerics.Vectors (>= 4.4) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Transport.Libuv (2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Libuv (>= 1.10) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Abstractions (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Transport.Abstractions (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Options (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.StaticFiles (2.0.1)
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Abstractions (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Extensions (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders.Abstractions (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.WebEncoders (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.WebUtilities (2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Net.Http.Headers (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
System.Text.Encodings.Web (>= 4.4) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Build (15.5.180) - restriction: >= netcoreapp2.0
Microsoft.Build.Framework (15.5.180) - restriction: || (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.5)
Microsoft.Win32.Primitives (>= 4.0.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.AppContext (>= 4.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.Collections (>= 4.0.11) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.Collections.Concurrent (>= 4.0.12) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.Collections.Immutable (>= 1.2) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.Collections.NonGeneric (>= 4.0.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.Console (>= 4.0) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.Diagnostics.Contracts (>= 4.0.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.Diagnostics.Debug (>= 4.0.11) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo (>= 4.0) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.Diagnostics.Process (>= 4.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.Diagnostics.TraceSource (>= 4.0) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.Globalization (>= 4.0.11) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.IO (>= 4.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.IO.Compression (>= 4.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.IO.FileSystem (>= 4.0.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.IO.FileSystem.Primitives (>= 4.0.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.IO.Pipes (>= 4.0) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.Linq (>= 4.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.Linq.Parallel (>= 4.0.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.ObjectModel (>= 4.0.12) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.Reflection (>= 4.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.Reflection.Extensions (>= 4.0.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.Reflection.Metadata (>= 1.3) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.Reflection.Primitives (>= 4.0.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.Reflection.TypeExtensions (>= 4.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.0.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.Runtime (>= 4.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.Runtime.Handles (>= 4.0.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.Runtime.InteropServices (>= 4.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation (>= 4.0) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.Runtime.Loader (>= 4.0) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.Text.Encoding (>= 4.0.11) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.Text.Encoding.CodePages (>= 4.0.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.Text.Encoding.Extensions (>= 4.0.11) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.Text.RegularExpressions (>= 4.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.Threading (>= 4.0.11) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.Threading.Tasks (>= 4.0.11) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow (>= 4.6) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel (>= 4.0.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.Threading.Thread (>= 4.0) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.Threading.ThreadPool (>= 4.0.10) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.Xml.ReaderWriter (>= 4.0.11) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.Xml.XmlDocument (>= 4.0.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.Xml.XPath.XmlDocument (>= 4.0.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.5)
Microsoft.Build.Framework (15.5.180) - restriction: >= netcoreapp2.0
System.Collections (>= 4.0.11) - restriction: >= netstandard1.3
System.Diagnostics.Debug (>= 4.0.11) - restriction: >= netstandard1.3
System.Globalization (>= 4.0.11) - restriction: >= netstandard1.3
System.Linq (>= 4.1) - restriction: >= netstandard1.3
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard1.3
System.Runtime (>= 4.1) - restriction: >= netstandard1.3
System.Runtime.InteropServices (>= 4.1) - restriction: >= netstandard1.3
System.Threading (>= 4.0.11) - restriction: >= netstandard1.3
System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel (>= 4.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard1.3
System.Threading.Thread (>= 4.0) - restriction: >= netstandard1.3
Microsoft.Build.Runtime ( - restriction: >= netcoreapp2.0
Microsoft.Build (15.5.180) - restriction: || (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.5)
Microsoft.Build.Framework (15.5.180) - restriction: || (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.5)
Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Core (15.5.180) - restriction: || (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.5)
Microsoft.Build.Utilities.Core (15.5.180) - restriction: || (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.Text.Encoding.CodePages (>= 4.0.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.5)
Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Core (15.5.180) - restriction: >= netcoreapp2.0
Microsoft.Build.Framework (15.5.180) - restriction: >= netstandard1.3
Microsoft.Build.Utilities.Core (15.5.180) - restriction: >= netstandard1.3
Microsoft.Win32.Primitives (>= 4.0.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.AppContext (>= 4.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Collections (>= 4.0.11) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Collections.Concurrent (>= 4.0.12) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Collections.Immutable (>= 1.2) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Collections.NonGeneric (>= 4.0.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Console (>= 4.0) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Diagnostics.Debug (>= 4.0.11) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Diagnostics.Process (>= 4.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Diagnostics.TraceSource (>= 4.0) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Globalization (>= 4.0.11) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.IO (>= 4.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.IO.FileSystem (>= 4.0.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.IO.FileSystem.Primitives (>= 4.0.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Linq (>= 4.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Linq.Parallel (>= 4.0.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.ObjectModel (>= 4.0.12) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Reflection (>= 4.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Reflection.Metadata (>= 1.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.3
System.Reflection.TypeExtensions (>= 4.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Resources.Reader (>= 4.0) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.0.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Resources.Writer (>= 4.0) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Runtime (>= 4.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Runtime.Handles (>= 4.0.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Runtime.InteropServices (>= 4.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation (>= 4.0) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Runtime.Serialization.Primitives (>= 4.1.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Runtime.Serialization.Xml (>= 4.1.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Security.Cryptography.Algorithms (>= 4.2) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Security.Cryptography.Primitives (>= 4.0) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates (>= 4.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Text.Encoding (>= 4.0.11) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Text.Encoding.CodePages (>= 4.0.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Text.Encoding.Extensions (>= 4.0.11) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Text.RegularExpressions (>= 4.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Threading (>= 4.0.11) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Threading.Tasks (>= 4.0.11) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel (>= 4.0.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Threading.Thread (>= 4.0) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Xml.ReaderWriter (>= 4.0.11) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Xml.XDocument (>= 4.0.11) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Xml.XmlDocument (>= 4.0.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Xml.XPath (>= 4.0.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Xml.XPath.XmlDocument (>= 4.0.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
Microsoft.Build.Utilities.Core (15.5.180) - restriction: >= netcoreapp2.0
Microsoft.Build.Framework (15.5.180) - restriction: >= netstandard1.3
Microsoft.Win32.Primitives (>= 4.0.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.AppContext (>= 4.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Collections (>= 4.0.11) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Collections.Concurrent (>= 4.0.12) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Collections.Immutable (>= 1.2) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Collections.NonGeneric (>= 4.0.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Console (>= 4.0) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Diagnostics.Debug (>= 4.0.11) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Diagnostics.Process (>= 4.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Diagnostics.TraceSource (>= 4.0) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Globalization (>= 4.0.11) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.IO (>= 4.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.IO.FileSystem (>= 4.0.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.IO.FileSystem.Primitives (>= 4.0.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Linq (>= 4.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.ObjectModel (>= 4.0.12) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Reflection (>= 4.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Reflection.TypeExtensions (>= 4.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Resources.Reader (>= 4.0) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.0.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Runtime (>= 4.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Runtime.Handles (>= 4.0.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Runtime.InteropServices (>= 4.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation (>= 4.0) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Runtime.Serialization.Primitives (>= 4.1.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Runtime.Serialization.Xml (>= 4.1.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Text.Encoding (>= 4.0.11) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Text.Encoding.CodePages (>= 4.0.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Text.RegularExpressions (>= 4.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Threading (>= 4.0.11) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Threading.Tasks (>= 4.0.11) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel (>= 4.0.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Threading.Thread (>= 4.0) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Threading.Timer (>= 4.0.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Xml.ReaderWriter (>= 4.0.11) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Xml.XmlDocument (>= 4.0.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Analyzers (2.6) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Common (2.6.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Analyzers (>= 1.1) - restriction: >= netstandard1.3
System.AppContext (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.3
System.Collections (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.3
System.Collections.Concurrent (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.3
System.Collections.Immutable (>= 1.3.1) - restriction: >= netstandard1.3
System.Console (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.3
System.Diagnostics.Debug (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.3
System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.3
System.Diagnostics.StackTrace (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.3
System.Diagnostics.Tools (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.3
System.Dynamic.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.3
System.Globalization (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.3
System.IO.Compression (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.3
System.IO.FileSystem (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.3
System.IO.FileSystem.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.3
System.Linq (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.3
System.Linq.Expressions (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.3
System.Reflection (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.3
System.Reflection.Metadata (>= 1.4.2) - restriction: >= netstandard1.3
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.3
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.3
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.3
System.Runtime.InteropServices (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.3
System.Runtime.Numerics (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.3
System.Security.Cryptography.Algorithms (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.3
System.Security.Cryptography.Encoding (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.3
System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.3
System.Text.Encoding (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.3
System.Text.Encoding.CodePages (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.3
System.Text.Encoding.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.3
System.Threading (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.3
System.Threading.Tasks (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.3
System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.3
System.Threading.Thread (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.3
System.ValueTuple (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.3
System.Xml.ReaderWriter (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.3
System.Xml.XDocument (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.3
System.Xml.XmlDocument (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.3
System.Xml.XPath.XDocument (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.3
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp (2.6.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Common (2.6.1)
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Razor (2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor.Language (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: || (>= net46) (>= netstandard2.0)
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Common (>= 2.3.1) - restriction: || (>= net46) (>= netstandard2.0)
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp (>= 2.3.1) - restriction: || (>= net46) (>= netstandard2.0)
NETStandard.Library (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= net46
Microsoft.CodeCoverage (1.0.3)
Microsoft.CSharp (4.4.1) - restriction: || (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5)) (>= netstandard2.0)
NETStandard.Library (>= 1.6.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Dynamic.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Reflection.TypeExtensions (>= 4.4) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
Microsoft.DotNet.PlatformAbstractions (2.0.4) - restriction: || (>= netcoreapp1.0) (>= netstandard2.0)
System.AppContext (>= 4.1) - restriction: && (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Collections (>= 4.0.11) - restriction: && (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.IO (>= 4.1) - restriction: && (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.IO.FileSystem (>= 4.0.1) - restriction: && (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Reflection.TypeExtensions (>= 4.1) - restriction: && (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.1) - restriction: && (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Runtime.InteropServices (>= 4.1) - restriction: && (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation (>= 4.0) - restriction: && (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3)
Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Abstractions (2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory (2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Abstractions (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Options (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration (2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions (2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder (2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.CommandLine (2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.EnvironmentVariables (2.0) - restriction: || (&& (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5)) (>= netstandard2.0)
Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.FileExtensions (2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders.Physical (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Json (2.0) - restriction: || (&& (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5)) (>= netstandard2.0)
Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.FileExtensions (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Newtonsoft.Json (>= 10.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.UserSecrets (2.0) - restriction: || (&& (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5)) (>= netstandard2.0)
Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Json (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection (2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions (2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyModel (2.0.4) - restriction: || (>= netcoreapp1.0) (>= netstandard2.0)
Microsoft.DotNet.PlatformAbstractions (>= 2.0.4) - restriction: || (>= net451) (>= netstandard1.3)
Newtonsoft.Json (>= 9.0.1) - restriction: || (>= net451) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Diagnostics.Debug (>= 4.0.11) - restriction: || (&& (< net451) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net451) (>= netstandard1.6))
System.Dynamic.Runtime (>= 4.0.11) - restriction: || (&& (< net451) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net451) (>= netstandard1.6))
System.Linq (>= 4.1) - restriction: || (&& (< net451) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net451) (>= netstandard1.6))
Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders.Abstractions (2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders.Composite (2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders.Abstractions (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders.Physical (2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders.Abstractions (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.FileSystemGlobbing (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.FileSystemGlobbing (2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.Abstractions (2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Localization (2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Localization.Abstractions (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Options (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Localization.Abstractions (2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Logging (2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Options (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions (2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Configuration (2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Logging (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Options.ConfigurationExtensions (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Console (2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Logging (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Debug (2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Logging (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.ObjectPool (2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Options (2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Options.ConfigurationExtensions (2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Options (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives (2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe (>= 4.4) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.WebEncoders (2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Options (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
System.Text.Encodings.Web (>= 4.4) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Net.Http.Headers (2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
System.Buffers (>= 4.4) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk (15.5)
Microsoft.CodeCoverage (>= 1.0.3)
Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHost (>= 15.5)
Microsoft.NETCore.App (2.0.5) - restriction: || (&& (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5)) (>= netcoreapp2.0)
Microsoft.NETCore.DotNetHostPolicy (>= 2.0.5) - restriction: >= netcoreapp2.0
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netcoreapp2.0
NETStandard.Library (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netcoreapp2.0
Microsoft.NETCore.DotNetAppHost (2.0.5) - restriction: >= netcoreapp2.0
Microsoft.NETCore.DotNetHostPolicy (2.0.5) - restriction: >= netcoreapp2.0
Microsoft.NETCore.DotNetHostResolver (>= 2.0.5)
Microsoft.NETCore.DotNetHostResolver (2.0.5) - restriction: >= netcoreapp2.0
Microsoft.NETCore.DotNetAppHost (>= 2.0.5)
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (2.0.1) - restriction: || (&& (>= dnxcore50) (>= netstandard1.1)) (&& (>= dnxcore50) (>= netstandard1.2)) (&& (>= dnxcore50) (>= netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= dnxcore50) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (>= monoandroid) (>= net45)) (&& (>= monoandroid) (>= net46)) (&& (>= monoandroid) (>= net461)) (&& (>= monoandroid) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= monoandroid) (>= netstandard1.1)) (&& (>= monoandroid) (>= netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= monoandroid) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.2) (< win8) (< wp8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.2) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.2) (>= netstandard1.4) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.2) (>= netstandard1.4) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.2) (< win8) (< wp8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.2) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.2) (>= netstandard1.4) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.2) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard1.2) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard1.4) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard1.6)) (>= monotouch) (&& (< net20) (>= net45) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net451) (< netstandard1.2)) (&& (< net20) (>= net451) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.2)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net461)) (&& (< net20) (>= net462)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net35) (>= net461)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< wpa81)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net35) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< net35) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net40) (>= net451) (< netstandard1.2) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net40) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net40) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net40) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net45) (< netstandard1.0) (>= portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net45) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= net45) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= net451) (< netstandard1.2)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.2)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461)) (&& (< net45) (>= net462) (< netstandard1.2)) (&& (< net45) (>= net462) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net462) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net45) (>= net462) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net462) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net462) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= net463) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net463) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net45) (>= net463) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net463) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= net451) (< netstandard1.1)) (&& (>= net451) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= net451) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< net452) (>= net461)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.0)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.1)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= net46) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net46) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= net461) (< netstandard1.0)) (&& (>= net461) (< netstandard1.1)) (&& (>= net461) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= net461) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= net462) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (>= netcoreapp1.0) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.0)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.1)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.2)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.1) (>= portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.3)) (&& (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< netstandard1.0) (>= portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard1.5) (>= wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.1) (< win8) (>= wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.3) (>= wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (>= netstandard2.0) (< portable-net45+win8) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81) (>= wpa81)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81) (>= wpa81)) (>= uap10.0) (>= xamarinios) (>= xamarinmac) (>= xamarintvos) (>= xamarinwatchos)
Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (2.0) - restriction: || (&& (>= dnxcore50) (>= netstandard1.1)) (&& (>= dnxcore50) (>= netstandard1.2)) (&& (>= dnxcore50) (>= netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= dnxcore50) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.2) (< win8) (< wp8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< win81) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.2) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.2) (>= netstandard1.4) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.2) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.2) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.2) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.2) (>= netstandard1.4) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.2) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.2) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.2) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.2) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.2) (< win8) (< wp8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.2) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.2) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.2) (>= netstandard1.4) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.2) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.2) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.1) (>= portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.2) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard1.2) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard1.4) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net45) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net451) (< netstandard1.2)) (&& (< net20) (>= net451) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.2)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net462)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net40) (>= net451) (< netstandard1.2) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net40) (>= net451) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net40) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.2) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net40) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net40) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net45) (< portable-net45+win8) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net45) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= net451) (< netstandard1.2)) (&& (< net45) (>= net451) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.2)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.2)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= net462) (< netstandard1.2)) (&& (< net45) (>= net462) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net462) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net45) (>= net462) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net462) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net462) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net462) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= net463) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net463) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net45) (>= net463) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net463) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net463) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= net451) (< netstandard1.1)) (&& (>= net451) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.1)) (&& (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= net46) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= net461) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= net462) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= net463) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netcoreapp1.0) (< netstandard1.2)) (&& (>= netcoreapp1.0) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= netcoreapp1.0) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= netcoreapp1.0) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (>= netcoreapp1.0) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= netcoreapp1.0) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= netcoreapp1.0) (>= uap10.0)) (>= netcoreapp1.1) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.1)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.2)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8) (< wp8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8)) (&& (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard1.5) (>= wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (< netstandard1.1) (>= uap10.0) (< win8)) (&& (< netstandard1.1) (< win8) (>= wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8)) (&& (< netstandard1.2) (>= uap10.0) (< win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.3) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8) (>= wpa81)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81) (&& (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< win81) (< wpa81))
Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel (15.5) - restriction: || (>= netcoreapp1.0) (>= uap10.0)
NETStandard.Library (>= 1.6) - restriction: && (< net451) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.ComponentModel.EventBasedAsync (>= 4.0.11) - restriction: && (< net451) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter (>= 4.1) - restriction: || (&& (< net451) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net451) (>= netstandard1.5))
System.Diagnostics.Process (>= 4.1) - restriction: && (< net451) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.Diagnostics.TextWriterTraceListener (>= 4.0) - restriction: && (< net451) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.Diagnostics.TraceSource (>= 4.0) - restriction: && (< net451) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.Reflection.Metadata (>= 1.3) - restriction: || (>= net451) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.Reflection.TypeExtensions (>= 4.1) - restriction: && (< net451) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation (>= 4.0) - restriction: || (&& (< net451) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net451) (>= netstandard1.5))
System.Runtime.Loader (>= 4.0) - restriction: && (< net451) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.Runtime.Serialization.Json (>= 4.0.2) - restriction: && (< net451) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.Runtime.Serialization.Primitives (>= 4.1.1) - restriction: && (< net451) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.Threading.Thread (>= 4.0) - restriction: && (< net451) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.Xml.XPath.XmlDocument (>= 4.0.1) - restriction: && (< net451) (>= netstandard1.5)
Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHost (15.5)
Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyModel (>= 1.0.3) - restriction: >= netcoreapp1.0
Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel (>= 15.5) - restriction: || (>= netcoreapp1.0) (>= uap10.0)
Newtonsoft.Json (>= 9.0.1) - restriction: || (>= netcoreapp1.0) (>= uap10.0)
System.Xml.ReaderWriter (>= 4.0.11) - restriction: >= uap10.0
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.CodeGeneration.Contracts (2.0.2) - restriction: >= netcoreapp2.0
Newtonsoft.Json (>= 10.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.CodeGeneration.Tools (2.0.2) - clitool: true
Microsoft.Build.Runtime (>= 15.3.409) - restriction: >= netcoreapp2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders.Physical (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netcoreapp2.0
Microsoft.NETCore.App (>= 2.0.5) - restriction: >= netcoreapp2.0
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.CodeGeneration.Contracts (>= 2.0.2) - restriction: >= netcoreapp2.0
Newtonsoft.Json (>= 10.0.1) - restriction: >= netcoreapp2.0
NuGet.Frameworks (>= 4.0) - restriction: >= netcoreapp2.0
Microsoft.Win32.Primitives (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net40) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= net46) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= net461) (>= uap10.0)) (>= netcoreapp2.0) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (< netstandard1.3) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< win8) (< wpa81))
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
Microsoft.Win32.Registry (4.4) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (>= netstandard2.0)
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netcoreapp2.0
System.Security.AccessControl (>= 4.4) - restriction: || (>= monoandroid) (>= monotouch) (&& (< net46) (>= netstandard2.0)) (>= net461) (>= netcoreapp2.0) (>= xamarinios) (>= xamarinmac) (>= xamarintvos) (>= xamarinwatchos)
System.Security.Principal.Windows (>= 4.4) - restriction: || (>= monoandroid) (>= monotouch) (&& (< net46) (>= netstandard2.0)) (>= net461) (>= netcoreapp2.0) (>= xamarinios) (>= xamarinmac) (>= xamarintvos) (>= xamarinwatchos)
Moq (4.8.1)
Castle.Core (>= 4.2.1) - restriction: || (>= net45) (>= netstandard1.3)
NETStandard.Library (>= 1.6.1) - restriction: && (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Linq.Queryable (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Reflection.TypeExtensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (>= net45) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.ValueTuple (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (>= net45) (>= netstandard1.3)
MySql.Data (6.10.6) - restriction: || (&& (>= net40) (< netstandard1.5)) (>= net45)
NETStandard.Library (2.0.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net461) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.1)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (>= net45) (< net461) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net452) (>= netstandard1.1)) (&& (< net452) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (>= net46) (< net461) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= net46) (>= netstandard2.0)) (>= netcoreapp1.0) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (>= uap10.0)) (< portable-net45+win8)
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (>= monoandroid) (>= monotouch) (&& (>= net45) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= net451) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (>= net461) (>= netcoreapp2.0) (&& (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.0) (>= portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.0) (>= portable-net45+win8+wpa81) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.0) (>= portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.3) (>= wpa81)) (>= uap10.0) (>= xamarinios) (>= xamarinmac) (>= xamarintvos) (>= xamarinwatchos)
Microsoft.Win32.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1))
System.AppContext (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1))
System.Collections (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1))
System.Collections.Concurrent (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1))
System.Console (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1))
System.Diagnostics.Debug (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1))
System.Diagnostics.Tools (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1))
System.Diagnostics.Tracing (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1))
System.Globalization (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1))
System.Globalization.Calendars (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1))
System.IO (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1))
System.IO.Compression (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1))
System.IO.Compression.ZipFile (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1))
System.IO.FileSystem (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1))
System.IO.FileSystem.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1))
System.Linq (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1))
System.Linq.Expressions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1))
System.Net.Http (>= 4.3.2) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1))
System.Net.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1))
System.Net.Sockets (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1))
System.ObjectModel (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1))
System.Reflection (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1))
System.Reflection.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1))
System.Reflection.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1))
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1))
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1))
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1))
System.Runtime.Handles (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1))
System.Runtime.InteropServices (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1))
System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.0) (>= portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net45) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net451) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< netstandard1.0) (>= portable-net45+win8+wpa81) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.3) (>= wpa81)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1))
System.Runtime.Numerics (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1))
System.Security.Cryptography.Algorithms (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1))
System.Security.Cryptography.Encoding (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1))
System.Security.Cryptography.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1))
System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1))
System.Text.Encoding (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1))
System.Text.Encoding.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1))
System.Text.RegularExpressions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1))
System.Threading (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1))
System.Threading.Tasks (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1))
System.Threading.Timer (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1))
System.Xml.ReaderWriter (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1))
System.Xml.XDocument (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1))
Newtonsoft.Json.Bson (1.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
NETStandard.Library (>= 1.6.1) - restriction: && (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3)
Newtonsoft.Json (>= 10.0.1) - restriction: || (>= net45) (>= netstandard1.3)
NuGet.Frameworks (4.5) - restriction: >= netcoreapp2.0
NETStandard.Library (>= 1.6) - restriction: && (< net40) (>= netstandard1.3)
PetaPoco.NetCore (1.0.1)
Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.EnvironmentVariables (>= 1.0.0-rc2-final) - restriction: && (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5)
Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Json (>= 1.0.0-rc2-final) - restriction: && (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5)
Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.UserSecrets (>= 1.0.0-rc2-final) - restriction: && (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5)
Microsoft.NETCore.App (>= 1.0.0-rc2-3002702) - restriction: && (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5)
MySql.Data (>= 6.9.8) - restriction: || (&& (>= net40) (< netstandard1.5)) (>= net45)
Pomelo.Data.MySql (>= 1.0) - restriction: && (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.Data.SqlClient (>= 4.1) - restriction: && (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.Reflection.Emit.Lightweight (>= 4.0.1) - restriction: && (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5)
Pomelo.Data.MySql (1.0) - restriction: && (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5)
Newtonsoft.Json (>= 9.0.1) - restriction: || (>= net451) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Collections.Concurrent (>= 4.0.12) - restriction: && (< net451) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.ComponentModel (>= 4.0.1) - restriction: && (< net451) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter (>= 4.1) - restriction: && (< net451) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Console (>= 4.0) - restriction: && (< net451) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Data.Common (>= 4.1) - restriction: && (< net451) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Diagnostics.Contracts (>= 4.0.1) - restriction: && (< net451) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Diagnostics.Debug (>= 4.0.11) - restriction: && (< net451) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Diagnostics.Tools (>= 4.0.1) - restriction: && (< net451) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Globalization (>= 4.0.11) - restriction: && (< net451) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Globalization.Extensions (>= 4.0.1) - restriction: && (< net451) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.IO.FileSystem (>= 4.0.1) - restriction: && (< net451) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Linq (>= 4.1) - restriction: && (< net451) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Net.NameResolution (>= 4.0) - restriction: && (< net451) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Net.Primitives (>= 4.0.11) - restriction: && (< net451) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Net.Security (>= 4.0) - restriction: && (< net451) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Net.Sockets (>= 4.1) - restriction: && (< net451) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Reflection.TypeExtensions (>= 4.1) - restriction: && (< net451) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.0.1) - restriction: && (< net451) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.1) - restriction: && (< net451) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Runtime.InteropServices (>= 4.1) - restriction: && (< net451) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Runtime.Numerics (>= 4.0.1) - restriction: && (< net451) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Security.Cryptography.Algorithms (>= 4.2) - restriction: && (< net451) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Security.Cryptography.Primitives (>= 4.0) - restriction: && (< net451) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates (>= 4.1) - restriction: && (< net451) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Security.Principal (>= 4.0.1) - restriction: && (< net451) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Text.Encoding.Extensions (>= 4.0.11) - restriction: && (< net451) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Text.RegularExpressions (>= 4.1) - restriction: && (< net451) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Threading.Timer (>= 4.0.1) - restriction: && (< net451) (>= netstandard1.3)
runtime.debian.8-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl (4.3.2) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net40) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= net46) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= net461) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (< netstandard1.3) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< win8) (< wpa81))
runtime.fedora.23-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl (4.3.2) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net40) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= net46) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= net461) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (< netstandard1.3) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< win8) (< wpa81))
runtime.fedora.24-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl (4.3.2) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net40) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= net46) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= net461) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (< netstandard1.3) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< win8) (< wpa81))
runtime.native.System (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.1) (>= portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net20) (>= net45) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net45) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net451) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net20) (>= net451) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net40) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net45) (< netstandard1.0) (>= portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net45) (< portable-net45+win8) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= net451) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= net451) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.0)) (&& (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= net46) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= net461) (< netstandard1.0)) (&& (>= net461) (>= uap10.0)) (>= netcoreapp1.0) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.0)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net45+win8) (>= portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net45+win8) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8) (>= wpa81)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81) (>= wpa81)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< win8) (< wpa81))
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1)
Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1)
runtime.native.System.Data.SqlClient.sni (4.4) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< net40) (>= netstandard2.0)) (>= netcoreapp2.0) (>= 4.4) (>= 4.4) (>= 4.4)
runtime.native.System.IO.Compression (4.3.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net40) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= net46) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= net461) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= net461) (>= uap10.0)) (>= netcoreapp2.0) (&& (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard2.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< win8) (< wpa81))
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1)
Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1.1)
runtime.native.System.Net.Http (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (>= uap10.0))
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1)
Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1)
runtime.native.System.Net.Security (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8))
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1)
Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1)
runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.Apple (4.3.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (>= uap10.0))
runtime.osx.10.10-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.Apple (>= 4.3.1)
runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl (4.3.2) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net463) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net20) (>= net463) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net20) (>= net463) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net20) (>= net463) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net463) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net35) (>= net463) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net35) (>= net463) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net35) (>= net463) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net40) (>= net463)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net463) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net463) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net463) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net463) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= net46) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< net46) (>= net463) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= net461) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= net463) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= net463) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netcoreapp1.0) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= netcoreapp1.0) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= netcoreapp1.0) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (>= netcoreapp1.0) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= netcoreapp1.0) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= netcoreapp1.0) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (< netstandard1.3) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (< netstandard1.4) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< win8) (< wpa81))
runtime.debian.8-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl (>= 4.3.2)
runtime.fedora.23-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl (>= 4.3.2)
runtime.fedora.24-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl (>= 4.3.2)
runtime.opensuse.13.2-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl (>= 4.3.2)
runtime.opensuse.42.1-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl (>= 4.3.2)
runtime.osx.10.10-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl (>= 4.3.2)
runtime.rhel.7-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl (>= 4.3.2)
runtime.ubuntu.14.04-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl (>= 4.3.2)
runtime.ubuntu.16.04-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl (>= 4.3.2)
runtime.ubuntu.16.10-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl (>= 4.3.2)
runtime.opensuse.13.2-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl (4.3.2) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net40) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= net46) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= net461) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (< netstandard1.3) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< win8) (< wpa81))
runtime.opensuse.42.1-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl (4.3.2) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net40) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= net46) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= net461) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (< netstandard1.3) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< win8) (< wpa81))
runtime.osx.10.10-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.Apple (4.3.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (>= uap10.0))
runtime.osx.10.10-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl (4.3.2) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net40) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= net46) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= net461) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (< netstandard1.3) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< win8) (< wpa81))
runtime.rhel.7-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl (4.3.2) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net40) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= net46) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= net461) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (< netstandard1.3) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< win8) (< wpa81))
runtime.ubuntu.14.04-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl (4.3.2) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net40) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= net46) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= net461) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (< netstandard1.3) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< win8) (< wpa81))
runtime.ubuntu.16.04-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl (4.3.2) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net40) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= net46) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= net461) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (< netstandard1.3) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< win8) (< wpa81))
runtime.ubuntu.16.10-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl (4.3.2) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net40) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= net46) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= net461) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (< netstandard1.3) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (4.4) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< net40) (>= netstandard2.0)) (>= netcoreapp2.0) (4.4) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< net40) (>= netstandard2.0)) (>= netcoreapp2.0) (4.4) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< net40) (>= netstandard2.0)) (>= netcoreapp2.0)
Serilog (2.6) - restriction: || (>= net45) (>= netstandard1.3)
Microsoft.CSharp (>= 4.0.1) - restriction: || (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3))
System.Collections (>= 4.0.11) - restriction: || (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3))
System.Collections.NonGeneric (>= 4.0.1) - restriction: && (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Dynamic.Runtime (>= 4.0.11) - restriction: || (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3))
System.Globalization (>= 4.0.11) - restriction: || (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3))
System.Linq (>= 4.1) - restriction: || (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3))
System.Reflection (>= 4.1) - restriction: || (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3))
System.Reflection.Extensions (>= 4.0.1) - restriction: || (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3))
System.Runtime (>= 4.1) - restriction: || (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3))
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.1) - restriction: || (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3))
System.Text.RegularExpressions (>= 4.1) - restriction: || (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3))
System.Threading (>= 4.0.11) - restriction: || (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3))
Serilog.AspNetCore (2.1)
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Abstractions (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Logging (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Serilog (>= 2.5) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Serilog.Extensions.Logging (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Serilog.Enrichers.Environment (2.1.2)
Serilog (>= 2.0) - restriction: || (>= net45) (>= netstandard1.3)
Serilog.Extensions.Logging (2.0.2) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.Extensions.Logging (>= 2.0) - restriction: || (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard2.0)) (>= net461)
Serilog (>= 2.3) - restriction: || (&& (>= net45) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard2.0)) (>= net461)
Serilog.Sinks.Console (3.1.1) - restriction: || (>= net45) (>= netstandard1.3)
Serilog (>= 2.5) - restriction: || (>= net45) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Console (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3)) (>= netcoreapp1.1)
System.Runtime.InteropServices (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netcoreapp1.1
System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netcoreapp1.1
Serilog.Sinks.File (4.0) - restriction: || (>= net45) (>= netstandard1.5)
Serilog (>= 2.5) - restriction: || (>= net45) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.IO (>= 4.1) - restriction: && (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.IO.FileSystem (>= 4.0.1) - restriction: && (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.IO.FileSystem.Primitives (>= 4.0.1) - restriction: && (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Runtime.InteropServices (>= 4.1) - restriction: && (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Text.Encoding.Extensions (>= 4.0.11) - restriction: && (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Threading (>= 4.0.11) - restriction: && (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Threading.Timer (>= 4.0.1) - restriction: && (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3)
Serilog.Sinks.Literate (3.0)
Serilog.Sinks.Console (>= 3.0.1) - restriction: || (>= net45) (>= netstandard1.3)
Serilog.Sinks.Loggly (5.2)
loggly-csharp (>= - restriction: || (>= net45) (>= netstandard1.5)
NETStandard.Library (>= 1.6.1) - restriction: && (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5)
Newtonsoft.Json (>= 10.0.3) - restriction: || (>= net45) (>= netstandard1.5)
Serilog (>= 2.5) - restriction: || (>= net45) (>= netstandard1.5)
Serilog.Sinks.File (>= 3.2) - restriction: || (>= net45) (>= netstandard1.5)
Serilog.Sinks.PeriodicBatching (>= 2.1.1) - restriction: || (>= net45) (>= netstandard1.5)
Serilog.Sinks.RollingFile (>= 3.3) - restriction: || (>= net45) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.Net.Http (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.Threading.Timer (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5)
Serilog.Sinks.PeriodicBatching (2.1.1) - restriction: || (>= net45) (>= netstandard1.5)
Serilog (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netstandard1.1
System.Collections.Concurrent (>= 4.0.12) - restriction: || (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.2)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2))
System.Threading.Timer (>= 4.0.1) - restriction: && (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2)
Serilog.Sinks.RollingFile (3.3) - restriction: || (>= net45) (>= netstandard1.5)
Serilog.Sinks.File (>= 3.2) - restriction: || (>= net45) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.IO (>= 4.1) - restriction: && (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.IO.FileSystem.Primitives (>= 4.0.1) - restriction: && (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Runtime.InteropServices (>= 4.1) - restriction: && (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Text.Encoding.Extensions (>= 4.0.11) - restriction: && (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.AppContext (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net40) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= net46) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= net461) (>= uap10.0)) (>= netcoreapp1.0) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (< netstandard1.3) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8)) (>= netstandard2.0) (&& (< portable-net45+win8) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1))
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Buffers (4.4) - restriction: || (&& (>= monoandroid) (>= netcoreapp2.0)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= monotouch) (>= netcoreapp2.0)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net40) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net45) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= net46) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= net461) (>= netcoreapp2.0)) (&& (>= net461) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= net461) (>= uap10.0)) (>= netcoreapp1.0) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (>= xamarinios)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (>= xamarinmac)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (>= xamarintvos)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (>= xamarinwatchos)) (&& (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.3) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (>= netstandard2.0) (&& (< portable-net45+win8) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< win8) (< wpa81))
System.Collections (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.0) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.2) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net40) (>= net451) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net40) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (>= net45) (&& (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= net46) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net46) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< net46) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= net461) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= net461) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= net461) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net461) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (>= netstandard1.3) (&& (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard2.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< win8) (< wpa81))
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Collections.Concurrent (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5)) (>= netcoreapp1.0) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8)) (&& (< netstandard1.3) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8)) (>= netstandard2.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1))
System.Collections (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Diagnostics.Debug (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Diagnostics.Tracing (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Globalization (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Reflection (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Threading (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Threading.Tasks (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Collections.Immutable (1.4) - restriction: || (&& (>= monotouch) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= net451) (>= uap10.0)) (>= netcoreapp1.0) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (>= uap10.0)) (>= netstandard2.0) (&& (>= uap10.0) (>= xamarinios)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (>= xamarinmac)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (>= xamarintvos)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (>= xamarinwatchos))
System.Collections.NonGeneric (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net20) (>= net462)) (&& (< net35) (>= net462)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard2.0)) (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< portable-net45+win8)
System.Diagnostics.Debug (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Globalization (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Threading (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Collections.Specialized (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard2.0)) (< portable-net45+win8)
System.Collections.NonGeneric (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Globalization (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Globalization.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Threading (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.ComponentModel (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5))
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.ComponentModel.Annotations (4.4.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
System.ComponentModel.EventBasedAsync (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard2.0)) (>= netcoreapp1.0) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (>= uap10.0)) (< portable-net45+win8)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Threading (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Threading.Tasks (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.ComponentModel.Primitives (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8)) (&& (< net20) (>= net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net20) (>= net45) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net20) (>= net462)) (&& (< net35) (>= net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net35) (>= net462)) (&& (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.3) (>= win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (>= wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.3) (>= wpa81)) (>= wp8)
System.ComponentModel (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5)) (>= netcoreapp1.0) (>= uap10.0)
System.Collections (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81))
System.Collections.NonGeneric (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (>= net462)
System.Collections.Specialized (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.ComponentModel (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81))
System.ComponentModel.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8)) (&& (>= net45) (< netstandard1.5)) (>= net462) (&& (< netstandard1.0) (>= win8)) (>= wp8) (>= wpa81)
System.Globalization (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81))
System.Linq (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Reflection (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81))
System.Reflection.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81))
System.Reflection.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81))
System.Reflection.TypeExtensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81))
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81))
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81))
System.Threading (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81))
System.Console (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= net46) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= net461) (>= uap10.0)) (>= netcoreapp1.1) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (< netstandard1.3) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8)) (>= netstandard2.0) (&& (< portable-net45+win8) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1))
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.IO (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Text.Encoding (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Data.Common (4.3) - restriction: && (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.Collections (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net451) (>= netstandard1.2) (< win81) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Globalization (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net451) (>= netstandard1.2) (< win81) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.IO (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net451) (>= netstandard1.2) (< win81) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net451) (>= netstandard1.2) (< win81) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net451) (>= netstandard1.2) (< win81) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net451) (>= netstandard1.2) (< win81) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Text.RegularExpressions (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net451) (>= netstandard1.2) (< win81) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Threading.Tasks (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net451) (>= netstandard1.2) (< win81) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Data.SqlClient (4.4.2) - restriction: && (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5)
Microsoft.Win32.Registry (>= 4.4) - restriction: || (&& (< net451) (>= netstandard2.0)) (>= netcoreapp2.0)
NETStandard.Library (>= 1.6.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net451) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net451) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3))
runtime.native.System.Data.SqlClient.sni (>= 4.4) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net451) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< net451) (>= netstandard2.0)) (>= netcoreapp2.0)
System.Data.Common (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net451) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net451) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.2) (>= portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net451) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= net46) (< net461) (< netstandard2.0))
System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource (>= 4.4.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net451) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< net451) (< netcoreapp2.0) (>= netstandard2.0))
System.IO.Pipes (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net451) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Net.NameResolution (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net451) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Net.Security (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net451) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Reflection.TypeExtensions (>= 4.4) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net451) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Security.Principal (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net451) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Security.Principal.Windows (>= 4.4) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net451) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< net451) (>= netstandard2.0)) (>= netcoreapp2.0)
System.Text.Encoding.CodePages (>= 4.4) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net451) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< net451) (>= netstandard2.0)) (>= netcoreapp2.0)
System.Threading.Thread (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net451) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Threading.ThreadPool (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net451) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Diagnostics.Contracts (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5)) (>= netcoreapp2.0)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Diagnostics.Debug (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (>= dnxcore50) (>= netstandard1.3)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net462)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= net46) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= net461) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= net461) (>= uap10.0)) (>= netcoreapp1.0) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.3) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (>= uap10.0)) (>= netstandard2.0) (< portable-net45+win8) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< win8) (< wpa81))
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource (4.4.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (>= uap10.0)) (>= netstandard2.0) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< win8) (< wpa81))
System.Collections (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< net45) (< netcoreapp2.0) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinmac)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Diagnostics.Debug (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< net45) (< netcoreapp2.0) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinmac)
System.Diagnostics.Tracing (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< net45) (< netcoreapp2.0) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinmac)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Reflection (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< net45) (< netcoreapp2.0) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinmac)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< net45) (< netcoreapp2.0) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinmac)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< net45) (< netcoreapp2.0) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinmac)
System.Threading (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< net45) (< netcoreapp2.0) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinmac)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo (4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Globalization (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.IO (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.IO.FileSystem (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.IO.FileSystem.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Reflection.Metadata (>= 1.4.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Runtime.InteropServices (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Diagnostics.Process (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5)) (>= netcoreapp1.0) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (>= uap10.0))
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
Microsoft.Win32.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
Microsoft.Win32.Registry (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
runtime.native.System (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Collections (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Diagnostics.Debug (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Globalization (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.IO (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4))
System.IO.FileSystem (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.IO.FileSystem.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4))
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime.Handles (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4))
System.Runtime.InteropServices (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Text.Encoding (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4))
System.Text.Encoding.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Threading (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Threading.Tasks (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Threading.Thread (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Threading.ThreadPool (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Diagnostics.StackTrace (4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
System.IO.FileSystem (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Reflection (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Reflection.Metadata (>= 1.4.1) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Diagnostics.TextWriterTraceListener (4.3) - restriction: || (>= netcoreapp1.0) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (>= uap10.0))
System.Diagnostics.TraceSource (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (>= net46)
System.Globalization (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.IO (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Threading (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Diagnostics.Tools (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5)) (>= netcoreapp1.0) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.3) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (>= uap10.0)) (>= netstandard2.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< win8) (< wpa81))
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Diagnostics.TraceSource (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3)) (>= netcoreapp1.0) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (>= uap10.0))
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
runtime.native.System (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Collections (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Diagnostics.Debug (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Globalization (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Threading (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Diagnostics.Tracing (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (>= netcoreapp2.0) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.3) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard2.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< win8) (< wpa81))
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.2) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.2) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.2) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Dynamic.Runtime (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5)) (>= netcoreapp1.0) (>= netstandard2.0)
System.Collections (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Diagnostics.Debug (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Linq (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Linq.Expressions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.ObjectModel (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Reflection (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Reflection.Emit (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Reflection.Emit.ILGeneration (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Reflection.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Reflection.TypeExtensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Threading (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Globalization (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (>= dnxcore50) (>= netstandard1.3)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.1) (>= portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard1.2) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard1.4) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net20) (>= net45) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net20) (>= net45) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net451) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net462)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net35) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net35) (>= net46) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net40) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net40) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= net451) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net451) (< netstandard1.1)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.1)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= net46) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= net461) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= net461) (>= uap10.0)) (>= netcoreapp1.0) (&& (< netcoreapp1.1) (>= netcoreapp2.0)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.1) (>= uap10.0) (< win8)) (&& (< netstandard1.1) (< win8) (>= wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.3) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (>= uap10.0)) (>= netstandard2.0) (< portable-net45+win8) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< win8) (< wpa81))
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Globalization.Calendars (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net45) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= net46) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= net461) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netcoreapp1.0) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= netcoreapp1.0) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= netcoreapp1.0) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (>= netcoreapp1.0) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= netcoreapp1.0) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= netcoreapp1.0) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.3) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (>= uap10.0)) (< portable-net45+win8) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1))
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Globalization (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Globalization.Extensions (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5))
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Globalization (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime.InteropServices (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.IO (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (>= dnxcore50) (>= netstandard1.1)) (&& (>= dnxcore50) (>= netstandard1.3)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.2) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net20) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net20) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net461) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net461) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net463) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net20) (>= net463) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net463) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net463) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net463) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net35) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net35) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net35) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net35) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net35) (>= net463) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net35) (>= net463) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net35) (>= net463) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net40) (>= net451) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net40) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net40) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net40) (>= net463)) (&& (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net45) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= net463)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= net46) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< net46) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net46) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= net461) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= net461) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= net461) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= net463) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= net463) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= net463) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= net463) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= net463) (>= uap10.0)) (>= netcoreapp1.0) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.2)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (< netstandard1.3) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.4) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard2.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< win8) (< wpa81))
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Text.Encoding (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Threading.Tasks (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.IO.Compression (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net40) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= net46) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= net461) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net45+win8) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (< netstandard1.3) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8)) (>= netstandard2.0) (&& (< portable-net45+win8) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< win8) (< wpa81))
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
runtime.native.System (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
runtime.native.System.IO.Compression (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Buffers (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Collections (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Diagnostics.Debug (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.IO (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Runtime.Handles (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Runtime.InteropServices (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Text.Encoding (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Threading (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Threading.Tasks (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.IO.Compression.ZipFile (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net40) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (>= net45) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= net46) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= net461) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netcoreapp1.0) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= netcoreapp1.0) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (>= netcoreapp1.0) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= netcoreapp1.0) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= netcoreapp1.0) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (< netstandard1.3) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1))
System.Buffers (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.IO (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.IO.Compression (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.IO.FileSystem (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.IO.FileSystem.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Text.Encoding (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.IO.FileSystem (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= net46) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= net461) (>= uap10.0)) (>= netcoreapp1.0) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.3) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (>= uap10.0)) (>= netstandard2.0) (< portable-net45+win8) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< win8) (< wpa81))
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.IO (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.IO.FileSystem.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (>= net46)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime.Handles (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Text.Encoding (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Threading.Tasks (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.IO.FileSystem.Primitives (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (>= dnxcore50) (>= net46)) (&& (>= dnxcore50) (>= netstandard1.3)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net35) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net35) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net35) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net40) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net40) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= net45) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= net46) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= net461) (>= uap10.0)) (>= netcoreapp1.0) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.3) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (>= uap10.0)) (>= netstandard2.0) (&& (< portable-net45+win8) (>= uap10.0)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< win8) (< wpa81))
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.IO.Pipes (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (>= netcoreapp2.0)
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
runtime.native.System (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Buffers (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Diagnostics.Debug (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.IO (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.IO.FileSystem.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Net.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Net.Sockets (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Reflection (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Runtime.Handles (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Runtime.InteropServices (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Security.Principal (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Text.Encoding (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Threading (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Threading.Overlapped (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Threading.Tasks (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Linq (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net463) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net20) (>= net463) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net20) (>= net463) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net463) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net35) (>= net463) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net35) (>= net463) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net35) (>= net463) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net40) (>= net463)) (&& (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461)) (&& (< net45) (>= net463) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net463) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net463) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net463) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= net46) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< net46) (>= net463) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= net461) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= net463) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= net463) (>= uap10.0)) (>= netcoreapp1.0) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8) (< wp8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.3) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (< netstandard1.4) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (>= uap10.0)) (>= netstandard2.0) (&& (< portable-net45+win8) (>= uap10.0)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< win8) (< wpa81))
System.Collections (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.6) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Diagnostics.Debug (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.6) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Linq.Expressions (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8) (< wp8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.3) (>= uap10.0)) (>= netstandard2.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1))
System.Collections (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Diagnostics.Debug (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Globalization (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.IO (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Linq (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.ObjectModel (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Reflection (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Reflection.Emit (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Reflection.Emit.ILGeneration (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Reflection.Emit.Lightweight (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Reflection.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Reflection.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Reflection.TypeExtensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Threading (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Linq.Parallel (4.3) - restriction: >= netcoreapp2.0
System.Collections (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Collections.Concurrent (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Diagnostics.Debug (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Diagnostics.Tracing (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Linq (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Threading (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Threading.Tasks (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Linq.Queryable (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard2.0)) (< portable-net45+win8)
System.Collections (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Diagnostics.Debug (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Linq (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Linq.Expressions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Reflection (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Reflection.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Net.Http (4.3.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net40) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard2.0) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= net46) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= net461) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net45+win8) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (< netstandard1.3) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1))
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
Microsoft.Win32.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6) (< win8) (< wpa81)
runtime.native.System (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
runtime.native.System.Net.Http (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl (>= 4.3.2) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Collections (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Diagnostics.Debug (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Diagnostics.Tracing (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Globalization (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Globalization.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.IO (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.IO.Compression (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6) (< win8) (< wpa81)
System.IO.FileSystem (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Net.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Runtime.Handles (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6) (< win8) (< wpa81))
System.Runtime.InteropServices (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Security.Cryptography.Algorithms (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Security.Cryptography.Encoding (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6) (< win8) (< wpa81))
System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Security.Cryptography.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Text.Encoding (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Threading (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Threading.Tasks (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Net.Http.WinHttpHandler (4.4) - restriction: || (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard2.0)) (>= netcoreapp2.0) (&& (>= netstandard2.0) (< portable-net45+win8))
System.Buffers (>= 4.4) - restriction: || (>= monoandroid) (>= monotouch) (&& (< net46) (< netcoreapp2.0) (>= netstandard2.0)) (>= net461) (>= xamarinios) (>= xamarinmac) (>= xamarintvos) (>= xamarinwatchos)
System.Net.NameResolution (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8))
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
runtime.native.System (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Collections (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Diagnostics.Tracing (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Globalization (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Net.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Runtime.Handles (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Runtime.InteropServices (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Security.Principal.Windows (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Threading (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Threading.Tasks (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Net.Primitives (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (>= net45) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= net46) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= net461) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netcoreapp1.0) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= netcoreapp1.0) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (>= netcoreapp1.0) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= netcoreapp1.0) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= netcoreapp1.0) (>= uap10.0)) (>= netcoreapp2.0) (&& (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.3) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (>= uap10.0)) (< portable-net45+win8) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< win8) (< wpa81))
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.1) (< win8) (< wp8)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.1) (< win8) (< wp8)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.1) (< win8) (< wp8)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime.Handles (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Net.Requests (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8) (< wp8))
System.IO (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.1) (< win8) (< wp8)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Net.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.1) (< win8) (< wp8)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.1) (< win8) (< wp8)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Threading.Tasks (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Net.Security (4.3.2) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8))
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6))
Microsoft.Win32.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6))
runtime.native.System (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
runtime.native.System.Net.Security (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl (>= 4.3.2) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Collections (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6))
System.Collections.Concurrent (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6))
System.Diagnostics.Tracing (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6))
System.Globalization (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6))
System.Globalization.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.IO (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6))
System.Net.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6))
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6))
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6))
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6))
System.Runtime.Handles (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6))
System.Runtime.InteropServices (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6))
System.Security.Claims (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6))
System.Security.Cryptography.Algorithms (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Security.Cryptography.Encoding (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6))
System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Security.Cryptography.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6))
System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6)) (>= net46)
System.Security.Principal (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6))
System.Security.Principal.Windows (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6)
System.Text.Encoding (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Threading (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6))
System.Threading.Tasks (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6))
System.Threading.ThreadPool (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6))
System.Net.Sockets (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (>= net45) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= net46) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= net461) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netcoreapp1.0) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= netcoreapp1.0) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (>= netcoreapp1.0) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= netcoreapp1.0) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= netcoreapp1.0) (>= uap10.0)) (>= netcoreapp2.0) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (< netstandard1.3) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1))
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.IO (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Net.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Threading.Tasks (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Net.WebHeaderCollection (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard2.0)) (< portable-net45+win8)
System.Collections (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Net.WebSockets (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard2.0)) (< portable-net45+win8)
Microsoft.Win32.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Threading.Tasks (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Net.WebSockets.Client (4.3.2) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard2.0)) (< portable-net45+win8)
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
Microsoft.Win32.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Collections (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Diagnostics.Debug (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Diagnostics.Tracing (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Globalization (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.IO (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Net.NameResolution (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Net.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Net.Security (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Net.Sockets (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Net.WebHeaderCollection (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Net.WebSockets (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3)) (>= net46)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Runtime.Handles (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime.InteropServices (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3)
System.Runtime.WindowsRuntime (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3)
System.Security.Cryptography.Algorithms (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Security.Cryptography.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3)) (>= net46)
System.Text.Encoding (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Text.Encoding.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Threading (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Threading.Tasks (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Threading.Timer (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Numerics.Vectors (4.4) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
System.ObjectModel (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (>= netcoreapp2.0) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.3) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (>= uap10.0)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1))
System.Collections (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Diagnostics.Debug (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Threading (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Private.DataContractSerialization (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard2.0)) (>= netcoreapp1.0) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (>= uap10.0)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3)
System.Collections (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Collections.Concurrent (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Diagnostics.Debug (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Globalization (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.IO (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Linq (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Reflection (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Reflection.Emit.ILGeneration (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Reflection.Emit.Lightweight (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Reflection.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Reflection.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Reflection.TypeExtensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3)) (>= net46)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Runtime.Serialization.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3)) (>= net46)
System.Text.Encoding (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Text.Encoding.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Text.RegularExpressions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Threading (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Threading.Tasks (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Xml.ReaderWriter (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Xml.XDocument (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Xml.XmlDocument (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3)) (>= net46)
System.Xml.XmlSerializer (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Private.ServiceModel (4.4.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard2.0)) (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< portable-net45+win8)
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 2.0)
NETStandard.Library (>= 1.6.1) - restriction: || (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0)) (< netstandard1.3)
System.Collections.NonGeneric (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0)) (< netstandard1.3)
System.Collections.Specialized (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0)) (< netstandard1.3)
System.ComponentModel.EventBasedAsync (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0)) (< netstandard1.3)
System.Linq.Queryable (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0)) (< netstandard1.3)
System.Net.Http.WinHttpHandler (>= 4.4) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
System.Net.NameResolution (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0)
System.Net.Security (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0)
System.Net.WebHeaderCollection (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0)) (< netstandard1.3)
System.Net.WebSockets (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0)) (< netstandard1.3)
System.Net.WebSockets.Client (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0)) (< netstandard1.3)
System.Reflection.DispatchProxy (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0)
System.Reflection.DispatchProxy (>= 4.4) - restriction: || (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard2.0)
System.Reflection.TypeExtensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0)) (< netstandard1.3)
System.Runtime.Serialization.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0)) (< netstandard1.3)
System.Runtime.Serialization.Xml (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0)) (< netstandard1.3)
System.Runtime.WindowsRuntime (>= 4.3) - restriction: < netstandard1.3
System.Security.Claims (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0)) (< netstandard1.3)
System.Security.Principal (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0)) (< netstandard1.3)
System.Security.Principal.Windows (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0)
System.Security.Principal.Windows (>= 4.4) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
System.Xml.XmlDocument (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0)) (< netstandard1.3)
System.Xml.XmlSerializer (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0)) (< netstandard1.3)
System.Reflection (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (>= dnxcore50) (>= netstandard1.0)) (&& (>= dnxcore50) (>= netstandard1.1)) (&& (>= dnxcore50) (>= netstandard1.3)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.2) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.2) (>= netstandard1.4) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.2) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.2) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.2) (>= netstandard1.4) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.2) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.2) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.2) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.2) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.2) (>= netstandard1.4) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.2) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.1) (>= portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.2) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard1.2) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard1.4) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net20) (>= net45) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net20) (>= net45) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net45) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net451) (< netstandard1.2)) (&& (< net20) (>= net451) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net20) (>= net451) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.2)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net462)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net45) (< netstandard1.0) (>= portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net45) (< netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net45) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= net451) (< netstandard1.2)) (&& (< net45) (>= net451) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.2)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net451) (< netstandard1.1)) (&& (>= net451) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.0)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.1)) (&& (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= net46) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= net461) (< netstandard1.0)) (&& (>= net461) (< netstandard1.1)) (&& (>= net461) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= net461) (>= uap10.0)) (>= netcoreapp1.0) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.0)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.1)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.2)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.1) (>= uap10.0) (< win8)) (&& (< netstandard1.1) (< win8) (>= wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.2) (>= uap10.0) (< win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.3) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (>= uap10.0)) (>= netstandard2.0) (< portable-net45+win8) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81) (>= wpa81)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81) (>= wpa81)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< win8) (< wpa81))
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.IO (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Reflection.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Reflection.DispatchProxy (4.4) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard2.0)) (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< portable-net45+win8)
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 2.0) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3)
NETStandard.Library (>= 1.6.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Reflection.Emit (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Reflection.Emit.ILGeneration (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Reflection.Emit (4.3) - restriction: || (>= dnxcore50) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (>= uap10.0))
System.IO (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Reflection (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Reflection.Emit.ILGeneration (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Reflection.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Reflection.Emit.ILGeneration (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (>= netcoreapp1.0) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (>= uap10.0)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Reflection (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< wp8) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Reflection.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< wp8) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< wp8) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Reflection.Emit.Lightweight (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (>= netcoreapp1.0) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (>= uap10.0)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Reflection (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< wp8) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Reflection.Emit.ILGeneration (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< wp8) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Reflection.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< wp8) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< wp8) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Reflection.Extensions (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.1) (>= portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard1.2) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard1.4) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net45) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net451) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net45) (< netstandard1.0) (>= portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net45) (< netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net45) (< portable-net45+win8) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= net451) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= net451) (< netstandard1.1)) (&& (>= net451) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.0)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.1)) (&& (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= net461) (< netstandard1.0)) (&& (>= net461) (< netstandard1.1)) (>= netcoreapp1.0) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.0)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.1)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (< netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8) (>= portable-net45+win8+wpa81) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8) (>= portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net45+win8) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (< netstandard1.1) (>= uap10.0) (< win8)) (&& (< netstandard1.1) (< win8) (>= wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.3) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8) (>= wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< win8) (< wpa81))
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Reflection (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Reflection.Metadata (1.5) - restriction: || (&& (>= net451) (>= uap10.0)) (>= netcoreapp1.0) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (>= uap10.0)) (>= netstandard2.0)
System.Collections.Immutable (>= 1.4) - restriction: || (>= monoandroid) (>= monotouch) (&& (< netcoreapp2.0) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (< netstandard1.1) (>= portable-net45+win8)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8) (>= portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (>= xamarinios) (>= xamarinmac) (>= xamarintvos) (>= xamarinwatchos)
System.Reflection.Primitives (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (>= dnxcore50) (>= netstandard1.0)) (&& (>= dnxcore50) (>= netstandard1.1)) (&& (>= dnxcore50) (>= netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= dnxcore50) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.2) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.2) (>= netstandard1.4) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.2) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.2) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.2) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.2) (>= netstandard1.4) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.2) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.2) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.2) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.2) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.2) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.2) (>= netstandard1.4) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.2) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.2) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.1) (>= portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.2) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard1.2) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard1.4) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net45) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net451) (< netstandard1.2)) (&& (< net20) (>= net451) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.2)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net45) (< portable-net45+win8) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= net451) (< netstandard1.2)) (&& (< net45) (>= net451) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.2)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.2)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= net451) (< netstandard1.1)) (&& (>= net451) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.1)) (&& (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= net46) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= net461) (>= uap10.0)) (>= netcoreapp1.0) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.2)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8) (< wp8)) (&& (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard1.5) (>= wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.1) (>= uap10.0) (< win8)) (&& (< netstandard1.1) (< win8) (>= wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (< netstandard1.2) (>= uap10.0) (< win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8)) (&& (< netstandard1.3) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8) (>= wpa81)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< win8) (< wpa81))
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Reflection.TypeExtensions (4.4) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8)) (>= netcoreapp1.0) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (>= uap10.0)) (< portable-net45+win8) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0))
System.Reflection (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Resources.Reader (4.3) - restriction: >= netcoreapp2.0
System.IO (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Text.Encoding (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Threading (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (>= dnxcore50) (>= netstandard1.3)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.1) (>= portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard1.2) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard1.4) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net20) (>= net45) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net20) (>= net45) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net45) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net451) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net20) (>= net451) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net462)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (>= net45) (< netstandard1.0) (>= portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net45) (< netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= net451) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net451) (< netstandard1.1)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.0)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.1)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= net46) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= net461) (< netstandard1.0)) (&& (>= net461) (< netstandard1.1)) (&& (>= net461) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= net461) (>= uap10.0)) (>= netcoreapp1.0) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.0)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.1)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.1) (>= uap10.0) (< win8)) (&& (< netstandard1.1) (< win8) (>= wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.3) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (>= uap10.0)) (>= netstandard2.0) (< portable-net45+win8) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81) (>= wpa81)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< win8) (< wpa81))
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Globalization (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Reflection (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Resources.Writer (4.3) - restriction: >= netcoreapp2.0
System.Collections (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.IO (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Text.Encoding (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (>= dnxcore50) (>= netstandard1.1)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.2) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (>= netstandard1.0) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.1) (>= portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.2) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (>= netstandard1.1) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard1.2) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (>= netstandard1.2) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (>= netstandard1.4)) (&& (< monoandroid) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net451)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46)) (&& (< net20) (>= net461) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net462)) (&& (< net20) (>= net463)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net35) (>= net462)) (&& (< net35) (>= net463)) (&& (< net40) (>= net451) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net40) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net40) (>= net462)) (&& (< net40) (>= net463)) (>= net45) (&& (>= net451) (< netstandard1.1)) (&& (>= net451) (< netstandard1.2)) (&& (>= net451) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= net46) (>= netcoreapp1.1)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.0)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.1)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.2)) (&& (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= net46) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net46) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< net46) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= net461) (>= netcoreapp1.1)) (&& (>= net461) (< netstandard1.0)) (&& (>= net461) (< netstandard1.1)) (&& (>= net461) (< netstandard1.2)) (&& (>= net461) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= net461) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= net461) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= net461) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= net461) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net461) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= net462) (< netstandard1.0)) (&& (>= net462) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= net462) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= net462) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= net463) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= net463) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= net463) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= net463) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= net463) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= net463) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netcoreapp1.1) (< netstandard1.0)) (&& (>= netcoreapp1.1) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= netcoreapp1.1) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (>= netcoreapp1.1) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= netcoreapp1.1) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= netcoreapp1.1) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netcoreapp1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= netcoreapp1.1) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.0)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.1)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.2)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8)) (&& (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (< netstandard1.1) (>= uap10.0) (< win8)) (&& (< netstandard1.1) (< win8) (>= wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< netstandard1.2) (>= uap10.0) (< win8)) (>= netstandard1.3) (&& (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.4) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard2.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81) (>= wpa81)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81) (>= wpa81)) (&& (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< win81) (< wpa81))
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.2) (< win8) (< wp8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.2) (< win8) (< wp8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe (4.4) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
System.Runtime.Extensions (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (>= dnxcore50) (>= netstandard1.3)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net462)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= net46) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= net461) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= net461) (>= uap10.0)) (>= netcoreapp1.0) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.3) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (>= uap10.0)) (>= netstandard2.0) (< portable-net45+win8) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< win8) (< wpa81))
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime.Handles (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net20) (>= net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net451) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net461) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net461) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net35) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net40) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= net45) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= net45) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= net451) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard2.0) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net451) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= net46) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< net46) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net46) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= net461) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= net461) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= net461) (>= uap10.0)) (>= netcoreapp1.0) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (< netstandard1.3) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.4) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard2.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81) (>= wpa81)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< win8) (< wpa81))
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime.InteropServices (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.1) (>= portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net20) (>= net45) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net45) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net451) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net20) (>= net451) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (>= net45) (< netstandard1.0) (>= portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= net451) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.0)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= net46) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= net461) (< netstandard1.0)) (&& (>= net461) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= net461) (>= uap10.0)) (>= netcoreapp1.0) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.0)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.3) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (>= uap10.0)) (>= netstandard2.0) (< portable-net45+win8) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81) (>= wpa81)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< win8) (< wpa81))
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.2) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (>= netcoreapp1.1) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.2) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (>= netcoreapp1.1) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Reflection (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.2) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (>= netcoreapp1.1) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Reflection.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.2) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (>= netcoreapp1.1) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.2) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (>= net462) (>= netcoreapp1.1) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Runtime.Handles (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (>= netcoreapp1.1) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.1) (>= portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.3)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net20) (>= net45) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net451) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81) (>= portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81) (>= portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net45) (< netstandard1.0) (>= portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net45) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= net451) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= net451) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.0)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= net46) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net461) (< netstandard1.0)) (>= netcoreapp1.0) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.0)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (< netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8) (>= portable-net45+win8+wpa81) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8) (>= portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net45+win8) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (< netstandard1.3) (>= wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8) (>= wpa81)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81) (>= wpa81)) (>= uap10.0)
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.1) (< win8)
runtime.native.System (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Reflection (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.1) (< win8))
System.Reflection.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.1) (< win8))
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.1) (< win8))
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.1) (< win8))
System.Runtime.InteropServices (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Threading (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.1) (< win8))
System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.3)) (< portable-net45+win8)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime.Loader (4.3) - restriction: || (>= netcoreapp1.0) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (>= uap10.0))
System.IO (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net462) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Reflection (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net462) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net462) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime.Numerics (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (>= netcoreapp1.0) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.3) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (>= uap10.0)) (>= netstandard2.0) (< portable-net45+win8) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1))
System.Globalization (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters (4.3) - restriction: && (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Collections (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Reflection (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4))
System.Runtime.Serialization.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (>= netstandard1.4) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4)) (>= net46)
System.Runtime.Serialization.Json (4.3) - restriction: || (>= netcoreapp1.0) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (>= uap10.0))
System.IO (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Private.DataContractSerialization (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime.Serialization.Primitives (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8)) (>= netcoreapp1.0) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (>= uap10.0)) (< portable-net45+win8)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime.Serialization.Xml (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard2.0)) (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< portable-net45+win8)
System.IO (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Private.DataContractSerialization (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime.Serialization.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Text.Encoding (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Xml.ReaderWriter (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime.WindowsRuntime (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.3)) (< portable-net45+win8)
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Diagnostics.Debug (>= 4.3) - restriction: < portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81
System.Globalization (>= 4.3) - restriction: < portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81
System.IO (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.2) (< win8) (< wp8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.ObjectModel (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: < portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.2) (< win8) (< wp8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: < portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81
System.Runtime.InteropServices (>= 4.3) - restriction: < portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81
System.Threading (>= 4.3) - restriction: < portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81
System.Threading.Tasks (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.2) (< win8) (< wp8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Security.AccessControl (4.4.1) - restriction: || (&& (>= monoandroid) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= monotouch) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net40) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net46) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= net461) (>= netstandard2.0)) (>= netcoreapp2.0) (&& (>= netstandard2.0) (>= xamarinios)) (&& (>= netstandard2.0) (>= xamarinmac)) (&& (>= netstandard2.0) (>= xamarintvos)) (&& (>= netstandard2.0) (>= xamarinwatchos))
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netcoreapp2.0
System.Security.Principal.Windows (>= 4.4) - restriction: || (>= monoandroid) (>= monotouch) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net46) (>= netstandard2.0)) (>= net461) (>= netcoreapp2.0) (>= xamarinios) (>= xamarinmac) (>= xamarintvos) (>= xamarinwatchos)
System.Security.Claims (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard2.0)) (< portable-net45+win8)
System.Collections (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Globalization (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.IO (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Security.Principal (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Security.Cryptography.Algorithms (4.3.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net20) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net20) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net461) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net461) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net35) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net35) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net35) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net35) (>= net46) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net35) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net35) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net35) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net35) (>= net461) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net40) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net40) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net40) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net45) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= net46) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= net461) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= net461) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= net461) (>= uap10.0)) (>= netcoreapp1.0) (&& (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.3) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.4) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (>= uap10.0)) (>= netstandard2.0) (< portable-net45+win8) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< win8) (< wpa81))
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.Apple (>= 4.3.1) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl (>= 4.3.2) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Collections (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.IO (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3)) (>= net463)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3)) (>= net463)
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Runtime.Handles (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Runtime.InteropServices (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Runtime.Numerics (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Security.Cryptography.Encoding (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3)) (>= net463)
System.Security.Cryptography.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= net461) (< netstandard1.6)) (>= net463)
System.Text.Encoding (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Security.Cryptography.Cng (4.4) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net35) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net35) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net35) (>= net46) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net40) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net40) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard2.0) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= net461) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netcoreapp1.0) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= netcoreapp1.0) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= netcoreapp1.0) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (>= netcoreapp1.0) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= netcoreapp1.0) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= netcoreapp1.0) (>= uap10.0)) (>= netcoreapp2.0) (&& (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.3) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard2.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0))
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netcoreapp2.0
System.IO (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.6))
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.6))
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.6))
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.6))
System.Runtime.Handles (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.6))
System.Runtime.InteropServices (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.6))
System.Security.Cryptography.Algorithms (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4))
System.Security.Cryptography.Encoding (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.6))
System.Security.Cryptography.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4))
System.Text.Encoding (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.6))
System.Security.Cryptography.Csp (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= netcoreapp1.0) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= netcoreapp1.0) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (>= netcoreapp1.0) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= netcoreapp1.0) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= netcoreapp1.0) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (>= uap10.0))
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.IO (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Reflection (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime.Handles (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime.InteropServices (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Security.Cryptography.Algorithms (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (>= net46)
System.Security.Cryptography.Encoding (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Security.Cryptography.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (>= net46)
System.Text.Encoding (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Threading (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Security.Cryptography.Encoding (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net20) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net461) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net461) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net463) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net20) (>= net463) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net463) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net463) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net463) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net35) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net35) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net35) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net35) (>= net46) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net35) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net35) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net35) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net35) (>= net461) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net35) (>= net463) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net35) (>= net463) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net35) (>= net463) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net40) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net40) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net40) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net40) (>= net463)) (&& (< net40) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net45) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461)) (&& (< net45) (>= net463)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= net46) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= net461) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= net461) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= net461) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= net461) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= net463) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= net463) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= net463) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= net463) (>= uap10.0)) (>= netcoreapp1.0) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.3) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.4) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (>= uap10.0)) (>= netstandard2.0) (< portable-net45+win8) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< win8) (< wpa81))
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Collections (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Collections.Concurrent (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Linq (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime.Handles (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime.InteropServices (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Security.Cryptography.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Text.Encoding (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl (4.4) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (>= uap10.0))
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netcoreapp2.0
System.Collections (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net461) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.IO (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net461) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net461) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net461) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net461) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime.Handles (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net461) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime.InteropServices (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net461) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime.Numerics (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net461) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Security.Cryptography.Algorithms (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net461) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Security.Cryptography.Encoding (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net461) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Security.Cryptography.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net461) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Text.Encoding (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net461) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Security.Cryptography.Primitives (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net20) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net461) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net461) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net463) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net20) (>= net463) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net463) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net463) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net463) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net35) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net35) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net35) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net35) (>= net463) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net35) (>= net463) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net35) (>= net463) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net40) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net40) (>= net463)) (&& (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (>= net45) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= net463)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= net46) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< net46) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= net461) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= net461) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= net461) (< netstandard1.6) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= net461) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= net461) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= net463) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= net463) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= net463) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= net463) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= net463) (>= uap10.0)) (>= netcoreapp1.0) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (< netstandard1.3) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.4) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (>= uap10.0)) (< portable-net45+win8) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< win8) (< wpa81))
System.Diagnostics.Debug (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Globalization (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.IO (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Threading (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Threading.Tasks (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates (4.3.2) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net35) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net35) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net35) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net35) (>= net46) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net40) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net40) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net45) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= net46) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= net461) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= net461) (>= uap10.0)) (>= netcoreapp1.0) (&& (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.3) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (>= uap10.0)) (>= netstandard2.0) (< portable-net45+win8) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< win8) (< wpa81))
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
runtime.native.System (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
runtime.native.System.Net.Http (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl (>= 4.3.2) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Collections (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Diagnostics.Debug (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Globalization (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Globalization.Calendars (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.IO (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.IO.FileSystem (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.IO.FileSystem.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Runtime.Handles (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Runtime.InteropServices (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Runtime.Numerics (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Security.Cryptography.Algorithms (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (>= net461)
System.Security.Cryptography.Cng (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Security.Cryptography.Csp (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Security.Cryptography.Encoding (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (>= net461)
System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Security.Cryptography.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Text.Encoding (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Threading (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Security.Cryptography.Xml (4.4.1) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
System.Security.Principal (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard2.0)) (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< portable-net45+win8)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Security.Principal.Windows (4.4.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8)) (>= netstandard2.0)
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netcoreapp2.0
System.ServiceModel.Duplex (4.4.1)
NETStandard.Library (>= 1.6.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8)) (< portable-net45+win8)
System.Private.ServiceModel (>= 4.4.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard2.0)) (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< portable-net45+win8)
System.ServiceModel.Primitives (>= 4.4.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard2.0)) (>= net461) (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< portable-net45+win8)
System.ServiceModel.Http (4.4.1)
NETStandard.Library (>= 1.6.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8) (< wp8)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8)
System.Net.Requests (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8) (< wp8))
System.Net.WebHeaderCollection (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8)
System.Private.ServiceModel (>= 4.4.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard2.0)) (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8)
System.Runtime.Serialization.Xml (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8)
System.ServiceModel.Primitives (>= 4.4.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard2.0)) (>= net461) (>= netcoreapp2.0) (&& (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8) (< wp8)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8)
System.ServiceModel.NetTcp (4.4.1)
NETStandard.Library (>= 1.6.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8)) (< portable-net45+win8)
System.Private.ServiceModel (>= 4.4.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard2.0)) (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< portable-net45+win8)
System.Runtime.Serialization.Xml (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8)) (< portable-net45+win8)
System.ServiceModel.Primitives (>= 4.4.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard2.0)) (>= net461) (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< portable-net45+win8)
System.ServiceModel.Primitives (4.4.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard2.0)) (>= net461) (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< portable-net45+win8)
NETStandard.Library (>= 1.6.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8)) (&& (>= net46) (< net461) (< netstandard2.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8) (< wp8)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8)
System.ComponentModel.EventBasedAsync (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8) (< wp8)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8)
System.Private.ServiceModel (>= 4.4.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard2.0)) (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8)
System.Runtime.Serialization.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8) (< wp8)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8)
System.Runtime.Serialization.Xml (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8) (< wp8)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8)
System.Security.Principal (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8)
System.ServiceModel.Security (4.4.1)
NETStandard.Library (>= 1.6.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8) (< wp8)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8)
System.Private.ServiceModel (>= 4.4.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard2.0)) (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8)
System.Runtime.Serialization.Xml (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8)
System.ServiceModel.Primitives (>= 4.4.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard2.0)) (>= netcoreapp2.0) (&& (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8) (< wp8)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8)
System.Text.Encoding (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (>= dnxcore50) (>= netstandard1.3)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net461) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net461) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net35) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net35) (>= net46) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net35) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net40) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net40) (>= net461) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net40) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= net46) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< net46) (>= net461) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= net461) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= net461) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= net461) (>= uap10.0)) (>= netcoreapp1.0) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.3) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (>= uap10.0)) (>= netstandard2.0) (< portable-net45+win8) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< win8) (< wpa81))
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Text.Encoding.CodePages (4.4) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (>= netstandard2.0)
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 2.0) - restriction: >= netcoreapp2.0
NETStandard.Library (>= 1.6.1) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Text.Encoding.Extensions (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5)) (>= netcoreapp1.0) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.3) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (>= uap10.0)) (>= netstandard2.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< win8) (< wpa81))
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Text.Encoding (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Text.Encodings.Web (4.4) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
System.Text.RegularExpressions (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard2.0)) (>= netcoreapp1.0) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.3) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (>= uap10.0)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< win8) (< wpa81))
System.Collections (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (< netcoreapp1.1) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Globalization (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (< netcoreapp1.1) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (< netcoreapp1.1) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (>= netcoreapp1.1) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (< netcoreapp1.1) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Threading (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (< netcoreapp1.1) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Threading (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (>= dnxcore50) (>= netstandard1.3)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.1) (>= portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard1.2) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard1.4) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net45) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net45) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net451) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net20) (>= net451) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net462)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net45) (< netstandard1.0) (>= portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net45) (< netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= net451) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net451) (< netstandard1.1)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.0)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.1)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= net46) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= net461) (< netstandard1.0)) (&& (>= net461) (< netstandard1.1)) (&& (>= net461) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= net461) (>= uap10.0)) (>= netcoreapp1.0) (&& (< netcoreapp1.1) (>= netcoreapp2.0)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.0)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.1)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< netstandard1.0) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.1) (>= uap10.0) (< win8)) (&& (< netstandard1.1) (< win8) (>= wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.3) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (>= uap10.0)) (>= netstandard2.0) (< portable-net45+win8) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81) (>= wpa81)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< win8) (< wpa81))
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Threading.Tasks (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Threading.Overlapped (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (>= netcoreapp2.0)
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)) (< netstandard1.3)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)) (< netstandard1.3)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)) (< netstandard1.3)
System.Runtime.Handles (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3)) (< netstandard1.3)
System.Threading.Tasks (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= net462)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (>= net45) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= net46) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net46) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= net461) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= net461) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= net461) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= net461) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net461) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netcoreapp2.0) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinmac)) (&& (< netstandard1.3) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (>= netstandard1.5) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard2.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< win8) (< wpa81))
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow (4.8) - restriction: >= netcoreapp2.0
System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions (4.4) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46)) (>= net45) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< win8) (< wpa81))
System.Collections (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinmac)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinmac)
System.Threading.Tasks (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinmac)
System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel (4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
System.Collections.Concurrent (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Diagnostics.Debug (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Diagnostics.Tracing (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Threading (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Threading.Tasks (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Threading.Thread (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (>= netcoreapp1.0) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (>= uap10.0)) (>= netstandard2.0)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Threading.ThreadPool (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (>= netcoreapp2.0) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8))
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime.Handles (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Threading.Timer (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard2.0)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5)) (>= netcoreapp2.0) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (< netstandard1.3) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1))
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net451) (>= netstandard1.2) (< win81) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)
Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net451) (>= netstandard1.2) (< win81) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net451) (>= netstandard1.2) (< win81) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)
System.ValueTuple (4.4) - restriction: || (>= net45) (>= netstandard1.3)
NETStandard.Library (>= 1.6.1) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net461) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard2.0) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Xml.ReaderWriter (4.3.1) - restriction: || (&& (>= dnxcore50) (>= netstandard1.3)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net40) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net40) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81) (< win8)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= net461) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (>= netcoreapp1.0) (&& (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8) (< wp8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net45+win8) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.2) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.4) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8)) (>= netstandard2.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81) (>= uap10.0)
System.Collections (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Diagnostics.Debug (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Globalization (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.IO (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.IO.FileSystem (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.IO.FileSystem.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime.InteropServices (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Text.Encoding (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Text.Encoding.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Text.RegularExpressions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Threading.Tasks (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Xml.XDocument (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net20) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.5) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.1) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)) (>= netcoreapp1.0) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< netstandard1.3) (>= uap10.0)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (>= uap10.0)) (>= netstandard2.0) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81) (&& (>= uap10.0) (< uap10.1))
System.Collections (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Diagnostics.Debug (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Diagnostics.Tools (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Globalization (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.IO (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Reflection (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Text.Encoding (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Threading (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Xml.ReaderWriter (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Xml.XmlDocument (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (>= net46)) (&& (< net45) (>= net461)) (&& (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8)) (>= netcoreapp1.0) (&& (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (>= uap10.0)) (>= netstandard2.0) (< portable-net45+win8)
System.Collections (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Diagnostics.Debug (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Globalization (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.IO (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Text.Encoding (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Threading (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Xml.ReaderWriter (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Xml.XPath (4.3) - restriction: || (>= netcoreapp1.0) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (>= uap10.0)) (>= netstandard2.0)
System.Collections (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Diagnostics.Debug (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Globalization (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.IO (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Threading (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Xml.ReaderWriter (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Xml.XPath.XDocument (4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard2.0
System.Diagnostics.Debug (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Linq (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Threading (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Xml.ReaderWriter (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Xml.XDocument (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Xml.XPath (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (>= net46)
System.Xml.XPath.XmlDocument (4.3) - restriction: || (>= netcoreapp1.0) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (>= uap10.0))
System.Collections (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Globalization (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.IO (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Threading (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Xml.ReaderWriter (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Xml.XmlDocument (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (>= net46)
System.Xml.XPath (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (>= net46)
xunit (2.3.1)
xunit.analyzers (>= 0.7)
xunit.assert (2.3.1)
xunit.core (2.3.1)
xunit.abstractions (2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard1.1
NETStandard.Library (>= 1.6) - restriction: && (< net35) (>= netstandard1.0)
xunit.analyzers (0.8)
xunit.assert (2.3.1)
NETStandard.Library (>= 1.6.1) - restriction: && (< net452) (>= netstandard1.1)
xunit.console (2.3.1)
xunit.runner.reporters (2.3.1)
xunit.core (2.3.1)
xunit.extensibility.core (2.3.1)
xunit.extensibility.execution (2.3.1)
xunit.extensibility.core (2.3.1)
NETStandard.Library (>= 1.6.1) - restriction: && (< net452) (>= netstandard1.1)
xunit.abstractions (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard1.1
xunit.extensibility.execution (2.3.1)
NETStandard.Library (>= 1.6.1) - restriction: && (< net452) (>= netstandard1.1)
xunit.extensibility.core (2.3.1) - restriction: >= netstandard1.1
xunit.runner.console (2.3.1)
xunit.runner.reporters (2.3.1)
NETStandard.Library (>= 1.6) - restriction: >= netcoreapp1.0
NETStandard.Library (>= 1.6.1) - restriction: || (&& (< net452) (< netcoreapp1.0) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net452) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.5))
xunit.runner.utility (2.3.1) - restriction: >= netstandard1.1
xunit.runner.utility (2.3.1) - restriction: >= netstandard1.1
NETStandard.Library (>= 1.6) - restriction: >= netcoreapp1.0
NETStandard.Library (>= 1.6.1) - restriction: || (&& (< net35) (< netcoreapp1.0) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.5))
System.Reflection.TypeExtensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< net35) (< netcoreapp1.0) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.Runtime.Loader (>= 4.0) - restriction: >= netcoreapp1.0
xunit.abstractions (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: || (>= net35) (>= netstandard1.1)
xunit.runner.visualstudio (2.3.1)
Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk (>= 15.0) - restriction: >= netcoreapp1.0
Newtonsoft.Json (10.0.3)
Microsoft.CSharp (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3))
NETStandard.Library (>= 1.6.1) - restriction: || (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3))
System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3))
System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Runtime.Serialization.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3))
System.Xml.XmlDocument (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< net20) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Xml.XmlSerializer (4.3)
System.Collections (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (>= dnxcore50) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos))
System.Globalization (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (>= dnxcore50) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos))
System.IO (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (>= dnxcore50) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81))
System.Linq (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (>= dnxcore50) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos))
System.Reflection (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (>= dnxcore50) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos))
System.Reflection.Emit (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (>= dnxcore50) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos))
System.Reflection.Emit.ILGeneration (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (>= dnxcore50) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos))
System.Reflection.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (>= dnxcore50) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos))
System.Reflection.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (>= dnxcore50) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos))
System.Reflection.TypeExtensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (>= dnxcore50) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos))
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (>= dnxcore50) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos))
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (>= dnxcore50) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81))
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (>= dnxcore50) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos))
System.Text.RegularExpressions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (>= dnxcore50) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos))
System.Threading (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (>= dnxcore50) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos))
System.Xml.ReaderWriter (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (>= dnxcore50) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81))
System.Xml.XmlDocument (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (>= dnxcore50) (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos))
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