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Last active December 27, 2015 12:29
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Save blairanderson/7326568 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
The old Yahoo Media player
/* This is the old yahoo media player code that was deprecated. */
(function () {
if (typeof n == "undefined" || !n) {
var n = {};
n.namespace = function () {
var i = arguments,
u = null,
w, x, v;
for (w = 0; w < i.length; w = w + 1) {
v = ("" + i[w]).split(".");
u = n;
for (x = (v[0] == "YAHOO") ? 1 : 0; x < v.length; x = x + 1) {
u[v[x]] = u[v[x]] || {};
u = u[v[x]];
return u;
n.log = function (u, i, v) {
var w = n.widget.Logger;
if (w && w.log) {
return w.log(u, i, v);
} else {
return false;
n.register = function (w, K, i) {
var x = n.env.modules,
v, y, z, J, u;
if (!x[w]) {
x[w] = {
versions: [],
builds: []
v = x[w];
y = i.version;
z =;
J = n.env.listeners; = w;
v.version = y; = z;
v.mainClass = K;
for (u = 0; u < J.length; u = u + 1) {
if (K) {
K.BUILD = z;
} else {
n.log("mainClass is undefined for module " + w, "warn");
n.env = n.env || {
modules: [],
listeners: []
n.env.getVersion = function (i) {
return n.env.modules[i] || null;
}; = function () {
var x = function (B) {
var A = 0;
return parseFloat(B.replace(/\./g, function () {
return (A++ == 1) ? "" : ".";
}, u = navigator,
v = {
ie: 0,
opera: 0,
gecko: 0,
webkit: 0,
mobile: null,
air: 0,
caja: u.cajaVersion,
secure: false,
os: null
}, y = navigator && navigator.userAgent,
w = window && window.location,
z = w && w.href,
i; = z && (z.toLowerCase().indexOf("https") === 0);
if (y) {
if ((/windows|win32/i).test(y)) {
v.os = "windows";
} else {
if ((/macintosh/i).test(y)) {
v.os = "macintosh";
} if ((/KHTML/).test(y)) {
v.webkit = 1;
i = y.match(/AppleWebKit\/([^\s]*)/);
if (i && i[1]) {
v.webkit = x(i[1]);
if (/ Mobile\//.test(y)) { = "Apple";
} else {
i = y.match(/NokiaN[^\/]*/);
if (i) { = i[0];
i = y.match(/AdobeAIR\/([^\s]*)/);
if (i) {
v.air = i[0];
if (!v.webkit) {
i = y.match(/Opera[\s\/]([^\s]*)/);
if (i && i[1]) {
v.opera = x(i[1]);
i = y.match(/Opera Mini[^;]*/);
if (i) { = i[0];
} else {
i = y.match(/MSIE\s([^;]*)/);
if (i && i[1]) { = x(i[1]);
} else {
i = y.match(/Gecko\/([^\s]*)/);
if (i) {
v.gecko = 1;
i = y.match(/rv:([^\s\)]*)/);
if (i && i[1]) {
v.gecko = x(i[1]);
return v;
(function () {
n.namespace("util", "widget", "example");
if ("undefined" !== typeof YAHOO_config) {
var w = YAHOO_config.listener,
i = n.env.listeners,
u = true,
if (w) {
for (v = 0; v < i.length; v++) {
if (i[v] == w) {
u = false;
if (u) {
n.lang = n.lang || {};
(function () {
var I = n.lang,
i = Object.prototype,
u = "[object Array]",
z = "[object Function]",
v = "[object Object]",
x = [],
w = ["toString", "valueOf"],
y = {
isArray: function (A) {
return i.toString.apply(A) === u;
isBoolean: function (A) {
return typeof A === "boolean";
isFunction: function (A) {
return (typeof A === "function") || i.toString.apply(A) === z;
isNull: function (A) {
return A === null;
isNumber: function (A) {
return typeof A === "number" && isFinite(A);
isObject: function (A) {
return (A && (typeof A === "object" || I.isFunction(A))) || false;
isString: function (A) {
return typeof A === "string";
isUndefined: function (A) {
return typeof A === "undefined";
_IEEnumFix: ( ? function (B, C) {
var D, E, A;
for (D = 0; D < w.length; D = D + 1) {
E = w[D];
A = C[E];
if (I.isFunction(A) && A != i[E]) {
B[E] = A;
} : function () {},
extend: function (A, E, B) {
if (!E || !A) {
throw new Error("extend failed, please check that " + "all dependencies are included.");
var C = function () {}, D;
C.prototype = E.prototype;
A.prototype = new C();
A.prototype.constructor = A;
A.superclass = E.prototype;
if (E.prototype.constructor == i.constructor) {
E.prototype.constructor = E;
if (B) {
for (D in B) {
if (I.hasOwnProperty(B, D)) {
A.prototype[D] = B[D];
I._IEEnumFix(A.prototype, B);
augmentObject: function (F, A) {
if (!A || !F) {
throw new Error("Absorb failed, verify dependencies.");
var D = arguments,
B, E, C = D[2];
if (C && C !== true) {
for (B = 2; B < D.length; B = B + 1) {
F[D[B]] = A[D[B]];
} else {
for (E in A) {
if (C || !(E in F)) {
F[E] = A[E];
I._IEEnumFix(F, A);
augmentProto: function (A, B) {
if (!B || !A) {
throw new Error("Augment failed, verify dependencies.");
var D = [A.prototype, B.prototype],
for (C = 2; C < arguments.length; C = C + 1) {
I.augmentObject.apply(this, D);
dump: function (R, D) {
var G, E, B = [],
A = "{...}",
H = "f(){...}",
C = ", ",
F = " => ";
if (!I.isObject(R)) {
return R + "";
} else {
if (R instanceof Date || ("nodeType" in R && "tagName" in R)) {
return R;
} else {
if (I.isFunction(R)) {
return H;
D = (I.isNumber(D)) ? D : 3;
if (I.isArray(R)) {
for (G = 0, E = R.length; G < E; G = G + 1) {
if (I.isObject(R[G])) {
B.push((D > 0) ? I.dump(R[G], D - 1) : A);
} else {
if (B.length > 1) {
} else {
for (G in R) {
if (I.hasOwnProperty(R, G)) {
B.push(G + F);
if (I.isObject(R[G])) {
B.push((D > 0) ? I.dump(R[G], D - 1) : A);
} else {
if (B.length > 1) {
return B.join("");
substitute: function (A, ag, H) {
var ac, ad, ae, E, D, B, F = [],
af, ab = "dump",
G = " ",
ah = "{",
C = "}",
Z, aa;
for (;;) {
ac = A.lastIndexOf(ah);
if (ac < 0) {
ad = A.indexOf(C, ac);
if (ac + 1 >= ad) {
af = A.substring(ac + 1, ad);
E = af;
B = null;
ae = E.indexOf(G);
if (ae > -1) {
B = E.substring(ae + 1);
E = E.substring(0, ae);
D = ag[E];
if (H) {
D = H(E, D, B);
if (I.isObject(D)) {
if (I.isArray(D)) {
D = I.dump(D, parseInt(B, 10));
} else {
B = B || "";
Z = B.indexOf(ab);
if (Z > -1) {
B = B.substring(4);
aa = D.toString();
if (aa === v || Z > -1) {
D = I.dump(D, parseInt(B, 10));
} else {
D = aa;
} else {
if (!I.isString(D) && !I.isNumber(D)) {
D = "~-" + F.length + "-~";
F[F.length] = af;
A = A.substring(0, ac) + D + A.substring(ad + 1);
for (ac = F.length - 1; ac >= 0; ac = ac - 1) {
A = A.replace(new RegExp("~-" + ac + "-~"), "{" + F[ac] + "}", "g");
return A;
trim: function (B) {
try {
return B.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
} catch (A) {
return B;
merge: function () {
var A = {}, C = arguments,
D = C.length,
for (B = 0; B < D; B = B + 1) {
I.augmentObject(A, C[B], true);
return A;
later: function (B, H, A, F, E) {
B = B || 0;
H = H || {};
var G = A,
C = F,
D, R;
if (I.isString(A)) {
G = H[A];
if (!G) {
throw new TypeError("method undefined");
if (C && !I.isArray(C)) {
C = [F];
D = function () {
G.apply(H, C || x);
R = (E) ? setInterval(D, B) : setTimeout(D, B);
return {
interval: E,
cancel: function () {
if (this.interval) {
} else {
isValue: function (A) {
return (I.isObject(A) || I.isString(A) || I.isNumber(A) || I.isBoolean(A));
I.hasOwnProperty = (i.hasOwnProperty) ? function (B, A) {
return B && B.hasOwnProperty(A);
} : function (B, A) {
return !I.isUndefined(B[A]) && B.constructor.prototype[A] !== B[A];
y.augmentObject(I, y, true);
n.util.Lang = I;
I.augment = I.augmentProto;
n.augment = I.augmentProto;
n.extend = I.extend;
n.register("yahoo", n, {
version: "2.8.0r4",
build: "2449"
(function () {
n.env._id_counter = n.env._id_counter || 0;
var ap = n.util,
aj = n.lang,
aF =,
au = n.lang.trim,
aO = {}, aK = {}, ah = /^t(?:able|d|h)$/i,
y = /color$/i,
ak = window.document,
z = ak.documentElement,
aN = "ownerDocument",
aE = "defaultView",
aw = "documentElement",
ay = "compatMode",
aQ = "offsetLeft",
af = "offsetTop",
ax = "offsetParent",
x = "parentNode",
aG = "nodeType",
ar = "tagName",
ag = "scrollLeft",
aJ = "scrollTop",
ae = "getBoundingClientRect",
av = "getComputedStyle",
aR = "currentStyle",
ai = "CSS1Compat",
aP = "BackCompat",
aL = "class",
ao = "className",
al = "",
at = " ",
az = "(?:^|\\s)",
aH = "(?= |$)",
aa = "g",
aC = "position",
aM = "fixed",
G = "relative",
aI = "left",
aD = "top",
aA = "medium",
aB = "borderLeftWidth",
ad = "borderTopWidth",
aq = aF.opera,
am = aF.webkit,
an = aF.gecko,
ab =;
ap.Dom = {
CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTES: (!z.hasAttribute) ? {
"for": "htmlFor",
"class": ao
} : {
"htmlFor": "for",
"className": aL
get: function (B) {
var v, i, A, C, w, u;
if (B) {
if (B[aG] || B.item) {
return B;
if (typeof B === "string") {
v = B;
B = ak.getElementById(B);
u = (B) ? B.attributes : null;
if (B && u && && === v) {
return B;
} else {
if (B && ak.all) {
B = null;
i = ak.all[v];
for (C = 0, w = i.length; C < w; ++C) {
if (i[C].id === v) {
return i[C];
return B;
if (n.util.Element && B instanceof n.util.Element) {
B = B.get("element");
if ("length" in B) {
A = [];
for (C = 0, w = B.length; C < w; ++C) {
A[A.length] = ap.Dom.get(B[C]);
return A;
return B;
return null;
getComputedStyle: function (i, u) {
if (window[av]) {
return i[aN][aE][av](i, null)[u];
} else {
if (i[aR]) {
return ap.Dom.IE_ComputedStyle.get(i, u);
getStyle: function (i, u) {
return ap.Dom.batch(i, ap.Dom._getStyle, u);
_getStyle: function () {
if (window[av]) {
return function (u, w) {
w = (w === "float") ? w = "cssFloat" : ap.Dom._toCamel(w);
var i =[w],
if (!i) {
v = u[aN][aE][av](u, null);
if (v) {
i = v[w];
return i;
} else {
if (z[aR]) {
return function (u, A) {
var i;
switch (A) {
case "opacity":
i = 100;
try {
i = u.filters["DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha"].opacity;
} catch (w) {
try {
i = u.filters("alpha").opacity;
} catch (v) {}
return i / 100;
case "float":
A = "styleFloat";
A = ap.Dom._toCamel(A);
i = u[aR] ? u[aR][A] : null;
return ([A] || i);
setStyle: function (u, v, i) {
ap.Dom.batch(u, ap.Dom._setStyle, {
prop: v,
val: i
_setStyle: function () {
if (ab) {
return function (v, u) {
var i = ap.Dom._toCamel(u.prop),
w = u.val;
if (v) {
switch (i) {
case "opacity":
if (aj.isString( { = "alpha(opacity=" + w * 100 + ")";
if (!v[aR] || !v[aR].hasLayout) { = 1;
case "float":
i = "styleFloat";
default:[i] = w;
} else {}
} else {
return function (v, u) {
var i = ap.Dom._toCamel(u.prop),
w = u.val;
if (v) {
if (i == "float") {
i = "cssFloat";
}[i] = w;
} else {}
getXY: function (i) {
return ap.Dom.batch(i, ap.Dom._getXY);
_canPosition: function (i) {
return (ap.Dom._getStyle(i, "display") !== "none" && ap.Dom._inDoc(i));
_getXY: function () {
if (ak[aw][ae]) {
return function (F) {
var E, i, D, v, w, A, B, I, H, C = Math.floor,
u = false;
if (ap.Dom._canPosition(F)) {
D = F[ae]();
v = F[aN];
E = ap.Dom.getDocumentScrollLeft(v);
i = ap.Dom.getDocumentScrollTop(v);
u = [C(D[aI]), C(D[aD])];
if (ab && < 8) {
w = 2;
A = 2;
B = v[ay];
if ( === 6) {
if (B !== aP) {
w = 0;
A = 0;
if ((B === aP)) {
I = ac(v[aw], aB);
H = ac(v[aw], ad);
if (I !== aA) {
w = parseInt(I, 10);
if (H !== aA) {
A = parseInt(H, 10);
u[0] -= w;
u[1] -= A;
if ((i || E)) {
u[0] += E;
u[1] += i;
u[0] = C(u[0]);
u[1] = C(u[1]);
} else {}
return u;
} else {
return function (D) {
var i, C, B, w, v, A = false,
u = D;
if (ap.Dom._canPosition(D)) {
A = [D[aQ], D[af]];
i = ap.Dom.getDocumentScrollLeft(D[aN]);
C = ap.Dom.getDocumentScrollTop(D[aN]);
v = ((an || aF.webkit > 519) ? true : false);
while ((u = u[ax])) {
A[0] += u[aQ];
A[1] += u[af];
if (v) {
A = ap.Dom._calcBorders(u, A);
if (ap.Dom._getStyle(D, aC) !== aM) {
u = D;
while ((u = u[x]) && u[ar]) {
B = u[aJ];
w = u[ag];
if (an && (ap.Dom._getStyle(u, "overflow") !== "visible")) {
A = ap.Dom._calcBorders(u, A);
if (B || w) {
A[0] -= w;
A[1] -= B;
A[0] += i;
A[1] += C;
} else {
if (aq) {
A[0] -= i;
A[1] -= C;
} else {
if (am || an) {
A[0] += i;
A[1] += C;
A[0] = Math.floor(A[0]);
A[1] = Math.floor(A[1]);
} else {}
return A;
getX: function (i) {
var u = function (v) {
return ap.Dom.getXY(v)[0];
return ap.Dom.batch(i, u, ap.Dom, true);
getY: function (i) {
var u = function (v) {
return ap.Dom.getXY(v)[1];
return ap.Dom.batch(i, u, ap.Dom, true);
setXY: function (u, i, v) {
ap.Dom.batch(u, ap.Dom._setXY, {
pos: i,
noRetry: v
_setXY: function (E, B) {
var A = ap.Dom._getStyle(E, aC),
C = ap.Dom.setStyle,
u = B.pos,
i = B.noRetry,
w = [parseInt(ap.Dom.getComputedStyle(E, aI), 10), parseInt(ap.Dom.getComputedStyle(E, aD), 10)],
v, D;
if (A == "static") {
A = G;
C(E, aC, A);
v = ap.Dom._getXY(E);
if (!u || v === false) {
return false;
if (isNaN(w[0])) {
w[0] = (A == G) ? 0 : E[aQ];
if (isNaN(w[1])) {
w[1] = (A == G) ? 0 : E[af];
if (u[0] !== null) {
C(E, aI, u[0] - v[0] + w[0] + "px");
if (u[1] !== null) {
C(E, aD, u[1] - v[1] + w[1] + "px");
if (!i) {
D = ap.Dom._getXY(E);
if ((u[0] !== null && D[0] != u[0]) || (u[1] !== null && D[1] != u[1])) {
ap.Dom._setXY(E, {
pos: u,
noRetry: true
setX: function (u, i) {
ap.Dom.setXY(u, [i, null]);
setY: function (i, u) {
ap.Dom.setXY(i, [null, u]);
getRegion: function (i) {
var u = function (v) {
var w = false;
if (ap.Dom._canPosition(v)) {
w = ap.Region.getRegion(v);
} else {}
return w;
return ap.Dom.batch(i, u, ap.Dom, true);
getClientWidth: function () {
return ap.Dom.getViewportWidth();
getClientHeight: function () {
return ap.Dom.getViewportHeight();
getElementsByClassName: function (B, u, A, v, F, w) {
u = u || "*";
A = (A) ? ap.Dom.get(A) : null || ak;
if (!A) {
return [];
var i = [],
H = A.getElementsByTagName(u),
D = ap.Dom.hasClass;
for (var E = 0, C = H.length; E < C; ++E) {
if (D(H[E], B)) {
i[i.length] = H[E];
if (v) {
ap.Dom.batch(i, v, F, w);
return i;
hasClass: function (u, i) {
return ap.Dom.batch(u, ap.Dom._hasClass, i);
_hasClass: function (i, v) {
var u = false,
if (i && v) {
w = ap.Dom._getAttribute(i, ao) || al;
if (v.exec) {
u = v.test(w);
} else {
u = v && (at + w + at).indexOf(at + v + at) > -1;
} else {}
return u;
addClass: function (u, i) {
return ap.Dom.batch(u, ap.Dom._addClass, i);
_addClass: function (i, v) {
var u = false,
if (i && v) {
w = ap.Dom._getAttribute(i, ao) || al;
if (!ap.Dom._hasClass(i, v)) {
ap.Dom.setAttribute(i, ao, au(w + at + v));
u = true;
} else {}
return u;
removeClass: function (u, i) {
return ap.Dom.batch(u, ap.Dom._removeClass, i);
_removeClass: function (B, i) {
var A = false,
w, v, u;
if (B && i) {
w = ap.Dom._getAttribute(B, ao) || al;
ap.Dom.setAttribute(B, ao, w.replace(ap.Dom._getClassRegex(i), al));
v = ap.Dom._getAttribute(B, ao);
if (w !== v) {
ap.Dom.setAttribute(B, ao, au(v));
A = true;
if (ap.Dom._getAttribute(B, ao) === "") {
u = (B.hasAttribute && B.hasAttribute(aL)) ? aL : ao;
} else {}
return A;
replaceClass: function (i, v, u) {
return ap.Dom.batch(i, ap.Dom._replaceClass, {
from: v,
to: u
_replaceClass: function (C, i) {
var B, v, A, u = false,
if (C && i) {
v = i.from;
A =;
if (!A) {
u = false;
} else {
if (!v) {
u = ap.Dom._addClass(C,;
} else {
if (v !== A) {
w = ap.Dom._getAttribute(C, ao) || al;
B = (at + w.replace(ap.Dom._getClassRegex(v), at + A)).split(ap.Dom._getClassRegex(A));
B.splice(1, 0, at + A);
ap.Dom.setAttribute(C, ao, au(B.join(al)));
u = true;
} else {}
return u;
generateId: function (u, i) {
i = i || "yui-gen";
var v = function (A) {
if (A && {
var w = i + n.env._id_counter++;
if (A) {
if (A[aN] && A[aN].getElementById(w)) {
return ap.Dom.generateId(A, w + i);
} = w;
return w;
return ap.Dom.batch(u, v, ap.Dom, true) || v.apply(ap.Dom, arguments);
isAncestor: function (v, i) {
v = ap.Dom.get(v);
i = ap.Dom.get(i);
var u = false;
if ((v && i) && (v[aG] && i[aG])) {
if (v.contains && v !== i) {
u = v.contains(i);
} else {
if (v.compareDocumentPosition) {
u = !! (v.compareDocumentPosition(i) & 16);
} else {}
return u;
inDocument: function (i, u) {
return ap.Dom._inDoc(ap.Dom.get(i), u);
_inDoc: function (v, i) {
var u = false;
if (v && v[ar]) {
i = i || v[aN];
u = ap.Dom.isAncestor(i[aw], v);
} else {}
return u;
getElementsBy: function (i, u, B, w, E, A, v) {
u = u || "*";
B = (B) ? ap.Dom.get(B) : null || ak;
if (!B) {
return [];
var F = [],
H = B.getElementsByTagName(u);
for (var D = 0, C = H.length; D < C; ++D) {
if (i(H[D])) {
if (v) {
F = H[D];
} else {
F[F.length] = H[D];
if (w) {
ap.Dom.batch(F, w, E, A);
return F;
getElementBy: function (i, u, v) {
return ap.Dom.getElementsBy(i, u, v, null, null, null, true);
batch: function (i, v, B, A) {
var C = [],
w = (A) ? B : window;
i = (i && (i[ar] || i.item)) ? i : ap.Dom.get(i);
if (i && v) {
if (i[ar] || i.length === undefined) {
return, i, B);
for (var u = 0; u < i.length; ++u) {
C[C.length] =, i[u], B);
} else {
return false;
return C;
getDocumentHeight: function () {
var u = (ak[ay] != ai || am) ? ak.body.scrollHeight : z.scrollHeight,
i = Math.max(u, ap.Dom.getViewportHeight());
return i;
getDocumentWidth: function () {
var u = (ak[ay] != ai || am) ? ak.body.scrollWidth : z.scrollWidth,
i = Math.max(u, ap.Dom.getViewportWidth());
return i;
getViewportHeight: function () {
var i = self.innerHeight,
u = ak[ay];
if ((u || ab) && !aq) {
i = (u == ai) ? z.clientHeight : ak.body.clientHeight;
return i;
getViewportWidth: function () {
var i = self.innerWidth,
u = ak[ay];
if (u || ab) {
i = (u == ai) ? z.clientWidth : ak.body.clientWidth;
return i;
getAncestorBy: function (i, u) {
while ((i = i[x])) {
if (ap.Dom._testElement(i, u)) {
return i;
return null;
getAncestorByClassName: function (v, u) {
v = ap.Dom.get(v);
if (!v) {
return null;
var i = function (w) {
return ap.Dom.hasClass(w, u);
return ap.Dom.getAncestorBy(v, i);
getAncestorByTagName: function (v, u) {
v = ap.Dom.get(v);
if (!v) {
return null;
var i = function (w) {
return w[ar] && w[ar].toUpperCase() == u.toUpperCase();
return ap.Dom.getAncestorBy(v, i);
getPreviousSiblingBy: function (i, u) {
while (i) {
i = i.previousSibling;
if (ap.Dom._testElement(i, u)) {
return i;
return null;
getPreviousSibling: function (i) {
i = ap.Dom.get(i);
if (!i) {
return null;
return ap.Dom.getPreviousSiblingBy(i);
getNextSiblingBy: function (i, u) {
while (i) {
i = i.nextSibling;
if (ap.Dom._testElement(i, u)) {
return i;
return null;
getNextSibling: function (i) {
i = ap.Dom.get(i);
if (!i) {
return null;
return ap.Dom.getNextSiblingBy(i);
getFirstChildBy: function (u, i) {
var v = (ap.Dom._testElement(u.firstChild, i)) ? u.firstChild : null;
return v || ap.Dom.getNextSiblingBy(u.firstChild, i);
getFirstChild: function (i, u) {
i = ap.Dom.get(i);
if (!i) {
return null;
return ap.Dom.getFirstChildBy(i);
getLastChildBy: function (u, i) {
if (!u) {
return null;
var v = (ap.Dom._testElement(u.lastChild, i)) ? u.lastChild : null;
return v || ap.Dom.getPreviousSiblingBy(u.lastChild, i);
getLastChild: function (i) {
i = ap.Dom.get(i);
return ap.Dom.getLastChildBy(i);
getChildrenBy: function (v, w) {
var i = ap.Dom.getFirstChildBy(v, w),
u = i ? [i] : [];
ap.Dom.getNextSiblingBy(i, function (A) {
if (!w || w(A)) {
u[u.length] = A;
return false;
return u;
getChildren: function (i) {
i = ap.Dom.get(i);
if (!i) {}
return ap.Dom.getChildrenBy(i);
getDocumentScrollLeft: function (i) {
i = i || ak;
return Math.max(i[aw].scrollLeft, i.body.scrollLeft);
getDocumentScrollTop: function (i) {
i = i || ak;
return Math.max(i[aw].scrollTop, i.body.scrollTop);
insertBefore: function (u, i) {
u = ap.Dom.get(u);
i = ap.Dom.get(i);
if (!u || !i || !i[x]) {
return null;
return i[x].insertBefore(u, i);
insertAfter: function (u, i) {
u = ap.Dom.get(u);
i = ap.Dom.get(i);
if (!u || !i || !i[x]) {
return null;
if (i.nextSibling) {
return i[x].insertBefore(u, i.nextSibling);
} else {
return i[x].appendChild(u);
getClientRegion: function () {
var i = ap.Dom.getDocumentScrollTop(),
v = ap.Dom.getDocumentScrollLeft(),
w = ap.Dom.getViewportWidth() + v,
u = ap.Dom.getViewportHeight() + i;
return new ap.Region(i, w, u, v);
setAttribute: function (v, u, i) {
ap.Dom.batch(v, ap.Dom._setAttribute, {
attr: u,
val: i
_setAttribute: function (i, v) {
var u = ap.Dom._toCamel(v.attr),
w = v.val;
if (i && i.setAttribute) {
if (ap.Dom.DOT_ATTRIBUTES[u]) {
i[u] = w;
} else {
u = ap.Dom.CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTES[u] || u;
i.setAttribute(u, w);
} else {}
getAttribute: function (u, i) {
return ap.Dom.batch(u, ap.Dom._getAttribute, i);
_getAttribute: function (v, u) {
var i;
u = ap.Dom.CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTES[u] || u;
if (v && v.getAttribute) {
i = v.getAttribute(u, 2);
} else {}
return i;
_toCamel: function (v) {
var i = aO;
function u(A, w) {
return w.toUpperCase();
return i[v] || (i[v] = v.indexOf("-") === -1 ? v : v.replace(/-([a-z])/gi, u));
_getClassRegex: function (u) {
var i;
if (u !== undefined) {
if (u.exec) {
i = u;
} else {
i = aK[u];
if (!i) {
u = u.replace(ap.Dom._patterns.CLASS_RE_TOKENS, "\\$1");
i = aK[u] = new RegExp(az + u + aH, aa);
return i;
_patterns: {
ROOT_TAG: /^body|html$/i,
CLASS_RE_TOKENS: /([\.\(\)\^\$\*\+\?\|\[\]\{\}\\])/g
_testElement: function (i, u) {
return i && i[aG] == 1 && (!u || u(i));
_calcBorders: function (i, w) {
var v = parseInt(ap.Dom[av](i, ad), 10) || 0,
u = parseInt(ap.Dom[av](i, aB), 10) || 0;
if (an) {
if (ah.test(i[ar])) {
v = 0;
u = 0;
w[0] += u;
w[1] += v;
return w;
var ac = ap.Dom[av];
if (aF.opera) {
ap.Dom[av] = function (v, u) {
var i = ac(v, u);
if (y.test(u)) {
i = ap.Dom.Color.toRGB(i);
return i;
if (aF.webkit) {
ap.Dom[av] = function (v, u) {
var i = ac(v, u);
if (i === "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)") {
i = "transparent";
return i;
if ( && >= 8 && ak.documentElement.hasAttribute) {
ap.Dom.DOT_ATTRIBUTES.type = true;
n.util.Region = function (v, u, i, w) { = v;
this.y = v;
this[1] = v;
this.right = u;
this.bottom = i;
this.left = w;
this.x = w;
this[0] = w;
this.width = this.right - this.left;
this.height = this.bottom -;
n.util.Region.prototype.contains = function (i) {
return (i.left >= this.left && i.right <= this.right && >= && i.bottom <= this.bottom);
n.util.Region.prototype.getArea = function () {
return ((this.bottom - * (this.right - this.left));
n.util.Region.prototype.intersect = function (u) {
var w = Math.max(,,
v = Math.min(this.right, u.right),
i = Math.min(this.bottom, u.bottom),
x = Math.max(this.left, u.left);
if (i >= w && v >= x) {
return new n.util.Region(w, v, i, x);
} else {
return null;
n.util.Region.prototype.union = function (u) {
var w = Math.min(,,
v = Math.max(this.right, u.right),
i = Math.max(this.bottom, u.bottom),
x = Math.min(this.left, u.left);
return new n.util.Region(w, v, i, x);
n.util.Region.prototype.toString = function () {
return ("Region {" + "top: " + + ", right: " + this.right + ", bottom: " + this.bottom + ", left: " + this.left + ", height: " + this.height + ", width: " + this.width + "}");
n.util.Region.getRegion = function (w) {
var u = n.util.Dom.getXY(w),
x = u[1],
v = u[0] + w.offsetWidth,
i = u[1] + w.offsetHeight,
y = u[0];
return new n.util.Region(x, v, i, y);
n.util.Point = function (i, u) {
if (n.lang.isArray(i)) {
u = i[1];
i = i[0];
}, u, i, u, i);
n.extend(n.util.Point, n.util.Region);
(function () {
var am = n.util,
an = "clientTop",
ai = "clientLeft",
ae = "parentNode",
ad = "right",
i = "hasLayout",
af = "px",
v = "opacity",
ac = "auto",
ak = "borderLeftWidth",
ah = "borderTopWidth",
X = "borderRightWidth",
u = "borderBottomWidth",
x = "visible",
z = "transparent",
aa = "height",
aj = "width",
ag = "style",
w = "currentStyle",
y = /^width|height$/,
Z = /^(\d[.\d]*)+(em|ex|px|gd|rem|vw|vh|vm|ch|mm|cm|in|pt|pc|deg|rad|ms|s|hz|khz|%){1}?/i,
ab = {
get: function (D, B) {
var C = "",
A = D[w][B];
if (B === v) {
C = am.Dom.getStyle(D, v);
} else {
if (!A || (A.indexOf && A.indexOf(af) > -1)) {
C = A;
} else {
if (am.Dom.IE_COMPUTED[B]) {
C = am.Dom.IE_COMPUTED[B](D, B);
} else {
if (Z.test(A)) {
C = am.Dom.IE.ComputedStyle.getPixel(D, B);
} else {
C = A;
return C;
getOffset: function (D, C) {
var A = D[w][C],
H = C.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + C.substr(1),
G = "offset" + H,
F = "pixel" + H,
B = "",
if (A == ac) {
E = D[G];
if (E === undefined) {
B = 0;
B = E;
if (y.test(C)) {
D[ag][C] = E;
if (D[G] > E) {
B = E - (D[G] - E);
D[ag][C] = ac;
} else {
if (!D[ag][F] && !D[ag][C]) {
D[ag][C] = A;
B = D[ag][F];
return B + af;
getBorderWidth: function (C, A) {
var B = null;
if (!C[w][i]) {
C[ag].zoom = 1;
switch (A) {
case ah:
B = C[an];
case u:
B = C.offsetHeight - C.clientHeight - C[an];
case ak:
B = C[ai];
case X:
B = C.offsetWidth - C.clientWidth - C[ai];
return B + af;
getPixel: function (D, E) {
var B = null,
A = D[w][ad],
C = D[w][E];
D[ag][ad] = C;
B = D[ag].pixelRight;
D[ag][ad] = A;
return B + af;
getMargin: function (B, C) {
var A;
if (B[w][C] == ac) {
A = 0 + af;
} else {
A = am.Dom.IE.ComputedStyle.getPixel(B, C);
return A;
getVisibility: function (B, C) {
var A;
while ((A = B[w]) && A[C] == "inherit") {
B = B[ae];
return (A) ? A[C] : x;
getColor: function (A, B) {
return am.Dom.Color.toRGB(A[w][B]) || z;
getBorderColor: function (C, D) {
var B = C[w],
A = B[D] || B.color;
return am.Dom.Color.toRGB(am.Dom.Color.toHex(A));
}, al = {}; = al.right = al.bottom = al.left = al[aj] = al[aa] = ab.getOffset;
al.color = ab.getColor;
al[ah] = al[X] = al[u] = al[ak] = ab.getBorderWidth;
al.marginTop = al.marginRight = al.marginBottom = al.marginLeft = ab.getMargin;
al.visibility = ab.getVisibility;
al.borderColor = al.borderTopColor = al.borderRightColor = al.borderBottomColor = al.borderLeftColor = ab.getBorderColor;
am.Dom.IE_COMPUTED = al;
am.Dom.IE_ComputedStyle = ab;
(function () {
var v = "toString",
i = parseInt,
w = RegExp,
u = n.util;
u.Dom.Color = {
black: "000",
silver: "c0c0c0",
gray: "808080",
white: "fff",
maroon: "800000",
red: "f00",
purple: "800080",
fuchsia: "f0f",
green: "008000",
lime: "0f0",
olive: "808000",
yellow: "ff0",
navy: "000080",
blue: "00f",
teal: "008080",
aqua: "0ff"
re_RGB: /^rgb\(([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\)$/i,
re_hex: /^#?([0-9A-F]{2})([0-9A-F]{2})([0-9A-F]{2})$/i,
re_hex3: /([0-9A-F])/gi,
toRGB: function (x) {
if (!u.Dom.Color.re_RGB.test(x)) {
x = u.Dom.Color.toHex(x);
if (u.Dom.Color.re_hex.exec(x)) {
x = "rgb(" + [i(w.$1, 16), i(w.$2, 16), i(w.$3, 16)].join(", ") + ")";
return x;
toHex: function (x) {
x = u.Dom.Color.KEYWORDS[x] || x;
if (u.Dom.Color.re_RGB.exec(x)) {
var y = (w.$1.length === 1) ? "0" + w.$1 : Number(w.$1),
z = (w.$2.length === 1) ? "0" + w.$2 : Number(w.$2),
A = (w.$3.length === 1) ? "0" + w.$3 : Number(w.$3);
x = [y[v](16), z[v](16), A[v](16)].join("");
if (x.length < 6) {
x = x.replace(u.Dom.Color.re_hex3, "$1$1");
if (x !== "transparent" && x.indexOf("#") < 0) {
x = "#" + x;
return x.toLowerCase();
n.register("dom", n.util.Dom, {
version: "2.8.0r4",
build: "2449"
n.util.CustomEvent = function (w, x, y, i, v) {
this.type = w;
this.scope = x || window;
this.silent = y;
this.fireOnce = v;
this.fired = false;
this.firedWith = null;
this.signature = i || n.util.CustomEvent.LIST;
this.subscribers = [];
if (!this.silent) {}
var u = "_YUICEOnSubscribe";
if (w !== u) {
this.subscribeEvent = new n.util.CustomEvent(u, this, true);
this.lastError = null;
n.util.CustomEvent.LIST = 0;
n.util.CustomEvent.FLAT = 1;
n.util.CustomEvent.prototype = {
subscribe: function (w, v, u) {
if (!w) {
throw new Error("Invalid callback for subscriber to '" + this.type + "'");
if (this.subscribeEvent) {, v, u);
var i = new n.util.Subscriber(w, v, u);
if (this.fireOnce && this.fired) {
this.notify(i, this.firedWith);
} else {
unsubscribe: function (w, u) {
if (!w) {
return this.unsubscribeAll();
var v = false;
for (var y = 0, i = this.subscribers.length; y < i; ++y) {
var x = this.subscribers[y];
if (x && x.contains(w, u)) {
v = true;
return v;
fire: function () {
this.lastError = null;
var u = [],
i = this.subscribers.length;
var y = [], 0),
z = true,
w, I = false;
if (this.fireOnce) {
if (this.fired) {
return true;
} else {
this.firedWith = y;
this.fired = true;
if (!i && this.silent) {
return true;
if (!this.silent) {}
var x = this.subscribers.slice();
for (w = 0; w < i; ++w) {
var v = x[w];
if (!v) {
I = true;
} else {
z = this.notify(v, y);
if (false === z) {
if (!this.silent) {}
return (z !== false);
notify: function (w, z) {
var I, u = null,
x = w.getScope(this.scope),
i = n.util.Event.throwErrors;
if (!this.silent) {}
if (this.signature == n.util.CustomEvent.FLAT) {
if (z.length > 0) {
u = z[0];
try {
I =, u, w.obj);
} catch (v) {
this.lastError = v;
if (i) {
throw v;
} else {
try {
I =, this.type, z, w.obj);
} catch (y) {
this.lastError = y;
if (i) {
throw y;
return I;
unsubscribeAll: function () {
var i = this.subscribers.length,
for (u = i - 1; u > -1; u--) {
this.subscribers = [];
return i;
_delete: function (i) {
var u = this.subscribers[i];
if (u) {
delete u.fn;
delete u.obj;
this.subscribers.splice(i, 1);
toString: function () {
return "CustomEvent: " + "'" + this.type + "', " + "context: " + this.scope;
n.util.Subscriber = function (i, v, u) {
this.fn = i;
this.obj = n.lang.isUndefined(v) ? null : v;
this.overrideContext = u;
n.util.Subscriber.prototype.getScope = function (i) {
if (this.overrideContext) {
if (this.overrideContext === true) {
return this.obj;
} else {
return this.overrideContext;
return i;
n.util.Subscriber.prototype.contains = function (i, u) {
if (u) {
return (this.fn == i && this.obj == u);
} else {
return (this.fn == i);
n.util.Subscriber.prototype.toString = function () {
return "Subscriber { obj: " + this.obj + ", overrideContext: " + (this.overrideContext || "no") + " }";
if (!n.util.Event) {
n.util.Event = function () {
var K = false,
z = [],
x = [],
w = 0,
M = [],
v = 0,
u = {
63232: 38,
63233: 40,
63234: 37,
63235: 39,
63276: 33,
63277: 34,
25: 9
}, i =,
L = "focusin",
y = "focusout";
return {
EL: 0,
TYPE: 1,
FN: 2,
WFN: 3,
OBJ: 5,
lastError: null,
isIE: i,
_interval: null,
_dri: null,
_specialTypes: {
focusin: (i ? "focusin" : "focus"),
focusout: (i ? "focusout" : "blur")
DOMReady: false,
throwErrors: false,
startInterval: function () {
if (!this._interval) {
this._interval = n.lang.later(this.POLL_INTERVAL, this, this._tryPreloadAttach, null, true);
onAvailable: function (C, G, E, D, F) {
var B = (n.lang.isString(C)) ? [C] : C;
for (var A = 0; A < B.length; A = A + 1) {
id: B[A],
fn: G,
obj: E,
overrideContext: D,
checkReady: F
w = this.POLL_RETRYS;
onContentReady: function (C, B, A, D) {
this.onAvailable(C, B, A, D, true);
onDOMReady: function () {
this.DOMReadyEvent.subscribe.apply(this.DOMReadyEvent, arguments);
_addListener: function (ab, ad, D, J, F, A) {
if (!D || ! {
return false;
if (this._isValidCollection(ab)) {
var C = true;
for (var I = 0, G = ab.length; I < G; ++I) {
C = this.on(ab[I], ad, D, J, F) && C;
return C;
} else {
if (n.lang.isString(ab)) {
var Z = this.getEl(ab);
if (Z) {
ab = Z;
} else {
this.onAvailable(ab, function () {
n.util.Event._addListener(ab, ad, D, J, F, A);
return true;
} if (!ab) {
return false;
if ("unload" == ad && J !== this) {
x[x.length] = [ab, ad, D, J, F];
return true;
var ac = ab;
if (F) {
if (F === true) {
ac = J;
} else {
ac = F;
var aa = function (N) {
return, n.util.Event.getEvent(N, ab), J);
var B = [ab, ad, D, aa, ac, J, F, A];
var H = z.length;
z[H] = B;
try {
this._simpleAdd(ab, ad, aa, A);
} catch (E) {
this.lastError = E;
this.removeListener(ab, ad, D);
return false;
return true;
_getType: function (A) {
return this._specialTypes[A] || A;
addListener: function (F, C, A, E, D) {
var B = ((C == L || C == y) && ! ? true : false;
return this._addListener(F, this._getType(C), A, E, D, B);
addFocusListener: function (A, B, D, C) {
return this.on(A, L, B, D, C);
removeFocusListener: function (A, B) {
return this.removeListener(A, L, B);
addBlurListener: function (A, B, D, C) {
return this.on(A, y, B, D, C);
removeBlurListener: function (A, B) {
return this.removeListener(A, y, B);
removeListener: function (J, V, D) {
var I, F, A;
V = this._getType(V);
if (typeof J == "string") {
J = this.getEl(J);
} else {
if (this._isValidCollection(J)) {
var C = true;
for (I = J.length - 1; I > -1; I--) {
C = (this.removeListener(J[I], V, D) && C);
return C;
} if (!D || ! {
return this.purgeElement(J, false, V);
if ("unload" == V) {
for (I = x.length - 1; I > -1; I--) {
A = x[I];
if (A && A[0] == J && A[1] == V && A[2] == D) {
x.splice(I, 1);
return true;
return false;
var H = null;
var G = arguments[3];
if ("undefined" === typeof G) {
G = this._getCacheIndex(z, J, V, D);
if (G >= 0) {
H = z[G];
if (!J || !H) {
return false;
var B = H[this.CAPTURE] === true ? true : false;
try {
this._simpleRemove(J, V, H[this.WFN], B);
} catch (E) {
this.lastError = E;
return false;
delete z[G][this.WFN];
delete z[G][this.FN];
z.splice(G, 1);
return true;
getTarget: function (C, A) {
var B = || C.srcElement;
return this.resolveTextNode(B);
resolveTextNode: function (A) {
try {
if (A && 3 == A.nodeType) {
return A.parentNode;
} catch (B) {}
return A;
getPageX: function (A) {
var B = A.pageX;
if (!B && 0 !== B) {
B = A.clientX || 0;
if (this.isIE) {
B += this._getScrollLeft();
return B;
getPageY: function (B) {
var A = B.pageY;
if (!A && 0 !== A) {
A = B.clientY || 0;
if (this.isIE) {
A += this._getScrollTop();
return A;
getXY: function (A) {
return [this.getPageX(A), this.getPageY(A)];
getRelatedTarget: function (A) {
var B = A.relatedTarget;
if (!B) {
if (A.type == "mouseout") {
B = A.toElement;
} else {
if (A.type == "mouseover") {
B = A.fromElement;
return this.resolveTextNode(B);
getTime: function (C) {
if (!C.time) {
var A = new Date().getTime();
try {
C.time = A;
} catch (B) {
this.lastError = B;
return A;
return C.time;
stopEvent: function (A) {
stopPropagation: function (A) {
if (A.stopPropagation) {
} else {
A.cancelBubble = true;
preventDefault: function (A) {
if (A.preventDefault) {
} else {
A.returnValue = false;
getEvent: function (D, B) {
var A = D || window.event;
if (!A) {
var C = this.getEvent.caller;
while (C) {
A = C.arguments[0];
if (A && Event == A.constructor) {
C = C.caller;
return A;
getCharCode: function (A) {
var B = A.keyCode || A.charCode || 0;
if ( && (B in u)) {
B = u[B];
return B;
_getCacheIndex: function (G, D, C, E) {
for (var F = 0, A = G.length; F < A; F = F + 1) {
var B = G[F];
if (B && B[this.FN] == E && B[this.EL] == D && B[this.TYPE] == C) {
return F;
return -1;
generateId: function (B) {
var A =;
if (!A) {
A = "yuievtautoid-" + v;
++v; = A;
return A;
_isValidCollection: function (A) {
try {
return (A && typeof A !== "string" && A.length && !A.tagName && !A.alert && typeof A[0] !== "undefined");
} catch (B) {
return false;
elCache: {},
getEl: function (A) {
return (typeof A === "string") ? document.getElementById(A) : A;
clearCache: function () {},
DOMReadyEvent: new n.util.CustomEvent("DOMReady", n, 0, 0, 1),
_load: function (A) {
if (!K) {
K = true;
var B = n.util.Event;
_ready: function (A) {
var B = n.util.Event;
if (!B.DOMReady) {
B.DOMReady = true;;
B._simpleRemove(document, "DOMContentLoaded", B._ready);
_tryPreloadAttach: function () {
if (M.length === 0) {
w = 0;
if (this._interval) {
this._interval = null;
if (this.locked) {
if (this.isIE) {
if (!this.DOMReady) {
this.locked = true;
var D = !K;
if (!D) {
D = (w > 0 && M.length > 0);
var E = [];
var C = function (J, I) {
var N = J;
if (I.overrideContext) {
if (I.overrideContext === true) {
N = I.obj;
} else {
N = I.overrideContext;
}, I.obj);
var A, B, F, G, H = [];
for (A = 0, B = M.length; A < B; A = A + 1) {
F = M[A];
if (F) {
G = this.getEl(;
if (G) {
if (F.checkReady) {
if (K || G.nextSibling || !D) {
M[A] = null;
} else {
C(G, F);
M[A] = null;
} else {
for (A = 0, B = H.length; A < B; A = A + 1) {
F = H[A];
C(this.getEl(, F);
if (D) {
for (A = M.length - 1; A > -1; A--) {
F = M[A];
if (!F || ! {
M.splice(A, 1);
} else {
if (this._interval) {
this._interval = null;
this.locked = false;
purgeElement: function (F, E, C) {
var H = (n.lang.isString(F)) ? this.getEl(F) : F;
var D = this.getListeners(H, C),
G, B;
if (D) {
for (G = D.length - 1; G > -1; G--) {
var A = D[G];
this.removeListener(H, A.type, A.fn);
if (E && H && H.childNodes) {
for (G = 0, B = H.childNodes.length; G < B; ++G) {
this.purgeElement(H.childNodes[G], E, C);
getListeners: function (H, J) {
var E = [],
if (!J) {
I = [z, x];
} else {
if (J === "unload") {
I = [x];
} else {
J = this._getType(J);
I = [z];
var C = (n.lang.isString(H)) ? this.getEl(H) : H;
for (var F = 0; F < I.length; F = F + 1) {
var A = I[F];
if (A) {
for (var D = 0, B = A.length; D < B; ++D) {
var G = A[D];
if (G && G[this.EL] === C && (!J || J === G[this.TYPE])) {
type: G[this.TYPE],
fn: G[this.FN],
obj: G[this.OBJ],
adjust: G[this.OVERRIDE],
scope: G[this.ADJ_SCOPE],
index: D
return (E.length) ? E : null;
_unload: function (B) {
var H = n.util.Event,
E, F, G, C, D, A = x.slice(),
for (E = 0, C = x.length; E < C; ++E) {
G = A[E];
if (G) {
I = window;
if (G[H.ADJ_SCOPE]) {
if (G[H.ADJ_SCOPE] === true) {
} else {
G[H.FN].call(I, H.getEvent(B, G[H.EL]), G[H.UNLOAD_OBJ]);
A[E] = null;
G = null;
I = null;
x = null;
if (z) {
for (F = z.length - 1; F > -1; F--) {
G = z[F];
if (G) {
H.removeListener(G[H.EL], G[H.TYPE], G[H.FN], F);
G = null;
H._simpleRemove(window, "unload", H._unload);
_getScrollLeft: function () {
return this._getScroll()[1];
_getScrollTop: function () {
return this._getScroll()[0];
_getScroll: function () {
var B = document.documentElement,
A = document.body;
if (B && (B.scrollTop || B.scrollLeft)) {
return [B.scrollTop, B.scrollLeft];
} else {
if (A) {
return [A.scrollTop, A.scrollLeft];
} else {
return [0, 0];
regCE: function () {},
_simpleAdd: function () {
if (window.addEventListener) {
return function (D, C, A, B) {
D.addEventListener(C, A, (B));
} else {
if (window.attachEvent) {
return function (D, C, A, B) {
D.attachEvent("on" + C, A);
} else {
return function () {};
_simpleRemove: function () {
if (window.removeEventListener) {
return function (D, C, A, B) {
D.removeEventListener(C, A, (B));
} else {
if (window.detachEvent) {
return function (A, C, B) {
A.detachEvent("on" + C, B);
} else {
return function () {};
(function () {
var i = n.util.Event;
i.on = i.addListener;
i.onFocus = i.addFocusListener;
i.onBlur = i.addBlurListener;
if (i.isIE) {
if (self !== {
document.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (document.readyState == "complete") {
document.onreadystatechange = null;
} else {
n.util.Event.onDOMReady(n.util.Event._tryPreloadAttach, n.util.Event, true);
var u = document.createElement("p");
i._dri = setInterval(function () {
try {
i._dri = null;
u = null;
} catch (v) {}
} else {
if (i.webkit && i.webkit < 525) {
i._dri = setInterval(function () {
var v = document.readyState;
if ("loaded" == v || "complete" == v) {
i._dri = null;
} else {
i._simpleAdd(document, "DOMContentLoaded", i._ready);
i._simpleAdd(window, "load", i._load);
i._simpleAdd(window, "unload", i._unload);
n.util.EventProvider = function () {};
n.util.EventProvider.prototype = {
__yui_events: null,
__yui_subscribers: null,
subscribe: function (i, x, u, v) {
this.__yui_events = this.__yui_events || {};
var w = this.__yui_events[i];
if (w) {
w.subscribe(x, u, v);
} else {
this.__yui_subscribers = this.__yui_subscribers || {};
var y = this.__yui_subscribers;
if (!y[i]) {
y[i] = [];
fn: x,
obj: u,
overrideContext: v
unsubscribe: function (y, w, u) {
this.__yui_events = this.__yui_events || {};
var i = this.__yui_events;
if (y) {
var v = i[y];
if (v) {
return v.unsubscribe(w, u);
} else {
var z = true;
for (var x in i) {
if (n.lang.hasOwnProperty(i, x)) {
z = z && i[x].unsubscribe(w, u);
return z;
return false;
unsubscribeAll: function (i) {
return this.unsubscribe(i);
createEvent: function (z, u) {
this.__yui_events = this.__yui_events || {};
var w = u || {}, x = this.__yui_events,
if (x[z]) {} else {
v = new n.util.CustomEvent(z, w.scope || this, w.silent, n.util.CustomEvent.FLAT, w.fireOnce);
x[z] = v;
if (w.onSubscribeCallback) {
this.__yui_subscribers = this.__yui_subscribers || {};
var i = this.__yui_subscribers[z];
if (i) {
for (var y = 0; y < i.length; ++y) {
v.subscribe(i[y].fn, i[y].obj, i[y].overrideContext);
return x[z];
fireEvent: function (w) {
this.__yui_events = this.__yui_events || {};
var u = this.__yui_events[w];
if (!u) {
return null;
var i = [];
for (var v = 1; v < arguments.length; ++v) {
return, i);
hasEvent: function (i) {
if (this.__yui_events) {
if (this.__yui_events[i]) {
return true;
return false;
(function () {
var i = n.util.Event,
u = n.lang;
n.util.KeyListener = function (B, w, A, z) {
if (!B) {} else {
if (!w) {} else {
if (!A) {}
} if (!z) {
z = n.util.KeyListener.KEYDOWN;
var y = new n.util.CustomEvent("keyPressed");
this.enabledEvent = new n.util.CustomEvent("enabled");
this.disabledEvent = new n.util.CustomEvent("disabled");
if (u.isString(B)) {
B = document.getElementById(B);
if (u.isFunction(A)) {
} else {
y.subscribe(A.fn, A.scope, A.correctScope);
function x(F, G) {
if (!w.shift) {
w.shift = false;
if (!w.alt) {
w.alt = false;
if (!w.ctrl) {
w.ctrl = false;
if (F.shiftKey == w.shift && F.altKey == w.alt && F.ctrlKey == w.ctrl) {
var E, H = w.keys,
if (n.lang.isArray(H)) {
for (var D = 0; D < H.length; D++) {
E = H[D];
C = i.getCharCode(F);
if (E == C) {, F);
} else {
C = i.getCharCode(F);
if (H == C) {, F);
this.enable = function () {
if (!this.enabled) {
i.on(B, z, x);;
this.enabled = true;
this.disable = function () {
if (this.enabled) {
i.removeListener(B, z, x);;
this.enabled = false;
this.toString = function () {
return "KeyListener [" + w.keys + "] " + B.tagName + ( ? "[" + + "]" : "");
var v = n.util.KeyListener;
v.KEYDOWN = "keydown";
v.KEYUP = "keyup";
v.KEY = {
ALT: 18,
DOWN: 40,
END: 35,
ENTER: 13,
HOME: 36,
LEFT: 37,
META: 224,
NUM_LOCK: 144,
PAGE_UP: 33,
PAUSE: 19,
RIGHT: 39,
SHIFT: 16,
SPACE: 32,
TAB: 9,
UP: 38
n.register("event", n.util.Event, {
version: "2.8.0r4",
build: "2449"
n.register("yahoo-dom-event", n, {
version: "2.8.0r4",
build: "2449"
if (typeof n == "undefined") {
n = {};
if (typeof n.MediaPlayer == "undefined") {
n.MediaPlayer = function () {
this.controller = null;
n.MediaPlayer.isAPIReady = false;
n.MediaPlayer.onAPIReady = {
subscribers: [],
fire: function () {
for (var u = 0; u < this.subscribers.length; u++) {
if (n.MediaPlayer.isAPIReady === true) {
try {
} catch (v) {}
subscribe: function (i) {
n.WebPlayer = n.MediaPlayer;
var j = 2;
var t = true;
var g = ["NETSCAPE6", "NETSCAPE/7", "(IPHONE;", "(IPOD;"];
if (navigator) {
var s = g.length;
for (var r = 0; r < s; r++) {
if (navigator.userAgent.toUpperCase().indexOf(g[r]) !== -1) {
t = false;
if (t === true) {
if (typeof n.mediaplayer == "undefined") {
var p = function (i, v, u) {
u = u || window;
if (j === 2) {
n.util.Event.addListener(u, i, v);
} else {
Y.Event.attach(i, v, u);
var q = function (i, v, u) {
u = u || window;
if (j === 2) {
n.util.Event.removeListener(u, i, v);
} else {
Y.Event.detach(i, v, u);
var f = function (u) {
var v = "#";
var i = u.indexOf(v);
if (i < 0) {
v = "%23";
i = u.indexOf(v);
return (i === -1) ? "" : u.substring(i + v.length);
var k = function (z) {
var x = window.location.toString();
var y = f(x);
var v = y.split("-");
for (var w = 0, u = v.length; w < u; w++) {
if (z === v[w].substring(0, z.length)) {
return true;
return false;
var h = function () {
var v = -1;
if (navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") {
var i = navigator.userAgent;
var u = new RegExp("MSIE ([0-9]{1,}[.0-9]{0,})");
if (u.exec(i) != null) {
v = parseFloat(RegExp.$1);
return v;
var c = function (v) {
var x = null;
for (var w = 0, u = v.length; w < u; w++) {
if ((v[w].nodeType === 1)) {
x = v[w];
return x;
var o = function (v) {
var u = null;
var i = document.createElement("DIV");
i.innerHTML = v;
return c(i.childNodes);
var b = function () {
var u = "cursor:pointer;padding:0;margin:0;position:fixed;top:0;left:0;height:100%;width:100%;background:rgba(0,0,0,0.8);";
u += "filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=#CC0099,endColorstr=#CC0099);";
u += "-ms-filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=#CC0099,endColorstr=#CC0099);z-index:2147483647;";
var i = '<div class="ywp-page-overlay" style="' + u + '">' + '<div style="width:100%; height:100%; *background-color: white; *filter: alpha(opacity=0)">' + '<div style="position:fixed;z-index:2147483647;top:50%;left:50%;height:1px;">' + '<div style="width:100px; height:100px; margin-top:-50px;margin-left:-50px; background-color:transparent;">' + '<img width="100px" height="100px" src="' + YMPParams["assetsroot"] + '/img/page-overlay/loading.gif"/>';
"</div>" + "</div>" + "</div>" + "</div>";
return o(i);
var a = function () {
var i = b();
var u = null;
var v = null;
var x = function (y) {
if (y.keyCode === 27) {
var w = function () {
n.mediaplayer._vLboxDisabled = true;
v && clearTimeout(v);
i && i.parentNode.removeChild(i);
q("keydown", x, document.documentElement);
q("click", w, i);
delete n.mediaplayer._hideOverlay;
n.mediaplayer._hideOverlay = w;
p("click", w, i);
p("keydown", x, document.documentElement);
v = setTimeout(function () {
var y = '<div style="position:absolute;top:30px;right:30px;cursor:pointer;">' + '<img width="28px" height="28px" src="' + YMPParams["assetsroot"] + '/img/page-overlay/close.png"/>' + "</div>";
u = o(y);
}, 10000);
var m = function () {
return window.YAHOO && window.YAHOO.mediaplayer && window.YAHOO.mediaplayer._isPlayerAlreadyLoaded ? true : false;
var e = h();
var d = (k("vlbox") && ((e === -1) || (e >= 7) || (document.compatMode !== "BackCompat"))) ? true : false;
if (!m()) {
n.mediaplayer.partnerId = "42858483";
if (typeof YMPParams == "undefined") {
window.YMPParams = {};
YMPParams["assetsroot"] = YMPParams["assetsroot"] || "" + "/" + "0.9.39";
YMPParams["wsroot"] = YMPParams["wsroot"] || "";
YMPParams["wwwroot"] = YMPParams["wwwroot"] || "";
YMPParams["build_number"] = "0.9.39";
if (typeof YMPParams === "object" && YMPParams.logging === true) {
if (typeof (n) === "undefined" || typeof (n.ULT) === "undefined") {
var l = document.createElement("script");
l.type = "text/javascript";
l.src = "";
n.mediaplayer.loadPlayerScript = function () {
if (m()) {
if (Boolean(arguments.callee.bCalled)) {
window.status = "asyncLoadPlayer Already Called! (webplayerloader)";
arguments.callee.bCalled = true;
if (d) {
function i() {
return YMPParams["assetsroot"] + "/js/player-min.js";
var u = i();
if (typeof (u) == "string" && u.length > 0) {
n.mediaplayer.elPlayerSource = document.createElement("script");
n.mediaplayer.elPlayerSource.type = "text/javascript";
n.mediaplayer.elPlayerSource.src = u;
window.YAHOO.mediaplayer._isPlayerAlreadyLoaded = true;
if (!m()) {
if (d) {
} else {
n.util.Event.addListener(window, "load", n.mediaplayer.loadPlayerScript);
if (typeof window.YAHOO == "undefined") {
window.YAHOO = {};
if (typeof window.YAHOO.mediaplayer == "undefined") {
window.YAHOO.mediaplayer = n.mediaplayer;
if (typeof window.YAHOO.MediaPlayer == "undefined") {
window.YAHOO.MediaPlayer = n.MediaPlayer;
if (typeof window.YAHOO.WebPlayer == "undefined") {
window.YAHOO.WebPlayer = n.WebPlayer;
if (typeof window.YAHOO.namespace == "undefined") {
window.YAHOO.namespace = n.namespace;
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