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Last active July 31, 2023 16:53
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Devops kata #01 - build OCI image
# Copied from
# the goal of the kata is to make an OCI image for CI.
# The referene uses sh, but the suggestion is to refactor using an atuomation tool.
# ---
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -ex
scriptdir=$(realpath "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")")
base_image=${1}; shift
image_name=${1}; shift
# needed to build wheels that use native code
py_run_deps=(build-essential libc6-dev libffi-dev)
py_build_deps=(libreadline-dev libncursesw5-dev libssl-dev libsqlite3-dev tk-dev libgdbm-dev libbz2-dev zlib1g-dev)
pyversions=(3.8.17 3.9.17 3.10.12 3.11.4 3.12.0b4)
c=$(buildah from "${base_image}")
buildcmd() {
buildah run --network host "${c}" -- "$@"
buildah config --workingdir /root "${c}"
buildcmd apt-get update --quiet=2
buildcmd apt-get install --yes --quiet=2 git
buildcmd apt-get install --yes --quiet=2 "${py_run_deps[@]}" "${py_build_deps[@]}"
for pyver in "${pyversions[@]}"; do
# shellcheck disable=SC2001
# strip off any beta or rc suffix to get version directory
verdir=$(echo "${pyver}" | sed -e 's/^\([[:digit:]]*\.[[:digit:]]*\.[[:digit:]]*\).*$/\1/')
wget --quiet --output-document - "${verdir}/Python-${pyver}.tgz" | tar --extract --gzip
buildah run --network host --volume "${scriptdir}:/scriptdir" --volume "$(pwd)/Python-${pyver}:/${pyver}" "${c}" -- /scriptdir/ "/${pyver}"
rm -rf "Python-${pyver}"
buildcmd sh -c "rm -rf /usr/local/bin/python3.?m*"
buildcmd sh -c "rm -rf /usr/local/bin/python3.??m*"
buildcmd pip3.11 install hatch
buildcmd mkdir /hatch
buildah copy "${c}" "${scriptdir}/hatch-config.toml" /hatch/config.toml
buildah config --env HATCH_CONFIG=/hatch/config.toml "${c}"
buildcmd pip3.11 install tox
buildcmd mkdir /tox
buildah copy "${c}" "${scriptdir}/tox-config.ini" /tox/config.ini
buildah config --env TOX_USER_CONFIG_FILE=/tox/config.ini "${c}"
buildcmd apt-get remove --yes --purge "${py_build_deps[@]}"
buildcmd apt-get autoremove --yes --purge
buildcmd apt-get clean autoclean
buildcmd sh -c "rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*"
buildcmd rm -rf /root/.cache
if buildah images --quiet "${image_name}"; then
buildah rmi "${image_name}"
buildah commit --squash --rm "${c}" "${image_name}"
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