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Last active November 4, 2020 22:36
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import {AfterViewInit, Directive, ElementRef, Input, Renderer2} from '@angular/core';
selector: '[sbzTextAnimation]'
export class NgxSbzTextAnimationDirective implements AfterViewInit {
@Input() maxFontSize = 20;
@Input() colorSchemeArray: string[];
@Input() position: 'left' | 'right' = 'right';
@Input() percentOfScreen = 30;
constructor(private elementRef: ElementRef, private renderer: Renderer2) {
ngAfterViewInit(): void {
private init(): void {
this.colorSchemeArray = this.colorSchemeArray
? this.colorSchemeArray
: [
'#63b598', '#ce7d78', '#ea9e70', '#a48a9e', '#c6e1e8', '#648177', '#0d5ac1',
'#f205e6', '#1c0365', '#14a9ad', '#4ca2f9', '#a4e43f', '#d298e2', '#6119d0',
'#d2737d', '#c0a43c', '#f2510e', '#651be6', '#79806e', '#61da5e', '#cd2f00',
'#9348af', '#01ac53', '#c5a4fb', '#996635', '#b11573', '#4bb473', '#75d89e',
'#2f3f94', '#2f7b99', '#da967d', '#34891f', '#b0d87b', '#ca4751', '#7e50a8',
'#c4d647', '#e0eeb8', '#11dec1', '#289812', '#566ca0', '#ffdbe1', '#2f1179',
'#935b6d', '#916988', '#513d98', '#aead3a', '#9e6d71', '#4b5bdc', '#0cd36d',
'#250662', '#cb5bea', '#228916', '#ac3e1b', '#df514a', '#539397', '#880977',
'#f697c1', '#ba96ce', '#679c9d', '#c6c42c', '#5d2c52', '#48b41b', '#e1cf3b',
'#5be4f0', '#57c4d8', '#a4d17a', '#225b8', '#be608b', '#96b00c', '#088baf',
'#f158bf', '#e145ba', '#ee91e3', '#05d371', '#5426e0', '#4834d0', '#802234',
'#6749e8', '#0971f0', '#8fb413', '#b2b4f0', '#c3c89d', '#c9a941', '#41d158',
'#fb21a3', '#51aed9', '#5bb32d', '#807fb', '#21538e', '#89d534', '#d36647',
'#7fb411', '#0023b8', '#3b8c2a', '#986b53', '#f50422', '#983f7a', '#ea24a3',
'#79352c', '#521250', '#c79ed2', '#d6dd92', '#e33e52', '#b2be57', '#fa06ec',
'#1bb699', '#6b2e5f', '#64820f', '#1c271', '#21538e', '#89d534', '#d36647',
'#7fb411', '#0023b8', '#3b8c2a', '#986b53', '#f50422', '#983f7a', '#ea24a3',
'#79352c', '#521250', '#c79ed2', '#d6dd92', '#e33e52', '#b2be57', '#fa06ec',
'#1bb699', '#6b2e5f', '#64820f', '#1c271', '#9cb64a', '#996c48', '#9ab9b7',
'#06e052', '#e3a481', '#0eb621', '#fc458e', '#b2db15', '#aa226d', '#792ed8',
'#73872a', '#520d3a', '#cefcb8', '#a5b3d9', '#7d1d85', '#c4fd57', '#f1ae16',
'#8fe22a', '#ef6e3c', '#243eeb', '#1dc18', '#dd93fd', '#3f8473', '#e7dbce',
'#421f79', '#7a3d93', '#635f6d', '#93f2d7', '#9b5c2a', '#15b9ee', '#0f5997',
'#409188', '#911e20', '#1350ce', '#10e5b1', '#fff4d7', '#cb2582', '#ce00be',
'#32d5d6', '#17232', '#608572', '#c79bc2', '#00f87c', '#77772a', '#6995ba',
'#fc6b57', '#f07815', '#8fd883', '#060e27', '#96e591', '#21d52e', '#d00043',
'#b47162', '#1ec227', '#4f0f6f', '#1d1d58', '#947002', '#bde052', '#e08c56',
'#28fcfd', '#bb09b', '#36486a', '#d02e29', '#1ae6db', '#3e464c', '#a84a8f',
'#911e7e', '#3f16d9', '#0f525f', '#ac7c0a', '#b4c086', '#c9d730', '#30cc49',
'#3d6751', '#fb4c03', '#640fc1', '#62c03e', '#d3493a', '#88aa0b', '#406df9',
'#615af0', '#4be47', '#2a3434', '#4a543f', '#79bca0', '#a8b8d4', '#00efd4',
'#7ad236', '#7260d8', '#1deaa7', '#06f43a', '#823c59', '#e3d94c', '#dc1c06',
'#f53b2a', '#b46238', '#2dfff6', '#a82b89', '#1a8011', '#436a9f', '#1a806a',
'#4cf09d', '#c188a2', '#67eb4b', '#b308d3', '#fc7e41', '#af3101', '#ff065',
'#71b1f4', '#a2f8a5', '#e23dd0', '#d3486d', '#00f7f9', '#474893', '#3cec35',
'#1c65cb', '#5d1d0c', '#2d7d2a', '#ff3420', '#5cdd87', '#a259a4', '#e4ac44',
'#1bede6', '#8798a4', '#d7790f', '#b2c24f', '#de73c2', '#d70a9c', '#25b67',
'#88e9b8', '#c2b0e2', '#86e98f', '#ae90e2', '#1a806b', '#436a9e', '#0ec0ff',
'#f812b3', '#b17fc9', '#8d6c2f', '#d3277a', '#2ca1ae', '#9685eb', '#8a96c6',
'#dba2e6', '#76fc1b', '#608fa4', '#20f6ba', '#07d7f6', '#dce77a', '#77ecca',
'#000000', '#ffffff'
private animateBackground(): void {
// need to access them in the setTimeout function
const renderer = this.renderer;
const elementRef = this.elementRef;
const chars = [...Array(26)].map((e, i) => (i + 10).toString(36));
setInterval(() => {
const duration = Math.floor(Math.random() * 15);
const offset = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.percentOfScreen);
const size = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.maxFontSize);
const color = this.colorSchemeArray[Math.floor(Math.random() * this.colorSchemeArray.length)];
const span = renderer.createElement('span');
span.innerText = chars[Math.floor(Math.random() * chars.length)];
renderer.addClass(span, 'animated-text');
renderer.setStyle(span, 'color', color);
renderer.setStyle(span, this.position, `${offset}vw`);
renderer.setStyle(span, 'font-size', `${size}px`);
renderer.setStyle(span, 'animation-duration', `${duration}s`);
renderer.setStyle(span, 'color', color);
renderer.appendChild(elementRef.nativeElement, span);
setTimeout(() => {
renderer.removeChild(elementRef.nativeElement, elementRef.nativeElement.firstChild);
}, duration * 1000);
}, 100);
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