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Two-way interactions between an Excel spreadsheet and a SQLite database exported from the Regularly Android app, enabling synchronization and updating of chores in the app.

Change the sheets 'Regularly' with SQLModel and XLWings

This Gist features two-way interactions between an Excel spreadsheet and a SQLite database exported from the Regularly Android app (APK available from other sources), enabling synchronization and updating of chores in the app. This writeup goes in a few different directions, so feel free to poke around:

  • The usage guide is brief, but links to more details for all skill levels.
  • Jump into changing the sheets for a tour of the kind of end-user code that carefully-prepared SQLModel models facilitate.
  • See behind the scenes in the database model deep dive, powered by SQLModel, with special handling of quirks and gotchas.
  • See the Excel and CSV data models for data model philosophy, and a few cool features:
    • A DataclassWriter akin to csv.DictWriter.
    • An XLWings-powered function returning a sequence of mappings to Excel tables for row/header title addressing.
  • See experiments for some other examples.

A brief description of relevant scripts and modules follows:

See also the requirements.txt for exact version pins that have worked for me on Python 3.11.


Ensure Python is installed. If on Windows, install Python from here rather than from the more limited Microsoft Store install. If on MacOS or a UNIX-like system, install the Python Launcher and obtain different Python versions as needed from deadsnakes.

Download this Gist and run setup.ps1 in a cross-platform PowerShell terminal window (or manually run the commands below in any terminal). If you open the downloaded Gist folder in VSCode, open a new terminal (Ctrl+`) and run setup.ps1 there. If on Windows, you may need to complete Task 1 in this guide to allow scripts to run. The setup.ps1 script essentially does the following:

  • Creates a virtual environment by running py -m venv .venv.
  • Activates the virtual environment with .venv/scripts/activate on Windows, or .venv/bin/activate on UNIX-like/MacOS systems.
  • Installs requirements with pip install -r requirements.txt.
  • Installs some VSCode tooling configs.

I have not provided my personal Regularly tasks database, but will eventually mock one up so that you don't have to provide your own (by installing the Android app and exporting the database via settings). This Gist does represent some good practices for general database modeling with SQLModel, so you don't necessarily need to run the code to get it. See the writeup below for more detail.

See a more in-depth guide for first-time setup instructions on a new machine, or if this is your first time using Python. Now you can run Python scripts in this Gist, in an activated terminal window, for example like python If you plan to modify this code or use it as a starting point for your own development, the template from which this Gist is derived details the additional VSCode tooling available.

Changing the sheets is a chore, an illustrative example

The Regularly Android app is no longer actively supported, but it's the only interface I've found that allows for tracking of chores on a cadence, e.g. "I want to change the sheets once a month," rather than, "I will change the sheets on the 1st of every month." It orders your tasks by urgency, and allows flexible tracking of their completion.

I want to be able to bulk add, modify, and even synchronize chores to and from this app on my phone, and thankfully it allows import/export of a SQLite database to do so. Maybe I was just looking for an excuse to learn SQLModel, but that's beside the point. What follows is an illustrative example of adding a "Change the sheets" task to the database, and assigning it to a tag named "chore" (actually "chores" in the full code, for legacy reasons).

The Regularly object-relational-mapping (ORM)

SQLModel facilitates setting up an object-relational-mapping (ORM) that represents the database schema in an object-oriented way in our Python code. Models in represent individual database table rows, e.g. Task objects are drawn from the tasks table using SQLModel. The mapping between models and the tables from which they are drawn is as follows:

Table Model
tasks Task
tags Tag
tasktags TaskTagLink
log Done

The tasks table has tasks tracked by the app. The tags table lists tags, e.g. some tasks have the tag named "chore" attached to them. The tasktags table facilitates this tagging mechanism. A TaskTagLink represents one such link in tasktags.

The power of Relationships

SQLModel (and SQLAlchemy) allows representing the tasktags link between Task and Tag instances by adding a computed tags attribute directly on Task instances. If that was a mouthful, basically it means that we don't have to manually cross-reference a third table in order to find connections between Tasks and Tags, we can get those attriutes directly on instances with Relationships. These are Relationship attributes, and Tag instances also have a tasks relationship attribute. The relationships defined in facilitate our goal of assigning a tag named "chore" to a task named "Change the sheets":

from sqlmodel import Session
from chores_db import Tag, Task, engine

with Session(engine) as session:
    # Create new instances
    task = Task(name="Change the sheets", period=30)
    tag = Tag(name="chore", position=0)  # `position` for UI only
    # Add the tag to the task
    # Do the database transactions, print some things
    latest = tag.tasks[-1]
    print(f"{ = }, { = } (before commit)")
    print(f"{ = }, { = } (after commit)")

which produces the following: = 'Change the sheets', = None (before commit) = 'Change the sheets', = 87 (after commit)

where latest is the latest task that tag was attached to. Note that the id field is only populated after committing to the database. Now, we added tag to task.tags, not the other way around. So, how does tag.tasks know that this happened? This is the magic of the SQLModel.Relationship used when setting up the models (derived from SQLAlchemy). When set up properly, it is equally valid to append to the tag.tasks or the tag.tasks attributes, and changes in one will back-populate to the other.

What if "Change the sheets" already exists?

In the previous example, tag and task are created, and have no existing relationships to other tags or tasks. But we could have instead searched for a task named "Change the sheets" in the database:

from sqlmodel import Session, select
from chores_db import Tag, Task, engine

with Session(engine) as session:
    # Search for or create the task
    name = "Change the sheets"
    query = select(Task).where( == name)
    task = session.exec(query).first() or Task(name=name, period=30)
    # Search for or create the tag
    name = "chore"
    query = select(Tag).where( == name)
    tag = session.exec(query).first() or Tag(name="chore", position=0)
    # ...the example continues as before

Here, we construct a query for an existing task named "Change the sheets". When we execute that query in the session, we ask for the first result, which will either give us a Task instance or None. By using the Python construct thing = this or that, we know that thing becomes this unless this is None, in which case thing will become that. We also do the same for the tag. We can enable engine.echo (not shown) to see the equivalent SQL query for what the task query (effectively) is:

SELECT * FROM tasks WHERE = "Change the sheets"

where the binding of these attributes to a Python Task instance is handled by SQLModel/SQLAlchemy.


We now know how to find or create new tasks and tags, and attach tags to tasks. We used relationship attributes to facilitate that. The scripts in this Gist essentially do just this, but for many such tasks in an Excel spreadsheet, and assign "owners" as tags, in addition to a chores tag. Most of the hard work is done in so that our scripts read nicely, more like Python code than like SQL queries and explicit database transactions. The next thing we'll look at is how is structured. The database model

The aforementioned ORM is defined in and used everywhere. We don't have to write it all by hand, we can in fact generate the basic skeleton of it with sqlacodegen, but we will have to do some work to hook up the fancy relationship attributes in the right fashion, occasionally dropping down from the higher-level SQLModel abstraction into the lower-level SQLAlchemy abstraction.

Of course, both abstractions are preferable to hand-writing query strings and hitting the database directly, at least at a certain scale of interaction with the database. In fact, in the section below detailing the Excel and CSV data models, it is shown that a similar approach may be taken for data represented in those formats. It reduces the mismatch between formats when trying to do such forbidden things as updating a database from Excel spreadsheets (gasp!).

After a discussion about automatic model generation, the anatomy of is detailed:

The code snippets throughout are shown in a modified/ and reduced form for illustrative purposes. The anatomy here may differ from the exact implementation in, but suffices to outline the important concepts for defining your own database models in such a fashion.

Automatic model generation

It can be tedious to pore over the database schema (using e.g. SQLTools or DB Browser for SQLite) and code up the SQLModel classes by hand for all the tables in the database. However, a utility called sqlacodegen comes to the rescue. We can point it to our database from the command line, tell it the flavor of models we want generated, and it will generate the models for us. The models in were initially generated from the following command (in PowerShell, Out-File sometimes behaves better than the similar > operation):

sqlacodegen --generator 'sqlmodels' 'sqlite:///regularly.db' | Out-File ''

This produces (which has been heavily modified and renamed to, but even at this point, it should allow hitting the database, just without the fancy relationships used in the changing the sheets example. Well, it mostly works, but since SQLAlchemy 2 and Pydantic 2 have dropped, sqlacodegen hasn't quite caught up yet, but we pin sqlacodegen to a particular commit containing a hacky fix that gets us mostly there. We just have to delete the AndroidMetadata generated model (and re-create it properly later), but it only represents Android system locale anyways, so we don't really need to worry about it.

Imagine a Spongebob Squarepants "one eternity later" screen wipe between and the finished product, I definitely asked myself, "Should I have just handwritten all of this?" However, it is much nicer to incrementally change SQLAlchemy Columns to SQLModel Fields, each time checking the engine for a heartbeat, until arriving at the more ergonomic SQLModel represention.

Some SQLALchemy fallbacks do remain, but the complete database model comes with IDE auto-completion benefits. Did you forget to specify UI position for that newly-created Tag? Your IDE will tell you so! It also minimizes boilerplate in the changing the sheets example, as it does with the rest of the examples in this Gist.


The SQLModel tutorial goes into more detail as to why the engine should be initialized in this fashion, but I define init() up top, and call it like engine = init() at the very bottom of This pattern is necessary so that the engine "knows" about all the relevant models, and could be accomplished by isolation across multiple modules, but works just as well in this fashion.

from pathlib import Path
from sqlmodel import SQLModel, create_engine, select

def init():
    db = Path("regularly.db")
    engine = create_engine(f"sqlite:///{db}")
    return engine

Reusable field definitions

The only way to know when to drop down from the higher-level abstraction of SQLModel to the lower-level abstraction of SQLAlchemy is to try to do something with SQLModel and see if it works. All the while you are using classes that are a lot like Pydantic models, but different enough to bite you when you try to use a Pydantic concept that's not handled properly by SQLModel. Since we're working off of a functioning generated model, though, it's not so bad. But there are some quirks.

To that end, it helps to define some custom Fields that encapsulate these quirks, and then use them in the model definitions that follow. We have to define these here (or in another module and import them) rather than below the models, because the models use these fields at import time. Field is a class-like function, meaning we can't subclass it, but we follow the pattern and make our derived fields a class-like function as well. Normally, functions should be snake_case, but the PascalCase here means they behave in a "classy" sort of way, and in any case, the rules are all made up and the points don't matter!

Here are the players:

  • IdField: We're working from an existing database schema that we don't have control over. They've gone and named their primary keys _id in the database, but SQLModel/Pydantic won't let us have an underscore-prefixed field in our models! SQLModel doesn't let us use the ergonomic type annotations when our field name differs from the equivalent database field, so we have to use the sa_column argument and pass it a raw SQLAlchemy Column, configured accordingly.
  • ForeignField: Similarly, our foreign keys are also _id, which throws a wrench. So we have to use the sa_column approach again.
  • DbField: Sometimes we want different names for other fields to. For instance, the tags table has a tagname relation, so without this workaround, we would have to use Tag.tagname. But then we say, and we know we'll forget that distinction, so let's use DbField to shift the name on the SQLModel side.
from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer
from sqlmodel import Field

def IdField():
    return Field(
        sa_column=Column("_id", Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True),

def ForeignField(foreign_key: str):
    return Field(default=None, foreign_key=foreign_key, primary_key=True)

def DbField(name: str, sa_type):
    return Field(sa_column=Column(name, sa_type))

Database models, relationships, and computed fields

Now we're finally ready to define our database models. Much of the complexity to follow has to do with us inheriting an existing database schema that was not crafted specifically to play nicely with SQLModel. If you're starting a database design from scratch, following the SQLModel tutorial will lead to fewer warts and workarounds. But read on for some of the ways you can work around existing patterns in inherited databases.

The Relationship fields are not in the database, but rather derived from the primary and foreign key relations in the database. We can use simple type annotations for most fields, referring either to the database schema (is a field nullable?) for most, but deferring to the actual manifestion of database entries (does a non-nullable field actually contain NULL entries in practice?) when deciding whether to union the field type with None and supply a None default.

We can derive singular types from pluralized database tables by using the singular in our class definitions, then setting __tablename__ to the actual table related to this type. There are a few ways to accomplish this, but this approach is the cleanest, even if we have to do a # type: ignore due to incompatible overloading. It works fine, is explicit, and simpler than the alternatives. We prefer singular types so that the Python code reads more naturally. Here we're smoothing over one of the many object-relational impedence mismatches by linking singular types to pluralized tables.

Here are some other quirks to be aware of:

  • key-related arguments to Field types use the canonical names in the database, like tags not Tag, and _id not id.
  • Type annotations always refer to our Python model types, and we need to quote them, e.g. list["Task"] even if we could technically omit the quotes (e.g. if the class is already defined above). This is a SQLModel quirk. We should be careful not to import __annotations__ from __future__ either, or stuff breaks.
  • Arguments to Relationship, like back_populates, refer to the model attribute name on models named by the type annotation immediately preceding the Relationship call.

Here are some highlights of the models that follow:

  • TaskTagLink: Defined above the others because it's referenced in their Relationship fields.
  • Tag: Our first Relationship appears here, one half of enabling our expressive code in the changing the sheets example. The other half is in Task (see below).
  • Done: Represents the days on which tasks are completed in the log database table. Its usage is explored briefly in the non-chronological log entries experiment. This has a many-to-one relationship with tasks, so an intermediary link (like TaskTagLink) is not needed.
  • Task: Here Task.tags is the mirror Relationship to Tag.tasks, both are linked through TaskTagLink and represent a many-to-many relationship. See also a computed field, decorated using a Pydantic construct so that SQLModel doesn't try to stuff them back in the database.
class TaskTagLink(SQLModel, table=True):
    __tablename__ = "tasktags"
    id: int | None = IdField()
    taskid: int | None = ForeignField("tasks._id")
    tagid: int | None = ForeignField("tags._id")

class Tag(SQLModel, table=True):
    __tablename__ = "tags"
    tasks: list["Task"] = Relationship(back_populates="tags", link_model=TaskTagLink)
    id: int | None = IdField()
    name: str = DbField("tagname", sa.Text)
    position: int

class Done(SQLModel, table=True):
    __tablename__ = "log"
    task: "Task" = Relationship(back_populates="completions")
    id: int | None = IdField()
    taskid: int | None = ForeignField("tasks._id")
    entrydate: str =
    note: str = ""

class Task(SQLModel, table=True):
    __tablename__ = "tasks"
    tags: list["Tag"] = Relationship(back_populates="tasks", link_model=TaskTagLink)
    completions: list["Done"] = Relationship(back_populates="task")
    id: int | None = IdField()
    name: str
    period: int
    firstdue: str | None = None
    lastperformed: str | None = None
    lastnotified: str | None = None
    created: str =
    details: str = ""
    notifications_enabled: int = 1
    notifications_time: str | None = None
    notifications_period: int | None = None

    def age(self) -> int:
        return ( - date.fromisoformat(self.created)).days

SQLModel helps us write quite a bit less boilerplate, but carries the additional complexity of needing to know when to use the SQLAlchemy escape hatch. The implementation in is more verbose than shown here, and details rationale for some of these decisions.

Task and tag helpers

The changing the sheets example featured a repeated pattern of querying for an existing task or tag, then creating it if it doesn't exist. Maybe this can be done with some combination of SQL queries (via select() statements), but I found it beneficial to represent these common interactions in helper functions, defined in after the models. Both get_task and get_tag are examples of this.

Also, since session.add(new_or_changed_item) is sometimes necessary before follow-up operations recognize the changes (e.g. queries involving the changed objects), this can be done inside the helper function to make sure it's done consistently.See add_tag for an example of this.

from datetime import date, timedelta
from sqlmodel import Session, select

def get_task(session: Session, id: int | None, name: str, period: int) -> Task:
    query = session.exec(select(Task).where( == id))
    if task := query.first(): = name
        task.period = period
        return task
    task = Task(name=name, period=period)
    task.firstdue = ( + timedelta(days=period)).isoformat()
    return task

def get_tag(session: Session, name: str, position: int | None = None) -> Tag:
    query = session.exec(select(Tag).where( == name))
    if (tag := query.first()) and position is not None:
        tag.position = position
        return tag
    if not position:
        raise ValueError("Tag not found, but desired UI position not given.")
    return Tag(name=name, position=position)

def add_tag(session: Session, task: Task, tag: Tag):
    if tag not in task.tags:


All the magic is done, now we finally have the superpowers vested in us by SQLModel, Pydantic, and SQLAlchemy. This unholy trinity lets us write the scripts linked in the intro. This Gist also features models of CSV and Excel spreasheet task/chore representations, detailed briefly in the next section. and Variations on a theme

It turns out that data representations, be they in database, a spreadsheet, or the humble comma-separated-variables (CSV) file, can be quite similar. The similarities that interest me most are the structural similarities when trying to represent them in Python code. We could hit the database with ad-hoc SQL query strings, or hard-code the row we want to grab from the Excel spreadsheet, but these approaches are error-prone and tedious once we're doing more than a one-off script. I've identified the important structural similarities between,, and

  • Constants and initialization: Initialize the engine, copy files, etc.
  • Model definitions: Plain dataclasses, Pydantic BaseModels, or SQLModels.
  • Helpers: Functions representing repetitive domain-specific patterns.

The drivers for these models are of course SQLModel, XLWings for Excel spreadsheets, and the standard library dataclasses and csv module for CSVs. Even if these players changed (for instance pyxll or OpenPyXL instead of XLWings), the structure of this kind of "model module" would be similar. Some notable features are:

  • A DataclassWriter that takes ordered fields from a stock dataclass and writes a sequence of instances to CSV.
  • A generic function (not task/chore-specific) returning a sequence of mappings to Excel "Table" cells (not bare cells), allowing getting and setting via row number and header title

The cell address mapping is probably not particularly performant, but it does facilitate two-way interactions between Excel and Python, tucking away some of the XLWings boilerplate. If you wander by and want to scrape some of these approaches into a cohesive package, please do!


Now that I've spun this complex web of data models in three formats, what can I do with them? Well, I've already accomplished my primary goal in, to update a Regularly Android app database with chores from an Excel spreadsheet. This allows me to leverage metrics not available in the app itself, such as the actual versus target cadence of completion for tasks, how realistic the target period is, and so-on. It also facilitates bulk updating and adding of tasks. I'll be able to synchronize the database with the app on my partner's phone periodically, and obviously all of this was done for the noble purpose of a cleaner house! Or was it just an excuse for some more Python practice?

Whatever the case, writeups of other experiments follow, representing my usage of these models going forward. At some point, I'll have to write some code to merge the databases on mine and my partner's phone, hacking together that buzzword "eventual consistency" on a much longer timeline than is usually meant by that word (e.g. months). Maybe this warrants getting into Alembic, but by that time this Gist (is it even?) will probably have grown big enough to warrant becoming a full-fledged repository.

Non-chronological log entries

At first glance, the log table looks chronological. However, this is mostly because I usually make entries close to current. Let's see if the Regularly Android app can handle out-of-order log entries. In, I find the latest entrydate and try appending a Done instance with an entrydate before that.

In an earlier rendition I tried this with an order_by clause. In the select statement I called on the entrydate class attribute of the SQLModel type Done to indicate that I want to do something with the entrydate column in the related log table (via Done.__tablename__). Our IDE completion doesn't expose all the possible methods I can call on entrydate, but since this is a "column", I can call on any valid ColumnElement methods, and other expressions besides. desc() and asc() are valid chained method calls within an order_by clause. Copilot auto-completed this, but it seems more explicit to actually import the desc function from sqlalchemy.sql.expression or sqlmodel.sql.expression, and our IDE doesn't complain.

In the end, it was easier to just take an example task's completions relationship and sort using Python's sorted function and a key argument. SQL is expressive by itself. Every one of these expressive SQL queries may have an equivalent representation via SQLAlchemy, but it's not always worth the effort to find it. If I already have the two-way relationships set up with back_propagates, I can just sort the Python objects until I really need performant querying.

In the end, the Regularly Android app handled the resulting out-of-order log just fine.

"""Compute some statistics from the database and export to CSV.
from os import PathLike
from pathlib import Path
from sqlmodel import Session, select
from chores_csv import CSV, Chore, DataclassWriter
from chores_db import Tag, engine
def update_csv_chores(out: PathLike[str] = CSV, engine=engine):
"""Update a CSV with chores from a Regularly Android app database.
out: Output CSV path.
engine: Database engine.
with (
Session(engine) as session,
Path(out).open("w", encoding="utf-8", newline="") as file,
chores_tag = session.exec(select(Tag).where( == "chores")).one()
chore_tasks = sorted(chores_tag.tasks, key=lambda task:
DataclassWriter(file, Chore).writerows(
Ratio=round(task.actual_period / task.period, 2)
if task.period
else 0,
for task in chore_tasks
if __name__ == "__main__":
"""Update a Regularly database with chores from an Excel spreadsheet.
from os import PathLike
from pathlib import Path
from sqlmodel import Session
from xlwings import App
from chores_db import TAGS, add_tag, engine, get_tag, get_task
from chores_xlsx import SHEET, TABLE, XLSX, Chore, get_table_values
def update_db_chores(
book: PathLike[str] = XLSX,
sheet: str = SHEET,
table: str = TABLE,
tags: list[str] = TAGS,
"""Get chores from a spreadsheet and commit to the Regularly Android app database.
book: Input Excel workbook path.
sheet: Chores sheet name.
table: Chores table name.
tags: Tag order.
engine: Database engine.
with (
App(visible=False) as app,, read_only=True) as workbook,
Session(engine) as session,
chores_tag = get_tag(session, "chores", position=tags.index("chores"))
for chore in [Chore(**row) for row in get_table_values(workbook, sheet, table)]:
task = get_task(session,,, chore.period)
add_tag(session, task, tag=chores_tag)
owner = chore.owner
owner_tag = get_tag(session, owner, position=tags.index(owner))
add_tag(session, task, tag=owner_tag)
if __name__ == "__main__":
"""Update an Excel chores spreadsheet from a Regularly database.
from os import PathLike
from pathlib import Path
from sqlmodel import Session, select
from xlwings import App
from chores_db import Task, engine
from chores_xlsx import SHEET, TABLE, XLSX, get_table_ranges
def update_xlsx_chores(
book: PathLike[str] = XLSX, sheet: str = SHEET, table: str = TABLE, engine=engine
"""Update an Excel chores spreadsheet from a Regularly Android app database.
book: Input Excel workbook path.
sheet: Chores sheet name.
table: Chores table name.
owners: Owner tags.
engine: Database engine.
with (
App(visible=False) as app, as workbook,
Session(engine) as session,
for row in get_table_ranges(workbook, sheet, table):
query = select(Task).where( == row["name"].value)
task = session.exec(query).one()
for name, value in {"id":, "period": task.period}.items():
row[name].value = value
if __name__ == "__main__":
"""CSV chore model and helpers.
from __future__ import annotations
from import Iterable
from csv import DictWriter
from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass
from inspect import get_annotations
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Generic, Self, TypeVar
from _typeshed import DataclassInstance, SupportsWrite
# * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * #
# * Constants
CSV = Path("chores.csv")
"""Chores CSV."""
# * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * #
# * CSV chore model
class Chore:
"""CSV chore model.
Attributes capitalized so that CSV column names will be capitalized.
Name: Name.
Count: Completion count.
Target: Target completion period.
Actual: Actual completion period.
Ratio: Ratio of actual period to target completion period.
ID: int
Name: str
Count: int
"""Completion count."""
Target: int
"""Target completion period."""
Actual: int
"""Actual completion period."""
Ratio: float | None
"""Ratio of actual to target completion periods."""
# * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * #
# * Dataclass CSV writer, leveraging an underlying `csv.DictWriter`
Dataclass_T = TypeVar("Dataclass_T", bound="DataclassInstance")
class DataclassWriter(Generic[Dataclass_T]): # type: ignore
def __init__(
self, f: SupportsWrite[str], klass: type[Dataclass_T], *args: Any, **kwds: Any
"""Dataclass CSV writer with a fluent interface. Writes header on instantiation.
f: File-like object.
klass: Dataclass type.
*args: Optional arguments passed to underlying `csv.DictWriter` instance.
**kwds: Keyword arguments passed to underlying `csv.DictWriter` instance.
writer: Underlying `csv.DictWriter` instance.
self.writer = DictWriter(f, get_annotations(klass), *args, **kwds)
def writerows(self, rows: Iterable[Dataclass_T]) -> Self:
"""Write dataclass instances as rows.
rows: Dataclass instances.
for row in rows:
return self
def writerow(self, row: Dataclass_T) -> Self:
"""Write dataclass instance as a row.
row: Dataclass instance.
return self
"""Regularly Android app database model and helpers.
from datetime import date, timedelta
from pathlib import Path
from shutil import copy
from warnings import warn
import sqlalchemy as sa
from pydantic import computed_field
from sqlmodel import Field, Relationship, Session, SQLModel, create_engine, select
# * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * #
# * Constants
ORIGINAL_DB = Path("regularly-orig.db")
"""Default SQLite database exported from the Regularly Android app."""
DB = Path("regularly.db")
"""Copy of the DB for modification."""
TAGS = ["tiana", "both", "blake", "chores", "self"]
"""Desired database tag order."""
# * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * #
# * Database initializer, run at the end of the module
def init():
"""Initialize the database and return the engine.
Also checks the Android system locale metadata. THis is run below all SQLModel class
definitions so that `SQLModel.metadata.create_all(engine)` succeeds.
engine = create_engine(f"sqlite:///{DB}")
with Session(engine) as session:
query = select(AndroidMetadata)
if not session.exec(query).first():
warn("Locale missing, assuming `en_US`.", stacklevel=2)
if not session.exec(query).one():
warn("Multiple locales set. Only one is expected", stacklevel=2)
return engine
# * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * #
# * SQLModel fields used in the models below
def IdField(): # noqa: N802 # Derived from `Field()`, also a class-like function
"""Primary key field for `_id` columns in the database."""
# Uses `sa_column` to match `id` fields to `_id` columns in the database, since the
# leading underscore is illegal in model fields. Note that the `alias` parameter of
# `Field` does not work for this purpose.
return Field(
sa_column=sa.Column("_id", sa.Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True),
def ForeignField(foreign_key: str): # noqa: N802 # Derived from `Field()`, also a class-like function
"""Primary key field for columns that refer to foreign table `id`s.
foreign_key: Foreign key in the form of `table.id_column`.
return Field(default=None, foreign_key=foreign_key, primary_key=True)
def DbField(name: str, sa_type): # noqa: N802 # Derived from `Field()`, also a class-like function
"""Field as it is named in the database. Allows the SQLModel field name to vary.
name: Database column name.
sa_type: SQLAlchemy column type.
return Field(sa_column=sa.Column(name, sa_type))
# * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * #
# * SQLModel models representing the Regularly Android app database tables
class AndroidMetadata(SQLModel, table=True):
"""Android metadata."""
__tablename__ = "android_metadata" # type: ignore
# Database table fields in order of appearance
# Have to set primary key here since we don't have one.
locale: str = Field(primary_key=True)
"""App locale, e.g. `en_US`."""
class TaskTagLink(SQLModel, table=True):
"""Link between tasks and tags."""
__tablename__ = "tasktags" # type: ignore
# Database table fields in order of appearance
id: int | None = IdField()
taskid: int | None = ForeignField("tasks._id")
"""Related task ID."""
tagid: int | None = ForeignField("tags._id")
"""Related tag ID."""
class Tag(SQLModel, table=True):
"""Tag for a task. Don't invoke directly, instead use ``."""
__tablename__ = "tags" # type: ignore
# Relationships
tasks: list["Task"] = Relationship(back_populates="tags", link_model=TaskTagLink)
"""Tasks that this tag is attached to."""
# Database table fields in order of appearance
id: int | None = IdField()
"""Tag ID."""
name: str = DbField("tagname", sa.Text)
position: int
"""Tag position in tag list UI. Must manually set a position before committing."""
class Done(SQLModel, table=True):
"""Task completions."""
__tablename__ = "log" # type: ignore
# Relationships
task: "Task" = Relationship(back_populates="completions")
"""Completed task."""
# Database table fields in order of appearance
id: int | None = IdField()
taskid: int | None = ForeignField("tasks._id")
"""Completed task ID."""
entrydate: str =
"""Completion date."""
note: str = ""
class Task(SQLModel, table=True):
"""Task and latest info."""
__tablename__ = "tasks" # type: ignore
# Relationships
tags: list["Tag"] = Relationship(back_populates="tasks", link_model=TaskTagLink)
"""Tags attached to this task."""
completions: list["Done"] = Relationship(back_populates="task")
"""Completion log entries."""
# Database table fields in order of appearance
id: int | None = IdField()
name: str
period: int
"""Target completion period in days."""
firstdue: str | None = None
"""First due date."""
lastperformed: str | None = None
"""Last performed date."""
lastnotified: str | None = None
"""Last notification date."""
created: str =
"""Creation date."""
details: str = ""
notifications_enabled: int = 1
"""Whether to notify."""
notifications_time: str | None = None
"""Time of day to notify."""
notifications_period: int | None = None
"""Notification period in days."""
def completion_count(self) -> int:
"""Completion count."""
return len(self.completions)
def age(self) -> int:
"""Age in days."""
return ( - date.fromisoformat(self.created)).days
def actual_period(self) -> int:
"""Actual completion period in days."""
return self.age // self.completion_count if self.completion_count else self.age
# * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * #
# * Get database records and check relationships, or create them if missing
def get_task(session: Session, id: int | None, name: str, period: int) -> Task: # noqa: A002
"""Get or create a task matching an ID, and with the given name and period.
session: Database session.
id: Task ID.
name: Task name.
period: Task period.
query = session.exec(select(Task).where( == id))
if task := query.first(): = name
task.period = period
return task
task = Task(name=name, period=period)
task.firstdue = ( + timedelta(days=period)).isoformat()
return task
def get_tag(session: Session, name: str, position: int | None = None) -> Tag:
"""Get or create a tag with the given name.
session: Database session.
name: Tag name.
position: Tag position.
Returns: Tag with the given name.
query = session.exec(select(Tag).where( == name))
if (tag := query.first()) and position is not None:
tag.position = position
return tag
if not position:
raise ValueError("Tag not found, but desired UI position not given.")
return Tag(name=name, position=position)
def add_tag(session: Session, task: Task, tag: Tag):
"""Attach a tag to a task if it is not already attached. Add it to the session.
session: Database session.
tag: Tag to attach.
task: Task to attach the tag to.
if tag not in task.tags:
# * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * #
engine = init()
"""Regularly Android app database engine."""
"""Excel chore model and helpers.
from pathlib import Path
from shutil import copy
from typing import Annotated, Any, TypeAlias
from more_itertools import one
from pydantic import BaseModel, StringConstraints
from xlwings import Book, Range
from xlwings.main import Table, Tables
# * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * #
# * Constants
ORIGINAL_XLSX = Path("chores-orig.xlsx")
"""Original state of the chores spreadsheet."""
XLSX = Path("chores.xlsx")
"""Copy of the chores spreadsheet for modification."""
SHEET = "chores"
"""Chores sheet name."""
TABLE = "chores"
"""Chores table name."""
# * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * #
# * Initialize chores XLSX
def init():
"""Copy the chores spreadsheet for modification."""
# * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * #
# * Spreadsheet chore model
LowerStr: TypeAlias = Annotated[str, StringConstraints(to_lower=True)]
"""Lowercase string."""
class Chore(BaseModel):
"""Spreadsheet chore model.
Represents just the columns in the spreadsheet we care about.
id: ID.
name: Name.
period: Completion period.
owner: Owner of this chore.
id: int | None
name: str
period: int
"""Completion period."""
owner: LowerStr
# * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * #
# * Table range and value getters
def get_table_values(book: Book, sheet: str, table: str) -> list[dict[str, Any]]:
"""Map cell values in each row of an Excel table to its header.
book: XLWings book object.
sheet: Worksheet name.
table: Table name.
Returns: List of dictionaries, each representing a row of values in the table.
return [
{header: cell.value for header, cell in row.items()}
for row in get_table_ranges(book, sheet, table)
def get_table_ranges(book: Book, sheet: str, table: str) -> list[dict[str, Range]]:
"""Map cell addresses in each row of an Excel table to its header.
Allows setting values back to the spreadsheet by row index and header name.
book: XLWings book object.
sheet: Worksheet name.
table: Table name.
Returns: List of dictionaries, each representing a row of addresses in the table.
tables: Tables = one(s for s in book.sheets if == sheet).tables
table_contents: Table = one(t for t in tables if == table)
header_range, data_range = (
for rng in (table_contents.header_row_range, table_contents.data_body_range)
if rng
if not (header_values := header_range.value):
raise ValueError("Data missing.")
header = [h.casefold() for h in header_values]
return [dict(zip(header, row, strict=True)) for row in data_range.rows]
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2023 Blake Naccarato
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
"""Add an out-of-order log entry.
from datetime import date, timedelta
from sqlmodel import Session, select
from chores_db import Done, Task, engine
EXAMPLE_TASK = "Change cabin air filters"
"""Name of a task to use as an example."""
"""Number of days before the latest log entry to record the next entry."""
def make_log_not_chronological(engine=engine):
"""Add an out-of-order log entry.
engine: Database engine.
with Session(engine) as session:
example_task = session.exec(select(Task).where( == EXAMPLE_TASK)).one()
latest_entrydate = sorted(
example_task.completions, key=lambda c: date.fromisoformat(c.entrydate)
earlier = date.fromisoformat(latest_entrydate) - timedelta(days=SOME_DAYS)
done = Done(entrydate=earlier.isoformat())
done.task = example_task
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Dependencies for this Gist, installed with `setup.ps1`
Copy VSCode configs and install requirements in a Python virtual environment.
# Clone the template into a temporary directory
$tempDirectory = "$(($tempFile = New-TemporaryFile).Directory)/$($tempFile.BaseName)"
git clone --depth 1 '' $tempDirectory
# Move first-time items over if none already exist here (e.g. readme, example scripts)
$templateFirstTime = "$tempDirectory/template-first-time"
$firstTimeItems = Get-ChildItem -File "$templateFirstTime/*"
$existingFirstTimeItems = $firstTimeItems |
Resolve-Path -RelativeBasePath $templateFirstTime -Relative |
Get-Item -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if (-not $existingFirstTimeItems) { $firstTimeItems | Move-Item }
# Move all `.gitignore`d template items over, overwriting existing items
$template = "$tempDirectory/template"
Get-ChildItem -File "$template/*" | Move-Item -Force
if (! (Test-Path '.vscode')) { New-Item -ItemType Directory '.vscode' }
Get-ChildItem -File "$template/.vscode/*" | Move-Item -Destination '.vscode' -Force
# Create a virtual environment if needed, and install requirements
if (! (Test-Path '.venv')) { py -m 'venv' '.venv' }
if (Test-Path ($activateWin = '.venv/scripts/activate')) { . $activateWin }
else { . '.venv/bin/activate' }
pip install --requirement 'requirements.txt'
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