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Last active March 22, 2024 01:17
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Enforce TLS 1.2 in SCOM
This script allows you to enforce TLS 1.2 on System Center Operation Manager environments.
Use this script when you need to want to automate the steps listed here:
The script will not ask any questions. Good for unattended runs.
.PARAMETER DirectoryForPrerequisites
The directory to save / load the prerequisites from. Default is the current directory.
.PARAMETER ForceDownloadPrerequisites
Force download the prerequisites to the directory specified in DirectoryForPrerequisites.
.PARAMETER SkipDotNetCheck
Skip the .NET Check step.
.PARAMETER SkipDownloadPrerequisites
Skip downloading the prerequisite files to current directory:
- msoledbsql.msi (
- msodbcsql.msi (
- sqlncli.msi (
.PARAMETER SkipModifyRegistry
Skip any registry modifications.
.PARAMETER SkipRoleCheck
Skip the SCOM Role Check step.
Skip any check for SQL version compatibility.
.PARAMETER SkipSQLSoftwarePrerequisites
Skip the ODBC, MSOLEDBSQL, and/or Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Native Client.
.PARAMETER SkipVersionCheck
Skip SCOM Version Check step.
Example 1
Normal run:
PS C:\> .\Invoke-EnforceSCOMTLS1.2.ps1
Example 2:
Set the prerequisites folder:
PS C:\> .\Invoke-EnforceSCOMTLS1.2.ps1 -DirectoryForPrerequisites "C:\Temp"
SCOM TLS 1.2 Configuration Script
v 2.3
This script supports: SCOM 2012R2, 2016, 1801, 1807, 2019, and 2022
SQL 2008R2 through 2022
.NET 4.5 through 4.8.1
Original Author: Kevin Holman (
Author: Blake Drumm (
Last Updated: October 23rd, 2023
Blog Post:
[Parameter(HelpMessage = 'The script will not ask any questions. Good for unattended runs.')]
[Parameter(HelpMessage = 'The directory to save / load the prerequisites from. Default is the current directory.')]
[Parameter(HelpMessage = 'Force download the prerequisites to the directory specified in DirectoryForPrerequisites.')]
[Parameter(HelpMessage = 'Skip the .NET Check step.')]
[Parameter(HelpMessage = 'Skip downloading the prerequisite files to current directory.')]
[Parameter(HelpMessage = 'Skip any registry modifications.')]
[Parameter(HelpMessage = 'Skip the SCOM Role Check step.')]
[Parameter(HelpMessage = 'Skip any check for SQL version compatibility.')]
[Parameter(HelpMessage = 'Skip the ODBC, MSOLEDBSQL, and/or Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Native Client.')]
[Parameter(HelpMessage = 'Skip SCOM Version Check step.')]
function Start-SCOMTLSEnforcement
[Parameter(HelpMessage = 'The script will not ask any questions. Good for unattended runs.')]
[Parameter(HelpMessage = 'The directory to save / load the prerequisites from. Default is the current directory.')]
[Parameter(HelpMessage = 'Force download the prerequisites to the directory specified in DirectoryForPrerequisites.')]
[Parameter(HelpMessage = 'Skip the .NET Check step.')]
[Parameter(HelpMessage = 'Skip downloading the prerequisite files to current directory.')]
[Parameter(HelpMessage = 'Skip any registry modifications.')]
[Parameter(HelpMessage = 'Skip the SCOM Role Check step.')]
[Parameter(HelpMessage = 'Skip any check for SQL version compatibility.')]
[Parameter(HelpMessage = 'Skip the ODBC, MSOLEDBSQL, and/or Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Native Client.')]
[Parameter(HelpMessage = 'Skip SCOM Version Check step.')]
# Set the location for the Logs to be saved.
# Example: C:\ProgramData\SCOM_Enforce_TLS_1.2_-_03-17-2023.log
[string]$LogPath = "$env:PROGRAMDATA"
[string]$LogName = "SCOM_Enforce_TLS_1.2_-_$(Get-Date -Format "MM-dd-yyyy").log"
[string]$LogFile = "$LogPath`\$LogName"
IF (!(Test-Path $LogPath))
Write-Output "Cannot access logging directory ($LogPath). Terminating!"
Write-Host "Creating log file: $LogFile"
Add-content $LogFile -value "-----------------------------------------------------------"
function Get-CurrentDate
$Date = Get-Date
[string]$LogTime = "$(($Date).ToShortDateString()) $(($Date).ToLongTimeString())"
[string]$LogTimeFormatted = "$LogTime - "
return $LogTimeFormatted
function Write-ScriptLog
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 90
if ($Status)
$ModifiedStatus = "[$($Status.ToUpper())] "
if ($Status -match "Failed|Error")
$TextColor = 'Red'
elseif ($Status -eq 'Passed')
$TextColor = 'Green'
$TextColor = 'DarkCyan'
if (-not $NoOutput)
Write-Host $(Get-CurrentDate) -NoNewline
if ($Step)
if (-not $NoOutput)
Write-Host "(" -NoNewline
Write-Host "$Step" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Magenta
Write-Host "): " -NoNewline
if ($Status)
if (-not $NoOutput)
Write-Host "[" -NoNewline
Write-Host $Status.ToUpper() -NoNewline -ForegroundColor $TextColor
Write-Host "] " -NoNewline
$outText = "($Step): $ModifiedStatus$LogString"
$outText = "($Step): $LogString"
if ($Status)
if (-not $NoOutput)
Write-Host "[" -NoNewline
Write-Host $Status.ToUpper() -NoNewline -ForegroundColor $TextColor
Write-Host "] " -NoNewline
$outText = "$ModifiedStatus$LogString"
$outText = "$LogString"
if ($ForegroundColor)
if (-not $NoOutput)
Write-Host "$LogString" -ForegroundColor $ForegroundColor
if (-not $NoOutput)
Write-Host "$LogString"
Add-Content $LogFile -value "$(Get-CurrentDate)$outText"
function Script-Failed
if ($failed)
Write-ScriptLog -Step $Step -Status Failed -LogString "Encountered at least one fatal error. Terminating!" -ForegroundColor Red
if (-NOT $DirectoryForPrerequisites)
$DirectoryForPrerequisites = (Resolve-Path .\).Path
$DirectoryForPrerequisites = (Resolve-Path $DirectoryForPrerequisites).Path
$missingPreq = $false
if (-not (Test-Path $DirectoryForPrerequisites\msoledbsql*.msi))
$missingPreq = $true
elseif (-not (Test-Path $DirectoryForPrerequisites\msodbcsql*.msi))
$missingPreq = $true
elseif (-not (Test-Path $DirectoryForPrerequisites\sqlncli*.msi))
$missingPreq = $true
if (-not $SkipDownloadPrerequisites -and $missingPreq -or $ForceDownloadPrerequisites)
if (-NOT $AssumeYes -and $missingPreq)
$answer = Read-Host "Would you like to download the MSOLEDBSQL, MSODBCSQL, and SQLNCLI MSI files to the local directory? '$DirectoryForPrerequisites' (Y/N)"
until ($answer -match "^Y|^N")
$answer = 'Y'
function Download-Prerequisites
Write-ScriptLog -Step Prerequisites -LogString "Downloading required prerequisites to: '$((Resolve-Path $DirectoryForPrerequisites\).Path)'"
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
<# Download Latest (Version 19+)
$releasePage = ((Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri '').RawContent).Split("`r`n")
$releaseDate = ($releasePage | Where {$_ -match "Released: (.*)"}).Replace("<li>Released: ",'').Replace("</li>",'').Replace(",","") | Select-Object -Index 0
$releaseVersion = ($releasePage| Where {$_ -match "Release number: (.*)"}).Replace("<li>Release number: ",'').Replace("</li>",'') | Select-Object -Index 0
$releaseDownloadLink = ($releasePage| Where {$_ -match "Download.*x64"}).Split("`"") | Select-Object -Index 1
# MSOLEDB 18.6.7
$releaseDownloadLink = ''
$filename = 'msoledbsql_18.6.7'
Write-ScriptLog -Step Prerequisites -LogString "Downloading MSOLEDB 18.6.7 automatically from: '$releaseDownloadLink'" -ForegroundColor Cyan
Start-BitsTransfer -Source $releaseDownloadLink -Destination "$DirectoryForPrerequisites\$filename.msi" -ErrorAction Stop
Out-File -FilePath "$DirectoryForPrerequisites\$filename-Released-October 10 2023"
Write-ScriptLog -Step Prerequisites -LogString "Unable to download MSOLEDB 18.6.7 automatically from: ''" -ForegroundColor Red -Status Error
<# Download Latest ODBC (As of writing:
$releasePage = ((Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri '').RawContent).Split("`r`n")
$releaseDate = ($releasePage | Where { $_ -match "Released: (.*)" }).Replace("<li>Released: ", '').Replace("</li>", '').Replace(",", "").Replace("/", "-") | Select-Object -Index 0
$releaseVersion = ($releasePage | Where { $_ -match "Release number: (.*)" }).Replace("<li>Release number: ", '').Replace("</li>", '') | Select-Object -Index 0
$releaseDownloadLink = ($releasePage | Where { $_ -match "Download.*x64" }).Split("`"") | Select-Object -Index 1
Write-ScriptLog -Step Prerequisites -LogString "Downloading latest ODBC automatically from: '$releaseDownloadLink'" -ForegroundColor Cyan
Start-BitsTransfer -Source $releaseDownloadLink -Destination "$DirectoryForPrerequisites\msodbcsql_$releaseVersion.msi"
Out-File -FilePath "$DirectoryForPrerequisites\msodbcsql_$releaseVersion-Released-$releaseDate"
# ODBC 17.10.5
$releaseDownloadLink = ''
$filename = 'msodbcsql_17.10.5'
Write-ScriptLog -Step Prerequisites -LogString "Downloading ODBC 17.10.5 automatically from: '$releaseDownloadLink'" -ForegroundColor Cyan
Start-BitsTransfer -Source $releaseDownloadLink -Destination "$DirectoryForPrerequisites\$filename.msi" -ErrorAction Stop
Out-File -FilePath "$DirectoryForPrerequisites\$filename-Released-October 10 2023"
Write-ScriptLog -Step Prerequisites -LogString "Unable to download ODBC 17.10.5 automatically from: ''" -ForegroundColor Red -Status Error
# SQL Server 2012 Native Client
# Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Native Client - QFE (As of writing: 11.0.7001.0)
$releasePage = ((Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri '').RawContent).Split("`r`n").Trim()
$releaseDate = ((($releasePage | Select-String -Pattern "^Date Published:\s").ToString()).Split("p>") | Select-Object -Index 3).Replace("</", '').Replace(",", "").Replace("/", "-")
$releaseVersion = ((($releasePage | Select-String -Pattern "^Version:\s").ToString()).Split("p>") | Select-Object -Index 3).Replace("</", '')
$releaseConfirmationLink = ((($releasePage | Where { $_ -match "download-button.*href=(.*)" }).Split(" ") | Select-String "href=`"(.*)`"") | Select-Object -Index 0 | Out-String).Split("`"") | Select-Object -Index 1
$releaseConfirmationPage = "$releaseConfirmationLink"
$releaseDownloadLink = (((Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri $releaseConfirmationPage).RawContent).Split("`r`n").Trim().Split("<") | Where { $_ -match "sqlncli.msi" }).Split("`"") | Where { $_ -match "\/x64\/sqlncli.msi" } | Select-Object -Index 0
Write-ScriptLog -Step Prerequisites -LogString "Downloading SQL Server 2012 Native Client automatically from: '$releaseDownloadLink'" -ForegroundColor Cyan
Start-BitsTransfer -Source $releaseDownloadLink -Destination "$DirectoryForPrerequisites\sqlncli_$releaseVersion.msi"
Out-File -FilePath "$DirectoryForPrerequisites\sqlncli_$releaseVersion-Released-$releaseDate"
Write-ScriptLog -Step Prerequisites -LogString "Unable to download Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Native Client automatically from: ''" -ForegroundColor Red -Status Error
if ($answer -match "^Y" -or $ForceDownloadPrerequisites)
$answer = Read-Host "Do you want to download to another directory instead? (Y/N)"
until ($answer -match "^Y|^N")
if ($answer -match "^N")
Write-ScriptLog -Step Prerequisites -LogString "You have decided to skip the downloading of the pre-requisites. Please ensure you have the software(s) in the same folder as the script, or installed already." -ForegroundColor Yellow -Status Warning
$answer = Read-Host "Please enter the path to save the prerequisite software(s)? (C:\Temp\)"
until ($answer -match "(\w:\\+\w+)|(\\+\w+)+")
$resolvedPath = (Resolve-Path -Path $answer).Path
$DirectoryForPrerequisites = $resolvedPath
Write-ScriptLog @"
Starting SCOM TLS 1.2 Configuration.
PowerShell Unrestricted Execution Policy access is required to run this script.
If applicable, please use the (Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted) command to allow the script to run.
Logging will be written to C:\ProgramData
"@ -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-ScriptLog -LogString "Starting SCOM TLS 1.2 Configuration script on: $env:COMPUTERNAME" -Step Startup
IF ($Error)
Write-ScriptLog -Step Startup -LogString "Error occurred. Error is: ($Error)" -ForegroundColor Red -Status Error
# Find out if SCOM of any kind is installed Section
$MSOLEDBInstallFlag = $false
$ODBCInstallFlag = $false
$failed = $false
if (-not $SkipRoleCheck)
Write-ScriptLog -Step Startup -LogString "Checking to see if SCOM is installed and gather the SCOM Role."
$SCOMRegPath = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Operations Manager\3.0\Setup"
$SCOMInstalled = Test-Path $SCOMRegPath
#On SCOM 2019 StandAlone Web Console Servers the above reg path is missing. Check alternate path
IF (!($SCOMInstalled))
$SCOMRegPath = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\System Center Operations Manager\12\Setup\WebConsole"
$SCOMInstalled = Test-Path $SCOMRegPath
IF ($SCOMInstalled)
#Find out if this is a SCOM Management server or GW
$SCOMSvrRegPath = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Operations Manager\3.0\Server Management Groups"
$SCOMServer = Test-Path $SCOMSvrRegPath
IF ($SCOMServer)
[string]$Product = (Get-ItemProperty $SCOMRegPath).Product
IF ($Product -match "Gateway")
$Gateway = $true
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SCOM Role Check' -LogString "Gateway Role has been detected." -ForegroundColor Green
$ManagementServer = $true
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SCOM Role Check' -LogString "Management Server Role has been detected." -ForegroundColor Green
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SCOM Role Check' -LogString "No Management Server or Gateway roles detected." -ForegroundColor Yellow
#Find out if this is a SCOM Web Console Server
$SCOMInstallPath = (Get-ItemProperty $SCOMRegPath).InstallDirectory
$WebConsolePath = $SCOMInstallPath -replace "\\Server\\", "\WebConsole\"
[string]$WebConsoleMVPath = $WebConsolePath + "MonitoringView"
$WebConsoleServer = Test-Path $WebConsoleMVPath
IF ($WebConsoleServer)
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SCOM Role Check' -LogString "Web Console Role has been detected." -ForegroundColor Green
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SCOM Role Check' -LogString "No Web Console Role has been detected." -ForegroundColor Yellow
#Find out if this is a Management Server and has ACS Collector installed
IF ($ManagementServer)
$ACSReg = "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\AdtServer"
IF (Test-Path $ACSReg)
#This is an ACS Collector server
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SCOM Role Check' -LogString "ACS Collector Role has been detected." -ForegroundColor Green
$ACS = $true
#This is NOT an ACS Collector server
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SCOM Role Check' -LogString "No ACS Collector Role has been detected." -ForegroundColor Yellow
Script-Failed -step 'SCOM Role Check' -failed $failed
# Ensure SCOM 2012 UR14 (or later), 1801, 1807, 2019, 2022, or 2016 UR4 (or later) is installed
$SCOM2012 = $false
$SCOM2016 = $false
$SCOM1801_1807 = $true
$SCOM2019 = $false
$SCOM2022 = $false
$SCOM2022andUP = $false
IF (-not $SkipVersionCheck -and $ManagementServer -or $WebConsoleServer -or $Gateway)
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SCOM Version Check' -LogString "Checking to ensure the your version of SCOM supports TLS 1.2 enforcement (2012R2 UR14 (or later), 2016 UR4 (or later), 2019, 2022)."
$failed = $false
#region CheckGateway
# Check to see if this is a Gateway
IF ($Gateway)
$GWURFilePath = $SCOMInstallPath + "HealthService.dll"
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SCOM Version Check' -ForegroundColor Gray -LogString "SCOM Gateway Update Rollup filepath: $GWURFilePath"
$GWURFile = Get-Item $GWURFilePath
$GWURFileVersion = $GWURFile.VersionInfo.FileVersion
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SCOM Version Check' -ForegroundColor Gray -LogString "SCOM Gateway Update Rollup file version: $GWURFileVersion"
$GWURFileVersionSplit = $GWURFileVersion.Split(".")
[double]$MajorSCOMGWVersion = $GWURFileVersionSplit[0] + "." + $GWURFileVersionSplit[1]
IF ($MajorSCOMGWVersion -gt "10.22")
# This is a SCOM 2022 or later Gateway
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SCOM Version Check' -Status Passed -LogString "Gateway Server role version 2022 (or newer) detected which supports TLS 1.2" -ForegroundColor Green
$failed = $false
$SCOM2022andUP = $true
ELSEIF ($MajorSCOMGWVersion -eq "10.22")
# This is a SCOM 2022 Gateway
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SCOM Version Check' -Status Passed -LogString "Gateway Server role version 2022 detected which supports TLS 1.2" -ForegroundColor Green
$failed = $false
$SCOM2022 = $true
ELSEIF ($MajorSCOMGWVersion -eq "10.19")
# This is a SCOM 2019 Gateway
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SCOM Version Check' -Status Passed -LogString "Gateway Server role version 2019 detected which supports TLS 1.2" -ForegroundColor Green
$failed = $false
$SCOM2019 = $true
ELSEIF ($MajorSCOMGWVersion -gt "8.0")
# This is a SCOM 1801, 1807 Gateway
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SCOM Version Check' -Status Passed -LogString "Gateway Server role version 1801/1807 detected which supports TLS 1.2" -ForegroundColor Green
$failed = $false
$SCOM1801_1807 = $true
ELSEIF ($MajorSCOMGWVersion -eq "8.0")
# This is a SCOM 2016 Gateway
[int]$URVersion = $GWURFileVersionSplit[2]
IF ($URVersion -ge 10977)
#This is UR4 or later
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SCOM Version Check' -Status Passed -LogString "SCOM 2016 UR4 or later detected on this SCOM 2016 Gateway" -ForegroundColor Green
$failed = $false
$SCOM2016 = $true
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SCOM Version Check' -Status Failed -LogString "SCOM 2016 UR4 was not found on this SCOM 2016 Gateway. Please ensure SCOM 2016 UR4 is applied before continuing." -ForegroundColor Red
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SCOM Version Check' -Status Failed -LogString "Version found for Healthservice.dll ($GWURFileVersion)" -ForegroundColor Red
$failed = $true
ELSEIF ($MajorSCOMGWVersion -eq "7.1")
# This is a SCOM 2012R2 Gateway
[int]$URVersion = $GWURFileVersionSplit[2]
IF ($URVersion -ge 10305)
#This is UR4 or later
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SCOM Version Check' -Status Failed -LogString "SCOM 2012R2 UR14 or later detected on this SCOM 2012 R2 Gateway" -ForegroundColor Green
$SCOM2012 = $true
$failed = $false
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SCOM Version Check' -Status Failed -LogString "SCOM 2012R2 UR14 was not found on this Gateway. Please ensure UR14 is applied before continuing." -ForegroundColor Red
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SCOM Version Check' -Status Failed -LogString "Version found for Healthservice.dll ($GWURFileVersion)" -ForegroundColor Red
$failed = $true
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SCOM Version Check' -Status Failed -LogString "A SCOM Gateway Server Role has been detected however it is not a known version supported by this script" -ForegroundColor Red
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SCOM Version Check' -Status Failed -LogString "Version found for Healthservice.dll ($GWURFileVersion)" -ForegroundColor Red
$failed = $true
Script-Failed -Step 'SCOM Version Check' -failed $failed
#endregion CheckGateway
#region CheckManagementServer
IF (-not $SkipVersionCheck -and $ManagementServer)
$ServerURFilePath = $SCOMInstallPath + "Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.RuntimeService.dll"
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SCOM Version Check' -ForegroundColor Gray -LogString "Management Server Update Rollup filepath: $ServerURFilePath"
$ServerURFile = Get-Item $ServerURFilePath
$ServerURFileVersion = $ServerURFile.VersionInfo.FileVersion
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SCOM Version Check' -ForegroundColor Gray -LogString "Management Server Update Rollup file version: $ServerURFileVersion"
$ServerURFileVersionSplit = $ServerURFileVersion.Split(".")
[double]$MajorSCOMVersion = $ServerURFileVersionSplit[0] + "." + $ServerURFileVersionSplit[1]
IF ($MajorSCOMVersion -gt "10.22")
# This is a SCOM 2022 or later Gateway
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SCOM Version Check' -Status Passed -LogString "Management Server role version 2022 (or newer) detected which supports TLS 1.2" -ForegroundColor Green
$failed = $false
$SCOM2022andUP = $true
ELSEIF ($MajorSCOMVersion -eq "10.22")
# This is a SCOM 2022 Gateway
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SCOM Version Check' -Status Passed -LogString "Management Server role version 2022 detected which supports TLS 1.2" -ForegroundColor Green
$failed = $false
$SCOM2022 = $true
ELSEIF ($MajorSCOMVersion -eq "10.19")
# This is a SCOM 2019 Gateway
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SCOM Version Check' -Status Passed -LogString "Management Server role version 2019 detected which supports TLS 1.2" -ForegroundColor Green
$failed = $false
$SCOM2019 = $true
ELSEIF ($MajorSCOMVersion -ge "7.3")
# This is a SCOM 1801, 1807 Gateway
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SCOM Version Check' -Status Passed -LogString "Management Server role version 1801/1807 detected which supports TLS 1.2" -ForegroundColor Green
$failed = $false
$SCOM1801_1807 = $true
ELSEIF ($MajorSCOMVersion -eq "7.2")
# This is a SCOM 2016 ManagementServer
[int]$URVersion = $ServerURFileVersionSplit[2]
IF ($URVersion -ge 11938)
#This is UR4 or later
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SCOM Version Check' -Status Passed -LogString "Management Server role version 2016 UR4 or later detected which supports TLS 1.2" -ForegroundColor Green
$failed = $false
$SCOM2016 = $true
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SCOM Version Check' -Status Failed -LogString "SCOM 2016 UR4 or later was not found on this SCOM 2016 Management Server. Please ensure UR4 or later is applied before continuing." -ForegroundColor Red
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SCOM Version Check' -Status Failed -LogString "Version found for Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.RuntimeService.dll ($ServerURFileVersion)" -ForegroundColor Red
$failed = $true
ELSEIF ($MajorSCOMVersion -eq "7.1")
# This is a SCOM 2012R2 ManagementServer
[int]$URVersion = $ServerURFileVersionSplit[3]
IF ($URVersion -ge 1387)
#This is UR14 or later
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SCOM Version Check' -Status Passed -LogString "Management Server role version 2012R2 UR14 or later detected which supports TLS 1.2" -ForegroundColor Green
$failed = $false
$SCOM2012 = $true
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SCOM Version Check' -Status Failed -LogString "SCOM 2012R2 UR14 or later was not found on this SCOM 2012R2 Management Server. Please ensure UR14 or later is applied before continuing." -ForegroundColor Red
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SCOM Version Check' -Status Failed -LogString "Version found for Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.RuntimeService.dll ($ServerURFileVersion)" -ForegroundColor Red
$failed = $true
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SCOM Version Check' -Status Failed -LogString "A SCOM Management Server Role has been detected however it is not a known version supported by this script" -ForegroundColor Red
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SCOM Version Check' -Status Failed -LogString "Version found for Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.RuntimeService.dll ($ServerURFileVersion)" -ForegroundColor Red
$failed = $true
Script-Failed -Step 'SCOM Version Check' -failed $failed
#endregion CheckManagementServer
#region CheckWebConsole
IF (-not $SkipVersionCheck -and $WebConsoleServer)
$WebConsoleFilePath = $WebConsolePath + "Microsoft.Mom.Common.dll"
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SCOM Version Check' -ForegroundColor Gray -LogString "Web Console filepath: $WebConsoleFilePath"
$WebConsoleFile = Get-Item $WebConsoleFilePath
$WebConsoleFileVersion = $WebConsoleFile.VersionInfo.FileVersion
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SCOM Version Check' -ForegroundColor Gray -LogString "Web Console file version: $WebConsoleFileVersion"
$WebConsoleFileVersionSplit = $WebConsoleFileVersion.Split(".")
[double]$MajorWebConsoleVersion = $WebConsoleFileVersionSplit[0] + "." + $WebConsoleFileVersionSplit[1]
IF ($MajorWebConsoleVersion -ge "10.22")
# This is a SCOM 2022 (or later) Web Console Server
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SCOM Version Check' -Status Passed -LogString "Web Console Server role version 2022 or later detected which supports TLS 1.2" -ForegroundColor Green
$failed = $false
$SCOM2022 = $true
ELSEIF ($MajorWebConsoleVersion -ge "10.19")
# This is a SCOM 2019 Web Console Server
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SCOM Version Check' -Status Passed -LogString "Web Console Server role version 2019 detected which supports TLS 1.2" -ForegroundColor Green
$failed = $false
$SCOM2019 = $true
ELSEIF ($MajorWebConsoleVersion -ge "7.3")
# This is a SCOM 1801 or 1807 Web Console Server
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SCOM Version Check' -Status Passed -LogString "Web Console Server role version 1801/1807 or later detected which supports TLS 1.2" -ForegroundColor Green
$failed = $false
$SCOM2016 = $true
ELSEIF ($MajorWebConsoleVersion -eq "7.2")
# This is a SCOM 2016 WebConsole
# Get a file that is included in UR4 and later for version checking
$WebConsole2016URFilePath = $WebConsolePath + "WebHost\bin\Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Management.DataProviders.dll"
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SCOM Version Check' -ForegroundColor Gray -LogString "SCOM 2016 Web Console Update Rollup 4 (or later) filepath: $WebConsole2016URFilePath"
$WebConsole2016URFile = Get-Item $WebConsole2016URFilePath
$WebConsole2016URFileVersion = $WebConsole2016URFile.VersionInfo.FileVersion
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SCOM Version Check' -ForegroundColor Gray -LogString "SCOM 2016 Web Console Update Rollup 4 (or later) file version: $WebConsole2016URFileVersion"
$WebConsole2016URFileVersionSplit = $WebConsole2016URFileVersion.Split(".")
[int]$2016URVersion = $WebConsole2016URFileVersionSplit[2]
IF ($2016URVersion -ge 11938)
#This is UR4 or later
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SCOM Version Check' -Status Passed -LogString "Web Console Server role version 2016 UR4 or later detected which supports TLS 1.2" -ForegroundColor Green
$failed = $false
$SCOM2016 = $true
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SCOM Version Check' -Status Failed -LogString "SCOM 2016 UR4 was not found on this SCOM 2016 Web Console. Please ensure UR4 is applied before continuing." -ForegroundColor Red
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SCOM Version Check' -Status Failed -LogString "Version found for Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Management.DataProviders.dll ($WebConsole2016URFileVersion)" -ForegroundColor Red
$failed = $true
ELSEIF ($MajorWebConsoleVersion -eq "7.1")
# This is a SCOM 2012R2 WebConsole
$WebConsole2012URFilePath = $WebConsolePath + "WebHost\bin\Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Management.DataProviders.dll"
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SCOM Version Check' -ForegroundColor Gray -LogString "SCOM 2012 R2 Web Console Update Rollup filepath: $WebConsole2012URFilePath"
$WebConsole2012URFile = Get-Item $WebConsole2012URFilePath
$WebConsole2012URFileVersion = $WebConsole2012URFile.VersionInfo.FileVersion
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SCOM Version Check' -ForegroundColor Gray -LogString "SCOM 2012R2 Web Console Update Rollup file version: $WebConsole2012URFileVersion"
$WebConsole2012URFileVersionSplit = $WebConsole2012URFileVersion.Split(".")
[int]$2012URVersion = $WebConsole2012URFileVersionSplit[3]
IF ($2012URVersion -ge 1387)
#This is UR14 or later
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SCOM Version Check' -Status Passed -LogString "Web Console Server role version 2012R2 UR14 or later detected which supports TLS 1.2" -ForegroundColor Green
$failed = $false
$SCOM2012 = $true
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SCOM Version Check' -Status Failed -LogString "SCOM 2012R2 UR14 was not found on this SCOM 2012R2 WebConsole. Please ensure UR14 is applied before continuing." -ForegroundColor Red
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SCOM Version Check' -Status Failed -LogString "Version found for Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Management.DataProviders.dll ($WebConsole2012URFileVersion)" -ForegroundColor Red
$failed = $true
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SCOM Version Check' -Status Failed -LogString "A SCOM Web Console Server Role has been detected however it is not a version supported by this script" -ForegroundColor Red
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SCOM Version Check' -Status Failed -LogString "Version found for ($WebConsoleFilePath) is ($WebConsoleFileVersion)" -ForegroundColor Red
$failed = $true
Script-Failed -Step 'SCOM Version Check' -failed $failed
#region CheckIfSQLServer
$IsSQLServer = Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\MSSQLServer\CurrentVersion" -ErrorAction Stop
$IsSQLServer = $null
#region TestDotNetFramework
# Test .NET Framework version on ALL servers
if (-not $SkipDotNetCheck)
Write-ScriptLog -Step '.NET Check' -LogString "Checking if .NET Framework Version is 4.6 or later."
# Get version from registry
$RegPath = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\"
[int]$ReleaseRegValue = (Get-ItemProperty $RegPath).Release
Write-ScriptLog -Step '.NET Check' -ForegroundColor Gray -LogString ".NET Framework Release Registry Value: $ReleaseRegValue"
# Interpret .NET version
[string]$VersionString = switch ($ReleaseRegValue)
"378389" { ".NET Framework 4.5" }
"378675" { ".NET Framework 4.5.1" }
"378758" { ".NET Framework 4.5.1" }
"379893" { ".NET Framework 4.5.2" }
"393295" { ".NET Framework 4.6" }
"393297" { ".NET Framework 4.6" }
"394254" { ".NET Framework 4.6.1" }
"394271" { ".NET Framework 4.6.1" }
"394802" { ".NET Framework 4.6.2" }
"394806" { ".NET Framework 4.6.2" }
"460798" { ".NET Framework 4.7" }
"460805" { ".NET Framework 4.7" }
"461308" { ".NET Framework 4.7.1" }
"461310" { ".NET Framework 4.7.1" }
"461808" { ".NET Framework 4.7.2" }
"461814" { ".NET Framework 4.7.2" }
"528040" { ".NET Framework 4.8" }
"528049" { ".NET Framework 4.8" }
"528449" { ".NET Framework 4.8" }
"533320" { ".NET Framework 4.8.1" }
'533325' { ".NET Framework 4.8.1" }
default { "Unknown version of .NET version: $ReleaseRegValue" }
# Check if version is 4.6 or higher
IF ($ReleaseRegValue -ge 393295)
Write-ScriptLog -Step '.NET Check' -Status Passed -LogString ".NET version 4.6 or later is installed" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-ScriptLog -Step '.NET Check' -Status Passed -LogString "Detected version is: ($VersionString)" -ForegroundColor Green
$failed = $false
Write-ScriptLog -Step '.NET Check' -Status Failed -LogString ".NET version 4.6 or later is NOT installed" -ForegroundColor Red
Write-ScriptLog -Step '.NET Check' -Status Failed -LogString "Detected version is: ($VersionString)" -ForegroundColor Red
$failed = $true
Script-Failed -Step '.NET Check' -failed $failed
#region CheckSQLServerVersions
# Get SQL Server Version to check for TLS Support
IF (-not $SkipSQLQueries -and $ManagementServer)
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SQL Check' -LogString "Checking SQL Server Versions to ensure they support TLS 1.2."
#region CheckOpsDB
# This is a management server. Try to get the database values.
$OpsSQLServer = (Get-ItemProperty $SCOMRegPath).DatabaseServerName
$DWSQLServer = (Get-ItemProperty $SCOMRegPath).DataWarehouseDBServerName
$OpsDBName = (Get-ItemProperty $SCOMRegPath).DatabaseName
$DWDBName = (Get-ItemProperty $SCOMRegPath).DataWarehouseDBName
# Connect to and query SQL for OpsDB
$SqlQuery = "SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('ProductVersion') AS 'Version'"
$SqlConnection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
$SqlConnection.ConnectionString = "Server=$OpsSQLServer; Database=master; Integrated Security=True"
$SqlCmd = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
$SqlCmd.Connection = $SqlConnection
$SqlCmd.CommandText = $SqlQuery
$SqlAdapter = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter
$SqlAdapter.SelectCommand = $SqlCmd
$ds = New-Object System.Data.DataSet
$SqlAdapter.Fill($ds) | Out-Null
$SQLOutput = $ds.Tables[0]
$SQLVersion = $SQLOutput.Version
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SQL Check' -ForegroundColor Gray -LogString "Operations DB ($OpsDBName) SQL Server version: $SQLVersion"
$SQLVersionSplit = $SQLVersion.split(".")
[int]$SQLMajorVersion = $SQLVersionSplit[0]
IF ($SQLMajorVersion -ge 13)
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SQL Check' -Status Passed -LogString "Operations DB Server: This is SQL 2016 or later. All versions of SQL 2016 and later support TLS 1.2 so no patch/update is required on server ($OpsSQLServer)" -ForegroundColor Green
ELSEIF ($SQLMajorVersion -eq 12)
[int]$SQLMinorVersion = $SQLVersionSplit[2]
IF ($SQLMinorVersion -ge 4439)
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SQL Check' -Status Passed -LogString "Operations DB Server: This is SQL 2014. We detected a version that is greater than SQL 2014 SP1 CU5, so no patch/update is required on server ($OpsSQLServer)." -ForegroundColor Green
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SQL Check' -Status Passed -LogString "Minimum version: (12.0.4439.1)" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SQL Check' -Status Passed -LogString "Detected version: ($SQLVersion)" -ForegroundColor Green
$failed = $false
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SQL Check' -Status Failed -LogString "Operations DB Server: This is SQL 2014, and we detected a version that does not support TLS 1.2 on server ($OpsSQLServer)" -ForegroundColor Red
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SQL Check' -Status Failed -LogString "Minimum version: (12.0.4439.1)" -ForegroundColor Red
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SQL Check' -Status Failed -LogString "Detected version: ($SQLVersion)" -ForegroundColor Red
$failed = $true
ELSEIF ($SQLMajorVersion -eq 11)
[int]$SQLMinorVersion = $SQLVersionSplit[2]
IF ($SQLMinorVersion -ge 6216)
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SQL Check' -Status Passed -LogString "Operations DB Server: This is SQL 2012. We detected a version that is greater than SQL 2012 SP3 with TLS Update, so no patch/update is required on server ($OpsSQLServer)." -ForegroundColor Green
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SQL Check' -Status Passed -LogString "Minimum version: (11.0.6216.0)" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SQL Check' -Status Passed -LogString "Detected version: ($SQLVersion)" -ForegroundColor Green
$failed = $false
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SQL Check' -Status Failed -LogString "Operations DB Server: This is SQL 2012, and we detected a version that does not support TLS 1.2 on server ($OpsSQLServer)" -ForegroundColor Red
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SQL Check' -Status Failed -LogString "Minimum version: (11.0.6216.0)" -ForegroundColor Red
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SQL Check' -Status Failed -LogString "Detected version: ($SQLVersion)" -ForegroundColor Red
$failed = $true
ELSEIF ($SQLMajorVersion -eq 10 -and $SQLVersionSplit[1] -eq 50)
[int]$SQLMinorVersion = $SQLVersionSplit[2]
IF ($SQLMinorVersion -ge 6542)
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SQL Check' -Status Passed -LogString "Operations DB Server: This is SQL 2008R2. We detected a version that is greater than SQL 2008R2 SP3 with TLS update, so no patch/update is required on server ($OpsSQLServer)." -ForegroundColor Green
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SQL Check' -Status Passed -LogString "Minimum version: (10.50.6542.0)" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SQL Check' -Status Passed -LogString "Detected version: ($SQLVersion)" -ForegroundColor Green
$failed = $false
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SQL Check' -Status Failed -LogString "Operations DB Server: This is SQL 2008R2, and we detected a version that does not support TLS 1.2 on server ($OpsSQLServer)" -ForegroundColor Red
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SQL Check' -Status Failed -LogString "Minimum version: (10.50.6542.0)" -ForegroundColor Red
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SQL Check' -Status Failed -LogString "Detected version: ($SQLVersion)" -ForegroundColor Red
$failed = $true
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SQL Check' -Status Failed -LogString "Operations DB Server: We did not detect a supported version of SQL for SCOM and TLS 1.2 on server ($OpsSQLServer)" -ForegroundColor Red
$failed = $true
Script-Failed -Step 'SQL Check' -failed $failed
#region CheckDW
# Connect to and query SQL for Data Warehouse SQL Server
$SqlQuery = "SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('ProductVersion') AS 'Version'"
$SqlConnection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
$SqlConnection.ConnectionString = "Server=$DWSQLServer; Database=master; Integrated Security=True"
$SqlCmd = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
$SqlCmd.Connection = $SqlConnection
$SqlCmd.CommandText = $SqlQuery
$SqlAdapter = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter
$SqlAdapter.SelectCommand = $SqlCmd
$ds = New-Object System.Data.DataSet
$SqlAdapter.Fill($ds) | Out-Null
$SQLOutput = $ds.Tables[0]
$SQLVersion = $SQLOutput.Version
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SQL Check' -ForegroundColor Gray -LogString "Data Warehouse DB ($DWDBName) SQL Server version: $SQLVersion"
$SQLVersionSplit = $SQLVersion.split(".")
[int]$SQLMajorVersion = $SQLVersionSplit[0]
IF ($SQLMajorVersion -ge 13)
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SQL Check' -Status Passed -LogString "Data Warehouse Server: This is SQL 2016 or later. All versions of SQL 2016 and later support TLS 1.2 so no patch/update is required on server ($DWSQLServer)" -ForegroundColor Green
ELSEIF ($SQLMajorVersion -eq 12)
[int]$SQLMinorVersion = $SQLVersionSplit[2]
IF ($SQLMinorVersion -ge 4439)
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SQL Check' -Status Passed -LogString "Data Warehouse Server: This is SQL 2014. We detected a version that is greater than SQL 2014 SP1 CU5, so no patch/update is required on server ($DWSQLServer)." -ForegroundColor Green
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SQL Check' -Status Passed -LogString "Minimum version: (12.0.4439.1)" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SQL Check' -Status Passed -LogString "Detected version: ($SQLVersion)" -ForegroundColor Green
$failed = $false
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SQL Check' -Status Failed -LogString "Data Warehouse Server: This is SQL 2014, and we detected a version that does not support TLS 1.2 on server ($DWSQLServer)" -ForegroundColor Red
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SQL Check' -Status Failed -LogString "Minimum version: (12.0.4439.1)" -ForegroundColor Red
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SQL Check' -Status Failed -LogString "Detected version: ($SQLVersion)" -ForegroundColor Red
$failed = $true
ELSEIF ($SQLMajorVersion -eq 11)
[int]$SQLMinorVersion = $SQLVersionSplit[2]
IF ($SQLMinorVersion -ge 6216)
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SQL Check' -Status Passed -LogString "Data Warehouse Server: This is SQL 2012. We detected a version that is greater than SQL 2012 SP3 with TLS Update, so no patch/update is required on server ($DWSQLServer)." -ForegroundColor Green
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SQL Check' -Status Passed -LogString "Minimum version: (11.0.6216.0)" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SQL Check' -Status Passed -LogString "Detected version: ($SQLVersion)" -ForegroundColor Green
$failed = $false
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SQL Check' -Status Failed -LogString "Data Warehouse Server: This is SQL 2012, and we detected a version that does not support TLS 1.2 on server ($DWSQLServer)" -ForegroundColor Red
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SQL Check' -Status Failed -LogString "Minimum version: (11.0.6216.0)" -ForegroundColor Red
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SQL Check' -Status Failed -LogString "Detected version: ($SQLVersion)" -ForegroundColor Red
$failed = $true
ELSEIF ($SQLMajorVersion -eq 10 -and $SQLVersionSplit[1] -eq 50)
[int]$SQLMinorVersion = $SQLVersionSplit[2]
IF ($SQLMinorVersion -ge 6542)
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SQL Check' -Status Passed -LogString "Data Warehouse Server: This is SQL 2008R2. We detected a version that is greater than SQL 2008R2 SP3 with TLS update, so no patch/update is required on server ($DWSQLServer)." -ForegroundColor Green
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SQL Check' -Status Passed -LogString "Minimum version: (10.50.6542.0)" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SQL Check' -Status Passed -LogString "Detected version: ($SQLVersion)" -ForegroundColor Green
$failed = $false
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SQL Check' -Status Failed -LogString "Data Warehouse Server: This is SQL 2008R2, and we detected a version that does not support TLS 1.2 on server ($DWSQLServer)" -ForegroundColor Red
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SQL Check' -Status Failed -LogString "Minimum version: (10.50.6542.0)" -ForegroundColor Red
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SQL Check' -Status Failed -LogString "Detected version: ($SQLVersion)" -ForegroundColor Red
$failed = $true
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'SQL Check' -Status Failed -LogString "Data Warehouse Server: We did not detect a supported version of SQL for SCOM and TLS 1.2 on server ($DWSQLServer)" -ForegroundColor Red
$failed = $true
Script-Failed -Step 'SQL Check' -failed $failed
#region SoftwarePrerequisites
# Software Prerequisites for Management Servers and Web Console servers
IF (-not $SkipSQLSoftwarePrerequisites -and ($ManagementServer -or $WebConsoleServer) -or $IsSQLServer)
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'Check SQL Prerequisites' -LogString "Checking OLEDB version, ODBC Driver, and SQL Client version version for TLS 1.2 support."
$failed = $false
#region OLEDB
### Check if OLEDB Driver is installed
$MSOLEDB = "$env:SYSTEMROOT\system32\msoledbsql.dll"
function Install-MSOLEDB
$MSOLEDBInstallFlag = $true
$MSOLEDB = $null
$MSOLEDB = Get-Item "$DirectoryForPrerequisites\msoledbsql_*.msi" -ErrorAction Stop | Select-Object -First 1 -ErrorAction Stop
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'Check SQL Prerequisites' -Status 'Found File' -LogString "Found file with this name: '$($MSOLEDB.FullName)'" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'Check SQL Prerequisites' -Status 'File not found' -LogString "Did not detect any file with this name: 'msoledbsql_*.msi'" -ForegroundColor Red
if (-not $MSOLEDB)
$MSOLEDB = Get-Item "$DirectoryForPrerequisites\msoledbsql.msi" -ErrorAction Stop
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'Check SQL Prerequisites' -Status 'Found File' -LogString "Found file with this name: '$($MSOLEDB.FullName)'" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'Check SQL Prerequisites' -Status 'File not found' -LogString "Could not locate file: msoledbsql.msi" -ForegroundColor Red
$failed = $true
Script-Failed -step 'Check SQL Prerequisites' -failed $failed
IF ($Error)
Write-ScriptLog "Error occurred. Error is: ($Error)"
$failed = $true
Write-ScriptLog "Unable to locate the file: msoledbsql.msi"
IF (Test-Path $MSOLEDB)
$MSOLEDBGood = $false
[version]$MSOLEDBversion = (Get-ItemProperty $MSOLEDB).VersionInfo.ProductVersion
if ($MSOLEDBversion.Major -ge 19)
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'Check SQL Prerequisites' -Status Passed -LogString "MSOLEDB - is now installed and on a valid version ($MSOLEDBversion) (Don't forget you need to do extra configuration for the Certificate on this version of MSOLEDB:" -ForegroundColor Green
$MSOLEDBGood = $true
elseif ($MSOLEDBversion.Major -ge 18)
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'Check SQL Prerequisites' -Status Passed -LogString "MSOLEDB - version $MSOLEDBversion is installed" -ForegroundColor Green
$MSOLEDBGood = $true
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'Check SQL Prerequisites' -LogString "MSOLEDB - is installed but is not within the valid versions (18 and newer). We will attempt to upgrade now." -ForegroundColor Yellow
#region UpgradeMSOLEDB
$MSOLEDBFileExists = Test-Path "$DirectoryForPrerequisites\msoledbsql.msi"
IF (!($MSOLEDBFileExists))
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'Check SQL Prerequisites' -Status Failed -LogString "Path to MSOLEDB install file not found. Ensure that the file (msoledbsql.msi) is in the same directory as this script." -ForegroundColor Red
$failed = $true
Script-Failed -step 'Check SQL Prerequisites' -failed $failed
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'Check SQL Prerequisites' -LogString "MSOLEDB - is NOT installed." -ForegroundColor Yellow
if (-NOT $AssumeYes)
$InstallOLEDB = Read-Host "$(Get-CurrentDate)Do you want to install MSOLEDB? (Y/N)"
Write-ScriptLog -LogString "Do you want to install MSOLEDB? (Y/N): $InstallOLEDB" -NoOutput
until ($InstallOLEDB -match "^Y|^N")
$InstallOLEDB = 'Y'
if ($InstallOLEDB -match "^Y")
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'Check SQL Prerequisites' -LogString "Installing MSOLEDB." -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'Check SQL Prerequisites' -LogString "NOT installing MSOLEDB." -ForegroundColor Yellow
### Recheck if MSOLEDB is installed after an install attempt
IF ((Test-Path $MSOLEDB) -and ($InstallOLEDB -match "^Y"))
$MSOLEDBGood = $false
[version]$MSOLEDBversion = (Get-ItemProperty $MSOLEDB).VersionInfo.ProductVersion
if ($MSOLEDBversion.Major -ge 19)
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'Check SQL Prerequisites' -Status Passed -LogString "MSOLEDB - is now installed and on a valid version ($MSOLEDBversion) (Don't forget you need to do extra configuration for the Certificate on this version of MSOLEDB:" -ForegroundColor Green
$MSOLEDBGood = $true
elseif ($MSOLEDBversion.Major -ge 18)
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'Check SQL Prerequisites' -Status Passed -LogString "MSOLEDB - is now installed and on a valid version ($MSOLEDBversion)." -ForegroundColor Green
$MSOLEDBGood = $true
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'Check SQL Prerequisites' -LogString "MSOLEDB - is installed but is not within the valid versions (18 and newer)." -ForegroundColor Yellow
$MSOLEDBGood = $false
#region SQLClient
function Install-SQLClient
# Check if SQL Client 'sqlncli.msi' is present
$SQLClient = $null
$SQLClient = Get-Item "$DirectoryForPrerequisites\sqlncli_*.msi" -ErrorAction Stop | Select-Object -First 1
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'Check SQL Prerequisites' -Status 'Found File' -LogString "Found file with this name: '$($SQLClient.FullName)'" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Verbose "Did not detect any file with this name: 'sqlncli_*.msi'"
if (-not $SQLClient)
$SQLClient = Get-Item "$DirectoryForPrerequisites\sqlncli.msi" -ErrorAction Stop
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'Check SQL Prerequisites' -Status 'Found File' -LogString "Found file with this name: '$($SQLClient.FullName)'" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'Check SQL Prerequisites' -Status 'File not found' -LogString "Path to SQL Native Client 11.4.7001.0 install file not found. Ensure that sqlncli.msi is in the same directory as this script." -ForegroundColor Red
$failed = $true
Script-Failed -step 'Check SQL Prerequisites' -failed $failed
# Install SQL Client
IF ($Error)
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'Check SQL Prerequisites' -Status Failed -LogString "Error occurred. Error is: ($Error)"
$failed = $true
Script-Failed -Step 'Check SQL Prerequisites' -failed $failed
if ($SCOM2012 -or $SCOM2016 -and -not $MSOLEDBGood)
### Check if SQL Client is installed
$RegPath = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SQLNCLI11"
IF (Test-Path $RegPath)
[string]$SQLClient11VersionString = (Get-ItemProperty $RegPath)."InstalledVersion"
[version]$SQLClient11Version = [version]$SQLClient11VersionString
[version]$MinSQLClient11Version = [version]"11.4.7001.0"
$SQLClientInstallFlag = $false
IF ($SQLClient11Version -ge $MinSQLClient11Version)
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'Check SQL Prerequisites' -Status Passed -LogString "SQL Client - is installed and version: ($SQLClient11VersionString) and greater or equal to the minimum version required: (11.4.7001.0)" -ForegroundColor Green
ELSEIF ($SQLClient11VersionString)
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'Check SQL Prerequisites' -LogString "SQL Client - is installed and version: ($SQLClient11VersionString) but below the minimum version of (11.4.7001.0)." -ForegroundColor Yellow
$SQLClientInstallFlag = $true
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'Check SQL Prerequisites' -LogString "SQL Client - is NOT installed." -ForegroundColor Yellow
$SQLClientInstallFlag = $true
IF ($SQLClientInstallFlag)
if (-NOT $AssumeYes)
$InstallSQLClient = Read-Host "$(Get-CurrentDate)Do you want to install SQL Client? (Y/N)"
Write-ScriptLog -LogString "Do you want to install SQL Client? (Y/N): $InstallSQLClient" -NoOutput
until ($InstallSQLClient -match "^Y|^N")
$InstallSQLClient = 'Y'
if ($InstallSQLClient -match "^Y")
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'Check SQL Prerequisites' -LogString "Installing SQL Client." -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'Check SQL Prerequisites' -LogString "NOT installing SQL Client." -ForegroundColor Yellow
### Recheck if SQL Client is installed after an install attempt
IF ($SQLClientInstallFlag)
### Check if SQL Client is installed
$RegPath = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SQLNCLI11"
IF (Test-Path $RegPath)
[string]$SQLClient11VersionString = (Get-ItemProperty $RegPath)."InstalledVersion"
[version]$SQLClient11Version = [version]$SQLClient11VersionString
[version]$MinSQLClient11Version = [version]"11.4.7001.0"
IF ($SQLClient11Version -ge $MinSQLClient11Version)
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'Check SQL Prerequisites' -Status Passed -LogString "SQL Client - is installed and version: ($SQLClient11VersionString) and greater or equal to the minimum version required: (11.4.7001.0)" -ForegroundColor Green
$failed = $false
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'Check SQL Prerequisites' -Status Failed -LogString "We could not verify that SQL Client 11 is installed and is a version that supports TLS. Version Expected: (11.4.7001.0) Version detected ($SQLClient11VersionString)." -ForegroundColor Red
$failed = $true
Script-Failed -Step 'Check SQL Prerequisites' -failed $failed
#region ODBC
### Check if ODBC 13 (or later) driver is installed
$ODBCGood = $false
$ODBCInstallFlag = $false
function Install-ODBC
$ODBCInstallFlag = $true
$ODBC = $null
$ODBC = Get-Item "$DirectoryForPrerequisites\msodbcsql_*.msi" -ErrorAction Stop | Select-Object -First 1
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'Check SQL Prerequisites' -Status 'Found File' -LogString "Found file with this name: '$($ODBC.FullName)'" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'Check SQL Prerequisites' -Status 'File not found' -LogString "Did not detect any file with this name: 'msodbcsql_*.msi'" -ForegroundColor Red
if (-not $ODBC)
$ODBC = Get-Item "$DirectoryForPrerequisites\msodbcsql.msi" -ErrorAction Stop
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'Check SQL Prerequisites' -Status 'Found File' -LogString "Found file with this name: '$($ODBC.FullName)'" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'Check SQL Prerequisites' -Status 'File not found' -LogString "Could not locate file: msodbcsql.msi" -ForegroundColor Red
$failed = $true
Script-Failed -step 'Check SQL Prerequisites' -failed $failed
if ($ODBC)
IF ($Error)
Write-ScriptLog "Error occurred. Error is: ($Error)" -Status Error
$failed = $true
Write-ScriptLog "Unable to locate the file: msodbcsql.msi"
$scriptText = $null
IF (($SCOM1801_1807 -or $SCOM2016 -or $SCOM2019 -or $SCOM2022 -or $SCOM2022andUP) -and -NOT $ODBCGood -and (Get-ItemProperty $RegPath)."ODBC Driver 19 for SQL Server" -eq "Installed")
$scriptText = "ODBC Driver - version $((Get-ItemProperty "$env:WINDIR\system32\msodbcsql19.dll").VersionInfo.ProductVersion) is installed (Don't forget you may need to do extra configuration for the Certificate on this version of ODBC:"
$failed = $false
$ODBCGood = $true
$scriptText = "We could not verify that ODBC Driver Version 19 is installed."
$failed = $true
$ODBCGood = $false
IF (($SCOM1801_1807 -or $SCOM2016 -or $SCOM2019 -or $SCOM2022 -or $SCOM2022andUP) -and -NOT $ODBCGood -and (Get-ItemProperty $RegPath)."ODBC Driver 18 for SQL Server" -eq "Installed")
$scriptText = "ODBC Driver - version $((Get-ItemProperty "$env:WINDIR\system32\msodbcsql18.dll").VersionInfo.ProductVersion) is installed (Don't forget you may need to do extra configuration for the Certificate on this version of ODBC:"
$failed = $false
$ODBCGood = $true
if ($ODBCGood)
$scriptText = "We could not verify that ODBC Driver Version 18 is installed."
$failed = $true
$ODBCGood = $false
IF (($SCOM1801_1807 -or $SCOM2016 -or $SCOM2019 -or $SCOM2022 -or $SCOM2022andUP) -and -NOT $ODBCGood -and (Get-ItemProperty $RegPath)."ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server" -eq "Installed")
$scriptText = "ODBC Driver - version $((Get-ItemProperty "$env:WINDIR\system32\msodbcsql17.dll").VersionInfo.ProductVersion) is installed"
$failed = $false
$ODBCGood = $true
if ($ODBCGood)
$scriptText = "We could not verify that ODBC Driver Version 17 is installed."
$failed = $true
$ODBCGood = $false
IF (($SCOM2012 -or $SCOM2016) -and -NOT $ODBCGood -and (Get-ItemProperty $RegPath)."ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server" -eq "Installed")
$scriptText = "ODBC Driver - version $((Get-ItemProperty "$env:WINDIR\system32\msodbcsql13.dll").VersionInfo.ProductVersion) is installed"
$failed = $false
$ODBCGood = $true
if ($ODBCGood)
$scriptText = "We could not verify that ODBC Driver Version 13 is installed."
$failed = $true
$ODBCGood = $false
if ($failed)
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'Check SQL Prerequisites' -Status Passed -LogString $scriptText -ForegroundColor Green
if (-NOT $ODBCGood)
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'Check SQL Prerequisites' -LogString "ODBC Driver is not installed." -ForegroundColor Yellow
if (-NOT $AssumeYes)
$InstallODBC = Read-Host "$(Get-CurrentDate)Do you want to install ODBC? (Y/N)"
Write-ScriptLog -LogString "Do you want to install ODBC? (Y/N): $InstallODBC" -NoOutput
until ($InstallODBC -match "^Y|^N")
$InstallODBC = 'Y'
if ($InstallODBC -match "^Y")
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'Check SQL Prerequisites' -LogString "Installing ODBC." -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'Check SQL Prerequisites' -LogString "NOT installing ODBC." -ForegroundColor Yellow
### Recheck if ODBC driver is installed after an install attempt
IF ($InstallODBC -match "^Y")
### Check if ODBC driver is installed
$ODBCGood = $false
IF (($SCOM1801_1807 -or $SCOM2016 -or $SCOM2019 -or $SCOM2022 -or $SCOM2022andUP) -and -NOT $ODBCGood -and ((Get-ItemProperty $RegPath)."ODBC Driver 19 for SQL Server" -eq "Installed"))
$scriptText = "ODBC Driver - version $((Get-ItemProperty "$env:WINDIR\system32\msodbcsql19.dll").VersionInfo.ProductVersion) is installed (Don't forget you need to do extra configuration for the Certificate on this version of ODBC:"
$failed = $false
$ODBCGood = $true
$scriptText = "We could not verify that ODBC Driver Version 19 is installed."
$failed = $true
$ODBCGood = $false
IF (($SCOM1801_1807 -or $SCOM2016 -or $SCOM2019 -or $SCOM2022 -or $SCOM2022andUP) -and -NOT $ODBCGood -and ((Get-ItemProperty $RegPath)."ODBC Driver 18 for SQL Server" -eq "Installed"))
$scriptText = "ODBC Driver - version $((Get-ItemProperty "$env:WINDIR\system32\msodbcsql18.dll").VersionInfo.ProductVersion) is installed."
$failed = $false
$ODBCGood = $true
if ($ODBCGood)
$scriptText = "We could not verify that ODBC Driver Version 18 is installed."
$failed = $true
$ODBCGood = $false
IF (($SCOM1801_1807 -or $SCOM2016 -or $SCOM2019 -or $SCOM2022 -or $SCOM2022andUP) -and -NOT $ODBCGood -and ((Get-ItemProperty $RegPath)."ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server" -eq "Installed"))
$scriptText = "ODBC Driver - version $((Get-ItemProperty "$env:WINDIR\system32\msodbcsql17.dll").VersionInfo.ProductVersion) is installed"
$failed = $false
$ODBCGood = $true
if ($ODBCGood)
$scriptText = "We could not verify that ODBC Driver Version 17 is installed."
$failed = $true
$ODBCGood = $false
IF (($SCOM2012 -or $SCOM2016) -and -NOT $ODBCGood -and ((Get-ItemProperty $RegPath)."ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server" -eq "Installed"))
$scriptText = "ODBC Driver - version $((Get-ItemProperty "$env:WINDIR\system32\msodbcsql13.dll").VersionInfo.ProductVersion) is installed"
$failed = $false
$ODBCGood = $true
if ($ODBCGood)
$scriptText = "We could not verify that ODBC Driver Version 13 is installed."
$failed = $true
$ODBCGood = $false
if ($failed)
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'Check SQL Prerequisites' -Status Failed -LogString $scriptText -ForegroundColor Red
Script-Failed -Step 'Check SQL Prerequisites' -failed $failed
elseif ($InstallODBC -match "^Y")
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'Check SQL Prerequisites' -Status Passed -LogString $scriptText -ForegroundColor Green
#region ModifyRegistry
function Start-TLSRegistryChecker
# Write the registry entries to enforce TLS 1.2
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'Modify Registry' -LogString "Modifying Registry to enforce TLS 1.2 on Operating System"
# Disable everything except TLS 1.2
$ProtocolList = @("Multi-Protocol Unified Hello", "PCT 1.0", "SSL 2.0", "SSL 3.0", "TLS 1.0", "TLS 1.1", "TLS 1.2")
$ProtocolSubKeyList = @("Client", "Server")
$registryPath = "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\"
$OSVersion = [System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version
if ($OSVersion.Build -gt 20000)
$SupportsTLS1_3 = $true
$ProtocolList += "TLS 1.3"
$SupportsTLS1_3 = $false
$olderTLSisGood = @()
foreach ($Protocol in $ProtocolList)
foreach ($key in $ProtocolSubKeyList)
$currentRegPath = $registryPath + $Protocol + "\" + $key
#Write-ScriptLog -Step 'Modify Registry' -LogString "Current Registry Path: `"$currentRegPath`""
if (!(Test-Path $currentRegPath))
#Write-ScriptLog -Step 'Modify Registry' -LogString " >> `'$key`' not found: Creating new Registry Key"
New-Item -Path $currentRegPath -Force | out-Null
if (($Protocol -eq "TLS 1.3") -and $SupportsTLS1_3)
if (-NOT $changeMade)
$changeMade = $false
$neededConfiguration = $false
if ((Get-ItemProperty $currentRegPath)."DisabledByDefault" -ne 0)
$neededConfiguration = $true
New-ItemProperty -Path $currentRegPath -Name "DisabledByDefault" -Value "0" -PropertyType DWORD -Force | Out-Null
if ((Get-ItemProperty $currentRegPath).Enabled -ne 1)
$neededConfiguration = $true
New-ItemProperty -Path $currentRegPath -Name 'Enabled' -Value "1" -PropertyType DWORD -Force | Out-Null
if ($neededConfiguration)
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'Modify Registry' -LogString " >> Enabled - TLS 1.3 ($key)" -ForegroundColor Green
$changeMade = $true
if (-NOT $TLS1_3enabled)
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'Modify Registry' -LogString "TLS 1.3 already enabled ($($registryPath + $Protocol))" -ForegroundColor Green -Status PASSED
$TLS1_3enabled = $true
elseif ($Protocol -eq "TLS 1.2")
if (-NOT $changeMade)
$changeMade = $false
$neededConfiguration = $false
if ((Get-ItemProperty $currentRegPath)."DisabledByDefault" -ne 0)
$neededConfiguration = $true
New-ItemProperty -Path $currentRegPath -Name "DisabledByDefault" -Value "0" -PropertyType DWORD -Force | Out-Null
if ((Get-ItemProperty $currentRegPath).Enabled -ne 1)
$neededConfiguration = $true
New-ItemProperty -Path $currentRegPath -Name 'Enabled' -Value "1" -PropertyType DWORD -Force | Out-Null
if ($neededConfiguration)
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'Modify Registry' -LogString " >> Enabled - TLS 1.2 ($key)" -ForegroundColor Green
$changeMade = $true
if (-NOT $TLS1_2enabled)
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'Modify Registry' -LogString "TLS 1.2 already enabled ($($registryPath + $Protocol))" -ForegroundColor Green -Status PASSED
$TLS1_2enabled = $true
if (-NOT $changeMade)
$changeMade = $false
$neededConfiguration = $false
if ((Get-ItemProperty $currentRegPath)."DisabledByDefault" -ne 1)
$neededConfiguration = $true
New-ItemProperty -Path $currentRegPath -Name "DisabledByDefault" -Value "1" -PropertyType DWORD -Force | Out-Null
if ((Get-ItemProperty $currentRegPath).Enabled -ne 0)
$neededConfiguration = $true
New-ItemProperty -Path $currentRegPath -Name 'Enabled' -Value "0" -PropertyType DWORD -Force | Out-Null
if ($neededConfiguration)
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'Modify Registry' -LogString " >> Disabled - $Protocol ($key)" -ForegroundColor Yellow
$olderTLSisGood += 'False'
$changeMade = $true
$olderTLSisGood += 'True'
if ($olderTLSisGood -notmatch "False")
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'Modify Registry' -LogString "Older TLS protocols are already disabled ($(($ProtocolList | Where-Object { $_ -notmatch "TLS 1.2|TLS 1.3" }) -join ", "))" -ForegroundColor Green -Status PASSED
IF ($Error)
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'Modify Registry' -Status Error -LogString "Something went wrong attempting to write to the registry. Review the error and try again. Error is ($Error)." -ForegroundColor Red
$failed = $true
Script-Failed -Step 'Modify Registry' -failed $failed
if (-not $SkipModifyRegistry)
# Check the TLS settings again, if things were changed
if ($changeMade)
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'Modify Registry' -LogString "Enforcing strong crypto for .NET Framework used by Operations Manager"
# Tighten up the .NET Framework
[array]$NetRegistryPath = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramework\v2.0.50727", "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramework\v4.0.30319", "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\.NETFramework\v2.0.50727", "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\.NETFramework\v4.0.30319"
[array]$Properties = "SystemDefaultTlsVersions", "SchUseStrongCrypto"
foreach ($Property in $Properties)
foreach ($RegistryPath in $NetRegistryPath)
if ($RegistryPath -match "WOW6432")
$RegistryType = '64bit'
$RegistryType = '32bit'
if (-NOT (Get-ItemProperty -Path $RegistryPath).SchUseStrongCrypto)
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'Modify Registry' -LogString "Enabling '$Property' $RegistryType ($RegistryPath)" -ForegroundColor Yellow
New-ItemProperty -Path $RegistryPath -Name $Property -Value "1" -PropertyType DWORD -Force | Out-Null
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'Modify Registry' -LogString "Already configured '$Property' $RegistryType ($RegistryPath)" -ForegroundColor Green -Status PASSED
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 90
IF ($Error)
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'Modify Registry' -Status Error -LogString "Something went wrong attempting to write to the registry. Review the error and try again. Error is ($Error)." -ForegroundColor Red
$failed = $true
Script-Failed -Step 'Modify Registry' -failed $failed
#region ACS
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'Modify ACS Registry' -LogString "Modifying ACS Registry to enforce TLS 1.2"
if (-not $SkipModifyRegistry)
#Get the DatabaseName\DSN
$ACSParamReg = $ACSReg + '\Parameters'
$ACSDSN = (Get-ItemProperty $ACSParamReg).ODBCConnection
$ACSODBCRegistry = Get-ItemProperty $ACSODBCReg
# This will always use the higher version of ODBC if possible
if (Test-Path $env:WINDIR\system32\msodbcsql19.dll)
$updateRequired = $false
#Update the registry
if (($ACSODBCRegistry).Driver -ne '%WINDIR%\system32\msodbcsql19.dll')
New-ItemProperty -Path $ACSODBCReg -Name "Driver" -Value "%WINDIR%\system32\msodbcsql19.dll" -PropertyType STRING -Force | Out-Null
$updateRequired = $true
if ((Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBC.INI\ODBC Data Sources").$ACSDSN -ne 'ODBC Driver 19 for SQL Server')
New-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBC.INI\ODBC Data Sources" -Name $ACSDSN -Value "ODBC Driver 19 for SQL Server" -PropertyType STRING -Force | Out-Null
$updateRequired = $true
if ($updateRequired)
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'Modify ACS Registry' -LogString "Adding ODBC Driver $((Get-ItemProperty "$env:WINDIR\system32\msodbcsql19.dll").VersionInfo.ProductVersion) for SQL Server" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'Modify ACS Registry' -LogString "ODBC Driver $((Get-ItemProperty "$env:WINDIR\system32\msodbcsql19.dll").VersionInfo.ProductVersion) for SQL Server is already present" -ForegroundColor Green -Status PASSED
elseif (Test-Path $env:WINDIR\system32\msodbcsql18.dll)
#Update the registry
if (($ACSODBCRegistry).Driver -ne '%WINDIR%\system32\msodbcsql18.dll')
New-ItemProperty -Path $ACSODBCReg -Name "Driver" -Value "%WINDIR%\system32\msodbcsql18.dll" -PropertyType STRING -Force | Out-Null
$updateRequired = $true
if ((Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBC.INI\ODBC Data Sources").$ACSDSN -ne 'ODBC Driver 18 for SQL Server')
New-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBC.INI\ODBC Data Sources" -Name $ACSDSN -Value "ODBC Driver 18 for SQL Server" -PropertyType STRING -Force | Out-Null
$updateRequired = $true
if ($updateRequired)
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'Modify ACS Registry' -LogString "Adding ODBC Driver $((Get-ItemProperty "$env:WINDIR\system32\msodbcsql18.dll").VersionInfo.ProductVersion) for SQL Server" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'Modify ACS Registry' -LogString "ODBC Driver $((Get-ItemProperty "$env:WINDIR\system32\msodbcsql18.dll").VersionInfo.ProductVersion) for SQL Server is already present" -ForegroundColor Green -Status PASSED
elseif (Test-Path $env:WINDIR\system32\msodbcsql17.dll)
#Update the registry
if (($ACSODBCRegistry).Driver -ne '%WINDIR%\system32\msodbcsql17.dll')
New-ItemProperty -Path $ACSODBCReg -Name "Driver" -Value "%WINDIR%\system32\msodbcsql17.dll" -PropertyType STRING -Force | Out-Null
$updateRequired = $true
if ((Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBC.INI\ODBC Data Sources").$ACSDSN -ne 'ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server')
New-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBC.INI\ODBC Data Sources" -Name $ACSDSN -Value "ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server" -PropertyType STRING -Force | Out-Null
$updateRequired = $true
if ($updateRequired)
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'Modify ACS Registry' -LogString "Adding ODBC Driver $((Get-ItemProperty "$env:WINDIR\system32\msodbcsql17.dll").VersionInfo.ProductVersion) for SQL Server" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'Modify ACS Registry' -LogString "ODBC Driver $((Get-ItemProperty "$env:WINDIR\system32\msodbcsql17.dll").VersionInfo.ProductVersion) for SQL Server is already present" -ForegroundColor Green -Status PASSED
elseif (Test-Path $env:WINDIR\system32\msodbcsql13.dll)
#Update the registry
if (($ACSODBCRegistry).Driver -ne '%WINDIR%\system32\msodbcsql13.dll')
New-ItemProperty -Path $ACSODBCReg -Name "Driver" -Value "%WINDIR%\system32\msodbcsql13.dll" -PropertyType STRING -Force | Out-Null
$updateRequired = $true
if ((Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBC.INI\ODBC Data Sources").$ACSDSN -ne 'ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server')
New-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBC.INI\ODBC Data Sources" -Name $ACSDSN -Value "ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server" -PropertyType STRING -Force | Out-Null
$updateRequired = $true
if ($updateRequired)
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'Modify ACS Registry' -LogString "Adding ODBC Driver $((Get-ItemProperty "$env:WINDIR\system32\msodbcsql13.dll").VersionInfo.ProductVersion) for SQL Server" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'Modify ACS Registry' -LogString "ODBC Driver $((Get-ItemProperty "$env:WINDIR\system32\msodbcsql13.dll").VersionInfo.ProductVersion) for SQL Server is already present" -ForegroundColor Green -Status PASSED
elseif (Test-Path $env:WINDIR\system32\msodbcsql11.dll)
#Update the registry
if (($ACSODBCRegistry).Driver -ne '%WINDIR%\system32\msodbcsql11.dll')
New-ItemProperty -Path $ACSODBCReg -Name "Driver" -Value "%WINDIR%\system32\msodbcsql11.dll" -PropertyType STRING -Force | Out-Null
$updateRequired = $true
if ((Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBC.INI\ODBC Data Sources").$ACSDSN -ne 'ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server')
New-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBC.INI\ODBC Data Sources" -Name $ACSDSN -Value "ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server" -PropertyType STRING -Force | Out-Null
$updateRequired = $true
if ($updateRequired)
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'Modify ACS Registry' -LogString "Adding ODBC Driver $((Get-ItemProperty "$env:WINDIR\system32\msodbcsql11.dll").VersionInfo.ProductVersion) for SQL Server" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'Modify ACS Registry' -LogString "ODBC Driver $((Get-ItemProperty "$env:WINDIR\system32\msodbcsql11.dll").VersionInfo.ProductVersion) for SQL Server is already present" -ForegroundColor Green -Status PASSED
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'Modify ACS Registry' -Status Error -LogString "Unable to locate any supported ODBC Driver" -ForegroundColor Red
$failed = $true
IF ($Error)
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'Modify ACS Registry' -Status Error -LogString "Something went wrong attempting to write to the registry. Review the error and try again. Error is ($Error)." -ForegroundColor Red
$failed = $true
Script-Failed -Step 'Modify ACS Registry' -failed $failed
if (-not $SkipSQLSoftwarePrerequisites)
$prereqs = ' prerequisites,'
$prereqs = ''
if (-not $SkipSQLSoftwarePrerequisites -or -not $SkipModifyRegistry)
$DoWeReboot = ' We must REBOOT the server before this will take effect.'
$DoWeReboot = ''
function Start-EndOfScript
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'Wrapping Up' -LogString "Script completed on $env:COMPUTERNAME" -ForegroundColor Green
if (-not $AssumeYes)
if (-not $SkipSQLSoftwarePrerequisites -or -not $SkipModifyRegistry)
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'Wrapping Up' -LogString "Completed TLS 1.2$prereqs configuration, and registry modification.$DoWeReboot" -ForegroundColor Yellow
$Answer = Read-Host "$(Get-CurrentDate)Reboot this server now? (Y/N)"
Write-ScriptLog -LogString "Reboot this server now? (Y/N): $Answer" -NoOutput
until ($Answer -match "^Y|^N")
$Answer = 'Y'
IF ($Answer -match "^Y")
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'Wrapping Up' -LogString "Reboot was selected. Rebooting server NOW."
Restart-Computer -Force
Write-ScriptLog -Step 'Wrapping Up' -LogString "You chose not to reboot. We must REBOOT the server before TLS 1.2 enforcement changes will take effect." -ForegroundColor Yellow
#End of Script
if ($AssumeYes -or $SkipDotNetCheck -or $SkipModifyRegistry -or $SkipRoleCheck -or $SkipSQLQueries -or $SkipSQLSoftwarePrerequisites -or $SkipVersionCheck -or $SkipDownloadPrerequisites -or $DirectoryForPrerequisites -or $ForceDownloadPrerequisites)
Start-SCOMTLSEnforcement -AssumeYes:$AssumeYes -ForceDownloadPrerequisites:$ForceDownloadPrerequisites -SkipDotNetCheck:$SkipDotNetCheck -SkipModifyRegistry:$SkipModifyRegistry -SkipRoleCheck:$SkipRoleCheck -SkipSQLQueries:$SkipSQLQueries -SkipSQLSoftwarePrerequisites:$SkipSQLSoftwarePrerequisites -SkipVersionCheck:$SkipVersionCheck -SkipDownloadPrerequisites:$SkipDownloadPrerequisites -DirectoryForPrerequisites $DirectoryForPrerequisites
Copy link

blakedrumm commented Apr 8, 2023

This is excellent thanks - I don't know if the following is just me being sloppy in a lab environment or if there are some other considerations for SCOM 2022 \ SQL 2019.

Once I did this on SCOM 2022 with SQL 2019, the Management Servers couldn't communicate with SQL (on a named instance; haven't checked on a default instance). I set logging to a level 7 - HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\EventLogging - and saw that I was getting SCHANNEL events for certificate failures against the SQL Server (the certificate isn't trusted).

I ran through this to create a SQL certificate based on host name (rather than FQDN \ instance name) as this was the name that was included in the events that were being logged. Once the certificate was loaded in SQL (without force encryption set), the Management Servers sprun back into life. See -

Thank you sir! I have a feeling you may have used the ODBC 18 (or newer) driver (or it may have been due to MSOLEDB - same rule applies but with version 19 instead of 18). Instead, use the versions listed here:

Also, keep in mind the latest version of the script will download the above ODBC (and MSOLEDB) version for you automatically. And there should be some text in the output of the TLS 1.2 enforcer that there will need to be further configuration:

ODBC Driver - version 18 is installed (Don't forget you need to do extra configuration for the Certificate on this version of ODBC:

ODBC Driver 18.0 for SQL Server - Release Notes


OLE DB Driver 19.0 for SQL Server - Release Notes

Copy link

Correct - "06/04/2023 13:56:08 - (Check SQL Prerequisites): [PASSED] ODBC Driver - version is installed" - I really should RTFM ;-)

It is good to get caught out by this in a lab though and proof that I shouldn't try to rush things in a sloppy fashion on an afternoon before a bank holiday weekend. But I've learn something. Thanks again for all your great posts.

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