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Last active October 18, 2018 18:00
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example of calculating AE distance
# Make sure you install packages!
# I recommend dev version
# install.packages('devtools')
# devtools::install_github("dkahle/ggmap")
register_google("PUT THE API KEY HERE")
example_df <- tibble(
ae = c("John Smith","Barack Obama", "Jane Doe")
,home_city = c("Redding","Chicago","Bathesda")
,home_state = c("CA","IL","MD") # should also work with full state name
,territory_state = c("NV","TX","NY") # geocode will grab center of state
,avg_monthly_ot = c(100, 500, 300)
,avg_monthly_te = c(1000, 5000, 3000)
# This will give you a lot of info, including lat/lon of the center of the state
# good idea to take a look to see if it geocoded correctly
territories_geocoded <- example_df %>%
mutate(search_key = territory_state) %>%
select(ae, territory_state, search_key) %>%
mutate_geocode(search_key, output = 'more')
# this will now give you lat lon of the center of the city
# normally take a look to see if it geocoded correctly
homes_geocoded <- example_df %>%
mutate(search_key = paste(home_city, home_state, sep = ", ")) %>% # search will be "Redding, CA"
select(ae, home_state, home_city, search_key) %>%
mutate_geocode(search_key, output = 'more')
# Now that we have both homes an territories geocoded we can combine the lat/lons
homes_lat_lon <- homes_geocoded %>%
ae # technically only need this for the join
,home_lat = lat
,home_lon = lon
territories_lat_lon <- territories_geocoded %>%
,territory_lat = lat
,territory_lon = lon
# Join them to original
geocoded_df <- example_df %>%
left_join(homes_lat_lon) %>%
# Now we need to calculate distance
# Haversine Distance
# So the Earth is round, therefore you can't just take the distance between two points
# Instead you need to calculate the distance along the arc between two points
# There are a few ways to do this - the most common way is the Haversine Distance
# You can do that with the geosphere package
# install.pacakges('geosphere')
# it returns meters so we'll need a conversion factor
meters_to_miles <- 0.000621371 # lol Google'd it
distance_df <- geocoded_df %>%
distance = distHaversine(
cbind(home_lon, home_lat)
, cbind(territory_lon, territory_lat)
) # calculate distance between 2 points on spherical Earth
, distance_in_miles = distance * meters_to_miles
# Probably do a scatter plot at this point!
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