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Created October 22, 2015 14:36
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define [
], (_) ->
Object.defineProperty Error.prototype, 'toJSON',
configurable: true
value: ->
json = {}
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this).forEach (prop) =>
if this[prop] instanceof Error
json[prop] = this[prop].toJSON()
json[prop] = this[prop]
# Supported syntax
# @example
# Class MyError extends BaseError
# name: 'MyError'
# code: 'my_error'
# severity: MyError::FATAL
# friendlyMessage: 'Something has gone awry!'
# throw new MyError(someOtherError)
# => 'MyError: the other errors message'
# throw new MyError('well darn.')
# => 'MyError: well darn.'
# throw new MyError({some: 'object'})
# => 'MyError: {some: 'object'}'
class BaseError extends Error
WRAPPED: 'wrapped'
BASIC: 'basic'
JSON: 'json'
FATAL: 'fatal'
INFO: 'info'
name: undefined
constructor: (cause) ->
@context = []
if cause instanceof Error
@message = "#{@name}: #{cause.message}"
@cause = cause
@stack = cause.stack
else if typeof cause is 'string'
@stack = new Error().stack
@_message = cause
@type = @TYPES.JSON
@message = JSON.stringify cause
addContext: (context) ->
_validateErrorClass: ->
REQUIRED_PROPERTIES = ['name', 'friendlyMessage', 'code', 'severity']
_(REQUIRED_PROPERTIES).each (prop) =>
unless @[prop]
console.error "Implementation Error: required property '#{prop}'
is not defined. Typically this happens when
BaseError has been extended and required properties
have not been defined."
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