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Created March 9, 2014 18:20
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Q -- Abstract Syntax Tree
"s.size == 36"
"f >= 0.0 and f <= 1.0"
"s == 'M' or s == 'F'"
"i > 0"
"s.strip.size > 0"
require 'qrb'
require 'awesome_print'
ap Qrb.ast('schema.q')), index: false
# Mapping with the host language (can be provided by Qrb itself)
Boolean = .TrueClass|.FalseClass
String = .String
Real = .Float
Integer = .Fixnum
Date = .Date <iso8601> .String \( s | Date.iso8601(s) )
\( t | t.iso8601 )
Time = .Time <iso8601> .String \( s | DateTime.parse(s) )
\( t | t.iso8601 )
# Some reusable data types (could be reused across schemas)
Uuid = String( s | s.size == 36 )
Dose = <as> Real( f | f >= 0.0 and f <= 1.0 )
Gender = <as> String( s | s == 'M' or s == 'F' )
Duration = <minutes> Integer( i | i > 0 )
Name = String( s | s.strip.size > 0 )
Appointment = {
at: Time,
duration: Duration,
fixed: Boolean
# The main schema, for instance for a RESTful resource or a NoSQL
# database
id: Uuid,
diagnosis_date: Date,
patient: {
id: Uuid,
name: Name,
gender: Gender
appointments: {Appointment}
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