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Created February 23, 2012 00:18
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Django class-based generic views for flatpages

How to use this

This snippet requires that you define each flatpage manually in a somewhere in your app. This is not ideal for most uses of flatpages. This class based view could probably be abstracted to handle the use case based on the flatpages middleware catching the 404 and seeing if any flatpage matches it.

from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
from metapages.views import *
urlpatterns = patterns('',
# Example of how to include it
url(r'^about/$', FlatpageView.as_view(), {'url': '/about/'}, name='about'),
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.flatpages.models import FlatPage
from django.contrib.flatpages.views import DEFAULT_TEMPLATE
from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect
from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
from django.views.generic.detail import DetailView
class FlatpageView(DetailView):
context_object_name = 'flatpage'
def get_flatpage(self, request, url):
if not hasattr(self, '_flatpage'):
if not url.endswith('/') and settings.APPEND_SLASH:
return HttpResponseRedirect("%s/" % request.path)
if not url.startswith('/'):
url = "/" + url
self._flatpage = get_object_or_404(FlatPage, url__exact=url, sites__id__exact=settings.SITE_ID)
# To avoid having to always use the "|safe" filter in flatpage templates,
# mark the title and content as already safe (since they are raw HTML
# content in the first place).
self._flatpage.title = mark_safe(self._flatpage.title)
self._flatpage.content = mark_safe(self._flatpage.content)
return self._flatpage
def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
# If registration is required for accessing this page, and the user isn't
# logged in, redirect to the login page.
self.flatpage = self.get_flatpage(request, kwargs['url'])
if self.flatpage.registration_required and request.user.is_authenticated():
from django.contrib.auth.views import redirect_to_login
return redirect_to_login(request.path)
return super(FlatpageView, self).dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs)
def get_object(self, queryset=None):
return self.flatpage
def get_template_names(self):
template_names = super(FlatpageView, self).get_template_names()
if self.flatpage.template_name:
template_names.insert(0, self.flatpage.template_name)
return template_names
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not request.user.is_authenticated()

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