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Last active October 8, 2021 20:37
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Update linkerd loglevel for a deployment
# Usage: ./ app-name level
declare -a PODS=($(
kubectl \
get \
pods \
--selector=app=$APP \
-o json | \
jq -r '.items[]'
for pod in "${PODS[@]}"
echo "Updating linkerd-proxy log level to *$LEVEL* for $pod..."
# Background port-fowarding
kubectl port-forward $pod linkerd-admin &> /dev/null &
# Give a second for the port-forward to be setup
sleep 1
# Submit the request to change the level
curl --data "linkerd=$LEVEL" -X PUT localhost:4191/proxy-log-level
# Kill the port-forward and wait for it to exit; supressing the termination
kill $!
wait $! 2>/dev/null
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