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Last active December 5, 2017 20:41
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Nmap script that returns VMWare version info
local http = require "http"
local shortport = require "shortport"
local stdnse = require "stdnse"
description = [[
Uses an HTTP PUT request to VMware's SOAP API in order to elicit a server response that contains ESX version information.
--nmap -p443 --script vmware-fingerprint.nse <ip>
-- 443/tcp open ssl/http VMware ESXi Server httpd
-- |_vmware-fingerprint: VMware ESXi 5.0.0 build-469512
-- Version 0.1
-- Created 05/16/2013 - v0.1 - created by Mark Baseggio <>
author = "Mark Baseggio"
license = "Same as Nmap--See"
categories = {"version", "safe"}
portrule = shortport.port_or_service( 443, "https", "tcp", "open" )
action = function( host, port )
local path = "/sdk"
local pattern = "<fullName>(.*)</fullName>"
options = {header={}, no_cache = true}
options['header']['User-Agent'] = "VMware VI Client/4.0.0"
options['header']['SOAPAction'] = "urn:vim25/4.0"
-- Credit for the SOAP request goes to theLightCosine
local postdata = [[
<env:Envelope xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:env="" xmlns:xsi="">
<RetrieveServiceContent xmlns="urn:vim25">
<_this type="ServiceInstance">ServiceInstance</_this>
-- Send the request using an HTTP PUT
local response =, port, path, options, nil, postdata)
stdnse.print_debug("HTTP response status: " .. string.gsub(response["status-line"], "\n", ""))
if ( response.status == 200 ) then
stdnse.print_debug("HTTP response body: ")
return response.body:match(pattern)
if ( nmap.verbosity() > 1 ) then
return "VMware version detection was unsuccessful (try using -d for verbose output)."
return nil
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