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Created April 20, 2020 21:59
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Example code to go along with the guardrail internals talk on LanguageAbstraction from
import java.math.BigInteger
import cats._, cats.implicits._
trait TypeBag {
type Number
type String
trait HighLevel extends TypeBag {
type Number = BigInteger
type String = java.lang.String
trait LowLevel extends TypeBag {
type Number = Byte
type String = Array[Byte]
abstract class Interface[TB <: TypeBag, F[_]] {
def getInput(): F[TB#String]
def parseString(input: TB#String): F[List[TB#Number]]
def pickNumber(nums: List[TB#Number]): F[Option[TB#Number]]
implicit object HighLevelInterface extends Interface[HighLevel, cats.Id] {
def getInput(): String ="Input: ")
def parseString(input: String): List[BigInteger] = input.split(',').map(x => new BigInteger(x.trim)).toList
def pickNumber(nums: List[BigInteger]): Option[BigInteger] = nums.headOption
implicit object LowLevelInterface extends Interface[LowLevel, cats.Id] {
def getInput(): Array[Byte] = {
println("Enter bytes, terminated by -1")
def consumeAll(acc: Array[Byte]): Array[Byte] = {
val next =
if (next == -1) acc
else consumeAll(acc :+ next)
consumeAll(new Array(0))
def parseString(input: Array[Byte]): List[Byte] = input.toList
def pickNumber(nums: List[Byte]): Option[Byte] = nums.headOption
object Work {
def doWork[TB <: TypeBag, F[_]: Monad](implicit I: Interface[TB, F]): F[Option[TB#Number]] = {
for {
input <- I.getInput()
parsed <- I.parseString(input)
picked <- I.pickNumber(parsed)
} yield picked
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