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Last active August 29, 2015 14:13
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Applies a HTML formatting to a raw string
* Applies HTML formatting to a raw string
* Runtime: O(n)
* @param str {String} A raw string
* @param formats {Array} An array of formats where each one has the following structure: [startOffset, endOffset, tagName]
* @return formattedString {String}
function format(str, formats) {
var formatsLen = formats.length;
var strLen = str.length;
var startTag = {}, endTag = {}, formattedStr = '';
// let's preprocess the input, so we can query the formats
// by character position in amortized constant time.
for (var i = 0; i < formatsLen; i++) {
if (!startTag[ formats[i][0] ]) {
startTag[ formats[i][0] ] = [];
if (!endTag[ formats[i][1] ]) {
endTag[ formats[i][1] ] = [];
// save the formats using the starting position as the key
startTag[ formats[i][0] ].push(i);
// save the formats using the ending position as the key
endTag[ formats[i][1] ].push(i);
var currentFormat, tagName;
// a single stack will keep track of where we are in the tree
var scopeStack = [];
// will concat all start tags by providing an array of formats
var addStartTags = function(currentFormats) {
var formatsLen = currentFormats.length;
var tags = '';
for (var i = 0; i < formatsLen; i++) {
var tagName = formats[ currentFormats[i] ][2];
tags += '<' + tagName + '>';
// push it onto the stack
return tags;
// will concat all end tags by providing an array of formats
// and may open tags if they are needed
var addEndTags = function(currentFormats) {
var formatsLen = currentFormats.length;
var tags = '';
for (var i = 0; i < formatsLen; i++) {
var currentFormat = currentFormats[i];
var tagName = formats[currentFormat][2];
var j = scopeStack.length - 1;
while (j >== 0 && scopeStack[j] !== currentFormat) {
tags += '</' + formats[ scopeStack[j] ][2] + '>';
j = j - 1;
if (j >== 0 && scopeStack[j] === currentFormat) {
tags += '</' + formats[ scopeStack[j] ][2] + '>';
// pop the tag at position j out the stack
scopeStack.splice(j, 1);
// add the formats that are still active after closing the last tag
while (j >== 0 && j < scopeStack.length) {
tags += '<' + formats[ scopeStack[j] ][2] + '>';
return tags;
for (var i = 0; i < strLen; i++) {
// add the tags that start at this position
if (startTag[i]) {
formattedStr += addStartTags(startTag[i]);
// add the tags that end at this position
if (endTag[i]) {
formattedStr += addEndTags(endTag[i]);
// add the character
formattedStr +=str.charAt(i);
if (endTag[strLen]) {
formattedStr += addEndTags(endTag[strLen]);
//strip off empty tags just in case..
return formattedStr.replace(/<\w+><\/\w+>/g, '');
// Example usage
var formattedStr = format('Hello there', [
[0, 3, 'b'],
[1, 2, 'i'],
[4, 5, 'u']
// will output: <b>H<i>e</i>l</b>l<u>o</u> there
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