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blaxill/test.v Secret

Created April 26, 2021 13:51
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Require Import Koika.Frontend.
Require Import Koika.Std.
Module Simple.
Inductive reg_t := total.
Definition R r :=
match r with
| total => bits_t 32
Definition r idx : R idx :=
match idx with
| total =>
Inductive ext_fn_t := f1 | do_zero_i | total_o.
Definition Sigma (fn: ext_fn_t) :=
match fn with
| f1 => {$ bits_t 1 ~> bits_t 32 $}
| do_zero_i => {$ bits_t 1 ~> bits_t 1 $}
| total_o => {$ bits_t 32 ~> bits_t 1 $}
Inductive rule_name_t := add_to_total_o | zero_total_o | write_back.
Definition _add_to_total_o : uaction reg_t ext_fn_t :=
{{ let previous_total := read0(total) in
let input := extcall f1( Ob~1 ) in
write0(total, input + previous_total)
Definition _zero_total_o : uaction reg_t ext_fn_t :=
{{ let do_zero := extcall do_zero_i( Ob~1 ) in
if do_zero then
write0(total, #(Bits.of_nat 32 0))
else fail
Definition _write_back : uaction reg_t ext_fn_t :=
{{ let previous_total := read0(total) in
let drop := extcall total_o ( previous_total ) in pass
Definition simple_device : scheduler :=
write_back |> zero_total_o |> add_to_total_o |> done.
Definition rules :=
tc_rules R Sigma
(fun r => match r with
| add_to_total_o => _add_to_total_o
| zero_total_o => _zero_total_o
| write_back => _write_back
Definition cr := ContextEnv.(create) r.
Definition test_sigma1 (fn: ext_fn_t) : Sig_denote (Sigma fn) :=
match fn with
| f1 => fun _ => Bits.of_nat 32 1
| do_zero_i => fun _ =>
| total_o => fun _ =>
Definition test_sigma2 (fn: ext_fn_t) : Sig_denote (Sigma fn) :=
match fn with
| f1 => fun _ => Bits.of_nat 32 1
| do_zero_i => fun _ => Bits.of_nat 1 1
| total_o => fun _ =>
Definition ext_fn_specs (fn: ext_fn_t) :=
match fn with
| f1 => {| efr_name := "f1"; efr_internal := true |}
| do_zero_i => {| efr_name := "f2"; efr_internal := true |}
| total_o => {| efr_name := "f3"; efr_internal := true |}
Definition package :=
{| ip_koika := {| koika_reg_types := R;
koika_reg_init := r;
koika_ext_fn_types := Sigma;
koika_rules := rules;
koika_rule_external := (fun _ => false);
koika_scheduler := simple_device;
koika_module_name := "simple_device" |};
ip_sim := {| sp_ext_fn_specs fn := {| efs_name := show fn; efs_method := false |};
sp_prelude := None |};
ip_verilog := {| vp_ext_fn_specs := ext_fn_specs |} |}.
End Simple.
Definition prog := Interop.Backends.register Simple.package.
Extraction "" prog.
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