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Last active December 17, 2015 19:49
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Hi all,

Luke and I just discussed the workflow for calculating Derived Parameters that require input from multiple Data Products – as is the case for calculating the L2 DOCONCS from DOSTA and CTD inputs (see section 2.2.2 of [DOCONCS DataProduct spec] 2).

While the combinatorial functionality required at the Coverage Model level is already in place, there are some gaps in the resource, association, and preload layers of the system required to orchestrate this type of DataProduct. Here are the gaps that would need to be filled to realize an AggregateDataProduct (working name):

  • Resource stuff:
    • New resource – AggregateDataProduct: extends DataProduct
    • Adds fields:
      • complex_coverage_type or
      • data_product_members
    • CRUD methods for new resource
    • create_aggregate_dataset function
  • Preload stuff:
    • New spreadsheet for defining AggregateDataProducts
    • Can't go on the existing sheet because it:
      • requires new inputs (i.e. complex_coverage_type)
      • must be processed after the DataProducts spreadsheet due to dependencies
    • Support for parsing the new spreadsheet
    • Authoring of the entries in the spreadsheet
  • Associations stuff:
    • New association: hasDataProductMember – allows the association: AggregateDataProduct ---hasDataProductMember---> DataProduct
    • Some knowledge of "Instrument Group" - we need some way of knowing that a specific DOSTA instrument is coincident with a specific CTD instrument.
  • Testing for all of the above

We're not really sure of the LOE for this, but our best guess is somewhere around 1 week from start to finish. While most of this is not complicated and just requires the time - the "Instrument Group" bit is more challenging and needs discussion...

Let us know how you'd like us to proceed.

Chris & Luke

Alfresco References:
[DOCONCS processing flow] 1
[DOCONCS DataProduct spec] 2

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