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Last active September 24, 2015 12:18
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Save blech/747156 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Recreate Delicious network on Pinboard

This is a naive attempt to map Delicious users to those on Pinboard. It's probably not much use to anyone now but it did a good enough job for me, back when I wrote it.

import json
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
import urllib
import urllib2
delicious_username = "blech"
pinboard_username = "blech"
pinboard_password = ""
# get the network (hurrah for the delicious v2 api; why have I not used it?)
network_url = "" % delicious_username
network_json = urllib2.urlopen(network_url).read()
network = json.loads(network_json)
# get the delpin mapping file for non-identical usernames and turn it
# into a hash
mapping_url = ""
mapping_json = urllib2.urlopen(mapping_url).read()
mapping = json.loads(mapping_json)
mapping_hash = {}
for row in mapping:
mapping_hash[row['delicious'].lower()] = row['pinboard']
# construct cookie-based URL opener so we can go crazy with subscribe buttons
opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor())
# authenticate with pinboard_password
params = urllib.urlencode(dict(username=pinboard_username, password=pinboard_password))
f ='', params)
# TODO check this actually logs you in (look for variant page details?)
for user in network:
# note that 'user' is a hash of data from Delicious, while
# 'username' is the (probable) Pinboard username of that user
# I should have used better variable names really...
# does the mapping file know about them?
username = mapping_hash[user['user'].lower()]
except Exception, e:
username = user['user']
# TODO point out when a variant mapping is used?
pinboard_url = "" % username
page = urllib2.urlopen(pinboard_url)
if page.geturl() == pinboard_url:
print pinboard_url
soup = BeautifulSoup(page)
# subscription: if the subscribe link is not display:none, then
# we can POST to /subscribe/ with the username and a the
# CSRF token (which we can fetch from the onclick parameters)
sub_div = soup.findAll('div', { 'class': 'subscribe_link' })
if sub_div[0]['style'] == "display:block;":
links = sub_div[0].findAllNext('a')
js = links[0]['onclick']
arguments = js[js.index('(')+1:js.index(')')]
username, token = arguments.split(',')
username = username.strip("'")
token = token.strip("'")
# print " Need to click subscribe button for %s" % (user)
params = urllib.urlencode(dict(username=username, token=token))
result ='', params)
if == "['ok']":
print " Subscribed"
# TODO keep a list of who this has subscribed to so you can
# go back and check it later
print " Not OK: something went wrong"
print " Already subscribed"
# break
print " User %s not found" % username
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I guess it's also worth noting that not everyone has the same username, and some usernames are already taken by other people. You know this and you've seen but it's going to be a long process... Le sigh!

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One more thing for python n00bs like me, I needed to do sudo easy_install BeautifulSoup first, and then everything just worked with whatever frankenstein combination of xcode tools + macports resides on my machine.

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blech commented Dec 20, 2010

Thanks for those. Yes, I should probably make a better job of not hammering the Pinboard servers. I'm considering checking delpin for reverse mappings as well, but until and unless that's filled out there's always going to be some mismatches. (Note the todo at the current line 89.)

As for installation instructions, good point. Ideally I'll spend this evening breaking it into chunks so I can put it into a Google App Engine instance, which'll make it usable for about ten times as many people...

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