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Created July 18, 2011 06:53
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Public carry As Boolean
Function AnsCount(range, trg)
Dim res()
res = EnumCombi(range, trg)
AnsCount = UBound(res)
End Function
Function NextCells(range, crnt)
Dim min
Dim max
min = range.Row
max = range.Row + range.rows.Count - 1
Dim results()
ReDim results(UBound(crnt))
For i = 1 To UBound(crnt)
If carry Then
If crnt(i).Row = max Then
Set results(i) = range.Cells(min, crnt(i).Column)
carry = True
Set results(i) = range.Cells(crnt(i).Row + 1, crnt(i).Column)
carry = False
End If
Set results(i) = crnt(i)
carry = False
End If
Next i
NextCells = results
End Function
Function Total(xs)
Dim result
result = 0
For Each x In xs
If IsEmpty(x) Then
result = result + x.Value2
End If
Next x
Total = result
End Function
Function EnumCombi(range, trg)
Dim crnt()
ReDim crnt(range.Columns.Count)
For i = 1 To range.Columns.Count
Set crnt(i) = range.Cells(range.Row, range.Column + i - 1)
Next i
Dim size
size = 0
Dim results()
ReDim results(size)
If Total(crnt) = trg Then
ReDim Preserve results(size + 1)
results(size) = crnt
size = size + 1
End If
carry = True
crnt = NextCells(range, crnt)
Loop Until carry
EnumCombi = results
End Function
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