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Created February 7, 2023 20:01
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Modified file for mocking location and history in JSDOM
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
// Originally Copy pasted from
// And adapted in TypeScript
* jsdom leaves the history in place after every test, so the history will
* be dirty. Also its implementation for window.location is lacking severely.
* So this file implements mocks for both window.history and
* window.location. They work together so that history methods update the
* location, and changing the location pushes a new state in the history.
* There are 2 exports:
* - autoMockFullNavigation
* - mockFullNavigation
* `autoMockFullNavigation` is the simplest: calling it in a test file (outside
* any test) will register beforeEach and afterEach lifecycle functions to take
* care of the cleanup automatically.`
* describe('SomeFile', () => {
* autoMockFullNavigation()
* test('it supports history', () => {
* ...
* });
* });
* If you want to start with a specific URL, you can use
* `window.location.replace` or `window.history.replaceState` to replace the
* default URL.`
* `mockFullNavigation` can be useful if you want more control over the process.
* It takes the initial URL as a parameter and returns a cleanup function that
* you _must_ call after your test ends.
// This symbol will be used in the mock for window.location so that the mock for
// window.history can change the inner location directly.
const internalLocationAssign = Symbol.for("internalLocationAssign");
// This symbol will be used in the mock for window.history so that we can reset
// it from tests.
const internalHistoryReset = Symbol.for("internalHistoryReset");
* This mock creates a location API that allows for assigning to the location,
* which we need to be able to do for certain tests.
* @param location
function mockWindowLocation(location: string = "http://localhost") {
// This is the internal state.
let url = new URL(location);
function internalSetLocation(
newUrl: string | { toString: () => string }
): void {
url = new URL(newUrl.toString(), url);
const nativeLocation = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window, "location");
if (!nativeLocation) {
throw new Error(`location must be defined in existing object`);
// It seems node v8 doesn't let us change the value unless we delete it before.
delete (window as any).location;
const property = {
get(): Location {
const location = {
toString: () => url.toString(),
ancestorOrigins: [] as unknown as DOMStringList,
get href() {
return url.toString();
get origin() {
return url.origin;
get protocol() {
return url.protocol;
get host() {
get hostname() {
return url.hostname;
get port() {
return url.port;
get pathname() {
return url.pathname;
get search() {
get hash() {
return url.hash;
set href(newUrl) {
set protocol(v) {
const newUrl = new URL(url.toString());
newUrl.protocol = v;
set host(v) {
const newUrl = new URL(url.toString()); = v;
set hostname(v) {
const newUrl = new URL(url.toString());
newUrl.hostname = v;
set port(v) {
const newUrl = new URL(url.toString());
newUrl.port = v;
set pathname(v) {
const newUrl = new URL(url.toString());
newUrl.pathname = v;
set search(v) {
const newUrl = new URL(url.toString()); = v;
set hash(v) {
const newUrl = new URL(url.toString());
newUrl.hash = v;
// $FlowExpectError Flow doesn't know about symbol properties sadly.
[internalLocationAssign]: internalSetLocation,
assign: (newUrl: string) => window.history.pushState(null, "", newUrl),
reload: jest.fn(),
replace: (newUrl: string) =>
window.history.replaceState(null, "", newUrl)
return location;
configurable: true,
set(newUrl: string) {
window.history.pushState(null, "", newUrl);
// $FlowExpectError because the value we pass isn't a proper Location object.
Object.defineProperty(window, "location", property);
// Return a function that resets the mock.
return () => {
// This "delete" call doesn't seem to be necessary, but better do it so that
// we don't have surprises in the future.
delete (window as any).location;
// $FlowExpectError because nativeLocation doesn't match the type expected by Flow.
Object.defineProperty(window, "location", nativeLocation);
* This mock creates a history API that can be thrown away after every use.
function mockWindowHistory() {
const originalHistory = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window, "history");
if (!originalHistory) {
throw new Error(`history must be defined in tests`);
let states: unknown[], urls: unknown[], index: number;
function reset() {
states = [null];
urls = [window.location.href];
index = 0;
const history = {
get length() {
return states.length;
scrollRestoration: "auto",
get state() {
return states[index] ?? null;
back() {
if (index <= 0) {
// $FlowExpectError Flow doesn't know about this internal property.
window.dispatchEvent(new Event("popstate"));
forward() {
if (index === states.length - 1) {
// $FlowExpectError Flow doesn't know about this internal property.
window.dispatchEvent(new Event("popstate"));
go() {
throw new Error("Not implemented.");
pushState(newState: any, _title: string, url?: string) {
if (url) {
// Let's assign the URL to the window.location mock. This should also
// make the URL correct if it's relative, we'll get an absolute URL when
// retrieving later through window.location.href.
// $FlowExpectError Flow doesn't know about this internal property.
urls = urls.slice(0, index + 1);
states = states.slice(0, index + 1);
replaceState(newState: any, _title: string, url?: string) {
if (url) {
// Let's assign the URL to the window.location mock.
// $FlowExpectError Flow doesn't know about this internal property.
urls[index] = window.location.href;
states[index] = newState;
// $FlowExpectError Flow doesn't know about symbol properties sadly.
[internalHistoryReset]: reset
// This "delete" call doesn't seem to be necessary, but better do it so that
// we don't have surprises in the future.
delete (window as any).history;
Object.defineProperty(window, "history", {
value: history,
configurable: true
// Return a function that resets the mock.
return () => {
// For unknown reasons, we can't assign back the old descriptor without
// deleting the current one first... Not deleting would keep the mock
// without throwing any error.
delete (window as any).history;
// $FlowExpectError - Flow can't handle getOwnPropertyDescriptor being used on defineProperty.
Object.defineProperty(window, "history", originalHistory);
// This mocks both window.location and window.history. See the top of the file
// for more information.
export function mockFullNavigation({
}: { initialUrl?: string } = {}): () => void {
const restoreLocation = mockWindowLocation(initialUrl);
const restoreHistory = mockWindowHistory();
return () => {
// This registers lifecycle functions to mock both window.location and
// window.history for each test. Take a look at the top of this file for more
// information about how to use this.
export function autoMockFullNavigation() {
let cleanup;
beforeEach(() => {
cleanup = mockFullNavigation();
afterEach(() => {
if (cleanup) {
cleanup = null;
export function resetHistoryWithUrl(url: string = window.location.href) {
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