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blenessy /
Created September 24, 2023 19:42
cargo release-no-panic


Rust toolchain for building really small static binaries, without excluding the whole std lib. The default target (x86_64-unknown-linux-musl) gives you a ~50 KiB statically linked "Hello World" binary.


  1. Include both config.toml and rust-toolchain.toml in your project.
  2. Build with cargo release-no-panic when you want a release build without the standard RUST panic handler.
blenessy /
Created September 17, 2023 11:34
Tiny Static Rust Application

Tiny Static Rust Application

There are lots of confusing blogs from 2018 - 2019 on how to build no_std rust apps for embedded systems. However, there are very few that target amd64 Linux (posix) systems where you want to keep most of the rust goodies - including stdlib - and just throw away the stuff you can live without (like the native panic handler).

Before I begin, the following blogs are great and had almost what I need. The only thing missing (on this gist) is static linking with MUSL libc:

  1. A very small Rust binary indeed
  2. Minimizing Rust Binary Size
blenessy /
Last active December 30, 2022 14:43
Generate a LUKS2 encrypted disk image for running with


The solves the same problem as the oci2cw project in a less complex way. It can convert a valid OCI (docker, podman) image to a LUKS2 encrypted disk image, which you then can launch in an AMD SEV ES/SNP enabled TEE.

The script in question assumes that your are running it on Linux as the root user. Running as root is very unconfortable for most (for good reason) so please do your own review (< 100 LoC) to convince yourself that it is doing anything malicious:

blenessy /
Created December 4, 2022 11:40
Building the 5.19 kernel with AMD SEV-SNP patches on/for Ubuntu 22.04 and later

Getting AMD SEV-SNP to work on Ubuntu 22.04

If you opened the champagne after the [AMD SEV-SNP Finally Being Merged In Linux 5.19][1] article like I did, you started celebrating too early it seems. You are likely missing essential patches from AMD's [sev-snp-iommu-avic_5.19-rc6_v4][2] branch.

This GIST will properly enable AMD SEV-SNP support on 22.04 and later (works with 22.10 as well).

Before we begin - this is how success looks like on my Dell R6515 (with AMD EPYC 7313P). If this is NOT what you are getting then you should keep reading:

blenessy / Makefile.docker
Last active June 1, 2023 14:16
Generic make wrapper
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
# TODO: change the image name
DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME := buildroot-builder
# TODO: change the Dockerfile contents
FROM debian:11-slim
RUN apt-get update \
blenessy /
Created March 17, 2018 11:05

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  • I am blenessy on github.
  • I am zalan ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 2D3E 97B3 7435 CA9A B159 714F DA8E 9229 3C83 1D30

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