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Minetest Lua library files

Minetest Lua library files

These files are built for use with the VS Code Lua language server so that you can take advantage of Intellisense, built-in API documentation, and type hints.

Hints for use:

  • Please don't bundle this with your mods, because that's an unnecessary bloat on your mod's size, but feel free to bundle it with relevant VS Code extensions.
  • Do not import it, that'll screw up your mod and every other mod and maybe the engine itself as soon as your mod loads. Use the ---@module file annotation, the library setting, or (preferably) an extension that has the libraries bundled.

Note that, at present, the files only cover Minetest 5.5.1 and the (server-side) Modding API. It does not and probably will not support texture modifiers or formspecs; for that, you should use the Minetest Tools extension.

Find these files below:

  • 🚨 NOT COMPLETE: minetest-5.5.1.h.lua: Minetest 5.5.1 Modding API (corresponds to lua-api.txt). Currently has:
    • Some of the minetest namespace.
    • Simple typing wherever the minetest namespace reference indicates or implies it
    • Basic item and node definition tables: most stuff is poorly documented here though, stuff like colors, sounds, and tiles are not typed


MIT License

Copyright (c) 2022 Blake Leonard

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.

--- It is intended to be used with VS Code's Lua language server as a library.
--- Nothing in here is implemented.
---@alias ObjectRef unknown ObjectRef has not yet been defined in this file
---@alias NoiseParams unknown NoiseParams has not yet been defined in this file
---@class VoxelManip VoxelManip has not yet been defined in this file
---@alias Raycast unknown Raycast has not yet been defined in this file
---@alias LSystemTreeDefinition table LSystemTreeDefinition has not yet been defined in this file
---@alias mapgen_aliases
---@class Vector3 An XYZ coordinate.
---@field x number
---@field y number The vertical position.
---@field z number
--- The Minetest namespace for **5.5.1**, based entirely on lua_api.txt, with formatting changes.
minetest = {
---@return string modname The currently loading mod's name.
---returns the currently loading mod's name, when loading a mod.
get_current_modname = function () end,
---@param modname string
---@return string|nil modpath Returns nil if the mod is not enabled or does not exist (not installed).
--- returns the directory path for a mod, e.g. `"/home/user/.minetest/usermods/modname"`.
--- * Returns nil if the mod is not enabled or does not exist (not installed).
--- * Works regardless of whether the mod has been loaded yet.
--- * Useful for loading additional .lua modules or static data from a mod, or checking if a mod is enabled.
get_modpath = function (modname) end,
---@return string[] modnames
--- returns a list of enabled mods, sorted alphabetically.
--- * Does not include disabled mods, even if they are installed.
get_modnames = function () end,
---@return string worldpath e.g. `"/home/user/.minetest/world"`
--- Useful for storing custom data
get_worldpath = function () end,
---@return boolean
is_singleplayer = function () end,
--- Table containing API feature flags
features = {
-- I was able to conveniently copy-paste this from lua_api.txt. enjoy
glasslike_framed = true, -- 0.4.7
nodebox_as_selectionbox = true, -- 0.4.7
get_all_craft_recipes_works = true, -- 0.4.7
-- The transparency channel of textures can optionally be used on
-- nodes (0.4.7)
use_texture_alpha = true,
-- Tree and grass ABMs are no longer done from C++ (0.4.8)
no_legacy_abms = true,
-- Texture grouping is possible using parentheses (0.4.11)
texture_names_parens = true,
-- Unique Area ID for AreaStore:insert_area (0.4.14)
area_store_custom_ids = true,
-- add_entity supports passing initial staticdata to on_activate
-- (0.4.16)
add_entity_with_staticdata = true,
-- Chat messages are no longer predicted (0.4.16)
no_chat_message_prediction = true,
-- The transparency channel of textures can optionally be used on
-- objects (ie: players and lua entities) (5.0.0)
object_use_texture_alpha = true,
-- Object selectionbox is settable independently from collisionbox
-- (5.0.0)
object_independent_selectionbox = true,
-- Specifies whether binary data can be uploaded or downloaded using
-- the HTTP API (5.1.0)
httpfetch_binary_data = true,
-- Whether formspec_version[<version>] may be used (5.1.0)
formspec_version_element = true,
-- Whether AreaStore's IDs are kept on save/load (5.1.0)
area_store_persistent_ids = true,
-- Whether minetest.find_path is functional (5.2.0)
pathfinder_works = true,
-- Whether Collision info is available to an objects' on_step (5.3.0)
object_step_has_moveresult = true,
-- Whether get_velocity() and add_velocity() can be used on players (5.4.0)
direct_velocity_on_players = true,
-- nodedef's use_texture_alpha accepts new string modes (5.4.0)
use_texture_alpha_string_modes = true,
-- degrotate param2 rotates in units of 1.5° instead of 2°
-- thus changing the range of values from 0-179 to 0-240 (5.5.0)
degrotate_240_steps = true,
-- ABM supports min_y and max_y fields in definition (5.5.0)
abm_min_max_y = true,
-- dynamic_add_media supports passing a table with options (5.5.0)
dynamic_add_media_table = true,
---@param arg string|table<string,boolean>
---@return boolean, table<string,boolean> missing_features
has_feature = function (arg) end,
---@param player_name string
---@return PlayerInformationTable?
get_player_information = function (player_name) end,
---@param path string
---@return boolean success
--- Creates a directory specified by `path`, creating parent directories
--- if they don't exist.
mkdir = function (path) end,
---@param path string
---@param recursive boolean
---@return boolean success
--- Removes a directory specified by `path`.
--- * If `recursive` is set to `true`, the directory is recursively removed.
--- <br/>Otherwise, the directory will only be removed if it is empty.
rmdir = function (path, recursive) end,
---@param source string
---@param destination string
---@return boolean success
--- Copies a directory specified by `path` to `destination`
--- * Any files in `destination` will be overwritten if they already exist.
cpdir = function (source, destination) end,
---@param source string
---@param destination string
---@return boolean success
--- Moves a directory specified by `path` to `destination`
--- * If the `destination` is a non-empty directory, then the move will fail.
mvdir = function (source, destination) end,
---@param path string
---@param is_dir boolean|nil?
--- * `is_dir` is one of:
--- * `nil`: return all entries,
--- * `true`: return only subdirectory names, or
--- * `false`: return only file names.
get_dir_list = function (path, is_dir) end,
---@param path string
---@param content unknown
---@return boolean success
--- Replaces contents of file at path with new contents in a safe (atomic)
--- way. Use this instead of below code when writing e.g. database files:
--- ```
--- local f =, "wb"); f:write(content); f:close()
--- ```
safe_file_write = function (path, content) end,
---@return GetVersionTable
--- Use this for informational purposes only. The information in the returned
--- table does not represent the capabilities of the engine, nor is it
--- reliable or verifiable. Compatible forks will have a different name and
--- version entirely. To check for the presence of engine features, test
--- whether the functions exported by the wanted features exist. For example:
--- ```
--- if minetest.check_for_falling then ... end
--- ```
get_version = function () end,
---@param data string data to hash
---@param raw boolean return raw bytes instead of hex digits; default: false
---@return string # the sha1 hash of `data`
sha1 = function (data, raw) end,
--- Converts a ColorSpec to a ColorString.
--- If the ColorSpec is invalid, returns `nil`.
---@todo type later
---@return string colorstring [ColorString](https://...)
colorspec_to_colorstring = function (colorspec) end,
--- Converts a ColorSpec to a rawstring of four bytes in an RGBA layout,
--- returned as a string
---@todo type colorspec later
---@return string
colorspec_to_bytes = function (colorspec) end,
---@param width integer Width of the image
---@param height integer Height of the image
---@param data unknown[]|string Image data, one of:
---|| * array table of ColorSpec, length must be width\*height
---|| * string with raw RGBA pixels, length must be width\*height\*4
---@param compression integer Optional zlib compression level, number in range 0 to 9.
--- The data is one-dimensional, starting in the upper left corner of the image
--- and laid out in scanlines going from left to right, then top to bottom.
--- Please note that it's not safe to use string.char to generate raw data,
--- use `colorspec_to_bytes` to generate raw RGBA values in a predictable way.
--- The resulting PNG image is always 32-bit. Palettes are not supported at the moment.
--- You may use this to procedurally generate textures during server init.
encode_png = function (width, height, data, compression) end,
-- Logging --
---@param ... any
--- Equivalent to `minetest.log(table.concat({...}, "\t"))`
debug = function (...) end,
---@param level "none"|"error"|"warning"|"action"|"info"|"verbose" default: "none"
log = function (level, text) end,
-- Registration functions --
---@param name string in the format `namespace:name`, i.e. `default:dirt`
---@param definition NodeDefinition
register_node = function (name, definition) end,
---@param name string in the format `namespace:name`, i.e. `default:stick`
---@param definition ItemDefinition
register_craftitem = function (name, definition) end,
---@param name string in the format `namespace:name`, i.e. `zr_stone:pick`
---@param definition ItemDefinition
register_tool = function (name, definition) end,
---@param name string in the format `namespace:name`, i.e. `default:mese`.
---@param redefinition ItemDefinition|NodeDefinition
--- Overrides fields of an item registered with register_node/tool/craftitem.
--- **Note:** Item must already be defined, (opt)depend on the mod defining it.
--- Example:
--- ```
--- minetest.override_item("default:mese",
--- {light_source=minetest.LIGHT_MAX})
--- ```
override_item = function (name, redefinition) end,
---@param name string
--- Unregisters the item from the engine, and deletes the entry with key
--- `name` from `minetest.registered_items` and from the associated item table
--- according to its nature: `minetest.registered_nodes`, etc.
unregister_item = function (name) end,
---@param name string in the format `namespace:name`, i.e. `zr_stone:pick`
---@param definition unknown
register_entity = function (name, definition) end,
---@param definition unknown
register_abm = function (definition) end,
---@param definition unknown
register_lbm = function (definition) end,
---@param alias string|mapgen_aliases
---@param original_name string
--- Also use this to set the 'mapgen aliases' needed in a game for the core mapgens.
--- See [Mapgen aliases](
register_alias = function (alias, original_name) end,
---@param alias string|mapgen_aliases
---@param original_name string
register_alias_force = function (alias, original_name) end,
---@param definition unknown
---@return integer handle
--- Returns an integer object handle uniquely identifying the registered
--- ore on success.
--- * The order of ore registrations determines the order of ore generation.
register_ore = function (definition) end,
---@param definition unknown
---@return integer handle
--- Returns an integer object handle uniquely identifying the registered
--- biome on success. To get the biome ID, use `minetest.get_biome_id`.
register_biome = function (definition) end,
---@param name string
--- Unregisters the biome from the engine, and deletes the entry with key
--- `name` from `minetest.registered_biomes`
unregister_biome = function (name) end,
---@param definition unknown
---@return integer handle
--- Returns an integer object handle uniquely identifying the registered
--- decoration on success. To get the decoration ID, use
--- `minetest.get_decoration_id`.
--- * The order of decoration registrations determines the order of decoration
--- generation.
register_decoration = function (definition) end,
---@param definition unknown
---@return integer handle
--- Returns an integer object handle uniquely identifying the registered
--- schematic on success.
--- * If the schematic is loaded from a file, the `name` field is set to the
--- filename.
--- * If the function is called when loading the mod, and `name` is a relative
--- path, then the current mod path will be prepended to the schematic
--- filename.
register_schematic = function (definition) end,
--- Clears all biomes currently registered.
--- * **Warning:** Clearing and re-registering biomes alters the biome to biome ID
--- correspondences, so any decorations or ores using the 'biomes' field must
--- afterwards be cleared and re-registered.
clear_registered_biomes = function () end,
--- Clears all decorations currently registered.
clear_registered_decorations = function () end,
--- Clears all ores currently registered.
clear_registered_ores = function () end,
---Clears all schematics currently registered.
clear_registered_schematics = function () end,
-- Registration / Gameplay --
---@param recipe unknown
--- Check recipe table syntax for different types.
register_craft = function (recipe) end,
---@param recipe unknown
---@return boolean
--- Will erase existing craft based either on output item or on input recipe.
--- * Specify either output or input only. If you specify both, input will be
--- ignored. For input use the same recipe table syntax as for
--- `minetest.register_craft(recipe)`. For output specify only the item,
--- without a quantity.
--- * Returns false if no erase candidate could be found, otherwise returns true.
--- * **Warning**! The type field ("shaped", "cooking" or any other) will be
--- ignored if the recipe contains output. Erasing is then done independently
--- from the crafting method.
clear_craft = function (recipe) end,
---@param cmd string
---@param definition unknown
register_chatcommand = function (cmd, definition) end,
---@param name string
---@param redefinition unknown
--- Overrides fields of a chatcommand registered with `register_chatcommand`.
override_chatcommand = function (name, redefinition) end,
---@param name string
--- Unregisters a chatcommands registered with `register_chatcommand`.
unregister_chatcommand = function (name) end,
---@param name string
---@param definition string|unknown
--- If `definition` is a description, the priv will be granted to singleplayer and admin by default.
--- * To allow players with `basic_privs` to grant, see the `basic_privs` minetest.conf setting.
register_privilege = function (name, definition) end,
---@param definition unknown
--- Registers an auth handler that overrides the builtin one.
--- * This function can be called by a single mod once only.
register_authentication_handler = function (definition) end,
-- Registraton / Global callback registration functions --
---@param handler fun(dtime:number)
--- Called every server step, usually interval of 0.1s
register_globalstep = function (handler) end,
---@param handler fun()
--- Called after mods have finished loading and before the media is cached
--- or the aliases handled.
register_on_mods_loaded = function (handler) end,
---@param handler fun()
--- Called before server shutdown
--- * **Warning**: If the server terminates abnormally (i.e. crashes), the
--- registered callbacks **will likely not be run**. Data should be saved at
--- semi-frequent intervals as well as on server shutdown.
register_on_shutdown = function (handler) end,
---@param handler fun(pos, newnode, placer, oldnode, itemstack, pointed_thing): boolean?
--- Called when a node has been placed
--- * If return `true` no item is taken from `itemstack`
--- * `placer` may be any valid ObjectRef or nil.
--- * **Not recommended**; use `on_construct` or `after_place_node` in node
--- definition whenever possible.
---@deprecated use `on_construct` or `after_place_node` in node definition whenever possible.
register_on_placenode = function (handler) end,
---@param handler fun(pos, oldnode, digger)
--- Called when a node has been dug.
--- * **Not recommended**; use `on_destruct` or `after_dig_node` in node
--- definition whenever possible.
---@deprecated use `on_destruct` or `after_dig_node` in node definition whenever possible.
register_on_dignode = function (handler) end,
---@param handler fun(pos, node, puncher, pointed_thing)
--- Called when a node is punched.
register_on_punchnode = function (handler) end,
---@param handler fun(minp, maxp, blockseed)
--- Called after generating a piece of world. Modifying nodes inside the area
--- is a bit faster than usually.
register_on_generated = function (handler) end,
---@param handler fun(player: unknown)
register_on_newplayer = function (handler) end,
---@param handler fun(player: unknown, hitter, time_from_last_punch, tool_capabilities, dir, damage)
--- Called when a player is punched
--- * Note: This callback is invoked even if the punched player is dead.
--- * `player`: ObjectRef - Player that was punched
--- * `hitter`: ObjectRef - Player that hit
--- * `time_from_last_punch`: Meant for disallowing spamming of clicks
--- (can be nil).
--- * `tool_capabilities`: Capability table of used item (can be nil)
--- * `dir`: Unit vector of direction of punch. Always defined. Points from
--- the puncher to the punched.
--- * `damage`: Number that represents the damage calculated by the engine
--- * should return `true` to prevent the default damage mechanism
register_on_punchplayer = function (handler) end,
---@param handler fun(player: unknown, clicker: unknown)
--- Called when the 'place/use' key was used while pointing a player
--- (not neccessarily an actual rightclick)
--- * `player`: ObjectRef - Player that is acted upon
--- * `clicker`: ObjectRef - Object that acted upon `player`, may or may not be a player
register_on_rightclickplayer = function (handler) end,
---@alias PlayerHPChangeReason {type: "set_hp"|"punch"|"fall"|"node_damage"|"drown"|"respawn", from: "mod"|"engine", object: ObjectRef?, node: string?}
---@param handler fun(player, hp_change, reason): number?
---@param modifier boolean when true, the function should return the actual `hp_change`.
--- * Called when the player gets damaged or healed
--- * `player`: ObjectRef of the player
--- * `hp_change`: the amount of change. Negative when it is damage.
--- * `reason`: a PlayerHPChangeReason table.
--- * The `type` field will have one of the following values:
--- * `set_hp`: A mod or the engine called `set_hp` without
--- giving a type - use this for custom damage types.
--- * `punch`: Was punched. `reason.object` will hold the puncher, or nil if none.
--- * `fall`
--- * `node_damage`: `damage_per_second` from a neighbouring node.
--- `reason.node` will hold the node name or nil.
--- * `drown`
--- * `respawn`
--- * Any of the above types may have additional fields from mods.
--- * `reason.from` will be `mod` or `engine`.
--- * **Note:** modifiers only get a temporary `hp_change` that can be modified by later modifiers.
--- * Modifiers can return true as a second argument to stop the execution of further functions.
--- * Non-modifiers receive the final HP change calculated by the modifiers.
register_on_player_hpchange = function (handler, modifier) end,
---@param handler fun(player: ObjectRef, reason: PlayerHPChangeReason)
--- Called when a player dies
register_on_dieplayer = function (handler) end,
---@param handler fun(player: ObjectRef): boolean?
--- Called when a player is to be respawned
--- * Called _before_ repositioning of player occurs
--- * return true in func to disable regular player placement
register_on_respawnplayer = function (handler) end,
---@param handler fun(name: string, ip: string)
--- Called before a player joins the server.
--- * `name`: Name of the player
--- * `ip`: IP of the player
register_on_prejoinplayer = function (handler) end,
---@param handler fun(player: ObjectRef, last_login)
--- Called when a player joins the game
--- * `last_login`: The timestamp of the previous login, or nil if player is new
register_on_joinplayer = function (handler) end,
---@param handler fun(player: ObjectRef, timed_out: boolean)
--- Called when a player leaves the game
--- * `timed_out`: True for timeout, false for other reasons.
register_on_leaveplayer = function (handler) end,
---@param handler fun(name: string, ip: string, is_success: boolean)
--- Called when a client attempts to log into an account.
--- `name`: The name of the account being authenticated.
--- * `ip`: The IP address of the client
--- * `is_success`: Whether the client was successfully authenticated
--- * For newly registered accounts, `is_success` will always be true
register_on_authplayer = function (handler) end,
---@deprecated use `minetest.register_on_authplayer(name, ip, is_success)` instead.
---@param handler fun(name: string, ip: string)
register_on_auth_fail = function (handler) end,
---@param handler fun(player: ObjectRef, cheat: "moved_too_fast"|"interacted_too_far"|"interacted_with_self"|"interacted_while_dead"|"finished_unknown_dig"|"dug_unbreakable"|"dug_too_fast")
--- Called when a player cheats
register_on_cheat = function (handler) end,
---@param handler fun(name: string, message: string)
--- Called always when a player says something.
--- Return `true` to mark the message as handled, which means that it will
--- not be sent to other players.
register_on_chat_message = function (handler) end,
---@param handler fun(player_name: string, command: string, params: unknown[])
--- Called always when a chatcommand is triggered, before `minetest.registered_chatcommands`
--- is checked to see if the command exists, but after the input is parsed.
--- Return `true` to mark the command as handled, which means that the default
--- handlers will be prevented.
register_on_chatcommand = function (handler) end,
---@param handler fun(player, formname, fields)
--- Called when the server received input from `player` in a formspec with
--- the given `formname`. Specifically, this is called on any of the
--- following events:
--- * a button was pressed,
--- * Enter was pressed while the focus was on a text field
--- * a checkbox was toggled,
--- * something was selected in a dropdown list,
--- * a different tab was selected,
--- * selection was changed in a textlist or table,
--- * an entry was double-clicked in a textlist or table,
--- * a scrollbar was moved, or
--- * the form was actively closed by the player.
--- ---
--- * Fields are sent for formspec elements which define a field. `fields`
--- is a table containing each formspecs element value (as string), with
--- the `name` parameter as index for each. The value depends on the
--- formspec element type:
--- * `animated_image`: Returns the index of the current frame.
--- * `button` and variants: If pressed, contains the user-facing button
--- text as value. If not pressed, is `nil`
--- * `field`, `textarea` and variants: Text in the field
--- * `dropdown`: Either the index or value, depending on the `index event`
--- dropdown argument.
--- * `tabheader`: Tab index, starting with `"1"` (only if tab changed)
--- * `checkbox`: `"true"` if checked, `"false"` if unchecked
--- * `textlist`: See `minetest.explode_textlist_event`
--- * `table`: See `minetest.explode_table_event`
--- * `scrollbar`: See `minetest.explode_scrollbar_event`
--- * Special case: `["quit"]="true"` is sent when the user actively
--- closed the form by mouse click, keypress or through a button_exit[]
--- element.
--- * Special case: `["key_enter"]="true"` is sent when the user pressed
--- the Enter key and the focus was either nowhere (causing the formspec
--- to be closed) or on a button. If the focus was on a text field,
--- additionally, the index `key_enter_field` contains the name of the
--- text field. See also: `field_close_on_enter`.
--- * Newest functions are called first
--- * If function returns `true`, remaining functions are not called
register_on_player_receive_fields = function (handler) end,
---@param handler fun(itemstack, player, old_craft_grid, craft_inv)
--- Called when `player` crafts something
--- * `itemstack` is the output
--- * `old_craft_grid` contains the recipe (Note: the one in the inventory is
--- cleared).
--- * `craft_inv` is the inventory with the crafting grid
--- * Return either an `ItemStack`, to replace the output, or `nil`, to not
--- modify it.
register_on_craft = function (handler) end,
---@param handler fun(itemstack, player, old_craft_grid, craft_inv)
--- The same as before, except that it is called before the player crafts, to
--- make craft prediction, and it should not change anything.
register_craft_predict = function (handler) end,
---@param handler fun(player, action, inventory, inventory_info)
--- Determines how much of a stack may be taken, put or moved to a
--- player inventory.
--- * `player` (type `ObjectRef`) is the player who modified the inventory
--- `inventory` (type `InvRef`).
--- * List of possible `action` (string) values and their
--- `inventory_info` (table) contents:
--- * `move`: `{from_list=string, to_list=string, from_index=number, to_index=number, count=number}`
--- * `put`: `{listname=string, index=number, stack=ItemStack}`
--- * `take`: Same as `put`
--- * Return a numeric value to limit the amount of items to be taken, put or
--- moved. A value of `-1` for `take` will make the source stack infinite.
register_allow_player_inventory_action = function (handler) end,
---@param handler fun(player, action, inventory, inventory_info)
--- Called after a take, put or move event from/to/in a player inventory
--- * Function arguments: see `minetest.register_allow_player_inventory_action`
--- * Does not accept or handle any return value.
register_on_player_inventory_action = function (handler) end,
---@param handler fun(pos: Vector3, name: string)
--- Called by `builtin` and mods when a player violates protection at a
--- position (eg, digs a node or punches a protected entity).
--- * The registered functions can be called using
--- `minetest.record_protection_violation`.
--- * The provided function should check that the position is protected by the
--- mod calling this function before it prints a message, if it does, to
--- allow for multiple protection mods.
register_on_protection_violation = function (handler) end,
---@param handler fun(hp_change: number, replace_with_item, itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
--- Called when an item is eaten, by `minetest.item_eat`
--- * Return `itemstack` to cancel the default item eat response (i.e.: hp increase).
register_on_item_eat = function (handler) end,
---@param handler fun(name: string, granter: string, priv: string)
--- Called when `granter` grants the priv `priv` to `name`.
--- * Note that the callback will be called twice if it's done by a player,
--- once with granter being the player name, and again with granter being nil.
register_on_priv_grant = function (handler) end,
---@param handler fun(name: string, revoker: string, priv: string)
--- Called when `revoker` revokes the priv `priv` from `name`.
--- * Note that the callback will be called twice if it's done by a player,
--- once with revoker being the player name, and again with revoker being nil.
register_on_priv_revoke = function (handler) end,
---@param handler fun(name: string, ip: string)
--- Called when `name` user connects with `ip`.
--- * Return `true` to by pass the player limit
register_can_bypass_userlimit = function (handler) end,
---@param handler fun(channel_name: string, sender: string, message: string)
--- Called when an incoming mod channel message is received
--- * You should have joined some channels to receive events.
--- * If message comes from a server mod, `sender` field is an empty string.
register_on_modchannel_message = function (handler) end,
---@alias ItemStack unknown TODO: document ItemStack
---@param handler fun(pos_list: Vector3[], node_list: ItemStack[])
--- Called after liquid nodes (`liquidtype ~= "none"`) are modified by the
--- engine's liquid transformation process.
--- * `pos_list` is an array of all modified positions.
--- * `node_list` is an array of the old node that was previously at the position
--- with the corresponding index in pos_list.
register_on_liquid_transformed = function (handler) end,
-- Setting-related --
---@type table<string, any>
--- Settings object containing all of the settings from the
--- main config file (`minetest.conf`).
settings = {},
---@param name string The name of the setting to get.
--- Loads a setting from the main settings and
--- parses it as a position (in the format `(1,2,3)`). Returns a position or nil.
---@return Vector3
setting_get_pos = function (name) end,
---@param str string
---@param delim? string String separating the privs. Defaults to `","`.
---@return table<string, boolean> privs A table of privs.
--- Converts string representation of privs into table form
string_to_privs = function (str, delim) end,
---@param privs table<string, boolean>
---@param delim? string String to delimit privs. Defaults to `","`.
---@return string
--- Returns the string representation of `privs`
privs_to_string = function (privs, delim) end,
---@param name string The name of the player.
--- * *Calls the authentication handler.*
---@return table<string, boolean>
get_player_privs = function (name) end,
---@param player_or_name string|ObjectRef Either a Player object or the name of a player.
---@param ... string|table<string, boolean> Either a list of strings, e.g. `"priva", "privb"` or a table, e.g. `{ priva = true, privb = true }`.
---@return boolean, table<string, boolean> missing_privs
check_player_privs = function (player_or_name, ...) end,
---@param name string
---@param entry unknown
---@param password string
--- Returns true if the "password entry" for a player with name matches given
--- password, false otherwise.
--- * The "password entry" is the password representation generated by the
--- engine as returned as part of a `get_auth()` call on the auth handler.
--- * **Only** use this function for making it possible to log in via password from
--- external protocols such as IRC, other uses are frowned upon.
---@return boolean
---@deprecated Only use this function for making it possible to log in via password from external protocols such as IRC, other uses are frowned upon.
check_password_entry = function (name, entry, password) end,
---@param name string
---@param raw_password string
--- Convert a name-password pair to a password hash that Minetest can use.
--- * The returned value alone is not a good basis for password checks based
--- on comparing the password hash in the database with the password hash
--- from the function, with an externally provided password, as the hash
--- in the db might use the new SRP verifier format.
--- * For this purpose, use `minetest.check_password_entry` instead.
---@return string
get_password_hash = function (name, raw_password) end,
---@param name string
--- returns an IP address string for the player `name`.
--- * The player needs to be online for this to be successful.
get_player_ip = function (name) end,
--- Return the currently active auth handler
--- * See the [Authentication handler definition](
--- * Use this to e.g. get the authentication data for a player:
--- ```
--- local auth_data = minetest.get_auth_handler().get_auth(playername)
--- ```
---@return unknown authentication_handler
get_auth_handler = function () end,
---@param name? string if omitted, all auth data should be considered modified
--- Must be called by the authentication handler for privilege changes.
notify_authentication_modified = function (name) end,
---@param name string
---@param password_hash string
--- Set password hash of player `name`.
--- * *Calls the authentication handler.*
set_player_password = function (name, password_hash) end,
---@param name string
---@param privs table<string, boolean>
--- Set privileges of player `name`.
--- * *Calls the authentication handler.*
set_player_privs = function (name, privs) end,
--- See `reload()` in authentication handler definition
--- * *Calls the authentication handler.*
auth_reload = function () end,
-- Chat --
---@param text string
chat_send_all = function (text) end,
---@param name string
---@param text string
chat_send_player = function (name, text) end,
---@param name string
---@param message string
--- Used by the server to format a chat message, based on the setting `chat_message_format`.
--- Refer to the documentation of the setting for a list of valid placeholders.
--- * Takes player name and message, and returns the formatted string to be sent to players.
--- * Can be redefined by mods if required, for things like colored names or messages.
--- * **Only** the first occurrence of each placeholder will be replaced.
format_chat_message = function (name, message) end,
-- Environment access --
---@alias NodeWithMetadata {name: string, param1: number?, param2: number?, [string]: any}
---@param pos Vector3
---@param node NodeWithMetadata
--- Set node at position `pos`
--- * If param1 or param2 is omitted, it's set to `0`.
--- ```
--- minetest.set_node({x=0, y=10, z=0}, {name="default:wood"})`
--- ```
set_node = function (pos, node) end,
add_node = minetest.set_node, -- alias to `minetest.set_node`
---@param pos Vector3[]
---@param node NodeWithMetadata
--- Set node on all positions set in the first argument.
--- * For node specification or position syntax see `minetest.set_node` call
--- * Faster than set_node due to single call, but still considerably slower
--- than Lua Voxel Manipulators (LVM) for large numbers of nodes.
--- Unlike LVMs, this will call node callbacks. It also allows setting nodes
--- in spread out positions which would cause LVMs to waste memory.
--- For setting a cube, this is 1.3x faster than set_node whereas LVM is 20
--- times faster.
--- ```
--- minetest.bulk_set_node({{x=0, y=1, z=1}, {x=1, y=2, z=2}}, {name="default:stone"})`
--- ```
bulk_set_node = function (pos, node) end,
---@param pos Vector3
---@param node NodeWithMetadata
--- Set node at position, but don't remove metadata
swap_node = function (pos, node) end,
---@param pos Vector3
--- By default it does the same as `minetest.set_node(pos, {name="air"})`
remove_node = function (pos) end,
---@param pos Vector3
--- Returns the node at the given position as table in the format
--- `{name="node_name", param1=0, param2=0}`,
--- returns `{name="ignore", param1=0, param2=0}` for unloaded areas.
---@return NodeWithMetadata
get_node = function (pos) end,
---@param pos Vector3
--- Same as `get_node` but returns `nil` for unloaded areas.
get_node_or_nil = function (pos) end,
---@param pos Vector3 The position where to measure the light.
---@param timeofday number|nil `nil` for current time, `0` for night, `0.5` for day
--- Gets the light value at the given position. Note that the light value
--- "inside" the node at the given position is returned, so you usually want
--- to get the light value of a neighbor.
--- * `nil` is returned e.g. when the map isn't loaded at `pos`
---@return number|nil light_level A number between `0` and `15` or `nil`
get_node_light = function (pos, timeofday) end,
---@param pos Vector3 The position of the node
---@param timeofday number|nil? `nil` for current time, `0` for night, `0.5` for day
--- Figures out the sunlight (or moonlight) value at pos at the given time of
--- day.
--- This function tests 203 nodes in the worst case, which happens very
--- unlikely
---@return number|nil light_level A number between `0` and `15` or `nil`
get_natural_light = function (pos, timeofday) end,
---@param param1 number The param1 value of a `paramtype= "light"` node.
--- Calculates the artificial light (light from e.g. torches) value from the
--- `param1` value.
--- * Currently it's the same as `math.floor(param1 / 16)`, except that it
--- ensures compatibility.
---@return number light_level A number between `0` and `15`
get_artificial_light = function (param1) end,
---@param pos Vector3
---@param node NodeWithMetadata --TODO: does this need to be a string?
--- Place node with the same effects that a player would cause
place_node = function (pos, node) end,
---@param pos Vector3
--- Dig node with the same effects that a player would cause
---@return boolean # `true` if successful, `false` on failure (e.g. protected location)
dig_node = function (pos) end,
---@param pos Vector3
--- Punch node with the same effects that a player would cause
punch_node = function (pos) end,
---@param pos Vector3
--- Change node into falling node
---@return boolean, ObjectRef? spawned_entity `true` and the ObjectRef of the spawned entity if successful, `false` on failure
spawn_falling_node = function (pos) end,
---@param pos1 Vector3
---@param pos2 Vector3
--- Get a table of positions of nodes that have metadata within a region {pos1, pos2}.
---@return table<Vector3, NodeWithMetadata> --TODO: does this actually return a table, or just an array?
find_nodes_with_meta = function (pos1, pos2) end,
---@param pos Vector3
--- Get a `NodeMetaRef` at that position
---@todo return NodeMetaRef
get_meta = function (pos) end,
---@param pos Vector3
--- Get `NodeTimerRef`
---@todo return NodeTimerRef
get_node_timer = function (pos) end,
---@param pos Vector3
---@param name string
---@param staticdata table<string, any> --TODO: check this
--- Spawn Lua-defined entity at position.
---@return ObjectRef|nil # `nil` if failed
add_entity = function (pos, name, staticdata) end,
---@param pos Vector3
---@param item string (assuming an itemstring)
--- Spawn item
---@return ObjectRef|nil
add_item = function (pos, item) end,
---@param name string
--- Get an `ObjectRef` to a player
---@return ObjectRef player
get_player_by_name = function (name) end,
---@param pos Vector3
---@param radius number using an euclidean metric
---@return ObjectRef[]
get_objects_inside_radius = function (pos, radius) end,
---@param pos1 Vector3 min position of the area to search
---@param pos2 Vector3 max position of the area to search
---@return ObjectRef[]
get_objects_in_area = function (pos1, pos2) end,
---@param timeofday number between `0` and `1`; `0` for midnight, `0.5` for midday
set_timeofday = function (timeofday) end,
---@return number timeofday between `0` and `1`; `0` for midnight, `0.5` for midday
get_timeofday = function () end,
---@return number gametime the time, in seconds, since the world was created.
get_gametime = function () end,
---@return number days the number of days elapsed since world was created.
--- * accounts for time changes.
get_day_count = function () end,
---@param pos Vector3
---@param radius number using a maximum metric
---@param nodenames string|string[]
---@param search_center boolean? default: `false`. If true `pos` is also checked for the nodes
---@return Vector3|nil pos
find_node_near = function (pos, radius, nodenames, search_center) end,
---@param pos1 Vector3 min position of the area to search
---@param pos2 Vector3 max position of the area to search
---@param nodenames string|string[]
--- * If `grouped` is true the return value is a table indexed by node name
--- which contains lists of positions.
--- * If `grouped` is false or absent the return values are as follows:
--- first value: Table with all node positions
--- second value: Table with the count of each node with the node name
--- as index
--- * Area volume is limited to 4,096,000 nodes
---@return Vector3[]|table<string, Vector3[]>, table<string, integer>?
find_nodes_in_area = function (pos1, pos2, nodenames, grouped) end,
---@param pos1 Vector3
---@param pos2 Vector3
---@param nodenames string|string[]
--- * Area volume is limited to 4,096,000 nodes
---@return Vector3[] # All node positions with a node air above
find_nodes_in_area_under_air = function (pos1, pos2, nodenames) end,
---@todo document PerlinNoiseParams and perlin noise a bit further
---@param noiseparams NoiseParams
--- Return world-specific perlin noise.
--- * The actual seed used is the noiseparams seed plus the world seed.
---@return unknown # probably a number, but not sure
---@diagnostic disable-next-line: duplicate-index
get_perlin = function (noiseparams) end,
---@deprecated use `minetest.get_perlin(noiseparams)` instead.
--- Return world-specific perlin noise.
---@diagnostic disable-next-line: duplicate-index
get_perlin = function (seeddiff, octaves, persistence, spread) end,
---@param pos1 Vector3?
---@param pos2 Vector3?
--- Return voxel manipulator object.
--- * Loads the manipulator from the map if positions are passed.
---@todo document voxel_manip
get_voxel_manip = function (pos1, pos2) end,
---@param flags unknown
---@param deco_ids string[] List of IDs of decorations which notification is requested for.
--- Set the types of on-generate notifications that should be collected.
--- * `flags` is a flag field with the available flags:
--- * dungeon
--- * temple
--- * cave_begin
--- * cave_end
--- * large_cave_begin
--- * large_cave_end
--- * decoration
set_gen_notify = function (flags, deco_ids) end,
---@return string, string[]
get_gen_notify = function () end,
---@param decoration_name string
---@return integer|nil the decoration ID number for the provided decoration name string, or `nil` on failure.
get_decoration_id = function (decoration_name) end,
---@param objectname string
--- Return requested mapgen object if available (see [Mapgen objects](
---@return table<string, any> mapgen_object
get_mapgen_object = function (objectname) end,
---@param pos Vector3
---@return number|nil heat The heat at the position, or `nil` on failure.
get_heat = function (pos) end,
---@param pos Vector3
---@return number|nil humidity The humidity at the position, or `nil` on failure.
get_humidity = function (pos) end,
---@param pos Vector3
--- Returns a table containing:
--- * `biome` the biome id of the biome at that position
--- * `heat` the heat at the position
--- * `humidity` the humidity at the position
---@return {biome: integer, heat: number, humidity: number}
get_biome_data = function (pos) end,
---@param biome_name string
---@return number biome_id the biome id, as used in the biomemap Mapgen object and returned
--- by `minetest.get_biome_data(pos)`, for a given biome_name string.
get_biome_id = function (biome_name) end,
---@param biome_id integer
--- * If no biomes have been registered, such as in mgv6, returns `default`.
---@return string biome_name the biome name string for the provided biome id, or `nil` on failure.
get_biome_name = function (biome_id) end,
---@deprecated use `minetest.get_mapgen_setting(name)` instead.
---@return {mgname: string, seed: number, chunksize: integer, water_level: integer, flags: unknown}
get_mapgen_params = function () end,
---@deprecateduse `minetest.set_mapgen_setting(name, value, override)` instead.
---@param params {mgname: string, seed: number, chunksize: integer, water_level: integer, flags: unknown}
--- Set map generation parameters.
--- * Function cannot be called after the registration period; only
--- initialization and `on_mapgen_init`.
--- * Takes a table as an argument with the fields:
--- * `mgname`
--- * `seed`
--- * `chunksize`
--- * `water_level`
--- * `flags`
--- * Leave field unset to leave that parameter unchanged.
--- * `flags` contains a comma-delimited string of flags to set, or if the
--- prefix `"no"` is attached, clears instead.
--- * `flags` is in the same format and has the same options as `mg_flags` in
--- `minetest.conf`.
set_mapgen_params = function (params) end,
---@param name string
--- Gets the *active* mapgen setting (or nil if none exists) in string
--- format with the following order of precedence:
--- 1) Settings loaded from map_meta.txt or overrides set during mod
--- execution.
--- 2) Settings set by mods without a metafile override
--- 3) Settings explicitly set in the user config file, minetest.conf
--- 4) Settings set as the user config default
---@return any
get_mapgen_setting = function (name) end,
---@param name string
--- Same as above, but returns the value as a NoiseParams table if the
--- setting `name` exists and is a valid NoiseParams.
---@return NoiseParams
get_mapgen_setting_noiseparams = function (name) end,
---@param name string
---@param value any
---@param override_meta boolean? an optional boolean (default: `false`). If this is set to true, the setting will become the active setting regardless of the map metafile contents.
--- Sets a mapgen param to `value`, and will take effect if the corresponding mapgen setting is not already present in map_meta.txt.
--- * Note: to set the seed, use `"seed"`, not `"fixed_map_seed"`.
set_mapgen_setting = function (name, value, override_meta) end,
---@param name string
---@param value NoiseParams
---@param override_meta boolean? an optional boolean (default: `false`). If this is set to true, the setting will become the active setting regardless of the map metafile contents.
--- Same as `set_mapgen_setting`, except the value is a NoiseParams table.
set_mapgen_setting_noiseparams = function (name, value, override_meta) end,
---@param name string
---@param noiseparams NoiseParams
---@param set_default any
set_noiseparams = function (name, noiseparams, set_default) end,
---@param name string
--- Returns a table of the noiseparams for name.
---@return NoiseParams
get_noise_params = function (name) end,
---@param vm VoxelManip
---@param pos1 Vector3?
---@param pos2 Vector3?
--- Generate all registered decorations within the VoxelManip `vm` and in the
--- area from `pos1` to `pos2`.
--- * `pos1` and `pos2` are optional and default to mapchunk minp and maxp.
generate_ores = function (vm, pos1, pos2) end,
---@param options {mode: "full"|"quick"}?
--- Clear all objects in the environment
--- * Takes an optional table as an argument with the field `mode`.
--- * mode = `"full"` : Load and go through every mapblock, clearing
--- objects (default).
--- * mode = `"quick"`: Clear objects immediately in loaded mapblocks,
--- clear objects in unloaded mapblocks only when the
--- mapblocks are next activated.
clear_objects = function (options) end,
---@param pos1 Vector3
---@param pos2 Vector3?
--- Load the mapblocks containing the area from `pos1` to `pos2`.
--- `pos2` defaults to `pos1` if not specified.
--- * This function does not trigger map generation.
load_area = function (pos1, pos2) end,
---@alias EMERGE_ENUM integer
---@type EMERGE_ENUM
---@type EMERGE_ENUM
---@type EMERGE_ENUM
---@type EMERGE_ENUM
---@type EMERGE_ENUM
---@param pos1 Vector3
---@param pos2 Vector3
---@param callback fun(blockpos: Vector3, action: EMERGE_ENUM, calls_remaining: integer, param: any)?
---@param param any? user-defined parameter passed to `callback`
--- Load the mapblocks containing the area from `pos1` to `pos2`.
--- Queue all blocks in the area from `pos1` to `pos2`, inclusive, to be
--- asynchronously fetched from memory, loaded from disk, or if inexistent,
--- generates them.
--- * If `callback` is a valid Lua function, this will be called for each block
--- emerged.
--- * The function signature of callback is:
--- `function EmergeAreaCallback(blockpos, action, calls_remaining, param)`
--- * `blockpos` is the *block* coordinates of the block that had been
--- emerged.
--- * `action` could be one of the following constant values:
--- * `minetest.EMERGE_CANCELLED`
--- * `minetest.EMERGE_ERRORED`
--- * `minetest.EMERGE_FROM_MEMORY`
--- * `minetest.EMERGE_FROM_DISK`
--- * `minetest.EMERGE_GENERATED`
--- * `calls_remaining` is the number of callbacks to be expected after
--- this one.
--- * `param` is the user-defined parameter passed to emerge_area (or
--- nil if the parameter was absent).
emerge_area = function (pos1, pos2, callback, param) end,
---@param pos1 Vector3
---@param pos2 Vector3
--- delete all mapblocks in the area from pos1 to pos2, inclusive
delete_area = function (pos1, pos2) end,
---@param pos1 Vector3 First position
---@param pos2 Vector3 Second position
--- Checks if there is anything other than air between pos1 and pos2.
--- * Returns false if something is blocking the sight.
--- * Returns the position of the blocking node when `false`
---@return boolean, Vector3?
line_of_sight = function (pos1, pos2) end,
---@param pos1 Vector3 start of the ray
---@param pos2 Vector3 end of the ray
---@param objects boolean if false, only nodes will be returned. Default is `true`.
---@param liquids boolean if false, liquid nodes (`liquidtype ~= "none"`) won't be returned. Default is `false`.
--- Creates a `Raycast` object.
---@return Raycast
raycast = function (pos1, pos2, objects, liquids) end,
---@param pos1 Vector3 start position
---@param pos2 Vector3 end position
---@param searchdistance number maximum distance from the search positions to search in.<br/>In detail: Path must be completely inside a cuboid. The minimum `searchdistance` of 1 will confine search between `pos1` and `pos2`. Larger values will increase the size of this cuboid in all directions
---@param max_jump number maximum height difference to consider walkable
---@param max_drop number maximum height difference to consider droppable
---@param algorithm "A*_noprefetch"|"A*"|"Dijkstra" Difference between `"A*"` and `"A*_noprefetch"` is that `"A*"` will pre-calculate the cost-data, the other will calculate it on-the-fly
--- * returns table containing path that can be walked on
--- * returns a table of 3D points representing a path from `pos1` to `pos2` or
--- `nil` on failure.
--- * Reasons for failure:
--- * No path exists at all
--- * No path exists within `searchdistance` (see below)
--- * Start or end pos is buried in land
---@return Vector3[]|nil
find_path = function (pos1, pos2, searchdistance, max_jump, max_drop, algorithm) end,
---@param pos Vector3
---@param treedef LSystemTreeDefinition
--- spawns L-system tree at given `pos` with definition in `treedef` table
spawn_tree = function (pos, treedef) end,
---@param pos Vector3
--- add node to liquid flow update queue
transforming_liquid_add = function (pos) end,
---@param pos Vector3
--- get max available level for leveled node
get_node_max_level = function (pos) end,
---@param pos Vector3
--- get level of leveled node (water, snow)
get_node_level = function (pos) end,
---@param pos Vector3
---@param level integer
--- set level of leveled node, default `level` equals `1`
--- * if `totallevel > maxlevel`, returns rest (`total-max`)
--- * `level` must be between -127 and 127
---@return integer?
set_node_level = function (pos, level) end,
---@param pos Vector3
---@param level integer
--- increase level of leveled node by level, default `level` equals `1`
--- * if `totallevel > maxlevel`, returns rest (`total-max`)
--- * `level` must be between -127 and 127
add_node_level = function (pos, level) end,
---@param pos1 Vector3
---@param pos2 Vector3
--- resets the light in a cuboid-shaped part of
--- the map and removes lighting bugs.
--- * Loads the area if it is not loaded.
--- * `pos1` is the corner of the cuboid with the least coordinates
--- (in node coordinates), inclusive.
--- * `pos2` is the opposite corner of the cuboid, inclusive.
--- * The actual updated cuboid might be larger than the specified one,
--- because only whole map blocks can be updated.
--- The actual updated area consists of those map blocks that intersect
--- with the given cuboid.
--- * However, the neighborhood of the updated area might change
--- as well, as light can spread out of the cuboid, also light
--- might be removed.
---@return boolean # `false` if the area is not fully generated, `true` otherwise
fix_light = function (pos1, pos2) end,
---@param pos Vector3
--- causes an unsupported `group:falling_node` node to fall and causes an
--- unattached `group:attached_node` node to fall.
--- * does not spread these updates to neighbours.
check_single_for_falling = function (pos) end,
---@param pos Vector3
--- causes an unsupported `group:falling_node` node to fall and causes an
--- unattached `group:attached_node` node to fall.
--- * spread these updates to neighbours and can cause a cascade
--- of nodes to fall.
check_for_falling = function (pos) end,
---@param x number
---@param z number
--- Returns a player spawn y co-ordinate for the provided (x, z)
--- co-ordinates, or `nil` for an unsuitable spawn point.
--- * For most mapgens a 'suitable spawn point' is one with y between
--- `water_level` and `water_level + 16`, and in mgv7 well away from rivers,
--- so `nil` will be returned for many (x, z) co-ordinates.
--- * The spawn level returned is for a player spawn in unmodified terrain.
--- * The spawn level is intentionally above terrain level to cope with
--- full-node biome 'dust' nodes.
---@return number|nil y
get_spawn_level = function (x, z) end,
-- Mod channels --
---@param channel_name string
--- Server joins channel `channel_name`, and creates it if necessary. You
--- should listen for incoming messages with
--- `minetest.register_on_modchannel_message`
mod_channel_join = function (channel_name) end,
--#region Response tables --
---@class PlayerInformationTable
--- The response type of `minetest.get_player_information`
local PlayerInformationTable = {
---@type string
address = "", -- IP address of client
---@type 4|6
ip_version = 4, -- IPv4 / IPv6
---@type integer
connection_uptime = 200, -- seconds since client connected
---@type integer
protocol_version = 32, -- protocol version used by client
---@type integer
formspec_version = 2, -- supported formspec version
---@type string
lang_code = "fr", -- Language code used for translation
---@type number?
min_rtt = 0.01, -- minimum round trip time (can be missing if no stats have been collected yet)
---@type number?
max_rtt = 0.2, -- maximum round trip time (can be missing if no stats have been collected yet)
---@type number?
avg_rtt = 0.02, -- average round trip time (can be missing if no stats have been collected yet)
---@type number?
min_jitter = 0.01, -- minimum packet time jitter (can be missing if no stats have been collected yet)
---@type number?
max_jitter = 0.5, -- maximum packet time jitter (can be missing if no stats have been collected yet)
---@type number?
avg_jitter = 0.03, -- average packet time jitter (can be missing if no stats have been collected yet)
---@deprecated Available in a debug build only!!! DO NOT USE IN MODS
ser_vers = 26, -- serialization version used by client (available in a debug build only!!! DO NOT USE IN MODS)
---@deprecated Available in a debug build only!!! DO NOT USE IN MODS
major = 0, -- major version number (available in a debug build only!!! DO NOT USE IN MODS)
---@deprecated Available in a debug build only!!! DO NOT USE IN MODS
minor = 4, -- minor version number (available in a debug build only!!! DO NOT USE IN MODS)
---@deprecated Available in a debug build only!!! DO NOT USE IN MODS
patch = 10, -- patch version number (available in a debug build only!!! DO NOT USE IN MODS)
---@deprecated Available in a debug build only!!! DO NOT USE IN MODS
vers_string = "0.4.9-git", -- full version string (available in a debug build only!!! DO NOT USE IN MODS)
---@deprecated Available in a debug build only!!! DO NOT USE IN MODS
state = "Active" -- current client state (available in a debug build only!!! DO NOT USE IN MODS)
---@class GetVersionTable
--- The response type of `minetest.get_version`
local GetVersionTable = {
---@type string
project = "Minetest", -- Name of the project, eg, "Minetest"
---@type string
string = "5.5.1", -- Simple version, eg, "1.2.3-dev"
---@type string?
hash = "5.5.1-dev-44c2e33c-dirty", -- Full git version (only set if available)
--#region Definition tables --
---@class ItemDefinition
local ItemDefinition = {
-- Can contain new lines. "\n" has to be used as new line character.
-- See also: `get_description` in [`ItemStack`]
description = "",
-- Must not contain new lines.
-- Defaults to nil.
-- Use an [`ItemStack`] to get the short description, e.g.:
-- ItemStack(itemname):get_short_description()
short_description = "",
-- key = name, value = rating; rating = <number>.
-- If rating not applicable, use 1.
-- e.g. {wool = 1, fluffy = 3}
-- {soil = 2, outerspace = 1, crumbly = 1}
-- {bendy = 2, snappy = 1},
-- {hard = 1, metal = 1, spikes = 1}
groups = {},
-- Texture shown in the inventory GUI
-- Defaults to a 3D rendering of the node if left empty.
inventory_image = "",
-- An overlay texture which is not affected by colorization
inventory_overlay = "",
-- Texture shown when item is held in hand
-- Defaults to a 3D rendering of the node if left empty.
wield_image = "",
-- Like inventory_overlay but only used in the same situation as wield_image
wield_overlay = "",
-- Scale for the item when held in hand
wield_scale = {x = 1, y = 1, z = 1},
-- An image file containing the palette of a node.
-- You can set the currently used color as the "palette_index" field of
-- the item stack metadata.
-- The palette is always stretched to fit indices between 0 and 255, to
-- ensure compatibility with "colorfacedir" and "colorwallmounted" nodes.
palette = "",
-- Color the item is colorized with. The palette overrides this.
color = "#ffffffff",
-- Maximum amount of items that can be in a single stack.
-- The default can be changed by the setting `default_stack_max`
stack_max = 99,
-- Range of node and object pointing that is possible with this item held
range = 4.0,
-- If true, item can point to all liquid nodes (`liquidtype ~= "none"`),
-- even those for which `pointable = false`
liquids_pointable = false,
-- When used for nodes: Defines amount of light emitted by node.
-- Otherwise: Defines texture glow when viewed as a dropped item
-- To set the maximum (14), use the value 'minetest.LIGHT_MAX'.
-- A value outside the range 0 to minetest.LIGHT_MAX causes undefined
-- behavior.
light_source = 0,
-- See "Tool Capabilities" section for an example including explanation
tool_capabilities = {
full_punch_interval = 1.0,
max_drop_level = 0,
groupcaps = {
-- For example:
choppy = {times = {2.50, 1.40, 1.00}, uses = 20, maxlevel = 2},
-- Damage values must be between -32768 and 32767 (2^15)
damage_groups = {groupname = 0},
punch_attack_uses = nil,
-- Amount of uses this tool has for attacking players and entities
-- by punching them (0 = infinite uses).
-- For compatibility, this is automatically set from the first
-- suitable groupcap using the forumla "uses * 3^(maxlevel - 1)".
-- It is recommend to set this explicitly instead of relying on the
-- fallback behavior.
node_placement_prediction = nil,
-- If nil and item is node, prediction is made automatically.
-- If nil and item is not a node, no prediction is made.
-- If "" and item is anything, no prediction is made.
-- Otherwise should be name of node which the client immediately places
-- on ground when the player places the item. Server will always update
-- with actual result shortly.
node_dig_prediction = "air",
-- if "", no prediction is made.
-- if "air", node is removed.
-- Otherwise should be name of node which the client immediately places
-- upon digging. Server will always update with actual result shortly.
sound = {
-- Definition of item sounds to be played at various events.
-- All fields in this table are optional.
---@alias SimpleSoundSpec unknown
---@type SimpleSoundSpec
breaks = {},
-- When tool breaks due to wear. Ignored for non-tools
---@type SimpleSoundSpec
eat = {},
-- When item is eaten with `minetest.do_item_eat`
-- When the 'place' key was pressed with the item in hand
-- and a node was pointed at.
-- Shall place item and return the leftover itemstack
-- or nil to not modify the inventory.
-- The placer may be any ObjectRef or nil.
-- default: minetest.item_place
on_place = function (itemstack, placer, pointed_thing) end,
-- Same as on_place but called when not pointing at a node.
-- Function must return either nil if inventory shall not be modified,
-- or an itemstack to replace the original itemstack.
-- The user may be any ObjectRef or nil.
-- default: nil
on_secondary_use = function (itemstack, user, pointed_thing) end,
-- Shall drop item and return the leftover itemstack.
-- The dropper may be any ObjectRef or nil.
-- default: minetest.item_drop
on_drop = function (itemstack, dropper, pos) end,
-- default: nil
-- When user pressed the 'punch/mine' key with the item in hand.
-- Function must return either nil if inventory shall not be modified,
-- or an itemstack to replace the original itemstack.
-- e.g. itemstack:take_item(); return itemstack
-- Otherwise, the function is free to do what it wants.
-- The user may be any ObjectRef or nil.
-- The default functions handle regular use cases.
on_use = function (itemstack, user, pointed_thing) end,
-- default: nil
-- If defined, should return an itemstack and will be called instead of
-- wearing out the item (if tool). If returns nil, does nothing.
-- If after_use doesn't exist, it is the same as:
-- function (itemstack, user, node, digparams)
-- itemstack:add_wear(digparams.wear)
-- return itemstack
-- end
-- The user may be any ObjectRef or nil.
after_use = function (itemstack, user, node, digparams) end,
--_custom_field = whatever,
-- Add your own custom fields. By convention, all custom field names
-- should start with `_` to avoid naming collisions with future engine
-- usage.
---@class NodeDefinition: ItemDefinition
local NodeDefinition = {
-- <all fields allowed in item definitions>
drawtype = "normal", -- See "Node drawtypes"
-- Supported for drawtypes "plantlike", "signlike", "torchlike",
-- "firelike", "mesh", "nodebox", "allfaces".
-- For plantlike and firelike, the image will start at the bottom of the
-- node. For torchlike, the image will start at the surface to which the
-- node "attaches". For the other drawtypes the image will be centered
-- on the node.
visual_scale = 1.0,
-- Textures of node; +Y, -Y, +X, -X, +Z, -Z
-- List can be shortened to needed length.
tiles = {}, --{tile definition 1, def2, def3, def4, def5, def6},
-- Same as `tiles`, but these textures are drawn on top of the base
-- tiles. You can use this to colorize only specific parts of your
-- texture. If the texture name is an empty string, that overlay is not
-- drawn. Since such tiles are drawn twice, it is not recommended to use
-- overlays on very common nodes.
overlay_tiles = {}, --{tile definition 1, def2, def3, def4, def5, def6},
-- Special textures of node; used rarely.
-- List can be shortened to needed length.
special_tiles = {}, --{tile definition 1, Tile definition 2},
-- The node's original color will be multiplied with this color.
-- If the node has a palette, then this setting only has an effect in
-- the inventory and on the wield item.
---@alias ColorSpec unknown
---@type ColorSpec
color = {},
-- Specifies how the texture's alpha channel will be used for rendering.
-- possible values:
-- * "opaque": Node is rendered opaque regardless of alpha channel
-- * "clip": A given pixel is either fully see-through or opaque
-- depending on the alpha channel being below/above 50% in value
-- * "blend": The alpha channel specifies how transparent a given pixel
-- of the rendered node is
-- The default is "opaque" for drawtypes normal, liquid and flowingliquid;
-- "clip" otherwise.
-- If set to a boolean value (deprecated): true either sets it to blend
-- or clip, false sets it to clip or opaque mode depending on the drawtype.
use_texture_alpha = ...,
-- The node's `param2` is used to select a pixel from the image.
-- Pixels are arranged from left to right and from top to bottom.
-- The node's color will be multiplied with the selected pixel's color.
-- Tiles can override this behavior.
-- Only when `paramtype2` supports palettes.
palette = "",
-- Screen tint if player is inside node, see "ColorSpec"
post_effect_color = "#00000000",
paramtype = "none", -- See "Nodes"
paramtype2 = "none", -- See "Nodes"
-- Value for param2 that is set when player places node
place_param2 = 0,
-- If false, the cave generator and dungeon generator will not carve
-- through this node.
-- Specifically, this stops mod-added nodes being removed by caves and
-- dungeons when those generate in a neighbor mapchunk and extend out
-- beyond the edge of that mapchunk.
is_ground_content = true,
-- If true, sunlight will go infinitely through this node
sunlight_propagates = false,
walkable = true, -- If true, objects collide with node
pointable = true, -- If true, can be pointed at
diggable = true, -- If false, can never be dug
climbable = false, -- If true, can be climbed on like a ladder
move_resistance = 0,
-- Slows down movement of players through this node (max. 7).
-- If this is nil, it will be equal to liquid_viscosity.
-- Note: If liquid movement physics apply to the node
-- (see `liquid_move_physics`), the movement speed will also be
-- affected by the `movement_liquid_*` settings.
buildable_to = false, -- If true, placed nodes can replace this node
-- If true, liquids flow into and replace this node.
-- Warning: making a liquid node 'floodable' will cause problems.
floodable = false,
-- specifies liquid flowing physics
-- * "none": no liquid flowing physics
-- * "source": spawns flowing liquid nodes at all 4 sides and below;
-- recommended drawtype: "liquid".
-- * "flowing": spawned from source, spawns more flowing liquid nodes
-- around it until `liquid_range` is reached;
-- will drain out without a source;
-- recommended drawtype: "flowingliquid".
-- If it's "source" or "flowing" and `liquid_range > 0`, then
-- both `liquid_alternative_*` fields must be specified
liquidtype = "none",
-- Node that represents the flowing version of the liquid
liquid_alternative_flowing = "",
-- Node that represents the source version of the liquid
liquid_alternative_source = "",
-- Controls speed at which the liquid spreads/flows (max. 7).
-- 0 is fastest, 7 is slowest.
-- By default, this also slows down movement of players inside the node
-- (can be overridden using `move_resistance`)
liquid_viscosity = 0,
-- If true, a new liquid source can be created by placing two or more
-- sources nearby
liquid_renewable = true,
-- specifies movement physics if inside node
-- * false: No liquid movement physics apply.
-- * true: Enables liquid movement physics. Enables things like
-- ability to "swim" up/down, sinking slowly if not moving,
-- smoother speed change when falling into, etc. The `movement_liquid_*`
-- settings apply.
-- * nil: Will be treated as true if `liquidype ~= "none"`
-- and as false otherwise.
liquid_move_physics = nil,
-- Only valid for "nodebox" drawtype with 'type = "leveled"'.
-- Allows defining the nodebox height without using param2.
-- The nodebox height is 'leveled' / 64 nodes.
-- The maximum value of 'leveled' is `leveled_max`.
leveled = 0,
-- Maximum value for `leveled` (0-127), enforced in
-- `minetest.set_node_level` and `minetest.add_node_level`.
-- Values above 124 might causes collision detection issues.
leveled_max = 127,
-- Maximum distance that flowing liquid nodes can spread around
-- source on flat land;
-- maximum = 8; set to 0 to disable liquid flow
liquid_range = 8,
-- Player will take this amount of damage if no bubbles are left
drowning = 0,
-- If player is inside node, this damage is caused
damage_per_second = 0,
node_box = {type = "regular"}, -- See "Node boxes"
-- Used for nodebox nodes with the type == "connected".
-- Specifies to what neighboring nodes connections will be drawn.
-- e.g. `{"group:fence", "default:wood"}` or `"default:stone"`
connects_to = {},
-- Tells connected nodebox nodes to connect only to these sides of this
-- node. possible: "top", "bottom", "front", "left", "back", "right"
connect_sides = {},
-- File name of mesh when using "mesh" drawtype
mesh = "",
-- Custom selection box definition. Multiple boxes can be defined.
-- If "nodebox" drawtype is used and selection_box is nil, then node_box
-- definition is used for the selection box.
selection_box = {
-- see [Node boxes] for possibilities
-- Custom collision box definition. Multiple boxes can be defined.
-- If "nodebox" drawtype is used and collision_box is nil, then node_box
-- definition is used for the collision box.
collision_box = {
-- see [Node boxes] for possibilities
-- Support maps made in and before January 2012
legacy_facedir_simple = false,
legacy_wallmounted = false,
-- Valid for drawtypes:
-- mesh, nodebox, plantlike, allfaces_optional, liquid, flowingliquid.
-- 1 - wave node like plants (node top moves side-to-side, bottom is fixed)
-- 2 - wave node like leaves (whole node moves side-to-side)
-- 3 - wave node like liquids (whole node moves up and down)
-- Not all models will properly wave.
-- plantlike drawtype can only wave like plants.
-- allfaces_optional drawtype can only wave like leaves.
-- liquid, flowingliquid drawtypes can only wave like liquids.
waving = 0,
-- Definition of node sounds to be played at various events.
-- All fields in this table are optional.
sounds = {
-- If walkable, played when object walks on it. If node is
-- climbable or a liquid, played when object moves through it
---@type SimpleSoundSpec
footstep = {},
-- While digging node.
-- If `"__group"`, then the sound will be
-- `default_dig_<groupname>`, where `<groupname>` is the
-- name of the item's digging group with the fastest digging time.
-- In case of a tie, one of the sounds will be played (but we
-- cannot predict which one)
-- Default value: `"__group"`
---@type SimpleSoundSpec|"__group"
dig = {},
-- Node was dug
---@type SimpleSoundSpec
dug = {},
-- Node was placed. Also played after falling
---@type SimpleSoundSpec
place = {},
-- When node placement failed.
-- Note: This happens if the _built-in_ node placement failed.
-- This sound will still be played if the node is placed in the
-- `on_place` callback manually.
---@type SimpleSoundSpec
place_failed = {},
-- When node starts to fall or is detached
---@type SimpleSoundSpec
fall = {},
-- Name of dropped item when dug.
-- Default dropped item is the node itself.
-- Using a table allows multiple items, drop chances and item filtering:
---@type table|string
---@todo make drop items a class
drop = {
max_items = 1,
-- Maximum number of item lists to drop.
-- The entries in 'items' are processed in order. For each:
-- Item filtering is applied, chance of drop is applied, if both are
-- successful the entire item list is dropped.
-- Entry processing continues until the number of dropped item lists
-- equals 'max_items'.
-- Therefore, entries should progress from low to high drop chance.
items = {
-- Examples:
-- 1 in 1000 chance of dropping a diamond.
-- Default rarity is '1'.
rarity = 1000,
items = {"default:diamond"},
-- Only drop if using an item whose name is identical to one
-- of these.
tools = {"default:shovel_mese", "default:shovel_diamond"},
rarity = 5,
items = {"default:dirt"},
-- Whether all items in the dropped item list inherit the
-- hardware coloring palette color from the dug node.
-- Default is 'false'.
inherit_color = true,
-- Only drop if using an item whose name contains
-- "default:shovel_" (this item filtering by string matching
-- is deprecated, use tool_groups instead).
tools = {"~default:shovel_"},
rarity = 2,
-- The item list dropped.
items = {"default:sand", "default:desert_sand"},
-- Only drop if using an item in the "magicwand" group, or
-- an item that is in both the "pickaxe" and the "lucky"
-- groups.
tool_groups = {
{"pickaxe", "lucky"}
items = {"default:coal_lump"},
-- Node constructor; called after adding node.
-- Can set up metadata and stuff like that.
-- Not called for bulk node placement (i.e. schematics and VoxelManip).
-- default: nil
on_construct = function (pos) end,
-- Node destructor; called before removing node.
-- Not called for bulk node placement.
-- default: nil
on_destruct = function (pos) end,
-- Node destructor; called after removing node.
-- Not called for bulk node placement.
-- default: nil
after_destruct = function (pos, oldnode) end,
-- Called when a liquid (newnode) is about to flood oldnode, if it has
-- `floodable = true` in the nodedef. Not called for bulk node placement
-- (i.e. schematics and VoxelManip) or air nodes. If return true the
-- node is not flooded, but on_flood callback will most likely be called
-- over and over again every liquid update interval.
-- Default: nil
-- Warning: making a liquid node 'floodable' will cause problems.
on_flood = function (pos, oldnode, newnode) end,
-- Called when oldnode is about be converted to an item, but before the
-- node is deleted from the world or the drops are added. This is
-- generally the result of either the node being dug or an attached node
-- becoming detached.
-- oldmeta are the metadata fields (table) of the node before deletion.
-- drops is a table of ItemStacks, so any metadata to be preserved can
-- be added directly to one or more of the dropped items. See
-- "ItemStackMetaRef".
-- default: nil
preserve_metadata = function (pos, oldnode, oldmeta, drops) end,
-- Called after constructing node when node was placed using
-- minetest.item_place_node / minetest.place_node.
-- If return true no item is taken from itemstack.
-- `placer` may be any valid ObjectRef or nil.
-- default: nil
after_place_node = function (pos, placer, itemstack, pointed_thing) end,
-- oldmetadata is in table format.
-- Called after destructing node when node was dug using
-- minetest.node_dig / minetest.dig_node.
-- default: nil
after_dig_node = function (pos, oldnode, oldmetadata, digger) end,
-- Returns true if node can be dug, or false if not.
-- default: nil
can_dig = function (pos, player) end,
-- default: minetest.node_punch
-- Called when puncher (an ObjectRef) punches the node at pos.
-- By default calls minetest.register_on_punchnode callbacks.
on_punch = function (pos, node, puncher, pointed_thing) end,
-- default: nil
-- Called when clicker (an ObjectRef) used the 'place/build' key
-- (not neccessarily an actual rightclick)
-- while pointing at the node at pos with 'node' being the node table.
-- itemstack will hold clicker's wielded item.
-- Shall return the leftover itemstack.
-- Note: pointed_thing can be nil, if a mod calls this function.
-- This function does not get triggered by clients <=0.4.16 if the
-- "formspec" node metadata field is set.
on_rightclick = function (pos, node, clicker, itemstack, pointed_thing) end,
-- default: minetest.node_dig
-- By default checks privileges, wears out item (if tool) and removes node.
-- return true if the node was dug successfully, false otherwise.
-- Deprecated: returning nil is the same as returning true.
on_dig = function (pos, node, digger) end,
-- default: nil
-- called by NodeTimers, see minetest.get_node_timer and NodeTimerRef.
-- elapsed is the total time passed since the timer was started.
-- return true to run the timer for another cycle with the same timeout
-- value.
on_timer = function (pos, elapsed) end,
-- fields = {name1 = value1, name2 = value2, ...}
-- Called when an UI form (e.g. sign text input) returns data.
-- See minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields for more info.
-- default: nil
on_receive_fields = function (pos, formname, fields, sender) end,
-- Called when a player wants to move items inside the inventory.
-- Return value: number of items allowed to move.
allow_metadata_inventory_move = function (pos, from_list, from_index, to_list, to_index, count, player) end,
-- Called when a player wants to put something into the inventory.
-- Return value: number of items allowed to put.
-- Return value -1: Allow and don't modify item count in inventory.
allow_metadata_inventory_put = function (pos, listname, index, stack, player) end,
-- Called when a player wants to take something out of the inventory.
-- Return value: number of items allowed to take.
-- Return value -1: Allow and don't modify item count in inventory.
allow_metadata_inventory_take = function (pos, listname, index, stack, player) end,
on_metadata_inventory_move = function (pos, from_list, from_index, to_list, to_index, count, player) end,
on_metadata_inventory_put = function (pos, listname, index, stack, player) end,
on_metadata_inventory_take = function (pos, listname, index, stack, player) end,
-- Called after the actual action has happened, according to what was
-- allowed.
-- No return value.
-- intensity: 1.0 = mid range of regular TNT.
-- If defined, called when an explosion touches the node, instead of
-- removing the node.
on_blast = function (pos, intensity) end,
-- stores which mod actually registered a node
-- If the source could not be determined it contains "??"
-- Useful for getting which mod truly registered something
-- example: if a node is registered as ":othermodname:nodename",
-- nodename will show "othermodname", but mod_orgin will say "modname"
mod_origin = "modname",
--#region Class reference --
-- Put some classes
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