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Created May 2, 2023 09:05
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  • Save blessanm86/7450c7483fe9ea33916d3fade2a103e2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save blessanm86/7450c7483fe9ea33916d3fade2a103e2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Running with gitlab-runner 15.8.0 (12335144)
 on i-022650e0fdfd73de3 mfsbjc4v, system ID: s_64990eca80e4
Resolving secrets
Preparing the "docker" executor
Using Docker executor with image cypress/base:16.18.1 ...
Authenticating with credentials from /root/.docker/config.json
Pulling docker image cypress/base:16.18.1 ...
Using docker image sha256:e8b5acf3f6ad87c7b48554faf6265ea46bc6f55d796f9c4afc7826a28a440e22 for cypress/base:16.18.1 with digest cypress/base@sha256:e7a640bfdc4a2d0abc64943a874d3b02e0b15ce37e8e07872e00ee02393abbfb ...
Preparing environment
Running on runner-mfsbjc4v-project-1120-concurrent-0 via ip-172-20-3-222...
Getting source from Git repository
Fetching changes...
Reinitialized existing Git repository in /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/.git/
Checking out c64e928e as debug-cy...
Removing .nx/
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Removing apps/absence-management/frontend/node_modules/
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Removing apps/payroll-simulations/bff/node_modules/
Removing apps/payroll-simulations/frontend/node_modules/
Removing apps/payroll-simulations/integration/node_modules/
Removing apps/payroll-troubleshooting/frontend/node_modules/
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Removing apps/permanent-establishments-settings/frontend/node_modules/
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Removing apps/personal-absences/integration/node_modules/
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Removing apps/settings-menu-ui/integration/node_modules/
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Removing apps/setup-hub/integration/node_modules/
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Removing apps/surveys-ui/integration/node_modules/
Removing apps/system-reports/frontend/node_modules/
Removing apps/system-reports/integration/node_modules/
Removing apps/upcoming-absences-widget/frontend/node_modules/
Removing apps/upcoming-absences-widget/integration/node_modules/
Removing apps/whistleblowing-manager-ui/frontend/node_modules/
Removing apps/whistleblowing-manager-ui/integration/node_modules/
Removing apps/workflow-builder/frontend/node_modules/
Removing apps/workflow-builder/integration/node_modules/
Removing apps/workflow-form-request/frontend/node_modules/
Removing apps/workflow-form-request/integration/node_modules/
Removing apps/workflow-hub/frontend/node_modules/
Removing apps/workflow-hub/integration/node_modules/
Removing apps/workflows-widget/frontend/node_modules/
Removing apps/workflows-widget/integration/node_modules/
Removing apps/working-schedule-settings/frontend/node_modules/
Removing apps/working-schedule-settings/integration/node_modules/
Removing dist/
Removing libs/bff/node_modules/
Removing libs/components/Sandbox/node_modules/
Removing libs/data/common/node_modules/
Removing libs/data/global-preferences/node_modules/
Removing libs/data/screen-sharing/node_modules/
Removing libs/data/tracking-data/node_modules/
Removing libs/data/working-models/node_modules/
Removing libs/dev-toolbox/node_modules/
Removing libs/eo-commons-backup/node_modules/
Removing libs/eo-commons/bff/node_modules/
Removing libs/eo-commons/test/node_modules/
Removing libs/eo-commons/ui/node_modules/
Removing libs/epd-commons-ui/node_modules/
Removing libs/hooks/use-feature-flag/node_modules/
Removing libs/hooks/use-local-storage/node_modules/
Removing libs/mfe-wrapper/node_modules/
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Removing libs/payroll-service/ui/node_modules/
Removing libs/request/node_modules/
Removing libs/whistleblowing-api-service/node_modules/
Removing libs/workflow-commons/node_modules/
Removing libs/working-schedules-common/node_modules/
Removing node_modules/
Updating/initializing submodules...
Synchronizing submodule url for 'apps/personio-web-docs/docs/external-libs/alerting'
Synchronizing submodule url for 'apps/personio-web-docs/docs/external-libs/css-modules-typescript-loader'
Synchronizing submodule url for 'apps/personio-web-docs/docs/external-libs/html-sanitizer'
Synchronizing submodule url for 'apps/personio-web-docs/docs/external-libs/prettier-config'
Synchronizing submodule url for 'apps/personio-web-docs/docs/external-libs/react-split-sdk-provider'
Synchronizing submodule url for 'apps/personio-web-docs/docs/external-libs/redux-create-module'
Synchronizing submodule url for 'apps/personio-web-docs/docs/external-libs/request'
Synchronizing submodule url for 'apps/personio-web-docs/docs/external-libs/scripts'
Synchronizing submodule url for 'grpc-apis/authorisation-api-v1/personio/authorisation/v1'
Synchronizing submodule url for 'grpc-apis/gross-compensation-calculation-api-v0'
Synchronizing submodule url for 'grpc-apis/locations-api-v1/personio/org/locations/v1'
Synchronizing submodule url for 'grpc-apis/manual-override-v1'
Synchronizing submodule url for 'grpc-apis/multitenancy'
Synchronizing submodule url for 'grpc-apis/org-management-api-v1/personio/org/v1'
Synchronizing submodule url for 'grpc-apis/payroll-configuration-api-v1'
Synchronizing submodule url for 'grpc-apis/subscription-management-service-api-v1/personio/subscription-management-service/v1'
Synchronizing submodule url for 'grpc-apis/whistleblowing-api-v1'
Entering 'apps/personio-web-docs/docs/external-libs/alerting'
Entering 'apps/personio-web-docs/docs/external-libs/css-modules-typescript-loader'
Entering 'apps/personio-web-docs/docs/external-libs/html-sanitizer'
Entering 'apps/personio-web-docs/docs/external-libs/prettier-config'
Entering 'apps/personio-web-docs/docs/external-libs/react-split-sdk-provider'
Entering 'apps/personio-web-docs/docs/external-libs/redux-create-module'
Entering 'apps/personio-web-docs/docs/external-libs/request'
Entering 'apps/personio-web-docs/docs/external-libs/scripts'
Entering 'grpc-apis/authorisation-api-v1/personio/authorisation/v1'
Entering 'grpc-apis/gross-compensation-calculation-api-v0'
Entering 'grpc-apis/locations-api-v1/personio/org/locations/v1'
Entering 'grpc-apis/manual-override-v1'
Entering 'grpc-apis/multitenancy'
Entering 'grpc-apis/org-management-api-v1/personio/org/v1'
Entering 'grpc-apis/payroll-configuration-api-v1'
Entering 'grpc-apis/subscription-management-service-api-v1/personio/subscription-management-service/v1'
Entering 'grpc-apis/whistleblowing-api-v1'
Entering 'apps/personio-web-docs/docs/external-libs/alerting'
HEAD is now at 0a50a0c [DW-FF] Fix .catalog.yml file
Entering 'apps/personio-web-docs/docs/external-libs/css-modules-typescript-loader'
HEAD is now at 50de49f Change title position for docusaurus
Entering 'apps/personio-web-docs/docs/external-libs/html-sanitizer'
HEAD is now at 600b04b [EPD-2982]Â Allow <style> tag in the HtmlSanitizer component
Entering 'apps/personio-web-docs/docs/external-libs/prettier-config'
HEAD is now at 6ad40da fix rule
Entering 'apps/personio-web-docs/docs/external-libs/react-split-sdk-provider'
HEAD is now at 8605739 Bump @types/node from 18.7.13 to 18.7.14
Entering 'apps/personio-web-docs/docs/external-libs/redux-create-module'
HEAD is now at 8ecea31 Iniitial commit
Entering 'apps/personio-web-docs/docs/external-libs/request'
HEAD is now at 5cb29b8 Some fixes for docs to work
Entering 'apps/personio-web-docs/docs/external-libs/scripts'
HEAD is now at 00edbd9 [PERF-2823] add optional flag to the pact generation script to allow generation of no-response-body pacts.
Entering 'grpc-apis/authorisation-api-v1/personio/authorisation/v1'
HEAD is now at 1368154 [ARM-773] Update comments to reflect changes in the behavior.
Entering 'grpc-apis/gross-compensation-calculation-api-v0'
HEAD is now at d8884b5 [PAYSAL-XXX] Fix imports to work with GRPC generation in BFF
Entering 'grpc-apis/locations-api-v1/personio/org/locations/v1'
HEAD is now at b039951 [LOC-204] Support German federal states
Entering 'grpc-apis/manual-override-v1'
HEAD is now at 1bdcd20 Merge branch 'feature/PAYTOO-539-add-save-proto' into 'master'
Entering 'grpc-apis/multitenancy'
HEAD is now at dbf9f27 [DATA-1069] Extend proto with Audit Log Contextual Data
Entering 'grpc-apis/org-management-api-v1/personio/org/v1'
HEAD is now at c226d87 [EO-792] Return LegalEntityWrapper from CreateLegalEntity and both UpdateLegalEntity
Entering 'grpc-apis/payroll-configuration-api-v1'
HEAD is now at 44974b2 Bump PROTOC_VERSION from 3.21.9 to 3.21.10 in /.
Entering 'grpc-apis/subscription-management-service-api-v1/personio/subscription-management-service/v1'
HEAD is now at 1406a91 [SM-508] Remove experimental optional keyword.
Entering 'grpc-apis/whistleblowing-api-v1'
HEAD is now at a9a8d0e Merge branch 'CONV-696/api-endpoints' into 'main'
Entering 'apps/personio-web-docs/docs/external-libs/alerting'
Entering 'apps/personio-web-docs/docs/external-libs/css-modules-typescript-loader'
Entering 'apps/personio-web-docs/docs/external-libs/html-sanitizer'
Entering 'apps/personio-web-docs/docs/external-libs/prettier-config'
Entering 'apps/personio-web-docs/docs/external-libs/react-split-sdk-provider'
Entering 'apps/personio-web-docs/docs/external-libs/redux-create-module'
Entering 'apps/personio-web-docs/docs/external-libs/request'
Entering 'apps/personio-web-docs/docs/external-libs/scripts'
Entering 'grpc-apis/authorisation-api-v1/personio/authorisation/v1'
Entering 'grpc-apis/gross-compensation-calculation-api-v0'
Entering 'grpc-apis/locations-api-v1/personio/org/locations/v1'
Entering 'grpc-apis/manual-override-v1'
Entering 'grpc-apis/multitenancy'
Entering 'grpc-apis/org-management-api-v1/personio/org/v1'
Entering 'grpc-apis/payroll-configuration-api-v1'
Entering 'grpc-apis/subscription-management-service-api-v1/personio/subscription-management-service/v1'
Entering 'grpc-apis/whistleblowing-api-v1'
Entering 'apps/personio-web-docs/docs/external-libs/alerting'
Entering 'apps/personio-web-docs/docs/external-libs/css-modules-typescript-loader'
Entering 'apps/personio-web-docs/docs/external-libs/html-sanitizer'
Entering 'apps/personio-web-docs/docs/external-libs/prettier-config'
Entering 'apps/personio-web-docs/docs/external-libs/react-split-sdk-provider'
Entering 'apps/personio-web-docs/docs/external-libs/redux-create-module'
Entering 'apps/personio-web-docs/docs/external-libs/request'
Entering 'apps/personio-web-docs/docs/external-libs/scripts'
Entering 'grpc-apis/authorisation-api-v1/personio/authorisation/v1'
Entering 'grpc-apis/gross-compensation-calculation-api-v0'
Entering 'grpc-apis/locations-api-v1/personio/org/locations/v1'
Entering 'grpc-apis/manual-override-v1'
Entering 'grpc-apis/multitenancy'
Entering 'grpc-apis/org-management-api-v1/personio/org/v1'
Entering 'grpc-apis/payroll-configuration-api-v1'
Entering 'grpc-apis/subscription-management-service-api-v1/personio/subscription-management-service/v1'
Entering 'grpc-apis/whistleblowing-api-v1'
Restoring cache
Checking cache for component-test-deps-77d8bf99d8a2a97e9449479abce6a9536db57630-1-non_protected...
Downloading from
WARNING: node_modules/.pnpm/ssh2@1.9.0/node_modules/ssh2/lib/protocol/crypto/build/node_gyp_bins/python3: chmod node_modules/.pnpm/ssh2@1.9.0/node_modules/ssh2/lib/protocol/crypto/build/node_gyp_bins/python3: no such file or directory (suppressing repeats)
Successfully extracted cache
Executing "step_script" stage of the job script
Using docker image sha256:e8b5acf3f6ad87c7b48554faf6265ea46bc6f55d796f9c4afc7826a28a440e22 for cypress/base:16.18.1 with digest cypress/base@sha256:e7a640bfdc4a2d0abc64943a874d3b02e0b15ce37e8e07872e00ee02393abbfb ...
$ echo "export JOB_STARTED_AT=$(date +%s)" >> /tmp/envfile
$ echo "export DOGSTATD_HOST=" >> /tmp/envfile
$ echo "export DOGSTATD_PORT=8125" >> /tmp/envfile
$ corepack enable
$ corepack prepare pnpm@7.27.0 --activate
Preparing pnpm@7.27.0 for immediate activation...
$ pnpm config set store-dir .pnpm-store
$ pnpm install --frozen-lockfile
Scope: all 264 workspace projects
. postinstall$ husky install
. postinstall: Done
Done in 7.9s
$ pnpm exec cypress info
[290:0502/] dri3 extension not supported.
Displaying Cypress info...
Detected no known browsers installed
Proxy Settings: none detected
Environment Variables:
CYPRESS_CACHE_FOLDER: /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress
Application Data: /root/.config/cypress/cy/development
Browser Profiles: /root/.config/cypress/cy/development/browsers
Binary Caches: /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress
Cypress Version: 12.8.1 (stable)
System Platform: linux (Debian - 11.5)
System Memory: 32.8 GB free 25 GB
$ DEBUG=cypress:* pnpm exec nx component-test $PROJECT
> nx run employee-notes-frontend:component-test
2023-05-02T08:48:41.885Z cypress:cli exporting Cypress module interface
2023-05-02T08:48:42.200Z cypress:cli verifying Cypress app
2023-05-02T08:48:42.214Z cypress:cli Using CYPRESS_CACHE_FOLDER from environment variable
2023-05-02T08:48:42.215Z cypress:cli Using CYPRESS_CACHE_FOLDER from environment variable
2023-05-02T08:48:42.216Z cypress:cli using environment variable CYPRESS_CACHE_FOLDER /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress
2023-05-02T08:48:42.217Z cypress:cli checking environment variables
2023-05-02T08:48:42.219Z cypress:cli checking if executable exists /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/Cypress
2023-05-02T08:48:42.220Z cypress:cli Binary is executable? : true
2023-05-02T08:48:42.224Z cypress:cli binaryDir is /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress
2023-05-02T08:48:42.225Z cypress:cli Reading binary package.json from: /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/resources/app/package.json
2023-05-02T08:48:42.234Z cypress:cli Found binary version 12.8.1 installed in: /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress
2023-05-02T08:48:42.236Z cypress:cli could not read binary_state.json file at "/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/binary_state.json"
2023-05-02T08:48:42.237Z cypress:cli {}
2023-05-02T08:48:42.237Z cypress:cli is Verified ? undefined
2023-05-02T08:48:42.238Z cypress:cli running binary verification check 12.8.1
[STARTED] Task without title.
2023-05-02T08:48:42.244Z cypress:cli clearing out the verified version
2023-05-02T08:48:42.245Z cypress:cli undefined DISPLAY environment variable
2023-05-02T08:48:42.245Z cypress:cli Cypress will spawn its own Xvfb
2023-05-02T08:48:42.245Z cypress:cli needs Xvfb? true
2023-05-02T08:48:42.246Z cypress:cli Starting Xvfb
2023-05-02T08:48:42.294Z cypress:cli disabling Electron sandbox
2023-05-02T08:48:42.294Z cypress:cli running smoke test
2023-05-02T08:48:42.294Z cypress:cli using Cypress executable /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/Cypress
2023-05-02T08:48:42.294Z cypress:cli smoke test command: /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/Cypress --no-sandbox --smoke-test --ping=758
2023-05-02T08:48:42.294Z cypress:cli smoke test timeout 30000 ms
2023-05-02T08:48:45.211Z cypress:cli smoke test stdout "It looks like you are running the Cypress binary directly.

This is not the recommended approach, and Cypress may not work correctly.

Please install the cypress NPM package and follow the instructions here:
2023-05-02T08:48:45.213Z cypress:cli Stopping Xvfb
2023-05-02T08:48:45.350Z cypress:cli write verified: true
2023-05-02T08:48:45.351Z cypress:cli could not read binary_state.json file at "/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/binary_state.json"
2023-05-02T08:48:45.356Z cypress:cli:run processing run options { project: 'apps/employee-notes/frontend', configFile: 'cypress.config.ts', env: '{}', tag: undefined, exit: true, headed: false, record: false, key: null, parallel: false, ciBuildId: undefined, group: undefined, ignoreTestFiles: undefined, testingType: 'component', outputPath: '/tmp/tmp-380-VjGSFNc46uIt', spec: null, reporter: null, reporterOptions: null }
2023-05-02T08:48:45.356Z cypress:cli:run --key is not set, looking up environment variable CYPRESS_RECORD_KEY
2023-05-02T08:48:45.356Z cypress:cli:run run to spawn.start args ["--run-project","apps/employee-notes/frontend","--config-file","cypress.config.ts","--env","{}","--output-path","/tmp/tmp-380-VjGSFNc46uIt","--record",false,"--testing-type","component"]
2023-05-02T08:48:45.356Z cypress:cli undefined DISPLAY environment variable
2023-05-02T08:48:45.356Z cypress:cli Cypress will spawn its own Xvfb
2023-05-02T08:48:45.356Z cypress:cli Using CYPRESS_CACHE_FOLDER from environment variable
2023-05-02T08:48:45.356Z cypress:cli Using CYPRESS_CACHE_FOLDER from environment variable
2023-05-02T08:48:45.357Z cypress:cli using environment variable CYPRESS_CACHE_FOLDER /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress
2023-05-02T08:48:45.357Z cypress:cli needs to start own Xvfb? true
2023-05-02T08:48:45.357Z cypress:cli Starting Xvfb
[SUCCESS] Task without title.
2023-05-02T08:48:45.402Z cypress:cli spawning, should retry on display problem? false
2023-05-02T08:48:45.412Z cypress:cli passing DISPLAY :99
2023-05-02T08:48:45.413Z cypress:cli spawn args [ '--no-sandbox', '--', '--run-project', 'apps/employee-notes/frontend', '--config-file', 'cypress.config.ts', '--env', '{}', '--output-path', '/tmp/tmp-380-VjGSFNc46uIt', '--record', false, '--testing-type', 'component', '--cwd', '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web', '--userNodePath', '/usr/local/bin/node', '--userNodeVersion', '16.18.1' ] { detached: false, stdio: [ 'inherit', 'inherit', 'pipe' ] }
2023-05-02T08:48:45.413Z cypress:cli spawning Cypress with executable: /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/Cypress
2023-05-02T08:48:45.426Z cypress:cli piping child STDERR to process STDERR
cypress:snapshot:info Caching 3498, defining 4411 modules! Using cache +0ms
cypress:snapshot:debug initializing packherd require +0ms
cypress:server:appdata path: /root/.config/Cypress/cy/production/browsers +0ms
cypress:server:cypress starting cypress with argv [ '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/Cypress', '--no-sandbox', '--', '--run-project', 'apps/employee-notes/frontend', '--config-file', 'cypress.config.ts', '--env', '{}', '--output-path', '/tmp/tmp-380-VjGSFNc46uIt', '--record', 'false', '--testing-type', 'component', '--cwd', '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web', '--userNodePath', '/usr/local/bin/node', '--userNodeVersion', '16.18.1' ] +0ms
cypress:server:args argv array: [ '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/Cypress', '--no-sandbox', '--run-project', 'apps/employee-notes/frontend', '--config-file', 'cypress.config.ts', '--env', '{}', '--output-path', '/tmp/tmp-380-VjGSFNc46uIt', '--record', 'false', '--testing-type', 'component', '--cwd', '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web', '--userNodePath', '/usr/local/bin/node', '--userNodeVersion', '16.18.1' ] +0ms
cypress:server:args parsed argv options { options: { _: [ '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/Cypress' ], sandbox: false, 'run-project': 'apps/employee-notes/frontend', runProject: 'apps/employee-notes/frontend', 'config-file': 'cypress.config.ts', configFile: 'cypress.config.ts', env: '{}', 'output-path': '/tmp/tmp-380-VjGSFNc46uIt', outputPath: '/tmp/tmp-380-VjGSFNc46uIt', record: 'false', 'testing-type': 'component', testingType: 'component', cwd: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web', userNodePath: '/usr/local/bin/node', userNodeVersion: '16.18.1' } } +3ms
cypress:server:args argv parsed: { _: [ '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/Cypress' ], sandbox: false, runProject: 'apps/employee-notes/frontend', configFile: 'cypress.config.ts', env: {}, outputPath: '/tmp/tmp-380-VjGSFNc46uIt', record: false, testingType: 'component', cwd: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web', userNodePath: '/usr/local/bin/node', userNodeVersion: '16.18.1', invokedFromCli: true } +8ms
cypress:server:util:proxy found proxy environment variables {} +0ms
cypress:server:args options { _: [ '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/Cypress' ], sandbox: false, runProject: 'apps/employee-notes/frontend', configFile: 'cypress.config.ts', outputPath: '/tmp/tmp-380-VjGSFNc46uIt', record: false, testingType: 'component', cwd: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web', userNodePath: '/usr/local/bin/node', userNodeVersion: '16.18.1', invokedFromCli: true, config: { env: {} } } +5ms
cypress:server:args argv options: { _: [ '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/Cypress' ], sandbox: false, runProject: 'apps/employee-notes/frontend', configFile: 'cypress.config.ts', outputPath: '/tmp/tmp-380-VjGSFNc46uIt', record: false, testingType: 'component', cwd: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web', userNodePath: '/usr/local/bin/node', userNodeVersion: '16.18.1', invokedFromCli: true, config: { env: {} }, projectRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend' } +1ms
cypress:server:cypress from argv [ '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/Cypress', '--no-sandbox', '--run-project', 'apps/employee-notes/frontend', '--config-file', 'cypress.config.ts', '--env', '{}', '--output-path', '/tmp/tmp-380-VjGSFNc46uIt', '--record', 'false', '--testing-type', 'component', '--cwd', '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web', '--userNodePath', '/usr/local/bin/node', '--userNodeVersion', '16.18.1' ] got options { _: [ '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/Cypress' ], sandbox: false, runProject: 'apps/employee-notes/frontend', configFile: 'cypress.config.ts', outputPath: '/tmp/tmp-380-VjGSFNc46uIt', record: false, testingType: 'component', cwd: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web', userNodePath: '/usr/local/bin/node', userNodeVersion: '16.18.1', invokedFromCli: true, config: { env: {} }, projectRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend' } +27ms
cypress:server:cypress scaling electron app in headless mode +0ms
cypress:server:appdata path: /root/.config/Cypress/cy/production +664ms
cypress:server:cypress starting in mode run with options { _: [ '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/Cypress' ], sandbox: false, runProject: 'apps/employee-notes/frontend', configFile: 'cypress.config.ts', outputPath: '/tmp/tmp-380-VjGSFNc46uIt', record: false, testingType: 'component', cwd: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web', userNodePath: '/usr/local/bin/node', userNodeVersion: '16.18.1', invokedFromCli: true, config: { env: {} }, projectRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend' } +772ms
cypress:server:cypress running Electron currently +3ms
[849:0502/] dri3 extension not supported.
cypress:graphql:nexusDeferIfNotLoadedPlugin Adding nexusDeferIfNotLoadedPlugin for Query.cloudLatestRunUpdateSpecData +0ms
cypress:graphql:nexusDeferIfNotLoadedPlugin Adding nexusDeferIfNotLoadedPlugin for Query.cloudProjectBySlug +1ms
cypress:graphql:nexusDeferIfNotLoadedPlugin Adding nexusDeferIfNotLoadedPlugin for Query.cloudProjectsBySlugs +0ms
cypress:graphql:nexusDeferIfNotLoadedPlugin Adding nexusDeferIfNotLoadedPlugin for Query.cloudSpecByPath +1ms
cypress:graphql:nexusDeferIfNotLoadedPlugin Adding nexusDeferIfNotLoadedPlugin for Query.cloudViewer +0ms
cypress:graphql:nexusDeferIfNotLoadedPlugin Adding nexusDeferIfNotLoadedPlugin for Query.pollingIntervals +0ms
cypress:graphql:nexusDeferIfNotLoadedPlugin Adding nexusDeferIfNotLoadedPlugin for Query.versions +0ms
cypress:graphql:nexusDeferIfNotLoadedPlugin Adding nexusDeferIfNotLoadedPlugin for CurrentProject.cloudProject +7ms
cypress:graphql:nexusDeferIfNotLoadedPlugin Adding nexusDeferIfNotLoadedPlugin for +12ms
cypress:graphql:nexusDeferIfNotLoadedPlugin Adding nexusDeferIfNotLoadedPlugin for +1ms
cypress:server:browsers:utils getBrowsers +0ms
cypress:launcher:detect detecting if the following browsers are present [ { name: 'chrome', family: 'chromium', channel: 'stable', displayName: 'Chrome', versionRegex: /Google Chrome (\S+)/m, binary: [ 'google-chrome', 'chrome', 'google-chrome-stable' ], minSupportedVersion: 64 }, { name: 'chromium', family: 'chromium', channel: 'stable', displayName: 'Chromium', versionRegex: /Chromium (\S+)/m, binary: [ 'chromium-browser', 'chromium' ], minSupportedVersion: 64 }, { name: 'chrome', family: 'chromium', channel: 'beta', displayName: 'Chrome Beta', versionRegex: /Google Chrome (\S+) beta/m, binary: 'google-chrome-beta', minSupportedVersion: 64 }, { name: 'chrome', family: 'chromium', channel: 'canary', displayName: 'Canary', versionRegex: /Google Chrome Canary (\S+)/m, binary: 'google-chrome-canary', minSupportedVersion: 64 }, { name: 'firefox', family: 'firefox', channel: 'stable', displayName: 'Firefox', versionRegex: /^Mozilla Firefox ([^\sab]+)$/m, binary: 'firefox', minSupportedVersion: 86, validator: [Function: validator] }, { name: 'firefox', family: 'firefox', channel: 'dev', displayName: 'Firefox Developer Edition', versionRegex: /^Mozilla Firefox (\S+b\S*)$/m, binary: [ 'firefox-developer-edition', 'firefox' ], minSupportedVersion: 86 }, { name: 'firefox', family: 'firefox', channel: 'nightly', displayName: 'Firefox Nightly', versionRegex: /^Mozilla Firefox (\S+a\S*)$/m, binary: [ 'firefox-nightly', 'firefox-trunk' ], minSupportedVersion: 86 }, { name: 'edge', family: 'chromium', channel: 'stable', displayName: 'Edge', versionRegex: /Microsoft Edge (\S+)/im, binary: [ 'edge', 'microsoft-edge' ], minSupportedVersion: 79 }, { name: 'edge', family: 'chromium', channel: 'canary', displayName: 'Edge Canary', versionRegex: /Microsoft Edge.+?(\S*(?= canary)|(?<=canary )\S*)/im, binary: [ 'edge-canary', 'microsoft-edge-canary' ], minSupportedVersion: 79 }, { name: 'edge', family: 'chromium', channel: 'beta', displayName: 'Edge Beta', versionRegex: /Microsoft Edge.+?(\S*(?= beta)|(?<=beta )\S*)/im, binary: [ 'edge-beta', 'microsoft-edge-beta' ], minSupportedVersion: 79 }, { name: 'edge', family: 'chromium', channel: 'dev', displayName: 'Edge Dev', versionRegex: /Microsoft Edge.+?(\S*(?= dev)|(?<=dev )\S*)/im, binary: [ 'edge-dev', 'microsoft-edge-dev' ], minSupportedVersion: 79 } ] +0ms
cypress:server:browsers:utils WebKit is enabled, but there was an error constructing the WebKit browser: { err: Error: Cannot find module 'playwright-webkit' Require stack: - /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/resources/app/packages/server/lib/browsers/utils.ts  at Module._resolveFilename (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:940:15)  at n._resolveFilename (node:electron/js2c/browser_init:249:1105)  at resolve (node:internal/modules/cjs/helpers:108:19) at Function.resolve (evalmachine.<anonymous>:1:733924) at N (<embedded>:4649:307730) at Object.I [as getBrowsers] (<embedded>:4649:308565) at b.machineBrowsers (<embedded>:4190:436794) at T._setCurrentProject (<embedded>:4419:35610) at new T (<embedded>:4419:28856) at new I (<embedded>:4419:81094) at N (<embedded>:4721:437435) at s.exports (<embedded>:4721:529770) at <embedded>:4728:2607 at tryCatcher (/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/util.js:16:23) at Function.<anonymous> (/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/method.js:39:29) at Object.runElectron (<embedded>:4728:2377) at Object.startInMode (<embedded>:4728:4857) at <embedded>:4728:3945 at tryCatcher (/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/util.js:16:23) at Promise._settlePromiseFromHandler (/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:512:31) at Promise._settlePromise (/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:569:18) at Promise._settlePromise0 (/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:614:10) at Promise._settlePromises (/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:694:18) at Promise._fulfill (/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:638:18) at Promise._settlePromise (/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:582:21) at Promise._settlePromise0 (/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:614:10) at Promise._settlePromises (/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:694:18) at Promise._fulfill (/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:638:18) at Promise._settlePromise (/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:582:21) at Promise._settlePromise0 (/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:614:10) at Promise._settlePromises (/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:694:18) at Promise._fulfill (/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:638:18) at PromiseArray._resolve (/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise_array.js:126:19) at PromiseArray._promiseFulfilled (/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise_array.js:144:14) at Promise._settlePromise (/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:574:26) at Promise._settlePromise0 (/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:614:10) at Promise._settlePromises (/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:694:18) at Promise._fulfill (/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:638:18) at /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/nodeback.js:42:21 at <embedded>:1955:88964 { code: 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND', requireStack: [ '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/resources/app/packages/server/lib/browsers/utils.ts' ] } } +5ms
cypress:data-context:sources:GitDataSource config: { isRunMode: true, projectRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend', onError: [Function (anonymous)], onBranchChange: [Function: onBranchChange], onGitInfoChange: [Function: onGitInfoChange], onGitLogChange: [AsyncFunction: onGitLogChange] } +0ms
cypress:scaffold-config:detect Evaluating custom Cypress config file 'cypress.config.ts' +0ms
cypress:scaffold-config:detect Custom config file is Typescript - using TS +0ms
cypress:server:video using ffmpeg from /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/@ffmpeg-installer/linux-x64/ffmpeg +0ms
cypress:server:performance-benchmark elapsed time at run mode ready: 1861.414ms +0ms
cypress:lifecycle:ProjectConfigIpc fork child process { CHILD_PROCESS_FILE_PATH: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/@packages/server/lib/plugins/child/require_async_child.js', configProcessArgs: [ '--projectRoot', '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend', '--file', '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress.config.ts' ], childOptions: { stdio: 'pipe', cwd: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend', execPath: '/usr/local/bin/node' } } +0ms
cypress:lifecycle:ProjectConfigIpc found typescript in /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend +2ms
cypress:lifecycle:ProjectConfigIpc using cjs with --require /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/@packages/server/lib/plugins/child/register_ts_node.js +0ms
cypress:lifecycle:ProjectConfigIpc trigger the load of the file +25ms
cypress:server:util:process_profiler current & mean memory and CPU usage by process group:
cypress:server:util:process_profiler ┌─────────┬───────────────────┬──────────────┬────────────┬────────────┬────────────────┬──────────┬──────────────┬─────────────┐
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ (index) │ group │ processCount │ pids │ cpuPercent │ meanCpuPercent │ memRssMb │ meanMemRssMb │ maxMemRssMb │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler ├─────────┼───────────────────┼──────────────┼────────────┼────────────┼────────────────┼──────────┼──────────────┼─────────────┤
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 0 │ 'cypress' │ 1 │ '651' │ 0.03 │ 0.03 │ 304.12 │ 304.12 │ 304.12 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 1 │ 'electron-shared' │ 2 │ '675, 676' │ 0 │ 0 │ 98.31 │ 98.31 │ 98.31 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 2 │ 'other' │ 2 │ '814, 815' │ 0 │ 0 │ 3.5 │ 3.5 │ 3.5 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 3 │ 'TOTAL' │ 5 │ '-' │ 0.03 │ 0.03 │ 405.93 │ 405.93 │ 405.93 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler └─────────┴───────────────────┴──────────────┴────────────┴────────────┴────────────────┴──────────┴──────────────┴─────────────┘ +0ms
cypress:server:register-ts-node executing register_ts_node with args { _: [ '/usr/local/bin/node', '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/@packages/server/lib/plugins/child/require_async_child.js' ], projectRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend', file: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress.config.ts' } +0ms
cypress:server:register-ts-node registering ts-node for projectRoot: /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend and file: /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress.config.ts +4ms
cypress:server:ts-node projectRoot path: /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend +0ms
cypress:server:ts-node registeredFile: /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress.config.ts +0ms
cypress:server:plugins resolving typescript with projectRoot '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend' +0ms
cypress:server:plugins resolved typescript /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@4.9.5/node_modules/typescript/lib/typescript.js +0ms
cypress:server:ts-node typescript path: /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@4.9.5/node_modules/typescript/lib/typescript.js +1ms
cypress:server:browsers:utils found browsers { browsers: [] } +979ms
cypress:server:ts-node registering project TS with options { compiler: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@4.9.5/node_modules/typescript/lib/typescript.js', compilerOptions: { module: 'commonjs', preserveValueImports: false }, dir: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend', transpileOnly: true } +547ms
cypress:lifecycle:child:run_require_async_child:880 configFile: /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress.config.ts +0ms
cypress:lifecycle:child:run_require_async_child:880 projectRoot: /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend +0ms
cypress:lifecycle:child:run_require_async_child:880 try loading /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress.config.ts +4ms
cypress:lifecycle:child:run_require_async_child:880 Loading file /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress.config.ts +0ms
cypress:cli exporting Cypress module interface +0ms
Unable to build a webpack config with the project graph.
Falling back to default webpack config.
TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The "path" argument must be of type string. Received undefined
cypress:lifecycle:child:run_require_async_child:880 loaded config file /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress.config.ts +7s
cypress:lifecycle:ProjectConfigIpc loadConfig:reply +9s
cypress:lifecycle:ProjectConfigManager config is loaded for file /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress.config.ts null +0ms
cypress:config:browser validating configuration {
component: {
videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos',
screenshotsFolder: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots',
video: true,
chromeWebSecurity: false,
devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'webpack', webpackConfig: [Object] }
viewportWidth: 1280,
viewportHeight: 800,
retries: { runMode: 1 },
screenshotOnRunFailure: false,
videoUploadOnPasses: false,
video: true
} +0ms
cypress:config:browser validating configuration {} +14ms
cypress:config:project setting config object { cliConfig: { env: {} }, projectName: 'frontend', projectRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend', repoRoot: undefined, config: { component: { videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', screenshotsFolder: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', video: true, chromeWebSecurity: false, devServer: [Object] }, viewportWidth: 1280, viewportHeight: 800, retries: { runMode: 1 }, screenshotOnRunFailure: false, videoUploadOnPasses: false, video: true, videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', screenshotsFolder: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', chromeWebSecurity: false, devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'webpack', webpackConfig: [Object] } }, envFile: {}, options: { _: [ '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/Cypress' ], sandbox: false, runProject: 'apps/employee-notes/frontend', configFile: 'cypress.config.ts', outputPath: '/tmp/tmp-380-VjGSFNc46uIt', record: false, testingType: 'component', cwd: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web', userNodePath: '/usr/local/bin/node', userNodeVersion: '16.18.1', invokedFromCli: true, config: { env: {} }, projectRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend', socketId: '4xtxk84xf0', isTextTerminal: true, browser: 'electron', quiet: false, morgan: false, report: true }, configFile: 'cypress.config.ts' } +0ms
cypress:config:project config is { component: { videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', screenshotsFolder: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', video: true, chromeWebSecurity: false, devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'webpack', webpackConfig: [Object] } }, viewportWidth: 1280, viewportHeight: 800, retries: { runMode: 1 }, screenshotOnRunFailure: false, videoUploadOnPasses: false, video: true, videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', screenshotsFolder: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', chromeWebSecurity: false, devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'webpack', webpackConfig: { target: 'web', entry: [Object], resolve: [Object], output: [Object], optimization: [Object], stats: 'minimal', module: [Object], plugins: [Array], mode: 'development', devtool: 'eval-source-map' } } } +1ms
cypress:config:project:utils merged config with options, got { component: { videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', screenshotsFolder: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', video: true, chromeWebSecurity: false, devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'webpack', webpackConfig: [Object] } }, viewportWidth: 1280, viewportHeight: 800, retries: { runMode: 1 }, screenshotOnRunFailure: false, videoUploadOnPasses: false, video: true, videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', screenshotsFolder: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', chromeWebSecurity: false, devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'webpack', webpackConfig: { target: 'web', entry: [Object], resolve: [Object], output: [Object], optimization: [Object], stats: 'minimal', module: [Object], plugins: [Array], mode: 'development', devtool: 'eval-source-map' } }, envFile: {}, projectRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend', projectName: 'frontend', repoRoot: undefined, rawJson: { component: { videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', screenshotsFolder: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', video: true, chromeWebSecurity: false, devServer: [Object] }, viewportWidth: 1280, viewportHeight: 800, retries: { runMode: 1 }, screenshotOnRunFailure: false, videoUploadOnPasses: false, video: true, videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', screenshotsFolder: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', chromeWebSecurity: false, devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'webpack', webpackConfig: [Object] }, envFile: {}, projectRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend', projectName: 'frontend', repoRoot: undefined }, configFile: 'cypress.config.ts', morgan: false, isTextTerminal: true, socketId: '4xtxk84xf0', report: true } +0ms
cypress:config:project:utils using CYPRESS_INTERNAL_ENV production +7ms
cypress:config:project:utils resolved config is { value: [], from: 'default' } +2ms
cypress:config:browser validating configuration {
component: {
videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos',
screenshotsFolder: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots',
video: true,
chromeWebSecurity: false,
devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'webpack', webpackConfig: [Object] },
specPattern: '**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}',
indexHtmlFile: 'cypress/support/component-index.html'
viewportWidth: 1280,
viewportHeight: 800,
retries: { runMode: 1, openMode: 0 },
screenshotOnRunFailure: false,
videoUploadOnPasses: false,
video: true,
videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos',
screenshotsFolder: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots',
chromeWebSecurity: false,
devServer: {
framework: 'react',
bundler: 'webpack',
webpackConfig: {
target: 'web',
entry: [Object],
resolve: [Object],
output: [Object],
optimization: [Object],
stats: 'minimal',
module: [Object],
plugins: [Array],
mode: 'development',
devtool: 'eval-source-map'
projectRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend',
projectName: 'frontend',
repoRoot: null,
rawJson: {
component: {
videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos',
screenshotsFolder: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots',
video: true,
chromeWebSecurity: false,
devServer: [Object]
viewportWidth: 1280,
viewportHeight: 800,
retries: { runMode: 1 },
screenshotOnRunFailure: false,
videoUploadOnPasses: false,
video: true,
videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos',
screenshotsFolder: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots',
chromeWebSecurity: false,
devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'webpack', webpackConfig: [Object] },
envFile: {},
projectRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend',
projectName: 'frontend',
repoRoot: undefined
configFile: 'cypress.config.ts',
morgan: false,
isTextTerminal: true,
socketId: '4xtxk84xf0',
report: true,
animationDistanceThreshold: 5,
arch: 'x64',
baseUrl: null,
blockHosts: null,
clientCertificates: [],
defaultCommandTimeout: 4000,
downloadsFolder: 'cypress/downloads',
e2e: { specPattern: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}' },
env: {
CACHE_FOLDER: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress'
execTimeout: 60000,
experimentalFetchPolyfill: false,
experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: false,
experimentalRunAllSpecs: false,
experimentalMemoryManagement: false,
experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: false,
experimentalSkipDomainInjection: null,
experimentalOriginDependencies: false,
experimentalSourceRewriting: false,
experimentalSingleTabRunMode: false,
experimentalStudio: false,
experimentalWebKitSupport: false,
fileServerFolder: '',
fixturesFolder: 'cypress/fixtures',
excludeSpecPattern: [ '**/__snapshots__/*', '**/__image_snapshots__/*' ],
includeShadowDom: false,
keystrokeDelay: 0,
modifyObstructiveCode: true,
nodeVersion: undefined,
numTestsKeptInMemory: 0,
platform: 'linux',
pageLoadTimeout: 60000,
port: null,
projectId: null,
redirectionLimit: 20,
reporter: 'spec',
reporterOptions: null,
requestTimeout: 5000,
resolvedNodePath: null,
resolvedNodeVersion: null,
responseTimeout: 30000,
slowTestThreshold: 250,
scrollBehavior: 'top',
supportFile: 'cypress/support/component.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}',
supportFolder: false,
taskTimeout: 60000,
testIsolation: true,
trashAssetsBeforeRuns: true,
userAgent: null,
videoCompression: 32,
waitForAnimations: true,
watchForFileChanges: false,
specPattern: '**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}',
additionalIgnorePattern: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}',
autoOpen: false,
clientRoute: '/__/',
cypressBinaryRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/resources/app',
devServerPublicPathRoute: '/__cypress/src',
hosts: null,
isInteractive: true,
namespace: '__cypress',
reporterRoute: '/__cypress/reporter',
socketIoCookie: '__socket',
socketIoRoute: '/__socket',
version: '12.8.1',
indexHtmlFile: 'cypress/support/component-index.html',
cypressEnv: 'production',
resolved: {
animationDistanceThreshold: { value: 5, from: 'default' },
arch: { value: 'x64', from: 'default' },
baseUrl: { value: null, from: 'default' },
blockHosts: { value: null, from: 'default' },
chromeWebSecurity: { value: false, from: 'config' },
clientCertificates: { value: [], from: 'default' },
component: { value: [Object], from: 'config' },
defaultCommandTimeout: { value: 4000, from: 'default' },
downloadsFolder: { value: 'cypress/downloads', from: 'default' },
e2e: { value: [Object], from: 'default' },
env: { CACHE_FOLDER: [Object] },
execTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' },
experimentalFetchPolyfill: { value: false, from: 'default' },
experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: { value: false, from: 'default' },
experimentalRunAllSpecs: { value: false, from: 'default' },
experimentalMemoryManagement: { value: false, from: 'default' },
experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: { value: false, from: 'default' },
experimentalSkipDomainInjection: { value: null, from: 'default' },
experimentalOriginDependencies: { value: false, from: 'default' },
experimentalSourceRewriting: { value: false, from: 'default' },
experimentalSingleTabRunMode: { value: false, from: 'default' },
experimentalStudio: { value: false, from: 'default' },
experimentalWebKitSupport: { value: false, from: 'default' },
fileServerFolder: { value: '', from: 'default' },
fixturesFolder: { value: 'cypress/fixtures', from: 'default' },
excludeSpecPattern: { value: [Array], from: 'default' },
includeShadowDom: { value: false, from: 'default' },
keystrokeDelay: { value: 0, from: 'default' },
modifyObstructiveCode: { value: true, from: 'default' },
nodeVersion: { value: undefined, from: 'default' },
numTestsKeptInMemory: { value: 0, from: 'config' },
platform: { value: 'linux', from: 'default' },
pageLoadTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' },
port: { value: null, from: 'default' },
projectId: { value: null, from: 'default' },
redirectionLimit: { value: 20, from: 'default' },
reporter: { value: 'spec', from: 'default' },
reporterOptions: { value: null, from: 'default' },
requestTimeout: { value: 5000, from: 'default' },
resolvedNodePath: { value: null, from: 'default' },
resolvedNodeVersion: { value: null, from: 'default' },
responseTimeout: { value: 30000, from: 'default' },
retries: { value: [Object], from: 'config' },
screenshotOnRunFailure: { value: false, from: 'config' },
screenshotsFolder: {
value: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots',
from: 'config'
slowTestThreshold: { value: 250, from: 'default' },
scrollBehavior: { value: 'top', from: 'default' },
supportFile: {
value: 'cypress/support/component.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}',
from: 'default'
supportFolder: { value: false, from: 'default' },
taskTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' },
testIsolation: { value: true, from: 'default' },
trashAssetsBeforeRuns: { value: true, from: 'default' },
userAgent: { value: null, from: 'default' },
video: { value: true, from: 'default' },
videoCompression: { value: 32, from: 'default' },
videosFolder: {
value: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos',
from: 'config'
videoUploadOnPasses: { value: false, from: 'config' },
viewportHeight: { value: 800, from: 'config' },
viewportWidth: { value: 1280, from: 'config' },
waitForAnimations: { value: true, from: 'default' },
watchForFileChanges: { value: false, from: 'config' },
specPattern: { value: '**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'default' },
browsers: { value: [], from: 'default' },
hosts: { value: null, from: 'default' },
isInteractive: { value: true, from: 'default' }
} +28ms
cypress:server:validation clientCerts: [] +0ms
cypress:config:project:utils validate that there is no breaking config options before setupNodeEvents +15ms
cypress:data-context:sources:FileDataSource globbing pattern(s): [ 'cypress/support/component.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}' ] +0ms
cypress:data-context:sources:FileDataSource within directory: /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend +1ms
cypress:lifecycle:child:run_require_async_child:880 loaded config from /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress.config.ts { component: { videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', screenshotsFolder: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', video: true, chromeWebSecurity: false, devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'webpack', webpackConfig: [Object] } }, viewportWidth: 1280, viewportHeight: 800, retries: { runMode: 1 }, screenshotOnRunFailure: false, videoUploadOnPasses: false, video: true } +24ms
cypress:config:project:utils setting support file /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/support/component.ts +48ms
cypress:config:project:utils for project root /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend +0ms
cypress:config:project:utils resolved support file /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/support/component.ts +2ms
cypress:config:project:utils set support folder /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/support +1ms
cypress:config:browser validating configuration {
viewportWidth: 1280,
viewportHeight: 800,
retries: { runMode: 1, openMode: 0 },
screenshotOnRunFailure: false,
videoUploadOnPasses: false,
video: true,
videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos',
screenshotsFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots',
chromeWebSecurity: false,
devServer: {
framework: 'react',
bundler: 'webpack',
webpackConfig: {
target: 'web',
entry: [Object],
resolve: [Object],
output: [Object],
optimization: [Object],
stats: 'minimal',
module: [Object],
plugins: [Array],
mode: 'development',
devtool: 'eval-source-map'
projectRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend',
projectName: 'frontend',
repoRoot: null,
rawJson: {
component: {
videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos',
screenshotsFolder: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots',
video: true,
chromeWebSecurity: false,
devServer: [Object]
viewportWidth: 1280,
viewportHeight: 800,
retries: { runMode: 1 },
screenshotOnRunFailure: false,
videoUploadOnPasses: false,
video: true,
videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos',
screenshotsFolder: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots',
chromeWebSecurity: false,
devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'webpack', webpackConfig: [Object] },
envFile: {},
projectRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend',
projectName: 'frontend',
repoRoot: undefined
configFile: 'cypress.config.ts',
morgan: false,
isTextTerminal: true,
socketId: '4xtxk84xf0',
report: true,
animationDistanceThreshold: 5,
arch: 'x64',
baseUrl: null,
blockHosts: null,
clientCertificates: [],
defaultCommandTimeout: 4000,
downloadsFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/downloads',
env: {
CACHE_FOLDER: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress'
execTimeout: 60000,
experimentalFetchPolyfill: false,
experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: false,
experimentalRunAllSpecs: false,
experimentalMemoryManagement: false,
experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: false,
experimentalSkipDomainInjection: null,
experimentalOriginDependencies: false,
experimentalSourceRewriting: false,
experimentalSingleTabRunMode: false,
experimentalStudio: false,
experimentalWebKitSupport: false,
fileServerFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend',
fixturesFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/fixtures',
excludeSpecPattern: [ '**/__snapshots__/*', '**/__image_snapshots__/*' ],
includeShadowDom: false,
keystrokeDelay: 0,
modifyObstructiveCode: true,
nodeVersion: undefined,
numTestsKeptInMemory: 0,
platform: 'linux',
pageLoadTimeout: 60000,
port: null,
projectId: null,
redirectionLimit: 20,
reporter: 'spec',
reporterOptions: null,
requestTimeout: 5000,
resolvedNodePath: '/usr/local/bin/node',
resolvedNodeVersion: '16.18.1',
responseTimeout: 30000,
slowTestThreshold: 250,
scrollBehavior: 'top',
supportFile: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/support/component.ts',
supportFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/support',
taskTimeout: 60000,
testIsolation: true,
trashAssetsBeforeRuns: true,
userAgent: null,
videoCompression: 32,
waitForAnimations: true,
watchForFileChanges: false,
specPattern: '**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}',
additionalIgnorePattern: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}',
autoOpen: false,
browsers: [
name: 'electron',
channel: 'stable',
family: 'chromium',
displayName: 'Electron',
version: '106.0.5249.51',
path: '',
majorVersion: 106
clientRoute: '/__/',
cypressBinaryRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/resources/app',
devServerPublicPathRoute: '/__cypress/src',
hosts: null,
isInteractive: true,
namespace: '__cypress',
reporterRoute: '/__cypress/reporter',
socketIoCookie: '__socket',
socketIoRoute: '/__socket',
version: '12.8.1',
indexHtmlFile: 'cypress/support/component-index.html',
cypressEnv: 'production',
resolved: {
animationDistanceThreshold: { value: 5, from: 'default' },
arch: { value: 'x64', from: 'default' },
baseUrl: { value: null, from: 'default' },
blockHosts: { value: null, from: 'default' },
chromeWebSecurity: { value: false, from: 'config' },
clientCertificates: { value: [], from: 'default' },
defaultCommandTimeout: { value: 4000, from: 'default' },
downloadsFolder: { value: 'cypress/downloads', from: 'default' },
env: { CACHE_FOLDER: [Object] },
execTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' },
experimentalFetchPolyfill: { value: false, from: 'default' },
experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: { value: false, from: 'default' },
experimentalRunAllSpecs: { value: false, from: 'default' },
experimentalMemoryManagement: { value: false, from: 'default' },
experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: { value: false, from: 'default' },
experimentalSkipDomainInjection: { value: null, from: 'default' },
experimentalOriginDependencies: { value: false, from: 'default' },
experimentalSourceRewriting: { value: false, from: 'default' },
experimentalSingleTabRunMode: { value: false, from: 'default' },
experimentalStudio: { value: false, from: 'default' },
experimentalWebKitSupport: { value: false, from: 'default' },
fileServerFolder: { value: '', from: 'default' },
fixturesFolder: { value: 'cypress/fixtures', from: 'default' },
excludeSpecPattern: { value: [Array], from: 'default' },
includeShadowDom: { value: false, from: 'default' },
keystrokeDelay: { value: 0, from: 'default' },
modifyObstructiveCode: { value: true, from: 'default' },
nodeVersion: { value: undefined, from: 'default' },
numTestsKeptInMemory: { value: 0, from: 'config' },
platform: { value: 'linux', from: 'default' },
pageLoadTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' },
port: { value: null, from: 'default' },
projectId: { value: null, from: 'default' },
redirectionLimit: { value: 20, from: 'default' },
reporter: { value: 'spec', from: 'default' },
reporterOptions: { value: null, from: 'default' },
requestTimeout: { value: 5000, from: 'default' },
resolvedNodePath: { value: null, from: 'default' },
resolvedNodeVersion: { value: null, from: 'default' },
responseTimeout: { value: 30000, from: 'default' },
retries: { value: [Object], from: 'config' },
screenshotOnRunFailure: { value: false, from: 'config' },
screenshotsFolder: {
value: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots',
from: 'config'
slowTestThreshold: { value: 250, from: 'default' },
scrollBehavior: { value: 'top', from: 'default' },
supportFile: {
value: 'cypress/support/component.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}',
from: 'default'
supportFolder: { value: false, from: 'default' },
taskTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' },
testIsolation: { value: true, from: 'default' },
trashAssetsBeforeRuns: { value: true, from: 'default' },
userAgent: { value: null, from: 'default' },
video: { value: true, from: 'default' },
videoCompression: { value: 32, from: 'default' },
videosFolder: {
value: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos',
from: 'config'
videoUploadOnPasses: { value: false, from: 'config' },
viewportHeight: { value: 800, from: 'config' },
viewportWidth: { value: 1280, from: 'config' },
waitForAnimations: { value: true, from: 'default' },
watchForFileChanges: { value: false, from: 'config' },
specPattern: { value: '**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'default' },
browsers: { value: [Array], from: 'runtime' },
hosts: { value: null, from: 'default' },
isInteractive: { value: true, from: 'default' }
} +65ms
cypress:server:validation clientCerts: [] +67ms
cypress:server:validation browsers [ { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '106.0.5249.51', path: '', majorVersion: 106 } ] +1ms
cypress:lifecycle:child:run_require_async_child:880 setupTestingType component { additionalIgnorePattern: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', animationDistanceThreshold: 5, arch: 'x64', autoOpen: false, baseUrl: null, blockHosts: null, browsers: [ { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '106.0.5249.51', path: '', majorVersion: 106 } ], chromeWebSecurity: false, clientCertificates: [], clientRoute: '/__/', configFile: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress.config.ts', cypressBinaryRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/resources/app', cypressEnv: 'production', defaultCommandTimeout: 4000, devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'webpack', webpackConfig: { target: 'web', entry: [Object], resolve: [Object], output: [Object], optimization: [Object], stats: 'minimal', module: [Object], plugins: [Array], mode: 'development', devtool: 'eval-source-map' } }, devServerPublicPathRoute: '/__cypress/src', downloadsFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/downloads', env: { CACHE_FOLDER: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress' }, excludeSpecPattern: [ '**/__snapshots__/*', '**/__image_snapshots__/*' ], execTimeout: 60000, experimentalFetchPolyfill: false, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: false, experimentalMemoryManagement: false, experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: false, experimentalOriginDependencies: false, experimentalRunAllSpecs: false, experimentalSingleTabRunMode: false, experimentalSkipDomainInjection: null, experimentalSourceRewriting: false, experimentalStudio: false, experimentalWebKitSupport: false, fileServerFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend', fixturesFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/fixtures', hosts: null, includeShadowDom: false, indexHtmlFile: 'cypress/support/component-index.html', isInteractive: true, isTextTerminal: true, keystrokeDelay: 0, modifyObstructiveCode: true, morgan: false, namespace: '__cypress', numTestsKeptInMemory: 0, pageLoadTimeout: 60000, platform: 'linux', port: null, projectId: null, projectName: 'frontend', projectRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend', rawJson: { component: { videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', screenshotsFolder: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', video: true, chromeWebSecurity: false, devServer: [Object] }, viewportWidth: 1280, viewportHeight: 800, retries: { runMode: 1 }, screenshotOnRunFailure: false, videoUploadOnPasses: false, video: true, videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', screenshotsFolder: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', chromeWebSecurity: false, devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'webpack', webpackConfig: [Object] }, envFile: {}, projectRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend', projectName: 'frontend' }, redirectionLimit: 20, repoRoot: null, report: true, reporter: 'spec', reporterOptions: null, reporterRoute: '/__cypress/reporter', requestTimeout: 5000, resolved: { animationDistanceThreshold: { value: 5, from: 'default' }, arch: { value: 'x64', from: 'default' }, baseUrl: { value: null, from: 'default' }, blockHosts: { value: null, from: 'default' }, chromeWebSecurity: { value: false, from: 'config' }, clientCertificates: { value: [], from: 'default' }, defaultCommandTimeout: { value: 4000, from: 'default' }, downloadsFolder: { value: 'cypress/downloads', from: 'default' }, env: { CACHE_FOLDER: [Object] }, execTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, experimentalFetchPolyfill: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalRunAllSpecs: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalMemoryManagement: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSkipDomainInjection: { value: null, from: 'default' }, experimentalOriginDependencies: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSourceRewriting: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSingleTabRunMode: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalStudio: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalWebKitSupport: { value: false, from: 'default' }, fileServerFolder: { value: '', from: 'default' }, fixturesFolder: { value: 'cypress/fixtures', from: 'default' }, excludeSpecPattern: { value: [Array], from: 'default' }, includeShadowDom: { value: false, from: 'default' }, keystrokeDelay: { value: 0, from: 'default' }, modifyObstructiveCode: { value: true, from: 'default' }, nodeVersion: { from: 'default' }, numTestsKeptInMemory: { value: 0, from: 'config' }, platform: { value: 'linux', from: 'default' }, pageLoadTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, port: { value: null, from: 'default' }, projectId: { value: null, from: 'default' }, redirectionLimit: { value: 20, from: 'default' }, reporter: { value: 'spec', from: 'default' }, reporterOptions: { value: null, from: 'default' }, requestTimeout: { value: 5000, from: 'default' }, resolvedNodePath: { value: null, from: 'default' }, resolvedNodeVersion: { value: null, from: 'default' }, responseTimeout: { value: 30000, from: 'default' }, retries: { value: [Object], from: 'config' }, screenshotOnRunFailure: { value: false, from: 'config' }, screenshotsFolder: { value: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', from: 'config' }, slowTestThreshold: { value: 250, from: 'default' }, scrollBehavior: { value: 'top', from: 'default' }, supportFile: { value: 'cypress/support/component.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'default' }, supportFolder: { value: false, from: 'default' }, taskTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, testIsolation: { value: true, from: 'default' }, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: { value: true, from: 'default' }, userAgent: { value: null, from: 'default' }, video: { value: true, from: 'default' }, videoCompression: { value: 32, from: 'default' }, videosFolder: { value: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', from: 'config' }, videoUploadOnPasses: { value: false, from: 'config' }, viewportHeight: { value: 800, from: 'config' }, viewportWidth: { value: 1280, from: 'config' }, waitForAnimations: { value: true, from: 'default' }, watchForFileChanges: { value: false, from: 'config' }, specPattern: { value: '**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'default' }, browsers: { value: [Array], from: 'runtime' }, hosts: { value: null, from: 'default' }, isInteractive: { value: true, from: 'default' } }, resolvedNodePath: '/usr/local/bin/node', resolvedNodeVersion: '16.18.1', responseTimeout: 30000, retries: { runMode: 1, openMode: 0 }, screenshotOnRunFailure: false, screenshotsFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', scrollBehavior: 'top', slowTestThreshold: 250, socketId: '4xtxk84xf0', socketIoCookie: '__socket', socketIoRoute: '/__socket', specPattern: '**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', supportFile: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/support/component.ts', supportFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/support', taskTimeout: 60000, testIsolation: true, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: true, userAgent: null, version: '12.8.1', video: true, videoCompression: 32, videoUploadOnPasses: false, videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', viewportHeight: 800, viewportWidth: 1280, waitForAnimations: true, watchForFileChanges: false, testingType: 'component' } +117ms
cypress:lifecycle:child:RunPlugins:880 project root: /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend +0ms
cypress:lifecycle:child:RunPlugins:880 passing config { additionalIgnorePattern: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', animationDistanceThreshold: 5, arch: 'x64', autoOpen: false, baseUrl: null, blockHosts: null, browsers: [ { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '106.0.5249.51', path: '', majorVersion: 106 } ], chromeWebSecurity: false, clientCertificates: [], clientRoute: '/__/', configFile: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress.config.ts', cypressBinaryRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/resources/app', cypressEnv: 'production', defaultCommandTimeout: 4000, devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'webpack', webpackConfig: { target: 'web', entry: [Object], resolve: [Object], output: [Object], optimization: [Object], stats: 'minimal', module: [Object], plugins: [Array], mode: 'development', devtool: 'eval-source-map' } }, devServerPublicPathRoute: '/__cypress/src', downloadsFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/downloads', env: { CACHE_FOLDER: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress' }, excludeSpecPattern: [ '**/__snapshots__/*', '**/__image_snapshots__/*' ], execTimeout: 60000, experimentalFetchPolyfill: false, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: false, experimentalMemoryManagement: false, experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: false, experimentalOriginDependencies: false, experimentalRunAllSpecs: false, experimentalSingleTabRunMode: false, experimentalSkipDomainInjection: null, experimentalSourceRewriting: false, experimentalStudio: false, experimentalWebKitSupport: false, fileServerFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend', fixturesFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/fixtures', hosts: null, includeShadowDom: false, indexHtmlFile: 'cypress/support/component-index.html', isInteractive: true, isTextTerminal: true, keystrokeDelay: 0, modifyObstructiveCode: true, morgan: false, namespace: '__cypress', numTestsKeptInMemory: 0, pageLoadTimeout: 60000, platform: 'linux', port: null, projectId: null, projectName: 'frontend', projectRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend', rawJson: { component: { videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', screenshotsFolder: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', video: true, chromeWebSecurity: false, devServer: [Object] }, viewportWidth: 1280, viewportHeight: 800, retries: { runMode: 1 }, screenshotOnRunFailure: false, videoUploadOnPasses: false, video: true, videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', screenshotsFolder: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', chromeWebSecurity: false, devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'webpack', webpackConfig: [Object] }, envFile: {}, projectRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend', projectName: 'frontend' }, redirectionLimit: 20, repoRoot: null, report: true, reporter: 'spec', reporterOptions: null, reporterRoute: '/__cypress/reporter', requestTimeout: 5000, resolved: { animationDistanceThreshold: { value: 5, from: 'default' }, arch: { value: 'x64', from: 'default' }, baseUrl: { value: null, from: 'default' }, blockHosts: { value: null, from: 'default' }, chromeWebSecurity: { value: false, from: 'config' }, clientCertificates: { value: [], from: 'default' }, defaultCommandTimeout: { value: 4000, from: 'default' }, downloadsFolder: { value: 'cypress/downloads', from: 'default' }, env: { CACHE_FOLDER: [Object] }, execTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, experimentalFetchPolyfill: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalRunAllSpecs: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalMemoryManagement: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSkipDomainInjection: { value: null, from: 'default' }, experimentalOriginDependencies: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSourceRewriting: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSingleTabRunMode: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalStudio: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalWebKitSupport: { value: false, from: 'default' }, fileServerFolder: { value: '', from: 'default' }, fixturesFolder: { value: 'cypress/fixtures', from: 'default' }, excludeSpecPattern: { value: [Array], from: 'default' }, includeShadowDom: { value: false, from: 'default' }, keystrokeDelay: { value: 0, from: 'default' }, modifyObstructiveCode: { value: true, from: 'default' }, nodeVersion: { from: 'default' }, numTestsKeptInMemory: { value: 0, from: 'config' }, platform: { value: 'linux', from: 'default' }, pageLoadTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, port: { value: null, from: 'default' }, projectId: { value: null, from: 'default' }, redirectionLimit: { value: 20, from: 'default' }, reporter: { value: 'spec', from: 'default' }, reporterOptions: { value: null, from: 'default' }, requestTimeout: { value: 5000, from: 'default' }, resolvedNodePath: { value: null, from: 'default' }, resolvedNodeVersion: { value: null, from: 'default' }, responseTimeout: { value: 30000, from: 'default' }, retries: { value: [Object], from: 'config' }, screenshotOnRunFailure: { value: false, from: 'config' }, screenshotsFolder: { value: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', from: 'config' }, slowTestThreshold: { value: 250, from: 'default' }, scrollBehavior: { value: 'top', from: 'default' }, supportFile: { value: 'cypress/support/component.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'default' }, supportFolder: { value: false, from: 'default' }, taskTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, testIsolation: { value: true, from: 'default' }, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: { value: true, from: 'default' }, userAgent: { value: null, from: 'default' }, video: { value: true, from: 'default' }, videoCompression: { value: 32, from: 'default' }, videosFolder: { value: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', from: 'config' }, videoUploadOnPasses: { value: false, from: 'config' }, viewportHeight: { value: 800, from: 'config' }, viewportWidth: { value: 1280, from: 'config' }, waitForAnimations: { value: true, from: 'default' }, watchForFileChanges: { value: false, from: 'config' }, specPattern: { value: '**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'default' }, browsers: { value: [Array], from: 'runtime' }, hosts: { value: null, from: 'default' }, isInteractive: { value: true, from: 'default' } }, resolvedNodePath: '/usr/local/bin/node', resolvedNodeVersion: '16.18.1', responseTimeout: 30000, retries: { runMode: 1, openMode: 0 }, screenshotOnRunFailure: false, screenshotsFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', scrollBehavior: 'top', slowTestThreshold: 250, socketId: '4xtxk84xf0', socketIoCookie: '__socket', socketIoRoute: '/__socket', specPattern: '**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', supportFile: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/support/component.ts', supportFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/support', taskTimeout: 60000, testIsolation: true, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: true, userAgent: null, version: '12.8.1', video: true, videoCompression: 32, videoUploadOnPasses: false, videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', viewportHeight: 800, viewportWidth: 1280, waitForAnimations: true, watchForFileChanges: false, testingType: 'component' } +7ms
cypress:lifecycle:child:RunPlugins:880 Loading the RunPlugins +3ms
cypress:lifecycle:child:RunPlugins:880 register event _get:task:body with id 0 +1ms
cypress:lifecycle:child:RunPlugins:880 register event _get:task:keys with id 1 +1ms
cypress:lifecycle:child:RunPlugins:880 register event _process:cross:origin:callback with id 2 +1ms
cypress:lifecycle:child:RunPlugins:880 Calling setupNodeEvents +1ms
cypress:lifecycle:child:RunPlugins:880 register event dev-server:start with id 3 +0ms
cypress:lifecycle:child:RunPlugins:880 register default preprocessor +3ms
cypress:server:plugins resolving typescript with projectRoot '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend' +9s
cypress:server:plugins resolved typescript /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@4.9.5/node_modules/typescript/lib/typescript.js +3ms
cypress:lifecycle:child:RunPlugins:880 creating webpack preprocessor with options { typescript: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@4.9.5/node_modules/typescript/lib/typescript.js' } +4ms
cypress:lifecycle:child:RunPlugins:880 register event file:preprocessor with id 4 +64ms
cypress:lifecycle:child:RunPlugins:880 plugins file successfully loaded +1ms
cypress:lifecycle:ProjectConfigManager register plugins process event _get:task:body with id 0 +638ms
cypress:lifecycle:EventRegistrar register event '_get:task:body' +0ms
cypress:lifecycle:ProjectConfigManager register plugins process event _get:task:keys with id 1 +1ms
cypress:lifecycle:EventRegistrar register event '_get:task:keys' +1ms
cypress:lifecycle:ProjectConfigManager register plugins process event _process:cross:origin:callback with id 2 +0ms
cypress:lifecycle:EventRegistrar register event '_process:cross:origin:callback' +0ms
cypress:lifecycle:ProjectConfigManager register plugins process event dev-server:start with id 3 +0ms
cypress:lifecycle:EventRegistrar register event 'dev-server:start' +0ms
cypress:lifecycle:ProjectConfigManager register plugins process event file:preprocessor with id 4 +0ms
cypress:lifecycle:EventRegistrar register event 'file:preprocessor' +0ms
cypress:config:browser validating configuration {} +533ms
cypress:config:project setting config object { cliConfig: { env: {} }, projectName: 'frontend', projectRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend', repoRoot: undefined, config: { component: { videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', screenshotsFolder: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', video: true, chromeWebSecurity: false, devServer: [Object] }, viewportWidth: 1280, viewportHeight: 800, retries: { runMode: 1 }, screenshotOnRunFailure: false, videoUploadOnPasses: false, video: true, videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', screenshotsFolder: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', chromeWebSecurity: false, devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'webpack', webpackConfig: [Object] } }, envFile: {}, options: { _: [ '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/Cypress' ], sandbox: false, runProject: 'apps/employee-notes/frontend', configFile: 'cypress.config.ts', outputPath: '/tmp/tmp-380-VjGSFNc46uIt', record: false, testingType: 'component', cwd: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web', userNodePath: '/usr/local/bin/node', userNodeVersion: '16.18.1', invokedFromCli: true, config: { env: {} }, projectRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend', socketId: '4xtxk84xf0', isTextTerminal: true, browser: 'electron', quiet: false, morgan: false, report: true }, configFile: 'cypress.config.ts' } +619ms
cypress:config:project config is { component: { videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', screenshotsFolder: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', video: true, chromeWebSecurity: false, devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'webpack', webpackConfig: [Object] } }, viewportWidth: 1280, viewportHeight: 800, retries: { runMode: 1 }, screenshotOnRunFailure: false, videoUploadOnPasses: false, video: true, videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', screenshotsFolder: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', chromeWebSecurity: false, devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'webpack', webpackConfig: { target: 'web', entry: [Object], resolve: [Object], output: [Object], optimization: [Object], stats: 'minimal', module: [Object], plugins: [Array], mode: 'development', devtool: 'eval-source-map' } } } +0ms
cypress:config:project:utils merged config with options, got { component: { videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', screenshotsFolder: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', video: true, chromeWebSecurity: false, devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'webpack', webpackConfig: [Object] } }, viewportWidth: 1280, viewportHeight: 800, retries: { runMode: 1 }, screenshotOnRunFailure: false, videoUploadOnPasses: false, video: true, videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', screenshotsFolder: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', chromeWebSecurity: false, devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'webpack', webpackConfig: { target: 'web', entry: [Object], resolve: [Object], output: [Object], optimization: [Object], stats: 'minimal', module: [Object], plugins: [Array], mode: 'development', devtool: 'eval-source-map' } }, envFile: {}, projectRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend', projectName: 'frontend', repoRoot: undefined, rawJson: { component: { videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', screenshotsFolder: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', video: true, chromeWebSecurity: false, devServer: [Object] }, viewportWidth: 1280, viewportHeight: 800, retries: { runMode: 1 }, screenshotOnRunFailure: false, videoUploadOnPasses: false, video: true, videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', screenshotsFolder: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', chromeWebSecurity: false, devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'webpack', webpackConfig: [Object] }, envFile: {}, projectRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend', projectName: 'frontend', repoRoot: undefined }, configFile: 'cypress.config.ts', morgan: false, isTextTerminal: true, socketId: '4xtxk84xf0', report: true } +555ms
cypress:config:project:utils using CYPRESS_INTERNAL_ENV production +4ms
cypress:config:project:utils resolved config is { value: [], from: 'default' } +3ms
cypress:config:browser validating configuration {
component: {
videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos',
screenshotsFolder: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots',
video: true,
chromeWebSecurity: false,
devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'webpack', webpackConfig: [Object] },
specPattern: '**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}',
indexHtmlFile: 'cypress/support/component-index.html'
viewportWidth: 1280,
viewportHeight: 800,
retries: { runMode: 1, openMode: 0 },
screenshotOnRunFailure: false,
videoUploadOnPasses: false,
video: true,
videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos',
screenshotsFolder: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots',
chromeWebSecurity: false,
devServer: {
framework: 'react',
bundler: 'webpack',
webpackConfig: {
target: 'web',
entry: [Object],
resolve: [Object],
output: [Object],
optimization: [Object],
stats: 'minimal',
module: [Object],
plugins: [Array],
mode: 'development',
devtool: 'eval-source-map'
projectRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend',
projectName: 'frontend',
repoRoot: null,
rawJson: {
component: {
videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos',
screenshotsFolder: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots',
video: true,
chromeWebSecurity: false,
devServer: [Object]
viewportWidth: 1280,
viewportHeight: 800,
retries: { runMode: 1 },
screenshotOnRunFailure: false,
videoUploadOnPasses: false,
video: true,
videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos',
screenshotsFolder: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots',
chromeWebSecurity: false,
devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'webpack', webpackConfig: [Object] },
envFile: {},
projectRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend',
projectName: 'frontend',
repoRoot: undefined
configFile: 'cypress.config.ts',
morgan: false,
isTextTerminal: true,
socketId: '4xtxk84xf0',
report: true,
animationDistanceThreshold: 5,
arch: 'x64',
baseUrl: null,
blockHosts: null,
clientCertificates: [],
defaultCommandTimeout: 4000,
downloadsFolder: 'cypress/downloads',
e2e: { specPattern: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}' },
env: {
CACHE_FOLDER: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress'
execTimeout: 60000,
experimentalFetchPolyfill: false,
experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: false,
experimentalRunAllSpecs: false,
experimentalMemoryManagement: false,
experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: false,
experimentalSkipDomainInjection: null,
experimentalOriginDependencies: false,
experimentalSourceRewriting: false,
experimentalSingleTabRunMode: false,
experimentalStudio: false,
experimentalWebKitSupport: false,
fileServerFolder: '',
fixturesFolder: 'cypress/fixtures',
excludeSpecPattern: [ '**/__snapshots__/*', '**/__image_snapshots__/*' ],
includeShadowDom: false,
keystrokeDelay: 0,
modifyObstructiveCode: true,
nodeVersion: undefined,
numTestsKeptInMemory: 0,
platform: 'linux',
pageLoadTimeout: 60000,
port: null,
projectId: null,
redirectionLimit: 20,
reporter: 'spec',
reporterOptions: null,
requestTimeout: 5000,
resolvedNodePath: null,
resolvedNodeVersion: null,
responseTimeout: 30000,
slowTestThreshold: 250,
scrollBehavior: 'top',
supportFile: 'cypress/support/component.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}',
supportFolder: false,
taskTimeout: 60000,
testIsolation: true,
trashAssetsBeforeRuns: true,
userAgent: null,
videoCompression: 32,
waitForAnimations: true,
watchForFileChanges: false,
specPattern: '**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}',
additionalIgnorePattern: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}',
autoOpen: false,
clientRoute: '/__/',
cypressBinaryRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/resources/app',
devServerPublicPathRoute: '/__cypress/src',
hosts: null,
isInteractive: true,
namespace: '__cypress',
reporterRoute: '/__cypress/reporter',
socketIoCookie: '__socket',
socketIoRoute: '/__socket',
version: '12.8.1',
indexHtmlFile: 'cypress/support/component-index.html',
cypressEnv: 'production',
resolved: {
animationDistanceThreshold: { value: 5, from: 'default' },
arch: { value: 'x64', from: 'default' },
baseUrl: { value: null, from: 'default' },
blockHosts: { value: null, from: 'default' },
chromeWebSecurity: { value: false, from: 'config' },
clientCertificates: { value: [], from: 'default' },
component: { value: [Object], from: 'config' },
defaultCommandTimeout: { value: 4000, from: 'default' },
downloadsFolder: { value: 'cypress/downloads', from: 'default' },
e2e: { value: [Object], from: 'default' },
env: { CACHE_FOLDER: [Object] },
execTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' },
experimentalFetchPolyfill: { value: false, from: 'default' },
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experimentalRunAllSpecs: { value: false, from: 'default' },
experimentalMemoryManagement: { value: false, from: 'default' },
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experimentalStudio: { value: false, from: 'default' },
experimentalWebKitSupport: { value: false, from: 'default' },
fileServerFolder: { value: '', from: 'default' },
fixturesFolder: { value: 'cypress/fixtures', from: 'default' },
excludeSpecPattern: { value: [Array], from: 'default' },
includeShadowDom: { value: false, from: 'default' },
keystrokeDelay: { value: 0, from: 'default' },
modifyObstructiveCode: { value: true, from: 'default' },
nodeVersion: { value: undefined, from: 'default' },
numTestsKeptInMemory: { value: 0, from: 'config' },
platform: { value: 'linux', from: 'default' },
pageLoadTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' },
port: { value: null, from: 'default' },
projectId: { value: null, from: 'default' },
redirectionLimit: { value: 20, from: 'default' },
reporter: { value: 'spec', from: 'default' },
reporterOptions: { value: null, from: 'default' },
requestTimeout: { value: 5000, from: 'default' },
resolvedNodePath: { value: null, from: 'default' },
resolvedNodeVersion: { value: null, from: 'default' },
responseTimeout: { value: 30000, from: 'default' },
retries: { value: [Object], from: 'config' },
screenshotOnRunFailure: { value: false, from: 'config' },
screenshotsFolder: {
value: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots',
from: 'config'
slowTestThreshold: { value: 250, from: 'default' },
scrollBehavior: { value: 'top', from: 'default' },
supportFile: {
value: 'cypress/support/component.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}',
from: 'default'
supportFolder: { value: false, from: 'default' },
taskTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' },
testIsolation: { value: true, from: 'default' },
trashAssetsBeforeRuns: { value: true, from: 'default' },
userAgent: { value: null, from: 'default' },
video: { value: true, from: 'default' },
videoCompression: { value: 32, from: 'default' },
videosFolder: {
value: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos',
from: 'config'
videoUploadOnPasses: { value: false, from: 'config' },
viewportHeight: { value: 800, from: 'config' },
viewportWidth: { value: 1280, from: 'config' },
waitForAnimations: { value: true, from: 'default' },
watchForFileChanges: { value: false, from: 'config' },
specPattern: { value: '**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'default' },
browsers: { value: [], from: 'default' },
hosts: { value: null, from: 'default' },
isInteractive: { value: true, from: 'default' }
} +30ms
cypress:server:validation clientCerts: [] +548ms
cypress:config:project:utils validate that there is no breaking config options before setupNodeEvents +2ms
cypress:data-context:sources:FileDataSource globbing pattern(s): [ 'cypress/support/component.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}' ] +627ms
cypress:data-context:sources:FileDataSource within directory: /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend +1ms
cypress:config:project:utils setting support file /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/support/component.ts +65ms
cypress:config:project:utils for project root /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend +1ms
cypress:config:project:utils resolved support file /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/support/component.ts +1ms
cypress:config:project:utils set support folder /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/support +0ms
cypress:config:browser validating configuration {
viewportWidth: 1280,
viewportHeight: 800,
retries: { runMode: 1, openMode: 0 },
screenshotOnRunFailure: false,
videoUploadOnPasses: false,
video: true,
videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos',
screenshotsFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots',
chromeWebSecurity: false,
devServer: {
framework: 'react',
bundler: 'webpack',
webpackConfig: {
target: 'web',
entry: [Object],
resolve: [Object],
output: [Object],
optimization: [Object],
stats: 'minimal',
module: [Object],
plugins: [Array],
mode: 'development',
devtool: 'eval-source-map'
projectRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend',
projectName: 'frontend',
repoRoot: null,
rawJson: {
component: {
videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos',
screenshotsFolder: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots',
video: true,
chromeWebSecurity: false,
devServer: [Object]
viewportWidth: 1280,
viewportHeight: 800,
retries: { runMode: 1 },
screenshotOnRunFailure: false,
videoUploadOnPasses: false,
video: true,
videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos',
screenshotsFolder: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots',
chromeWebSecurity: false,
devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'webpack', webpackConfig: [Object] },
envFile: {},
projectRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend',
projectName: 'frontend',
repoRoot: undefined
configFile: 'cypress.config.ts',
morgan: false,
isTextTerminal: true,
socketId: '4xtxk84xf0',
report: true,
animationDistanceThreshold: 5,
arch: 'x64',
baseUrl: null,
blockHosts: null,
clientCertificates: [],
defaultCommandTimeout: 4000,
downloadsFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/downloads',
env: {
CACHE_FOLDER: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress'
execTimeout: 60000,
experimentalFetchPolyfill: false,
experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: false,
experimentalRunAllSpecs: false,
experimentalMemoryManagement: false,
experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: false,
experimentalSkipDomainInjection: null,
experimentalOriginDependencies: false,
experimentalSourceRewriting: false,
experimentalSingleTabRunMode: false,
experimentalStudio: false,
experimentalWebKitSupport: false,
fileServerFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend',
fixturesFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/fixtures',
excludeSpecPattern: [ '**/__snapshots__/*', '**/__image_snapshots__/*' ],
includeShadowDom: false,
keystrokeDelay: 0,
modifyObstructiveCode: true,
nodeVersion: undefined,
numTestsKeptInMemory: 0,
platform: 'linux',
pageLoadTimeout: 60000,
port: null,
projectId: null,
redirectionLimit: 20,
reporter: 'spec',
reporterOptions: null,
requestTimeout: 5000,
resolvedNodePath: '/usr/local/bin/node',
resolvedNodeVersion: '16.18.1',
responseTimeout: 30000,
slowTestThreshold: 250,
scrollBehavior: 'top',
supportFile: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/support/component.ts',
supportFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/support',
taskTimeout: 60000,
testIsolation: true,
trashAssetsBeforeRuns: true,
userAgent: null,
videoCompression: 32,
waitForAnimations: true,
watchForFileChanges: false,
specPattern: '**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}',
additionalIgnorePattern: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}',
autoOpen: false,
browsers: [
name: 'electron',
channel: 'stable',
family: 'chromium',
displayName: 'Electron',
version: '106.0.5249.51',
path: '',
majorVersion: 106
clientRoute: '/__/',
cypressBinaryRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/resources/app',
devServerPublicPathRoute: '/__cypress/src',
hosts: null,
isInteractive: true,
namespace: '__cypress',
reporterRoute: '/__cypress/reporter',
socketIoCookie: '__socket',
socketIoRoute: '/__socket',
version: '12.8.1',
indexHtmlFile: 'cypress/support/component-index.html',
cypressEnv: 'production',
resolved: {
animationDistanceThreshold: { value: 5, from: 'default' },
arch: { value: 'x64', from: 'default' },
baseUrl: { value: null, from: 'default' },
blockHosts: { value: null, from: 'default' },
chromeWebSecurity: { value: false, from: 'config' },
clientCertificates: { value: [], from: 'default' },
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env: { CACHE_FOLDER: [Object] },
execTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' },
experimentalFetchPolyfill: { value: false, from: 'default' },
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experimentalMemoryManagement: { value: false, from: 'default' },
experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: { value: false, from: 'default' },
experimentalSkipDomainInjection: { value: null, from: 'default' },
experimentalOriginDependencies: { value: false, from: 'default' },
experimentalSourceRewriting: { value: false, from: 'default' },
experimentalSingleTabRunMode: { value: false, from: 'default' },
experimentalStudio: { value: false, from: 'default' },
experimentalWebKitSupport: { value: false, from: 'default' },
fileServerFolder: { value: '', from: 'default' },
fixturesFolder: { value: 'cypress/fixtures', from: 'default' },
excludeSpecPattern: { value: [Array], from: 'default' },
includeShadowDom: { value: false, from: 'default' },
keystrokeDelay: { value: 0, from: 'default' },
modifyObstructiveCode: { value: true, from: 'default' },
nodeVersion: { value: undefined, from: 'default' },
numTestsKeptInMemory: { value: 0, from: 'config' },
platform: { value: 'linux', from: 'default' },
pageLoadTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' },
port: { value: null, from: 'default' },
projectId: { value: null, from: 'default' },
redirectionLimit: { value: 20, from: 'default' },
reporter: { value: 'spec', from: 'default' },
reporterOptions: { value: null, from: 'default' },
requestTimeout: { value: 5000, from: 'default' },
resolvedNodePath: { value: null, from: 'default' },
resolvedNodeVersion: { value: null, from: 'default' },
responseTimeout: { value: 30000, from: 'default' },
retries: { value: [Object], from: 'config' },
screenshotOnRunFailure: { value: false, from: 'config' },
screenshotsFolder: {
value: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots',
from: 'config'
slowTestThreshold: { value: 250, from: 'default' },
scrollBehavior: { value: 'top', from: 'default' },
supportFile: {
value: 'cypress/support/component.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}',
from: 'default'
supportFolder: { value: false, from: 'default' },
taskTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' },
testIsolation: { value: true, from: 'default' },
trashAssetsBeforeRuns: { value: true, from: 'default' },
userAgent: { value: null, from: 'default' },
video: { value: true, from: 'default' },
videoCompression: { value: 32, from: 'default' },
videosFolder: {
value: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos',
from: 'config'
videoUploadOnPasses: { value: false, from: 'config' },
viewportHeight: { value: 800, from: 'config' },
viewportWidth: { value: 1280, from: 'config' },
waitForAnimations: { value: true, from: 'default' },
watchForFileChanges: { value: false, from: 'config' },
specPattern: { value: '**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'default' },
browsers: { value: [Array], from: 'runtime' },
hosts: { value: null, from: 'default' },
isInteractive: { value: true, from: 'default' }
} +69ms
cypress:server:validation clientCerts: [] +95ms
cypress:server:validation browsers [ { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '106.0.5249.51', path: '', majorVersion: 106 } ] +1ms
cypress:config:project updateWithPluginValues { cfg: { viewportWidth: 1280, viewportHeight: 800, retries: { runMode: 1, openMode: 0 }, screenshotOnRunFailure: false, videoUploadOnPasses: false, video: true, videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', screenshotsFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', chromeWebSecurity: false, devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'webpack', webpackConfig: [Object] }, projectRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend', projectName: 'frontend', repoRoot: null, rawJson: { component: [Object], viewportWidth: 1280, viewportHeight: 800, retries: [Object], screenshotOnRunFailure: false, videoUploadOnPasses: false, video: true, videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', screenshotsFolder: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', chromeWebSecurity: false, devServer: [Object], envFile: {}, projectRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend', projectName: 'frontend', repoRoot: undefined }, configFile: 'cypress.config.ts', morgan: false, isTextTerminal: true, socketId: '4xtxk84xf0', report: true, animationDistanceThreshold: 5, arch: 'x64', baseUrl: null, blockHosts: null, clientCertificates: [], defaultCommandTimeout: 4000, downloadsFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/downloads', env: { CACHE_FOLDER: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress' }, execTimeout: 60000, experimentalFetchPolyfill: false, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: false, experimentalRunAllSpecs: false, experimentalMemoryManagement: false, experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: false, experimentalSkipDomainInjection: null, experimentalOriginDependencies: false, experimentalSourceRewriting: false, experimentalSingleTabRunMode: false, experimentalStudio: false, experimentalWebKitSupport: false, fileServerFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend', fixturesFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/fixtures', excludeSpecPattern: [ '**/__snapshots__/*', '**/__image_snapshots__/*' ], includeShadowDom: false, keystrokeDelay: 0, modifyObstructiveCode: true, nodeVersion: undefined, numTestsKeptInMemory: 0, platform: 'linux', pageLoadTimeout: 60000, port: null, projectId: null, redirectionLimit: 20, reporter: 'spec', reporterOptions: null, requestTimeout: 5000, resolvedNodePath: '/usr/local/bin/node', resolvedNodeVersion: '16.18.1', responseTimeout: 30000, slowTestThreshold: 250, scrollBehavior: 'top', supportFile: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/support/component.ts', supportFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/support', taskTimeout: 60000, testIsolation: true, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: true, userAgent: null, videoCompression: 32, waitForAnimations: true, watchForFileChanges: false, specPattern: '**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', additionalIgnorePattern: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', autoOpen: false, browsers: [ [Object] ], clientRoute: '/__/', cypressBinaryRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/resources/app', devServerPublicPathRoute: '/__cypress/src', hosts: null, isInteractive: true, namespace: '__cypress', reporterRoute: '/__cypress/reporter', socketIoCookie: '__socket', socketIoRoute: '/__socket', version: '12.8.1', indexHtmlFile: 'cypress/support/component-index.html', cypressEnv: 'production', resolved: { animationDistanceThreshold: [Object], arch: [Object], baseUrl: [Object], blockHosts: [Object], chromeWebSecurity: [Object], clientCertificates: [Object], defaultCommandTimeout: [Object], downloadsFolder: [Object], env: [Object], execTimeout: [Object], experimentalFetchPolyfill: [Object], experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: [Object], experimentalRunAllSpecs: [Object], experimentalMemoryManagement: [Object], experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: [Object], experimentalSkipDomainInjection: [Object], experimentalOriginDependencies: [Object], experimentalSourceRewriting: [Object], experimentalSingleTabRunMode: [Object], experimentalStudio: [Object], experimentalWebKitSupport: [Object], fileServerFolder: [Object], fixturesFolder: [Object], excludeSpecPattern: [Object], includeShadowDom: [Object], keystrokeDelay: [Object], modifyObstructiveCode: [Object], nodeVersion: [Object], numTestsKeptInMemory: [Object], platform: [Object], pageLoadTimeout: [Object], port: [Object], projectId: [Object], redirectionLimit: [Object], reporter: [Object], reporterOptions: [Object], requestTimeout: [Object], resolvedNodePath: [Object], resolvedNodeVersion: [Object], responseTimeout: [Object], retries: [Object], screenshotOnRunFailure: [Object], screenshotsFolder: [Object], slowTestThreshold: [Object], scrollBehavior: [Object], supportFile: [Object], supportFolder: [Object], taskTimeout: [Object], testIsolation: [Object], trashAssetsBeforeRuns: [Object], userAgent: [Object], video: [Object], videoCompression: [Object], videosFolder: [Object], videoUploadOnPasses: [Object], viewportHeight: [Object], viewportWidth: [Object], waitForAnimations: [Object], watchForFileChanges: [Object], specPattern: [Object], browsers: [Object], hosts: [Object], isInteractive: [Object] } }, modifiedConfig: {} } +127ms
cypress:config:browser validating configuration {} +32ms
cypress:config:project validate that there is no breaking config options added by setupNodeEvents +2ms
cypress:config:project config diffs null +1ms
cypress:config:project merged config object { viewportWidth: 1280, viewportHeight: 800, retries: { runMode: 1, openMode: 0 }, screenshotOnRunFailure: false, videoUploadOnPasses: false, video: true, videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', screenshotsFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', chromeWebSecurity: false, devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'webpack', webpackConfig: { target: 'web', entry: [Object], resolve: [Object], output: [Object], optimization: [Object], stats: 'minimal', module: [Object], plugins: [Array], mode: 'development', devtool: 'eval-source-map' } }, projectRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend', projectName: 'frontend', repoRoot: null, rawJson: { component: { videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', screenshotsFolder: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', video: true, chromeWebSecurity: false, devServer: [Object] }, viewportWidth: 1280, viewportHeight: 800, retries: { runMode: 1 }, screenshotOnRunFailure: false, videoUploadOnPasses: false, video: true, videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', screenshotsFolder: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', chromeWebSecurity: false, devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'webpack', webpackConfig: [Object] }, envFile: {}, projectRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend', projectName: 'frontend', repoRoot: undefined }, configFile: 'cypress.config.ts', morgan: false, isTextTerminal: true, socketId: '4xtxk84xf0', report: true, animationDistanceThreshold: 5, arch: 'x64', baseUrl: null, blockHosts: null, clientCertificates: [], defaultCommandTimeout: 4000, downloadsFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/downloads', env: { CACHE_FOLDER: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress' }, execTimeout: 60000, experimentalFetchPolyfill: false, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: false, experimentalRunAllSpecs: false, experimentalMemoryManagement: false, experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: false, experimentalSkipDomainInjection: null, experimentalOriginDependencies: false, experimentalSourceRewriting: false, experimentalSingleTabRunMode: false, experimentalStudio: false, experimentalWebKitSupport: false, fileServerFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend', fixturesFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/fixtures', excludeSpecPattern: [ '**/__snapshots__/*', '**/__image_snapshots__/*' ], includeShadowDom: false, keystrokeDelay: 0, modifyObstructiveCode: true, nodeVersion: undefined, numTestsKeptInMemory: 0, platform: 'linux', pageLoadTimeout: 60000, port: null, projectId: null, redirectionLimit: 20, reporter: 'spec', reporterOptions: null, requestTimeout: 5000, resolvedNodePath: '/usr/local/bin/node', resolvedNodeVersion: '16.18.1', responseTimeout: 30000, slowTestThreshold: 250, scrollBehavior: 'top', supportFile: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/support/component.ts', supportFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/support', taskTimeout: 60000, testIsolation: true, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: true, userAgent: null, videoCompression: 32, waitForAnimations: true, watchForFileChanges: false, specPattern: '**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', additionalIgnorePattern: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', autoOpen: false, browsers: [ { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '106.0.5249.51', path: '', majorVersion: 106 } ], clientRoute: '/__/', cypressBinaryRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/resources/app', devServerPublicPathRoute: '/__cypress/src', hosts: null, isInteractive: true, namespace: '__cypress', reporterRoute: '/__cypress/reporter', socketIoCookie: '__socket', socketIoRoute: '/__socket', version: '12.8.1', indexHtmlFile: 'cypress/support/component-index.html', cypressEnv: 'production', resolved: { animationDistanceThreshold: { value: 5, from: 'default' }, arch: { value: 'x64', from: 'default' }, baseUrl: { value: null, from: 'default' }, blockHosts: { value: null, from: 'default' }, chromeWebSecurity: { value: false, from: 'config' }, clientCertificates: { value: [], from: 'default' }, defaultCommandTimeout: { value: 4000, from: 'default' }, downloadsFolder: { value: 'cypress/downloads', from: 'default' }, env: { CACHE_FOLDER: [Object] }, execTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, experimentalFetchPolyfill: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalRunAllSpecs: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalMemoryManagement: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSkipDomainInjection: { value: null, from: 'default' }, experimentalOriginDependencies: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSourceRewriting: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSingleTabRunMode: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalStudio: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalWebKitSupport: { value: false, from: 'default' }, fileServerFolder: { value: '', from: 'default' }, fixturesFolder: { value: 'cypress/fixtures', from: 'default' }, excludeSpecPattern: { value: [Array], from: 'default' }, includeShadowDom: { value: false, from: 'default' }, keystrokeDelay: { value: 0, from: 'default' }, modifyObstructiveCode: { value: true, from: 'default' }, nodeVersion: { value: undefined, from: 'default' }, numTestsKeptInMemory: { value: 0, from: 'config' }, platform: { value: 'linux', from: 'default' }, pageLoadTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, port: { value: null, from: 'default' }, projectId: { value: null, from: 'default' }, redirectionLimit: { value: 20, from: 'default' }, reporter: { value: 'spec', from: 'default' }, reporterOptions: { value: null, from: 'default' }, requestTimeout: { value: 5000, from: 'default' }, resolvedNodePath: { value: null, from: 'default' }, resolvedNodeVersion: { value: null, from: 'default' }, responseTimeout: { value: 30000, from: 'default' }, retries: { value: [Object], from: 'config' }, screenshotOnRunFailure: { value: false, from: 'config' }, screenshotsFolder: { value: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', from: 'config' }, slowTestThreshold: { value: 250, from: 'default' }, scrollBehavior: { value: 'top', from: 'default' }, supportFile: { value: 'cypress/support/component.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'default' }, supportFolder: { value: false, from: 'default' }, taskTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, testIsolation: { value: true, from: 'default' }, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: { value: true, from: 'default' }, userAgent: { value: null, from: 'default' }, video: { value: true, from: 'default' }, videoCompression: { value: 32, from: 'default' }, videosFolder: { value: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', from: 'config' }, videoUploadOnPasses: { value: false, from: 'config' }, viewportHeight: { value: 800, from: 'config' }, viewportWidth: { value: 1280, from: 'config' }, waitForAnimations: { value: true, from: 'default' }, watchForFileChanges: { value: false, from: 'config' }, specPattern: { value: '**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'default' }, browsers: { value: [Array], from: 'runtime' }, hosts: { value: null, from: 'default' }, isInteractive: { value: true, from: 'default' } } } +21ms
cypress:config:project merged plugins config { viewportWidth: 1280, viewportHeight: 800, retries: { runMode: 1, openMode: 0 }, screenshotOnRunFailure: false, videoUploadOnPasses: false, video: true, videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', screenshotsFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', chromeWebSecurity: false, devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'webpack', webpackConfig: { target: 'web', entry: [Object], resolve: [Object], output: [Object], optimization: [Object], stats: 'minimal', module: [Object], plugins: [Array], mode: 'development', devtool: 'eval-source-map' } }, projectRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend', projectName: 'frontend', repoRoot: null, rawJson: { component: { videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', screenshotsFolder: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', video: true, chromeWebSecurity: false, devServer: [Object] }, viewportWidth: 1280, viewportHeight: 800, retries: { runMode: 1 }, screenshotOnRunFailure: false, videoUploadOnPasses: false, video: true, videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', screenshotsFolder: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', chromeWebSecurity: false, devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'webpack', webpackConfig: [Object] }, envFile: {}, projectRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend', projectName: 'frontend', repoRoot: undefined }, configFile: 'cypress.config.ts', morgan: false, isTextTerminal: true, socketId: '4xtxk84xf0', report: true, animationDistanceThreshold: 5, arch: 'x64', baseUrl: null, blockHosts: null, clientCertificates: [], defaultCommandTimeout: 4000, downloadsFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/downloads', env: { CACHE_FOLDER: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress' }, execTimeout: 60000, experimentalFetchPolyfill: false, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: false, experimentalRunAllSpecs: false, experimentalMemoryManagement: false, experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: false, experimentalSkipDomainInjection: null, experimentalOriginDependencies: false, experimentalSourceRewriting: false, experimentalSingleTabRunMode: false, experimentalStudio: false, experimentalWebKitSupport: false, fileServerFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend', fixturesFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/fixtures', excludeSpecPattern: [ '**/__snapshots__/*', '**/__image_snapshots__/*' ], includeShadowDom: false, keystrokeDelay: 0, modifyObstructiveCode: true, nodeVersion: undefined, numTestsKeptInMemory: 0, platform: 'linux', pageLoadTimeout: 60000, port: null, projectId: null, redirectionLimit: 20, reporter: 'spec', reporterOptions: null, requestTimeout: 5000, resolvedNodePath: '/usr/local/bin/node', resolvedNodeVersion: '16.18.1', responseTimeout: 30000, slowTestThreshold: 250, scrollBehavior: 'top', supportFile: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/support/component.ts', supportFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/support', taskTimeout: 60000, testIsolation: true, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: true, userAgent: null, videoCompression: 32, waitForAnimations: true, watchForFileChanges: false, specPattern: '**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', additionalIgnorePattern: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', autoOpen: false, browsers: [ { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '106.0.5249.51', path: '', majorVersion: 106 } ], clientRoute: '/__/', cypressBinaryRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/resources/app', devServerPublicPathRoute: '/__cypress/src', hosts: null, isInteractive: true, namespace: '__cypress', reporterRoute: '/__cypress/reporter', socketIoCookie: '__socket', socketIoRoute: '/__socket', version: '12.8.1', indexHtmlFile: 'cypress/support/component-index.html', cypressEnv: 'production', resolved: { animationDistanceThreshold: { value: 5, from: 'default' }, arch: { value: 'x64', from: 'default' }, baseUrl: { value: null, from: 'default' }, blockHosts: { value: null, from: 'default' }, chromeWebSecurity: { value: false, from: 'config' }, clientCertificates: { value: [], from: 'default' }, defaultCommandTimeout: { value: 4000, from: 'default' }, downloadsFolder: { value: 'cypress/downloads', from: 'default' }, env: { CACHE_FOLDER: [Object] }, execTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, experimentalFetchPolyfill: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalRunAllSpecs: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalMemoryManagement: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSkipDomainInjection: { value: null, from: 'default' }, experimentalOriginDependencies: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSourceRewriting: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSingleTabRunMode: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalStudio: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalWebKitSupport: { value: false, from: 'default' }, fileServerFolder: { value: '', from: 'default' }, fixturesFolder: { value: 'cypress/fixtures', from: 'default' }, excludeSpecPattern: { value: [Array], from: 'default' }, includeShadowDom: { value: false, from: 'default' }, keystrokeDelay: { value: 0, from: 'default' }, modifyObstructiveCode: { value: true, from: 'default' }, nodeVersion: { value: undefined, from: 'default' }, numTestsKeptInMemory: { value: 0, from: 'config' }, platform: { value: 'linux', from: 'default' }, pageLoadTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, port: { value: null, from: 'default' }, projectId: { value: null, from: 'default' }, redirectionLimit: { value: 20, from: 'default' }, reporter: { value: 'spec', from: 'default' }, reporterOptions: { value: null, from: 'default' }, requestTimeout: { value: 5000, from: 'default' }, resolvedNodePath: { value: null, from: 'default' }, resolvedNodeVersion: { value: null, from: 'default' }, responseTimeout: { value: 30000, from: 'default' }, retries: { value: [Object], from: 'config' }, screenshotOnRunFailure: { value: false, from: 'config' }, screenshotsFolder: { value: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', from: 'config' }, slowTestThreshold: { value: 250, from: 'default' }, scrollBehavior: { value: 'top', from: 'default' }, supportFile: { value: 'cypress/support/component.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'default' }, supportFolder: { value: false, from: 'default' }, taskTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, testIsolation: { value: true, from: 'default' }, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: { value: true, from: 'default' }, userAgent: { value: null, from: 'default' }, video: { value: true, from: 'default' }, videoCompression: { value: 32, from: 'default' }, videosFolder: { value: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', from: 'config' }, videoUploadOnPasses: { value: false, from: 'config' }, viewportHeight: { value: 800, from: 'config' }, viewportWidth: { value: 1280, from: 'config' }, waitForAnimations: { value: true, from: 'default' }, watchForFileChanges: { value: false, from: 'config' }, specPattern: { value: '**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'default' }, browsers: { value: [Array], from: 'runtime' }, hosts: { value: null, from: 'default' }, isInteractive: { value: true, from: 'default' } } } +2ms
cypress:data-context:sources:FileDataSource globbing pattern(s): [ '**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}' ] +114ms
cypress:data-context:sources:FileDataSource within directory: /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend +1ms
cypress:data-context:sources:ProjectDataSource found specs [ '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/src/tests/cypress/', '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/src/tests/cypress/', '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/src/tests/cypress/' ] +0ms
cypress:data-context:sources:GitDataSource Skipping branch watching because a git error was reported +10s
cypress:lifecycle:EventRegistrar plugin event registered? { eventName: 'dev-server:start', isRegistered: true } +198ms
cypress:lifecycle:EventRegistrar execute plugin event 'dev-server:start' Node 'v16.16.0' with args: { specs: [ { fileExtension: '.tsx', baseName: '', fileName: 'EmployeeNotes', specFileExtension: '.cy.tsx', relativeToCommonRoot: '', specType: 'component', name: 'src/tests/cypress/', relative: 'src/tests/cypress/', absolute: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/src/tests/cypress/' }, { fileExtension: '.tsx', baseName: '', fileName: 'EmployeeNotes.delete', specFileExtension: '.cy.tsx', relativeToCommonRoot: '', specType: 'component', name: 'src/tests/cypress/', relative: 'src/tests/cypress/', absolute: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/src/tests/cypress/' }, { fileExtension: '.tsx', baseName: '', fileName: '', specFileExtension: '.cy.tsx', relativeToCommonRoot: '', specType: 'component', name: 'src/tests/cypress/', relative: 'src/tests/cypress/', absolute: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/src/tests/cypress/' } ], config: { viewportWidth: 1280, viewportHeight: 800, retries: { runMode: 1, openMode: 0 }, screenshotOnRunFailure: false, videoUploadOnPasses: false, video: true, videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', screenshotsFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', chromeWebSecurity: false, devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'webpack', webpackConfig: [Object] }, projectRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend', projectName: 'frontend', repoRoot: null, rawJson: { component: [Object], viewportWidth: 1280, viewportHeight: 800, retries: [Object], screenshotOnRunFailure: false, videoUploadOnPasses: false, video: true, videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', screenshotsFolder: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', chromeWebSecurity: false, devServer: [Object], envFile: {}, projectRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend', projectName: 'frontend', repoRoot: undefined }, configFile: 'cypress.config.ts', morgan: false, isTextTerminal: true, socketId: '4xtxk84xf0', report: true, animationDistanceThreshold: 5, arch: 'x64', baseUrl: null, blockHosts: null, clientCertificates: [], defaultCommandTimeout: 4000, downloadsFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/downloads', env: { CACHE_FOLDER: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress' }, execTimeout: 60000, experimentalFetchPolyfill: false, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: false, experimentalRunAllSpecs: false, experimentalMemoryManagement: false, experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: false, experimentalSkipDomainInjection: null, experimentalOriginDependencies: false, experimentalSourceRewriting: false, experimentalSingleTabRunMode: false, experimentalStudio: false, experimentalWebKitSupport: false, fileServerFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend', fixturesFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/fixtures', excludeSpecPattern: [ '**/__snapshots__/*', '**/__image_snapshots__/*' ], includeShadowDom: false, keystrokeDelay: 0, modifyObstructiveCode: true, nodeVersion: undefined, numTestsKeptInMemory: 0, platform: 'linux', pageLoadTimeout: 60000, port: null, projectId: null, redirectionLimit: 20, reporter: 'spec', reporterOptions: null, requestTimeout: 5000, resolvedNodePath: '/usr/local/bin/node', resolvedNodeVersion: '16.18.1', responseTimeout: 30000, slowTestThreshold: 250, scrollBehavior: 'top', supportFile: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/support/component.ts', supportFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/support', taskTimeout: 60000, testIsolation: true, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: true, userAgent: null, videoCompression: 32, waitForAnimations: true, watchForFileChanges: false, specPattern: '**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', additionalIgnorePattern: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', autoOpen: false, browsers: [ [Object] ], clientRoute: '/__/', cypressBinaryRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/resources/app', devServerPublicPathRoute: '/__cypress/src', hosts: null, isInteractive: true, namespace: '__cypress', reporterRoute: '/__cypress/reporter', socketIoCookie: '__socket', socketIoRoute: '/__socket', version: '12.8.1', indexHtmlFile: 'cypress/support/component-index.html', cypressEnv: 'production', resolved: { animationDistanceThreshold: [Object], arch: [Object], baseUrl: [Object], blockHosts: [Object], chromeWebSecurity: [Object], clientCertificates: [Object], defaultCommandTimeout: [Object], downloadsFolder: [Object], env: [Object], execTimeout: [Object], experimentalFetchPolyfill: [Object], experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: [Object], experimentalRunAllSpecs: [Object], experimentalMemoryManagement: [Object], experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: [Object], experimentalSkipDomainInjection: [Object], experimentalOriginDependencies: [Object], experimentalSourceRewriting: [Object], experimentalSingleTabRunMode: [Object], experimentalStudio: [Object], experimentalWebKitSupport: [Object], fileServerFolder: [Object], fixturesFolder: [Object], excludeSpecPattern: [Object], includeShadowDom: [Object], keystrokeDelay: [Object], modifyObstructiveCode: [Object], nodeVersion: [Object], numTestsKeptInMemory: [Object], platform: [Object], pageLoadTimeout: [Object], port: [Object], projectId: [Object], redirectionLimit: [Object], reporter: [Object], reporterOptions: [Object], requestTimeout: [Object], resolvedNodePath: [Object], resolvedNodeVersion: [Object], responseTimeout: [Object], retries: [Object], screenshotOnRunFailure: [Object], screenshotsFolder: [Object], slowTestThreshold: [Object], scrollBehavior: [Object], supportFile: [Object], supportFolder: [Object], taskTimeout: [Object], testIsolation: [Object], trashAssetsBeforeRuns: [Object], userAgent: [Object], video: [Object], videoCompression: [Object], videosFolder: [Object], videoUploadOnPasses: [Object], viewportHeight: [Object], viewportWidth: [Object], waitForAnimations: [Object], watchForFileChanges: [Object], specPattern: [Object], browsers: [Object], hosts: [Object], isInteractive: [Object] } } } undefined undefined +0ms
cypress:lifecycle:ProjectConfigManager call event dev-server:start for invocation id inv1 +200ms
cypress:lifecycle:child:RunPlugins:880 execute plugin event: dev-server:start ({ invocationId: 'inv1', eventId: 3 }) +217ms
cypress:webpack-dev-server:sourceRelativeWebpackModules Framework: Attempting to source framework for /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend +0ms
cypress:webpack-dev-server:sourceRelativeWebpackModules Not a higher-order framework so webpack dependencies should be resolvable from projectRoot +0ms
cypress:webpack-dev-server:sourceRelativeWebpackModules Webpack: Attempting to source webpack from /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend +0ms
cypress:data-context:sources:GitDataSource this is not a git repo +47ms
cypress:webpack-dev-server:sourceRelativeWebpackModules Webpack: Successfully sourced webpack - { importPath: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/node_modules/.pnpm/webpack@5.48.0_@swc+core@1.3.11/node_modules/webpack', packageJson: { name: 'webpack', version: '5.48.0', author: 'Tobias Koppers @sokra', description: 'Packs CommonJs/AMD modules for the browser. Allows to split your codebase into multiple bundles, which can be loaded on demand. Support loaders to preprocess files, i.e. json, jsx, es7, css, less, ... and your custom stuff.', license: 'MIT', dependencies: { '@types/eslint-scope': '^3.7.0', '@types/estree': '^0.0.50', '@webassemblyjs/ast': '1.11.1', '@webassemblyjs/wasm-edit': '1.11.1', '@webassemblyjs/wasm-parser': '1.11.1', acorn: '^8.4.1', 'acorn-import-assertions': '^1.7.6', browserslist: '^4.14.5', 'chrome-trace-event': '^1.0.2', 'enhanced-resolve': '^5.8.0', 'es-module-lexer': '^0.7.1', 'eslint-scope': '5.1.1', events: '^3.2.0', 'glob-to-regexp': '^0.4.1', 'graceful-fs': '^4.2.4', 'json-parse-better-errors': '^1.0.2', 'loader-runner': '^4.2.0', 'mime-types': '^2.1.27', 'neo-async': '^2.6.2', 'schema-utils': '^3.1.0', tapable: '^2.1.1', 'terser-webpack-plugin': '^5.1.3', watchpack: '^2.2.0', 'webpack-sources': '^3.2.0' }, peerDependenciesMeta: { 'webpack-cli': [Object] }, devDependencies: { '@babel/core': '^7.11.1', '@babel/preset-react': '^7.10.4', '@types/es-module-lexer': '^0.4.1', '@types/jest': '^26.0.24', '@types/node': '^15.0.1', 'babel-loader': '^8.1.0', benchmark: '^2.1.4', 'bundle-loader': '^0.5.6', 'coffee-loader': '^1.0.0', coffeescript: '^2.5.1', 'core-js': '^3.6.5', coveralls: '^3.1.0', cspell: '^4.0.63', 'css-loader': '^5.0.1', 'date-fns': '^2.15.0', 'es5-ext': '^0.10.53', 'es6-promise-polyfill': '^1.2.0', eslint: '^7.14.0', 'eslint-config-prettier': '^8.1.0', 'eslint-plugin-jest': '^24.3.6', 'eslint-plugin-jsdoc': '^33.0.0', 'eslint-plugin-node': '^11.0.0', 'eslint-plugin-prettier': '^3.1.4', 'file-loader': '^6.0.0', 'fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin': '^6.0.5', husky: '^6.0.0', 'is-ci': '^3.0.0', istanbul: '^0.4.5', jest: '^27.0.6', 'jest-circus': '^27.0.6', 'jest-diff': '^27.0.2', 'jest-junit': '^12.0.0', 'json-loader': '^0.5.7', json5: '^2.1.3', less: '^4.0.0', 'less-loader': '^8.0.0', 'lint-staged': '^11.0.0', 'loader-utils': '^2.0.0', lodash: '^4.17.19', 'lodash-es': '^4.17.15', memfs: '^3.2.0', 'mini-css-extract-plugin': '^1.6.1', 'mini-svg-data-uri': '^1.2.3', nyc: '^15.1.0', 'open-cli': '^6.0.1', prettier: '^2.2.0', 'pretty-format': '^27.0.2', pug: '^3.0.0', 'pug-loader': '^2.4.0', 'raw-loader': '^4.0.1', react: '^17.0.1', 'react-dom': '^17.0.1', rimraf: '^3.0.2', 'script-loader': '^0.7.2', 'simple-git': '^2.17.0', 'strip-ansi': '^6.0.0', 'style-loader': '^2.0.0', terser: '^5.7.0', toml: '^3.0.0', tooling: 'webpack/tooling#v1.19.0', 'ts-loader': '^8.0.2', typescript: '^4.2.0-beta', 'url-loader': '^4.1.0', 'wast-loader': '^1.11.0', 'webassembly-feature': '1.3.0', 'webpack-cli': '^4.3.0', xxhashjs: '^0.2.2', yamljs: '^0.3.0', 'yarn-deduplicate': '^3.1.0' }, engines: { node: '>=10.13.0' }, repository: { type: 'git', url: '' }, funding: { type: 'opencollective', url: '' }, homepage: '', main: 'lib/index.js', bin: { webpack: 'bin/webpack.js' }, types: 'types.d.ts', files: [ 'lib/', 'bin/', 'hot/', 'schemas/', '', 'types.d.ts' ], scripts: { setup: 'node ./setup/setup.js', jest: 'node --expose-gc --max-old-space-size=4096 --experimental-vm-modules --trace-deprecation node_modules/jest-cli/bin/jest --logHeapUsage', test: 'node --expose-gc --max-old-space-size=4096 --experimental-vm-modules --trace-deprecation node_modules/jest-cli/bin/jest --logHeapUsage', 'test:update-snapshots': 'yarn jest -u', 'test:integration': 'node --expose-gc --max-old-space-size=4096 --experimental-vm-modules --trace-deprecation node_modules/jest-cli/bin/jest --logHeapUsage --testMatch "<rootDir>/test/*.{basictest,longtest,test}.js"', 'test:basic': 'node --expose-gc --max-old-space-size=4096 --experimental-vm-modules --trace-deprecation node_modules/jest-cli/bin/jest --logHeapUsage --testMatch "<rootDir>/test/*.basictest.js"', 'test:unit': 'node --max-old-space-size=4096 --experimental-vm-modules --trace-deprecation node_modules/jest-cli/bin/jest --testMatch "<rootDir>/test/*.unittest.js"', 'travis:integration': 'yarn cover:integration --ci $JEST', 'travis:basic': 'yarn cover:basic --ci $JEST', 'travis:lintunit': 'yarn lint && yarn cover:unit --ci $JEST', 'travis:benchmark': 'yarn benchmark --ci', 'appveyor:integration': 'yarn cover:integration --ci %JEST%', 'appveyor:unit': 'yarn cover:unit --ci %JEST%', 'appveyor:benchmark': 'yarn benchmark --ci', 'build:examples': 'cd examples && node buildAll.js', 'type-report': 'rimraf coverage && yarn cover:types && yarn cover:report && open-cli coverage/lcov-report/index.html', pretest: 'yarn lint', prelint: 'yarn setup', lint: 'yarn code-lint && yarn special-lint && yarn type-lint && yarn typings-lint && yarn yarn-lint && yarn pretty-lint && yarn spellcheck', 'code-lint': "eslint . --ext '.js' --cache", 'type-lint': 'tsc', 'typings-lint': 'tsc -p tsconfig.test.json', spellcheck: 'cspell "{.github,benchmark,bin,examples,hot,lib,schemas,setup,tooling}/**/*.{md,yml,yaml,js,json}" "*.md"', 'special-lint': 'node node_modules/tooling/lockfile-lint && node node_modules/tooling/schemas-lint && node node_modules/tooling/inherit-types && node node_modules/tooling/format-schemas && node tooling/generate-runtime-code.js && node node_modules/tooling/format-file-header && node node_modules/tooling/compile-to-definitions && node node_modules/tooling/precompile-schemas && node node_modules/tooling/generate-types --no-template-literals', 'special-lint-fix': 'node node_modules/tooling/inherit-types --write && node node_modules/tooling/format-schemas --write && node tooling/generate-runtime-code.js --write && node node_modules/tooling/format-file-header --write && node node_modules/tooling/compile-to-definitions --write && node node_modules/tooling/precompile-schemas --write && node node_modules/tooling/generate-types --no-template-literals --write', fix: 'yarn code-lint --fix && yarn special-lint-fix && yarn pretty-lint-fix', prepare: 'husky install', 'pretty-lint-base': 'prettier "*.{ts,json,yml,yaml,md}" "{setup,lib,bin,hot,benchmark,tooling,schemas}/**/*.json" "examples/*.md"', 'pretty-lint-base-all': 'yarn pretty-lint-base "*.js" "{setup,lib,bin,hot,benchmark,tooling,schemas}/**/*.js" "test/*.js" "test/helpers/*.js" "test/{configCases,watchCases,statsCases,hotCases,benchmarkCases}/**/webpack.config.js" "examples/**/webpack.config.js"', 'pretty-lint-fix': 'yarn pretty-lint-base-all --loglevel warn --write', 'pretty-lint': 'yarn pretty-lint-base --check', 'yarn-lint': 'yarn-deduplicate --fail --list -s highest yarn.lock', 'yarn-lint-fix': 'yarn-deduplicate -s highest yarn.lock', benchmark: 'node --max-old-space-size=4096 --experimental-vm-modules --trace-deprecation node_modules/jest-cli/bin/jest --testMatch "<rootDir>/test/*.benchmark.js" --runInBand', cover: 'yarn cover:all && yarn cover:report', 'cover:clean': 'rimraf .nyc_output coverage', 'cover:all': 'node --expose-gc --max-old-space-size=4096 --experimental-vm-modules node_modules/jest-cli/bin/jest --logHeapUsage --coverage', 'cover:basic': 'node --expose-gc --max-old-space-size=4096 --experimental-vm-modules node_modules/jest-cli/bin/jest --logHeapUsage --testMatch "<rootDir>/test/*.basictest.js" --coverage', 'cover:integration': 'node --expose-gc --max-old-space-size=4096 --experimental-vm-modules node_modules/jest-cli/bin/jest --logHeapUsage --testMatch "<rootDir>/test/*.{basictest,longtest,test}.js" --coverage', 'cover:integration:a': 'node --expose-gc --max-old-space-size=4096 --experimental-vm-modules node_modules/jest-cli/bin/jest --logHeapUsage --testMatch "<rootDir>/test/*.{basictest,test}.js" --coverage', 'cover:integration:b': 'node --expose-gc --max-old-space-size=4096 --experimental-vm-modules node_modules/jest-cli/bin/jest --logHeapUsage --testMatch "<rootDir>/test/*.longtest.js" --coverage', 'cover:unit': 'node --max-old-space-size=4096 --experimental-vm-modules node_modules/jest-cli/bin/jest --testMatch "<rootDir>/test/*.unittest.js" --coverage', 'cover:types': 'node node_modules/tooling/type-coverage', 'cover:merge': 'yarn mkdirp .nyc_output && nyc merge .nyc_output coverage/coverage-nyc.json && rimraf .nyc_output', 'cover:report': 'nyc report -t coverage' }, 'lint-staged': { '*.js|{lib,setup,bin,hot,tooling,schemas}/**/*.js|test/*.js|{test,examples}/**/webpack.config.js}': [Array], '*.{ts,json,yml,yaml,md}|examples/*.md': [Array], '*.md|{.github,benchmark,bin,examples,hot,lib,schemas,setup,tooling}/**/*.{md,yml,yaml,js,json}': [Array] }, jest: { forceExit: true, setupFilesAfterEnv: [Array], testMatch: [Array], watchPathIgnorePatterns: [Array], modulePathIgnorePatterns: [Array], transformIgnorePatterns: [Array], coverageDirectory: '<rootDir>/coverage', coveragePathIgnorePatterns: [Array], testEnvironment: 'node', coverageReporters: [Array] } }, module: [Function: f] { webpack: [Getter], validate: [Getter], validateSchema: [Getter], version: [Getter], cli: [Getter], AutomaticPrefetchPlugin: [Getter], AsyncDependenciesBlock: [Getter], BannerPlugin: [Getter], Cache: [Getter], Chunk: [Getter], ChunkGraph: [Getter], CleanPlugin: [Getter], Compilation: [Getter], Compiler: [Getter], ConcatenationScope: [Getter], ContextExclusionPlugin: [Getter], ContextReplacementPlugin: [Getter], DefinePlugin: [Getter], DelegatedPlugin: [Getter], Dependency: [Getter], DllPlugin: [Getter], DllReferencePlugin: [Getter], DynamicEntryPlugin: [Getter], EntryOptionPlugin: [Getter], EntryPlugin: [Getter], EnvironmentPlugin: [Getter], EvalDevToolModulePlugin: [Getter], EvalSourceMapDevToolPlugin: [Getter], ExternalModule: [Getter], ExternalsPlugin: [Getter], Generator: [Getter], HotUpdateChunk: [Getter], HotModuleReplacementPlugin: [Getter], IgnorePlugin: [Getter], JavascriptModulesPlugin: [Getter], LibManifestPlugin: [Getter], LibraryTemplatePlugin: [Getter], LoaderOptionsPlugin: [Getter], LoaderTargetPlugin: [Getter], Module: [Getter], ModuleFilenameHelpers: [Getter], ModuleGraph: [Getter], ModuleGraphConnection: [Getter], NoEmitOnErrorsPlugin: [Getter], NormalModule: [Getter], NormalModuleReplacementPlugin: [Getter], MultiCompiler: [Getter], Parser: [Getter], PrefetchPlugin: [Getter], ProgressPlugin: [Getter], ProvidePlugin: [Getter], RuntimeGlobals: [Getter], RuntimeModule: [Getter], SingleEntryPlugin: [Getter], SourceMapDevToolPlugin: [Getter], Stats: [Getter], Template: [Getter], UsageState: [Getter], WatchIgnorePlugin: [Getter], WebpackError: [Getter], WebpackOptionsApply: [Getter], WebpackOptionsDefaulter: [Getter], WebpackOptionsValidationError: [Getter], ValidationError: [Getter], cache: { MemoryCachePlugin: [Getter] }, config: { getNormalizedWebpackOptions: [Getter], applyWebpackOptionsDefaults: [Getter] }, dependencies: { ModuleDependency: [Getter], ConstDependency: [Getter], NullDependency: [Getter] }, ids: { ChunkModuleIdRangePlugin: [Getter], NaturalModuleIdsPlugin: [Getter], OccurrenceModuleIdsPlugin: [Getter], NamedModuleIdsPlugin: [Getter], DeterministicChunkIdsPlugin: [Getter], DeterministicModuleIdsPlugin: [Getter], NamedChunkIdsPlugin: [Getter], OccurrenceChunkIdsPlugin: [Getter], HashedModuleIdsPlugin: [Getter] }, javascript: { EnableChunkLoadingPlugin: [Getter], JavascriptModulesPlugin: [Getter], JavascriptParser: [Getter] }, optimize: { AggressiveMergingPlugin: [Getter], AggressiveSplittingPlugin: [Getter], LimitChunkCountPlugin: [Getter], MinChunkSizePlugin: [Getter], ModuleConcatenationPlugin: [Getter], RealContentHashPlugin: [Getter], RuntimeChunkPlugin: [Getter], SideEffectsFlagPlugin: [Getter], SplitChunksPlugin: [Getter] }, runtime: { GetChunkFilenameRuntimeModule: [Getter], LoadScriptRuntimeModule: [Getter] }, prefetch: { ChunkPrefetchPreloadPlugin: [Getter] }, web: { FetchCompileAsyncWasmPlugin: [Getter], FetchCompileWasmPlugin: [Getter], JsonpChunkLoadingRuntimeModule: [Getter], JsonpTemplatePlugin: [Getter] }, webworker: { WebWorkerTemplatePlugin: [Getter] }, node: { NodeEnvironmentPlugin: [Getter], NodeSourcePlugin: [Getter], NodeTargetPlugin: [Getter], NodeTemplatePlugin: [Getter], ReadFileCompileWasmPlugin: [Getter] }, electron: { ElectronTargetPlugin: [Getter] }, wasm: { AsyncWebAssemblyModulesPlugin: [Getter] }, library: { AbstractLibraryPlugin: [Getter], EnableLibraryPlugin: [Getter] }, container: { ContainerPlugin: [Getter], ContainerReferencePlugin: [Getter], ModuleFederationPlugin: [Getter], scope: [Getter] }, sharing: { ConsumeSharedPlugin: [Getter], ProvideSharedPlugin: [Getter], SharePlugin: [Getter], scope: [Getter] }, debug: { ProfilingPlugin: [Getter] }, util: { createHash: [Getter], comparators: [Getter], serialization: [Getter], cleverMerge: [Getter], LazySet: [Getter] }, sources: [Getter], experiments: { schemes: [Object] } }, majorVersion: 5 } +7ms
cypress:webpack-dev-server:sourceRelativeWebpackModules WebpackDevServer: Attempting to source webpack-dev-server from /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend +12ms
cypress:webpack-dev-server:sourceRelativeWebpackModules WebpackDevServer: Successfully sourced webpack-dev-server - { importPath: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/node_modules/.pnpm/webpack-dev-server@4.9.0_webpack@5.48.0/node_modules/webpack-dev-server', packageJson: { name: 'webpack-dev-server', version: '4.9.0', description: 'Serves a webpack app. Updates the browser on changes.', bin: 'bin/webpack-dev-server.js', main: 'lib/Server.js', types: 'types/lib/Server.d.ts', files: [ 'bin', 'lib', 'client', 'types' ], engines: { node: '>= 12.13.0' }, scripts: { 'fmt:check': 'prettier "{**/*,*}.{js,json,md,yml,css,ts}" --list-different', 'lint:js': 'eslint . --cache', 'lint:types': 'tsc --pretty --noEmit', lint: 'npm-run-all -p "fmt:**" "lint:**"', fmt: 'npm run fmt:check -- --write', 'fix:js': 'npm run lint:js -- --fix', fix: 'npm-run-all fix:js fmt', commitlint: 'commitlint --from=master', 'build:client': 'rimraf ./client/* && babel client-src/ --out-dir client/ --ignore "client-src/webpack.config.js" --ignore "client-src/modules" && webpack --config client-src/webpack.config.js', 'build:types': 'rimraf ./types/* && tsc --declaration --emitDeclarationOnly --outDir types && node ./scripts/extend-webpack-types.js && prettier "types/**/*.ts" --write && prettier "types/**/*.ts" --write', build: 'npm-run-all -p "build:**"', 'test:only': 'jest', 'test:coverage': 'npm run test:only -- --coverage', 'test:watch': 'npm run test:coverage --watch', test: 'npm run test:coverage', pretest: 'npm run lint', prepare: 'husky install && npm run build', release: 'standard-version' }, dependencies: { '@types/bonjour': '^3.5.9', '@types/connect-history-api-fallback': '^1.3.5', '@types/express': '^4.17.13', '@types/serve-index': '^1.9.1', '@types/sockjs': '^0.3.33', '@types/ws': '^8.5.1', 'ansi-html-community': '^0.0.8', 'bonjour-service': '^1.0.11', chokidar: '^3.5.3', colorette: '^2.0.10', compression: '^1.7.4', 'connect-history-api-fallback': '^1.6.0', 'default-gateway': '^6.0.3', express: '^4.17.3', 'graceful-fs': '^4.2.6', 'html-entities': '^2.3.2', 'http-proxy-middleware': '^2.0.3', 'ipaddr.js': '^2.0.1', open: '^8.0.9', 'p-retry': '^4.5.0', rimraf: '^3.0.2', 'schema-utils': '^4.0.0', selfsigned: '^2.0.1', 'serve-index': '^1.9.1', sockjs: '^0.3.21', spdy: '^4.0.2', 'webpack-dev-middleware': '^5.3.1', ws: '^8.4.2' }, devDependencies: { '@babel/cli': '^7.17.3', '@babel/core': '^7.17.5', '@babel/eslint-parser': '^7.17.0', '@babel/plugin-transform-object-assign': '^7.14.5', '@babel/plugin-transform-runtime': '^7.17.0', '@babel/preset-env': '^7.16.11', '@babel/runtime': '^7.17.2', '@commitlint/cli': '^16.2.3', '@commitlint/config-conventional': '^16.2.1', '@types/compression': '^1.7.2', '@types/default-gateway': '^3.0.1', '@types/rimraf': '^3.0.2', '@types/sockjs-client': '^1.5.1', '@types/trusted-types': '^2.0.2', acorn: '^8.2.4', 'babel-jest': '^27.5.1', 'babel-loader': '^8.2.4', 'body-parser': '^1.19.2', 'core-js': '^3.21.1', 'css-loader': '^5.2.4', eslint: '^8.12.0', 'eslint-config-prettier': '^8.4.0', 'eslint-config-webpack': '^1.2.5', 'eslint-plugin-import': '^2.23.2', execa: '^5.1.1', 'file-loader': '^6.2.0', 'html-webpack-plugin': '^4.5.2', 'http-proxy': '^1.18.1', husky: '^7.0.0', jest: '^27.5.1', klona: '^2.0.4', less: '^4.1.1', 'less-loader': '^7.3.0', 'lint-staged': '^12.3.4', marked: '^4.0.12', memfs: '^3.2.2', 'npm-run-all': '^4.1.5', prettier: '^2.6.1', puppeteer: '^13.4.1', 'require-from-string': '^2.0.2', rimraf: '^3.0.2', 'sockjs-client': '^1.6.0', 'standard-version': '^9.3.0', 'strip-ansi-v6': 'npm:strip-ansi@^6.0.0', 'style-loader': '^2.0.0', supertest: '^6.1.3', 'tcp-port-used': '^1.0.2', typescript: '^4.6.3', 'url-loader': '^4.1.1', webpack: '^5.71.0', 'webpack-cli': '^4.7.2', 'webpack-merge': '^5.8.0' }, peerDependencies: { webpack: '^4.37.0 || ^5.0.0' }, peerDependenciesMeta: { 'webpack-cli': [Object] }, author: 'Tobias Koppers @sokra', bugs: '', homepage: '', repository: '', license: 'MIT' }, module: [class Server], majorVersion: 4 } +28ms
cypress:webpack-dev-server:sourceRelativeWebpackModules HtmlWebpackPlugin: Attempting to source html-webpack-plugin from /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend +1ms
cypress:webpack-dev-server:sourceRelativeWebpackModules HtmlWebpackPlugin: Successfully sourced html-webpack-plugin - { packageJson: { name: 'html-webpack-plugin', version: '5.5.0', license: 'MIT', description: 'Simplifies creation of HTML files to serve your webpack bundles', author: 'Jan Nicklas <> (', main: 'index.js', types: 'typings.d.ts', files: [ 'lib/', 'index.js', 'default_index.ejs', 'typings.d.ts' ], scripts: { pretest: 'semistandard', posttest: 'tsc', commit: 'git-cz', 'build-examples': 'node examples/build-examples.js', test: 'jest --runInBand --verbose --coverage', 'test-watch': 'jest --runInBand --watch', puml: 'npx puml generate flow.puml -o flow.png', release: 'standard-version' }, semistandard: { ignore: [Array] }, devDependencies: { '@types/node': '11.13.9', commitizen: '^4.2.4', 'css-loader': '5.0.1', 'cz-conventional-changelog': '2.1.0', 'dir-compare': '^3.3.0', 'html-loader': '2.1.1', jest: '^27.2.5', 'mini-css-extract-plugin': '^1.6.0', pug: '3.0.2', 'pug-loader': '2.4.0', 'raw-loader': '4.0.2', rimraf: '2.6.3', semistandard: '^13.0.1', 'standard-version': '^9.3.0', 'style-loader': '2.0.0', typescript: '4.1.3', webpack: '5.24.3', 'webpack-cli': '4.5.0', 'webpack-recompilation-simulator': '3.2.0' }, dependencies: { '@types/html-minifier-terser': '^6.0.0', 'html-minifier-terser': '^6.0.2', lodash: '^4.17.21', 'pretty-error': '^4.0.0', tapable: '^2.0.0' }, peerDependencies: { webpack: '^5.20.0' }, keywords: [ 'webpack', 'plugin', 'html', 'html-webpack-plugin' ], bugs: '', homepage: '', repository: '', engines: { node: '>=10.13.0' }, config: { commitizen: [Object] }, jest: { watchPathIgnorePatterns: [Array], testEnvironment: 'node' }, funding: { type: 'opencollective', url: '' } }, majorVersion: 5, importPath: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/node_modules/.pnpm/html-webpack-plugin@5.5.0_webpack@5.48.0/node_modules/html-webpack-plugin', module: [class HtmlWebpackPlugin] { version: 5, getHooks: [Function: getHtmlWebpackPluginHooks], createHtmlTagObject: [Function: createHtmlTagObject] } } +9ms
cypress:webpack-dev-server:makeWebpackConfig User passed in user and framework webpack config with values { target: 'web', entry: { main: [ '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/src/index.ts' ], mocking: [ '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/src/mocking/index.ts' ] }, resolve: { extensions: [ '.ts', '.tsx', '.js', '.jsx', '.css', '.scss' ], plugins: [ [TsconfigPathsPlugin] ], fallback: { http: false, https: false, os: false, timers: false, tty: false, zlib: false } }, output: { filename: '[name].js', path: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/dist/apps/employee-notes/frontend', uniqueName: 'employee-notes-frontend', publicPath: 'auto' }, optimization: { runtimeChunk: false }, stats: 'minimal', module: { rules: [ [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object] ] }, plugins: [ ForkTsCheckerWebpackPlugin { options: [Object] }, CleanWebpackPlugin { dangerouslyAllowCleanPatternsOutsideProject: false, dry: false, verbose: false, cleanStaleWebpackAssets: true, protectWebpackAssets: true, cleanAfterEveryBuildPatterns: [], cleanOnceBeforeBuildPatterns: [Array], currentAssets: [], initialClean: false, outputPath: '', apply: [Function: bound apply], handleInitial: [Function: bound handleInitial], handleDone: [Function: bound handleDone], removeFiles: [Function: bound removeFiles] }, Dotenv { config: [Object] }, ModuleFederationPlugin { _options: [Object] }, MiniCssExtractPlugin { _sortedModulesCache: [WeakMap], options: [Object], runtimeOptions: [Object] }, DefinePlugin { definitions: [Object] }, DefinePlugin { definitions: [Object] } ], mode: 'development', devtool: 'eval-source-map' } +0ms
cypress:webpack-dev-server:makeWebpackConfig New webpack entries [ { fileExtension: '.tsx', baseName: '', fileName: 'EmployeeNotes', specFileExtension: '.cy.tsx', relativeToCommonRoot: '', specType: 'component', name: 'src/tests/cypress/', relative: 'src/tests/cypress/', absolute: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/src/tests/cypress/' }, { fileExtension: '.tsx', baseName: '', fileName: 'EmployeeNotes.delete', specFileExtension: '.cy.tsx', relativeToCommonRoot: '', specType: 'component', name: 'src/tests/cypress/', relative: 'src/tests/cypress/', absolute: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/src/tests/cypress/' }, { fileExtension: '.tsx', baseName: '', fileName: '', specFileExtension: '.cy.tsx', relativeToCommonRoot: '', specType: 'component', name: 'src/tests/cypress/', relative: 'src/tests/cypress/', absolute: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/src/tests/cypress/' } ] +2ms
cypress:webpack-dev-server:makeWebpackConfig Project root /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend +0ms
cypress:webpack-dev-server:makeWebpackConfig Support file /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/support/component.ts +0ms
cypress:webpack-dev-server:makeDefaultWebpackConfig Using HtmlWebpackPlugin version 5 from /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/node_modules/.pnpm/html-webpack-plugin@5.5.0_webpack@5.48.0/node_modules/html-webpack-plugin +0ms
cypress:webpack-dev-server:makeWebpackConfig Merged webpack config { target: 'web', entry: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/@packages/server/node_modules/@cypress/webpack-dev-server/dist/browser.js', resolve: { extensions: [ '.ts', '.tsx', '.js', '.jsx', '.css', '.scss' ], plugins: [ [TsconfigPathsPlugin] ], fallback: { http: false, https: false, os: false, timers: false, tty: false, zlib: false } }, output: { filename: '[name].js', path: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/@packages/server/node_modules/@cypress/webpack-dev-server/dist/dist', uniqueName: 'employee-notes-frontend', publicPath: '/__cypress/src/' }, optimization: { runtimeChunk: false, sideEffects: false, splitChunks: { chunks: 'all' }, emitOnErrors: true }, stats: 'minimal', module: { rules: [ [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object] ] }, plugins: [ ForkTsCheckerWebpackPlugin { options: [Object] }, CleanWebpackPlugin { dangerouslyAllowCleanPatternsOutsideProject: false, dry: false, verbose: false, cleanStaleWebpackAssets: true, protectWebpackAssets: true, cleanAfterEveryBuildPatterns: [], cleanOnceBeforeBuildPatterns: [Array], currentAssets: [], initialClean: false, outputPath: '', apply: [Function: bound apply], handleInitial: [Function: bound handleInitial], handleDone: [Function: bound handleDone], removeFiles: [Function: bound removeFiles] }, Dotenv { config: [Object] }, ModuleFederationPlugin { _options: [Object] }, MiniCssExtractPlugin { _sortedModulesCache: [WeakMap], options: [Object], runtimeOptions: [Object] }, DefinePlugin { definitions: [Object] }, DefinePlugin { definitions: [Object] }, HtmlWebpackPlugin { userOptions: [Object], version: 5 }, CypressCTWebpackPlugin { files: [Array], compilation: null, addLoaderContext: [Function (anonymous)], beforeCompile: [AsyncFunction (anonymous)], onSpecsChange: [AsyncFunction (anonymous)], addCompilationHooks: [Function (anonymous)], supportFile: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/support/component.ts', projectRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend', devServerEvents: [EventEmitter], webpack: [Function], indexHtmlFile: 'cypress/support/component-index.html' } ], mode: 'development', devtool: 'inline-source-map', watchOptions: { ignored: '**/*' }, devServer: { client: { overlay: false } } } +1ms
Failed to load ./.env.
cypress:webpack-dev-server:start using webpack-dev-server v4 +0ms
cypress:server:util:process_profiler current & mean memory and CPU usage by process group:
cypress:server:util:process_profiler ┌─────────┬───────────────────┬──────────────┬──────────────────────┬────────────┬────────────────┬──────────┬──────────────┬─────────────┐
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ (index) │ group │ processCount │ pids │ cpuPercent │ meanCpuPercent │ memRssMb │ meanMemRssMb │ maxMemRssMb │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler ├─────────┼───────────────────┼──────────────┼──────────────────────┼────────────┼────────────────┼──────────┼──────────────┼─────────────┤
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 0 │ 'cypress' │ 1 │ '651' │ 1.34 │ 0.68 │ 368.86 │ 336.49 │ 368.86 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 1 │ 'plugin' │ 1 │ '880' │ 0.2 │ 0.2 │ 251.48 │ 251.48 │ 251.48 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 2 │ 'electron-shared' │ 4 │ '675, 849, 676, 893' │ 0 │ 0 │ 199.88 │ 149.09 │ 199.88 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 3 │ 'other' │ 2 │ '917, 918' │ 0 │ 0 │ 3.4 │ 3.45 │ 3.5 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 4 │ 'TOTAL' │ 8 │ '-' │ 1.54 │ 0.78 │ 823.61 │ 614.77 │ 823.61 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler └─────────┴───────────────────┴──────────────┴──────────────────────┴────────────┴────────────────┴──────────┴──────────────┴─────────────┘ +10s
cypress:webpack-dev-server:sourceRelativeWebpackModules Webpack: Module._resolveFilename resolveFilename - /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/node_modules/.pnpm/webpack@5.48.0_@swc+core@1.3.11/node_modules/webpack/lib/index.js +847ms
cypress:webpack-dev-server:sourceRelativeWebpackModules Webpack: Module._load resolvePath - /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/node_modules/.pnpm/webpack@5.48.0_@swc+core@1.3.11/node_modules/webpack/lib/index.js +0ms
<i> [webpack-dev-server] Project is running at:
<i> [webpack-dev-server] Loopback:
<i> [webpack-dev-server] Content not from webpack is served from '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/public' directory
cypress:webpack-dev-server:devServer Component testing webpack server 4 started on port 8080 +0ms
cypress:lifecycle:ProjectConfigManager promise resolved for id 'inv1' with value { port: 8080 } +2s
cypress:server:browsers:utils searching for browser { nameOrPath: 'electron', filter: { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable' }, knownBrowsers: [ { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '106.0.5249.51', path: '', majorVersion: 106 } ] } +10s
cypress:data-context browser found to set electron +0ms
cypress:server:appdata path: /root/.config/Cypress/cy/production/cache +12s
cypress:server:saved_state making saved state from /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/resources/app/packages/server +0ms
cypress:server:saved_state missing project path, looking for project here +0ms
cypress:server:saved_state state path for global mode +8ms
cypress:server:appdata path: /root/.config/Cypress/cy/production/projects/__global__/state.json +14ms
cypress:server:saved_state full state path /root/.config/Cypress/cy/production/projects/__global__/state.json +0ms
cypress:server:saved_state making new state file around /root/.config/Cypress/cy/production/projects/__global__/state.json +0ms
cypress:scaffold-config:frameworks detecting webpack in /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend +0ms
cypress:scaffold-config:frameworks detecting react in /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend +4ms
cypress:scaffold-config:frameworks detecting react-dom in /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend +0ms
cypress:server:run run mode ready with options { _: [ '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/Cypress' ], sandbox: false, runProject: 'apps/employee-notes/frontend', configFile: 'cypress.config.ts', outputPath: '/tmp/tmp-380-VjGSFNc46uIt', record: false, testingType: 'component', cwd: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web', userNodePath: '/usr/local/bin/node', userNodeVersion: '16.18.1', invokedFromCli: true, config: { env: {} }, projectRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend', socketId: '4xtxk84xf0', isTextTerminal: true, browser: 'electron', quiet: false, morgan: false, report: true } +0ms
cypress:server:browsers:utils getBrowsers +82ms
cypress:launcher:detect detecting if the following browsers are present [ { name: 'chrome', family: 'chromium', channel: 'stable', displayName: 'Chrome', versionRegex: /Google Chrome (\S+)/m, binary: [ 'google-chrome', 'chrome', 'google-chrome-stable' ], minSupportedVersion: 64 }, { name: 'chromium', family: 'chromium', channel: 'stable', displayName: 'Chromium', versionRegex: /Chromium (\S+)/m, binary: [ 'chromium-browser', 'chromium' ], minSupportedVersion: 64 }, { name: 'chrome', family: 'chromium', channel: 'beta', displayName: 'Chrome Beta', versionRegex: /Google Chrome (\S+) beta/m, binary: 'google-chrome-beta', minSupportedVersion: 64 }, { name: 'chrome', family: 'chromium', channel: 'canary', displayName: 'Canary', versionRegex: /Google Chrome Canary (\S+)/m, binary: 'google-chrome-canary', minSupportedVersion: 64 }, { name: 'firefox', family: 'firefox', channel: 'stable', displayName: 'Firefox', versionRegex: /^Mozilla Firefox ([^\sab]+)$/m, binary: 'firefox', minSupportedVersion: 86, validator: [Function: validator] }, { name: 'firefox', family: 'firefox', channel: 'dev', displayName: 'Firefox Developer Edition', versionRegex: /^Mozilla Firefox (\S+b\S*)$/m, binary: [ 'firefox-developer-edition', 'firefox' ], minSupportedVersion: 86 }, { name: 'firefox', family: 'firefox', channel: 'nightly', displayName: 'Firefox Nightly', versionRegex: /^Mozilla Firefox (\S+a\S*)$/m, binary: [ 'firefox-nightly', 'firefox-trunk' ], minSupportedVersion: 86 }, { name: 'edge', family: 'chromium', channel: 'stable', displayName: 'Edge', versionRegex: /Microsoft Edge (\S+)/im, binary: [ 'edge', 'microsoft-edge' ], minSupportedVersion: 79 }, { name: 'edge', family: 'chromium', channel: 'canary', displayName: 'Edge Canary', versionRegex: /Microsoft Edge.+?(\S*(?= canary)|(?<=canary )\S*)/im, binary: [ 'edge-canary', 'microsoft-edge-canary' ], minSupportedVersion: 79 }, { name: 'edge', family: 'chromium', channel: 'beta', displayName: 'Edge Beta', versionRegex: /Microsoft Edge.+?(\S*(?= beta)|(?<=beta )\S*)/im, binary: [ 'edge-beta', 'microsoft-edge-beta' ], minSupportedVersion: 79 }, { name: 'edge', family: 'chromium', channel: 'dev', displayName: 'Edge Dev', versionRegex: /Microsoft Edge.+?(\S*(?= dev)|(?<=dev )\S*)/im, binary: [ 'edge-dev', 'microsoft-edge-dev' ], minSupportedVersion: 79 } ] +12s
cypress:server:browsers:utils WebKit is enabled, but there was an error constructing the WebKit browser: { err: Error: Cannot find module 'playwright-webkit' Require stack: - /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/resources/app/packages/server/lib/browsers/utils.ts  at Module._resolveFilename (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:940:15)  at n._resolveFilename (node:electron/js2c/browser_init:249:1105)  at resolve (node:internal/modules/cjs/helpers:108:19) at Function.resolve (evalmachine.<anonymous>:1:733924) at N (<embedded>:4649:307730) at Object.I [as get] (<embedded>:4649:308565) at H (<embedded>:4721:522775) at Object.W (<embedded>:4721:525221) { code: 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND', requireStack: [ '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/resources/app/packages/server/lib/browsers/utils.ts' ] } } +1ms
cypress:scaffold-config:frameworks found package.json { name: 'webpack', version: '5.48.0', author: 'Tobias Koppers @sokra', description: 'Packs CommonJs/AMD modules for the browser. Allows to split your codebase into multiple bundles, which can be loaded on demand. Support loaders to preprocess files, i.e. json, jsx, es7, css, less, ... and your custom stuff.', license: 'MIT', dependencies: { '@types/eslint-scope': '^3.7.0', '@types/estree': '^0.0.50', '@webassemblyjs/ast': '1.11.1', '@webassemblyjs/wasm-edit': '1.11.1', '@webassemblyjs/wasm-parser': '1.11.1', acorn: '^8.4.1', 'acorn-import-assertions': '^1.7.6', browserslist: '^4.14.5', 'chrome-trace-event': '^1.0.2', 'enhanced-resolve': '^5.8.0', 'es-module-lexer': '^0.7.1', 'eslint-scope': '5.1.1', events: '^3.2.0', 'glob-to-regexp': '^0.4.1', 'graceful-fs': '^4.2.4', 'json-parse-better-errors': '^1.0.2', 'loader-runner': '^4.2.0', 'mime-types': '^2.1.27', 'neo-async': '^2.6.2', 'schema-utils': '^3.1.0', tapable: '^2.1.1', 'terser-webpack-plugin': '^5.1.3', watchpack: '^2.2.0', 'webpack-sources': '^3.2.0' }, peerDependenciesMeta: { 'webpack-cli': { optional: true } }, devDependencies: { '@babel/core': '^7.11.1', '@babel/preset-react': '^7.10.4', '@types/es-module-lexer': '^0.4.1', '@types/jest': '^26.0.24', '@types/node': '^15.0.1', 'babel-loader': '^8.1.0', benchmark: '^2.1.4', 'bundle-loader': '^0.5.6', 'coffee-loader': '^1.0.0', coffeescript: '^2.5.1', 'core-js': '^3.6.5', coveralls: '^3.1.0', cspell: '^4.0.63', 'css-loader': '^5.0.1', 'date-fns': '^2.15.0', 'es5-ext': '^0.10.53', 'es6-promise-polyfill': '^1.2.0', eslint: '^7.14.0', 'eslint-config-prettier': '^8.1.0', 'eslint-plugin-jest': '^24.3.6', 'eslint-plugin-jsdoc': '^33.0.0', 'eslint-plugin-node': '^11.0.0', 'eslint-plugin-prettier': '^3.1.4', 'file-loader': '^6.0.0', 'fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin': '^6.0.5', husky: '^6.0.0', 'is-ci': '^3.0.0', istanbul: '^0.4.5', jest: '^27.0.6', 'jest-circus': '^27.0.6', 'jest-diff': '^27.0.2', 'jest-junit': '^12.0.0', 'json-loader': '^0.5.7', json5: '^2.1.3', less: '^4.0.0', 'less-loader': '^8.0.0', 'lint-staged': '^11.0.0', 'loader-utils': '^2.0.0', lodash: '^4.17.19', 'lodash-es': '^4.17.15', memfs: '^3.2.0', 'mini-css-extract-plugin': '^1.6.1', 'mini-svg-data-uri': '^1.2.3', nyc: '^15.1.0', 'open-cli': '^6.0.1', prettier: '^2.2.0', 'pretty-format': '^27.0.2', pug: '^3.0.0', 'pug-loader': '^2.4.0', 'raw-loader': '^4.0.1', react: '^17.0.1', 'react-dom': '^17.0.1', rimraf: '^3.0.2', 'script-loader': '^0.7.2', 'simple-git': '^2.17.0', 'strip-ansi': '^6.0.0', 'style-loader': '^2.0.0', terser: '^5.7.0', toml: '^3.0.0', tooling: 'webpack/tooling#v1.19.0', 'ts-loader': '^8.0.2', typescript: '^4.2.0-beta', 'url-loader': '^4.1.0', 'wast-loader': '^1.11.0', 'webassembly-feature': '1.3.0', 'webpack-cli': '^4.3.0', xxhashjs: '^0.2.2', yamljs: '^0.3.0', 'yarn-deduplicate': '^3.1.0' }, engines: { node: '>=10.13.0' }, repository: { type: 'git', url: '' }, funding: { type: 'opencollective', url: '' }, homepage: '', main: 'lib/index.js', bin: { webpack: 'bin/webpack.js' }, types: 'types.d.ts', files: [ 'lib/', 'bin/', 'hot/', 'schemas/', '', 'types.d.ts' ], scripts: { setup: 'node ./setup/setup.js', jest: 'node --expose-gc --max-old-space-size=4096 --experimental-vm-modules --trace-deprecation node_modules/jest-cli/bin/jest --logHeapUsage', test: 'node --expose-gc --max-old-space-size=4096 --experimental-vm-modules --trace-deprecation node_modules/jest-cli/bin/jest --logHeapUsage', 'test:update-snapshots': 'yarn jest -u', 'test:integration': 'node --expose-gc --max-old-space-size=4096 --experimental-vm-modules --trace-deprecation node_modules/jest-cli/bin/jest --logHeapUsage --testMatch "<rootDir>/test/*.{basictest,longtest,test}.js"', 'test:basic': 'node --expose-gc --max-old-space-size=4096 --experimental-vm-modules --trace-deprecation node_modules/jest-cli/bin/jest --logHeapUsage --testMatch "<rootDir>/test/*.basictest.js"', 'test:unit': 'node --max-old-space-size=4096 --experimental-vm-modules --trace-deprecation node_modules/jest-cli/bin/jest --testMatch "<rootDir>/test/*.unittest.js"', 'travis:integration': 'yarn cover:integration --ci $JEST', 'travis:basic': 'yarn cover:basic --ci $JEST', 'travis:lintunit': 'yarn lint && yarn cover:unit --ci $JEST', 'travis:benchmark': 'yarn benchmark --ci', 'appveyor:integration': 'yarn cover:integration --ci %JEST%', 'appveyor:unit': 'yarn cover:unit --ci %JEST%', 'appveyor:benchmark': 'yarn benchmark --ci', 'build:examples': 'cd examples && node buildAll.js', 'type-report': 'rimraf coverage && yarn cover:types && yarn cover:report && open-cli coverage/lcov-report/index.html', pretest: 'yarn lint', prelint: 'yarn setup', lint: 'yarn code-lint && yarn special-lint && yarn type-lint && yarn typings-lint && yarn yarn-lint && yarn pretty-lint && yarn spellcheck', 'code-lint': "eslint . --ext '.js' --cache", 'type-lint': 'tsc', 'typings-lint': 'tsc -p tsconfig.test.json', spellcheck: 'cspell "{.github,benchmark,bin,examples,hot,lib,schemas,setup,tooling}/**/*.{md,yml,yaml,js,json}" "*.md"', 'special-lint': 'node node_modules/tooling/lockfile-lint && node node_modules/tooling/schemas-lint && node node_modules/tooling/inherit-types && node node_modules/tooling/format-schemas && node tooling/generate-runtime-code.js && node node_modules/tooling/format-file-header && node node_modules/tooling/compile-to-definitions && node node_modules/tooling/precompile-schemas && node node_modules/tooling/generate-types --no-template-literals', 'special-lint-fix': 'node node_modules/tooling/inherit-types --write && node node_modules/tooling/format-schemas --write && node tooling/generate-runtime-code.js --write && node node_modules/tooling/format-file-header --write && node node_modules/tooling/compile-to-definitions --write && node node_modules/tooling/precompile-schemas --write && node node_modules/tooling/generate-types --no-template-literals --write', fix: 'yarn code-lint --fix && yarn special-lint-fix && yarn pretty-lint-fix', prepare: 'husky install', 'pretty-lint-base': 'prettier "*.{ts,json,yml,yaml,md}" "{setup,lib,bin,hot,benchmark,tooling,schemas}/**/*.json" "examples/*.md"', 'pretty-lint-base-all': 'yarn pretty-lint-base "*.js" "{setup,lib,bin,hot,benchmark,tooling,schemas}/**/*.js" "test/*.js" "test/helpers/*.js" "test/{configCases,watchCases,statsCases,hotCases,benchmarkCases}/**/webpack.config.js" "examples/**/webpack.config.js"', 'pretty-lint-fix': 'yarn pretty-lint-base-all --loglevel warn --write', 'pretty-lint': 'yarn pretty-lint-base --check', 'yarn-lint': 'yarn-deduplicate --fail --list -s highest yarn.lock', 'yarn-lint-fix': 'yarn-deduplicate -s highest yarn.lock', benchmark: 'node --max-old-space-size=4096 --experimental-vm-modules --trace-deprecation node_modules/jest-cli/bin/jest --testMatch "<rootDir>/test/*.benchmark.js" --runInBand', cover: 'yarn cover:all && yarn cover:report', 'cover:clean': 'rimraf .nyc_output coverage', 'cover:all': 'node --expose-gc --max-old-space-size=4096 --experimental-vm-modules node_modules/jest-cli/bin/jest --logHeapUsage --coverage', 'cover:basic': 'node --expose-gc --max-old-space-size=4096 --experimental-vm-modules node_modules/jest-cli/bin/jest --logHeapUsage --testMatch "<rootDir>/test/*.basictest.js" --coverage', 'cover:integration': 'node --expose-gc --max-old-space-size=4096 --experimental-vm-modules node_modules/jest-cli/bin/jest --logHeapUsage --testMatch "<rootDir>/test/*.{basictest,longtest,test}.js" --coverage', 'cover:integration:a': 'node --expose-gc --max-old-space-size=4096 --experimental-vm-modules node_modules/jest-cli/bin/jest --logHeapUsage --testMatch "<rootDir>/test/*.{basictest,test}.js" --coverage', 'cover:integration:b': 'node --expose-gc --max-old-space-size=4096 --experimental-vm-modules node_modules/jest-cli/bin/jest --logHeapUsage --testMatch "<rootDir>/test/*.longtest.js" --coverage', 'cover:unit': 'node --max-old-space-size=4096 --experimental-vm-modules node_modules/jest-cli/bin/jest --testMatch "<rootDir>/test/*.unittest.js" --coverage', 'cover:types': 'node node_modules/tooling/type-coverage', 'cover:merge': 'yarn mkdirp .nyc_output && nyc merge .nyc_output coverage/coverage-nyc.json && rimraf .nyc_output', 'cover:report': 'nyc report -t coverage' }, 'lint-staged': { '*.js|{lib,setup,bin,hot,tooling,schemas}/**/*.js|test/*.js|{test,examples}/**/webpack.config.js}': [ 'eslint --cache' ], '*.{ts,json,yml,yaml,md}|examples/*.md': [ 'prettier --check' ], '*.md|{.github,benchmark,bin,examples,hot,lib,schemas,setup,tooling}/**/*.{md,yml,yaml,js,json}': [ 'cspell' ] }, jest: { forceExit: true, setupFilesAfterEnv: [ '<rootDir>/test/setupTestFramework.js' ], testMatch: [ '<rootDir>/test/*.test.js', '<rootDir>/test/*.basictest.js', '<rootDir>/test/*.longtest.js', '<rootDir>/test/*.unittest.js' ], watchPathIgnorePatterns: [ '<rootDir>/.git', '<rootDir>/node_modules', '<rootDir>/test/js', '<rootDir>/test/browsertest/js', '<rootDir>/test/fixtures/temp-cache-fixture', '<rootDir>/test/fixtures/temp-', '<rootDir>/benchmark', '<rootDir>/examples/*/dist', '<rootDir>/coverage', '<rootDir>/.eslintcache' ], modulePathIgnorePatterns: [ '<rootDir>/.git', '<rootDir>/node_modules/webpack/node_modules', '<rootDir>/test/js', '<rootDir>/test/browsertest/js', '<rootDir>/test/fixtures/temp-cache-fixture', '<rootDir>/test/fixtures/temp-', '<rootDir>/benchmark', '<rootDir>/examples/*/dist', '<rootDir>/coverage', '<rootDir>/.eslintcache' ], transformIgnorePatterns: [ '<rootDir>' ], coverageDirectory: '<rootDir>/coverage', coveragePathIgnorePatterns: [ '\\.runtime\\.js$', '<rootDir>/test', '<rootDir>/schemas', '<rootDir>/node_modules' ], testEnvironment: 'node', coverageReporters: [ 'json' ] } } +276ms
cypress:scaffold-config:frameworks webpack is satisfied? true +14ms
cypress:scaffold-config:frameworks found package.json { name: 'react', description: 'React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces.', keywords: [ 'react' ], version: '17.0.2', homepage: '', bugs: '', license: 'MIT', files: [ 'LICENSE', '', 'build-info.json', 'index.js', 'cjs/', 'umd/', 'jsx-runtime.js', 'jsx-dev-runtime.js' ], main: 'index.js', repository: { type: 'git', url: '', directory: 'packages/react' }, engines: { node: '>=0.10.0' }, dependencies: { 'loose-envify': '^1.1.0', 'object-assign': '^4.1.1' }, browserify: { transform: [ 'loose-envify' ] } } +0ms
cypress:scaffold-config:frameworks react is satisfied? true +1ms
cypress:scaffold-config:frameworks found package.json { name: 'react-dom', version: '17.0.2', description: 'React package for working with the DOM.', main: 'index.js', repository: { type: 'git', url: '', directory: 'packages/react-dom' }, keywords: [ 'react' ], license: 'MIT', bugs: { url: '' }, homepage: '', dependencies: { 'loose-envify': '^1.1.0', 'object-assign': '^4.1.1', scheduler: '^0.20.2' }, peerDependencies: { react: '17.0.2' }, files: [ 'LICENSE', '', 'build-info.json', 'index.js', 'profiling.js', 'server.js', 'server.browser.js', 'server.node.js', 'test-utils.js', 'cjs/', 'umd/' ], browser: { './server.js': './server.browser.js', './unstable-fizz.js': './unstable-fizz.browser.js' }, browserify: { transform: [ 'loose-envify' ] } } +0ms
cypress:scaffold-config:frameworks react-dom is satisfied? true +1ms
cypress:lifecycle:ProjectConfigManager deps are [ { dependency: { type: 'webpack', name: 'Webpack', package: 'webpack', installer: 'webpack', description: 'Webpack is a module bundler', minVersion: '^=4.0.0 || ^=5.0.0' }, detectedVersion: '5.48.0', satisfied: true }, { dependency: { type: 'react', name: 'React.js', package: 'react', installer: 'react', description: 'A JavaScript library for building user interfaces', minVersion: '^=16.0.0 || ^=17.0.0 || ^=18.0.0' }, detectedVersion: '17.0.2', satisfied: true }, { dependency: { type: 'react-dom', name: 'React DOM', package: 'react-dom', installer: 'react-dom', description: 'This package serves as the entry point to the DOM and server renderers for React', minVersion: '^=16.0.0 || ^=17.0.0 || ^=18.0.0' }, detectedVersion: '17.0.2', satisfied: true } ] +374ms
cypress:lifecycle:ProjectConfigManager detecting Webpack in /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend +0ms
cypress:scaffold-config:frameworks detecting webpack in /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend +0ms
cypress:server:register-ts-node executing register_ts_node with args { _: [ '/usr/local/bin/node', '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/node_modules/.pnpm/fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin@7.2.11_bwncw7qtchy26al5lziueaacta/node_modules/fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin/lib/typescript/worker/get-dependencies-worker.js' ] } +0ms
cypress:server:register-ts-node executing register_ts_node with args { _: [ '/usr/local/bin/node', '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/node_modules/.pnpm/fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin@7.2.11_bwncw7qtchy26al5lziueaacta/node_modules/fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin/lib/typescript/worker/get-issues-worker.js' ] } +0ms
cypress:scaffold-config:frameworks found package.json { name: 'webpack', version: '5.48.0', author: 'Tobias Koppers @sokra', description: 'Packs CommonJs/AMD modules for the browser. Allows to split your codebase into multiple bundles, which can be loaded on demand. Support loaders to preprocess files, i.e. json, jsx, es7, css, less, ... and your custom stuff.', license: 'MIT', dependencies: { '@types/eslint-scope': '^3.7.0', '@types/estree': '^0.0.50', '@webassemblyjs/ast': '1.11.1', '@webassemblyjs/wasm-edit': '1.11.1', '@webassemblyjs/wasm-parser': '1.11.1', acorn: '^8.4.1', 'acorn-import-assertions': '^1.7.6', browserslist: '^4.14.5', 'chrome-trace-event': '^1.0.2', 'enhanced-resolve': '^5.8.0', 'es-module-lexer': '^0.7.1', 'eslint-scope': '5.1.1', events: '^3.2.0', 'glob-to-regexp': '^0.4.1', 'graceful-fs': '^4.2.4', 'json-parse-better-errors': '^1.0.2', 'loader-runner': '^4.2.0', 'mime-types': '^2.1.27', 'neo-async': '^2.6.2', 'schema-utils': '^3.1.0', tapable: '^2.1.1', 'terser-webpack-plugin': '^5.1.3', watchpack: '^2.2.0', 'webpack-sources': '^3.2.0' }, peerDependenciesMeta: { 'webpack-cli': { optional: true } }, devDependencies: { '@babel/core': '^7.11.1', '@babel/preset-react': '^7.10.4', '@types/es-module-lexer': '^0.4.1', '@types/jest': '^26.0.24', '@types/node': '^15.0.1', 'babel-loader': '^8.1.0', benchmark: '^2.1.4', 'bundle-loader': '^0.5.6', 'coffee-loader': '^1.0.0', coffeescript: '^2.5.1', 'core-js': '^3.6.5', coveralls: '^3.1.0', cspell: '^4.0.63', 'css-loader': '^5.0.1', 'date-fns': '^2.15.0', 'es5-ext': '^0.10.53', 'es6-promise-polyfill': '^1.2.0', eslint: '^7.14.0', 'eslint-config-prettier': '^8.1.0', 'eslint-plugin-jest': '^24.3.6', 'eslint-plugin-jsdoc': '^33.0.0', 'eslint-plugin-node': '^11.0.0', 'eslint-plugin-prettier': '^3.1.4', 'file-loader': '^6.0.0', 'fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin': '^6.0.5', husky: '^6.0.0', 'is-ci': '^3.0.0', istanbul: '^0.4.5', jest: '^27.0.6', 'jest-circus': '^27.0.6', 'jest-diff': '^27.0.2', 'jest-junit': '^12.0.0', 'json-loader': '^0.5.7', json5: '^2.1.3', less: '^4.0.0', 'less-loader': '^8.0.0', 'lint-staged': '^11.0.0', 'loader-utils': '^2.0.0', lodash: '^4.17.19', 'lodash-es': '^4.17.15', memfs: '^3.2.0', 'mini-css-extract-plugin': '^1.6.1', 'mini-svg-data-uri': '^1.2.3', nyc: '^15.1.0', 'open-cli': '^6.0.1', prettier: '^2.2.0', 'pretty-format': '^27.0.2', pug: '^3.0.0', 'pug-loader': '^2.4.0', 'raw-loader': '^4.0.1', react: '^17.0.1', 'react-dom': '^17.0.1', rimraf: '^3.0.2', 'script-loader': '^0.7.2', 'simple-git': '^2.17.0', 'strip-ansi': '^6.0.0', 'style-loader': '^2.0.0', terser: '^5.7.0', toml: '^3.0.0', tooling: 'webpack/tooling#v1.19.0', 'ts-loader': '^8.0.2', typescript: '^4.2.0-beta', 'url-loader': '^4.1.0', 'wast-loader': '^1.11.0', 'webassembly-feature': '1.3.0', 'webpack-cli': '^4.3.0', xxhashjs: '^0.2.2', yamljs: '^0.3.0', 'yarn-deduplicate': '^3.1.0' }, engines: { node: '>=10.13.0' }, repository: { type: 'git', url: '' }, funding: { type: 'opencollective', url: '' }, homepage: '', main: 'lib/index.js', bin: { webpack: 'bin/webpack.js' }, types: 'types.d.ts', files: [ 'lib/', 'bin/', 'hot/', 'schemas/', '', 'types.d.ts' ], scripts: { setup: 'node ./setup/setup.js', jest: 'node --expose-gc --max-old-space-size=4096 --experimental-vm-modules --trace-deprecation node_modules/jest-cli/bin/jest --logHeapUsage', test: 'node --expose-gc --max-old-space-size=4096 --experimental-vm-modules --trace-deprecation node_modules/jest-cli/bin/jest --logHeapUsage', 'test:update-snapshots': 'yarn jest -u', 'test:integration': 'node --expose-gc --max-old-space-size=4096 --experimental-vm-modules --trace-deprecation node_modules/jest-cli/bin/jest --logHeapUsage --testMatch "<rootDir>/test/*.{basictest,longtest,test}.js"', 'test:basic': 'node --expose-gc --max-old-space-size=4096 --experimental-vm-modules --trace-deprecation node_modules/jest-cli/bin/jest --logHeapUsage --testMatch "<rootDir>/test/*.basictest.js"', 'test:unit': 'node --max-old-space-size=4096 --experimental-vm-modules --trace-deprecation node_modules/jest-cli/bin/jest --testMatch "<rootDir>/test/*.unittest.js"', 'travis:integration': 'yarn cover:integration --ci $JEST', 'travis:basic': 'yarn cover:basic --ci $JEST', 'travis:lintunit': 'yarn lint && yarn cover:unit --ci $JEST', 'travis:benchmark': 'yarn benchmark --ci', 'appveyor:integration': 'yarn cover:integration --ci %JEST%', 'appveyor:unit': 'yarn cover:unit --ci %JEST%', 'appveyor:benchmark': 'yarn benchmark --ci', 'build:examples': 'cd examples && node buildAll.js', 'type-report': 'rimraf coverage && yarn cover:types && yarn cover:report && open-cli coverage/lcov-report/index.html', pretest: 'yarn lint', prelint: 'yarn setup', lint: 'yarn code-lint && yarn special-lint && yarn type-lint && yarn typings-lint && yarn yarn-lint && yarn pretty-lint && yarn spellcheck', 'code-lint': "eslint . --ext '.js' --cache", 'type-lint': 'tsc', 'typings-lint': 'tsc -p tsconfig.test.json', spellcheck: 'cspell "{.github,benchmark,bin,examples,hot,lib,schemas,setup,tooling}/**/*.{md,yml,yaml,js,json}" "*.md"', 'special-lint': 'node node_modules/tooling/lockfile-lint && node node_modules/tooling/schemas-lint && node node_modules/tooling/inherit-types && node node_modules/tooling/format-schemas && node tooling/generate-runtime-code.js && node node_modules/tooling/format-file-header && node node_modules/tooling/compile-to-definitions && node node_modules/tooling/precompile-schemas && node node_modules/tooling/generate-types --no-template-literals', 'special-lint-fix': 'node node_modules/tooling/inherit-types --write && node node_modules/tooling/format-schemas --write && node tooling/generate-runtime-code.js --write && node node_modules/tooling/format-file-header --write && node node_modules/tooling/compile-to-definitions --write && node node_modules/tooling/precompile-schemas --write && node node_modules/tooling/generate-types --no-template-literals --write', fix: 'yarn code-lint --fix && yarn special-lint-fix && yarn pretty-lint-fix', prepare: 'husky install', 'pretty-lint-base': 'prettier "*.{ts,json,yml,yaml,md}" "{setup,lib,bin,hot,benchmark,tooling,schemas}/**/*.json" "examples/*.md"', 'pretty-lint-base-all': 'yarn pretty-lint-base "*.js" "{setup,lib,bin,hot,benchmark,tooling,schemas}/**/*.js" "test/*.js" "test/helpers/*.js" "test/{configCases,watchCases,statsCases,hotCases,benchmarkCases}/**/webpack.config.js" "examples/**/webpack.config.js"', 'pretty-lint-fix': 'yarn pretty-lint-base-all --loglevel warn --write', 'pretty-lint': 'yarn pretty-lint-base --check', 'yarn-lint': 'yarn-deduplicate --fail --list -s highest yarn.lock', 'yarn-lint-fix': 'yarn-deduplicate -s highest yarn.lock', benchmark: 'node --max-old-space-size=4096 --experimental-vm-modules --trace-deprecation node_modules/jest-cli/bin/jest --testMatch "<rootDir>/test/*.benchmark.js" --runInBand', cover: 'yarn cover:all && yarn cover:report', 'cover:clean': 'rimraf .nyc_output coverage', 'cover:all': 'node --expose-gc --max-old-space-size=4096 --experimental-vm-modules node_modules/jest-cli/bin/jest --logHeapUsage --coverage', 'cover:basic': 'node --expose-gc --max-old-space-size=4096 --experimental-vm-modules node_modules/jest-cli/bin/jest --logHeapUsage --testMatch "<rootDir>/test/*.basictest.js" --coverage', 'cover:integration': 'node --expose-gc --max-old-space-size=4096 --experimental-vm-modules node_modules/jest-cli/bin/jest --logHeapUsage --testMatch "<rootDir>/test/*.{basictest,longtest,test}.js" --coverage', 'cover:integration:a': 'node --expose-gc --max-old-space-size=4096 --experimental-vm-modules node_modules/jest-cli/bin/jest --logHeapUsage --testMatch "<rootDir>/test/*.{basictest,test}.js" --coverage', 'cover:integration:b': 'node --expose-gc --max-old-space-size=4096 --experimental-vm-modules node_modules/jest-cli/bin/jest --logHeapUsage --testMatch "<rootDir>/test/*.longtest.js" --coverage', 'cover:unit': 'node --max-old-space-size=4096 --experimental-vm-modules node_modules/jest-cli/bin/jest --testMatch "<rootDir>/test/*.unittest.js" --coverage', 'cover:types': 'node node_modules/tooling/type-coverage', 'cover:merge': 'yarn mkdirp .nyc_output && nyc merge .nyc_output coverage/coverage-nyc.json && rimraf .nyc_output', 'cover:report': 'nyc report -t coverage' }, 'lint-staged': { '*.js|{lib,setup,bin,hot,tooling,schemas}/**/*.js|test/*.js|{test,examples}/**/webpack.config.js}': [ 'eslint --cache' ], '*.{ts,json,yml,yaml,md}|examples/*.md': [ 'prettier --check' ], '*.md|{.github,benchmark,bin,examples,hot,lib,schemas,setup,tooling}/**/*.{md,yml,yaml,js,json}': [ 'cspell' ] }, jest: { forceExit: true, setupFilesAfterEnv: [ '<rootDir>/test/setupTestFramework.js' ], testMatch: [ '<rootDir>/test/*.test.js', '<rootDir>/test/*.basictest.js', '<rootDir>/test/*.longtest.js', '<rootDir>/test/*.unittest.js' ], watchPathIgnorePatterns: [ '<rootDir>/.git', '<rootDir>/node_modules', '<rootDir>/test/js', '<rootDir>/test/browsertest/js', '<rootDir>/test/fixtures/temp-cache-fixture', '<rootDir>/test/fixtures/temp-', '<rootDir>/benchmark', '<rootDir>/examples/*/dist', '<rootDir>/coverage', '<rootDir>/.eslintcache' ], modulePathIgnorePatterns: [ '<rootDir>/.git', '<rootDir>/node_modules/webpack/node_modules', '<rootDir>/test/js', '<rootDir>/test/browsertest/js', '<rootDir>/test/fixtures/temp-cache-fixture', '<rootDir>/test/fixtures/temp-', '<rootDir>/benchmark', '<rootDir>/examples/*/dist', '<rootDir>/coverage', '<rootDir>/.eslintcache' ], transformIgnorePatterns: [ '<rootDir>' ], coverageDirectory: '<rootDir>/coverage', coveragePathIgnorePatterns: [ '\\.runtime\\.js$', '<rootDir>/test', '<rootDir>/schemas', '<rootDir>/node_modules' ], testEnvironment: 'node', coverageReporters: [ 'json' ] } } +255ms
cypress:scaffold-config:frameworks webpack is satisfied? true +2ms
cypress:lifecycle:ProjectConfigManager detecting React.js in /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend +258ms
cypress:scaffold-config:frameworks detecting react in /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend +1ms
cypress:webpack-dev-server:webpack projectRoot: /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend, files: /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/src/tests/cypress/,/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/src/tests/cypress/,/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/src/tests/cypress/ +0ms
cypress:scaffold-config:frameworks found package.json { name: 'react', description: 'React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces.', keywords: [ 'react' ], version: '17.0.2', homepage: '', bugs: '', license: 'MIT', files: [ 'LICENSE', '', 'build-info.json', 'index.js', 'cjs/', 'umd/', 'jsx-runtime.js', 'jsx-dev-runtime.js' ], main: 'index.js', repository: { type: 'git', url: '', directory: 'packages/react' }, engines: { node: '>=0.10.0' }, dependencies: { 'loose-envify': '^1.1.0', 'object-assign': '^4.1.1' }, browserify: { transform: [ 'loose-envify' ] } } +463ms
cypress:scaffold-config:frameworks react is satisfied? true +1ms
cypress:lifecycle:ProjectConfigManager detecting React DOM in /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend +464ms
cypress:scaffold-config:frameworks detecting react-dom in /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend +0ms
cypress:server:browsers:utils found browsers { browsers: [] } +1s
cypress:server:run found all system browsers [ { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '106.0.5249.51', path: '', majorVersion: 106 } ] +1s
cypress:server:open_project open_project create /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend +0ms
cypress:server:open_project opening project /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend +0ms
cypress:server:open_project and options { env: {}, socketId: '4xtxk84xf0', morgan: false, report: true, isTextTerminal: true, browsers: [ { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '106.0.5249.51', path: '', majorVersion: 106 } ], onWarning: [Function: F], spec: undefined, onError: [Function (anonymous)], onReloadBrowser: [Function: onReloadBrowser], configFile: 'cypress.config.ts', args: { _: [ '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/Cypress' ], sandbox: false, runProject: 'apps/employee-notes/frontend', configFile: 'cypress.config.ts', outputPath: '/tmp/tmp-380-VjGSFNc46uIt', record: false, testingType: 'component', cwd: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web', userNodePath: '/usr/local/bin/node', userNodeVersion: '16.18.1', invokedFromCli: true, config: { env: {} }, projectRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend', socketId: '4xtxk84xf0', isTextTerminal: true, browser: 'electron', quiet: false, morgan: false, report: true, onError: [Function (anonymous)], browsers: [ [Object] ] } } +0ms
cypress:server:project Project created { testingType: 'component', projectRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend' } +0ms
cypress:server:project opening project instance /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend +1ms
cypress:server:project project open options { report: true, onFocusTests: [Function: onFocusTests], onError: [Function (anonymous)], onWarning: [Function: F], env: {}, socketId: '4xtxk84xf0', morgan: false, isTextTerminal: true, browsers: [ { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '106.0.5249.51', path: '', majorVersion: 106 } ], spec: undefined, onReloadBrowser: [Function: onReloadBrowser], configFile: 'cypress.config.ts', args: { _: [ '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/Cypress' ], sandbox: false, runProject: 'apps/employee-notes/frontend', configFile: 'cypress.config.ts', outputPath: '/tmp/tmp-380-VjGSFNc46uIt', record: false, testingType: 'component', cwd: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web', userNodePath: '/usr/local/bin/node', userNodeVersion: '16.18.1', invokedFromCli: true, config: { env: {} }, projectRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend', socketId: '4xtxk84xf0', isTextTerminal: true, browser: 'electron', quiet: false, morgan: false, report: true, onError: [Function (anonymous)], browsers: [ [Object] ] }, testingType: 'component' } +0ms
cypress:server:project project has config { viewportWidth: 1280, viewportHeight: 800, retries: { runMode: 1, openMode: 0 }, screenshotOnRunFailure: false, videoUploadOnPasses: false, video: true, videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', screenshotsFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', chromeWebSecurity: false, devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'webpack', webpackConfig: { target: 'web', entry: [Object], resolve: [Object], output: [Object], optimization: [Object], stats: 'minimal', module: [Object], plugins: [Array], mode: 'development', devtool: 'eval-source-map' } }, projectRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend', projectName: 'frontend', repoRoot: null, rawJson: { component: { videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', screenshotsFolder: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', video: true, chromeWebSecurity: false, devServer: [Object] }, viewportWidth: 1280, viewportHeight: 800, retries: { runMode: 1 }, screenshotOnRunFailure: false, videoUploadOnPasses: false, video: true, videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', screenshotsFolder: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', chromeWebSecurity: false, devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'webpack', webpackConfig: [Object] }, envFile: {}, projectRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend', projectName: 'frontend', repoRoot: undefined }, configFile: 'cypress.config.ts', morgan: false, isTextTerminal: true, socketId: '4xtxk84xf0', report: true, animationDistanceThreshold: 5, arch: 'x64', baseUrl: 'http://localhost:8080', blockHosts: null, clientCertificates: [], defaultCommandTimeout: 4000, downloadsFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/downloads', env: { CACHE_FOLDER: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress' }, execTimeout: 60000, experimentalFetchPolyfill: false, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: false, experimentalRunAllSpecs: false, experimentalMemoryManagement: false, experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: false, experimentalSkipDomainInjection: null, experimentalOriginDependencies: false, experimentalSourceRewriting: false, experimentalSingleTabRunMode: false, experimentalStudio: false, experimentalWebKitSupport: false, fileServerFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend', fixturesFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/fixtures', excludeSpecPattern: [ '**/__snapshots__/*', '**/__image_snapshots__/*' ], includeShadowDom: false, keystrokeDelay: 0, modifyObstructiveCode: true, nodeVersion: undefined, numTestsKeptInMemory: 0, platform: 'linux', pageLoadTimeout: 60000, port: null, projectId: null, redirectionLimit: 20, reporter: 'spec', reporterOptions: null, requestTimeout: 5000, resolvedNodePath: '/usr/local/bin/node', resolvedNodeVersion: '16.18.1', responseTimeout: 30000, slowTestThreshold: 250, scrollBehavior: 'top', supportFile: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/support/component.ts', supportFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/support', taskTimeout: 60000, testIsolation: true, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: true, userAgent: null, videoCompression: 32, waitForAnimations: true, watchForFileChanges: false, specPattern: '**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', additionalIgnorePattern: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', autoOpen: false, browsers: [ { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '106.0.5249.51', path: '', majorVersion: 106 } ], clientRoute: '/__/', cypressBinaryRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/resources/app', devServerPublicPathRoute: '/__cypress/src', hosts: null, isInteractive: true, namespace: '__cypress', reporterRoute: '/__cypress/reporter', socketIoCookie: '__socket', socketIoRoute: '/__socket', version: '12.8.1', indexHtmlFile: 'cypress/support/component-index.html', cypressEnv: 'production', resolved: { animationDistanceThreshold: { value: 5, from: 'default' }, arch: { value: 'x64', from: 'default' }, baseUrl: { value: null, from: 'default' }, blockHosts: { value: null, from: 'default' }, chromeWebSecurity: { value: false, from: 'config' }, clientCertificates: { value: [], from: 'default' }, defaultCommandTimeout: { value: 4000, from: 'default' }, downloadsFolder: { value: 'cypress/downloads', from: 'default' }, env: { CACHE_FOLDER: [Object] }, execTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, experimentalFetchPolyfill: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalRunAllSpecs: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalMemoryManagement: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSkipDomainInjection: { value: null, from: 'default' }, experimentalOriginDependencies: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSourceRewriting: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSingleTabRunMode: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalStudio: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalWebKitSupport: { value: false, from: 'default' }, fileServerFolder: { value: '', from: 'default' }, fixturesFolder: { value: 'cypress/fixtures', from: 'default' }, excludeSpecPattern: { value: [Array], from: 'default' }, includeShadowDom: { value: false, from: 'default' }, keystrokeDelay: { value: 0, from: 'default' }, modifyObstructiveCode: { value: true, from: 'default' }, nodeVersion: { value: undefined, from: 'default' }, numTestsKeptInMemory: { value: 0, from: 'config' }, platform: { value: 'linux', from: 'default' }, pageLoadTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, port: { value: null, from: 'default' }, projectId: { value: null, from: 'default' }, redirectionLimit: { value: 20, from: 'default' }, reporter: { value: 'spec', from: 'default' }, reporterOptions: { value: null, from: 'default' }, requestTimeout: { value: 5000, from: 'default' }, resolvedNodePath: { value: null, from: 'default' }, resolvedNodeVersion: { value: null, from: 'default' }, responseTimeout: { value: 30000, from: 'default' }, retries: { value: [Object], from: 'config' }, screenshotOnRunFailure: { value: false, from: 'config' }, screenshotsFolder: { value: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', from: 'config' }, slowTestThreshold: { value: 250, from: 'default' }, scrollBehavior: { value: 'top', from: 'default' }, supportFile: { value: 'cypress/support/component.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'default' }, supportFolder: { value: false, from: 'default' }, taskTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, testIsolation: { value: true, from: 'default' }, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: { value: true, from: 'default' }, userAgent: { value: null, from: 'default' }, video: { value: true, from: 'default' }, videoCompression: { value: 32, from: 'default' }, videosFolder: { value: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', from: 'config' }, videoUploadOnPasses: { value: false, from: 'config' }, viewportHeight: { value: 800, from: 'config' }, viewportWidth: { value: 1280, from: 'config' }, waitForAnimations: { value: true, from: 'default' }, watchForFileChanges: { value: false, from: 'config' }, specPattern: { value: '**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'default' }, browsers: { value: [Array], from: 'runtime' }, hosts: { value: null, from: 'default' }, isInteractive: { value: true, from: 'default' } }, testingType: 'component' } +0ms
cypress:server:server-base server open +0ms
cypress:network:client-certificates loaded client certificates for 0 URL(s) +0ms
cypress:server:server-base Server listening on { address: '', family: 'IPv4', port: 39947 } +210ms
cypress:server:appdata path: /root/.config/Cypress/cy/production/proxy +1s
cypress:scaffold-config:frameworks found package.json { name: 'react-dom', version: '17.0.2', description: 'React package for working with the DOM.', main: 'index.js', repository: { type: 'git', url: '', directory: 'packages/react-dom' }, keywords: [ 'react' ], license: 'MIT', bugs: { url: '' }, homepage: '', dependencies: { 'loose-envify': '^1.1.0', 'object-assign': '^4.1.1', scheduler: '^0.20.2' }, peerDependencies: { react: '17.0.2' }, files: [ 'LICENSE', '', 'build-info.json', 'index.js', 'profiling.js', 'server.js', 'server.browser.js', 'server.node.js', 'test-utils.js', 'cjs/', 'umd/' ], browser: { './server.js': './server.browser.js', './unstable-fizz.js': './unstable-fizz.browser.js' }, browserify: { transform: [ 'loose-envify' ] } } +451ms
cypress:scaffold-config:frameworks react-dom is satisfied? true +0ms
cypress:https-proxy Created SNI HTTPS Proxy Server { port: 39969 } +0ms
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '8080', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: 'localhost' } +0ms
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '8080', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: 'localhost' } +25ms
cypress:server:remote-states setting remote state { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:8080', strategy: 'http', fileServer: null, domainName: 'localhost', props: { port: '8080', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: 'localhost' } } for http://localhost:8080 +0ms
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '8080', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: 'localhost' } +2ms
cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:8080', strategy: 'http', fileServer: null, domainName: 'localhost', props: { port: '8080', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: 'localhost' } } for: http://localhost:8080 +1ms
cypress:server:project project config: { viewportWidth: 1280, viewportHeight: 800, retries: { runMode: 1, openMode: 0 }, screenshotOnRunFailure: false, videoUploadOnPasses: false, video: true, videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', screenshotsFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', chromeWebSecurity: false, devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'webpack', webpackConfig: { target: 'web', entry: [Object], resolve: [Object], output: [Object], optimization: [Object], stats: 'minimal', module: [Object], plugins: [Array], mode: 'development', devtool: 'eval-source-map' } }, projectRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend', projectName: 'frontend', repoRoot: null, rawJson: { component: { videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', screenshotsFolder: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', video: true, chromeWebSecurity: false, devServer: [Object] }, viewportWidth: 1280, viewportHeight: 800, retries: { runMode: 1 }, screenshotOnRunFailure: false, videoUploadOnPasses: false, video: true, videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', screenshotsFolder: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', chromeWebSecurity: false, devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'webpack', webpackConfig: [Object] }, envFile: {}, projectRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend', projectName: 'frontend', repoRoot: undefined }, configFile: 'cypress.config.ts', morgan: false, isTextTerminal: true, socketId: '4xtxk84xf0', report: true, animationDistanceThreshold: 5, arch: 'x64', baseUrl: 'http://localhost:8080', blockHosts: null, clientCertificates: [], defaultCommandTimeout: 4000, downloadsFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/downloads', env: { CACHE_FOLDER: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress' }, execTimeout: 60000, experimentalFetchPolyfill: false, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: false, experimentalRunAllSpecs: false, experimentalMemoryManagement: false, experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: false, experimentalSkipDomainInjection: null, experimentalOriginDependencies: false, experimentalSourceRewriting: false, experimentalSingleTabRunMode: false, experimentalStudio: false, experimentalWebKitSupport: false, fileServerFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend', fixturesFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/fixtures', excludeSpecPattern: [ '**/__snapshots__/*', '**/__image_snapshots__/*' ], includeShadowDom: false, keystrokeDelay: 0, modifyObstructiveCode: true, nodeVersion: undefined, numTestsKeptInMemory: 0, platform: 'linux', pageLoadTimeout: 60000, port: 39947, projectId: null, redirectionLimit: 20, reporter: 'spec', reporterOptions: null, requestTimeout: 5000, resolvedNodePath: '/usr/local/bin/node', resolvedNodeVersion: '16.18.1', responseTimeout: 30000, slowTestThreshold: 250, scrollBehavior: 'top', supportFile: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/support/component.ts', supportFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/support', taskTimeout: 60000, testIsolation: true, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: true, userAgent: null, videoCompression: 32, waitForAnimations: true, watchForFileChanges: false, specPattern: '**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', additionalIgnorePattern: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', autoOpen: false, browsers: [ { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '106.0.5249.51', path: '', majorVersion: 106 } ], clientRoute: '/__/', cypressBinaryRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/resources/app', devServerPublicPathRoute: '/__cypress/src', hosts: null, isInteractive: true, namespace: '__cypress', reporterRoute: '/__cypress/reporter', socketIoCookie: '__socket', socketIoRoute: '/__socket', version: '12.8.1', indexHtmlFile: 'cypress/support/component-index.html', cypressEnv: 'production', testingType: 'component', remote: {}, browser: null, specs: [], proxyUrl: 'http://localhost:39947', browserUrl: 'http://localhost:8080/__/', reporterUrl: 'http://localhost:8080/__cypress/reporter', proxyServer: 'http://localhost:39947' } +1s
cypress:server:reporter trying to load reporter: spec +0ms
cypress:server:reporter spec is Mocha reporter +5ms
cypress:server:saved_state noop saved state +3s
cypress:server:project project has config { viewportWidth: 1280, viewportHeight: 800, retries: { runMode: 1, openMode: 0 }, screenshotOnRunFailure: false, videoUploadOnPasses: false, video: true, videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', screenshotsFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', chromeWebSecurity: false, devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'webpack', webpackConfig: { target: 'web', entry: [Object], resolve: [Object], output: [Object], optimization: [Object], stats: 'minimal', module: [Object], plugins: [Array], mode: 'development', devtool: 'eval-source-map' } }, projectRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend', projectName: 'frontend', repoRoot: null, rawJson: { component: { videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', screenshotsFolder: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', video: true, chromeWebSecurity: false, devServer: [Object] }, viewportWidth: 1280, viewportHeight: 800, retries: { runMode: 1 }, screenshotOnRunFailure: false, videoUploadOnPasses: false, video: true, videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', screenshotsFolder: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', chromeWebSecurity: false, devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'webpack', webpackConfig: [Object] }, envFile: {}, projectRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend', projectName: 'frontend', repoRoot: undefined }, configFile: 'cypress.config.ts', morgan: false, isTextTerminal: true, socketId: '4xtxk84xf0', report: true, animationDistanceThreshold: 5, arch: 'x64', baseUrl: 'http://localhost:8080', blockHosts: null, clientCertificates: [], defaultCommandTimeout: 4000, downloadsFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/downloads', env: { CACHE_FOLDER: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress' }, execTimeout: 60000, experimentalFetchPolyfill: false, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: false, experimentalRunAllSpecs: false, experimentalMemoryManagement: false, experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: false, experimentalSkipDomainInjection: null, experimentalOriginDependencies: false, experimentalSourceRewriting: false, experimentalSingleTabRunMode: false, experimentalStudio: false, experimentalWebKitSupport: false, fileServerFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend', fixturesFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/fixtures', excludeSpecPattern: [ '**/__snapshots__/*', '**/__image_snapshots__/*' ], includeShadowDom: false, keystrokeDelay: 0, modifyObstructiveCode: true, nodeVersion: undefined, numTestsKeptInMemory: 0, platform: 'linux', pageLoadTimeout: 60000, port: 39947, projectId: null, redirectionLimit: 20, reporter: 'spec', reporterOptions: null, requestTimeout: 5000, resolvedNodePath: '/usr/local/bin/node', resolvedNodeVersion: '16.18.1', responseTimeout: 30000, slowTestThreshold: 250, scrollBehavior: 'top', supportFile: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/support/component.ts', supportFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/support', taskTimeout: 60000, testIsolation: true, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: true, userAgent: null, videoCompression: 32, waitForAnimations: true, watchForFileChanges: false, specPattern: '**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', additionalIgnorePattern: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', autoOpen: false, browsers: [ { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '106.0.5249.51', path: '', majorVersion: 106 } ], clientRoute: '/__/', cypressBinaryRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/resources/app', devServerPublicPathRoute: '/__cypress/src', hosts: null, isInteractive: true, namespace: '__cypress', reporterRoute: '/__cypress/reporter', socketIoCookie: '__socket', socketIoRoute: '/__socket', version: '12.8.1', indexHtmlFile: 'cypress/support/component-index.html', cypressEnv: 'production', resolved: { animationDistanceThreshold: { value: 5, from: 'default' }, arch: { value: 'x64', from: 'default' }, baseUrl: { value: null, from: 'default' }, blockHosts: { value: null, from: 'default' }, chromeWebSecurity: { value: false, from: 'config' }, clientCertificates: { value: [], from: 'default' }, defaultCommandTimeout: { value: 4000, from: 'default' }, downloadsFolder: { value: 'cypress/downloads', from: 'default' }, env: { CACHE_FOLDER: [Object] }, execTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, experimentalFetchPolyfill: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalRunAllSpecs: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalMemoryManagement: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSkipDomainInjection: { value: null, from: 'default' }, experimentalOriginDependencies: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSourceRewriting: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSingleTabRunMode: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalStudio: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalWebKitSupport: { value: false, from: 'default' }, fileServerFolder: { value: '', from: 'default' }, fixturesFolder: { value: 'cypress/fixtures', from: 'default' }, excludeSpecPattern: { value: [Array], from: 'default' }, includeShadowDom: { value: false, from: 'default' }, keystrokeDelay: { value: 0, from: 'default' }, modifyObstructiveCode: { value: true, from: 'default' }, nodeVersion: { value: undefined, from: 'default' }, numTestsKeptInMemory: { value: 0, from: 'config' }, platform: { value: 'linux', from: 'default' }, pageLoadTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, port: { value: null, from: 'default' }, projectId: { value: null, from: 'default' }, redirectionLimit: { value: 20, from: 'default' }, reporter: { value: 'spec', from: 'default' }, reporterOptions: { value: null, from: 'default' }, requestTimeout: { value: 5000, from: 'default' }, resolvedNodePath: { value: null, from: 'default' }, resolvedNodeVersion: { value: null, from: 'default' }, responseTimeout: { value: 30000, from: 'default' }, retries: { value: [Object], from: 'config' }, screenshotOnRunFailure: { value: false, from: 'config' }, screenshotsFolder: { value: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', from: 'config' }, slowTestThreshold: { value: 250, from: 'default' }, scrollBehavior: { value: 'top', from: 'default' }, supportFile: { value: 'cypress/support/component.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'default' }, supportFolder: { value: false, from: 'default' }, taskTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, testIsolation: { value: true, from: 'default' }, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: { value: true, from: 'default' }, userAgent: { value: null, from: 'default' }, video: { value: true, from: 'default' }, videoCompression: { value: 32, from: 'default' }, videosFolder: { value: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', from: 'config' }, videoUploadOnPasses: { value: false, from: 'config' }, viewportHeight: { value: 800, from: 'config' }, viewportWidth: { value: 1280, from: 'config' }, waitForAnimations: { value: true, from: 'default' }, watchForFileChanges: { value: false, from: 'config' }, specPattern: { value: '**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'default' }, browsers: { value: [Array], from: 'runtime' }, hosts: { value: null, from: 'default' }, isInteractive: { value: true, from: 'default' } }, testingType: 'component', remote: {}, browser: null, specs: [], proxyUrl: 'http://localhost:39947', browserUrl: 'http://localhost:8080/__/', reporterUrl: 'http://localhost:8080/__cypress/reporter', proxyServer: 'http://localhost:39947', state: {} } +43ms
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '8080', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: 'localhost' } +51ms
cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:8080', strategy: 'http', fileServer: null, domainName: 'localhost', props: { port: '8080', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: 'localhost' } } for: http://localhost:8080 +57ms
cypress:server:run project created and opened with config { viewportWidth: 1280, viewportHeight: 800, retries: { runMode: 1, openMode: 0 }, screenshotOnRunFailure: false, videoUploadOnPasses: false, video: true, videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', screenshotsFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', chromeWebSecurity: false, devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'webpack', webpackConfig: { target: 'web', entry: [Object], resolve: [Object], output: [Object], optimization: [Object], stats: 'minimal', module: [Object], plugins: [Array], mode: 'development', devtool: 'eval-source-map' } }, projectRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend', projectName: 'frontend', repoRoot: null, rawJson: { component: { videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', screenshotsFolder: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', video: true, chromeWebSecurity: false, devServer: [Object] }, viewportWidth: 1280, viewportHeight: 800, retries: { runMode: 1 }, screenshotOnRunFailure: false, videoUploadOnPasses: false, video: true, videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', screenshotsFolder: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', chromeWebSecurity: false, devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'webpack', webpackConfig: [Object] }, envFile: {}, projectRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend', projectName: 'frontend', repoRoot: undefined }, configFile: 'cypress.config.ts', morgan: false, isTextTerminal: true, socketId: '4xtxk84xf0', report: true, animationDistanceThreshold: 5, arch: 'x64', baseUrl: 'http://localhost:8080', blockHosts: null, clientCertificates: [], defaultCommandTimeout: 4000, downloadsFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/downloads', env: { CACHE_FOLDER: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress' }, execTimeout: 60000, experimentalFetchPolyfill: false, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: false, experimentalRunAllSpecs: false, experimentalMemoryManagement: false, experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: false, experimentalSkipDomainInjection: null, experimentalOriginDependencies: false, experimentalSourceRewriting: false, experimentalSingleTabRunMode: false, experimentalStudio: false, experimentalWebKitSupport: false, fileServerFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend', fixturesFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/fixtures', excludeSpecPattern: [ '**/__snapshots__/*', '**/__image_snapshots__/*' ], includeShadowDom: false, keystrokeDelay: 0, modifyObstructiveCode: true, nodeVersion: undefined, numTestsKeptInMemory: 0, platform: 'linux', pageLoadTimeout: 60000, port: 39947, projectId: null, redirectionLimit: 20, reporter: 'spec', reporterOptions: null, requestTimeout: 5000, resolvedNodePath: '/usr/local/bin/node', resolvedNodeVersion: '16.18.1', responseTimeout: 30000, slowTestThreshold: 250, scrollBehavior: 'top', supportFile: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/support/component.ts', supportFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/support', taskTimeout: 60000, testIsolation: true, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: true, userAgent: null, videoCompression: 32, waitForAnimations: true, watchForFileChanges: false, specPattern: '**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', additionalIgnorePattern: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', autoOpen: false, browsers: [ { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '106.0.5249.51', path: '', majorVersion: 106 } ], clientRoute: '/__/', cypressBinaryRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/resources/app', devServerPublicPathRoute: '/__cypress/src', hosts: null, isInteractive: true, namespace: '__cypress', reporterRoute: '/__cypress/reporter', socketIoCookie: '__socket', socketIoRoute: '/__socket', version: '12.8.1', indexHtmlFile: 'cypress/support/component-index.html', cypressEnv: 'production', resolved: { animationDistanceThreshold: { value: 5, from: 'default' }, arch: { value: 'x64', from: 'default' }, baseUrl: { value: null, from: 'default' }, blockHosts: { value: null, from: 'default' }, chromeWebSecurity: { value: false, from: 'config' }, clientCertificates: { value: [], from: 'default' }, defaultCommandTimeout: { value: 4000, from: 'default' }, downloadsFolder: { value: 'cypress/downloads', from: 'default' }, env: { CACHE_FOLDER: [Object] }, execTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, experimentalFetchPolyfill: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalRunAllSpecs: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalMemoryManagement: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSkipDomainInjection: { value: null, from: 'default' }, experimentalOriginDependencies: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSourceRewriting: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSingleTabRunMode: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalStudio: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalWebKitSupport: { value: false, from: 'default' }, fileServerFolder: { value: '', from: 'default' }, fixturesFolder: { value: 'cypress/fixtures', from: 'default' }, excludeSpecPattern: { value: [Array], from: 'default' }, includeShadowDom: { value: false, from: 'default' }, keystrokeDelay: { value: 0, from: 'default' }, modifyObstructiveCode: { value: true, from: 'default' }, nodeVersion: { value: undefined, from: 'default' }, numTestsKeptInMemory: { value: 0, from: 'config' }, platform: { value: 'linux', from: 'default' }, pageLoadTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, port: { value: null, from: 'default' }, projectId: { value: null, from: 'default' }, redirectionLimit: { value: 20, from: 'default' }, reporter: { value: 'spec', from: 'default' }, reporterOptions: { value: null, from: 'default' }, requestTimeout: { value: 5000, from: 'default' }, resolvedNodePath: { value: null, from: 'default' }, resolvedNodeVersion: { value: null, from: 'default' }, responseTimeout: { value: 30000, from: 'default' }, retries: { value: [Object], from: 'config' }, screenshotOnRunFailure: { value: false, from: 'config' }, screenshotsFolder: { value: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', from: 'config' }, slowTestThreshold: { value: 250, from: 'default' }, scrollBehavior: { value: 'top', from: 'default' }, supportFile: { value: 'cypress/support/component.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'default' }, supportFolder: { value: false, from: 'default' }, taskTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, testIsolation: { value: true, from: 'default' }, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: { value: true, from: 'default' }, userAgent: { value: null, from: 'default' }, video: { value: true, from: 'default' }, videoCompression: { value: 32, from: 'default' }, videosFolder: { value: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', from: 'config' }, videoUploadOnPasses: { value: false, from: 'config' }, viewportHeight: { value: 800, from: 'config' }, viewportWidth: { value: 1280, from: 'config' }, waitForAnimations: { value: true, from: 'default' }, watchForFileChanges: { value: false, from: 'config' }, specPattern: { value: '**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'default' }, browsers: { value: [Array], from: 'runtime' }, hosts: { value: null, from: 'default' }, isInteractive: { value: true, from: 'default' } }, testingType: 'component', remote: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:8080', strategy: 'http', fileServer: null, domainName: 'localhost', props: { port: '8080', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: 'localhost' } }, browser: null, specs: [], proxyUrl: 'http://localhost:39947', browserUrl: 'http://localhost:8080/__/', reporterUrl: 'http://localhost:8080/__cypress/reporter', proxyServer: 'http://localhost:39947', state: {} } +1s
cypress:server:browsers:utils searching for browser { nameOrPath: 'electron', filter: { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable' }, knownBrowsers: [ { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '106.0.5249.51', path: '', majorVersion: 106 } ] } +1s
cypress:server:profilecleaner found 0 root level profile matches: [] +0ms
cypress:server:profilecleaner found 0 profile folders: [] +6ms
cypress:server:profilecleaner found 0 profile folders: [] +2ms
cypress:snapshot:error TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The "path" argument must be of type string. Received undefined
cypress:snapshot:error  at new NodeError (node:internal/errors:372:5)
cypress:snapshot:error  at validateString (node:internal/validators:120:11)
cypress:snapshot:error  at Object.resolve (node:path:1098:7)
cypress:snapshot:error  at Object.resolve (evalmachine.<anonymous>:1:751467)
cypress:snapshot:error  at resolvePathsAndParent (<embedded>:4728:1095996)
cypress:snapshot:error  at customRequire (<embedded>:4728:1095052)
cypress:snapshot:error  at m (<embedded>:2839:189400)
cypress:snapshot:error  at <embedded>:2839:189935
cypress:snapshot:error  at <embedded>:4728:17619
cypress:snapshot:error  at FSReqCallback.readFileAfterClose [as oncomplete] (node:internal/fs/read_file_context:68:3) +0ms
cypress:snapshot:error TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The "path" argument must be of type string. Received undefined
cypress:snapshot:error  at new NodeError (node:internal/errors:372:5)
cypress:snapshot:error  at validateString (node:internal/validators:120:11)
cypress:snapshot:error  at Object.resolve (node:path:1098:7)
cypress:snapshot:error  at Object.resolve (evalmachine.<anonymous>:1:751467)
cypress:snapshot:error  at resolvePathsAndParent (<embedded>:4728:1096024)
cypress:snapshot:error  at customRequire (<embedded>:4728:1095052)
cypress:snapshot:error  at m (<embedded>:2839:189400)
cypress:snapshot:error  at <embedded>:2839:189935
cypress:snapshot:error  at <embedded>:4728:17619
cypress:snapshot:error  at FSReqCallback.readFileAfterClose [as oncomplete] (node:internal/fs/read_file_context:68:3) +1ms
 (Run Starting)
 │ Cypress: 12.8.1 │
 │ Browser: Electron 106 (headless) │
 │ Node Version: v16.18.1 (/usr/local/bin/node) │
 │ Specs: 3 found (,, │
 │ .cy.tsx) │
 │ Searched: **/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx} │
cypress:lifecycle:EventRegistrar plugin event registered? { eventName: 'before:run', isRegistered: false } +4s
Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run:
npx update-browserslist-db@latest
Why you should do it regularly:
Running: (1 of 3)
cypress:server:run about to run spec { spec: { fileExtension: '.tsx', baseName: '', fileName: 'EmployeeNotes', specFileExtension: '.cy.tsx', relativeToCommonRoot: '', specType: 'component', name: 'src/tests/cypress/', relative: 'src/tests/cypress/', absolute: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/src/tests/cypress/' }, isHeadless: true, browser: { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '106.0.5249.51', path: '', majorVersion: 106, isHeadless: true, isHeaded: false } } +288ms
cypress:server:run created videoRecording { videoRecording: { api: { onError: [Function (anonymous)], videoName: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos/', compressedVideoName: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos/', useFfmpegVideoController: [AsyncFunction: useFfmpegVideoController], useVideoController: [Function: useVideoController], onProjectCaptureVideoFrames: [Function: onProjectCaptureVideoFrames] }, controller: undefined } } +7ms
cypress:server:run waiting for socket to connect and browser to launch... +2ms
cypress:server:run waiting for socket connection... { id: '4xtxk84xf0' } +0ms
cypress:server:open_project resetting project state, preparing to launch browser electron for spec { fileExtension: '.tsx', baseName: '', fileName: 'EmployeeNotes', specFileExtension: '.cy.tsx', relativeToCommonRoot: '', specType: 'component', name: 'src/tests/cypress/', relative: 'src/tests/cypress/', absolute: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/src/tests/cypress/' } options { projectRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend', shouldLaunchNewTab: false, onError: [Function (anonymous)], videoApi: { onError: [Function (anonymous)], videoName: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos/', compressedVideoName: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos/', useFfmpegVideoController: [AsyncFunction: useFfmpegVideoController], useVideoController: [Function: useVideoController], onProjectCaptureVideoFrames: [Function: onProjectCaptureVideoFrames] }, automationMiddleware: { onBeforeRequest: [Function: onBeforeRequest], onAfterResponse: [Function: onAfterResponse] }, onWarning: [Function: onWarning] } +2s
cypress:server:project resetting project instance /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend +311ms
cypress:proxy:http:util:buffers resetting buffers +0ms
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '80', protocol: null, subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: '' } +306ms
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '39947', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: 'localhost' } +4ms
cypress:server:remote-states setting remote state { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:39947', strategy: 'file', fileServer: 'http://localhost', domainName: 'localhost', props: null } for http://localhost:39947 +307ms
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '39947', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: 'localhost' } +3ms
cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:39947', strategy: 'file', fileServer: 'http://localhost', domainName: 'localhost', props: null } for: http://localhost:39947 +0ms
cypress:server:project_utils returning spec url http://localhost:8080/__/#/specs/runner?file=src/tests/cypress/ +0ms
cypress:server:open_project open project url http://localhost:8080/__/#/specs/runner?file=src/tests/cypress/ +10ms
cypress:server:project project has config { viewportWidth: 1280, viewportHeight: 800, retries: { runMode: 1, openMode: 0 }, screenshotOnRunFailure: false, videoUploadOnPasses: false, video: true, videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', screenshotsFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', chromeWebSecurity: false, devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'webpack', webpackConfig: { target: 'web', entry: [Object], resolve: [Object], output: [Object], optimization: [Object], stats: 'minimal', module: [Object], plugins: [Array], mode: 'development', devtool: 'eval-source-map' } }, projectRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend', projectName: 'frontend', repoRoot: null, rawJson: { component: { videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', screenshotsFolder: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', video: true, chromeWebSecurity: false, devServer: [Object] }, viewportWidth: 1280, viewportHeight: 800, retries: { runMode: 1 }, screenshotOnRunFailure: false, videoUploadOnPasses: false, video: true, videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', screenshotsFolder: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', chromeWebSecurity: false, devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'webpack', webpackConfig: [Object] }, envFile: {}, projectRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend', projectName: 'frontend', repoRoot: undefined }, configFile: 'cypress.config.ts', morgan: false, isTextTerminal: true, socketId: '4xtxk84xf0', report: true, animationDistanceThreshold: 5, arch: 'x64', baseUrl: 'http://localhost:8080', blockHosts: null, clientCertificates: [], defaultCommandTimeout: 4000, downloadsFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/downloads', env: { CACHE_FOLDER: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress' }, execTimeout: 60000, experimentalFetchPolyfill: false, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: false, experimentalRunAllSpecs: false, experimentalMemoryManagement: false, experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: false, experimentalSkipDomainInjection: null, experimentalOriginDependencies: false, experimentalSourceRewriting: false, experimentalSingleTabRunMode: false, experimentalStudio: false, experimentalWebKitSupport: false, fileServerFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend', fixturesFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/fixtures', excludeSpecPattern: [ '**/__snapshots__/*', '**/__image_snapshots__/*' ], includeShadowDom: false, keystrokeDelay: 0, modifyObstructiveCode: true, nodeVersion: undefined, numTestsKeptInMemory: 0, platform: 'linux', pageLoadTimeout: 60000, port: 39947, projectId: null, redirectionLimit: 20, reporter: 'spec', reporterOptions: null, requestTimeout: 5000, resolvedNodePath: '/usr/local/bin/node', resolvedNodeVersion: '16.18.1', responseTimeout: 30000, slowTestThreshold: 250, scrollBehavior: 'top', supportFile: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/support/component.ts', supportFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/support', taskTimeout: 60000, testIsolation: true, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: true, userAgent: null, videoCompression: 32, waitForAnimations: true, watchForFileChanges: false, specPattern: '**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', additionalIgnorePattern: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', autoOpen: false, browsers: [ { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '106.0.5249.51', path: '', majorVersion: 106 } ], clientRoute: '/__/', cypressBinaryRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/resources/app', devServerPublicPathRoute: '/__cypress/src', hosts: null, isInteractive: true, namespace: '__cypress', reporterRoute: '/__cypress/reporter', socketIoCookie: '__socket', socketIoRoute: '/__socket', version: '12.8.1', indexHtmlFile: 'cypress/support/component-index.html', cypressEnv: 'production', resolved: { animationDistanceThreshold: { value: 5, from: 'default' }, arch: { value: 'x64', from: 'default' }, baseUrl: { value: null, from: 'default' }, blockHosts: { value: null, from: 'default' }, chromeWebSecurity: { value: false, from: 'config' }, clientCertificates: { value: [], from: 'default' }, defaultCommandTimeout: { value: 4000, from: 'default' }, downloadsFolder: { value: 'cypress/downloads', from: 'default' }, env: { CACHE_FOLDER: [Object] }, execTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, experimentalFetchPolyfill: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalRunAllSpecs: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalMemoryManagement: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSkipDomainInjection: { value: null, from: 'default' }, experimentalOriginDependencies: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSourceRewriting: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSingleTabRunMode: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalStudio: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalWebKitSupport: { value: false, from: 'default' }, fileServerFolder: { value: '', from: 'default' }, fixturesFolder: { value: 'cypress/fixtures', from: 'default' }, excludeSpecPattern: { value: [Array], from: 'default' }, includeShadowDom: { value: false, from: 'default' }, keystrokeDelay: { value: 0, from: 'default' }, modifyObstructiveCode: { value: true, from: 'default' }, nodeVersion: { value: undefined, from: 'default' }, numTestsKeptInMemory: { value: 0, from: 'config' }, platform: { value: 'linux', from: 'default' }, pageLoadTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, port: { value: null, from: 'default' }, projectId: { value: null, from: 'default' }, redirectionLimit: { value: 20, from: 'default' }, reporter: { value: 'spec', from: 'default' }, reporterOptions: { value: null, from: 'default' }, requestTimeout: { value: 5000, from: 'default' }, resolvedNodePath: { value: null, from: 'default' }, resolvedNodeVersion: { value: null, from: 'default' }, responseTimeout: { value: 30000, from: 'default' }, retries: { value: [Object], from: 'config' }, screenshotOnRunFailure: { value: false, from: 'config' }, screenshotsFolder: { value: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', from: 'config' }, slowTestThreshold: { value: 250, from: 'default' }, scrollBehavior: { value: 'top', from: 'default' }, supportFile: { value: 'cypress/support/component.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'default' }, supportFolder: { value: false, from: 'default' }, taskTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, testIsolation: { value: true, from: 'default' }, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: { value: true, from: 'default' }, userAgent: { value: null, from: 'default' }, video: { value: true, from: 'default' }, videoCompression: { value: 32, from: 'default' }, videosFolder: { value: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', from: 'config' }, videoUploadOnPasses: { value: false, from: 'config' }, viewportHeight: { value: 800, from: 'config' }, viewportWidth: { value: 1280, from: 'config' }, waitForAnimations: { value: true, from: 'default' }, watchForFileChanges: { value: false, from: 'config' }, specPattern: { value: '**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'default' }, browsers: { value: [Array], from: 'runtime' }, hosts: { value: null, from: 'default' }, isInteractive: { value: true, from: 'default' } }, testingType: 'component', remote: {}, browser: null, specs: [], proxyUrl: 'http://localhost:39947', browserUrl: 'http://localhost:8080/__/', reporterUrl: 'http://localhost:8080/__cypress/reporter', proxyServer: 'http://localhost:39947', state: {} } +9ms
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '39947', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: 'localhost' } +3ms
cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:39947', strategy: 'file', fileServer: 'http://localhost', domainName: 'localhost', props: null } for: http://localhost:39947 +3ms
cypress:server:open_project launching browser: { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '106.0.5249.51', path: '', majorVersion: 106, isHeadless: true, isHeaded: false }, spec: src/tests/cypress/ +3ms
cypress:server:browsers browsers.kill called with no active instance +0ms
cypress:server:browsers getBrowserLauncher { browser: { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '106.0.5249.51', path: '', majorVersion: 106, isHeadless: true, isHeaded: false } } +9ms
cypress:server:browsers opening browser { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '106.0.5249.51', path: '', majorVersion: 106, isHeadless: true, isHeaded: false } +1ms
cypress:server:browsers:electron open { browser: { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '106.0.5249.51', path: '', majorVersion: 106, isHeadless: true, isHeaded: false }, url: 'http://localhost:8080/__/#/specs/runner?file=src/tests/cypress/' } +0ms
cypress:server:saved_state noop saved state +345ms
cypress:server:browsers:electron received saved state {} +1ms
cypress:server:browsers:electron browser window options { browser: { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '106.0.5249.51', path: '', majorVersion: 106, isHeadless: true, isHeaded: false }, url: 'http://localhost:8080/__/#/specs/runner?file=src/tests/cypress/', browsers: [ { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '106.0.5249.51', path: '', majorVersion: 106 } ], userAgent: null, proxyUrl: 'http://localhost:39947', proxyServer: 'http://localhost:39947', socketIoRoute: '/__socket', chromeWebSecurity: false, isTextTerminal: true, downloadsFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/downloads', experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: false, experimentalWebKitSupport: false, projectRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend', shouldLaunchNewTab: false, videoApi: { onError: [Function (anonymous)], videoName: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos/', compressedVideoName: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos/', useFfmpegVideoController: [AsyncFunction: useFfmpegVideoController], useVideoController: [Function: useVideoController], onProjectCaptureVideoFrames: [Function: onProjectCaptureVideoFrames] }, automationMiddleware: { onBeforeRequest: [Function: onBeforeRequest], onAfterResponse: [Function: onAfterResponse] }, x: null, y: null, width: 1280, height: 720, minWidth: 100, minHeight: 100, devTools: false, contextMenu: true, partition: 'persist:run-651', trackState: { width: 'browserWidth', height: 'browserHeight', x: 'browserX', y: 'browserY', devTools: 'isBrowserDevToolsOpen' }, webPreferences: { sandbox: true, partition: null, webSecurity: true, nodeIntegration: false, backgroundThrottling: false }, show: false, resizable: false, frame: true, recordFrameRate: null } +2ms
cypress:lifecycle:EventRegistrar plugin event registered? { eventName: 'before:browser:launch', isRegistered: false } +45ms
cypress:server:browsers:electron launching browser window to url: http://localhost:8080/__/#/specs/runner?file=src/tests/cypress/ +1ms
cypress:server:browsers:electron debugger attached +180ms
cypress:server:browsers:electron clearing cache +1ms
cypress:server:server-base Got CONNECT request from +2s
cypress:https-proxy Writing browserSocket connection headers { url: '', headLength: 0, headers: { host: '', 'proxy-connection': 'keep-alive', 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Cypress/12.8.1 Chrome/106.0.5249.51 Electron/21.0.0 Safari/537.36' } } +633ms
cypress:https-proxy Got first head bytes { url: '', head: '\x16\x03\x01\x02\x00\x01\x00\x01�\x03\x03{�5�\nrˏO�ː�J#����Zoɵ\x04���\\�� @\x03\x18v#�P�\x139R�)%_:\b�t��u2\x02�' } +26ms
cypress:https-proxy Making intercepted connection to 39969 +721ms
cypress:network:connect successfully connected { opts: { port: 39969, host: 'localhost', getDelayMsForRetry: [Function: h] }, iteration: 0 } +0ms
cypress:https-proxy received upstreamSocket callback for request { port: 39969, hostname: 'localhost', err: undefined } +64ms
cypress:server:util:socket_allowed allowing socket { localPort: 50392 } +0ms
cypress:server:video capture started { command: "ffmpeg -n 20 /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/@ffmpeg-installer/linux-x64/ffmpeg -f image2pipe -use_wallclock_as_timestamps 1 -i pipe:0 -y -vcodec libx264 -filter:v crop='floor(in_w/2)*2:floor(in_h/2)*2' -preset ultrafast /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos/" } +15s
cypress:server:run setting videoController for videoRecording { api: { onError: [Function (anonymous)], videoName: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos/', compressedVideoName: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos/', useFfmpegVideoController: [AsyncFunction: useFfmpegVideoController], useVideoController: [Function: useVideoController], onProjectCaptureVideoFrames: [Function: onProjectCaptureVideoFrames] }, controller: undefined } +1s
cypress:server:browsers:electron debugger: enable Console and Network +946ms
cypress:server:project project has config { viewportWidth: 1280, viewportHeight: 800, retries: { runMode: 1, openMode: 0 }, screenshotOnRunFailure: false, videoUploadOnPasses: false, video: true, videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', screenshotsFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', chromeWebSecurity: false, devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'webpack', webpackConfig: { target: 'web', entry: [Object], resolve: [Object], output: [Object], optimization: [Object], stats: 'minimal', module: [Object], plugins: [Array], mode: 'development', devtool: 'eval-source-map' } }, projectRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend', projectName: 'frontend', repoRoot: null, rawJson: { component: { videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', screenshotsFolder: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', video: true, chromeWebSecurity: false, devServer: [Object] }, viewportWidth: 1280, viewportHeight: 800, retries: { runMode: 1 }, screenshotOnRunFailure: false, videoUploadOnPasses: false, video: true, videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', screenshotsFolder: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', chromeWebSecurity: false, devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'webpack', webpackConfig: [Object] }, envFile: {}, projectRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend', projectName: 'frontend', repoRoot: undefined }, configFile: 'cypress.config.ts', morgan: false, isTextTerminal: true, socketId: '4xtxk84xf0', report: true, animationDistanceThreshold: 5, arch: 'x64', baseUrl: 'http://localhost:8080', blockHosts: null, clientCertificates: [], defaultCommandTimeout: 4000, downloadsFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/downloads', env: { CACHE_FOLDER: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress' }, execTimeout: 60000, experimentalFetchPolyfill: false, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: false, experimentalRunAllSpecs: false, experimentalMemoryManagement: false, experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: false, experimentalSkipDomainInjection: null, experimentalOriginDependencies: false, experimentalSourceRewriting: false, experimentalSingleTabRunMode: false, experimentalStudio: false, experimentalWebKitSupport: false, fileServerFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend', fixturesFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/fixtures', excludeSpecPattern: [ '**/__snapshots__/*', '**/__image_snapshots__/*' ], includeShadowDom: false, keystrokeDelay: 0, modifyObstructiveCode: true, nodeVersion: undefined, numTestsKeptInMemory: 0, platform: 'linux', pageLoadTimeout: 60000, port: 39947, projectId: null, redirectionLimit: 20, reporter: 'spec', reporterOptions: null, requestTimeout: 5000, resolvedNodePath: '/usr/local/bin/node', resolvedNodeVersion: '16.18.1', responseTimeout: 30000, slowTestThreshold: 250, scrollBehavior: 'top', supportFile: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/support/component.ts', supportFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/support', taskTimeout: 60000, testIsolation: true, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: true, userAgent: null, videoCompression: 32, waitForAnimations: true, watchForFileChanges: false, specPattern: '**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', additionalIgnorePattern: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', autoOpen: false, browsers: [ { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '106.0.5249.51', path: '', majorVersion: 106 } ], clientRoute: '/__/', cypressBinaryRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/resources/app', devServerPublicPathRoute: '/__cypress/src', hosts: null, isInteractive: true, namespace: '__cypress', reporterRoute: '/__cypress/reporter', socketIoCookie: '__socket', socketIoRoute: '/__socket', version: '12.8.1', indexHtmlFile: 'cypress/support/component-index.html', cypressEnv: 'production', resolved: { animationDistanceThreshold: { value: 5, from: 'default' }, arch: { value: 'x64', from: 'default' }, baseUrl: { value: null, from: 'default' }, blockHosts: { value: null, from: 'default' }, chromeWebSecurity: { value: false, from: 'config' }, clientCertificates: { value: [], from: 'default' }, defaultCommandTimeout: { value: 4000, from: 'default' }, downloadsFolder: { value: 'cypress/downloads', from: 'default' }, env: { CACHE_FOLDER: [Object] }, execTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, experimentalFetchPolyfill: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalRunAllSpecs: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalMemoryManagement: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSkipDomainInjection: { value: null, from: 'default' }, experimentalOriginDependencies: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSourceRewriting: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSingleTabRunMode: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalStudio: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalWebKitSupport: { value: false, from: 'default' }, fileServerFolder: { value: '', from: 'default' }, fixturesFolder: { value: 'cypress/fixtures', from: 'default' }, excludeSpecPattern: { value: [Array], from: 'default' }, includeShadowDom: { value: false, from: 'default' }, keystrokeDelay: { value: 0, from: 'default' }, modifyObstructiveCode: { value: true, from: 'default' }, nodeVersion: { value: undefined, from: 'default' }, numTestsKeptInMemory: { value: 0, from: 'config' }, platform: { value: 'linux', from: 'default' }, pageLoadTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, port: { value: null, from: 'default' }, projectId: { value: null, from: 'default' }, redirectionLimit: { value: 20, from: 'default' }, reporter: { value: 'spec', from: 'default' }, reporterOptions: { value: null, from: 'default' }, requestTimeout: { value: 5000, from: 'default' }, resolvedNodePath: { value: null, from: 'default' }, resolvedNodeVersion: { value: null, from: 'default' }, responseTimeout: { value: 30000, from: 'default' }, retries: { value: [Object], from: 'config' }, screenshotOnRunFailure: { value: false, from: 'config' }, screenshotsFolder: { value: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', from: 'config' }, slowTestThreshold: { value: 250, from: 'default' }, scrollBehavior: { value: 'top', from: 'default' }, supportFile: { value: 'cypress/support/component.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'default' }, supportFolder: { value: false, from: 'default' }, taskTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, testIsolation: { value: true, from: 'default' }, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: { value: true, from: 'default' }, userAgent: { value: null, from: 'default' }, video: { value: true, from: 'default' }, videoCompression: { value: 32, from: 'default' }, videosFolder: { value: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', from: 'config' }, videoUploadOnPasses: { value: false, from: 'config' }, viewportHeight: { value: 800, from: 'config' }, viewportWidth: { value: 1280, from: 'config' }, waitForAnimations: { value: true, from: 'default' }, watchForFileChanges: { value: false, from: 'config' }, specPattern: { value: '**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'default' }, browsers: { value: [Array], from: 'runtime' }, hosts: { value: null, from: 'default' }, isInteractive: { value: true, from: 'default' } }, testingType: 'component', remote: {}, browser: null, specs: [], proxyUrl: 'http://localhost:39947', browserUrl: 'http://localhost:8080/__/', reporterUrl: 'http://localhost:8080/__cypress/reporter', proxyServer: 'http://localhost:39947', state: {} } +1s
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '39947', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: 'localhost' } +1s
cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:39947', strategy: 'file', fileServer: 'http://localhost', domainName: 'localhost', props: null } for: http://localhost:39947 +1s
cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/polyfills-72632428.js, params[0] polyfills-72632428.js +0ms
cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/index-4e08fd95.js, params[0] index-4e08fd95.js +19ms
cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/index-6a03b038.css, params[0] index-6a03b038.css +1ms
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '443', protocol: 'https:', subdomain: 'redirector', domain: 'gvt1', tld: 'com' } +649ms
cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: undefined for: +648ms
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '39947', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: 'localhost' } +1ms
cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:39947', strategy: 'file', fileServer: 'http://localhost', domainName: 'localhost', props: null } for: http://localhost:39947 +1ms
cypress:server:stream_buffer stream buffer writeable final called +0ms
cypress:network:agent addRequest called { isHttps: true, href: '' } +0ms
cypress:network:connect beginning getAddress { hostname: '', port: 443 } +911ms
cypress:network:connect got addresses { hostname: '', port: 443, addresses: [ { address: '', family: 4 }, { address: '2a00:1450:4001:80f::200e', family: 6 } ] } +35ms
cypress:network:agent got family { family: 4, href: '' } +52ms
cypress:server:request received status code & headers on request { requestId: 'request2', statusCode: 302, headers: { 'content-type': 'text/html; charset=UTF-8', location: '' } } +0ms
cypress:server:request successful response received { requestId: 'request2' } +0ms
cypress:net-stubbing:server:intercept-response InterceptResponse { req: { url: '/edgedl/chrome/dict/en-us-10-1.bdic' }, request: undefined } +0ms
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '39947', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: 'localhost' } +188ms
cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:39947', strategy: 'file', fileServer: 'http://localhost', domainName: 'localhost', props: null } for: http://localhost:39947 +196ms
cypress:server:remote-states getting primary remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:39947', strategy: 'file', fileServer: 'http://localhost', domainName: 'localhost', props: null } +0ms
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '39947', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: 'localhost' } +10ms
cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:39947', strategy: 'file', fileServer: 'http://localhost', domainName: 'localhost', props: null } for: http://localhost:39947 +2ms
cypress:server:server-base Got CONNECT request from +2s
cypress:https-proxy Writing browserSocket connection headers { url: '', headLength: 0, headers: { host: '', 'proxy-connection': 'keep-alive', 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Cypress/12.8.1 Chrome/106.0.5249.51 Electron/21.0.0 Safari/537.36' } } +1s
cypress:https-proxy Got first head bytes { url: '', head: "\x16\x03\x01\x02\x00\x01\x00\x01�\x03\x03#-�e\b\x01�P�4�����\x1E�����o\r\x16r\x1E�\x19\x12��I &������f'�6{��;U��9�" } +6ms
cypress:https-proxy Making intercepted connection to 39969 +974ms
cypress:network:connect successfully connected { opts: { port: 39969, host: 'localhost', getDelayMsForRetry: [Function: h] }, iteration: 0 } +1s
cypress:https-proxy received upstreamSocket callback for request { port: 39969, hostname: 'localhost', err: undefined } +11ms
cypress:server:util:socket_allowed allowing socket { localPort: 50406 } +2s
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '443', protocol: 'https:', subdomain: 'r1---sn-4g5e6nzz', domain: 'gvt1', tld: 'com' } +2s
cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: undefined for: +2s
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '39947', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: 'localhost' } +0ms
cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:39947', strategy: 'file', fileServer: 'http://localhost', domainName: 'localhost', props: null } for: http://localhost:39947 +0ms
cypress:server:stream_buffer stream buffer writeable final called +2s
cypress:network:agent addRequest called { isHttps: true, href: '' } +2s
cypress:network:connect beginning getAddress { hostname: '', port: 443 } +533ms
cypress:network:connect got addresses { hostname: '', port: 443, addresses: [ { address: '', family: 4 }, { address: '2a00:1450:4001:1::6', family: 6 } ] } +31ms
cypress:network:agent got family { family: 4, href: '' } +33ms
cypress:server:request received status code & headers on request { requestId: 'request3', statusCode: 200, headers: { 'content-type': 'application/octet-stream' } } +2s
cypress:server:request successful response received { requestId: 'request3' } +0ms
cypress:net-stubbing:server:intercept-response InterceptResponse { req: { url: '/edgedl/chrome/dict/en-us-10-1.bdic?cms_redirect=yes&mh=7g&mip=' }, request: undefined } +2s
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '39947', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: 'localhost' } +63ms
cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:39947', strategy: 'file', fileServer: 'http://localhost', domainName: 'localhost', props: null } for: http://localhost:39947 +63ms
cypress:server:remote-states getting primary remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:39947', strategy: 'file', fileServer: 'http://localhost', domainName: 'localhost', props: null } +0ms
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '39947', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: 'localhost' } +1ms
cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:39947', strategy: 'file', fileServer: 'http://localhost', domainName: 'localhost', props: null } for: http://localhost:39947 +1ms
cypress:server:server-base Got CONNECT request from localhost:8080 +2s
cypress:https-proxy Writing browserSocket connection headers { url: 'localhost:8080', headLength: 0, headers: { host: 'localhost:8080', 'proxy-connection': 'keep-alive', 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Cypress/12.8.1 Chrome/106.0.5249.51 Electron/21.0.0 Safari/537.36' } } +964ms
cypress:https-proxy Got first head bytes { url: 'localhost:8080', head: 'GET /__socket/?EIO=4&transport=websocket HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: localho' } +11ms
cypress:https-proxy Making intercepted connection to 39947 +0ms
cypress:network:connect successfully connected { opts: { port: 39947, host: 'localhost', getDelayMsForRetry: [Function: h] }, iteration: 0 } +435ms
cypress:https-proxy received upstreamSocket callback for request { port: 39947, hostname: 'localhost', err: undefined } +24ms
cypress:server:util:socket_allowed allowing socket { localPort: 46336 } +999ms
cypress:server:server-base Got UPGRADE request from /__socket/?EIO=4&transport=websocket +40ms
cypress:server:util:socket_allowed is incoming request allowed? { isAllowed: true, reqUrl: '/__socket/?EIO=4&transport=websocket', remotePort: 46336, remoteAddress: '' } +6ms
cypress:server:socket-base socket connected +0ms
cypress:server:socket-ct do onSocketConnection +0ms
cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/Specs-b8b15ace.js, params[0] Specs-b8b15ace.js +3s
cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/Runner-ada33eea.js, params[0] Runner-ada33eea.js +3ms
cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/CreateSpecModal.vue_vue_type_script_setup_true_lang-2779be9b.js, params[0] CreateSpecModal.vue_vue_type_script_setup_true_lang-2779be9b.js +33ms
cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/box-open_x48-501be0a6.js, params[0] box-open_x48-501be0a6.js +1ms
cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/SpecPatterns.vue_vue_type_script_setup_true_lang-dde09ef3.js, params[0] SpecPatterns.vue_vue_type_script_setup_true_lang-dde09ef3.js +9ms
cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/CreateSpecModal-3ad38b70.css, params[0] CreateSpecModal-3ad38b70.css +55ms
cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/Runner-a1e4bf11.css, params[0] Runner-a1e4bf11.css +152ms
cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/Switch.vue_vue_type_script_setup_true_lang-d7120d82.js, params[0] Switch.vue_vue_type_script_setup_true_lang-d7120d82.js +1ms
cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/refresh_x16-c2d6864c.js, params[0] refresh_x16-c2d6864c.js +15ms
cypress:server:server-base Got CONNECT request from localhost:8080 +1s
cypress:https-proxy Writing browserSocket connection headers { url: 'localhost:8080', headLength: 0, headers: { host: 'localhost:8080', 'proxy-connection': 'keep-alive', 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Cypress/12.8.1 Chrome/106.0.5249.51 Electron/21.0.0 Safari/537.36' } } +1s
cypress:https-proxy Got first head bytes { url: 'localhost:8080', head: 'GET /__socket-graphql HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: localhost:8080\r\nConnection' } +15ms
cypress:https-proxy Making intercepted connection to 39947 +1ms
cypress:network:connect successfully connected { opts: { port: 39947, host: 'localhost', getDelayMsForRetry: [Function: h] }, iteration: 0 } +1s
cypress:https-proxy received upstreamSocket callback for request { port: 39947, hostname: 'localhost', err: undefined } +21ms
cypress:server:util:socket_allowed allowing socket { localPort: 46856 } +1s
cypress:server:server-base Got UPGRADE request from /__socket-graphql +61ms
cypress:server:util:socket_allowed is incoming request allowed? { isAllowed: true, reqUrl: '/__socket-graphql', remotePort: 46856, remoteAddress: '' } +23ms
cypress:server:project project has config { viewportWidth: 1280, viewportHeight: 800, retries: { runMode: 1, openMode: 0 }, screenshotOnRunFailure: false, videoUploadOnPasses: false, video: true, videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', screenshotsFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', chromeWebSecurity: false, devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'webpack', webpackConfig: { target: 'web', entry: [Object], resolve: [Object], output: [Object], optimization: [Object], stats: 'minimal', module: [Object], plugins: [Array], mode: 'development', devtool: 'eval-source-map' } }, projectRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend', projectName: 'frontend', repoRoot: null, rawJson: { component: { videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', screenshotsFolder: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', video: true, chromeWebSecurity: false, devServer: [Object] }, viewportWidth: 1280, viewportHeight: 800, retries: { runMode: 1 }, screenshotOnRunFailure: false, videoUploadOnPasses: false, video: true, videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', screenshotsFolder: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', chromeWebSecurity: false, devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'webpack', webpackConfig: [Object] }, envFile: {}, projectRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend', projectName: 'frontend', repoRoot: undefined }, configFile: 'cypress.config.ts', morgan: false, isTextTerminal: true, socketId: '4xtxk84xf0', report: true, animationDistanceThreshold: 5, arch: 'x64', baseUrl: 'http://localhost:8080', blockHosts: null, clientCertificates: [], defaultCommandTimeout: 4000, downloadsFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/downloads', env: { CACHE_FOLDER: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress' }, execTimeout: 60000, experimentalFetchPolyfill: false, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: false, experimentalRunAllSpecs: false, experimentalMemoryManagement: false, experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: false, experimentalSkipDomainInjection: null, experimentalOriginDependencies: false, experimentalSourceRewriting: false, experimentalSingleTabRunMode: false, experimentalStudio: false, experimentalWebKitSupport: false, fileServerFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend', fixturesFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/fixtures', excludeSpecPattern: [ '**/__snapshots__/*', '**/__image_snapshots__/*' ], includeShadowDom: false, keystrokeDelay: 0, modifyObstructiveCode: true, nodeVersion: undefined, numTestsKeptInMemory: 0, platform: 'linux', pageLoadTimeout: 60000, port: 39947, projectId: null, redirectionLimit: 20, reporter: 'spec', reporterOptions: null, requestTimeout: 5000, resolvedNodePath: '/usr/local/bin/node', resolvedNodeVersion: '16.18.1', responseTimeout: 30000, slowTestThreshold: 250, scrollBehavior: 'top', supportFile: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/support/component.ts', supportFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/support', taskTimeout: 60000, testIsolation: true, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: true, userAgent: null, videoCompression: 32, waitForAnimations: true, watchForFileChanges: false, specPattern: '**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', additionalIgnorePattern: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', autoOpen: false, browsers: [ { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '106.0.5249.51', path: '', majorVersion: 106 } ], clientRoute: '/__/', cypressBinaryRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/resources/app', devServerPublicPathRoute: '/__cypress/src', hosts: null, isInteractive: true, namespace: '__cypress', reporterRoute: '/__cypress/reporter', socketIoCookie: '__socket', socketIoRoute: '/__socket', version: '12.8.1', indexHtmlFile: 'cypress/support/component-index.html', cypressEnv: 'production', resolved: { animationDistanceThreshold: { value: 5, from: 'default' }, arch: { value: 'x64', from: 'default' }, baseUrl: { value: null, from: 'default' }, blockHosts: { value: null, from: 'default' }, chromeWebSecurity: { value: false, from: 'config' }, clientCertificates: { value: [], from: 'default' }, defaultCommandTimeout: { value: 4000, from: 'default' }, downloadsFolder: { value: 'cypress/downloads', from: 'default' }, env: { CACHE_FOLDER: [Object] }, execTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, experimentalFetchPolyfill: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalRunAllSpecs: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalMemoryManagement: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSkipDomainInjection: { value: null, from: 'default' }, experimentalOriginDependencies: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSourceRewriting: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSingleTabRunMode: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalStudio: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalWebKitSupport: { value: false, from: 'default' }, fileServerFolder: { value: '', from: 'default' }, fixturesFolder: { value: 'cypress/fixtures', from: 'default' }, excludeSpecPattern: { value: [Array], from: 'default' }, includeShadowDom: { value: false, from: 'default' }, keystrokeDelay: { value: 0, from: 'default' }, modifyObstructiveCode: { value: true, from: 'default' }, nodeVersion: { value: undefined, from: 'default' }, numTestsKeptInMemory: { value: 0, from: 'config' }, platform: { value: 'linux', from: 'default' }, pageLoadTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, port: { value: null, from: 'default' }, projectId: { value: null, from: 'default' }, redirectionLimit: { value: 20, from: 'default' }, reporter: { value: 'spec', from: 'default' }, reporterOptions: { value: null, from: 'default' }, requestTimeout: { value: 5000, from: 'default' }, resolvedNodePath: { value: null, from: 'default' }, resolvedNodeVersion: { value: null, from: 'default' }, responseTimeout: { value: 30000, from: 'default' }, retries: { value: [Object], from: 'config' }, screenshotOnRunFailure: { value: false, from: 'config' }, screenshotsFolder: { value: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', from: 'config' }, slowTestThreshold: { value: 250, from: 'default' }, scrollBehavior: { value: 'top', from: 'default' }, supportFile: { value: 'cypress/support/component.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'default' }, supportFolder: { value: false, from: 'default' }, taskTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, testIsolation: { value: true, from: 'default' }, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: { value: true, from: 'default' }, userAgent: { value: null, from: 'default' }, video: { value: true, from: 'default' }, videoCompression: { value: 32, from: 'default' }, videosFolder: { value: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', from: 'config' }, videoUploadOnPasses: { value: false, from: 'config' }, viewportHeight: { value: 800, from: 'config' }, viewportWidth: { value: 1280, from: 'config' }, waitForAnimations: { value: true, from: 'default' }, watchForFileChanges: { value: false, from: 'config' }, specPattern: { value: '**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'default' }, browsers: { value: [Array], from: 'runtime' }, hosts: { value: null, from: 'default' }, isInteractive: { value: true, from: 'default' } }, testingType: 'component', remote: {}, browser: null, specs: [], proxyUrl: 'http://localhost:39947', browserUrl: 'http://localhost:8080/__/', reporterUrl: 'http://localhost:8080/__cypress/reporter', proxyServer: 'http://localhost:39947', state: {} } +4s
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '39947', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: 'localhost' } +2s
cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:39947', strategy: 'file', fileServer: 'http://localhost', domainName: 'localhost', props: null } for: http://localhost:39947 +2s
cypress:server:util:process_profiler current & mean memory and CPU usage by process group:
cypress:server:util:process_profiler ┌─────────┬───────────────────┬──────────────┬──────────────────────┬────────────┬────────────────┬──────────┬──────────────┬─────────────┐
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ (index) │ group │ processCount │ pids │ cpuPercent │ meanCpuPercent │ memRssMb │ meanMemRssMb │ maxMemRssMb │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler ├─────────┼───────────────────┼──────────────┼──────────────────────┼────────────┼────────────────┼──────────┼──────────────┼─────────────┤
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 0 │ 'plugin' │ 3 │ '880, 1064, 1066' │ 4.32 │ 2.26 │ 604.24 │ 427.86 │ 604.24 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 1 │ 'cypress' │ 1 │ '651' │ 3.52 │ 1.63 │ 397.77 │ 356.92 │ 397.77 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 2 │ 'electron-shared' │ 4 │ '675, 849, 676, 893' │ 0.27 │ 0.09 │ 226.03 │ 174.74 │ 226.03 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 3 │ 'launchpad' │ 1 │ '1103' │ 0.03 │ 0.03 │ 155.34 │ 155.34 │ 155.34 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 4 │ 'ffmpeg' │ 1 │ '1120' │ 0 │ 0 │ 8.29 │ 8.29 │ 8.29 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 5 │ 'other' │ 2 │ '1125, 1126' │ 0 │ 0 │ 3.57 │ 3.49 │ 3.57 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 6 │ 'TOTAL' │ 12 │ '-' │ 8.14 │ 3.24 │ 1395.23 │ 874.92 │ 1395.23 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler └─────────┴───────────────────┴──────────────┴──────────────────────┴────────────┴────────────────┴──────────┴──────────────┴─────────────┘ +10s
cypress:server:util:socket_allowed allowed socket closed, removing { localPort: 50392 } +2s
cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/electron-fb07f5cc.svg, params[0] electron-fb07f5cc.svg +3s
cypress:server:project socket:connected +2s
cypress:server:run got socket connection { id: '4xtxk84xf0' } +7s
cypress:server:run socket connected { socketId: '4xtxk84xf0' } +0ms
cypress:lifecycle:EventRegistrar plugin event registered? { eventName: 'before:spec', isRegistered: false } +8s
<i> [webpack-dev-middleware] wait until bundle finished: /__cypress/src/index.html
cypress:server:util:socket_allowed allowed socket closed, removing { localPort: 50406 } +2s
cypress:server:util:process_profiler current & mean memory and CPU usage by process group:
cypress:server:util:process_profiler ┌─────────┬───────────────────┬──────────────┬──────────────────────┬────────────┬────────────────┬──────────┬──────────────┬─────────────┐
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ (index) │ group │ processCount │ pids │ cpuPercent │ meanCpuPercent │ memRssMb │ meanMemRssMb │ maxMemRssMb │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler ├─────────┼───────────────────┼──────────────┼──────────────────────┼────────────┼────────────────┼──────────┼──────────────┼─────────────┤
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 0 │ 'plugin' │ 3 │ '880, 1064, 1066' │ 10.43 │ 4.98 │ 748.29 │ 534.67 │ 748.29 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 1 │ 'cypress' │ 1 │ '651' │ 1.26 │ 1.54 │ 381.7 │ 363.11 │ 397.77 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 2 │ 'electron-shared' │ 4 │ '675, 849, 676, 893' │ 2.47 │ 0.69 │ 237.28 │ 190.37 │ 237.28 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 3 │ 'launchpad' │ 1 │ '1103' │ 2.3 │ 1.17 │ 150.18 │ 152.76 │ 155.34 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 4 │ 'ffmpeg' │ 1 │ '1120' │ 0 │ 0 │ 11.28 │ 9.79 │ 11.28 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 5 │ 'other' │ 2 │ '1148, 1149' │ 0 │ 0 │ 3.54 │ 3.5 │ 3.57 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 6 │ 'TOTAL' │ 12 │ '-' │ 16.46 │ 6.54 │ 1532.27 │ 1039.26 │ 1532.27 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler └─────────┴───────────────────┴──────────────┴──────────────────────┴────────────┴────────────────┴──────────┴──────────────┴─────────────┘ +10s
cypress:server:video capture codec data: { format: 'image2pipe', audio: '', video: 'mjpeg (Baseline)', duration: 'N/A', video_details: [ 'mjpeg (Baseline)', 'yuvj420p(pc', 'bt470bg/unknown/unknown)', '1280x720 [SAR 1:1 DAR 16:9]', '25 fps', '25 tbr', '25 tbn', '25 tbc' ] } +25s
cypress:server:util:process_profiler current & mean memory and CPU usage by process group:
cypress:server:util:process_profiler ┌─────────┬───────────────────┬──────────────┬──────────────────────┬────────────┬────────────────┬──────────┬──────────────┬─────────────┐
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ (index) │ group │ processCount │ pids │ cpuPercent │ meanCpuPercent │ memRssMb │ meanMemRssMb │ maxMemRssMb │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler ├─────────┼───────────────────┼──────────────┼──────────────────────┼────────────┼────────────────┼──────────┼──────────────┼─────────────┤
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 0 │ 'plugin' │ 3 │ '880, 1064, 1066' │ 11.59 │ 6.63 │ 926.11 │ 632.53 │ 926.11 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 1 │ 'cypress' │ 1 │ '651' │ 1.51 │ 1.53 │ 382.24 │ 366.94 │ 397.77 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 2 │ 'electron-shared' │ 4 │ '675, 849, 676, 893' │ 3.12 │ 1.17 │ 244.04 │ 201.11 │ 244.04 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 3 │ 'launchpad' │ 1 │ '1103' │ 0.36 │ 0.9 │ 148.09 │ 151.2 │ 155.34 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 4 │ 'ffmpeg' │ 1 │ '1120' │ 0.08 │ 0.03 │ 50.98 │ 23.52 │ 50.98 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 5 │ 'other' │ 2 │ '1194, 1195' │ 0 │ 0 │ 3.59 │ 3.52 │ 3.59 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 6 │ 'TOTAL' │ 12 │ '-' │ 16.65 │ 8.56 │ 1755.05 │ 1182.42 │ 1755.05 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler └─────────┴───────────────────┴──────────────┴──────────────────────┴────────────┴────────────────┴──────────┴──────────────┴─────────────┘ +11s
Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run:
npx browserslist@latest --update-db
Why you should do it regularly:
cypress:server:util:process_profiler current & mean memory and CPU usage by process group:
cypress:server:util:process_profiler ┌─────────┬───────────────────┬──────────────┬──────────────────────┬────────────┬────────────────┬──────────┬──────────────┬─────────────┐
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ (index) │ group │ processCount │ pids │ cpuPercent │ meanCpuPercent │ memRssMb │ meanMemRssMb │ maxMemRssMb │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler ├─────────┼───────────────────┼──────────────┼──────────────────────┼────────────┼────────────────┼──────────┼──────────────┼─────────────┤
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 0 │ 'plugin' │ 3 │ '880, 1064, 1066' │ 11.05 │ 7.52 │ 1029.67 │ 711.96 │ 1029.67 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 1 │ 'cypress' │ 1 │ '651' │ 1.41 │ 1.51 │ 380.85 │ 369.26 │ 397.77 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 2 │ 'electron-shared' │ 4 │ '675, 849, 676, 893' │ 2.92 │ 1.46 │ 250.07 │ 209.27 │ 250.07 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 3 │ 'launchpad' │ 1 │ '1103' │ 0.32 │ 0.75 │ 148.09 │ 150.43 │ 155.34 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 4 │ 'ffmpeg' │ 1 │ '1120' │ 1.31 │ 0.35 │ 86.31 │ 39.22 │ 86.31 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 5 │ 'other' │ 2 │ '1217, 1218' │ 0 │ 0 │ 3.47 │ 3.51 │ 3.59 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 6 │ 'TOTAL' │ 12 │ '-' │ 17.01 │ 9.97 │ 1898.46 │ 1301.76 │ 1898.46 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler └─────────┴───────────────────┴──────────────┴──────────────────────┴────────────┴────────────────┴──────────┴──────────────┴─────────────┘ +11s
cypress:server:util:process_profiler current & mean memory and CPU usage by process group:
cypress:server:util:process_profiler ┌─────────┬───────────────────┬──────────────┬──────────────────────┬────────────┬────────────────┬──────────┬──────────────┬─────────────┐
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ (index) │ group │ processCount │ pids │ cpuPercent │ meanCpuPercent │ memRssMb │ meanMemRssMb │ maxMemRssMb │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler ├─────────┼───────────────────┼──────────────┼──────────────────────┼────────────┼────────────────┼──────────┼──────────────┼─────────────┤
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 0 │ 'plugin' │ 3 │ '880, 1064, 1066' │ 11.46 │ 8.18 │ 1058.11 │ 769.65 │ 1058.11 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 1 │ 'cypress' │ 1 │ '651' │ 1.45 │ 1.5 │ 383.88 │ 371.35 │ 397.77 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 2 │ 'electron-shared' │ 4 │ '675, 849, 676, 893' │ 2.91 │ 1.67 │ 253.32 │ 215.56 │ 253.32 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 3 │ 'launchpad' │ 1 │ '1103' │ 0.33 │ 0.67 │ 148.14 │ 149.97 │ 155.34 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 4 │ 'ffmpeg' │ 1 │ '1120' │ 1.03 │ 0.48 │ 86.31 │ 48.63 │ 86.31 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 5 │ 'other' │ 2 │ '1240, 1241' │ 0 │ 0 │ 3.35 │ 3.49 │ 3.59 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 6 │ 'TOTAL' │ 12 │ '-' │ 17.18 │ 11 │ 1933.12 │ 1391.95 │ 1933.12 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler └─────────┴───────────────────┴──────────────┴──────────────────────┴────────────┴────────────────┴──────────┴──────────────┴─────────────┘ +10s
cypress:server:util:process_profiler current & mean memory and CPU usage by process group:
cypress:server:util:process_profiler ┌─────────┬───────────────────┬──────────────┬──────────────────────┬────────────┬────────────────┬──────────┬──────────────┬─────────────┐
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ (index) │ group │ processCount │ pids │ cpuPercent │ meanCpuPercent │ memRssMb │ meanMemRssMb │ maxMemRssMb │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler ├─────────┼───────────────────┼──────────────┼──────────────────────┼────────────┼────────────────┼──────────┼──────────────┼─────────────┤
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 0 │ 'plugin' │ 3 │ '880, 1064, 1066' │ 9.71 │ 8.39 │ 1088.94 │ 815.26 │ 1088.94 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 1 │ 'cypress' │ 1 │ '651' │ 1.44 │ 1.5 │ 382.88 │ 372.79 │ 397.77 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 2 │ 'electron-shared' │ 4 │ '675, 849, 676, 893' │ 3.04 │ 1.84 │ 257.71 │ 220.83 │ 257.71 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 3 │ 'launchpad' │ 1 │ '1103' │ 0.36 │ 0.62 │ 148.27 │ 149.68 │ 155.34 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 4 │ 'ffmpeg' │ 1 │ '1120' │ 1.26 │ 0.61 │ 86.77 │ 54.99 │ 86.77 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 5 │ 'other' │ 2 │ '1263, 1264' │ 0 │ 0 │ 3.48 │ 3.49 │ 3.59 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 6 │ 'TOTAL' │ 12 │ '-' │ 15.82 │ 11.6 │ 1968.06 │ 1463.97 │ 1968.06 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler └─────────┴───────────────────┴──────────────┴──────────────────────┴────────────┴────────────────┴──────────┴──────────────┴─────────────┘ +10s
Timed out waiting for the browser to connect. Retrying...
cypress:server:browsers browsers.kill called with no active instance +60s
cypress:server:run waiting for socket to connect and browser to launch... +52s
cypress:server:run waiting for socket connection... { id: '4xtxk84xf0' } +0ms
cypress:server:open_project resetting project state, preparing to launch browser electron for spec { fileExtension: '.tsx', baseName: '', fileName: 'EmployeeNotes', specFileExtension: '.cy.tsx', relativeToCommonRoot: '', specType: 'component', name: 'src/tests/cypress/', relative: 'src/tests/cypress/', absolute: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/src/tests/cypress/' } options { projectRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend', shouldLaunchNewTab: false, onError: [Function (anonymous)], videoApi: { onError: [Function (anonymous)], videoName: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos/', compressedVideoName: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos/', useFfmpegVideoController: [AsyncFunction: useFfmpegVideoController], useVideoController: [Function: useVideoController], onProjectCaptureVideoFrames: [Function: onProjectCaptureVideoFrames] }, automationMiddleware: { onBeforeRequest: [Function: onBeforeRequest], onAfterResponse: [Function: onAfterResponse] }, onWarning: [Function: onWarning] } +1m
cypress:server:project resetting project instance /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend +52s
cypress:proxy:http:util:buffers resetting buffers +1m
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '80', protocol: null, subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: '' } +55s
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '39947', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: 'localhost' } +1ms
cypress:server:remote-states setting remote state { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:39947', strategy: 'file', fileServer: 'http://localhost', domainName: 'localhost', props: null } for http://localhost:39947 +55s
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '39947', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: 'localhost' } +10ms
cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:39947', strategy: 'file', fileServer: 'http://localhost', domainName: 'localhost', props: null } for: http://localhost:39947 +9ms
cypress:server:project_utils returning spec url http://localhost:8080/__/#/specs/runner?file=src/tests/cypress/ +1m
cypress:server:open_project open project url http://localhost:8080/__/#/specs/runner?file=src/tests/cypress/ +33ms
cypress:server:project project has config { viewportWidth: 1280, viewportHeight: 800, retries: { runMode: 1, openMode: 0 }, screenshotOnRunFailure: false, videoUploadOnPasses: false, video: true, videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', screenshotsFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', chromeWebSecurity: false, devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'webpack', webpackConfig: { target: 'web', entry: [Object], resolve: [Object], output: [Object], optimization: [Object], stats: 'minimal', module: [Object], plugins: [Array], mode: 'development', devtool: 'eval-source-map' } }, projectRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend', projectName: 'frontend', repoRoot: null, rawJson: { component: { videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', screenshotsFolder: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', video: true, chromeWebSecurity: false, devServer: [Object] }, viewportWidth: 1280, viewportHeight: 800, retries: { runMode: 1 }, screenshotOnRunFailure: false, videoUploadOnPasses: false, video: true, videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', screenshotsFolder: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', chromeWebSecurity: false, devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'webpack', webpackConfig: [Object] }, envFile: {}, projectRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend', projectName: 'frontend', repoRoot: undefined }, configFile: 'cypress.config.ts', morgan: false, isTextTerminal: true, socketId: '4xtxk84xf0', report: true, animationDistanceThreshold: 5, arch: 'x64', baseUrl: 'http://localhost:8080', blockHosts: null, clientCertificates: [], defaultCommandTimeout: 4000, downloadsFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/downloads', env: { CACHE_FOLDER: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress' }, execTimeout: 60000, experimentalFetchPolyfill: false, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: false, experimentalRunAllSpecs: false, experimentalMemoryManagement: false, experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: false, experimentalSkipDomainInjection: null, experimentalOriginDependencies: false, experimentalSourceRewriting: false, experimentalSingleTabRunMode: false, experimentalStudio: false, experimentalWebKitSupport: false, fileServerFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend', fixturesFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/fixtures', excludeSpecPattern: [ '**/__snapshots__/*', '**/__image_snapshots__/*' ], includeShadowDom: false, keystrokeDelay: 0, modifyObstructiveCode: true, nodeVersion: undefined, numTestsKeptInMemory: 0, platform: 'linux', pageLoadTimeout: 60000, port: 39947, projectId: null, redirectionLimit: 20, reporter: 'spec', reporterOptions: null, requestTimeout: 5000, resolvedNodePath: '/usr/local/bin/node', resolvedNodeVersion: '16.18.1', responseTimeout: 30000, slowTestThreshold: 250, scrollBehavior: 'top', supportFile: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/support/component.ts', supportFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/support', taskTimeout: 60000, testIsolation: true, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: true, userAgent: null, videoCompression: 32, waitForAnimations: true, watchForFileChanges: false, specPattern: '**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', additionalIgnorePattern: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', autoOpen: false, browsers: [ { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '106.0.5249.51', path: '', majorVersion: 106 } ], clientRoute: '/__/', cypressBinaryRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/resources/app', devServerPublicPathRoute: '/__cypress/src', hosts: null, isInteractive: true, namespace: '__cypress', reporterRoute: '/__cypress/reporter', socketIoCookie: '__socket', socketIoRoute: '/__socket', version: '12.8.1', indexHtmlFile: 'cypress/support/component-index.html', cypressEnv: 'production', resolved: { animationDistanceThreshold: { value: 5, from: 'default' }, arch: { value: 'x64', from: 'default' }, baseUrl: { value: null, from: 'default' }, blockHosts: { value: null, from: 'default' }, chromeWebSecurity: { value: false, from: 'config' }, clientCertificates: { value: [], from: 'default' }, defaultCommandTimeout: { value: 4000, from: 'default' }, downloadsFolder: { value: 'cypress/downloads', from: 'default' }, env: { CACHE_FOLDER: [Object] }, execTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, experimentalFetchPolyfill: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalRunAllSpecs: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalMemoryManagement: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSkipDomainInjection: { value: null, from: 'default' }, experimentalOriginDependencies: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSourceRewriting: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSingleTabRunMode: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalStudio: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalWebKitSupport: { value: false, from: 'default' }, fileServerFolder: { value: '', from: 'default' }, fixturesFolder: { value: 'cypress/fixtures', from: 'default' }, excludeSpecPattern: { value: [Array], from: 'default' }, includeShadowDom: { value: false, from: 'default' }, keystrokeDelay: { value: 0, from: 'default' }, modifyObstructiveCode: { value: true, from: 'default' }, nodeVersion: { value: undefined, from: 'default' }, numTestsKeptInMemory: { value: 0, from: 'config' }, platform: { value: 'linux', from: 'default' }, pageLoadTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, port: { value: null, from: 'default' }, projectId: { value: null, from: 'default' }, redirectionLimit: { value: 20, from: 'default' }, reporter: { value: 'spec', from: 'default' }, reporterOptions: { value: null, from: 'default' }, requestTimeout: { value: 5000, from: 'default' }, resolvedNodePath: { value: null, from: 'default' }, resolvedNodeVersion: { value: null, from: 'default' }, responseTimeout: { value: 30000, from: 'default' }, retries: { value: [Object], from: 'config' }, screenshotOnRunFailure: { value: false, from: 'config' }, screenshotsFolder: { value: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', from: 'config' }, slowTestThreshold: { value: 250, from: 'default' }, scrollBehavior: { value: 'top', from: 'default' }, supportFile: { value: 'cypress/support/component.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'default' }, supportFolder: { value: false, from: 'default' }, taskTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, testIsolation: { value: true, from: 'default' }, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: { value: true, from: 'default' }, userAgent: { value: null, from: 'default' }, video: { value: true, from: 'default' }, videoCompression: { value: 32, from: 'default' }, videosFolder: { value: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', from: 'config' }, videoUploadOnPasses: { value: false, from: 'config' }, viewportHeight: { value: 800, from: 'config' }, viewportWidth: { value: 1280, from: 'config' }, waitForAnimations: { value: true, from: 'default' }, watchForFileChanges: { value: false, from: 'config' }, specPattern: { value: '**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'default' }, browsers: { value: [Array], from: 'runtime' }, hosts: { value: null, from: 'default' }, isInteractive: { value: true, from: 'default' } }, testingType: 'component', remote: {}, browser: null, specs: [], proxyUrl: 'http://localhost:39947', browserUrl: 'http://localhost:8080/__/', reporterUrl: 'http://localhost:8080/__cypress/reporter', proxyServer: 'http://localhost:39947', state: {} } +34ms
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '39947', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: 'localhost' } +30ms
cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:39947', strategy: 'file', fileServer: 'http://localhost', domainName: 'localhost', props: null } for: http://localhost:39947 +25ms
cypress:server:open_project launching browser: { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '106.0.5249.51', path: '', majorVersion: 106, isHeadless: true, isHeaded: false }, spec: src/tests/cypress/ +25ms
cypress:server:browsers browsers.kill called with no active instance +63ms
cypress:server:browsers getBrowserLauncher { browser: { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '106.0.5249.51', path: '', majorVersion: 106, isHeadless: true, isHeaded: false } } +1ms
cypress:server:browsers opening browser { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '106.0.5249.51', path: '', majorVersion: 106, isHeadless: true, isHeaded: false } +6ms
cypress:server:browsers:electron open { browser: { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '106.0.5249.51', path: '', majorVersion: 106, isHeadless: true, isHeaded: false }, url: 'http://localhost:8080/__/#/specs/runner?file=src/tests/cypress/' } +59s
cypress:server:saved_state noop saved state +1m
cypress:server:browsers:electron received saved state {} +40ms
cypress:server:browsers:electron browser window options { browser: { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '106.0.5249.51', path: '', majorVersion: 106, isHeadless: true, isHeaded: false }, url: 'http://localhost:8080/__/#/specs/runner?file=src/tests/cypress/', browsers: [ { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '106.0.5249.51', path: '', majorVersion: 106 } ], userAgent: null, proxyUrl: 'http://localhost:39947', proxyServer: 'http://localhost:39947', socketIoRoute: '/__socket', chromeWebSecurity: false, isTextTerminal: true, downloadsFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/downloads', experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: false, experimentalWebKitSupport: false, projectRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend', shouldLaunchNewTab: false, videoApi: { onError: [Function (anonymous)], videoName: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos/', compressedVideoName: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos/', useFfmpegVideoController: [AsyncFunction: useFfmpegVideoController], useVideoController: [Function: useVideoController], onProjectCaptureVideoFrames: [Function: onProjectCaptureVideoFrames] }, automationMiddleware: { onBeforeRequest: [Function: onBeforeRequest], onAfterResponse: [Function: onAfterResponse] }, x: null, y: null, width: 1280, height: 720, minWidth: 100, minHeight: 100, devTools: false, contextMenu: true, partition: 'persist:run-651', trackState: { width: 'browserWidth', height: 'browserHeight', x: 'browserX', y: 'browserY', devTools: 'isBrowserDevToolsOpen' }, webPreferences: { sandbox: true, partition: null, webSecurity: true, nodeIntegration: false, backgroundThrottling: false }, show: false, resizable: false, frame: true, recordFrameRate: null } +1ms
cypress:lifecycle:EventRegistrar plugin event registered? { eventName: 'before:browser:launch', isRegistered: false } +52s
cypress:server:browsers:electron launching browser window to url: http://localhost:8080/__/#/specs/runner?file=src/tests/cypress/ +6ms
cypress:server:browsers:electron debugger attached +14ms
cypress:server:browsers:electron clearing cache +1ms
cypress:server:video capture started { command: "ffmpeg -n 20 /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/@ffmpeg-installer/linux-x64/ffmpeg -f image2pipe -use_wallclock_as_timestamps 1 -i pipe:0 -y -vcodec libx264 -filter:v crop='floor(in_w/2)*2:floor(in_h/2)*2' -preset ultrafast /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos/" } +34s
cypress:server:run setting videoController for videoRecording { api: { onError: [Function (anonymous)], videoName: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos/', compressedVideoName: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos/', useFfmpegVideoController: [AsyncFunction: useFfmpegVideoController], useVideoController: [Function: useVideoController], onProjectCaptureVideoFrames: [Function: onProjectCaptureVideoFrames] }, controller: { _pt: PassThrough { _readableState: [ReadableState], _events: [Object: null prototype], _eventsCount: 5, _maxListeners: undefined, _writableState: [WritableState], allowHalfOpen: true, [Symbol(kCapture)]: false, [Symbol(kCallback)]: [Function: bound onwrite] }, cmd: c { _events: [Object: null prototype], _eventsCount: 6, _maxListeners: undefined, _inputs: [Array], _currentInput: [Object], _outputs: [Array], _currentOutput: [Object], _global: [Function], _complexFilters: [Function], options: [Object], logger: [Object], ffmpegProc: [ChildProcess], [Symbol(kCapture)]: false }, endVideoCapture: [Function: c], writeVideoFrame: [Function: writeVideoFrame], startedVideoCapture: 2023-05-02T08:49:03.514Z, restart: [AsyncFunction: restart] } } +496ms
cypress:server:browsers:electron debugger: enable Console and Network +393ms
cypress:server:project project has config { viewportWidth: 1280, viewportHeight: 800, retries: { runMode: 1, openMode: 0 }, screenshotOnRunFailure: false, videoUploadOnPasses: false, video: true, videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', screenshotsFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', chromeWebSecurity: false, devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'webpack', webpackConfig: { target: 'web', entry: [Object], resolve: [Object], output: [Object], optimization: [Object], stats: 'minimal', module: [Object], plugins: [Array], mode: 'development', devtool: 'eval-source-map' } }, projectRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend', projectName: 'frontend', repoRoot: null, rawJson: { component: { videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', screenshotsFolder: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', video: true, chromeWebSecurity: false, devServer: [Object] }, viewportWidth: 1280, viewportHeight: 800, retries: { runMode: 1 }, screenshotOnRunFailure: false, videoUploadOnPasses: false, video: true, videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', screenshotsFolder: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', chromeWebSecurity: false, devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'webpack', webpackConfig: [Object] }, envFile: {}, projectRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend', projectName: 'frontend', repoRoot: undefined }, configFile: 'cypress.config.ts', morgan: false, isTextTerminal: true, socketId: '4xtxk84xf0', report: true, animationDistanceThreshold: 5, arch: 'x64', baseUrl: 'http://localhost:8080', blockHosts: null, clientCertificates: [], defaultCommandTimeout: 4000, downloadsFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/downloads', env: { CACHE_FOLDER: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress' }, execTimeout: 60000, experimentalFetchPolyfill: false, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: false, experimentalRunAllSpecs: false, experimentalMemoryManagement: false, experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: false, experimentalSkipDomainInjection: null, experimentalOriginDependencies: false, experimentalSourceRewriting: false, experimentalSingleTabRunMode: false, experimentalStudio: false, experimentalWebKitSupport: false, fileServerFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend', fixturesFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/fixtures', excludeSpecPattern: [ '**/__snapshots__/*', '**/__image_snapshots__/*' ], includeShadowDom: false, keystrokeDelay: 0, modifyObstructiveCode: true, nodeVersion: undefined, numTestsKeptInMemory: 0, platform: 'linux', pageLoadTimeout: 60000, port: 39947, projectId: null, redirectionLimit: 20, reporter: 'spec', reporterOptions: null, requestTimeout: 5000, resolvedNodePath: '/usr/local/bin/node', resolvedNodeVersion: '16.18.1', responseTimeout: 30000, slowTestThreshold: 250, scrollBehavior: 'top', supportFile: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/support/component.ts', supportFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/support', taskTimeout: 60000, testIsolation: true, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: true, userAgent: null, videoCompression: 32, waitForAnimations: true, watchForFileChanges: false, specPattern: '**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', additionalIgnorePattern: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', autoOpen: false, browsers: [ { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '106.0.5249.51', path: '', majorVersion: 106 } ], clientRoute: '/__/', cypressBinaryRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/resources/app', devServerPublicPathRoute: '/__cypress/src', hosts: null, isInteractive: true, namespace: '__cypress', reporterRoute: '/__cypress/reporter', socketIoCookie: '__socket', socketIoRoute: '/__socket', version: '12.8.1', indexHtmlFile: 'cypress/support/component-index.html', cypressEnv: 'production', resolved: { animationDistanceThreshold: { value: 5, from: 'default' }, arch: { value: 'x64', from: 'default' }, baseUrl: { value: null, from: 'default' }, blockHosts: { value: null, from: 'default' }, chromeWebSecurity: { value: false, from: 'config' }, clientCertificates: { value: [], from: 'default' }, defaultCommandTimeout: { value: 4000, from: 'default' }, downloadsFolder: { value: 'cypress/downloads', from: 'default' }, env: { CACHE_FOLDER: [Object] }, execTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, experimentalFetchPolyfill: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalRunAllSpecs: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalMemoryManagement: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSkipDomainInjection: { value: null, from: 'default' }, experimentalOriginDependencies: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSourceRewriting: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSingleTabRunMode: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalStudio: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalWebKitSupport: { value: false, from: 'default' }, fileServerFolder: { value: '', from: 'default' }, fixturesFolder: { value: 'cypress/fixtures', from: 'default' }, excludeSpecPattern: { value: [Array], from: 'default' }, includeShadowDom: { value: false, from: 'default' }, keystrokeDelay: { value: 0, from: 'default' }, modifyObstructiveCode: { value: true, from: 'default' }, nodeVersion: { value: undefined, from: 'default' }, numTestsKeptInMemory: { value: 0, from: 'config' }, platform: { value: 'linux', from: 'default' }, pageLoadTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, port: { value: null, from: 'default' }, projectId: { value: null, from: 'default' }, redirectionLimit: { value: 20, from: 'default' }, reporter: { value: 'spec', from: 'default' }, reporterOptions: { value: null, from: 'default' }, requestTimeout: { value: 5000, from: 'default' }, resolvedNodePath: { value: null, from: 'default' }, resolvedNodeVersion: { value: null, from: 'default' }, responseTimeout: { value: 30000, from: 'default' }, retries: { value: [Object], from: 'config' }, screenshotOnRunFailure: { value: false, from: 'config' }, screenshotsFolder: { value: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', from: 'config' }, slowTestThreshold: { value: 250, from: 'default' }, scrollBehavior: { value: 'top', from: 'default' }, supportFile: { value: 'cypress/support/component.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'default' }, supportFolder: { value: false, from: 'default' }, taskTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, testIsolation: { value: true, from: 'default' }, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: { value: true, from: 'default' }, userAgent: { value: null, from: 'default' }, video: { value: true, from: 'default' }, videoCompression: { value: 32, from: 'default' }, videosFolder: { value: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', from: 'config' }, videoUploadOnPasses: { value: false, from: 'config' }, viewportHeight: { value: 800, from: 'config' }, viewportWidth: { value: 1280, from: 'config' }, waitForAnimations: { value: true, from: 'default' }, watchForFileChanges: { value: false, from: 'config' }, specPattern: { value: '**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'default' }, browsers: { value: [Array], from: 'runtime' }, hosts: { value: null, from: 'default' }, isInteractive: { value: true, from: 'default' } }, testingType: 'component', remote: {}, browser: null, specs: [], proxyUrl: 'http://localhost:39947', browserUrl: 'http://localhost:8080/__/', reporterUrl: 'http://localhost:8080/__cypress/reporter', proxyServer: 'http://localhost:39947', state: {} } +545ms
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '39947', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: 'localhost' } +533ms
cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:39947', strategy: 'file', fileServer: 'http://localhost', domainName: 'localhost', props: null } for: http://localhost:39947 +531ms
cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/polyfills-72632428.js, params[0] polyfills-72632428.js +53s
cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/index-4e08fd95.js, params[0] index-4e08fd95.js +7ms
cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/index-6a03b038.css, params[0] index-6a03b038.css +7ms
cypress:server:server-base Got CONNECT request from localhost:8080 +57s
cypress:https-proxy Writing browserSocket connection headers { url: 'localhost:8080', headLength: 0, headers: { host: 'localhost:8080', 'proxy-connection': 'keep-alive', 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Cypress/12.8.1 Chrome/106.0.5249.51 Electron/21.0.0 Safari/537.36' } } +57s
cypress:https-proxy Got first head bytes { url: 'localhost:8080', head: 'GET /__socket/?EIO=4&transport=websocket HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: localho' } +3ms
cypress:https-proxy Making intercepted connection to 39947 +0ms
cypress:network:connect successfully connected { opts: { port: 39947, host: 'localhost', getDelayMsForRetry: [Function: h] }, iteration: 0 } +57s
cypress:https-proxy received upstreamSocket callback for request { port: 39947, hostname: 'localhost', err: undefined } +4ms
cypress:server:util:socket_allowed allowing socket { localPort: 59282 } +54s
cypress:server:server-base Got UPGRADE request from /__socket/?EIO=4&transport=websocket +10ms
cypress:server:util:socket_allowed is incoming request allowed? { isAllowed: true, reqUrl: '/__socket/?EIO=4&transport=websocket', remotePort: 59282, remoteAddress: '' } +3ms
cypress:server:socket-base socket connected +59s
cypress:server:socket-ct do onSocketConnection +59s
cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/Specs-b8b15ace.js, params[0] Specs-b8b15ace.js +2s
cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/Runner-ada33eea.js, params[0] Runner-ada33eea.js +34ms
cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/CreateSpecModal.vue_vue_type_script_setup_true_lang-2779be9b.js, params[0] CreateSpecModal.vue_vue_type_script_setup_true_lang-2779be9b.js +14ms
cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/box-open_x48-501be0a6.js, params[0] box-open_x48-501be0a6.js +13ms
cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/SpecPatterns.vue_vue_type_script_setup_true_lang-dde09ef3.js, params[0] SpecPatterns.vue_vue_type_script_setup_true_lang-dde09ef3.js +12ms
cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/CreateSpecModal-3ad38b70.css, params[0] CreateSpecModal-3ad38b70.css +210ms
cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/Runner-a1e4bf11.css, params[0] Runner-a1e4bf11.css +14ms
cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/Switch.vue_vue_type_script_setup_true_lang-d7120d82.js, params[0] Switch.vue_vue_type_script_setup_true_lang-d7120d82.js +0ms
cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/refresh_x16-c2d6864c.js, params[0] refresh_x16-c2d6864c.js +9ms
cypress:server:server-base Got CONNECT request from localhost:8080 +1s
cypress:https-proxy Writing browserSocket connection headers { url: 'localhost:8080', headLength: 0, headers: { host: 'localhost:8080', 'proxy-connection': 'keep-alive', 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Cypress/12.8.1 Chrome/106.0.5249.51 Electron/21.0.0 Safari/537.36' } } +1s
cypress:https-proxy Got first head bytes { url: 'localhost:8080', head: 'GET /__socket-graphql HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: localhost:8080\r\nConnection' } +5ms
cypress:https-proxy Making intercepted connection to 39947 +0ms
cypress:network:connect successfully connected { opts: { port: 39947, host: 'localhost', getDelayMsForRetry: [Function: h] }, iteration: 0 } +1s
cypress:https-proxy received upstreamSocket callback for request { port: 39947, hostname: 'localhost', err: undefined } +38ms
cypress:server:util:socket_allowed allowing socket { localPort: 59318 } +1s
cypress:server:server-base Got UPGRADE request from /__socket-graphql +50ms
cypress:server:util:socket_allowed is incoming request allowed? { isAllowed: true, reqUrl: '/__socket-graphql', remotePort: 59318, remoteAddress: '' } +7ms
cypress:server:project project has config { viewportWidth: 1280, viewportHeight: 800, retries: { runMode: 1, openMode: 0 }, screenshotOnRunFailure: false, videoUploadOnPasses: false, video: true, videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', screenshotsFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', chromeWebSecurity: false, devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'webpack', webpackConfig: { target: 'web', entry: [Object], resolve: [Object], output: [Object], optimization: [Object], stats: 'minimal', module: [Object], plugins: [Array], mode: 'development', devtool: 'eval-source-map' } }, projectRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend', projectName: 'frontend', repoRoot: null, rawJson: { component: { videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', screenshotsFolder: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', video: true, chromeWebSecurity: false, devServer: [Object] }, viewportWidth: 1280, viewportHeight: 800, retries: { runMode: 1 }, screenshotOnRunFailure: false, videoUploadOnPasses: false, video: true, videosFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', screenshotsFolder: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', chromeWebSecurity: false, devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'webpack', webpackConfig: [Object] }, envFile: {}, projectRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend', projectName: 'frontend', repoRoot: undefined }, configFile: 'cypress.config.ts', morgan: false, isTextTerminal: true, socketId: '4xtxk84xf0', report: true, animationDistanceThreshold: 5, arch: 'x64', baseUrl: 'http://localhost:8080', blockHosts: null, clientCertificates: [], defaultCommandTimeout: 4000, downloadsFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/downloads', env: { CACHE_FOLDER: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress' }, execTimeout: 60000, experimentalFetchPolyfill: false, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: false, experimentalRunAllSpecs: false, experimentalMemoryManagement: false, experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: false, experimentalSkipDomainInjection: null, experimentalOriginDependencies: false, experimentalSourceRewriting: false, experimentalSingleTabRunMode: false, experimentalStudio: false, experimentalWebKitSupport: false, fileServerFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend', fixturesFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/fixtures', excludeSpecPattern: [ '**/__snapshots__/*', '**/__image_snapshots__/*' ], includeShadowDom: false, keystrokeDelay: 0, modifyObstructiveCode: true, nodeVersion: undefined, numTestsKeptInMemory: 0, platform: 'linux', pageLoadTimeout: 60000, port: 39947, projectId: null, redirectionLimit: 20, reporter: 'spec', reporterOptions: null, requestTimeout: 5000, resolvedNodePath: '/usr/local/bin/node', resolvedNodeVersion: '16.18.1', responseTimeout: 30000, slowTestThreshold: 250, scrollBehavior: 'top', supportFile: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/support/component.ts', supportFolder: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/apps/employee-notes/frontend/cypress/support', taskTimeout: 60000, testIsolation: true, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: true, userAgent: null, videoCompression: 32, waitForAnimations: true, watchForFileChanges: false, specPattern: '**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', additionalIgnorePattern: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', autoOpen: false, browsers: [ { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '106.0.5249.51', path: '', majorVersion: 106 } ], clientRoute: '/__/', cypressBinaryRoot: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/resources/app', devServerPublicPathRoute: '/__cypress/src', hosts: null, isInteractive: true, namespace: '__cypress', reporterRoute: '/__cypress/reporter', socketIoCookie: '__socket', socketIoRoute: '/__socket', version: '12.8.1', indexHtmlFile: 'cypress/support/component-index.html', cypressEnv: 'production', resolved: { animationDistanceThreshold: { value: 5, from: 'default' }, arch: { value: 'x64', from: 'default' }, baseUrl: { value: null, from: 'default' }, blockHosts: { value: null, from: 'default' }, chromeWebSecurity: { value: false, from: 'config' }, clientCertificates: { value: [], from: 'default' }, defaultCommandTimeout: { value: 4000, from: 'default' }, downloadsFolder: { value: 'cypress/downloads', from: 'default' }, env: { CACHE_FOLDER: [Object] }, execTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, experimentalFetchPolyfill: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalRunAllSpecs: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalMemoryManagement: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSkipDomainInjection: { value: null, from: 'default' }, experimentalOriginDependencies: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSourceRewriting: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSingleTabRunMode: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalStudio: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalWebKitSupport: { value: false, from: 'default' }, fileServerFolder: { value: '', from: 'default' }, fixturesFolder: { value: 'cypress/fixtures', from: 'default' }, excludeSpecPattern: { value: [Array], from: 'default' }, includeShadowDom: { value: false, from: 'default' }, keystrokeDelay: { value: 0, from: 'default' }, modifyObstructiveCode: { value: true, from: 'default' }, nodeVersion: { value: undefined, from: 'default' }, numTestsKeptInMemory: { value: 0, from: 'config' }, platform: { value: 'linux', from: 'default' }, pageLoadTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, port: { value: null, from: 'default' }, projectId: { value: null, from: 'default' }, redirectionLimit: { value: 20, from: 'default' }, reporter: { value: 'spec', from: 'default' }, reporterOptions: { value: null, from: 'default' }, requestTimeout: { value: 5000, from: 'default' }, resolvedNodePath: { value: null, from: 'default' }, resolvedNodeVersion: { value: null, from: 'default' }, responseTimeout: { value: 30000, from: 'default' }, retries: { value: [Object], from: 'config' }, screenshotOnRunFailure: { value: false, from: 'config' }, screenshotsFolder: { value: '../../../dist/cypress/apps/employee-notes/frontend/screenshots', from: 'config' }, slowTestThreshold: { value: 250, from: 'default' }, scrollBehavior: { value: 'top', from: 'default' }, supportFile: { value: 'cypress/support/component.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'default' }, supportFolder: { value: false, from: 'default' }, taskTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, testIsolation: { value: true, from: 'default' }, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: { value: true, from: 'default' }, userAgent: { value: null, from: 'default' }, video: { value: true, from: 'default' }, videoCompression: { value: 32, from: 'default' }, videosFolder: { value: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos', from: 'config' }, videoUploadOnPasses: { value: false, from: 'config' }, viewportHeight: { value: 800, from: 'config' }, viewportWidth: { value: 1280, from: 'config' }, waitForAnimations: { value: true, from: 'default' }, watchForFileChanges: { value: false, from: 'config' }, specPattern: { value: '**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'default' }, browsers: { value: [Array], from: 'runtime' }, hosts: { value: null, from: 'default' }, isInteractive: { value: true, from: 'default' } }, testingType: 'component', remote: {}, browser: null, specs: [], proxyUrl: 'http://localhost:39947', browserUrl: 'http://localhost:8080/__/', reporterUrl: 'http://localhost:8080/__cypress/reporter', proxyServer: 'http://localhost:39947', state: {} } +3s
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '39947', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: 'localhost' } +3s
cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:39947', strategy: 'file', fileServer: 'http://localhost', domainName: 'localhost', props: null } for: http://localhost:39947 +3s
cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/electron-fb07f5cc.svg, params[0] electron-fb07f5cc.svg +3s
cypress:server:project socket:connected +3s
cypress:server:run got socket connection { id: '4xtxk84xf0' } +6s
cypress:server:run socket connected { socketId: '4xtxk84xf0' } +0ms
cypress:lifecycle:EventRegistrar plugin event registered? { eventName: 'before:spec', isRegistered: false } +7s
cypress:server:browsers browser opened +7s
cypress:server:util:process_profiler current & mean memory and CPU usage by process group:
cypress:server:util:process_profiler ┌─────────┬───────────────────┬──────────────┬──────────────────────┬────────────┬────────────────┬──────────┬──────────────┬─────────────┐
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ (index) │ group │ processCount │ pids │ cpuPercent │ meanCpuPercent │ memRssMb │ meanMemRssMb │ maxMemRssMb │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler ├─────────┼───────────────────┼──────────────┼──────────────────────┼────────────┼────────────────┼──────────┼──────────────┼─────────────┤
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 0 │ 'plugin' │ 3 │ '880, 1064, 1066' │ 5.86 │ 8.08 │ 1094.81 │ 850.21 │ 1094.81 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 1 │ 'cypress' │ 1 │ '651' │ 2.88 │ 1.65 │ 378.76 │ 373.45 │ 397.77 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 2 │ 'electron-shared' │ 4 │ '675, 849, 676, 893' │ 3.64 │ 2.04 │ 289.54 │ 228.46 │ 289.54 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 3 │ 'Electron' │ 1 │ '1287' │ 0.05 │ 0.05 │ 172.55 │ 172.55 │ 172.55 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 4 │ 'launchpad' │ 1 │ '1103' │ 0.34 │ 0.58 │ 148.27 │ 149.48 │ 155.34 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 5 │ 'ffmpeg' │ 2 │ '1120, 1302' │ 1.46 │ 0.73 │ 98.29 │ 61.18 │ 98.29 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 6 │ 'other' │ 2 │ '1310, 1311' │ 0 │ 0 │ 3.47 │ 3.49 │ 3.59 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 7 │ 'TOTAL' │ 14 │ '-' │ 14.22 │ 11.89 │ 2185.68 │ 1544.16 │ 2185.68 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler └─────────┴───────────────────┴──────────────┴──────────────────────┴────────────┴────────────────┴──────────┴──────────────┴─────────────┘ +10s
cypress:server:video capture codec data: { format: 'image2pipe', audio: '', video: 'mjpeg (Baseline)', duration: 'N/A', video_details: [ 'mjpeg (Baseline)', 'yuvj420p(pc', 'bt470bg/unknown/unknown)', '1280x720 [SAR 1:1 DAR 16:9]', '25 fps', '25 tbr', '25 tbn', '25 tbc' ] } +14s
cypress:server:util:process_profiler current & mean memory and CPU usage by process group:
cypress:server:util:process_profiler ┌─────────┬───────────────────┬──────────────┬──────────────────────┬────────────┬────────────────┬──────────┬──────────────┬─────────────┐
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ (index) │ group │ processCount │ pids │ cpuPercent │ meanCpuPercent │ memRssMb │ meanMemRssMb │ maxMemRssMb │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler ├─────────┼───────────────────┼──────────────┼──────────────────────┼────────────┼────────────────┼──────────┼──────────────┼─────────────┤
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 0 │ 'plugin' │ 3 │ '880, 1064, 1066' │ 7.1 │ 7.97 │ 1131.15 │ 881.42 │ 1131.15 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 1 │ 'cypress' │ 1 │ '651' │ 2.07 │ 1.69 │ 384.27 │ 374.53 │ 397.77 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 2 │ 'electron-shared' │ 4 │ '675, 849, 676, 893' │ 4.49 │ 2.29 │ 293.29 │ 234.95 │ 293.29 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 3 │ 'ffmpeg' │ 2 │ '1120, 1302' │ 1.75 │ 0.86 │ 173.85 │ 75.26 │ 173.85 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 4 │ 'launchpad' │ 1 │ '1103' │ 0.24 │ 0.54 │ 148.61 │ 149.37 │ 155.34 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 5 │ 'Electron' │ 1 │ '1287' │ 1.26 │ 0.66 │ 148.52 │ 160.53 │ 172.55 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 6 │ 'other' │ 2 │ '1358, 1359' │ 0 │ 0 │ 3.48 │ 3.49 │ 3.59 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 7 │ 'TOTAL' │ 14 │ '-' │ 16.91 │ 12.4 │ 2283.17 │ 1618.06 │ 2283.17 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler └─────────┴───────────────────┴──────────────┴──────────────────────┴────────────┴────────────────┴──────────┴──────────────┴─────────────┘ +11s
cypress:server:util:process_profiler current & mean memory and CPU usage by process group:
cypress:server:util:process_profiler ┌─────────┬───────────────────┬──────────────┬──────────────────────┬────────────┬────────────────┬──────────┬──────────────┬─────────────┐
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ (index) │ group │ processCount │ pids │ cpuPercent │ meanCpuPercent │ memRssMb │ meanMemRssMb │ maxMemRssMb │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler ├─────────┼───────────────────┼──────────────┼──────────────────────┼────────────┼────────────────┼──────────┼──────────────┼─────────────┤
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 0 │ 'plugin' │ 3 │ '880, 1064, 1066' │ 8.39 │ 8.01 │ 1260.05 │ 919.28 │ 1260.05 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 1 │ 'cypress' │ 1 │ '651' │ 2.23 │ 1.74 │ 381.89 │ 375.2 │ 397.77 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 2 │ 'electron-shared' │ 4 │ '675, 849, 676, 893' │ 4.72 │ 2.51 │ 291.28 │ 240.07 │ 293.29 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 3 │ 'ffmpeg' │ 2 │ '1120, 1302' │ 2.71 │ 1.07 │ 173.85 │ 86.21 │ 173.85 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 4 │ 'launchpad' │ 1 │ '1103' │ 0.27 │ 0.51 │ 148.61 │ 149.29 │ 155.34 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 5 │ 'Electron' │ 1 │ '1287' │ 0.29 │ 0.53 │ 148.52 │ 156.53 │ 172.55 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 6 │ 'other' │ 2 │ '1383, 1384' │ 0 │ 0 │ 3.5 │ 3.49 │ 3.59 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 7 │ 'TOTAL' │ 14 │ '-' │ 18.61 │ 12.96 │ 2407.69 │ 1689.84 │ 2407.69 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler └─────────┴───────────────────┴──────────────┴──────────────────────┴────────────┴────────────────┴──────────┴──────────────┴─────────────┘ +11s
<i> [webpack-dev-middleware] wait until bundle finished: /__cypress/src/index.html
73 assets
1891 modules
webpack 5.48.0 compiled successfully in 95615 ms
cypress:server:server-base Got CONNECT request from +31s
cypress:https-proxy Writing browserSocket connection headers { url: '', headLength: 0, headers: { host: '', 'proxy-connection': 'keep-alive', 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Cypress/12.8.1 Chrome/106.0.5249.51 Electron/21.0.0 Safari/537.36' } } +31s
cypress:https-proxy Got first head bytes { url: '', head: '\x16\x03\x01\x02\x00\x01\x00\x01�\x03\x03W�x\x1Eh��Q��*�-�l�\x14��q\x10�\t�-K�(r�\x1B� :�Ue�c�D�z�w�YI\x1F\f>s*' } +0ms
No errors found.
cypress:server:routes-ct proxying to /__cypress/src, originalUrl /__cypress/src/vendors-node_modules_pnpm_webpack-dev-server_4_9_0_webpack_5_48_0_node_modules_webpack-dev-se-3f8e88.js +0ms
cypress:https-proxy Making intercepted connection to 39969 +700ms
cypress:server:routes-ct proxying to /__cypress/src, originalUrl /__cypress/src/main.js +6ms
cypress:server:routes-ct proxying to /__cypress/src, originalUrl /__cypress/src/__remote/entry.js +3ms
cypress:network:connect successfully connected { opts: { port: 39969, host: 'localhost', getDelayMsForRetry: [Function: h] }, iteration: 0 } +32s
cypress:https-proxy received upstreamSocket callback for request { port: 39969, hostname: 'localhost', err: undefined } +8ms
cypress:server:util:socket_allowed allowing socket { localPort: 42826 } +32s
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '443', protocol: 'https:', subdomain: 'pro', domain: 'fontawesome', tld: 'com' } +31s
cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: undefined for: +31s
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '39947', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: 'localhost' } +2ms
cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:39947', strategy: 'file', fileServer: 'http://localhost', domainName: 'localhost', props: null } for: http://localhost:39947 +2ms
cypress:server:stream_buffer stream buffer writeable final called +2m
cypress:network:agent addRequest called { isHttps: true, href: '' } +2m
cypress:network:connect beginning getAddress { hostname: '', port: 443 } +68ms
cypress:network:connect got addresses { hostname: '', port: 443, addresses: [ { address: '', family: 4 }, { address: '', family: 4 }, { address: '2606:4700::6812:1734', family: 6 }, { address: '2606:4700::6812:1634', family: 6 } ] } +30ms
cypress:server:routes-ct proxying to /__cypress/src, originalUrl /__cypress/src/vendors-node_modules_pnpm_webpack-dev-server_4_9_0_webpack_5_48_0_node_modules_webpack-dev-se-3f8e88.js +147ms
cypress:server:routes-ct proxying to /__cypress/src, originalUrl /__cypress/src/main.js +6ms
cypress:server:routes-ct proxying to /__cypress/src, originalUrl /__cypress/src/__remote/entry.js +2ms
cypress:network:agent got family { family: 4, href: '' } +89ms
cypress:server:request received status code & headers on request { requestId: 'request4', statusCode: 200, headers: { 'content-type': 'text/css' } } +2m
cypress:server:request successful response received { requestId: 'request4' } +2ms
cypress:net-stubbing:server:intercept-response InterceptResponse { req: { url: '/releases/v5.2.0/css/all.css' }, request: undefined } +2m
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '39947', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: 'localhost' } +211ms
cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:39947', strategy: 'file', fileServer: 'http://localhost', domainName: 'localhost', props: null } for: http://localhost:39947 +211ms
cypress:server:remote-states getting primary remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:39947', strategy: 'file', fileServer: 'http://localhost', domainName: 'localhost', props: null } +4ms
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '39947', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: 'localhost' } +7ms
cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:39947', strategy: 'file', fileServer: 'http://localhost', domainName: 'localhost', props: null } for: http://localhost:39947 +3ms
cypress:server:server-base Got CONNECT request from +1s
cypress:https-proxy Writing browserSocket connection headers { url: '', headLength: 0, headers: { host: '', 'proxy-connection': 'keep-alive', 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Cypress/12.8.1 Chrome/106.0.5249.51 Electron/21.0.0 Safari/537.36' } } +314ms
cypress:https-proxy Got first head bytes { url: '', head: `\x16\x03\x01\x027\x01\x00\x023\x03\x03���,��\x05/�k����'[�\x1F��V���9pkj\r9C� �l��\t"<�\x1C�u�|�\x05_��ijy` } +4ms
cypress:https-proxy Making intercepted connection to 39969 +3ms
cypress:network:connect successfully connected { opts: { port: 39969, host: 'localhost', getDelayMsForRetry: [Function: h] }, iteration: 0 } +294ms
cypress:https-proxy received upstreamSocket callback for request { port: 39969, hostname: 'localhost', err: undefined } +75ms
cypress:server:util:socket_allowed allowing socket { localPort: 42834 } +399ms
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '443', protocol: 'https:', subdomain: 'pro', domain: 'fontawesome', tld: 'com' } +149ms
cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: undefined for: +148ms
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '39947', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: 'localhost' } +5ms
cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:39947', strategy: 'file', fileServer: 'http://localhost', domainName: 'localhost', props: null } for: http://localhost:39947 +5ms
cypress:server:stream_buffer stream buffer writeable final called +368ms
cypress:network:agent addRequest called { isHttps: true, href: '' } +274ms
cypress:network:agent got family { family: 4, href: '' } +1ms
cypress:server:server-base Got CONNECT request from +129ms
cypress:https-proxy Writing browserSocket connection headers { url: '', headLength: 0, headers: { host: '', 'proxy-connection': 'keep-alive', 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Cypress/12.8.1 Chrome/106.0.5249.51 Electron/21.0.0 Safari/537.36' } } +46ms
cypress:https-proxy Got first head bytes { url: '', head: 'GET /ws HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\nConnection: Upgrade\r\nPra' } +1ms
cypress:https-proxy Making intercepted connection to 39947 +0ms
cypress:server:request received status code & headers on request { requestId: 'request5', statusCode: 200, headers: { 'content-type': 'text/css' } } +211ms
cypress:server:request successful response received { requestId: 'request5' } +0ms
cypress:net-stubbing:server:intercept-response InterceptResponse { req: { url: '/releases/v5.2.0/css/all.css' }, request: undefined } +213ms
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '39947', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: 'localhost' } +39ms
cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:39947', strategy: 'file', fileServer: 'http://localhost', domainName: 'localhost', props: null } for: http://localhost:39947 +39ms
cypress:server:remote-states getting primary remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:39947', strategy: 'file', fileServer: 'http://localhost', domainName: 'localhost', props: null } +1ms
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '39947', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: 'localhost' } +2ms
cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:39947', strategy: 'file', fileServer: 'http://localhost', domainName: 'localhost', props: null } for: http://localhost:39947 +2ms
cypress:network:connect successfully connected { opts: { port: 39947, host: 'localhost', getDelayMsForRetry: [Function: h] }, iteration: 0 } +86ms
cypress:https-proxy received upstreamSocket callback for request { port: 39947, hostname: 'localhost', err: undefined } +35ms
cypress:server:util:socket_allowed allowing socket { localPort: 35528 } +80ms
cypress:server:server-base Got UPGRADE request from /ws +64ms
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '8080', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: '' } +45ms
cypress:network:agent addRequest called { isHttps: false, href: '' } +82ms
cypress:network:agent got family { family: 4, href: '' } +1ms
cypress:server:routes-ct proxying to /__cypress/src, originalUrl /__cypress/src/cypress-support-file.js +443ms
cypress:server:routes-ct proxying to /__cypress/src, originalUrl /__cypress/src/spec-0.js +3ms
cypress:server:server-base Got CONNECT request from +164ms
cypress:https-proxy Writing browserSocket connection headers { url: '', headLength: 0, headers: { host: '', 'proxy-connection': 'keep-alive', 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Cypress/12.8.1 Chrome/106.0.5249.51 Electron/21.0.0 Safari/537.36' } } +195ms
cypress:https-proxy Got first head bytes { url: '', head: 'GET /ws HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\nConnection: Upgrade\r\nPra' } +3ms
cypress:https-proxy Making intercepted connection to 39947 +1ms
cypress:network:connect successfully connected { opts: { port: 39947, host: 'localhost', getDelayMsForRetry: [Function: h] }, iteration: 0 } +210ms
cypress:https-proxy received upstreamSocket callback for request { port: 39947, hostname: 'localhost', err: undefined } +12ms
cypress:server:util:socket_allowed allowing socket { localPort: 35556 } +210ms
cypress:server:server-base Got UPGRADE request from /ws +24ms
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '8080', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: '' } +188ms
cypress:network:agent addRequest called { isHttps: false, href: '' } +183ms
cypress:network:agent got family { family: 4, href: '' } +5ms
cypress:server:server-base Got CONNECT request from +9ms
cypress:https-proxy Writing browserSocket connection headers { url: '', headLength: 0, headers: { host: '', 'proxy-connection': 'keep-alive', 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Cypress/12.8.1 Chrome/106.0.5249.51 Electron/21.0.0 Safari/537.36' } } +14ms
cypress:https-proxy Got first head bytes { url: '', head: 'GET /ws HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\nConnection: Upgrade\r\nPra' } +52ms
cypress:https-proxy Making intercepted connection to 39947 +2ms
cypress:server:browsers browser opened +29s
cypress:server:browsers killing browser process +1ms
cypress:server:browsers:electron closed event fired +36s
cypress:server:windows error removing all extensions { err: TypeError: Object has been destroyed at Object.j (<embedded>:4649:325431) at BrowserWindow.<anonymous> (<embedded>:4649:337078)  at Object.onceWrapper (node:events:642:26)  at BrowserWindow.emit (node:events:539:35) at T (<embedded>:4649:330055) at EventEmitter.kill (<embedded>:4649:337271) at <embedded>:4655:23562 at new Promise (<anonymous>) at h (<embedded>:4655:23394) at (<embedded>:4655:26134) at async v.relaunchBrowser (<embedded>:4721:433130), extensions: undefined } +0ms
cypress:server:browsers browser process killed +7ms
cypress:server:browsers:electron debugger detached due to { reason: 'target closed' } +26ms
cypress:server:routes-ct proxying to /__cypress/src, originalUrl /__cypress/src/cypress-support-file.js +244ms
cypress:server:routes-ct proxying to /__cypress/src, originalUrl /__cypress/src/spec-0.js +4ms
cypress:server:util:socket_allowed allowed socket closed, removing { localPort: 35528 } +304ms
cypress:server:server-base Got CONNECT request from +292ms
cypress:https-proxy Writing browserSocket connection headers { url: '', headLength: 0, headers: { host: '', 'proxy-connection': 'keep-alive', 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Cypress/12.8.1 Chrome/106.0.5249.51 Electron/21.0.0 Safari/537.36' } } +238ms
cypress:https-proxy Got first head bytes { url: '', head: 'GET /ws HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\nConnection: Upgrade\r\nPra' } +1ms
cypress:https-proxy Making intercepted connection to 39947 +0ms
cypress:network:connect successfully connected { opts: { port: 39947, host: 'localhost', getDelayMsForRetry: [Function: h] }, iteration: 0 } +334ms
cypress:https-proxy received upstreamSocket callback for request { port: 39947, hostname: 'localhost', err: undefined } +25ms
cypress:server:util:socket_allowed allowing socket { localPort: 35606 } +28ms
cypress:network:connect successfully connected { opts: { port: 39947, host: 'localhost', getDelayMsForRetry: [Function: h] }, iteration: 0 } +0ms
cypress:https-proxy received upstreamSocket callback for request { port: 39947, hostname: 'localhost', err: undefined } +0ms
cypress:server:util:socket_allowed allowing socket { localPort: 35618 } +1ms
cypress:server:server-base Got UPGRADE request from /ws +30ms
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '8080', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: '' } +331ms
cypress:network:agent addRequest called { isHttps: false, href: '' } +325ms
cypress:network:agent got family { family: 4, href: '' } +0ms
cypress:server:server-base Got UPGRADE request from /ws +2ms
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '8080', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: '' } +1ms
cypress:network:agent addRequest called { isHttps: false, href: '' } +1ms
cypress:network:agent got family { family: 4, href: '' } +0ms
cypress:https-proxy received error on client browserSocket { err: Error: write EPIPE  at afterWriteDispatched (node:internal/stream_base_commons:160:15)  at writeGeneric (node:internal/stream_base_commons:151:3)  at Socket._writeGeneric (node:net:817:11)  at Socket._write (node:net:829:8)  at writeOrBuffer (node:internal/streams/writable:389:12)  at _write (node:internal/streams/writable:330:10)  at Writable.write (node:internal/streams/writable:334:10)  at Socket.ondata (node:internal/streams/readable:754:22)  at Socket.emit (node:events:527:28)  at addChunk (node:internal/streams/readable:315:12)  at readableAddChunk (node:internal/streams/readable:289:9)  at Readable.push (node:internal/streams/readable:228:10)  at TCP.onStreamRead (node:internal/stream_base_commons:190:23) { errno: -32, code: 'EPIPE', syscall: 'write' }, url: '' } +26ms
cypress:server:util:socket_allowed allowed socket closed, removing { localPort: 35606 } +29ms
cypress:server:util:socket_allowed allowed socket closed, removing { localPort: 46856 } +59ms
cypress:server:util:socket_allowed allowed socket closed, removing { localPort: 46336 } +0ms
cypress:server:socket-base socket-disconnecting transport close +33s
cypress:server:socket-base socket-disconnect transport close +1ms
cypress:server:routes-ct proxying to /__cypress/src, originalUrl /__cypress/src/vendors-node_modules_pnpm_css-loader_6_7_1_webpack_5_48_0_node_modules_css-loader_dist_cjs_js-8817c8.js +373ms
cypress:server:routes-ct proxying to /__cypress/src, originalUrl /__cypress/src/vendors-node_modules_pnpm_react-i18next_11_16_8_zwecmpihis27vgqyxlvaybk5pu_node_modules_react-d76145.js +21ms
cypress:server:routes-ct proxying to /__cypress/src, originalUrl /__cypress/src/vendors-node_modules_pnpm_react_17_0_2_node_modules_react_index_js.js +11ms
cypress:server:routes-ct proxying to /__cypress/src, originalUrl /__cypress/src/libs_utils_i18n_src_index_ts.js +6ms
cypress:server:routes-ct proxying to /__cypress/src, originalUrl /__cypress/src/libs_utils_global-constants_frontend_ts.js +12ms
cypress:server:routes-ct proxying to /__cypress/src, originalUrl /__cypress/src/vendors-node_modules_pnpm_highlight-ui_i18n_2_0_8_sfoxds7t5ydpegc3knd667wn6m_node_modules_hig-e82b11.js +12ms
cypress:server:routes-ct proxying to /__cypress/src, originalUrl /__cypress/src/vendors-node_modules_pnpm_react-dom_17_0_2_react_17_0_2_node_modules_react-dom_index_js.js +175ms
cypress:server:routes-ct proxying to /__cypress/src, originalUrl /__cypress/src/vendors-node_modules_pnpm_axios_0_27_2_node_modules_axios_index_js.js +64ms
cypress:server:routes-ct proxying to /__cypress/src, originalUrl /__cypress/src/vendors-node_modules_pnpm_axios-mock-adapter_1_21_2_axios_0_27_2_node_modules_axios-mock-adap-e10e55.js +6ms
cypress:server:routes-ct proxying to /__cypress/src, originalUrl /__cypress/src/node_modules_pnpm_personio_request_2_1_0_aa5jj3ws7vqdgxchecprj6uvji_node_modules_personio_req-1a65cc.js +9ms
cypress:server:routes-ct proxying to /__cypress/src, originalUrl /__cypress/src/vendors-node_modules_pnpm_react-query_3_38_1_sfoxds7t5ydpegc3knd667wn6m_node_modules_react-qu-e041a2.js +8ms
cypress:server:routes-ct proxying to /__cypress/src, originalUrl /__cypress/src/vendors-node_modules_pnpm_lz-string_1_5_0_node_modules_lz-string_libs_lz-string_js.js +162ms
cypress:server:routes-ct proxying to /__cypress/src, originalUrl /__cypress/src/libs_eo-commons_test_src_index_ts-webpack_sharing_consume_default_lz-string_lz-string.js +475ms
cypress:server:routes-ct proxying to /__cypress/src, originalUrl /__cypress/src/vendors-node_modules_pnpm_i18next_21_6_16_node_modules_i18next_dist_esm_i18next_js.js +23ms
cypress:server:routes-ct proxying to /__cypress/src, originalUrl /__cypress/src/node_modules_pnpm_babel_runtime_7_17_9_node_modules_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_defineProperty_-41bd2e1.js +12ms
cypress:server:routes-ct proxying to /__cypress/src, originalUrl /__cypress/src/vendors-node_modules_pnpm_i18next-fetch-backend_4_1_2_node_modules_i18next-fetch-backend_dist-ce7d87.js +54ms
cypress:server:routes-ct proxying to /__cypress/src, originalUrl /__cypress/src/cypress-support-file.js +1ms
cypress:server:server-base Got CONNECT request from +2s
cypress:https-proxy Writing browserSocket connection headers { url: '', headLength: 0, headers: { host: '', 'proxy-connection': 'keep-alive', 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Cypress/12.8.1 Chrome/106.0.5249.51 Electron/21.0.0 Safari/537.36' } } +2s
cypress:https-proxy Got first head bytes { url: '', head: "\x16\x03\x01\x02\x00\x01\x00\x01�\x03\x03(�A;�Hr�k\x17�\x04\x0B\x14��%�,ץ���\x15��\x1DJ�Q@ $.`���y~&���b�/�{�\\'�" } +11ms
cypress:https-proxy Making intercepted connection to 39969 +444ms
cypress:server:server-base Got CONNECT request from +475ms
cypress:https-proxy Writing browserSocket connection headers { url: '', headLength: 0, headers: { host: '', 'proxy-connection': 'keep-alive', 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Cypress/12.8.1 Chrome/106.0.5249.51 Electron/21.0.0 Safari/537.36' } } +21ms
cypress:https-proxy Got first head bytes { url: '', head: '\x16\x03\x01\x02\x00\x01\x00\x01�\x03\x03�\ri!#jn*Θ��2�\x19Px\x13����J\x19o������\t \x1B)ִ��B�(o\x10��\x04�`,V\x11�~�' } +7ms
cypress:https-proxy Making intercepted connection to 39969 +0ms
cypress:network:connect successfully connected { opts: { port: 39969, host: 'localhost', getDelayMsForRetry: [Function: h] }, iteration: 0 } +2s
cypress:https-proxy received upstreamSocket callback for request { port: 39969, hostname: 'localhost', err: undefined } +16ms
cypress:server:util:socket_allowed allowing socket { localPort: 42836 } +2s
cypress:server:routes-ct proxying to /__cypress/src, originalUrl /__cypress/src/vendors-node_modules_pnpm_highlight-ui_avatar_6_2_0_ggczywpo6d3fo3zjvpqovl3u2q_node_modules_h-5de316.js +1s
cypress:server:routes-ct proxying to /__cypress/src, originalUrl /__cypress/src/vendors-node_modules_pnpm_highlight-ui_dialog_8_1_3_kievob7sov4xdi3wnxherli5hy_node_modules_h-791f89.js +1ms
cypress:server:routes-ct proxying to /__cypress/src, originalUrl /__cypress/src/vendors-node_modules_pnpm_highlight-ui_input_5_1_3_ggczywpo6d3fo3zjvpqovl3u2q_node_modules_hi-11e67d.js +1ms
cypress:server:routes-ct proxying to /__cypress/src, originalUrl /__cypress/src/node_modules_pnpm_classnames_2_3_1_node_modules_classnames_index_js.js +0ms
cypress:server:routes-ct proxying to /__cypress/src, originalUrl /__cypress/src/vendors-node_modules_pnpm_msw_0_36_8_node_modules_msw_lib_esm_index_js.js +1ms
cypress:server:routes-ct proxying to /__cypress/src, originalUrl /__cypress/src/node_modules_pnpm_node-fetch_2_6_7_node_modules_node-fetch_browser_js.js +1ms
cypress:network:connect successfully connected { opts: { port: 39969, host: 'localhost', getDelayMsForRetry: [Function: h] }, iteration: 0 } +77ms
cypress:https-proxy received upstreamSocket callback for request { port: 39969, hostname: 'localhost', err: undefined } +77ms
cypress:server:util:socket_allowed allowing socket { localPort: 42844 } +77ms
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '443', protocol: 'https:', subdomain: 'assets.cdn', domain: 'personio', tld: 'de' } +3s
cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: undefined for: +3s
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '39947', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: 'localhost' } +0ms
cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:39947', strategy: 'file', fileServer: 'http://localhost', domainName: 'localhost', props: null } for: http://localhost:39947 +0ms
cypress:server:stream_buffer stream buffer writeable final called +3s
cypress:network:agent addRequest called { isHttps: true, href: '' } +3s
cypress:network:connect beginning getAddress { hostname: '', port: 443 } +187ms
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '443', protocol: 'https:', subdomain: 'assets.cdn', domain: 'personio', tld: 'de' } +9ms
cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: undefined for: +9ms
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '39947', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: 'localhost' } +0ms
cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:39947', strategy: 'file', fileServer: 'http://localhost', domainName: 'localhost', props: null } for: http://localhost:39947 +0ms
cypress:server:stream_buffer stream buffer writeable final called +37ms
cypress:network:agent addRequest called { isHttps: true, href: '' } +38ms
cypress:network:connect beginning getAddress { hostname: '', port: 443 } +38ms
cypress:network:connect got addresses { hostname: '', port: 443, addresses: [ { address: '', family: 4 }, { address: '', family: 4 }, { address: '', family: 4 }, { address: '', family: 4 }, { address: '2600:9000:2057:6800:1f:614b:8800:93a1', family: 6 }, { address: '2600:9000:2057:cc00:1f:614b:8800:93a1', family: 6 }, { address: '2600:9000:2057:d800:1f:614b:8800:93a1', family: 6 }, { address: '2600:9000:2057:d600:1f:614b:8800:93a1', family: 6 }, { address: '2600:9000:2057:a800:1f:614b:8800:93a1', family: 6 }, { address: '2600:9000:2057:4400:1f:614b:8800:93a1', family: 6 }, { address: '2600:9000:2057:9600:1f:614b:8800:93a1', family: 6 }, { address: '2600:9000:2057:6200:1f:614b:8800:93a1', family: 6 } ] } +3ms
cypress:network:connect got addresses { hostname: '', port: 443, addresses: [ { address: '', family: 4 }, { address: '', family: 4 }, { address: '', family: 4 }, { address: '', family: 4 }, { address: '2600:9000:2057:6200:1f:614b:8800:93a1', family: 6 }, { address: '2600:9000:2057:9600:1f:614b:8800:93a1', family: 6 }, { address: '2600:9000:2057:4400:1f:614b:8800:93a1', family: 6 }, { address: '2600:9000:2057:a800:1f:614b:8800:93a1', family: 6 }, { address: '2600:9000:2057:d600:1f:614b:8800:93a1', family: 6 }, { address: '2600:9000:2057:d800:1f:614b:8800:93a1', family: 6 }, { address: '2600:9000:2057:cc00:1f:614b:8800:93a1', family: 6 }, { address: '2600:9000:2057:6800:1f:614b:8800:93a1', family: 6 } ] } +13ms
cypress:network:agent got family { family: 4, href: '' } +25ms
cypress:network:agent got family { family: 4, href: '' } +1ms
cypress:server:request received status code & headers on request { requestId: 'request6', statusCode: 200, headers: { 'content-type': 'text/css' } } +3s
cypress:server:request successful response received { requestId: 'request6' } +0ms
cypress:server:routes-ct proxying to /__cypress/src, originalUrl /__cypress/src/libs_data_global-preferences_src_index_ts-_209e1.js +516ms
cypress:server:routes-ct proxying to /__cypress/src, originalUrl /__cypress/src/vendors-node_modules_pnpm_personio_html-sanitizer_1_0_0_vcdvlsazmnbhnp7yjvhccw67ha_node_modul-a1b80c.js +1ms
cypress:net-stubbing:server:intercept-response InterceptResponse { req: { url: '/fonts/open-sans.css' }, request: undefined } +4s
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '39947', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: 'localhost' } +256ms
cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:39947', strategy: 'file', fileServer: 'http://localhost', domainName: 'localhost', props: null } for: http://localhost:39947 +256ms
cypress:server:remote-states getting primary remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:39947', strategy: 'file', fileServer: 'http://localhost', domainName: 'localhost', props: null } +0ms
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '39947', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: 'localhost' } +5ms
cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:39947', strategy: 'file', fileServer: 'http://localhost', domainName: 'localhost', props: null } for: http://localhost:39947 +5ms
cypress:server:request received status code & headers on request { requestId: 'request7', statusCode: 200, headers: { 'content-type': 'text/css' } } +77ms
cypress:server:request successful response received { requestId: 'request7' } +0ms
cypress:net-stubbing:server:intercept-response InterceptResponse { req: { url: '/fonts/ibm-plex-mono.css' }, request: undefined } +47ms
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '39947', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: 'localhost' } +42ms
cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:39947', strategy: 'file', fileServer: 'http://localhost', domainName: 'localhost', props: null } for: http://localhost:39947 +42ms
cypress:server:remote-states getting primary remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:39947', strategy: 'file', fileServer: 'http://localhost', domainName: 'localhost', props: null } +0ms
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '39947', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: 'localhost' } +1ms
cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:39947', strategy: 'file', fileServer: 'http://localhost', domainName: 'localhost', props: null } for: http://localhost:39947 +1ms
cypress:server:routes-ct proxying to /__cypress/src, originalUrl /__cypress/src/src_pages_EmployeeNotes_EmployeeNotes_tsx.js +96ms
cypress:server:routes-ct proxying to /__cypress/src, originalUrl /__cypress/src/spec-0.js +7ms
cypress:server:project received runnables { id: 'r1', title: '', root: true, pending: false, type: 'suite', file: 'src/tests/cypress/', retries: -1, _slow: 250, hooks: [], tests: [], suites: [ { id: 'r2', title: 'Employee Notes', root: false, pending: false, type: 'suite', file: null, invocationDetails: [Object], retries: -1, _slow: 250, hooks: [Array], tests: [Array], suites: [] } ], runtimeConfig: {}, totalUnfilteredTests: 0 } +34s
cypress:server:reporter trying to load reporter: spec +2m
cypress:server:reporter spec is Mocha reporter +6ms
cypress:server:project onMocha start +95ms
cypress:server:reporter got mocha event 'start' with args: [ { start: '2023-05-02T08:50:42.779Z' } ] +80ms

cypress:server:project onMocha suite +21ms
cypress:server:reporter got mocha event 'suite' with args: [ { id: 'r1', title: '', root: true, pending: false, type: 'suite', file: 'src/tests/cypress/', retries: -1, _slow: 250 } ] +18ms
 Employee Notes
cypress:server:project onMocha suite +40ms
cypress:server:reporter got mocha event 'suite' with args: [ { id: 'r2', title: 'Employee Notes', root: false, pending: false, type: 'suite', file: null, invocationDetails: { function: 'Object.getInvocationDetails', fileUrl: 'http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js', originalFile: 'http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js', line: 159265, column: 17, whitespace: ' ', stack: 'Error\n' + ' at Object.getInvocationDetails (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:159265:17)\n' + ' at Suite.addSuite (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:156465:94)\n' + ' at ../driver/node_modules/mocha/lib/suite.js.Suite.create (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:106247:10)\n' + ' at Object.create (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:100458:27)\n' + ' at context.describe.context.context (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:100251:27)\n' + ' at createRunnable (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:156160:31)\n' + ' at http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:156221:14\n' + ' at ./src/tests/cypress/ (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/src/spec-0.js:17:1)\n' + ' at Function.__webpack_require__ (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/src/main.js:117:42)' }, retries: -1, _slow: 250 } ] +40ms
cypress:server:project onMocha test +1ms
cypress:server:reporter got mocha event 'test' with args: [ { _testConfig: { testConfigList: [], unverifiedTestConfig: {} }, id: 'r3', order: 1, title: 'render loading state', pending: false, body: '() => {\n' + ' cy.mount(__jsx(_pages_EmployeeNotes_EmployeeNotes__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.EmployeeNotes, null));\n' + " cy.findByTestId('employee-notes-loading-state').should('exist');\n" + ' }', type: 'test', file: null, invocationDetails: { function: 'Object.getInvocationDetails', fileUrl: 'http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js', originalFile: 'http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js', line: 159265, column: 17, whitespace: ' ', stack: 'Error\n' + ' at Object.getInvocationDetails (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:159265:17)\n' + ' at Suite.addTest (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:156439:93)\n' + ' at (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:100298:13)\n' + ' at createRunnable (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:156160:31)\n' + ' at http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:156221:14\n' + ' at Suite.<anonymous> (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/src/spec-0.js:22:3)\n' + ' at Object.create (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:100475:19)\n' + ' at context.describe.context.context (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:100251:27)\n' + ' at createRunnable (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:156160:31)\n' + ' at http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:156221:14' }, currentRetry: 0, retries: -1, _slow: 250 } ] +1ms
cypress:server:project onMocha hook +1ms
cypress:server:reporter got mocha event 'hook' with args: [ { id: 'r3', title: '"before each" hook', hookName: 'before each', hookId: 'h1', pending: false, body: '() => {\n' + " cy.clock(Date.UTC(2021, 2, 1), ['Date']);\n" + " cy.log('test');\n" + ' }', type: 'hook', file: null, invocationDetails: { function: 'Object.getInvocationDetails', fileUrl: 'http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js', originalFile: 'http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js', line: 159265, column: 17, whitespace: ' ', stack: 'Error\n' + ' at Object.getInvocationDetails (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:159265:17)\n' + ' at Suite._createHook (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:156510:98)\n' + ' at ../driver/node_modules/mocha/lib/suite.js.Suite.beforeEach (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:106512:19)\n' + ' at Suite.<computed> [as beforeEach] (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:156523:23)\n' + ' at beforeEach (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:100408:17)\n' + ' at Suite.<anonymous> (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/src/spec-0.js:18:3)\n' + ' at Object.create (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:100475:19)\n' + ' at context.describe.context.context (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:100251:27)\n' + ' at createRunnable (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:156160:31)\n' + ' at http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:156221:14' }, currentRetry: 0, retries: -1, _slow: 250 } ] +1ms
cypress:server:project onMocha test:before:run +2ms
cypress:server:reporter got mocha event 'test:before:run' with args: [ { _testConfig: { testConfigList: [], unverifiedTestConfig: {}, applied: 'complete' }, id: 'r3', order: 1, title: 'render loading state', pending: false, body: '() => {\n' + ' cy.mount(__jsx(_pages_EmployeeNotes_EmployeeNotes__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.EmployeeNotes, null));\n' + " cy.findByTestId('employee-notes-loading-state').should('exist');\n" + ' }', type: 'test', wallClockStartedAt: '2023-05-02T08:50:42.824Z', file: null, invocationDetails: { function: 'Object.getInvocationDetails', fileUrl: 'http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js', originalFile: 'http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js', line: 159265, column: 17, whitespace: ' ', stack: 'Error\n' + ' at Object.getInvocationDetails (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:159265:17)\n' + ' at Suite.addTest (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:156439:93)\n' + ' at (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:100298:13)\n' + ' at createRunnable (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:156160:31)\n' + ' at http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:156221:14\n' + ' at Suite.<anonymous> (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/src/spec-0.js:22:3)\n' + ' at Object.create (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:100475:19)\n' + ' at context.describe.context.context (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:100251:27)\n' + ' at createRunnable (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:156160:31)\n' + ' at http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:156221:14' }, currentRetry: 0, retries: 1, _slow: 250 } ] +2ms
cypress:server:socket-base backend:request { eventName: 'reset:server:state', args: [] } +4s
cypress:proxy:http:util:buffers resetting buffers +40s
cypress:server:remote-states resetting remote state +1s
cypress:server:socket-base backend:request { eventName: 'get:rendered:html:origins', args: [] } +2ms
cypress:server:socket-base automation:request get:cookies {} +0ms
cypress:server:automation:cookies getting:cookies {} +0ms
cypress:server:project onMocha hook end +24ms
cypress:server:reporter got mocha event 'hook end' with args: [ { id: 'r3', title: '"before each" hook', hookName: 'before each', hookId: 'h1', pending: false, body: '() => {\n' + " cy.clock(Date.UTC(2021, 2, 1), ['Date']);\n" + " cy.log('test');\n" + ' }', type: 'hook', duration: 57, file: null, invocationDetails: { function: 'Object.getInvocationDetails', fileUrl: 'http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js', originalFile: 'http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js', line: 159265, column: 17, whitespace: ' ', stack: 'Error\n' + ' at Object.getInvocationDetails (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:159265:17)\n' + ' at Suite._createHook (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:156510:98)\n' + ' at ../driver/node_modules/mocha/lib/suite.js.Suite.beforeEach (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:106512:19)\n' + ' at Suite.<computed> [as beforeEach] (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:156523:23)\n' + ' at beforeEach (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:100408:17)\n' + ' at Suite.<anonymous> (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/src/spec-0.js:18:3)\n' + ' at Object.create (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:100475:19)\n' + ' at context.describe.context.context (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:100251:27)\n' + ' at createRunnable (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:156160:31)\n' + ' at http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:156221:14' }, currentRetry: 0, retries: -1, _slow: 250 } ] +24ms
(Attempt 1 of 2) render loading state
cypress:server:project onMocha retry +24ms
cypress:server:project onMocha test:after:run +155ms
cypress:server:reporter got mocha event 'test:after:run' with args: [ { _testConfig: { testConfigList: [], unverifiedTestConfig: {}, applied: 'complete' }, id: 'r3', order: 1, title: 'render loading state', hookName: 'before each', err: { message: "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'cookies')", name: 'TypeError', stack: "TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'cookies')\n" + ' at <unknown> (<embedded>:4649:284999)\n' + ' at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)', parsedStack: [Array] }, state: 'failed', pending: false, failedFromHookId: 'h1', body: '() => {\n' + ' cy.mount(__jsx(_pages_EmployeeNotes_EmployeeNotes__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.EmployeeNotes, null));\n' + " cy.findByTestId('employee-notes-loading-state').should('exist');\n" + ' }', type: 'test', duration: 72, wallClockStartedAt: '2023-05-02T08:50:42.824Z', wallClockDuration: 81, timings: { lifecycle: 55, 'before each': [Array], test: [Object] }, file: null, invocationDetails: { function: 'Object.getInvocationDetails', fileUrl: 'http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js', originalFile: 'http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js', line: 159265, column: 17, whitespace: ' ', stack: 'Error\n' + ' at Object.getInvocationDetails (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:159265:17)\n' + ' at Suite.addTest (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:156439:93)\n' + ' at (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:100298:13)\n' + ' at createRunnable (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:156160:31)\n' + ' at http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:156221:14\n' + ' at Suite.<anonymous> (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/src/spec-0.js:22:3)\n' + ' at Object.create (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:100475:19)\n' + ' at context.describe.context.context (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:100251:27)\n' + ' at createRunnable (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:156160:31)\n' + ' at http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:156221:14' }, final: false, currentRetry: 0, retries: 1, _slow: 250 } ] +179ms
cypress:server:project onMocha hook +2ms
cypress:server:reporter got mocha event 'hook' with args: [ { id: 'r3', title: '"before each" hook', hookName: 'before each', hookId: 'h1', pending: false, body: '() => {\n' + " cy.clock(Date.UTC(2021, 2, 1), ['Date']);\n" + " cy.log('test');\n" + ' }', type: 'hook', duration: 57, file: null, invocationDetails: { function: 'Object.getInvocationDetails', fileUrl: 'http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js', originalFile: 'http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js', line: 159265, column: 17, whitespace: ' ', stack: 'Error\n' + ' at Object.getInvocationDetails (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:159265:17)\n' + ' at Suite._createHook (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:156510:98)\n' + ' at ../driver/node_modules/mocha/lib/suite.js.Suite.beforeEach (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:106512:19)\n' + ' at Suite.<computed> [as beforeEach] (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:156523:23)\n' + ' at beforeEach (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:100408:17)\n' + ' at Suite.<anonymous> (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/src/spec-0.js:18:3)\n' + ' at Object.create (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:100475:19)\n' + ' at context.describe.context.context (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:100251:27)\n' + ' at createRunnable (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:156160:31)\n' + ' at http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:156221:14' }, currentRetry: 0, retries: -1, _slow: 250 } ] +2ms
cypress:server:project onMocha test:before:run +2ms
cypress:server:reporter got mocha event 'test:before:run' with args: [ { _testConfig: { testConfigList: [], unverifiedTestConfig: {}, applied: 'complete' }, id: 'r3', order: 1, title: 'render loading state', pending: false, body: '() => {\n' + ' cy.mount(__jsx(_pages_EmployeeNotes_EmployeeNotes__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.EmployeeNotes, null));\n' + " cy.findByTestId('employee-notes-loading-state').should('exist');\n" + ' }', type: 'test', wallClockStartedAt: '2023-05-02T08:50:42.949Z', file: null, currentRetry: 1, retries: 1, _slow: 250 } ] +2ms
cypress:server:reporter test retried: render loading state +0ms
cypress:server:socket-base backend:request { eventName: 'reset:server:state', args: [] } +204ms
cypress:proxy:http:util:buffers resetting buffers +206ms
cypress:server:remote-states resetting remote state +206ms
cypress:server:socket-base backend:request { eventName: 'get:rendered:html:origins', args: [] } +1ms
cypress:server:socket-base automation:request get:cookies {} +0ms
cypress:server:automation:cookies getting:cookies {} +204ms
cypress:server:project onMocha fail +92ms
 1) "before each" hook for "render loading state"
cypress:server:reporter got mocha event 'fail' with args: [ { id: 'r3', title: '"before each" hook for "render loading state"', hookName: 'before each', hookId: 'h1', err: { message: "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'cookies')\n" + '\n' + 'Because this error occurred during a `before each` hook we are skipping the remaining tests in the current suite: `Employee Notes`', name: 'TypeError', stack: "TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'cookies')\n" + '\n' + 'Because this error occurred during a `before each` hook we are skipping the remaining tests in the current suite: `Employee Notes`\n' + ' at <embedded>:4649:284999\n' + ' at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)' }, state: 'failed', pending: false, body: '() => {\n' + " cy.clock(Date.UTC(2021, 2, 1), ['Date']);\n" + " cy.log('test');\n" + ' }', type: 'hook', duration: 194, file: null, originalTitle: '"before each" hook', invocationDetails: { function: 'Object.getInvocationDetails', fileUrl: 'http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js', originalFile: 'http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js', line: 159265, column: 17, whitespace: ' ', stack: 'Error\n' + ' at Object.getInvocationDetails (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:159265:17)\n' + ' at Suite._createHook (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:156510:98)\n' + ' at ../driver/node_modules/mocha/lib/suite.js.Suite.beforeEach (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:106512:19)\n' + ' at Suite.<computed> [as beforeEach] (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:156523:23)\n' + ' at beforeEach (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:100408:17)\n' + ' at Suite.<anonymous> (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/src/spec-0.js:18:3)\n' + ' at Object.create (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:100475:19)\n' + ' at context.describe.context.context (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:100251:27)\n' + ' at createRunnable (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:156160:31)\n' + ' at http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:156221:14' }, currentRetry: 0, retries: -1, _slow: 250 } ] +92ms
cypress:server:util:socket_allowed allowed socket closed, removing { localPort: 42826 } +2s
cypress:server:project onMocha test end +24ms
cypress:server:reporter got mocha event 'test end' with args: [ { _testConfig: { testConfigList: [], unverifiedTestConfig: {}, applied: 'complete' }, id: 'r3', order: 1, title: 'render loading state', hookName: 'before each', err: { message: "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'cookies')\n" + '\n' + 'Because this error occurred during a `before each` hook we are skipping the remaining tests in the current suite: `Employee Notes`', name: 'TypeError', stack: "TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'cookies')\n" + '\n' + 'Because this error occurred during a `before each` hook we are skipping the remaining tests in the current suite: `Employee Notes`\n' + ' at <embedded>:4649:284999\n' + ' at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)' }, state: 'failed', pending: false, failedFromHookId: 'h1', body: '() => {\n' + ' cy.mount(__jsx(_pages_EmployeeNotes_EmployeeNotes__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.EmployeeNotes, null));\n' + " cy.findByTestId('employee-notes-loading-state').should('exist');\n" + ' }', type: 'test', duration: 194, wallClockStartedAt: '2023-05-02T08:50:42.949Z', timings: { lifecycle: 194, 'before each': [Array] }, file: null, final: true, currentRetry: 1, retries: 1, _slow: 250 } ] +24ms
  0 passing (460ms)
 1 failing
 1) Employee Notes
"before each" hook for "render loading state":
 TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'cookies')
Because this error occurred during a `before each` hook we are skipping the remaining tests in the current suite: `Employee Notes`
at <embedded>:4649:284999
at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)

cypress:server:project onMocha test:after:run +75ms
cypress:server:reporter got mocha event 'test:after:run' with args: [ { _testConfig: { testConfigList: [], unverifiedTestConfig: {}, applied: 'complete' }, id: 'r3', order: 1, title: 'render loading state', hookName: 'before each', err: { message: "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'cookies')\n" + '\n' + 'Because this error occurred during a `before each` hook we are skipping the remaining tests in the current suite: `Employee Notes`', name: 'TypeError', stack: "TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'cookies')\n" + '\n' + 'Because this error occurred during a `before each` hook we are skipping the remaining tests in the current suite: `Employee Notes`\n' + ' at <embedded>:4649:284999\n' + ' at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)' }, state: 'failed', pending: false, failedFromHookId: 'h1', body: '() => {\n' + ' cy.mount(__jsx(_pages_EmployeeNotes_EmployeeNotes__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.EmployeeNotes, null));\n' + " cy.findByTestId('employee-notes-loading-state').should('exist');\n" + ' }', type: 'test', duration: 194, wallClockStartedAt: '2023-05-02T08:50:42.949Z', wallClockDuration: 232, timings: { lifecycle: 194, 'before each': [Array] }, file: null, final: true, currentRetry: 1, retries: 1, _slow: 250 } ] +75ms
cypress:server:project onMocha suite end +0ms
cypress:server:reporter got mocha event 'suite end' with args: [ { id: 'r2', title: 'Employee Notes', root: false, pending: false, type: 'suite', file: null, invocationDetails: { function: 'Object.getInvocationDetails', fileUrl: 'http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js', originalFile: 'http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js', line: 159265, column: 17, whitespace: ' ', stack: 'Error\n' + ' at Object.getInvocationDetails (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:159265:17)\n' + ' at Suite.addSuite (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:156465:94)\n' + ' at ../driver/node_modules/mocha/lib/suite.js.Suite.create (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:106247:10)\n' + ' at Object.create (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:100458:27)\n' + ' at context.describe.context.context (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:100251:27)\n' + ' at createRunnable (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:156160:31)\n' + ' at http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:156221:14\n' + ' at ./src/tests/cypress/ (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/src/spec-0.js:17:1)\n' + ' at Function.__webpack_require__ (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/src/main.js:117:42)' }, retries: -1, _slow: 250 } ] +0ms
cypress:server:project onMocha suite end +1ms
cypress:server:reporter got mocha event 'suite end' with args: [ { id: 'r1', title: '', root: true, pending: false, type: 'suite', file: 'src/tests/cypress/', retries: -1, _slow: 250 } ] +1ms
cypress:server:project onMocha end +0ms
cypress:server:reporter got mocha event 'end' with args: [ { end: '2023-05-02T08:50:43.219Z' } ] +0ms
cypress:server:run received project end { stats: { suites: 1, tests: 4, passes: 0, pending: 0, skipped: 3, failures: 1, wallClockStartedAt: 2023-05-02T08:50:42.779Z, wallClockEndedAt: 2023-05-02T08:50:43.219Z, wallClockDuration: 440 }, reporter: 'spec', reporterStats: { suites: 1, tests: 1, passes: 0, pending: 0, failures: 1, start: 2023-05-02T08:50:42.798Z, end: 2023-05-02T08:50:43.258Z, duration: 460 }, hooks: [ { hookId: 'h1', hookName: 'before each', title: [Array], body: '() => {\n' + " cy.clock(Date.UTC(2021, 2, 1), ['Date']);\n" + " cy.log('test');\n" + ' }' } ], tests: [ { testId: 'r3', title: [Array], state: 'failed', body: '() => {\n' + ' cy.mount(__jsx(_pages_EmployeeNotes_EmployeeNotes__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.EmployeeNotes, null));\n' + " cy.findByTestId('employee-notes-loading-state').should('exist');\n" + ' }', displayError: "TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'cookies')\n" + '\n' + 'Because this error occurred during a `before each` hook we are skipping the remaining tests in the current suite: `Employee Notes`\n' + ' at <embedded>:4649:284999\n' + ' at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)', attempts: [Array] }, { testId: 'r4', title: [Array], state: 'skipped', body: '() => {\n' + ' cy.interceptGetEmployeeNotesAPI();\n' + ' cy.mount(__jsx(_pages_EmployeeNotes_EmployeeNotes__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.EmployeeNotes, null));\n' + " cy.wait(['@getEmployeeNotes']);\n" + " cy.findByTestId('employee-notes-container').should('exist');\n" + ' }', displayError: null, attempts: [Array] }, { testId: 'r5', title: [Array], state: 'skipped', body: '() => {\n' + ' cy.interceptGetEmployeeNotesEmptyAPI();\n' + ' cy.mount(__jsx(_pages_EmployeeNotes_EmployeeNotes__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.EmployeeNotes, null));\n' + " cy.wait(['@getEmployeeNotes']);\n" + " cy.findByTestId('employee-notes-empty-state').should('exist');\n" + ' }', displayError: null, attempts: [Array] }, { testId: 'r6', title: [Array], state: 'skipped', body: '() => {\n' + ' cy.interceptGetEmployeeNotesWithoutEditRightsAPI();\n' + ' cy.mount(__jsx(_pages_EmployeeNotes_EmployeeNotes__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.EmployeeNotes, null));\n' + " cy.wait(['@getEmployeeNotes']);\n" + " cy.findByTestId('employee-notes-editor-section').should('not.exist');\n" + " cy.findByTestId('employee-notes-container').should('exist');\n" + ' }', displayError: null, attempts: [Array] } ] } +34s
cypress:server:run received videoController { videoController: { _pt: PassThrough { _readableState: [ReadableState], _events: [Object: null prototype], _eventsCount: 5, _maxListeners: undefined, _writableState: [WritableState], allowHalfOpen: true, [Symbol(kCapture)]: false, [Symbol(kCallback)]: [Function: bound onwrite] }, cmd: c { _events: [Object: null prototype], _eventsCount: 6, _maxListeners: undefined, _inputs: [Array], _currentInput: [Object], _outputs: [Array], _currentOutput: [Object], _global: [Function], _complexFilters: [Function], options: [Object], logger: [Object], ffmpegProc: [ChildProcess], [Symbol(kCapture)]: false }, endVideoCapture: [Function: c], writeVideoFrame: [Function: writeVideoFrame], startedVideoCapture: 2023-05-02T08:50:02.892Z, restart: [AsyncFunction: restart] } } +0ms
cypress:server:run delaying to extend video { DELAY_TO_LET_VIDEO_FINISH_MS: 1000 } +4ms
cypress:server:util:process_profiler current & mean memory and CPU usage by process group:
cypress:server:util:process_profiler ┌─────────┬───────────────────┬──────────────┬──────────────────────┬────────────┬────────────────┬──────────┬──────────────┬─────────────┐
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ (index) │ group │ processCount │ pids │ cpuPercent │ meanCpuPercent │ memRssMb │ meanMemRssMb │ maxMemRssMb │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler ├─────────┼───────────────────┼──────────────┼──────────────────────┼────────────┼────────────────┼──────────┼──────────────┼─────────────┤
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 0 │ 'plugin' │ 3 │ '880, 1064, 1066' │ 3.85 │ 7.63 │ 1318.56 │ 955.58 │ 1318.56 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 1 │ 'cypress' │ 1 │ '651' │ 3.1 │ 1.85 │ 380.33 │ 375.63 │ 397.77 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 2 │ 'electron-shared' │ 4 │ '675, 849, 676, 893' │ 9.93 │ 3.13 │ 265.82 │ 242.21 │ 293.29 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 3 │ 'Electron' │ 1 │ '1287' │ 2.14 │ 0.93 │ 216.07 │ 171.41 │ 216.07 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 4 │ 'ffmpeg' │ 2 │ '1120, 1302' │ 1.76 │ 1.14 │ 173.85 │ 94.98 │ 173.85 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 5 │ 'other' │ 2 │ '1416, 1417' │ 0 │ 0 │ 3.53 │ 3.49 │ 3.59 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 6 │ 'TOTAL' │ 13 │ '-' │ 20.77 │ 13.61 │ 2358.15 │ 1745.54 │ 2407.69 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler └─────────┴───────────────────┴──────────────┴──────────────────────┴────────────┴────────────────┴──────────┴──────────────┴─────────────┘ +10s
cypress:server:util:socket_allowed allowed socket closed, removing { localPort: 42836 } +4s
cypress:server:util:socket_allowed allowed socket closed, removing { localPort: 42844 } +43ms
cypress:server:video capture ended +33s
cypress:server:run ended video capture +6s
cypress:lifecycle:EventRegistrar plugin event registered? { eventName: 'after:spec', isRegistered: false } +40s
cypress:server:run executed after:spec +1ms
 │ Tests: 4 │
 │ Passing: 0 │
 │ Failing: 1 │
 │ Pending: 0 │
 │ Skipped: 3 │
 │ Screenshots: 0 │
 │ Video: true │
 │ Duration: 0 seconds │
 │ Spec Ran: │
cypress:server:run attempting to close the browser tab +13ms
cypress:server:run resetting server state +1ms
cypress:proxy:http:util:buffers resetting buffers +7s
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '80', protocol: null, subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: '' } +8s
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '39947', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: 'localhost' } +7ms
cypress:server:remote-states setting remote state { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:39947', strategy: 'file', fileServer: 'http://localhost', domainName: 'localhost', props: null } for http://localhost:39947 +7s
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '39947', protocol: 'http:', subdomain: null, domain: '', tld: 'localhost' } +1ms
cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:39947', strategy: 'file', fileServer: 'http://localhost', domainName: 'localhost', props: null } for: http://localhost:39947 +1ms
cypress:server:run post processing recording +13ms
cypress:server:run ending the video recording { shouldUploadVideo: true, quiet: false, videoCompression: 32, processOptions: { compressedVideoName: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos/', videoName: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos/', chaptersConfig: ';FFMETADATA1\n' + '[CHAPTER]\n' + 'TIMEBASE=1/1000\n' + 'START=39851\n' + 'END=39932\n' + 'title=Employee Notes render loading state\n' + '[CHAPTER]\n' + 'TIMEBASE=1/1000\n' + 'START=39825\n' + 'END=40057\n' + 'title=Employee Notes render loading stateattempt 1\n' + '[CHAPTER]\n' + 'TIMEBASE=1/1000\n' + 'START=0\n' + 'END=null\n' + 'title=Employee Notes render notes\n' + '[CHAPTER]\n' + 'TIMEBASE=1/1000\n' + 'START=0\n' + 'END=null\n' + 'title=Employee Notes render empty state\n' + '[CHAPTER]\n' + 'TIMEBASE=1/1000\n' + 'START=0\n' + 'END=null\n' + 'title=Employee Notes doesnt render notes editor section when employee lacks edit rights' } } +1ms
  - Started processing: Compressing to 32 CRF
cypress:server:video processing video { compressedVideoName: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos/', videoName: '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos/', chaptersConfig: ';FFMETADATA1\n' + '[CHAPTER]\n' + 'TIMEBASE=1/1000\n' + 'START=39851\n' + 'END=39932\n' + 'title=Employee Notes render loading state\n' + '[CHAPTER]\n' + 'TIMEBASE=1/1000\n' + 'START=39825\n' + 'END=40057\n' + 'title=Employee Notes render loading stateattempt 1\n' + '[CHAPTER]\n' + 'TIMEBASE=1/1000\n' + 'START=0\n' + 'END=null\n' + 'title=Employee Notes render notes\n' + '[CHAPTER]\n' + 'TIMEBASE=1/1000\n' + 'START=0\n' + 'END=null\n' + 'title=Employee Notes render empty state\n' + '[CHAPTER]\n' + 'TIMEBASE=1/1000\n' + 'START=0\n' + 'END=null\n' + 'title=Employee Notes doesnt render notes editor section when employee lacks edit rights', videoCompression: 32, onProgress: [Function: onProgress] } +46ms
cypress:server:video compression started { command: 'ffmpeg -n 20 /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cache/Cypress/12.8.1/Cypress/resources/app/node_modules/@ffmpeg-installer/linux-x64/ffmpeg -i /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos/ -i /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos/ -y -vcodec libx264 -avioflags direct -fpsprobesize 0 -probesize 32 -analyzeduration 0 -preset fast -crf 32 -pix_fmt yuv420p -map_metadata 1 /builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos/' } +59ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'ffmpeg version N-47683-g0e8eb07980-static Copyright (c) 2000-2018 the FFmpeg developers' } +3ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: ' built with gcc 6.3.0 (Debian 6.3.0-18+deb9u1) 20170516' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: ' configuration: --enable-gpl --enable-version3 --enable-static --disable-debug --disable-ffplay --disable-indev=sndio --disable-outdev=sndio --cc=gcc-6 --enable-fontconfig --enable-frei0r --enable-gnutls --enable-gray --enable-libaom --enable-libfribidi --enable-libass --enable-libvmaf --enable-libfreetype --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libopencore-amrnb --enable-libopencore-amrwb --enable-libopenjpeg --enable-librubberband --enable-libsoxr --enable-libspeex --enable-libvorbis --enable-libopus --enable-libtheora --enable-libvidstab --enable-libvo-amrwbenc --enable-libvpx --enable-libwebp --enable-libx264 --enable-libx265 --enable-libxml2 --enable-libxvid --enable-libzimg' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: ' libavutil 56. 24.101 / 56. 24.101' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: ' libavcodec 58. 42.100 / 58. 42.100' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: ' libavformat 58. 24.100 / 58. 24.100' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: ' libavdevice 58. 6.101 / 58. 6.101' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: ' libavfilter 7. 46.101 / 7. 46.101' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: ' libswscale 5. 4.100 / 5. 4.100' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: ' libswresample 3. 4.100 / 3. 4.100' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: ' libpostproc 55. 4.100 / 55. 4.100' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[ffmetadata @ 0x6ca3ec0] Expected chapter end timestamp, found END=null.' } +182ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: ' Last message repeated 2 times' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: "Input #0, ffmetadata, from '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos/':" } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: ' Duration: N/A, start: 0.000000, bitrate: N/A' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: ' Chapter #0:0: start 39.851000, end 39.932000' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: ' Metadata:' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: ' title : Employee Notes render loading state' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: ' Chapter #0:1: start 39.825000, end 40.057000' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: ' Metadata:' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: ' title : Employee Notes render loading stateattempt 1' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: ' Chapter #0:2: start 0.000000, end 39.825000' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: ' Metadata:' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: ' title : Employee Notes render notes' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: ' Chapter #0:3: start 0.000000, end 39.825000' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: ' Metadata:' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: ' title : Employee Notes render empty state' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: ' Chapter #0:4: start 0.000000, end 39.825000' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: ' Metadata:' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: ' title : Employee Notes doesnt render notes editor section when employee lacks edit rights' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: "Input #1, mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2, from '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos/':" } +82ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: ' Metadata:' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: ' major_brand : isom' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: ' minor_version : 512' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: ' compatible_brands: isomiso2avc1mp41' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: ' encoder : Lavf58.24.100' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: ' Duration: 00:00:46.16, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 77 kb/s' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: ' Stream #1:0(und): Video: h264 (Constrained Baseline) (avc1 / 0x31637661), yuvj420p(pc), 1280x720 [SAR 1:1 DAR 16:9], 76 kb/s, 25 fps, 25 tbr, 12800 tbn, 50 tbc (default)' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: ' Metadata:' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: ' handler_name : VideoHandler' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Stream mapping:' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression codec data: { format: 'ffmetadata', audio: '', video: '', duration: 'N/A' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: ' Stream #1:0 -> #0:0 (h264 (native) -> h264 (libx264))' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Press [q] to stop, [?] for help' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[swscaler @ 0x711d100] deprecated pixel format used, make sure you did set range correctly' } +182ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[libx264 @ 0x6caafc0] using SAR=1/1' } +72ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[libx264 @ 0x6caafc0] using cpu capabilities: MMX2 SSE2Fast SSSE3 SSE4.2 AVX FMA3 BMI2 AVX2 AVX512' } +14ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[libx264 @ 0x6caafc0] profile High, level 3.1, 4:2:0, 8-bit' } +18ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[libx264 @ 0x6caafc0] 264 - core 157 r2935 545de2f - H.264/MPEG-4 AVC codec - Copyleft 2003-2018 - - options: cabac=1 ref=2 deblock=1:0:0 analyse=0x3:0x113 me=hex subme=6 psy=1 psy_rd=1.00:0.00 mixed_ref=1 me_range=16 chroma_me=1 trellis=1 8x8dct=1 cqm=0 deadzone=21,11 fast_pskip=1 chroma_qp_offset=-2 threads=12 lookahead_threads=2 sliced_threads=0 nr=0 decimate=1 interlaced=0 bluray_compat=0 constrained_intra=0 bframes=3 b_pyramid=2 b_adapt=1 b_bias=0 direct=1 weightb=1 open_gop=0 weightp=1 keyint=250 keyint_min=25 scenecut=40 intra_refresh=0 rc_lookahead=30 rc=crf mbtree=1 crf=32.0 qcomp=0.60 qpmin=0 qpmax=69 qpstep=4 ip_ratio=1.40 aq=1:1.00' } +12ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[mp4 @ 0x6ca9340] Application provided duration: -39825 / timestamp: 0 is out of range for mov/mp4 format' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[mp4 @ 0x6ca9340] pts has no value' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[mp4 @ 0x6ca9340] Application provided duration: -39826 / timestamp: 0 is out of range for mov/mp4 format' } +4ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[mp4 @ 0x6ca9340] pts has no value' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[mp4 @ 0x6ca9340] Application provided duration: -39827 / timestamp: 0 is out of range for mov/mp4 format' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[mp4 @ 0x6ca9340] pts has no value' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: "Output #0, mp4, to '/builds/personio/frontend/personio-web/cypress/videos/':" } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: ' Metadata:' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: ' major_brand : isom' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: ' minor_version : 512' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: ' compatible_brands: isomiso2avc1mp41' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: ' encoder : Lavf58.24.100' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: ' Chapter #0:0: start 39.851000, end 39.932000' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: ' Metadata:' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: ' title : Employee Notes render loading state' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: ' Chapter #0:1: start 39.825000, end 40.057000' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: ' Metadata:' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: ' title : Employee Notes render loading stateattempt 1' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: ' Chapter #0:2: start 0.000000, end 39.825000' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: ' Metadata:' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: ' title : Employee Notes render notes' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: ' Chapter #0:3: start 0.000000, end 39.825000' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: ' Metadata:' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: ' title : Employee Notes render empty state' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: ' Chapter #0:4: start 0.000000, end 39.825000' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: ' Metadata:' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: ' title : Employee Notes doesnt render notes editor section when employee lacks edit rights' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: ' Stream #0:0(und): Video: h264 (libx264) (avc1 / 0x31637661), yuv420p, 1280x720 [SAR 1:1 DAR 16:9], q=-1--1, 25 fps, 12800 tbn, 25 tbc (default)' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: ' Metadata:' } +4ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: ' handler_name : VideoHandler' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: ' encoder : Lavc58.42.100 libx264' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: ' Side data:' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: ' cpb: bitrate max/min/avg: 0/0/0 buffer size: 0 vbv_delay: -1' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'frame= 6 fps=0.0 q=0.0 size= 0kB time=00:00:00.00 bitrate=N/A speed= 0x ' } +249ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'frame= 37 fps= 29 q=0.0 size= 0kB time=00:00:00.00 bitrate=N/A speed= 0x ' } +763ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'frame= 53 fps= 29 q=37.0 size= 0kB time=00:00:00.16 bitrate= 16.9kbits/s speed=0.0881x ' } +551ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'frame= 63 fps= 27 q=37.0 size= 0kB time=00:00:00.56 bitrate= 4.8kbits/s speed=0.238x ' } +549ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'frame= 76 fps= 26 q=37.0 size= 0kB time=00:00:01.08 bitrate= 2.5kbits/s speed=0.375x ' } +477ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'frame= 87 fps= 25 q=37.0 size= 0kB time=00:00:01.52 bitrate= 1.8kbits/s speed=0.441x ' } +560ms
cypress:server:util:process_profiler current & mean memory and CPU usage by process group:
cypress:server:util:process_profiler ┌─────────┬───────────────────┬──────────────┬──────────────────────┬────────────┬────────────────┬──────────┬──────────────┬─────────────┐
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ (index) │ group │ processCount │ pids │ cpuPercent │ meanCpuPercent │ memRssMb │ meanMemRssMb │ maxMemRssMb │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler ├─────────┼───────────────────┼──────────────┼──────────────────────┼────────────┼────────────────┼──────────┼──────────────┼─────────────┤
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 0 │ 'plugin' │ 3 │ '880, 1064, 1066' │ 0.01 │ 7 │ 1318.56 │ 985.83 │ 1318.56 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 1 │ 'cypress' │ 1 │ '651' │ 7.78 │ 2.31 │ 385.49 │ 376.39 │ 397.77 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 2 │ 'ffmpeg' │ 2 │ '1120, 1440' │ 5.48 │ 1.53 │ 341.85 │ 117.42 │ 341.85 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 3 │ 'electron-shared' │ 4 │ '675, 849, 676, 893' │ 0 │ 2.89 │ 262.54 │ 243.78 │ 293.29 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 4 │ 'Electron' │ 1 │ '1287' │ 1.06 │ 0.96 │ 156.3 │ 168.39 │ 216.07 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 5 │ 'other' │ 2 │ '1475, 1476' │ 0 │ 0 │ 3.53 │ 3.49 │ 3.59 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ 6 │ 'TOTAL' │ 13 │ '-' │ 14.33 │ 13.67 │ 2468.28 │ 1801.13 │ 2468.28 │
cypress:server:util:process_profiler └─────────┴───────────────────┴──────────────┴──────────────────────┴────────────┴────────────────┴──────────┴──────────────┴─────────────┘ +10s
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'frame= 97 fps= 24 q=37.0 size= 0kB time=00:00:01.92 bitrate= 1.4kbits/s speed=0.476x ' } +698ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'frame= 108 fps= 23 q=37.0 size= 0kB time=00:00:02.36 bitrate= 1.1kbits/s speed=0.513x ' } +494ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'frame= 121 fps= 24 q=37.0 size= 0kB time=00:00:02.88 bitrate= 0.9kbits/s speed=0.564x ' } +499ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'frame= 140 fps= 25 q=37.0 size= 0kB time=00:00:03.64 bitrate= 0.7kbits/s speed=0.647x ' } +507ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'frame= 159 fps= 26 q=37.0 size= 0kB time=00:00:04.40 bitrate= 0.6kbits/s speed=0.715x ' } +552ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'frame= 173 fps= 26 q=37.0 size= 0kB time=00:00:04.96 bitrate= 0.5kbits/s speed=0.745x ' } +467ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'frame= 196 fps= 27 q=37.0 size= 0kB time=00:00:05.88 bitrate= 0.5kbits/s speed=0.82x ' } +510ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'frame= 216 fps= 28 q=37.0 size= 0kB time=00:00:06.68 bitrate= 0.4kbits/s speed=0.87x ' } +501ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'frame= 244 fps= 30 q=37.0 size= 0kB time=00:00:07.80 bitrate= 0.3kbits/s speed=0.953x ' } +508ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] negative number of zero coeffs at 78 11' } +126ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] error while decoding MB 78 11' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] concealing 2691 DC, 2691 AC, 2691 MV errors in P frame' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (2013306648 > 26).' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (139346330 > 8).' } +4ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (1275105849 > 2628).' } +52ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (-1526725513 > 42).' } +32ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (-1349978942 > 2452).' } +12ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (1433540998 > 30).' } +16ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (539689347 > 8).' } +27ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (-36128087 > 2269).' } +19ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +13ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (787481459 > 50).' } +5ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (536986080 > 1934).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (1051605771 > 26).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (25174808 > 1316).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (173316734 > 26).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: ' Last message repeated 1 times' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (-1475061366 > 8).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (-1291063801 > 1288).' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (-2077941568 > 12).' } +4ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (-311163609 > 773).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (6421088 > 8).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +5ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (-235929584 > 8).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (1090537986 > 1056).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (-1643508162 > 8).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (86058778 > 1700).' } +3ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (-1069971952 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (1598075411 > 8).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (1620499278 > 1517).' } +9ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (503320440 > 8).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (51645520 > 2421).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +3ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (-293601280 > 17).' } +6ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (-1196958377 > 8).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (1576705312 > 8).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (-1711265152 > 2384).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (467013643 > 24).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (-1207450065 > 2735).' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (250943514 > 36).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (1056968631 > 8).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (260413684 > 8).' } +17ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (286210714 > 2478).' } +6ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +3ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: ' Last message repeated 1 times' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (1015324362 > 25).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (1184696899 > 2848).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +4ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (51970336 > 32).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (-1094352798 > 2623).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (1846613080 > 45).' } +4ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +7ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (-1973121156 > 2622).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +3ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (-2096767669 > 19).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (-922260175 > 8).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +3ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (-566163935 > 8).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +3ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (1918108283 > 8).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (1622888684 > 2531).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (-926163964 > 46).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (-228140084 > 2186).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (-1207037184 > 22).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (1970002925 > 1462).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (-614398240 > 31).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: ' Last message repeated 1 times' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (-1198493517 > 8).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (-855354492 > 1404).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +4ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (245269277 > 13).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (-69595592 > 1013).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (1442841091 > 12).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (1342179338 > 605).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (762860486 > 1095).' } +5ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (440507360 > 13).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +5ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (-1602780970 > 1431).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (10488344 > 19).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (1812047646 > 8).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (8401832 > 2096).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (2623451 > 30).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (-2056135681 > 1985).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +5ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (360515 > 14).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (-869162837 > 2495).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (-1832503295 > 32).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (-1212719480 > 12).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (-530031192 > 12).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (279672257 > 94).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (37913180 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (4220936 > 49).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (51594563 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +5ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (282705773 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (357137987 > 49).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (-686211072 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (-112044672 > 49).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (1677721856 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (-1987987450 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'frame= 261 fps= 30 q=37.0 size= 0kB time=00:00:08.48 bitrate= 0.3kbits/s speed=0.976x ' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (1164306144 > 49).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (266272 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (-783286158 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (-1055896186 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (279288123 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (-1363481682 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (-2088762352 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (-2009698185 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +7ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (573664 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +4ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (-690563370 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +4ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (49265280 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (1446080388 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +7ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (-1822309690 > 49).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (268734789 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (-1810718447 > 49).' } +8ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (-251582883 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (2965505 > 49).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (121638859 > 49).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (-1285826376 > 49).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (44074674 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (-1605482080 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (-2045309683 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (542467435 > 49).' } +3ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (-955840154 > 49).' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (1395655425 > 49).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (-1073545215 > 49).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (-1645202106 > 49).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +3ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (-1031767536 > 49).' } +4ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +5ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (980467712 > 49).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (826178979 > 49).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (2131696575 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (906206840 > 49).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +7ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (-1115199744 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (1126799208 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (-6291448 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (-1929168819 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (-1025347571 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (-332396053 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (539295788 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (75505700 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (1175672176 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (84623716 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +6ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (-110631932 > 49).' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (1645590349 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (260589822 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (-529433152 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (1802201963 > 49).' } +8ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (-1188962304 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (-1610604446 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (57758418 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +4ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (1014818741 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (-768665342 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (-221737458 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +5ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (-1811135808 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (12476428 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (135168002 > 49).' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +4ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (1627578728 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (1617462774 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (-1625232442 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (838932755 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (1242625692 > 49).' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (-1520041707 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (744064506 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (-1398802811 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +3ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (-503279359 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (-2129221611 > 49).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (1601952546 > 49).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (2088946976 > 49).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (668927802 > 49).' } +8ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (30115758 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (-185220402 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (1802201963 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +8ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (-340870421 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (-1365336390 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (-1158959430 > 49).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (-340870421 > 49).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (-340877666 > 49).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (-1055757670 > 49).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +6ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (1342193664 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +3ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (-251658058 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (538452013 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (308551777 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (650109056 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (1075842062 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (871548623 > 49).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (-550859598 > 49).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +3ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (340070399 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (1073745935 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (-1761606398 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (-214869279 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (-1183869311 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (-1766449920 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +5ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (546858811 > 49).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (674584344 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (4277248 > 49).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (-1602764335 > 49).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (1718876060 > 49).' } +6ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (-67047410 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (1952710784 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +7ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (142879126 > 49).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (497338864 > 49).' } +6ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (-1365336390 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (-531418296 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (-1786511358 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (-643499572 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (2004877440 > 49).' } +11ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (-1972391792 > 49).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +15ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (2633757 > 49).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (-574560256 > 49).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (-1430083319 > 49).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (905970780 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (-2088763308 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (30389698 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (1589352707 > 49).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (-116629484 > 49).' } +3ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (-134105088 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (1914775251 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (-347737631 > 49).' } +3ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (-1318037389 > 49).' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (-590872568 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (612304952 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (1935447953 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (-591145896 > 49).' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +3ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (33096 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (-1255665087 > 49).' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +3ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (1447035694 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (1117522012 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (-478986240 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +10ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (51895960 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (-1161164957 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (-950749195 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +4ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (465551561 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (1120791737 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +4ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (134712148 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +4ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (-340870421 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (-681740841 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (1568003933 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (618003431 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (-1614891264 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (326644608 > 49).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (-1594742745 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (16777280 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +3ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (44115968 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (1207961693 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (1933543781 > 49).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (1672063579 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (786434 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (-877951976 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (-297461728 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (-537099422 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (990617394 > 49).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (951976008 > 49).' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +3ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (-133855781 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (360259624 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (-472385510 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (1658545153 > 49).' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (134418912 > 49).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (465868376 > 23705).' } +3ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (-2044688251 > 7).' } +6ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (805310487 > 8).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (-1629544486 > 12).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (-107994818 > 8).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (-1879045628 > 8).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (-1382224327 > 8).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (23117048 > 8).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (-2146779135 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (321912784 > 16).' } +6ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (27102600 > 16).' } +3ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (-1207829081 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (-18341336 > 16).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (904933443 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (320377985 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (-1775106581 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (65237603 > 16).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (-1610563584 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +5ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (1959532351 > 16).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +6ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (-1833628670 > 16).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +3ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (1882330656 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (67794903 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +3ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (-1493859359 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (77726361 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (16883718 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (834640632 > 16).' } +12ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (-1586680630 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (-1877878792 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (270182197 > 16).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (-1065538448 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (-2066188283 > 16).' } +3ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (6294017 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (336277215 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (1696285446 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (-489754170 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (-1962659056 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (1481674990 > 16).' } +3ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (920707 > 16).' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (-642384242 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (2079324095 > 16).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (-1071718287 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (1601189889 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (-690563370 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (-690563370 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (-690612288 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (1459855032 > 16).' } +3ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (-1413759065 > 16).' } +4ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (458424634 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (545399367 > 16).' } +4ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (1721761824 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (1921052408 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (-885402723 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (1986421606 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (-1355808752 > 16).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (4314044 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (543341983 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +7ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (-754946497 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (1519658285 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (1298307695 > 16).' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (1453444417 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (68182259 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (22867967 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (33008 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (-678163357 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (1357996747 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (-1877847594 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (678655291 > 16).' } +5ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (-484262368 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (-694430529 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (1216817247 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (-198562913 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (101809346 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (-1482424524 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (-1523107452 > 16).' } +3ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +8ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (-1973800504 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (72876036 > 16).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +3ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (1355287847 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (-1571907487 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (268783782 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (598878841 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (-1845312 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (1275142025 > 16).' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +6ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (889212988 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +4ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (352976756 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (-1951786093 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +3ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (-442760931 > 16).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (1593835776 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (25184465 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (947397677 > 16).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (1299323894 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (42860548 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (-1588569989 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +11ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (237251739 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'frame= 261 fps= 28 q=37.0 size= 0kB time=00:00:08.48 bitrate= 0.3kbits/s speed=0.922x ' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (457705739 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (-1331969141 > 16).' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (360535 > 16).' } +3ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (-63303318 > 16).' } +3ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +11ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (715967147 > 16).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (-827637352 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (303289744 > 16).' } +3ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +6ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (474917956 > 16).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (2147481740 > 16).' } +16ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (-1936454917 > 16).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +3ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (1761059585 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (1189830565 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (-62634935 > 16).' } +13ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +10ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (-712216134 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (1567739738 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (-340870421 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +4ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (-1158959430 > 16).' } +4ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (-2132803516 > 16).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +8ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (285346198 > 16).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (-1246382667 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (5092607 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +3ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (-553681923 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (1977048437 > 16).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (1564294516 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (-1263225676 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (1568003933 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (-681740841 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (-681740841 > 16).' } +3ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +5ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (-740860555 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (1568003933 > 16).' } +4ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (1568003933 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (-952275979 > 16).' } +4ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (1977048437 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (1568003027 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (18881050 > 16).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (-2146163281 > 16).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (-1681556270 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (-1056172537 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (1208060573 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +7ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (-1072691025 > 16).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (1079328804 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (12210072 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +7ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (-469669478 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (703541769 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (780402690 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (-2145381118 > 16).' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (2015374304 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +6ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (-209620101 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (162109610 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (1994940506 > 16).' } +3ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (269615160 > 16).' } +20ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (-267409779 > 16).' } +3ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (17080415 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (1187274870 > 16).' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (190808064 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (2034086086 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (83886338 > 16).' } +4ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (-1824087055 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +3ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (554547146 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (-2144459214 > 16).' } +9ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (-603978729 > 16).' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (-4193527 > 16).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (351115416 > 16).' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (-1333657598 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (-1689220496 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (1117002496 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (1526727808 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (1191821453 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (-867015699 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (-53720228 > 16).' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (1583349770 > 16).' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (-1755610016 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (-1362278650 > 16).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (672161536 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (1661313968 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (-2051833854 > 16).' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (991964483 > 16).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (-291520432 > 16).' } +4ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (478011648 > 16).' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (1083965512 > 16).' } +4ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (1257512 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (19531919 > 16).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (-1604281947 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (132384 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (99398113 > 16).' } +17ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (6597235 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (471859216 > 16).' } +4ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (117867658 > 16).' } +3ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (1076645503 > 16).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (-250084912 > 16).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (150994976 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (203469312 > 16).' } +3ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (-1377860592 > 16).' } +6ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (92766620 > 16).' } +4ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (150723044 > 16).' } +15ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (-1167351107 > 16).' } +3ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (33554561 > 16).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (-495838137 > 16).' } +3ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (-1518172217 > 16).' } +3ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (1883244340 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (-1499486290 > 16).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (-340870421 > 16).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (-1158959430 > 16).' } +3ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (376438848 > 16).' } +3ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (2093386338 > 16).' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (609816304 > 16).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (-554675837 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (-469392640 > 16).' } +3ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (33563587 > 16).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (-812631898 > 16).' } +3ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +6ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (336531549 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (1400825388 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (168482094 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (2021921466 > 16).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (236001955 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (-2132933857 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (271420176 > 16).' } +4ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (-865333184 > 16).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (-1047655720 > 16).' } +21ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +5ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (2099714 > 16).' } +4ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (942465032 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (-496770065 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (998363136 > 16).' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (-1593451946 > 16).' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (-32597900 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (807403536 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (-2137522149 > 16).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (1348223883 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (270270465 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (783313797 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (1614814428 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (-1701166774 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +6ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (538110347 > 16).' } +6ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (-1072815489 > 16).' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (-1675100752 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (-1912862716 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +4ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (965753945 > 16).' } +8ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (605832445 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (2097280 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (847889111 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +4ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (-1485855321 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +4ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (395706374 > 16).' } +3ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (-2138243155 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (-1920595962 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (-2013058935 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (-1724906112 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (234795317 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (-160963208 > 16).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (1426067075 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (1912602941 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (-43993028 > 16).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (594980984 > 16).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (29428466 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (1480329152 > 16).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (1097338519 > 16).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (1900044580 > 16).' } +6ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (81594405 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (134792888 > 23706).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (747939093 > 7).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (1587271183 > 8).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (-1729099733 > 12).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (-1056458191 > 8).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (263808 > 8).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (147011941 > 8).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (-519549567 > 8).' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (-652090084 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (810374592 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (583385088 > 16).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (186286149 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (775281499 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (1920999424 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (-16637844 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (1083926832 > 16).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (511311352 > 16).' } +4ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (102395415 > 16).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (754982922 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (2068577880 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (-1441821980 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (-1515870802 > 16).' } +5ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (51577056 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (29368032 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (1532713819 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (1532713819 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (1532713819 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (-264639615 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (1935082331 > 16).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (1140949208 > 16).' } +7ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (-263071232 > 16).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'frame= 261 fps= 27 q=37.0 size= 0kB time=00:00:08.48 bitrate= 0.3kbits/s speed=0.874x ' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (-806673032 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (-1059720222 > 16).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (881151154 > 16).' } +7ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +5ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (299018057 > 16).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (-1015012036 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (588177426 > 16).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (-980787745 > 16).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (3151947 > 16).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (63526808 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +8ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (-1835654796 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (-1908773487 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (269084477 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (-1759498882 > 16).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (268434554 > 16).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (779670487 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (-503295616 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (413807615 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (4198350 > 16).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (760885980 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +5ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (1711276288 > 16).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (1051913 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +11ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (402968210 > 16).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (-1841429421 > 16).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (-2044970286 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +3ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (-1675951832 > 16).' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (-96886760 > 16).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +4ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (-236199936 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +3ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (-1716580135 > 16).' } +4ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (-1455470404 > 16).' } +7ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +3ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (-1775385600 > 16).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +4ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (-1598306282 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (1968261623 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +3ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (-2023433628 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +3ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (1031798726 > 16).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +3ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (244321465 > 16).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (2622017 > 16).' } +4ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +5ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (-367324341 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +5ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (-543162370 > 16).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (1466754599 > 16).' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +12ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (-2025416349 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (311177913 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (1745295195 > 16).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (-517437287 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +7ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (-134216704 > 16).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +7ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (-2141454253 > 16).' } +5ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (-1872468218 > 16).' } +9ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (33760035 > 16).' } +4ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (-240504357 > 16).' } +4ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (-1815473518 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (832364608 > 16).' } +8ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +10ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (710800945 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (-828223232 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +4ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (444141874 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +6ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (1766246405 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (349783126 > 16).' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (43435896 > 16).' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +8ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (-58264 > 16).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +3ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (-2030947799 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (-681740841 > 16).' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +4ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (-1158959430 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (-1363481682 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +4ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (121217139 > 16).' } +6ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (121217248 > 16).' } +9ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +8ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (-690563370 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (-690563527 > 16).' } +4ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +4ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (397148145 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (1568003933 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (-681740841 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +6ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (-757935406 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +8ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (1331525079 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (1977048437 > 16).' } +5ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +8ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (1977048437 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (485998558 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (-681740841 > 16).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (1977044815 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (1977048437 > 16).' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +4ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (1568003933 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (-681740841 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (8462336 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +4ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (-1409302521 > 16).' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +8ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (11207753 > 16).' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (577376256 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (543457361 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +8ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (132128 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (-266884352 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +4ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (-248092672 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (48334250 > 16).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (-888536545 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (641470464 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (61866595 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +10ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (134422279 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (-1073736700 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +5ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (-2146965489 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (-66668445 > 16).' } +9ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (1740628096 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (2050103571 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (-1422032640 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (-437466087 > 16).' } +4ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +4ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (1747758823 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (-1698627150 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (713303212 > 16).' } +7ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (1166424094 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (321924528 > 16).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (1141087243 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (646971400 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (466022843 > 16).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (-1393717119 > 16).' } +6ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (570565714 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (31495219 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (805316899 > 16).' } +3ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (1417675343 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (-115857763 > 16).' } +7ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +3ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (-2141183215 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (863823533 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (1245416 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (-1342127869 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (-1220678226 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +8ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (312500331 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (-1606999353 > 16).' } +4ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (-402606404 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (100684608 > 16).' } +19ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (131424 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (-1607941123 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (1064448 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (-751648711 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (26184778 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (-2146938583 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (-1367342973 > 16).' } +10ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (-264658944 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (-1132918043 > 16).' } +5ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (-1906169990 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (1442841089 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (1073875903 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (1886551610 > 16).' } +10ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (939532288 > 16).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (1547788347 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (470090867 > 16).' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (1157641758 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (291800581 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (1960790789 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (-1224752438 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (1915458954 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (1216554625 > 16).' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (-120497670 > 16).' } +9ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (236999977 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'frame= 261 fps= 26 q=37.0 size= 0kB time=00:00:08.48 bitrate= 0.3kbits/s speed=0.832x ' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (-1158959430 > 16).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (-1363481682 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (-1363481682 > 16).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +7ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (606354436 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (-1773010928 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (33559148 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (-662687071 > 16).' } +6ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +5ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (671446686 > 16).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +4ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (-1800206898 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (524400 > 16).' } +4ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (2125742513 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (1463812332 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +3ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (-2102015088 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (-1145044928 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (-1601167711 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (-669248368 > 16).' } +3ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +6ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (750196577 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (127154743 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (16810707 > 16).' } +3ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (67424512 > 16).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (-1376061914 > 2305).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (-1393083320 > 26).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (763451944 > 8).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (-1174913456 > 8).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (-912359144 > 75).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +5ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (603954240 > 31).' } +8ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +6ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (1616132098 > 31).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (1416098233 > 2723).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (-1053370700 > 30).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (35167234 > 13).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (-1493929551 > 13).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (538215978 > 13).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (1214899503 > 70).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (1233158023 > 32).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +9ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (151603573 > 29).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +7ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (336281361 > 29).' } +4ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (1647752828 > 29).' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +6ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (-772126623 > 29).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (404116756 > 29).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +3ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (-41280499 > 29).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (1865393176 > 29).' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (-1851291914 > 29).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +5ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Invalid NAL unit size (551563555 > 29).' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dc64c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +9ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Invalid NAL unit size (700382979 > 29).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6de2c80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Invalid NAL unit size (1612239663 > 29).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6dff400] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Invalid NAL unit size (673744337 > 29).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6e1bb80] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Invalid NAL unit size (-340870421 > 29).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6cb4ac0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Invalid NAL unit size (-1363481682 > 29).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d2b440] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Invalid NAL unit size (1977048437 > 29).' } +8ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d71300] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +2ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Invalid NAL unit size (-681740841 > 29).' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6d8d7c0] Error splitting the input into NAL units.' } +0ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: 'Error while decoding stream #1:0: Invalid data found when processing input' } +1ms
cypress:server:video compression stderr log { message: '[h264 @ 0x6da9e00] Invalid NAL unit size (-681740841 > 29).' } +0m
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