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Created February 8, 2019 13:16
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This is the core logic of the Editable with ContentTools Plugin for Grav CMS. This version preprocesses editable shortcode name parameters.
namespace Grav\Plugin;
use Grav\Common\Page\Page;
use Grav\Common\Plugin;
use Grav\Common\Twig\Twig;
use Grav\Common\Utils;
use RocketTheme\Toolbox\Event\Event;
* Class EditableContentToolsPlugin
* @package Grav\Plugin
class EditableContentToolsPlugin extends Plugin
protected $my_name = 'editable-contenttools';
protected $my_full_name = 'Editable ContentTools';
protected $token = 'editable-contenttools-api';
* Add Editor code and styles
public function addAssets()
// Get assets objects
$assets = $this->grav['assets'];
// Add styles
$assets->addCss('plugin://' . $this->my_name . '/vendor/content-tools.min.css', 1);
$assets->addCss('plugin://' . $this->my_name . '/css/editor.css', 1);
// Add code
$assets->addJs('plugin://' . $this->my_name . '/vendor/turndown.js', 1);
$assets->addJs('plugin://' . $this->my_name . '/vendor/content-tools.min.js', 1);
$assets->AddJs('plugin://' . $this->my_name . '/vendor/turndown-plugin-gfm.js', 1);
// Add reference to dynamically created assets
$route = $this->grav['page']->route();
if ($route == '/') {
$route = '';
$assets->addJs($this->my_name . '-api' . $route . '/editor.js', ['group' => 'bottom']);
* This will execute $cmd in the background (no cmd window)
* without PHP waiting for it to finish, on both Windows and Unix.
* Not tested on Windows by plugin dev
public function execInBackground($cmd) {
if (strtolower(substr(php_uname('s'), 0, 3)) == "win"){
pclose(popen("start /B ". $cmd, "r"));
else {
exec($cmd . " > /dev/null &");
* @return array
* The getSubscribedEvents() gives the core a list of events
* that the plugin wants to listen to. The key of each
* array section is the event that the plugin listens to
* and the value (in the form of an array) contains the
* callable (or function) as well as the priority. The
* higher the number the higher the priority.
public static function getSubscribedEvents()
return [
'onPluginsInitialized' => ['onPluginsInitialized', 0],
* Add Editor to the page
public function onPageInitialized()
// Don't proceed if we are in the admin plugin
if ($this->isAdmin()) {
$this->active = false;
if ($this->userAuthorized()) {
$page = $this->grav['page'];
$content = $page->rawMarkdown();
// Check shortcode names
// Insert when missing: [editable] | [editable name=""]
// Replace "reserved" values, e.g.: [editable name="region-3"]
$re = '/((\[editable)(( +name="(region-[0-9]*)*") *\]|\]))/is';
preg_match_all($re, $content, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER, 0);
$i = 0;
foreach ($matches as $match) {
// Insert or replace name parameter
$pos = strpos($content, $match[0]);
if ($pos !== false) {
$content = substr_replace($content, '[editable name="region-' . $i . '"]', $pos, strlen($match[0]));
// If content was modified save the page
if ($i > 0) {
// Do the actual save action
* Pass valid actions (via AJAX requests) on to the editor resource to handle
* @return the output of the editor resource
public function onPagesInitialized()
// Don't proceed if we are in the admin plugin
if ($this->isAdmin()) {
$this->active = false;
$paths = $this->grav['uri']->paths();
if (array_shift($paths) == $this->token) {
$target = array_pop($paths);
$route = implode('/', $paths);
switch ($target) {
case 'editor.js': // Return editor instantiation as Javascript
$nonce = Utils::getNonce($this->my_name . '-nonce');
// Create absolute URL including token and action
$save_url = $this->grav['uri']->rootUrl(true) . '/' . $this->token . '/' . $route . '/save';
// Render the template
$output = $this->grav['twig']->processTemplate('editor.js.twig', [
'save_url' => $save_url,
'nonce' => $nonce,
echo $output;
case 'save':
if ($_POST) {
$this->saveRegions('/' . $route);
* Initialize the plugin
public function onPluginsInitialized()
// Don't proceed if we are in the admin plugin
if ($this->isAdmin()) {
// Enable the events we are interested in
'onPageInitialized' => ['onPageInitialized', 0],
'onPagesInitialized' => ['onPagesInitialized', 0],
'onShortcodeHandlers' => ['onShortcodeHandlers', 0],
'onTwigTemplatePaths' => ['onTwigTemplatePaths', 0],
* Register custom shortcode
public function onShortcodeHandlers()
$this->grav['shortcode']->registerShortcode('EditableContentToolsShortcode.php', __DIR__ . '/shortcodes/');
* Add current directory to Twig lookup paths.
public function onTwigTemplatePaths()
// Add local templates folder to the Twig templates search path
$this->grav['twig']->twig_paths[] = __DIR__ . '/templates';
* Save each region content to it's corresponding shortcode
public function saveRegions($route)
$result = false;
$post = $_POST;
$nonce = $post['ct-nonce'];
if (Utils::verifyNonce($nonce, $this->my_name . '-nonce')) {
$page = $this->grav['pages']->find($route);
$content = $page->rawMarkdown();
foreach ($post as $key => $value) {
// Wrap Markdown in newlines (important!)
$value = PHP_EOL . $value . PHP_EOL;
// Replace each shortcode content
if (preg_match('/\[editable .*?name="' . $key . '".*?\](.*?)\[\/editable\]/is', $content, $matches) == 1) {
$content = str_replace($matches[1], $value, $content);
// Do the actual save action
// Trigger Git Sync
$config = $this->grav['config'];
if ($config->get('plugins.git-sync.enabled') &&
$config->get('plugins.editable-contenttools.git-sync')) {
if ($config->get('plugins.editable-contenttools.git-sync-mode') == 'background') {
$command = GRAV_ROOT . '/bin/plugin git-sync sync';
else {
// Saving failed
// Create a custom error page
// BTW the HTTP status code is set via the page frontmatter
$page = new Page;
$page->init(new \SplFileInfo(__DIR__ . '/pages/'));
// Let Grav return the error page
$this->grav['page'] = $page;
* Set return header
* @return header
public function setHeaders($type = 'application/json')
header('Content-type: ' . $type);
// Calculate Expires Headers if set to > 0
$expires = $this->grav['config']->get('system.pages.expires');
if ($expires > 0) {
$expires_date = gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time() + $expires) . ' GMT';
header('Cache-Control: max-age=' . $expires);
header('Expires: ' . $expires_date);
* Check that the user is permitted to edit
* @return boolean
public function userAuthorized()
$result = false;
$user = $this->grav['user'];
if ($user->authorized) {
$result = $user->authorize('site.editable') || $user->authorize('admin.super') || $user->authorize('admin.pages');
return $result;
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