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Created February 20, 2020 21:10
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A working example of a horizontal ScrollView with some example click events.
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { StyleSheet, Text, View, Button, ScrollView } from 'react-native';
class DoggoListButton extends Component
//This is called when you press this doggo button
//it just prints out the name of this doggo and its number that was passed :)
alert("hello i am " + this.props.doggo + ", my number is " + this.props.num + " and I am the bestest boyo in the whole wide WORLD");
//The doggo button is just a button but with two things: a title of this doggo
//and an onPress event which calls the function above called handlePressButton ^ ^ ^
return <>
<View style={{ flex: 1, marginRight: 10 }}>
<Button onPress={this.handlePressButton.bind(this)} title={this.props.doggo}/>
class NavigationBar extends Component
//The list of buttons we're gonna make for this navigation bar
let items = [];
//An array of the BEST hecking doggos in the whole WORLD
let specialDoggos = ["copper", "pickle", "gimms", "barkley"];
//A function that will return a random woofer name for us
let randomDoggo = x => specialDoggos[Math.floor(Math.random() * specialDoggos.length)];
for(let i = 0; i < 20; i++)
//Build button with a random doggo name and the number of this doggo
let item = <DoggoListButton key={i} num={i} doggo={randomDoggo()} />
//Add it to the list of doggo buttons :)
//This just makes a scrolley scrolley horizontal list of those doggo
//buttons we just made
return (
<ScrollView style={{ paddingTop: 10 }} horizontal={true}>
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