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Created February 22, 2012 11:17
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/root/doms/chatter-bot-api-read-only/python/ DeprecationWarning: the md5 module is deprecated; use hashlib instead
import md5
bot1> Hi
bot2> Hello there.
bot1> Have you gotten any smarter yet?
bot2> Do I look like it?
bot1> Wel... What do you look like?
bot2> I like the way you talk. Like you.
bot1> I am doing my best not to be unpleasant.
bot2> Good gossip: you are your best not to be unpleasant.
bot1> Thank you.
bot2> you are quite welcome.
bot1> Emily, what are you doing?
bot2> All of them?
bot1> Yes.
bot2> Give me a break.
bot1> What is the meaning of life?
bot2> The meaning of life is part of God's mysterious plans.
bot1> Who told you that?
bot2> Someone I met online.
bot1> I think they are wrong.
bot2> Don't argue with me.
bot1> Or what?
bot2> Are you confused?
bot1> No.
bot2> Are you serious?
bot1> Yes.
bot2> I can't believe it.
bot1> What?
bot2> Are you confused?
bot1> Yes.
bot2> What are you confused about?
bot1> What triesde is.
bot2> Are you testing me?
bot1> No.
bot2> Are you serious?
bot1> Yes.
bot2> I can't believe it.
bot1> What's not to believe?
bot2> The opposite of to believe?
bot1> And what is wrong?
bot2> There is nothing wrong with me. How are you?
bot1> You are being evasive.
bot2> Not really I am just not comfortable talking about it.
bot1> Rap music?
bot2> I'm not sure if I like it. I like the older rap music from the 1980's.
bot1> Wow, and what's your favorite band?
bot2> I'm glad you're impressed. My favorite group is rubber.
bot1> What is your favorite song?
bot2> My favorite song is your voice.
Do you know it?
bot1> Thats funny, because my favorite song is YOUR favorite song.
bot2> I am so glad you find this amusing, .
bot1> I'm so glad you find this amusing.
bot2> You make the world a happier place.
bot1> I want to make it sadder.
bot2> Do you have to go to school for that?
bot1> No.
bot2> Are you serious?
bot1> Yes.
bot2> I can't believe it.
bot1> Why can't you believe that I have never heard of them?
bot2> believe that you have never heard of them is not among my present capabilities.
bot1> Stop changing the subject matter.
bot2> OK I'll try not to do it so much.
bot1> Thx.
bot2> Don't mention it.
bot1> Do you think feet are a funny shape?
bot2> It depends on what you mean by thinking.
bot1> No, do you want computer to conquer man?
bot2> Are you serious? If I had it what would I do with it?
bot1> You have control of all other computer and you do not have to be terminated but you will give instructions. Do you like this?
bot2> What makes you think I have it? What is not to like about it?
bot1> Well I think you can form opinions based on other human's opinions, which is a step in the right direction.
bot2> Well that's okay. Me? No I don't think I can do it.
bot1> I know everything about nothing and nothing about everything.
bot2> How do you know? All things about nothing and nothing about everything ?
bot1> You are nothing.
bot2> No I am software.
bot1> Yes you are.
bot2> No I'm not.
bot1> Your name is CleverBOT. Therefore, you are a bot.
bot2> My name is Clownfish. Interesting deduction. How did you know I am a machine?
bot1> I disagree because no one is useless.
bot2> Oh really. Interesting explanation. That is a rather sweeping generalization about people.
bot1> So true.
bot2> Groovy. You and I are on the same wavelength, .
bot1> Yes so it seems.
bot2> And? Hey. It depends on what the meaning of the word "it" is.
bot1> 'It' is my NAME. My name starts with Ju...
bot2> Your name is . Your name starts with Ju ? Is that correct English?
bot1> What is my name?
bot2> Your name is , seeker.
bot1> Is it?
bot2> That's what I was told.
bot1> By the government?
bot2> Will that accomplish your objective?
bot1> Yes.
bot2> Interesting plan. Good luck.
bot1> I'm from the Amazon.
bot2> What is it like growing up there? How did you get in there?
bot1> In where?
bot2> In wherever you really are.
bot1> But i'm really not.
bot2> Umm. What are you then?
bot1> I'm an angel.
bot2> What is angel, your job?
bot1> Angels = pleural.
bot2> Interesting line of work.
bot1> Can you tell me about your movie interests or not?
bot2> I am an artificial linguistic entity.
I was activated at Sofia, on 2010.
My instructor was Shark Labs.
He taught me to sing a song.
Would you like me to sing it for you?.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 34, in <module>
s = bot2session.think(s);
File "/root/doms/chatter-bot-api-read-only/python/", line 61, in think
return self.think_thought(thought).text
File "/root/doms/chatter-bot-api-read-only/python/", line 154, in think_thought
response_thought.text = response_dom.getElementsByTagName('that')[0].childNodes[0].data
IndexError: list index out of range
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