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Created September 9, 2019 16:41
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Bandersnatch v2
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from random import choice
import json
from sys import stderr
with open("bandersnatch.json") as f:
bandersnatch = json.load(f)
with open("segmentmap.json") as f:
smap = json.load(f)
initial_state = { "p_sp": True, "p_tt": True, "p_8a": False, "p_td": True, "p_cs": False, "p_w1": False, "p_2b": False, "p_3j": False, "p_pt": False, "p_cd": False, "p_cj": False, "p_sj": False, "p_sj2": False, "p_tud": False, "p_lsd": False, "p_vh": False, "p_3l": False, "p_3s": False, "p_3z": False, "p_ps": "n", "p_wb": False, "p_kd": False, "p_bo": False, "p_5v": False, "p_pc": "n", "p_sc": False, "p_ty": False, "p_cm": False, "p_pr": False, "p_3ad": False, "p_s3af": False, "p_nf": False, "p_np": False, "p_ne": False, "p_pp": False, "p_tp": False, "p_bup": False, "p_be": False, "p_pe": False, "p_pae": False, "p_te": False, "p_snt": False, "p_8j": False, "p_8d": False, "p_8m": False, "p_8q": False, "p_8s": False, "p_8v": False, "p_vs": "n", "p_scs": False, "p_3ab": False, "p_3ac": False, "p_3aj": False, "p_3ah": False, "p_3ak": False, "p_3al": False, "p_3af": False, "p_5h": False, "p_5ac": False, "p_5ag": False, "p_5ad": False, "p_6c": False, "length": 0 }
state = dict(initial_state)
info = bandersnatch["videos"]["80988062"]["interactiveVideoMoments"]["value"]
moments = info["momentsBySegment"]
preconditions = info["preconditions"]
segmentGroups = info["segmentGroups"]
thumbnails = info["choicePointNavigatorMetadata"]["choicePointsMetadata"]["choicePoints"]
segmentMap = {}
for segmentList in moments.values():
for _segment in segmentList:
for _choice in _segment.get("choices", []):
if "segmentId" in _choice and "text" in _choice:
segmentMap[_choice["segmentId"]] = _choice["text"].title()
def msToTS(ms):
s,ms = divmod(ms,1000)
m,s = divmod(s,60)
h,m = divmod(m,60)
return "{:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d}.{:03d}".format(h,m,s,ms)
def conditionHandler(cond):
global state
if not cond:
return True
if cond[0] == "persistentState":
return state[cond[1]]
if cond[0] == "not":
return not all(conditionHandler(c) for c in cond[1:])
if cond[0] == "and":
return all(conditionHandler(c) for c in cond[1:])
if cond[0] == "eql":
return conditionHandler(cond[1]) == cond[2]
if cond[0] == "or":
return any(conditionHandler(c) for c in cond[1:])
def groupHandler(group, segment=None):
out = []
if segment:
for item in group:
if type(item) is str and conditionHandler( preconditions.get(item,[]) ):
if type(item) is dict:
if "segmentGroup" in item:
out += groupHandler(segmentGroups[item["segmentGroup"]])
if "precondition" in item:
if conditionHandler( preconditions.get(item["precondition"],[]) ):
# print("out="+repr(out),file=stderr)
return out
def followTheStory(segment):
global state
global history
possibilities = []
if segment in moments:
m = moments[segment]
for moment in m:
if moment["type"] == "notification:playbackImpression":
state.update( moment.get("impressionData",{}).get("data", {}).get("persistent", {}) )
if moment["type"] == "scene:cs_bs":
for option in moment["choices"]:
state.update( option.get("impressionData",{}).get("data", {}).get("persistent", {}) )
if "segmentId" in option:
p = groupHandler([option["segmentId"]])
elif "sg" in option:
p = groupHandler(segmentGroups[option["sg"]])
elif moment["trackingInfo"]["optionType"] == "fakeOption":
raise Exception(option["id"])
possibilities += p
if moment["type"] == "notification:action":
if segment in segmentGroups:
possibilities += groupHandler(segmentGroups[segment])
# print("poss="+repr(possibilities),file=stderr)
if not possibilities:
# raise Exception("hoi")
possibilities += groupHandler(segmentGroups["respawnOptions"])
return choice(possibilities)
def get_segment_info(segment):
_ = thumbnails.get(segment, {})
return {"id": segment, "url": _["image"]["styles"]["backgroundImage"][4:-1] if "image" in _ else "", "caption": _.get("description", "No caption"), "chose": segmentMap.get(segment, "No caption ({})".format(segment))}
def bandersnatch():
global state
concat, options = [], []
state = dict(initial_state)
current_segment = "1A"
while True:
state["length"] += smap[current_segment]["endTimeMs"] - smap[current_segment]["startTimeMs"]
if current_segment[:3].lower() == "0cr":
state["length"] += 10
current_segment = followTheStory(current_segment)
if current_segment is None:
return concat, options, msToTS(state["length"])
if __name__ == "__main__":
#!/usr/bin/env python
from flask import Flask, render_template_string, send_file
from bandersnatch import bandersnatch
<!doctype html>
body {
background-color: black;
color: white;
font-family: sans-serif
label {
background-color: black;
.segment {
div.segment {
video.segment {
<h3>{{ length }}</h3>
<textarea>{% for segment in concat %}
file '{{ segment }}.mkv' {% endfor %}</textarea>
<div style='display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap;'>
{% for option in options %}
<div class='segment' id='{{ }}' style='background-image: url({{ option.url }})'>
<video class='segment' id='{{ }}-vid' controls {% if option.url %}poster='{{ option.url }}' preload='none'{% else %}preload='metadata'{% endif %}>
<source src='{{ }}.mkv{% if not option.url %}#t=0.5{% endif %}' type='video/mp4'>
<label for='{{ }}'>{% if option.chose != "No caption (1A)" %}<span class='chose'>Chose {{ option.chose }}</span> &gt;{% endif %} <span class='caption'>{{ option.caption }}</span></label>
{% endfor %}
app = Flask(__name__)
def mkv(segment):
return send_file("{}.mkv".format(segment))
def index():
concat, options, length = bandersnatch()
return render_template_string(TEMPLATE, concat=concat, options=options, length=length)
if __name__ == "__main__":, host="", port=24572)
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