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Last active September 6, 2019 09:31
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My CLI cheat-sheet

# Command Line cheatsheet


Cheat Sheets


Command meaning example
pwd Print work directory
ls list files in current directory
ls -a List all files, including hidden files
ls -l List files in current directory as a list
ls -la List all files in current directory as a list
cd / Change directory to root
cd ~ Change directory to home
cd - go back to the most recent dir you've been in
history display past commands

Files management

Command meaning example
cp [origin] [destination] copy cp text.txt .
mv [origin] [destination] move (and rename) cp text.txt .
rm -rf folder_or_filename remove folder_filename forcefully recursively
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE Shows hidden files in Finder
which python3 Shows you where the python command is located
python -V or python --version Shows you the version of Python

Files editing

| touch | create shell script | | | echo "hello" > file.txt | print "hello" to file.txt | | | cat filename | display contents of in terminal| | | head filename | print first x lines of filename | | | tail filename | print last x line of filename | | | tail -f your.log | Open a live version of the file your.log in the terminal | history > file1.txt | replace contents of file1.txt with history | | | history >> file1.txt | append contents of file1.txt with history | | | history \ grep "git" > file1.txt | Find the word "git" in my history and replace the content of file1.txt with the result| |


Command meaning example
find . -name "file*" find files and folders with the characters "file" AS part of the name
find / -name "postgresql.conf" find the file 'postgresql.conf' recursively from the root folder

Task management

Command meaning example
lsof -i tcp:8000 List open files on tcp port 8000
kill -9 pid kills the process with the pid
lsof -t -i tcp:8000 | xargs kill -9 kill all processes on port 8000
killall Finder Restarts the Mac Finder program
ps aux report a snapshot of the current processes. a = show processes for all users, u = display the process's user/owner, x = also show processes not attached to a terminal
top Show all the running processes within your Linux environment


Command meaning example
chmod 124 filename.ext change permissions - owner, user, guest


| echo $USER | print the username to the console | | whoami | Shows your user | | sudo su | Change to root user |


Command Description
sudo apt update Fetches the list of available updates
sudo apt upgrade Installs some updates; does not remove packages
sudo apt full-upgrade Installs updates; may also remove some packages, it needed
sudo apt autoremove Removes any old packages that are no longer needed
reboot Reboot computer

Background tasks

Commmand Description
python3 & Run python script in the background
nohup python3 & Run python script in the background and detach from session


Commmand Description
sudo service postgresql stop Stop postgres database
sudo service postgresql start Star postgres database


Command Description
curl Get own ip number
curl Get the geolocation of an ip number using the freegeoip service
curl Get the geolocation of an ip number
dig DNS lookup utility
dig DNS lookup utility
traceroute print the route packets take to network host
traceroute print the route packets take to network host

CLI options

option Effect
-r recursively
-m message


Change ~/.bash_profile, .profile or ~/.zscrc to set custom command aliases

alias Resolves to Description
zshcf vim ~/.zshrc Edit zsh profile settings



rwx = Read Write Execute

Directory Owner Group User
- - - - - - - - - -
d rwx rwx rwx
1 421 421 421
chmod 777 = read(4), write(2) and execute(1) right for owner(4), group(2) and user(1)
chmod 777  = give owner, group and user read, write and execute rights
chmod 444 = give owner, group and user read access
chmod 400 = give owner read access and all others no rights

Shell Scripting

Everything is a file!

echo "starting script...
touch ~/Desktop/virus"
echo "creating virus"
echo "=============="
echo "adding to virus..."
find /Users/vkng/Dropbox/99_code/Python/CodingNomads -name "*week*" >> ~/Desktop/virus
open ~/Desktop/virus

#!/bin/bash/ is called the shbang

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