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Created March 26, 2015 20:08
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`import Ember from 'ember'`
# Route mixin for setting head meta tags on transition into/out of route
# @example How to set meta tags on a route
# App.ExampleRoute = Ember.Route.extend App.RouteMetaMixin,
# meta: ->
# return
# meta_property_name1: meta_value1
# meta_property_name2: meta_value2
RouteMetaMixin = Ember.Mixin.create
setMeta: (meta)->
# don't set meta if route is no longer active
return unless @router.isActive(@routeName)
$head = Ember.$('head')
$metaProto = Ember.$('<meta></meta>')
$newMetaValues = []
selectors = []
_.each(meta, (meta_entries,meta_type)->
_.values(_.mapValues(meta_entries, (value, key)->
$metaProto.clone().attr(meta_type, key).attr('content', value)
@set('currentMetaSelectors', selectors)
clearMeta: ()->
selectors = @get('currentMetaSelectors')
return unless selectors
$head = Ember.$('head')
@set('currentMetaKeys', null)
_runSetMeta: -> =>
@setMeta @meta() if @meta?
# didTransition will take care of setting meta
# if including route implements a meta method
didTransition: ->
@_super.apply(@, arguments)
true # bubble
willTransition: (transition)->
@_super.apply(@, arguments)
true # bubble
resetMeta: ->
false # do not bubble - handled here
`export default RouteMetaMixin`
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