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Created March 2, 2014 17:19
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vim-airline 421
SCRIPT /Users/aaronjensen/.vim/bundle/ctrlp.vim/autoload/ctrlp.vim
Sourced 1 time
Total time: 0.002952
Self time: 0.002915
count total (s) self (s)
" =============================================================================
" File: autoload/ctrlp.vim
" Description: Fuzzy file, buffer, mru, tag, etc finder.
" Author: Kien Nguyen <>
" Version: 1.79
" =============================================================================
" ** Static variables {{{1
" s:ignore() {{{2
1 0.000005 fu! s:ignore()
let igdirs = [
\ '\.git',
\ '\.hg',
\ '\.svn',
\ '_darcs',
\ '\.bzr',
\ '\.cdv',
\ '\~\.dep',
\ '\~\.dot',
\ '\~\.nib',
\ '\~\.plst',
\ '\.pc',
\ '_MTN',
\ 'blib',
\ 'CVS',
\ 'RCS',
\ 'SCCS',
\ '_sgbak',
\ 'autom4te\.cache',
\ 'cover_db',
\ '_build',
\ ]
let igfiles = [
\ '\~$',
\ '#.+#$',
\ '[._].*\.swp$',
\ 'core\.\d+$',
\ '\.exe$',
\ '\.so$',
\ '\.bak$',
\ '\.png$',
\ '\.jpg$',
\ '\.gif$',
\ '\.zip$',
\ '\.rar$',
\ '\.tar\.gz$',
\ ]
retu {
\ 'dir': '\v[\/]('.join(igdirs, '|').')$',
\ 'file': '\v'.join(igfiles, '|'),
\ }
" Script local vars {{{2
1 0.000161 0.000124 let [s:pref, s:bpref, s:opts, s:new_opts, s:lc_opts] =
\ ['g:ctrlp_', 'b:ctrlp_', {
\ 'abbrev': ['s:abbrev', {}],
\ 'arg_map': ['s:argmap', 0],
\ 'buffer_func': ['s:buffunc', {}],
\ 'by_filename': ['s:byfname', 0],
\ 'custom_ignore': ['s:usrign', s:ignore()],
\ 'default_input': ['s:deftxt', 0],
\ 'dont_split': ['s:nosplit', 'netrw'],
\ 'dotfiles': ['s:showhidden', 0],
\ 'extensions': ['s:extensions', []],
\ 'follow_symlinks': ['s:folsym', 0],
\ 'highlight_match': ['s:mathi', [1, 'CtrlPMatch']],
\ 'jump_to_buffer': ['s:jmptobuf', 'Et'],
\ 'key_loop': ['s:keyloop', 0],
\ 'lazy_update': ['s:lazy', 0],
\ 'match_func': ['s:matcher', {}],
\ 'match_window': ['s:mw', ''],
\ 'match_window_bottom': ['s:mwbottom', 1],
\ 'match_window_reversed': ['s:mwreverse', 1],
\ 'max_depth': ['s:maxdepth', 40],
\ 'max_files': ['s:maxfiles', 10000],
\ 'max_height': ['s:mxheight', 10],
\ 'max_history': ['s:maxhst', exists('+hi') ? &hi : 20],
\ 'mruf_default_order': ['s:mrudef', 0],
\ 'open_func': ['s:openfunc', {}],
\ 'open_multi': ['s:opmul', '1v'],
\ 'open_new_file': ['s:newfop', 'v'],
\ 'prompt_mappings': ['s:urprtmaps', 0],
\ 'regexp_search': ['s:regexp', 0],
\ 'root_markers': ['s:rmarkers', []],
\ 'split_window': ['s:splitwin', 0],
\ 'status_func': ['s:status', {}],
\ 'tabpage_position': ['s:tabpage', 'ac'],
\ 'use_caching': ['s:caching', 1],
\ 'use_migemo': ['s:migemo', 0],
\ 'user_command': ['s:usrcmd', ''],
\ 'working_path_mode': ['s:pathmode', 'ra'],
\ }, {
\ 'open_multiple_files': 's:opmul',
\ 'regexp': 's:regexp',
\ 'reuse_window': 's:nosplit',
\ 'show_hidden': 's:showhidden',
\ 'switch_buffer': 's:jmptobuf',
\ }, {
\ 'root_markers': 's:rmarkers',
\ 'user_command': 's:usrcmd',
\ 'working_path_mode': 's:pathmode',
\ }]
" Global options
1 0.000015 let s:glbs = { 'magic': 1, 'to': 1, 'tm': 0, 'sb': 1, 'hls': 0, 'im': 0,
\ 'report': 9999, 'sc': 0, 'ss': 0, 'siso': 0, 'mfd': 200, 'ttimeout': 0,
\ 'gcr': 'a:blinkon0', 'ic': 1, 'lmap': '', 'mousef': 0, 'imd': 1 }
" Keymaps
1 0.000080 let [s:lcmap, s:prtmaps] = ['nn <buffer> <silent>', {
\ 'PrtBS()': ['<bs>', '<c-]>'],
\ 'PrtDelete()': ['<del>'],
\ 'PrtDeleteWord()': ['<c-w>'],
\ 'PrtClear()': ['<c-u>'],
\ 'PrtSelectMove("j")': ['<c-j>', '<down>'],
\ 'PrtSelectMove("k")': ['<c-k>', '<up>'],
\ 'PrtSelectMove("t")': ['<Home>', '<kHome>'],
\ 'PrtSelectMove("b")': ['<End>', '<kEnd>'],
\ 'PrtSelectMove("u")': ['<PageUp>', '<kPageUp>'],
\ 'PrtSelectMove("d")': ['<PageDown>', '<kPageDown>'],
\ 'PrtHistory(-1)': ['<c-n>'],
\ 'PrtHistory(1)': ['<c-p>'],
\ 'AcceptSelection("e")': ['<cr>', '<2-LeftMouse>'],
\ 'AcceptSelection("h")': ['<c-x>', '<c-cr>', '<c-s>'],
\ 'AcceptSelection("t")': ['<c-t>'],
\ 'AcceptSelection("v")': ['<c-v>', '<RightMouse>'],
\ 'ToggleFocus()': ['<s-tab>'],
\ 'ToggleRegex()': ['<c-r>'],
\ 'ToggleByFname()': ['<c-d>'],
\ 'ToggleType(1)': ['<c-f>', '<c-up>'],
\ 'ToggleType(-1)': ['<c-b>', '<c-down>'],
\ 'PrtExpandDir()': ['<tab>'],
\ 'PrtInsert("c")': ['<MiddleMouse>', '<insert>'],
\ 'PrtInsert()': ['<c-\>'],
\ 'PrtCurStart()': ['<c-a>'],
\ 'PrtCurEnd()': ['<c-e>'],
\ 'PrtCurLeft()': ['<c-h>', '<left>', '<c-^>'],
\ 'PrtCurRight()': ['<c-l>', '<right>'],
\ 'PrtClearCache()': ['<F5>'],
\ 'PrtDeleteEnt()': ['<F7>'],
\ 'CreateNewFile()': ['<c-y>'],
\ 'MarkToOpen()': ['<c-z>'],
\ 'OpenMulti()': ['<c-o>'],
\ 'PrtExit()': ['<esc>', '<c-c>', '<c-g>'],
\ }]
1 0.000007 if !has('gui_running')
1 0.000008 cal add(s:prtmaps['PrtBS()'], remove(s:prtmaps['PrtCurLeft()'], 0))
1 0.000001 en
1 0.000002 let s:compare_lim = 3000
1 0.000002 let s:ficounts = {}
1 0.000006 let s:ccex = s:pref.'clear_cache_on_exit'
" Regexp
1 0.000009 let s:fpats = {
\ '^\(\\|\)\|\(\\|\)$': '\\|',
\ '^\\\(zs\|ze\|<\|>\)': '^\\\(zs\|ze\|<\|>\)',
\ '^\S\*$': '\*',
\ '^\S\\?$': '\\?',
\ }
" Keypad
1 0.000009 let s:kprange = {
\ 'Plus': '+',
\ 'Minus': '-',
\ 'Divide': '/',
\ 'Multiply': '*',
\ 'Point': '.',
\ }
" Highlight groups
1 0.000013 let s:hlgrps = {
\ 'NoEntries': 'Error',
\ 'Mode1': 'Character',
\ 'Mode2': 'LineNr',
\ 'Stats': 'Function',
\ 'Match': 'Identifier',
\ 'PrtBase': 'Comment',
\ 'PrtText': 'Normal',
\ 'PrtCursor': 'Constant',
\ }
" Get the options {{{2
1 0.000002 fu! s:opts(...)
unl! s:usrign s:usrcmd s:urprtmaps
for each in ['byfname', 'regexp', 'extensions'] | if exists('s:'.each)
let {each} = s:{each}
en | endfo
for [ke, va] in items(s:opts)
let {va[0]} = exists( ? {} : va[1]
unl va
for [ke, va] in items(s:new_opts)
let {va} = {exists( ? : va}
unl va
for [ke, va] in items(s:lc_opts)
if exists(
unl {va}
let {va} = {}
" Match window options
cal s:match_window_opts()
" One-time values
if a:0 && a:1 != {}
unl va
for [ke, va] in items(a:1)
let opke = substitute(ke, '\(\w:\)\?ctrlp_', '', '')
if has_key(s:lc_opts, opke)
let sva = s:lc_opts[opke]
unl {sva}
let {sva} = va
for each in ['byfname', 'regexp'] | if exists(each)
let s:{each} = {each}
en | endfo
if !exists('g:ctrlp_newcache') | let g:ctrlp_newcache = 0 | en
let s:maxdepth = min([s:maxdepth, 100])
let s:glob = s:showhidden ? '.*\|*' : '*'
let s:igntype = empty(s:usrign) ? -1 : type(s:usrign)
let s:lash = ctrlp#utils#lash()
if s:keyloop
let [s:lazy, s:glbs['imd']] = [0, 0]
if s:lazy
cal extend(s:glbs, { 'ut': ( s:lazy > 1 ? s:lazy : 250 ) })
" Extensions
if !( exists('extensions') && extensions == s:extensions )
for each in s:extensions
exe 'ru autoload/ctrlp/'.each.'.vim'
" Keymaps
if type(s:urprtmaps) == 4
cal extend(s:prtmaps, s:urprtmaps)
1 0.000002 fu! s:match_window_opts()
let s:mw_pos =
\ s:mw =~ 'top\|bottom' ? matchstr(s:mw, 'top\|bottom') :
\ exists('g:ctrlp_match_window_bottom') ? ( s:mwbottom ? 'bottom' : 'top' )
\ : 'bottom'
let s:mw_order =
\ s:mw =~ 'order:[^,]\+' ? matchstr(s:mw, 'order:\zs[^,]\+') :
\ exists('g:ctrlp_match_window_reversed') ? ( s:mwreverse ? 'btt' : 'ttb' )
\ : 'btt'
let s:mw_max =
\ s:mw =~ 'max:[^,]\+' ? str2nr(matchstr(s:mw, 'max:\zs\d\+')) :
\ exists('g:ctrlp_max_height') ? s:mxheight
\ : 10
let s:mw_min =
\ s:mw =~ 'min:[^,]\+' ? str2nr(matchstr(s:mw, 'min:\zs\d\+')) : 1
let [s:mw_max, s:mw_min] = [max([s:mw_max, 1]), max([s:mw_min, 1])]
let s:mw_min = min([s:mw_min, s:mw_max])
let s:mw_res =
\ s:mw =~ 'results:[^,]\+' ? str2nr(matchstr(s:mw, 'results:\zs\d\+'))
\ : min([s:mw_max, &lines])
let s:mw_res = max([s:mw_res, 1])
" * Open & Close {{{1
1 0.000002 fu! s:Open()
cal s:log(1)
cal s:getenv()
cal s:execextvar('enter')
sil! exe 'keepa' ( s:mw_pos == 'top' ? 'to' : 'bo' ) '1new ControlP'
cal s:buffunc(1)
let [s:bufnr, s:winw] = [bufnr('%'), winwidth(0)]
let [s:focus, s:prompt] = [1, ['', '', '']]
abc <buffer>
if !exists('s:hstry')
let hst = filereadable(s:gethistloc()[1]) ? s:gethistdata() : ['']
let s:hstry = empty(hst) || !s:maxhst ? [''] : hst
for [ke, va] in items(s:glbs) | if exists('+'.ke)
sil! exe 'let s:glb_'.ke.' = &'.ke.' | let &'.ke.' = '.string(va)
en | endfo
if s:opmul != '0' && has('signs')
sign define ctrlpmark text=+> texthl=Search
cal s:setupblank()
1 0.000002 fu! s:Close()
cal s:buffunc(0)
if winnr('$') == 1
try | bun!
cat | clo! | endt
cal s:unmarksigns()
for key in keys(s:glbs) | if exists('+'.key)
sil! exe 'let &'.key.' = s:glb_'.key
en | endfo
if exists('s:glb_acd') | let &acd = s:glb_acd | en
let g:ctrlp_lines = []
if s:winres[1] >= &lines && s:winres[2] == winnr('$')
exe s:winres[0].s:winres[0]
unl! s:focus s:hisidx s:hstgot s:marked s:statypes s:cline s:init s:savestr
\ s:mrbs s:did_exp
cal ctrlp#recordhist()
cal s:execextvar('exit')
cal s:log(0)
let v:errmsg = s:ermsg
" * Clear caches {{{1
1 0.000003 fu! ctrlp#clr(...)
let [s:matches, g:ctrlp_new{ a:0 ? a:1 : 'cache' }] = [1, 1]
1 0.000002 fu! ctrlp#clra()
let cadir = ctrlp#utils#cachedir()
if isdirectory(cadir)
let cafiles = split(s:glbpath(s:fnesc(cadir, 'g', ','), '**', 1), "\n")
let eval = '!isdirectory(v:val) && v:val !~ ''\v[\/]cache[.a-z]+$|\.log$'''
sil! cal map(s:ifilter(cafiles, eval), 'delete(v:val)')
cal ctrlp#clr()
1 0.000002 fu! s:Reset(args)
let opts = has_key(a:args, 'opts') ? [a:args['opts']] : []
cal call('s:opts', opts)
cal s:autocmds()
cal ctrlp#utils#opts()
cal s:execextvar('opts')
" * Files {{{1
1 0.000002 fu! ctrlp#files()
let cafile = ctrlp#utils#cachefile()
if g:ctrlp_newcache || !filereadable(cafile) || s:nocache(cafile)
let [lscmd, s:initcwd, g:ctrlp_allfiles] = [s:lsCmd(), s:dyncwd, []]
" Get the list of files
if empty(lscmd)
if !ctrlp#igncwd(s:dyncwd)
cal s:GlobPath(s:fnesc(s:dyncwd, 'g', ','), 0)
sil! cal ctrlp#progress('Indexing...')
try | cal s:UserCmd(lscmd)
cat | retu [] | endt
" Remove base directory
cal ctrlp#rmbasedir(g:ctrlp_allfiles)
if len(g:ctrlp_allfiles) <= s:compare_lim
cal sort(g:ctrlp_allfiles, 'ctrlp#complen')
cal s:writecache(cafile)
let catime = getftime(cafile)
let catime = getftime(cafile)
if !( exists('s:initcwd') && s:initcwd == s:dyncwd )
\ || get(s:ficounts, s:dyncwd, [0, catime])[1] != catime
let s:initcwd = s:dyncwd
let g:ctrlp_allfiles = ctrlp#utils#readfile(cafile)
cal extend(s:ficounts, { s:dyncwd : [len(g:ctrlp_allfiles), catime] })
retu g:ctrlp_allfiles
1 0.000003 fu! s:GlobPath(dirs, depth)
let entries = split(globpath(a:dirs, s:glob), "\n")
let [dnf, depth] = [ctrlp#dirnfile(entries), a:depth + 1]
cal extend(g:ctrlp_allfiles, dnf[1])
if !empty(dnf[0]) && !s:maxf(len(g:ctrlp_allfiles)) && depth <= s:maxdepth
sil! cal ctrlp#progress(len(g:ctrlp_allfiles), 1)
cal s:GlobPath(join(map(dnf[0], 's:fnesc(v:val, "g", ",")'), ','), depth)
1 0.000002 fu! s:UserCmd(lscmd)
let [path, lscmd] = [s:dyncwd, a:lscmd]
let do_ign =
\ type(s:usrcmd) == 4 && has_key(s:usrcmd, 'ignore') && s:usrcmd['ignore']
if do_ign && ctrlp#igncwd(s:cwd) | retu | en
if exists('+ssl') && &ssl
let [ssl, &ssl, path] = [&ssl, 0, tr(path, '/', '\')]
if has('win32') || has('win64')
let lscmd = substitute(lscmd, '\v(^|\&\&\s*)\zscd (/d)@!', 'cd /d ', '')
let path = exists('*shellescape') ? shellescape(path) : path
let g:ctrlp_allfiles = split(system(printf(lscmd, path)), "\n")
if exists('+ssl') && exists('ssl')
let &ssl = ssl
cal map(g:ctrlp_allfiles, 'tr(v:val, "\\", "/")')
if exists('s:vcscmd') && s:vcscmd
cal map(g:ctrlp_allfiles, 'tr(v:val, "/", "\\")')
if do_ign
if !empty(s:usrign)
let g:ctrlp_allfiles = ctrlp#dirnfile(g:ctrlp_allfiles)[1]
if &wig != ''
cal filter(g:ctrlp_allfiles, 'glob(v:val) != ""')
1 0.000002 fu! s:lsCmd()
let cmd = s:usrcmd
if type(cmd) == 1
retu cmd
elsei type(cmd) == 3 && len(cmd) >= 2 && cmd[:1] != ['', '']
if s:findroot(s:dyncwd, cmd[0], 0, 1) == []
retu len(cmd) == 3 ? cmd[2] : ''
let s:vcscmd = s:lash == '\'
retu cmd[1]
elsei type(cmd) == 4 && ( has_key(cmd, 'types') || has_key(cmd, 'fallback') )
let fndroot = []
if has_key(cmd, 'types') && cmd['types'] != {}
let [markrs, cmdtypes] = [[], values(cmd['types'])]
for pair in cmdtypes
cal add(markrs, pair[0])
let fndroot = s:findroot(s:dyncwd, markrs, 0, 1)
if fndroot == []
retu has_key(cmd, 'fallback') ? cmd['fallback'] : ''
for pair in cmdtypes
if pair[0] == fndroot[0] | brea | en
let s:vcscmd = s:lash == '\'
retu pair[1]
" - Buffers {{{1
1 0.000003 fu! ctrlp#buffers(...)
let ids = sort(filter(range(1, bufnr('$')), 'empty(getbufvar(v:val, "&bt"))'
\ .' && getbufvar(v:val, "&bl")'), 's:compmreb')
if a:0 && a:1 == 'id'
retu ids
let bufs = [[], []]
for id in ids
let bname = bufname(id)
let ebname = bname == ''
let fname = fnamemodify(ebname ? '['.id.'*No Name]' : bname, ':.')
cal add(bufs[ebname], fname)
retu bufs[0] + bufs[1]
" * MatchedItems() {{{1
1 0.000003 fu! s:MatchIt(items, pat, limit, exc)
let [lines, id] = [[], 0]
let pat =
\ s:byfname() ? map(split(a:pat, '^[^;]\+\\\@<!\zs;', 1), 's:martcs.v:val')
\ : s:martcs.a:pat
for item in a:items
let id += 1
try | if !( s:ispath && item == a:exc ) && call(s:mfunc, [item, pat]) >= 0
cal add(lines, item)
en | cat | brea | endt
if a:limit > 0 && len(lines) >= a:limit | brea | en
let s:mdata = [s:dyncwd, s:itemtype, s:regexp, s:sublist(a:items, id, -1)]
retu lines
1 0.000005 fu! s:MatchedItems(items, pat, limit)
let exc = exists('s:crfilerel') ? s:crfilerel : ''
let items = s:narrowable() ? s:matched + s:mdata[3] : a:items
if s:matcher != {}
let argms =
\ has_key(s:matcher, 'arg_type') && s:matcher['arg_type'] == 'dict' ? [{
\ 'items': items,
\ 'str': a:pat,
\ 'limit': a:limit,
\ 'mmode': s:mmode(),
\ 'ispath': s:ispath,
\ 'crfile': exc,
\ 'regex': s:regexp,
\ }] : [items, a:pat, a:limit, s:mmode(), s:ispath, exc, s:regexp]
let lines = call(s:matcher['match'], argms, s:matcher)
let lines = s:MatchIt(items, a:pat, a:limit, exc)
let s:matches = len(lines)
unl! s:did_exp
retu lines
1 0.000002 fu! s:SplitPattern(str)
let str = a:str
if s:migemo && s:regexp && len(str) > 0 && executable('cmigemo')
let str = s:migemo(str)
let s:savestr = str
if s:regexp
let pat = s:regexfilter(str)
let lst = split(str, '\zs')
if exists('+ssl') && !&ssl
cal map(lst, 'escape(v:val, ''\'')')
for each in ['^', '$', '.']
cal map(lst, 'escape(v:val, each)')
if exists('lst')
let pat = ''
if !empty(lst)
if s:byfname() && index(lst, ';') > 0
let fbar = index(lst, ';')
let lst_1 = s:sublist(lst, 0, fbar - 1)
let lst_2 = len(lst) - 1 > fbar ? s:sublist(lst, fbar + 1, -1) : ['']
let pat = s:buildpat(lst_1).';'.s:buildpat(lst_2)
let pat = s:buildpat(lst)
retu escape(pat, '~')
" * BuildPrompt() {{{1
1 0.000002 fu! s:Render(lines, pat)
let [&ma, lines, s:res_count] = [1, a:lines, len(a:lines)]
let height = min([max([s:mw_min, s:res_count]), s:winmaxh])
let pat = s:byfname() ? split(a:pat, '^[^;]\+\\\@<!\zs;', 1)[0] : a:pat
let cur_cmd = 'keepj norm! '.( s:mw_order == 'btt' ? 'G' : 'gg' ).'1|'
" Setup the match window
sil! exe '%d _ | res' height
" Print the new items
if empty(lines)
let [s:matched, s:lines] = [[], []]
let lines = [' == NO ENTRIES ==']
cal setline(1, s:offset(lines, height - 1))
setl noma nocul
exe cur_cmd
cal s:unmarksigns()
if s:dohighlight() | cal clearmatches() | en
let s:matched = copy(lines)
" Sorting
if !s:nosort()
let s:compat = s:martcs.pat
cal sort(lines, 's:mixedsort')
unl s:compat
if s:mw_order == 'btt' | cal reverse(lines) | en
let s:lines = copy(lines)
cal map(lines, 's:formatline(v:val)')
cal setline(1, s:offset(lines, height))
setl noma cul
exe cur_cmd
cal s:unmarksigns()
cal s:remarksigns()
if exists('s:cline') && s:nolim != 1
cal cursor(s:cline, 1)
" Highlighting
if s:dohighlight()
cal s:highlight(pat, s:mathi[1])
1 0.000002 fu! s:Update(str)
" Get the previous string if existed
let oldstr = exists('s:savestr') ? s:savestr : ''
" Get the new string sans tail
let str = s:sanstail(a:str)
" Stop if the string's unchanged
if str == oldstr && !empty(str) && !exists('s:force') | retu | en
let s:martcs = &scs && str =~ '\u' ? '\C' : ''
let pat = s:matcher == {} ? s:SplitPattern(str) : str
let lines = s:nolim == 1 && empty(str) ? copy(g:ctrlp_lines)
\ : s:MatchedItems(g:ctrlp_lines, pat, s:mw_res)
cal s:Render(lines, pat)
1 0.000002 fu! s:ForceUpdate()
sil! cal s:Update(escape(s:getinput(), '\'))
1 0.000002 fu! s:BuildPrompt(upd)
let base = ( s:regexp ? 'r' : '>' ).( s:byfname() ? 'd' : '>' ).'> '
let str = escape(s:getinput(), '\')
let lazy = str == '' || exists('s:force') || !has('autocmd') ? 0 : s:lazy
if a:upd && !lazy && ( s:matches || s:regexp || exists('s:did_exp')
\ || str =~ '\(\\\(<\|>\)\|[*|]\)\|\(\\\:\([^:]\|\\:\)*$\)' )
sil! cal s:Update(str)
sil! cal ctrlp#statusline()
" Toggling
let [hiactive, hicursor, base] = s:focus
\ ? ['CtrlPPrtText', 'CtrlPPrtCursor', base]
\ : ['CtrlPPrtBase', 'CtrlPPrtBase', tr(base, '>', '-')]
let hibase = 'CtrlPPrtBase'
" Build it
let prt = copy(s:prompt)
cal map(prt, 'escape(v:val, ''"\'')')
exe 'echoh' hibase '| echon "'.base.'"
\ | echoh' hiactive '| echon "'.prt[0].'"
\ | echoh' hicursor '| echon "'.prt[1].'"
\ | echoh' hiactive '| echon "'.prt[2].'" | echoh None'
" Append the cursor at the end
if empty(prt[1]) && s:focus
exe 'echoh' hibase '| echon "_" | echoh None'
" - SetDefTxt() {{{1
1 0.000002 fu! s:SetDefTxt()
if s:deftxt == '0' || ( s:deftxt == 1 && !s:ispath ) | retu | en
let txt = s:deftxt
if !type(txt)
let path = s:crfpath.s:lash(s:crfpath)
let txt = txt && !stridx(path, s:dyncwd) ? ctrlp#rmbasedir([path])[0] : ''
let s:prompt[0] = txt
" ** Prt Actions {{{1
" Editing {{{2
1 0.000001 fu! s:PrtClear()
if !s:focus | retu | en
unl! s:hstgot
let [s:prompt, s:matches] = [['', '', ''], 1]
cal s:BuildPrompt(1)
1 0.000002 fu! s:PrtAdd(char)
unl! s:hstgot
let s:act_add = 1
let s:prompt[0] .= a:char
cal s:BuildPrompt(1)
unl s:act_add
1 0.000001 fu! s:PrtBS()
if !s:focus | retu | en
unl! s:hstgot
let [s:prompt[0], s:matches] = [substitute(s:prompt[0], '.$', '', ''), 1]
cal s:BuildPrompt(1)
1 0.000002 fu! s:PrtDelete()
if !s:focus | retu | en
unl! s:hstgot
let [prt, s:matches] = [s:prompt, 1]
let prt[1] = matchstr(prt[2], '^.')
let prt[2] = substitute(prt[2], '^.', '', '')
cal s:BuildPrompt(1)
1 0.000002 fu! s:PrtDeleteWord()
if !s:focus | retu | en
unl! s:hstgot
let [str, s:matches] = [s:prompt[0], 1]
let str = str =~ '\W\w\+$' ? matchstr(str, '^.\+\W\ze\w\+$')
\ : str =~ '\w\W\+$' ? matchstr(str, '^.\+\w\ze\W\+$')
\ : str =~ '\s\+$' ? matchstr(str, '^.*\S\ze\s\+$')
\ : str =~ '\v^(\S+|\s+)$' ? '' : str
let s:prompt[0] = str
cal s:BuildPrompt(1)
1 0.000001 fu! s:PrtInsert(...)
if !s:focus | retu | en
let type = !a:0 ? '' : a:1
if !a:0
let type = s:insertstr()
if type == 'cancel' | retu | en
if type ==# 'r'
let regcont = s:getregs()
if regcont < 0 | retu | en
unl! s:hstgot
let s:act_add = 1
let s:prompt[0] .= type ==# 'w' ? s:crword
\ : type ==# 'f' ? s:crgfile
\ : type ==# 's' ? s:regisfilter('/')
\ : type ==# 'v' ? s:crvisual
\ : type ==# 'c' ? s:regisfilter('+')
\ : type ==# 'r' ? regcont : ''
cal s:BuildPrompt(1)
unl s:act_add
1 0.000002 fu! s:PrtExpandDir()
if !s:focus | retu | en
let str = s:getinput('c')
if str =~ '\v^\@(cd|lc[hd]?|chd)\s.+' && s:spi
let hasat = split(str, '\v^\@(cd|lc[hd]?|chd)\s*\zs')
let str = get(hasat, 1, '')
if str =~# '\v^[~$]\i{-}[\/]?|^#(\<?\d+)?:(p|h|8|\~|\.|g?s+)'
let str = expand(s:fnesc(str, 'g'))
elsei str =~# '\v^(\%|\<c\h{4}\>):(p|h|8|\~|\.|g?s+)'
let spc = str =~# '^%' ? s:crfile
\ : str =~# '^<cfile>' ? s:crgfile
\ : str =~# '^<cword>' ? s:crword
\ : str =~# '^<cWORD>' ? s:crnbword : ''
let pat = '(:(p|h|8|\~|\.|g?s(.)[^\3]*\3[^\3]*\3))+'
let mdr = matchstr(str, '\v^[^:]+\zs'.pat)
let nmd = matchstr(str, '\v^[^:]+'.pat.'\zs.{-}$')
let str = fnamemodify(s:fnesc(spc, 'g'), mdr).nmd
if str == '' | retu | en
unl! s:hstgot
let s:act_add = 1
let [base, seed] = s:headntail(str)
if str =~# '^[\/]'
let base = expand('/').base
let dirs = s:dircompl(base, seed)
if len(dirs) == 1
let str = dirs[0]
elsei len(dirs) > 1
let str .= s:findcommon(dirs, str)
let s:prompt[0] = exists('hasat') ? hasat[0].str : str
cal s:BuildPrompt(1)
unl s:act_add
" Movement {{{2
1 0.000001 fu! s:PrtCurLeft()
if !s:focus | retu | en
let prt = s:prompt
if !empty(prt[0])
let s:prompt = [substitute(prt[0], '.$', '', ''), matchstr(prt[0], '.$'),
\ prt[1] . prt[2]]
cal s:BuildPrompt(0)
1 0.000002 fu! s:PrtCurRight()
if !s:focus | retu | en
let prt = s:prompt
let s:prompt = [prt[0] . prt[1], matchstr(prt[2], '^.'),
\ substitute(prt[2], '^.', '', '')]
cal s:BuildPrompt(0)
1 0.000002 fu! s:PrtCurStart()
if !s:focus | retu | en
let str = join(s:prompt, '')
let s:prompt = ['', matchstr(str, '^.'), substitute(str, '^.', '', '')]
cal s:BuildPrompt(0)
1 0.000001 fu! s:PrtCurEnd()
if !s:focus | retu | en
let s:prompt = [join(s:prompt, ''), '', '']
cal s:BuildPrompt(0)
1 0.000002 fu! s:PrtSelectMove(dir)
let wht = winheight(0)
let dirs = {'t': 'gg','b': 'G','j': 'j','k': 'k','u': wht.'k','d': wht.'j'}
exe 'keepj norm!' dirs[a:dir]
if s:nolim != 1 | let s:cline = line('.') | en
if line('$') > winheight(0) | cal s:BuildPrompt(0) | en
1 0.000002 fu! s:PrtSelectJump(char)
let lines = copy(s:lines)
if s:byfname()
cal map(lines, 'split(v:val, ''[\/]\ze[^\/]\+$'')[-1]')
" Cycle through matches, use s:jmpchr to store last jump
let chr = escape(matchstr(a:char, '^.'), '.~')
let smartcs = &scs && chr =~ '\u' ? '\C' : ''
if match(lines, smartcs.'^'.chr) >= 0
" If not exists or does but not for the same char
let pos = match(lines, smartcs.'^'.chr)
if !exists('s:jmpchr') || ( exists('s:jmpchr') && s:jmpchr[0] != chr )
let [jmpln, s:jmpchr] = [pos, [chr, pos]]
elsei exists('s:jmpchr') && s:jmpchr[0] == chr
" Start of lines
if s:jmpchr[1] == -1 | let s:jmpchr[1] = pos | en
let npos = match(lines, smartcs.'^'.chr, s:jmpchr[1] + 1)
let [jmpln, s:jmpchr] = [npos == -1 ? pos : npos, [chr, npos]]
exe 'keepj norm!' ( jmpln + 1 ).'G'
if s:nolim != 1 | let s:cline = line('.') | en
if line('$') > winheight(0) | cal s:BuildPrompt(0) | en
" Misc {{{2
1 0.000002 fu! s:PrtFocusMap(char)
cal call(( s:focus ? 's:PrtAdd' : 's:PrtSelectJump' ), [a:char])
1 0.000001 fu! s:PrtClearCache()
if s:itemtype == 0
cal ctrlp#clr()
elsei s:itemtype > 2
cal ctrlp#clr(s:statypes[s:itemtype][1])
if s:itemtype == 2
let g:ctrlp_lines = ctrlp#mrufiles#refresh()
cal ctrlp#setlines()
let s:force = 1
cal s:BuildPrompt(1)
unl s:force
1 0.000002 fu! s:PrtDeleteEnt()
if s:itemtype == 2
cal s:PrtDeleteMRU()
elsei type(s:getextvar('wipe')) == 1
cal s:delent(s:getextvar('wipe'))
1 0.000002 fu! s:PrtDeleteMRU()
if s:itemtype == 2
cal s:delent('ctrlp#mrufiles#remove')
1 0.000002 fu! s:PrtExit()
if bufnr('%') == s:bufnr && bufname('%') == 'ControlP'
noa cal s:Close()
noa winc p
1 0.000002 fu! s:PrtHistory(...)
if !s:focus || !s:maxhst | retu | en
let [str, hst, s:matches] = [join(s:prompt, ''), s:hstry, 1]
" Save to history if not saved before
let [hst[0], hslen] = [exists('s:hstgot') ? hst[0] : str, len(hst)]
let idx = exists('s:hisidx') ? s:hisidx + a:1 : a:1
" Limit idx within 0 and hslen
let idx = idx < 0 ? 0 : idx >= hslen ? hslen > 1 ? hslen - 1 : 0 : idx
let s:prompt = [hst[idx], '', '']
let [s:hisidx, s:hstgot, s:force] = [idx, 1, 1]
cal s:BuildPrompt(1)
unl s:force
" * Mappings {{{1
1 0.000002 fu! s:MapNorms()
if exists('s:nmapped') && s:nmapped == s:bufnr | retu | en
let pcmd = "nn \<buffer> \<silent> \<k%s> :\<c-u>cal \<SID>%s(\"%s\")\<cr>"
let cmd = substitute(pcmd, 'k%s', 'char-%d', '')
let pfunc = 'PrtFocusMap'
let ranges = [32, 33, 125, 126] + range(35, 91) + range(93, 123)
for each in [34, 92, 124]
exe printf(cmd, each, pfunc, escape(nr2char(each), '"|\'))
for each in ranges
exe printf(cmd, each, pfunc, nr2char(each))
for each in range(0, 9)
exe printf(pcmd, each, pfunc, each)
for [ke, va] in items(s:kprange)
exe printf(pcmd, ke, pfunc, va)
let s:nmapped = s:bufnr
1 0.000002 fu! s:MapSpecs()
if !( exists('s:smapped') && s:smapped == s:bufnr )
" Correct arrow keys in terminal
if ( has('termresponse') && v:termresponse =~ "\<ESC>" )
\ || &term =~? '\vxterm|<k?vt|gnome|screen|linux|ansi'
for each in ['\A <up>','\B <down>','\C <right>','\D <left>']
exe s:lcmap.' <esc>['.each
for [ke, va] in items(s:prtmaps) | for kp in va
exe s:lcmap kp ':<c-u>cal <SID>'.ke.'<cr>'
endfo | endfo
let s:smapped = s:bufnr
1 0.000001 fu! s:KeyLoop()
wh exists('s:init') && s:keyloop
let nr = getchar()
let chr = !type(nr) ? nr2char(nr) : nr
if nr >=# 0x20
cal s:PrtFocusMap(chr)
let cmd = matchstr(maparg(chr), ':<C-U>\zs.\+\ze<CR>$')
exe ( cmd != '' ? cmd : 'norm '.chr )
" * Toggling {{{1
1 0.000002 fu! s:ToggleFocus()
let s:focus = !s:focus
cal s:BuildPrompt(0)
1 0.000002 fu! s:ToggleRegex()
let s:regexp = !s:regexp
cal s:PrtSwitcher()
1 0.000001 fu! s:ToggleByFname()
if s:ispath
let s:byfname = !s:byfname
let s:mfunc = s:mfunc()
cal s:PrtSwitcher()
1 0.000002 fu! s:ToggleType(dir)
let max = len(g:ctrlp_ext_vars) + 2
let next = s:walker(max, s:itemtype, a:dir)
cal ctrlp#syntax()
cal ctrlp#setlines(next)
cal s:PrtSwitcher()
1 0.000002 fu! s:ToggleKeyLoop()
let s:keyloop = !s:keyloop
if exists('+imd')
let &imd = !s:keyloop
if s:keyloop
let [&ut, s:lazy] = [0, 0]
cal s:KeyLoop()
elsei has_key(s:glbs, 'ut')
let [&ut, s:lazy] = [s:glbs['ut'], 1]
1 0.000001 fu! s:ToggleMRURelative()
cal ctrlp#mrufiles#tgrel()
cal s:PrtClearCache()
1 0.000001 fu! s:PrtSwitcher()
let [s:force, s:matches] = [1, 1]
cal s:BuildPrompt(1)
unl s:force
" - SetWD() {{{1
1 0.000002 fu! s:SetWD(args)
if has_key(a:args, 'args') && stridx(a:args['args'], '--dir') >= 0
\ && exists('s:dyncwd')
cal ctrlp#setdir(s:dyncwd) | retu
if has_key(a:args, 'dir') && a:args['dir'] != ''
cal ctrlp#setdir(a:args['dir']) | retu
let pmode = has_key(a:args, 'mode') ? a:args['mode'] : s:pathmode
let [s:crfilerel, s:dyncwd] = [fnamemodify(s:crfile, ':.'), getcwd()]
if s:crfile =~ '^.\+://' | retu | en
if pmode =~ 'c' || ( pmode =~ 'a' && stridx(s:crfpath, s:cwd) < 0 )
\ || ( !type(pmode) && pmode )
if exists('+acd') | let [s:glb_acd, &acd] = [&acd, 0] | en
cal ctrlp#setdir(s:crfpath)
if pmode =~ 'r' || pmode == 2
let markers = ['.git', '.hg', '.svn', '.bzr', '_darcs']
let spath = pmode =~ 'd' ? s:dyncwd : pmode =~ 'w' ? s:cwd : s:crfpath
if type(s:rmarkers) == 3 && !empty(s:rmarkers)
if s:findroot(spath, s:rmarkers, 0, 0) != [] | retu | en
cal filter(markers, 'index(s:rmarkers, v:val) < 0')
cal s:findroot(spath, markers, 0, 0)
" * AcceptSelection() {{{1
1 0.000003 fu! ctrlp#acceptfile(...)
let useb = 0
if a:0 == 1 && type(a:1) == 4
let [md, line] = [a:1['action'], a:1['line']]
let atl = has_key(a:1, 'tail') ? a:1['tail'] : ''
let [md, line] = [a:1, a:2]
let atl = a:0 > 2 ? a:3 : ''
if !type(line)
let [filpath, bufnr, useb] = [line, line, 1]
let filpath = fnamemodify(line, ':p')
if s:nonamecond(line, filpath)
let bufnr = str2nr(matchstr(line, '[\/]\?\[\zs\d\+\ze\*No Name\]$'))
let [filpath, useb] = [bufnr, 1]
let bufnr = bufnr('^'.filpath.'$')
cal s:PrtExit()
let tail = s:tail()
let j2l = atl != '' ? atl : matchstr(tail, '^ +\zs\d\+$')
if ( s:jmptobuf =~ md || ( s:jmptobuf && md =~ '[et]' ) ) && bufnr > 0
\ && !( md == 'e' && bufnr == bufnr('%') )
let [jmpb, bufwinnr] = [1, bufwinnr(bufnr)]
let buftab = ( s:jmptobuf =~# '[tTVH]' || s:jmptobuf > 1 )
\ ? s:buftab(bufnr, md) : [0, 0]
" Switch to existing buffer or open new one
if exists('jmpb') && bufwinnr > 0
\ && !( md == 't' && ( s:jmptobuf !~# toupper(md) || buftab[0] ) )
exe bufwinnr.'winc w'
if j2l | cal ctrlp#j2l(j2l) | en
elsei exists('jmpb') && buftab[0]
\ && !( md =~ '[evh]' && s:jmptobuf !~# toupper(md) )
exe 'tabn' buftab[0]
exe buftab[1].'winc w'
if j2l | cal ctrlp#j2l(j2l) | en
" Determine the command to use
let useb = bufnr > 0 && buflisted(bufnr) && ( empty(tail) || useb )
let cmd =
\ md == 't' || s:splitwin == 1 ? ( useb ? 'tab sb' : 'tabe' ) :
\ md == 'h' || s:splitwin == 2 ? ( useb ? 'sb' : 'new' ) :
\ md == 'v' || s:splitwin == 3 ? ( useb ? 'vert sb' : 'vne' ) :
\ call('ctrlp#normcmd', useb ? ['b', 'bo vert sb'] : ['e'])
" Reset &switchbuf option
let [swb, &swb] = [&swb, '']
" Open new window/buffer
let [fid, tail] = [( useb ? bufnr : filpath ), ( atl != '' ? ' +'.atl : tail )]
let args = [cmd, fid, tail, 1, [useb, j2l]]
cal call('s:openfile', args)
let &swb = swb
1 0.000002 fu! s:SpecInputs(str)
if a:str =~ '\v^(\.\.([\/]\.\.)*[\/]?[.\/]*)$' && s:spi
let cwd = s:dyncwd
cal ctrlp#setdir(a:str =~ '^\.\.\.*$' ?
\ '../'.repeat('../', strlen(a:str) - 2) : a:str)
if cwd != s:dyncwd | cal ctrlp#setlines() | en
cal s:PrtClear()
retu 1
elsei a:str == s:lash && s:spi
cal s:SetWD({ 'mode': 'rd' })
cal ctrlp#setlines()
cal s:PrtClear()
retu 1
elsei a:str =~ '^@.\+' && s:spi
retu s:at(a:str)
elsei a:str == '?'
cal s:PrtExit()
let hlpwin = &columns > 159 ? '| vert res 80' : ''
sil! exe 'bo vert h ctrlp-mappings' hlpwin '| norm! 0'
retu 1
retu 0
1 0.000002 fu! s:AcceptSelection(action)
let [md, icr] = [a:action[0], match(a:action, 'r') >= 0]
let subm = icr || ( !icr && md == 'e' )
if !subm && s:OpenMulti(md) != -1 | retu | en
let str = s:getinput()
if subm | if s:SpecInputs(str) | retu | en | en
" Get the selected line
let line = ctrlp#getcline()
if !subm && !s:itemtype && line == '' && line('.') > s:offset
\ && str !~ '\v^(\.\.([\/]\.\.)*[\/]?[.\/]*|/|\\|\?|\@.+)$'
cal s:CreateNewFile(md) | retu
if empty(line) | retu | en
" Do something with it
if s:openfunc != {} && has_key(s:openfunc, s:ctype)
let actfunc = s:openfunc[s:ctype]
let type = has_key(s:openfunc, 'arg_type') ? s:openfunc['arg_type'] : 'list'
if s:itemtype < 3
let [actfunc, type] = ['ctrlp#acceptfile', 'dict']
let [actfunc, exttype] = [s:getextvar('accept'), s:getextvar('act_farg')]
let type = exttype == 'dict' ? exttype : 'list'
let actargs = type == 'dict' ? [{ 'action': md, 'line': line, 'icr': icr }]
\ : [md, line]
cal call(actfunc, actargs)
" - CreateNewFile() {{{1
1 0.000002 fu! s:CreateNewFile(...)
let [md, str] = ['', s:getinput('n')]
if empty(str) | retu | en
if s:argmap && !a:0
" Get the extra argument
let md = s:argmaps(md, 1)
if md == 'cancel' | retu | en
let str = s:sanstail(str)
let [base, fname] = s:headntail(str)
if fname =~ '^[\/]$' | retu | en
if exists('s:marked') && len(s:marked)
" Use the first marked file's path
let path = fnamemodify(values(s:marked)[0], ':p:h')
let base = path.s:lash(path).base
let str = fnamemodify(base.s:lash.fname, ':.')
if base != '' | if isdirectory(ctrlp#utils#mkdir(base))
let optyp = str | en | el | let optyp = fname
if !exists('optyp') | retu | en
let [filpath, tail] = [fnamemodify(optyp, ':p'), s:tail()]
if !stridx(filpath, s:dyncwd) | cal s:insertcache(str) | en
cal s:PrtExit()
let cmd = md == 'r' ? ctrlp#normcmd('e') :
\ s:newfop =~ '1\|t' || ( a:0 && a:1 == 't' ) || md == 't' ? 'tabe' :
\ s:newfop =~ '2\|h' || ( a:0 && a:1 == 'h' ) || md == 'h' ? 'new' :
\ s:newfop =~ '3\|v' || ( a:0 && a:1 == 'v' ) || md == 'v' ? 'vne' :
\ ctrlp#normcmd('e')
cal s:openfile(cmd, filpath, tail, 1)
" * OpenMulti() {{{1
1 0.000002 fu! s:MarkToOpen()
if s:bufnr <= 0 || s:opmul == '0'
\ || ( s:itemtype > 2 && s:getextvar('opmul') != 1 )
let line = ctrlp#getcline()
if empty(line) | retu | en
let filpath = s:ispath ? fnamemodify(line, ':p') : line
if exists('s:marked') && s:dictindex(s:marked, filpath) > 0
" Unmark and remove the file from s:marked
let key = s:dictindex(s:marked, filpath)
cal remove(s:marked, key)
if empty(s:marked) | unl s:marked | en
if has('signs')
exe 'sign unplace' key 'buffer='.s:bufnr
" Add to s:marked and place a new sign
if exists('s:marked')
let vac = s:vacantdict(s:marked)
let key = empty(vac) ? len(s:marked) + 1 : vac[0]
let s:marked = extend(s:marked, { key : filpath })
let [key, s:marked] = [1, { 1 : filpath }]
if has('signs')
exe 'sign place' key 'line='.line('.').' name=ctrlpmark buffer='.s:bufnr
sil! cal ctrlp#statusline()
1 0.000002 fu! s:OpenMulti(...)
let has_marked = exists('s:marked')
if ( !has_marked && a:0 ) || s:opmul == '0' || !s:ispath
\ || ( s:itemtype > 2 && s:getextvar('opmul') != 1 )
retu -1
" Get the options
let [nr, md] = [matchstr(s:opmul, '\d\+'), matchstr(s:opmul, '[thvi]')]
let [ur, jf] = [s:opmul =~ 'r', s:opmul =~ 'j']
let md = a:0 ? a:1 : ( md == '' ? 'v' : md )
let nopt = exists('g:ctrlp_open_multiple_files')
if !has_marked
let line = ctrlp#getcline()
if line == '' | retu | en
let marked = { 1 : fnamemodify(line, ':p') }
let [nr, ur, jf, nopt] = ['1', 0, 0, 1]
if ( s:argmap || !has_marked ) && !a:0
let md = s:argmaps(md, !has_marked ? 2 : 0)
if md == 'c'
cal s:unmarksigns()
unl! s:marked
cal s:BuildPrompt(0)
elsei !has_marked && md =~ '[axd]'
retu s:OpenNoMarks(md, line)
if md =~ '\v^c(ancel)?$' | retu | en
let nr = nr == '0' ? ( nopt ? '' : '1' ) : nr
let ur = !has_marked && md == 'r' ? 1 : ur
let mkd = values(has_marked ? s:marked : marked)
cal s:sanstail(join(s:prompt, ''))
cal s:PrtExit()
if nr == '0' || md == 'i'
retu map(mkd, "s:openfile('bad', v:val, '', 0)")
let tail = s:tail()
let [emptytail, bufnr] = [empty(tail), bufnr('^'.mkd[0].'$')]
let useb = bufnr > 0 && buflisted(bufnr) && emptytail
" Move to a replaceable window
let ncmd = ( useb ? ['b', 'bo vert sb'] : ['e', 'bo vne'] )
\ + ( ur ? [] : ['ignruw'] )
let fst = call('ctrlp#normcmd', ncmd)
" Check if the current window has a replaceable buffer
let repabl = !( md == 't' && !ur ) && empty(bufname('%')) && empty(&l:ft)
" Commands for the rest of the files
let [ic, cmds] = [1, { 'v': ['vert sb', 'vne'], 'h': ['sb', 'new'],
\ 't': ['tab sb', 'tabe'] }]
let [swb, &swb] = [&swb, '']
if md == 't' && ctrlp#tabcount() < tabpagenr()
let s:tabct = ctrlp#tabcount()
" Open the files
for va in mkd
let bufnr = bufnr('^'.va.'$')
if bufnr < 0 && getftype(va) == '' | con | en
let useb = bufnr > 0 && buflisted(bufnr) && emptytail
let snd = md != '' && has_key(cmds, md) ?
\ ( useb ? cmds[md][0] : cmds[md][1] ) : ( useb ? 'vert sb' : 'vne' )
let cmd = ic == 1 && ( !( !ur && fst =~ '^[eb]$' ) || repabl ) ? fst : snd
let conds = [( nr != '' && nr > 1 && nr < ic ) || ( nr == '' && ic > 1 ),
\ nr != '' && nr < ic]
if conds[nopt]
if !buflisted(bufnr) | cal s:openfile('bad', va, '', 0) | en
cal s:openfile(cmd, useb ? bufnr : va, tail, ic == 1)
if jf | if ic == 1
let crpos = [tabpagenr(), winnr()]
let crpos[0] += tabpagenr() <= crpos[0]
let crpos[1] += winnr() <= crpos[1]
en | en
let ic += 1
if jf && exists('crpos') && ic > 2
exe ( md == 't' ? 'tabn '.crpos[0] : crpos[1].'winc w' )
let &swb = swb
unl! s:tabct
1 0.000003 fu! s:OpenNoMarks(md, line)
if a:md == 'a'
let [s:marked, key] = [{}, 1]
for line in s:lines
let s:marked = extend(s:marked, { key : fnamemodify(line, ':p') })
let key += 1
cal s:remarksigns()
cal s:BuildPrompt(0)
elsei a:md == 'x'
let type = has_key(s:openfunc, 'arg_type') ? s:openfunc['arg_type'] : 'dict'
let argms = type == 'dict' ? [{ 'action': a:md, 'line': a:line }]
\ : [a:md, a:line]
cal call(s:openfunc[s:ctype], argms, s:openfunc)
elsei a:md == 'd'
let dir = fnamemodify(a:line, ':h')
if isdirectory(dir)
cal ctrlp#setdir(dir)
cal ctrlp#switchtype(0)
cal ctrlp#recordhist()
cal s:PrtClear()
" ** Helper functions {{{1
" Sorting {{{2
1 0.000003 fu! ctrlp#complen(...)
" By length
let [len1, len2] = [strlen(a:1), strlen(a:2)]
retu len1 == len2 ? 0 : len1 > len2 ? 1 : -1
1 0.000003 fu! s:compmatlen(...)
" By match length
let mln1 = s:shortest(s:matchlens(a:1, s:compat))
let mln2 = s:shortest(s:matchlens(a:2, s:compat))
retu mln1 == mln2 ? 0 : mln1 > mln2 ? 1 : -1
1 0.000002 fu! s:comptime(...)
" By last modified time
let [time1, time2] = [getftime(a:1), getftime(a:2)]
retu time1 == time2 ? 0 : time1 < time2 ? 1 : -1
1 0.000002 fu! s:compmreb(...)
" By last entered time (bufnr)
let [id1, id2] = [index(s:mrbs, a:1), index(s:mrbs, a:2)]
retu id1 == id2 ? 0 : id1 > id2 ? 1 : -1
1 0.000002 fu! s:compmref(...)
" By last entered time (MRU)
let [id1, id2] = [index(g:ctrlp_lines, a:1), index(g:ctrlp_lines, a:2)]
retu id1 == id2 ? 0 : id1 > id2 ? 1 : -1
1 0.000002 fu! s:comparent(...)
" By same parent dir
if !stridx(s:crfpath, s:dyncwd)
let [as1, as2] = [s:dyncwd.s:lash().a:1, s:dyncwd.s:lash().a:2]
let [loc1, loc2] = [s:getparent(as1), s:getparent(as2)]
if loc1 == s:crfpath && loc2 != s:crfpath | retu -1 | en
if loc2 == s:crfpath && loc1 != s:crfpath | retu 1 | en
retu 0
retu 0
1 0.000004 fu! s:compfnlen(...)
" By filename length
let len1 = strlen(split(a:1, s:lash)[-1])
let len2 = strlen(split(a:2, s:lash)[-1])
retu len1 == len2 ? 0 : len1 > len2 ? 1 : -1
1 0.000003 fu! s:matchlens(str, pat, ...)
if empty(a:pat) || index(['^', '$'], a:pat) >= 0 | retu {} | en
let st = a:0 ? a:1 : 0
let lens = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : {}
let nr = a:0 >= 3 ? a:3 : 0
if nr > 20 | retu {} | en
if match(a:str, a:pat, st) >= 0
let [mst, mnd] = [matchstr(a:str, a:pat, st), matchend(a:str, a:pat, st)]
let lens = extend(lens, { nr : [strlen(mst), mst] })
let lens = s:matchlens(a:str, a:pat, mnd, lens, nr + 1)
retu lens
1 0.000003 fu! s:shortest(lens)
retu min(map(values(a:lens), 'v:val[0]'))
1 0.000002 fu! s:mixedsort(...)
if s:itemtype == 1
let pat = '[\/]\?\[\d\+\*No Name\]$'
if a:1 =~# pat && a:2 =~# pat | retu 0
elsei a:1 =~# pat | retu 1
elsei a:2 =~# pat | retu -1 | en
let [cln, cml] = [ctrlp#complen(a:1, a:2), s:compmatlen(a:1, a:2)]
if s:ispath
let ms = []
if s:res_count < 21
let ms += [s:compfnlen(a:1, a:2)]
if s:itemtype !~ '^[12]$' | let ms += [s:comptime(a:1, a:2)] | en
if !s:itemtype | let ms += [s:comparent(a:1, a:2)] | en
if s:itemtype =~ '^[12]$'
let ms += [s:compmref(a:1, a:2)]
let cln = cml ? cln : 0
let ms += [cml, 0, 0, 0]
let mp = call('s:multipliers', ms[:3])
retu cln + ms[0] * mp[0] + ms[1] * mp[1] + ms[2] * mp[2] + ms[3] * mp[3]
retu cln + cml * 2
1 0.000003 fu! s:multipliers(...)
let mp0 = !a:1 ? 0 : 2
let mp1 = !a:2 ? 0 : 1 + ( !mp0 ? 1 : mp0 )
let mp2 = !a:3 ? 0 : 1 + ( !( mp0 + mp1 ) ? 1 : ( mp0 + mp1 ) )
let mp3 = !a:4 ? 0 : 1 + ( !( mp0 + mp1 + mp2 ) ? 1 : ( mp0 + mp1 + mp2 ) )
retu [mp0, mp1, mp2, mp3]
1 0.000002 fu! s:compval(...)
retu a:1 - a:2
" Statusline {{{2
1 0.000003 fu! ctrlp#statusline()
if !exists('s:statypes')
let s:statypes = [
\ ['files', 'fil'],
\ ['buffers', 'buf'],
\ ['mru files', 'mru'],
\ ]
if !empty(g:ctrlp_ext_vars)
cal map(copy(g:ctrlp_ext_vars),
\ 'add(s:statypes, [ v:val["lname"], v:val["sname"] ])')
let tps = s:statypes
let max = len(tps) - 1
let nxt = tps[s:walker(max, s:itemtype, 1)][1]
let prv = tps[s:walker(max, s:itemtype, -1)][1]
let s:ctype = tps[s:itemtype][0]
let focus = s:focus ? 'prt' : 'win'
let byfname = s:ispath ? s:byfname ? 'file' : 'path' : 'line'
let marked = s:opmul != '0' ?
\ exists('s:marked') ? ' <'.s:dismrk().'>' : ' <->' : ''
if s:status != {}
let argms =
\ has_key(s:status, 'arg_type') && s:status['arg_type'] == 'dict' ? [{
\ 'focus': focus,
\ 'byfname': byfname,
\ 'regex': s:regexp,
\ 'prev': prv,
\ 'item': s:ctype,
\ 'next': nxt,
\ 'marked': marked,
\ }] : [focus, byfname, s:regexp, prv, s:ctype, nxt, marked]
let &l:stl = call(s:status['main'], argms, s:status)
let item = '%#CtrlPMode1# '.s:ctype.' %*'
let focus = '%#CtrlPMode2# '.focus.' %*'
let byfname = '%#CtrlPMode1# '.byfname.' %*'
let regex = s:regexp ? '%#CtrlPMode2# regex %*' : ''
let slider = ' <'.prv.'>={'.item.'}=<'.nxt.'>'
let dir = ' %=%<%#CtrlPMode2# %{getcwd()} %*'
let &l:stl = focus.byfname.regex.slider.marked.dir
1 0.000002 fu! s:dismrk()
retu has('signs') ? len(s:marked) :
\ '%<'.join(values(map(copy(s:marked), 'split(v:val, "[\\/]")[-1]')), ', ')
1 0.000003 fu! ctrlp#progress(enum, ...)
if has('macunix') || has('mac') | sl 1m | en
let txt = a:0 ? '(press ctrl-c to abort)' : ''
if s:status != {}
let argms = has_key(s:status, 'arg_type') && s:status['arg_type'] == 'dict'
\ ? [{ 'str': a:enum }] : [a:enum]
let &l:stl = call(s:status['prog'], argms, s:status)
let &l:stl = '%#CtrlPStats# '.a:enum.' %* '.txt.'%=%<%#CtrlPMode2# %{getcwd()} %*'
" *** Paths {{{2
" Line formatting {{{3
1 0.000003 fu! s:formatline(str)
let str = a:str
if s:itemtype == 1
let filpath = fnamemodify(str, ':p')
let bufnr = s:nonamecond(str, filpath)
\ ? str2nr(matchstr(str, '[\/]\?\[\zs\d\+\ze\*No Name\]$'))
\ : bufnr('^'.filpath.'$')
let idc = ( bufnr == bufnr('#') ? '#' : '' )
\ . ( getbufvar(bufnr, '&ma') ? '' : '-' )
\ . ( getbufvar(bufnr, '&ro') ? '=' : '' )
\ . ( getbufvar(bufnr, '&mod') ? '+' : '' )
let str .= idc != '' ? ' '.idc : ''
let cond = s:ispath && ( s:winw - 4 ) < s:strwidth(str)
retu '> '.( cond ? s:pathshorten(str) : str )
1 0.000002 fu! s:pathshorten(str)
retu matchstr(a:str, '^.\{9}').'...'
\ .matchstr(a:str, '.\{'.( s:winw - 16 ).'}$')
1 0.000002 fu! s:offset(lines, height)
let s:offset = s:mw_order == 'btt' ? ( a:height - s:res_count ) : 0
retu s:offset > 0 ? ( repeat([''], s:offset) + a:lines ) : a:lines
" Directory completion {{{3
1 0.000003 fu! s:dircompl(be, sd)
if a:sd == '' | retu [] | en
if a:be == ''
let [be, sd] = [s:dyncwd, a:sd]
let be = a:be.s:lash(a:be)
let sd = be.a:sd
let dirs = split(globpath(s:fnesc(be, 'g', ','), a:sd.'*/'), "\n")
if a:be == ''
let dirs = ctrlp#rmbasedir(dirs)
cal filter(dirs, '!match(v:val, escape(sd, ''~$.\''))'
\ . ' && v:val !~ ''\v(^|[\/])\.{1,2}[\/]$''')
retu dirs
1 0.000003 fu! s:findcommon(items, seed)
let [items, id, cmn, ic] = [copy(a:items), strlen(a:seed), '', 0]
cal map(items, 'strpart(v:val, id)')
for char in split(items[0], '\zs')
for item in items[1:]
if item[ic] != char | let brk = 1 | brea | en
if exists('brk') | brea | en
let cmn .= char
let ic += 1
retu cmn
" Misc {{{3
1 0.000002 fu! s:headntail(str)
let parts = split(a:str, '[\/]\ze[^\/]\+[\/:]\?$')
retu len(parts) == 1 ? ['', parts[0]] : len(parts) == 2 ? parts : []
1 0.000002 fu! s:lash(...)
retu ( a:0 ? a:1 : s:dyncwd ) !~ '[\/]$' ? s:lash : ''
1 0.000002 fu! s:ispathitem()
retu s:itemtype < 3 || ( s:itemtype > 2 && s:getextvar('type') == 'path' )
1 0.000003 fu! ctrlp#igncwd(cwd)
retu ctrlp#utils#glob(a:cwd, 0) == '' ||
\ ( s:igntype >= 0 && s:usrign(a:cwd, getftype(a:cwd)) )
1 0.000004 fu! ctrlp#dirnfile(entries)
let [items, cwd] = [[[], []], s:dyncwd.s:lash()]
for each in a:entries
let etype = getftype(each)
if s:igntype >= 0 && s:usrign(each, etype) | con | en
if etype == 'dir'
if s:showhidden | if each !~ '[\/]\.\{1,2}$'
cal add(items[0], each)
en | el
cal add(items[0], each)
elsei etype == 'link'
if s:folsym
let isfile = !isdirectory(each)
if s:folsym == 2 || !s:samerootsyml(each, isfile, cwd)
cal add(items[isfile], each)
elsei etype == 'file'
cal add(items[1], each)
retu items
1 0.000003 fu! s:usrign(item, type)
retu s:igntype == 1 ? a:item =~ s:usrign
\ : s:igntype == 4 && has_key(s:usrign, a:type) && s:usrign[a:type] != ''
\ ? a:item =~ s:usrign[a:type] : 0
1 0.000003 fu! s:samerootsyml(each, isfile, cwd)
let resolve = fnamemodify(resolve(a:each), ':p:h')
let resolve .= s:lash(resolve)
retu !( stridx(resolve, a:cwd) && ( stridx(a:cwd, resolve) || a:isfile ) )
1 0.000003 fu! ctrlp#rmbasedir(items)
let cwd = s:dyncwd.s:lash()
if a:items != [] && !stridx(a:items[0], cwd)
let idx = strlen(cwd)
retu map(a:items, 'strpart(v:val, idx)')
retu a:items
" Working directory {{{3
1 0.000006 fu! s:getparent(item)
let parent = substitute(a:item, '[\/][^\/]\+[\/:]\?$', '', '')
if parent == '' || parent !~ '[\/]'
let parent .= s:lash
retu parent
1 0.000007 fu! s:findroot(curr, mark, depth, type)
let [depth, fnd] = [a:depth + 1, 0]
if type(a:mark) == 1
let fnd = s:glbpath(s:fnesc(a:curr, 'g', ','), a:mark, 1) != ''
elsei type(a:mark) == 3
for markr in a:mark
if s:glbpath(s:fnesc(a:curr, 'g', ','), markr, 1) != ''
let fnd = 1
if fnd
if !a:type | cal ctrlp#setdir(a:curr) | en
retu [exists('markr') ? markr : a:mark, a:curr]
elsei depth > s:maxdepth
cal ctrlp#setdir(s:cwd)
let parent = s:getparent(a:curr)
if parent != a:curr
retu s:findroot(parent, a:mark, depth, a:type)
retu []
1 0.000003 fu! ctrlp#setdir(path, ...)
let cmd = a:0 ? a:1 : 'lc!'
sil! exe cmd s:fnesc(a:path, 'c')
let [s:crfilerel, s:dyncwd] = [fnamemodify(s:crfile, ':.'), getcwd()]
" Fallbacks {{{3
1 0.000004 fu! s:glbpath(...)
retu call('ctrlp#utils#globpath', a:000)
1 0.000002 fu! s:fnesc(...)
retu call('ctrlp#utils#fnesc', a:000)
1 0.000003 fu! ctrlp#setlcdir()
if exists('*haslocaldir')
cal ctrlp#setdir(getcwd(), haslocaldir() ? 'lc!' : 'cd!')
" Highlighting {{{2
1 0.000003 fu! ctrlp#syntax()
if ctrlp#nosy() | retu | en
for [ke, va] in items(s:hlgrps) | cal ctrlp#hicheck('CtrlP'.ke, va) | endfo
if synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID('Normal')), 'bg') !~ '^-1$\|^$'
sil! exe 'hi CtrlPLinePre '.( has("gui_running") ? 'gui' : 'cterm' ).'fg=bg'
sy match CtrlPNoEntries '^ == NO ENTRIES ==$'
if hlexists('CtrlPLinePre')
sy match CtrlPLinePre '^>'
1 0.000002 fu! s:highlight(pat, grp)
if s:matcher != {} | retu | en
cal clearmatches()
if !empty(a:pat) && s:ispath
let pat = s:regexp ? substitute(a:pat, '\\\@<!\^', '^> \\zs', 'g') : a:pat
if s:byfname
let pat = substitute(pat, '\[\^\(.\{-}\)\]\\{-}', '[^\\/\1]\\{-}', 'g')
let pat = substitute(pat, '\$\@<!$', '\\ze[^\\/]*$', 'g')
cal matchadd(a:grp, ( s:martcs == '' ? '\c' : '\C' ).pat)
cal matchadd('CtrlPLinePre', '^>')
1 0.000002 fu! s:dohighlight()
retu s:mathi[0] && exists('*clearmatches') && !ctrlp#nosy()
" Prompt history {{{2
1 0.000001 fu! s:gethistloc()
let utilcadir = ctrlp#utils#cachedir()
let cache_dir = utilcadir.s:lash(utilcadir).'hist'
retu [cache_dir, cache_dir.s:lash(cache_dir).'cache.txt']
1 0.000002 fu! s:gethistdata()
retu ctrlp#utils#readfile(s:gethistloc()[1])
1 0.000002 fu! ctrlp#recordhist()
let str = join(s:prompt, '')
if empty(str) || !s:maxhst | retu | en
let hst = s:hstry
if len(hst) > 1 && hst[1] == str | retu | en
cal extend(hst, [str], 1)
if len(hst) > s:maxhst | cal remove(hst, s:maxhst, -1) | en
cal ctrlp#utils#writecache(hst, s:gethistloc()[0], s:gethistloc()[1])
" Signs {{{2
1 0.000004 fu! s:unmarksigns()
if !s:dosigns() | retu | en
for key in keys(s:marked)
exe 'sign unplace' key 'buffer='.s:bufnr
1 0.000002 fu! s:remarksigns()
if !s:dosigns() | retu | en
for ic in range(1, len(s:lines))
let line = s:ispath ? fnamemodify(s:lines[ic - 1], ':p') : s:lines[ic - 1]
let key = s:dictindex(s:marked, line)
if key > 0
exe 'sign place' key 'line='.ic.' name=ctrlpmark buffer='.s:bufnr
1 0.000002 fu! s:dosigns()
retu exists('s:marked') && s:bufnr > 0 && s:opmul != '0' && has('signs')
" Lists & Dictionaries {{{2
1 0.000002 fu! s:ifilter(list, str)
let [rlist, estr] = [[], substitute(a:str, 'v:val', 'each', 'g')]
for each in a:list
if eval(estr)
cal add(rlist, each)
cat | con | endt
retu rlist
1 0.000002 fu! s:dictindex(dict, expr)
for key in keys(a:dict)
if a:dict[key] == a:expr | retu key | en
retu -1
1 0.000002 fu! s:vacantdict(dict)
retu filter(range(1, max(keys(a:dict))), '!has_key(a:dict, v:val)')
1 0.000002 fu! s:sublist(l, s, e)
retu v:version > 701 ? a:l[(a:s):(a:e)] : s:sublist7071(a:l, a:s, a:e)
1 0.000002 fu! s:sublist7071(l, s, e)
let [newlist, id, ae] = [[], a:s, a:e == -1 ? len(a:l) - 1 : a:e]
wh id <= ae
cal add(newlist, get(a:l, id))
let id += 1
retu newlist
" Buffers {{{2
1 0.000002 fu! s:buftab(bufnr, md)
for tabnr in range(1, tabpagenr('$'))
if tabpagenr() == tabnr && a:md == 't' | con | en
let buflist = tabpagebuflist(tabnr)
if index(buflist, a:bufnr) >= 0
for winnr in range(1, tabpagewinnr(tabnr, '$'))
if buflist[winnr - 1] == a:bufnr | retu [tabnr, winnr] | en
retu [0, 0]
1 0.000002 fu! s:bufwins(bufnr)
let winns = 0
for tabnr in range(1, tabpagenr('$'))
let winns += count(tabpagebuflist(tabnr), a:bufnr)
retu winns
1 0.000002 fu! s:nonamecond(str, filpath)
retu a:str =~ '[\/]\?\[\d\+\*No Name\]$' && !filereadable(a:filpath)
\ && bufnr('^'.a:filpath.'$') < 1
1 0.000002 fu! ctrlp#normcmd(cmd, ...)
if a:0 < 2 && s:nosplit() | retu a:cmd | en
let norwins = filter(range(1, winnr('$')),
\ 'empty(getbufvar(winbufnr(v:val), "&bt"))')
for each in norwins
let bufnr = winbufnr(each)
if empty(bufname(bufnr)) && empty(getbufvar(bufnr, '&ft'))
let fstemp = each | brea
let norwin = empty(norwins) ? 0 : norwins[0]
if norwin
if index(norwins, winnr()) < 0
exe ( exists('fstemp') ? fstemp : norwin ).'winc w'
retu a:cmd
retu a:0 ? a:1 : 'bo vne'
1 0.000002 fu! ctrlp#modfilecond(w)
retu &mod && !&hid && &bh != 'hide' && s:bufwins(bufnr('%')) == 1 && !&cf &&
\ ( ( !&awa && a:w ) || filewritable(fnamemodify(bufname('%'), ':p')) != 1 )
1 0.000002 fu! s:nosplit()
retu !empty(s:nosplit) && match([bufname('%'), &l:ft, &l:bt], s:nosplit) >= 0
1 0.000001 fu! s:setupblank()
setl noswf nonu nobl nowrap nolist nospell nocuc wfh
setl fdc=0 fdl=99 tw=0 bt=nofile bh=unload
if v:version > 702
setl nornu noudf cc=0
1 0.000001 fu! s:leavepre()
if exists('s:bufnr') && s:bufnr == bufnr('%') | bw! | en
if !( exists(s:ccex) && !{s:ccex} )
\ && !( has('clientserver') && len(split(serverlist(), "\n")) > 1 )
cal ctrlp#clra()
1 0.000002 fu! s:checkbuf()
if !exists('s:init') && exists('s:bufnr') && s:bufnr > 0
exe s:bufnr.'bw!'
1 0.000001 fu! s:iscmdwin()
let ermsg = v:errmsg
sil! noa winc p
sil! noa winc p
let [v:errmsg, ermsg] = [ermsg, v:errmsg]
retu ermsg =~ '^E11:'
" Arguments {{{2
1 0.000002 fu! s:at(str)
if a:str =~ '\v^\@(cd|lc[hd]?|chd).*'
let str = substitute(a:str, '\v^\@(cd|lc[hd]?|chd)\s*', '', '')
if str == '' | retu 1 | en
let str = str =~ '^%:.\+' ? fnamemodify(s:crfile, str[1:]) : str
let path = fnamemodify(expand(str, 1), ':p')
if isdirectory(path)
if path != s:dyncwd
cal ctrlp#setdir(path)
cal ctrlp#setlines()
cal ctrlp#recordhist()
cal s:PrtClear()
retu 1
retu 0
1 0.000002 fu! s:tail()
if exists('s:optail') && !empty('s:optail')
let tailpref = s:optail !~ '^\s*+' ? ' +' : ' '
retu tailpref.s:optail
retu ''
1 0.000002 fu! s:sanstail(str)
let str = s:spi ?
\ substitute(a:str, '^\(@.*$\|\\\\\ze@\|\.\.\zs[.\/]\+$\)', '', 'g') : a:str
let [str, pat] = [substitute(str, '\\\\', '\', 'g'), '\([^:]\|\\:\)*$']
unl! s:optail
if str =~ '\\\@<!:'.pat
let s:optail = matchstr(str, '\\\@<!:\zs'.pat)
let str = substitute(str, '\\\@<!:'.pat, '', '')
retu substitute(str, '\\\ze:', '', 'g')
1 0.000002 fu! s:argmaps(md, i)
let roh = [
\ ['Open Multiple Files', '/h[i]dden/[c]lear', ['i', 'c']],
\ ['Create a New File', '/[r]eplace', ['r']],
\ ['Open Selected', '/[r]eplace', ['r', 'd', 'a']],
\ ]
if a:i == 2
if !buflisted(bufnr('^'.fnamemodify(ctrlp#getcline(), ':p').'$'))
let roh[2][1] .= '/h[i]dden'
let roh[2][2] += ['i']
if s:openfunc != {} && has_key(s:openfunc, s:ctype)
let roh[2][1] .= '/e[x]ternal'
let roh[2][2] += ['x']
let str = roh[a:i][0].': [t]ab/[v]ertical/[h]orizontal'.roh[a:i][1].'? '
retu s:choices(str, ['t', 'v', 'h'] + roh[a:i][2], 's:argmaps', [a:md, a:i])
1 0.000001 fu! s:insertstr()
let str = 'Insert: c[w]ord/c[f]ile/[s]earch/[v]isual/[c]lipboard/[r]egister? '
retu s:choices(str, ['w', 'f', 's', 'v', 'c', 'r'], 's:insertstr', [])
1 0.000002 fu! s:textdialog(str)
redr | echoh MoreMsg | echon a:str | echoh None
retu nr2char(getchar())
1 0.000003 fu! s:choices(str, choices, func, args)
let char = s:textdialog(a:str)
if index(a:choices, char) >= 0
retu char
elsei char =~# "\\v\<Esc>|\<C-c>|\<C-g>|\<C-u>|\<C-w>|\<C-[>"
cal s:BuildPrompt(0)
retu 'cancel'
elsei char =~# "\<CR>" && a:args != []
retu a:args[0]
retu call(a:func, a:args)
1 0.000001 fu! s:getregs()
let char = s:textdialog('Insert from register: ')
if char =~# "\\v\<Esc>|\<C-c>|\<C-g>|\<C-u>|\<C-w>|\<C-[>"
cal s:BuildPrompt(0)
retu -1
elsei char =~# "\<CR>"
retu s:getregs()
retu s:regisfilter(char)
1 0.000002 fu! s:regisfilter(reg)
retu substitute(getreg(a:reg), "[\t\n]", ' ', 'g')
" Misc {{{2
1 0.000001 fu! s:modevar()
let s:matchtype = s:mtype()
let s:ispath = s:ispathitem()
let s:mfunc = s:mfunc()
let s:nolim = s:getextvar('nolim')
let s:dosort = s:getextvar('sort')
let s:spi = !s:itemtype || s:getextvar('specinput') > 0
1 0.000002 fu! s:nosort()
retu s:matcher != {} || s:nolim == 1 || ( s:itemtype == 2 && s:mrudef )
\ || ( s:itemtype =~ '\v^(1|2)$' && s:prompt == ['', '', ''] ) || !s:dosort
1 0.000002 fu! s:byfname()
retu s:ispath && s:byfname
1 0.000002 fu! s:narrowable()
retu exists('s:act_add') && exists('s:matched') && s:matched != []
\ && exists('s:mdata') && s:mdata[:2] == [s:dyncwd, s:itemtype, s:regexp]
\ && s:matcher == {} && !exists('s:did_exp')
1 0.000001 fu! s:getinput(...)
let [prt, spi] = [s:prompt, ( a:0 ? a:1 : '' )]
if s:abbrev != {}
let gmd = has_key(s:abbrev, 'gmode') ? s:abbrev['gmode'] : ''
let str = ( gmd =~ 't' && !a:0 ) || spi == 'c' ? prt[0] : join(prt, '')
if gmd =~ 't' && gmd =~ 'k' && !a:0 && matchstr(str, '.$') =~ '\k'
retu join(prt, '')
let [pf, rz] = [( s:byfname() ? 'f' : 'p' ), ( s:regexp ? 'r' : 'z' )]
for dict in s:abbrev['abbrevs']
let dmd = has_key(dict, 'mode') ? dict['mode'] : ''
let pat = escape(dict['pattern'], '~')
if ( dmd == '' || ( dmd =~ pf && dmd =~ rz && !a:0 )
\ || dmd =~ '['.spi.']' ) && str =~ pat
let [str, s:did_exp] = [join(split(str, pat, 1), dict['expanded']), 1]
if gmd =~ 't' && !a:0
let prt[0] = str
retu str
retu spi == 'c' ? prt[0] : join(prt, '')
1 0.000001 fu! s:migemo(str)
let [str, rtp] = [a:str, s:fnesc(&rtp, 'g')]
let dict = s:glbpath(rtp, printf("dict/%s/migemo-dict", &enc), 1)
if !len(dict)
let dict = s:glbpath(rtp, "dict/migemo-dict", 1)
if len(dict)
let [tokens, str, cmd] = [split(str, '\s'), '', 'cmigemo -v -w %s -d %s']
for token in tokens
let rtn = system(printf(cmd, shellescape(token), shellescape(dict)))
let str .= !v:shell_error && strlen(rtn) > 0 ? '.*'.rtn : token
retu str
1 0.000002 fu! s:strwidth(str)
retu exists('*strdisplaywidth') ? strdisplaywidth(a:str) : strlen(a:str)
1 0.000002 fu! ctrlp#j2l(nr)
exe 'norm!' a:nr.'G'
sil! norm! zvzz
1 0.000001 fu! s:maxf(len)
retu s:maxfiles && a:len > s:maxfiles
1 0.000001 fu! s:regexfilter(str)
let str = a:str
for key in keys(s:fpats) | if str =~ key
let str = substitute(str, s:fpats[key], '', 'g')
en | endfo
retu str
1 0.000002 fu! s:walker(m, p, d)
retu a:d >= 0 ? a:p < a:m ? a:p + a:d : 0 : a:p > 0 ? a:p + a:d : a:m
1 0.000001 fu! s:delent(rfunc)
if a:rfunc == '' | retu | en
let [s:force, tbrem] = [1, []]
if exists('s:marked')
let tbrem = values(s:marked)
cal s:unmarksigns()
unl s:marked
if tbrem == [] && ( has('dialog_gui') || has('dialog_con') ) &&
\ confirm("Wipe all entries?", "&OK\n&Cancel") != 1
unl s:force
cal s:BuildPrompt(0)
let g:ctrlp_lines = call(a:rfunc, [tbrem])
cal s:BuildPrompt(1)
unl s:force
" Entering & Exiting {{{2
1 0.000002 fu! s:getenv()
let [s:cwd, s:winres] = [getcwd(), [winrestcmd(), &lines, winnr('$')]]
let [s:crword, s:crnbword] = [expand('<cword>', 1), expand('<cWORD>', 1)]
let [s:crgfile, s:crline] = [expand('<cfile>', 1), getline('.')]
let [s:winmaxh, s:crcursor] = [min([s:mw_max, &lines]), getpos('.')]
let [s:crbufnr, s:crvisual] = [bufnr('%'), s:lastvisual()]
let s:crfile = bufname('%') == ''
\ ? '['.s:crbufnr.'*No Name]' : expand('%:p', 1)
let s:crfpath = expand('%:p:h', 1)
let s:mrbs = ctrlp#mrufiles#bufs()
1 0.000001 fu! s:lastvisual()
let cview = winsaveview()
let [ovreg, ovtype] = [getreg('v'), getregtype('v')]
let [oureg, outype] = [getreg('"'), getregtype('"')]
sil! norm! gv"vy
let selected = s:regisfilter('v')
cal setreg('v', ovreg, ovtype)
cal setreg('"', oureg, outype)
cal winrestview(cview)
retu selected
1 0.000002 fu! s:log(m)
if exists('g:ctrlp_log') && g:ctrlp_log | if a:m
let cadir = ctrlp#utils#cachedir()
let apd = g:ctrlp_log > 1 ? '>' : ''
sil! exe 'redi! >'.apd cadir.s:lash(cadir).'ctrlp.log'
sil! redi END
en | en
1 0.000003 fu! s:buffunc(e)
if a:e && has_key(s:buffunc, 'enter')
cal call(s:buffunc['enter'], [], s:buffunc)
elsei !a:e && has_key(s:buffunc, 'exit')
cal call(s:buffunc['exit'], [], s:buffunc)
1 0.000002 fu! s:openfile(cmd, fid, tail, chkmod, ...)
let cmd = a:cmd
if a:chkmod && cmd =~ '^[eb]$' && ctrlp#modfilecond(!( cmd == 'b' && &aw ))
let cmd = cmd == 'b' ? 'sb' : 'sp'
let cmd = cmd =~ '^tab' ? ctrlp#tabcount().cmd : cmd
let j2l = a:0 && a:1[0] ? a:1[1] : 0
exe cmd.( a:0 && a:1[0] ? '' : a:tail ) s:fnesc(a:fid, 'f')
if j2l
cal ctrlp#j2l(j2l)
if !empty(a:tail)
sil! norm! zvzz
if cmd != 'bad'
cal ctrlp#setlcdir()
1 0.000002 fu! ctrlp#tabcount()
if exists('s:tabct')
let tabct = s:tabct
let s:tabct += 1
elsei !type(s:tabpage)
let tabct = s:tabpage
elsei type(s:tabpage) == 1
let tabpos =
\ s:tabpage =~ 'c' ? tabpagenr() :
\ s:tabpage =~ 'f' ? 1 :
\ s:tabpage =~ 'l' ? tabpagenr('$') :
\ tabpagenr()
let tabct =
\ s:tabpage =~ 'a' ? tabpos :
\ s:tabpage =~ 'b' ? tabpos - 1 :
\ tabpos
retu tabct < 0 ? 0 : tabct
1 0.000002 fu! s:settype(type)
retu a:type < 0 ? exists('s:itemtype') ? s:itemtype : 0 : a:type
" Matching {{{2
1 0.000002 fu! s:matchfname(item, pat)
let parts = split(a:item, '[\/]\ze[^\/]\+$')
let mfn = match(parts[-1], a:pat[0])
retu len(a:pat) == 1 ? mfn : len(a:pat) == 2 ?
\ ( mfn >= 0 && ( len(parts) == 2 ? match(parts[0], a:pat[1]) : -1 ) >= 0
\ ? 0 : -1 ) : -1
1 0.000002 fu! s:matchtabs(item, pat)
retu match(split(a:item, '\t\+')[0], a:pat)
1 0.000004 fu! s:matchtabe(item, pat)
retu match(split(a:item, '\t\+[^\t]\+$')[0], a:pat)
1 0.000001 fu! s:buildpat(lst)
let pat = a:lst[0]
for item in range(1, len(a:lst) - 1)
let pat .= '[^'.a:lst[item - 1].']\{-}'.a:lst[item]
retu pat
1 0.000001 fu! s:mfunc()
let mfunc = 'match'
if s:byfname()
let mfunc = 's:matchfname'
elsei s:itemtype > 2
let matchtypes = { 'tabs': 's:matchtabs', 'tabe': 's:matchtabe' }
if has_key(matchtypes, s:matchtype)
let mfunc = matchtypes[s:matchtype]
retu mfunc
1 0.000002 fu! s:mmode()
let matchmodes = {
\ 'match': 'full-line',
\ 's:matchfname': 'filename-only',
\ 's:matchtabs': 'first-non-tab',
\ 's:matchtabe': 'until-last-tab',
\ }
retu matchmodes[s:mfunc]
" Cache {{{2
1 0.000002 fu! s:writecache(cafile)
if ( g:ctrlp_newcache || !filereadable(a:cafile) ) && !s:nocache()
cal ctrlp#utils#writecache(g:ctrlp_allfiles)
let g:ctrlp_newcache = 0
1 0.000001 fu! s:nocache(...)
if !s:caching
retu 1
elsei s:caching > 1
if !( exists(s:ccex) && !{s:ccex} ) || has_key(s:ficounts, s:dyncwd)
retu get(s:ficounts, s:dyncwd, [0, 0])[0] < s:caching
elsei a:0 && filereadable(a:1)
retu len(ctrlp#utils#readfile(a:1)) < s:caching
retu 1
retu 0
1 0.000002 fu! s:insertcache(str)
let [data, g:ctrlp_newcache, str] = [g:ctrlp_allfiles, 1, a:str]
if data == [] || strlen(str) <= strlen(data[0])
let pos = 0
elsei strlen(str) >= strlen(data[-1])
let pos = len(data) - 1
let pos = 0
for each in data
if strlen(each) > strlen(str) | brea | en
let pos += 1
cal insert(data, str, pos)
cal s:writecache(ctrlp#utils#cachefile())
" Extensions {{{2
1 0.000001 fu! s:mtype()
retu s:itemtype > 2 ? s:getextvar('type') : 'path'
1 0.000001 fu! s:execextvar(key)
if !empty(g:ctrlp_ext_vars)
cal map(filter(copy(g:ctrlp_ext_vars),
\ 'has_key(v:val, a:key)'), 'eval(v:val[a:key])')
1 0.000001 fu! s:getextvar(key)
if s:itemtype > 2
let vars = g:ctrlp_ext_vars[s:itemtype - 3]
retu has_key(vars, a:key) ? vars[a:key] : -1
retu -1
1 0.000002 fu! ctrlp#getcline()
let [linenr, offset] = [line('.'), ( s:offset > 0 ? s:offset : 0 )]
retu !empty(s:lines) && !( offset && linenr <= offset )
\ ? s:lines[linenr - 1 - offset] : ''
1 0.000004 fu! ctrlp#getmarkedlist()
retu exists('s:marked') ? values(s:marked) : []
1 0.000002 fu! ctrlp#exit()
cal s:PrtExit()
1 0.000002 fu! ctrlp#prtclear()
cal s:PrtClear()
1 0.000002 fu! ctrlp#switchtype(id)
cal s:ToggleType(a:id - s:itemtype)
1 0.000002 fu! ctrlp#nosy()
retu !( has('syntax') && exists('g:syntax_on') )
1 0.000002 fu! ctrlp#hicheck(grp, defgrp)
if !hlexists(a:grp)
exe 'hi link' a:grp a:defgrp
1 0.000002 fu! ctrlp#call(func, ...)
retu call(a:func, a:000)
1 0.000004 fu! ctrlp#getvar(var)
retu {a:var}
" * Initialization {{{1
1 0.000001 fu! ctrlp#setlines(...)
if a:0 | let s:itemtype = a:1 | en
cal s:modevar()
let types = ['ctrlp#files()', 'ctrlp#buffers()', 'ctrlp#mrufiles#list()']
if !empty(g:ctrlp_ext_vars)
cal map(copy(g:ctrlp_ext_vars), 'add(types, v:val["init"])')
let g:ctrlp_lines = eval(types[s:itemtype])
1 0.000002 fu! ctrlp#init(type, ...)
if exists('s:init') || s:iscmdwin() | retu | en
let [s:ermsg, v:errmsg] = [v:errmsg, '']
let [s:matches, s:init] = [1, 1]
cal s:Reset(a:0 ? a:1 : {})
noa cal s:Open()
cal s:SetWD(a:0 ? a:1 : {})
cal s:MapNorms()
cal s:MapSpecs()
cal ctrlp#syntax()
cal ctrlp#setlines(s:settype(a:type))
cal s:SetDefTxt()
cal s:BuildPrompt(1)
if s:keyloop | cal s:KeyLoop() | en
" - Autocmds {{{1
1 0.000004 if has('autocmd')
1 0.000005 aug CtrlPAug
1 0.000184 au!
1 0.000009 au BufEnter ControlP cal s:checkbuf()
1 0.000005 au BufLeave ControlP noa cal s:Close()
1 0.000011 au VimLeavePre * cal s:leavepre()
1 0.000002 aug END
1 0.000001 en
1 0.000003 fu! s:autocmds()
if !has('autocmd') | retu | en
if exists('#CtrlPLazy')
au! CtrlPLazy
if s:lazy
aug CtrlPLazy
au CursorHold ControlP cal s:ForceUpdate()
aug END
" vim:fen:fdm=marker:fmr={{{,}}}:fdl=0:fdc=1:ts=2:sw=2:sts=2
FUNCTION <SNR>52_compmatlen()
Called 807 times
Total time: 0.251483
Self time: 0.011451
count total (s) self (s)
" By match length
807 0.125888 0.005030 let mln1 = s:shortest(s:matchlens(a:1, s:compat))
807 0.123795 0.004621 let mln2 = s:shortest(s:matchlens(a:2, s:compat))
807 0.001138 retu mln1 == mln2 ? 0 : mln1 > mln2 ? 1 : -1
FUNCTION <SNR>52_PrtFocusMap()
Called 43 times
Total time: 27.494456
Self time: 0.000423
count total (s) self (s)
43 27.494414 0.000381 cal call(( s:focus ? 's:PrtAdd' : 's:PrtSelectJump' ), [a:char])
FUNCTION <SNR>52_nocache()
Called 1 time
Total time: 0.000013
Self time: 0.000013
count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000001 if !s:caching
retu 1
elsei s:caching > 1
if !( exists(s:ccex) && !{s:ccex} ) || has_key(s:ficounts, s:dyncwd)
retu get(s:ficounts, s:dyncwd, [0, 0])[0] < s:caching
elsei a:0 && filereadable(a:1)
retu len(ctrlp#utils#readfile(a:1)) < s:caching
retu 1
1 0.000001 retu 0
Called 43 times
Total time: 27.494033
Self time: 0.000712
count total (s) self (s)
43 0.000067 unl! s:hstgot
43 0.000089 let s:act_add = 1
43 0.000130 let s:prompt[0] .= a:char
43 27.493609 0.000288 cal s:BuildPrompt(1)
43 0.000076 unl s:act_add
FUNCTION ctrlp#utils#opts()
Called 1 time
Total time: 0.000070
Self time: 0.000049
count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000009 0.000004 let s:lash = ctrlp#utils#lash()
1 0.000018 0.000009 let usrhome = $HOME . s:lash( $HOME )
1 0.000006 let cahome = exists('$XDG_CACHE_HOME') ? $XDG_CACHE_HOME : usrhome.'.cache'
1 0.000021 0.000014 let cadir = isdirectory(usrhome.'.ctrlp_cache') ? usrhome.'.ctrlp_cache' : cahome.s:lash(cahome).'ctrlp'
1 0.000003 if exists('g:ctrlp_cache_dir')
let cadir = expand(g:ctrlp_cache_dir, 1)
if isdirectory(cadir.s:lash(cadir).'.ctrlp_cache')
let cadir = cadir.s:lash(cadir).'.ctrlp_cache'
1 0.000003 let s:cache_dir = cadir
FUNCTION ctrlp#hicheck()
Called 8 times
Total time: 0.000110
Self time: 0.000110
count total (s) self (s)
8 0.000036 if !hlexists(a:grp)
8 0.000066 exe 'hi link' a:grp a:defgrp
8 0.000003 en
FUNCTION <SNR>52_gethistloc()
Called 4 times
Total time: 0.000187
Self time: 0.000088
count total (s) self (s)
4 0.000034 0.000023 let utilcadir = ctrlp#utils#cachedir()
4 0.000080 0.000034 let cache_dir = utilcadir.s:lash(utilcadir).'hist'
4 0.000070 0.000028 retu [cache_dir, cache_dir.s:lash(cache_dir).'cache.txt']
Called 264 times
Total time: 0.052702
Self time: 0.001658
count total (s) self (s)
264 0.052604 0.001560 call self.add_section(a:group, (
Called 423 times
Total time: 0.093495
Self time: 0.023792
count total (s) self (s)
423 0.000558 if self._curgroup != ''
343 0.000496 if self._curgroup == a:group
44 0.000098 let self._line .= self._side ? self._context.left_alt_sep : self._context.right_alt_sep
44 0.000020 else
299 0.070961 0.001258 call airline#highlighter#add_separator(self._curgroup, a:group, self._side)
299 0.001187 let self._line .= '%#'.self._curgroup.'_to_'.a:group.'#'
299 0.000849 let self._line .= self._side ? self._context.left_sep : self._context.right_sep
299 0.000155 endif
343 0.000143 endif
423 0.000606 if self._curgroup != a:group
379 0.000849 let self._line .= '%#'.a:group.'#'
379 0.000170 endif
423 0.000328 if
299 0.000327 let contents = []
299 0.001391 let content_parts = split(a:contents, '__accent')
603 0.000657 for cpart in content_parts
304 0.001278 let accent = matchstr(cpart, '_\zs[^#]*\ze')
304 0.000616 call add(contents, cpart)
304 0.000221 endfor
299 0.000800 let line = join(contents, a:group)
299 0.001333 let line = substitute(line, '__restore__', a:group, 'g')
299 0.000128 else
124 0.001103 let line = substitute(a:contents, '%#__accent[^#]*#', '', 'g')
124 0.000717 let line = substitute(line, '%#__restore__#', '', 'g')
124 0.000081 endif
423 0.000639 let self._line .= line
423 0.000533 let self._curgroup = a:group
Called 54 times
Total time: 0.000086
Self time: 0.000086
count total (s) self (s)
54 0.000080 let self._line .= a:text
FUNCTION <SNR>45_PrevNonBlankNonString()
Called 8 times
Total time: 0.017092
Self time: 0.000429
count total (s) self (s)
8 0.000015 let in_block = 0
8 0.000024 let lnum = prevnonblank(a:lnum)
8 0.000016 while lnum > 0
" Go in and out of blocks comments as necessary.
" If the line isn't empty (with opt. comment) or in a string, end search.
8 0.000022 let line = getline(lnum)
8 0.000032 if line =~ '^=begin'
if in_block
let in_block = 0
elseif !in_block && line =~ '^=end'
let in_block = 1
elseif !in_block && line !~ '^\s*#.*$' && !(s:IsInStringOrComment(lnum, 1) && s:IsInStringOrComment(lnum, strlen(line)))
8 0.000012 break
let lnum = prevnonblank(lnum - 1)
8 0.000011 return lnum
FUNCTION <SNR>41_build_sections()
Called 41 times
Total time: 0.047699
Self time: 0.001845
count total (s) self (s)
200 0.000221 for key in a:keys
159 0.000311 if key == 'warning' && !
31 0.000030 continue
128 0.046486 0.000632 call s:add_section(a:builder, a:context, key)
128 0.000133 endfor
FUNCTION <SNR>52_regisfilter()
Called 1 time
Total time: 0.000011
Self time: 0.000011
count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000011 retu substitute(getreg(a:reg), "[\t\n]", ' ', 'g')
FUNCTION ctrlp#utils#lash()
Called 2 times
Total time: 0.000012
Self time: 0.000012
count total (s) self (s)
2 0.000011 retu &ssl || !exists('+ssl') ? '/' : '\'
FUNCTION airline#util#exec_funcrefs()
Called 37 times
Total time: 0.056675
Self time: 0.000990
count total (s) self (s)
90 0.000151 for Fn in a:list
90 0.056207 0.000522 let code = call(Fn, a:000)
90 0.000100 if code != 0
37 0.000027 return code
53 0.000025 endfor
return 0
FUNCTION airline#highlighter#highlight()
Called 27 times
Total time: 0.235429
Self time: 0.065649
count total (s) self (s)
27 0.000091 let p = g:airline#themes#{g:airline_theme}#palette
" draw the base mode, followed by any overrides
27 0.000277 let mapped = map(a:modes, 'v:val == a:modes[0] ? v:val : a:modes[0]."_".v:val')
27 0.000065 let suffix = a:modes[0] == 'inactive' ? '_inactive' : ''
81 0.000096 for mode in mapped
54 0.000246 if exists('g:airline#themes#{g:airline_theme}#palette[mode]')
54 0.000162 let dict = g:airline#themes#{g:airline_theme}#palette[mode]
789 0.001250 for kvp in items(dict)
735 0.001226 let mode_colors = kvp[1]
735 0.023675 0.002810 call airline#highlighter#exec(kvp[0].suffix, mode_colors)
2205 0.003086 for accent in keys(s:accents)
1470 0.002410 if !has_key(p.accents, accent)
1470 0.004133 let colors = copy(mode_colors)
1470 0.002522 if p.accents[accent][0] != ''
735 0.001533 let colors[0] = p.accents[accent][0]
735 0.000340 endif
1470 0.002227 if p.accents[accent][2] != ''
735 0.001390 let colors[2] = p.accents[accent][2]
735 0.000330 endif
1470 0.001707 if len(colors) >= 5
378 0.000981 let colors[4] = get(p.accents[accent], 4, '')
378 0.000176 else
1092 0.003014 call add(colors, get(p.accents[accent], 4, ''))
1092 0.000471 endif
1470 0.051811 0.006558 call airline#highlighter#exec(kvp[0].suffix.'_'.accent, colors)
1470 0.000989 endfor
735 0.000357 endfor
" TODO: optimize this
592 0.000872 for sep in items(s:separators)
538 0.107691 0.004029 call <sid>exec_separator(dict, sep[1][0], sep[1][1], sep[1][2], suffix)
538 0.000378 endfor
54 0.000026 endif
54 0.000023 endfor
FUNCTION airline#parts#mode()
Called 93 times
Total time: 0.000291
Self time: 0.000291
count total (s) self (s)
93 0.000240 return get(w:, 'airline_current_mode', '')
FUNCTION <SNR>52_ispathitem()
Called 1 time
Total time: 0.000003
Self time: 0.000003
count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000003 retu s:itemtype < 3 || ( s:itemtype > 2 && s:getextvar('type') == 'path' )
FUNCTION <SNR>36_get_array()
Called 1674 times
Total time: 0.013556
Self time: 0.013556
count total (s) self (s)
1674 0.001724 let fg = a:fg
1674 0.001552 let bg = a:bg
1674 0.009393 return has('gui_running') ? [ fg, bg, '', '', join(a:opts, ',') ] : [ '', '', fg, bg, join(a:opts, ',') ]
FUNCTION <SNR>36_exec_separator()
Called 837 times
Total time: 0.169407
Self time: 0.020418
count total (s) self (s)
837 0.069150 0.003384 let l:from = airline#themes#get_highlight(a:from.a:suffix)
837 0.063638 0.003130 let l:to = airline#themes#get_highlight(a:to.a:suffix)
837 0.002191 let group = a:from.'_to_'.a:to.a:suffix
837 0.000650 if a:inverse
370 0.001251 let colors = [ l:from[1], l:to[1], l:from[3], l:to[3] ]
370 0.000168 else
467 0.001691 let colors = [ l:to[1], l:from[1], l:to[3], l:from[3] ]
467 0.000210 endif
837 0.001988 let a:dict[group] = colors
837 0.025638 0.002923 call airline#highlighter#exec(group, colors)
FUNCTION <SNR>52_comparent()
Called 807 times
Total time: 0.080011
Self time: 0.018494
count total (s) self (s)
" By same parent dir
807 0.001793 if !stridx(s:crfpath, s:dyncwd)
807 0.015740 0.006039 let [as1, as2] = [s:dyncwd.s:lash().a:1, s:dyncwd.s:lash().a:2]
807 0.056903 0.005087 let [loc1, loc2] = [s:getparent(as1), s:getparent(as2)]
807 0.002282 if loc1 == s:crfpath && loc2 != s:crfpath | retu -1 | en
807 0.001766 if loc2 == s:crfpath && loc1 != s:crfpath | retu 1 | en
807 0.000461 retu 0
retu 0
FUNCTION airline#extensions#quickfix#apply()
Called 6 times
Total time: 0.000051
Self time: 0.000051
count total (s) self (s)
6 0.000012 if &buftype == 'quickfix'
let w:airline_section_a = s:get_text()
let w:airline_section_b = '%{get(w:, "quickfix_title", "")}'
let w:airline_section_c = ''
let w:airline_section_x = ''
FUNCTION <SNR>52_mtype()
Called 1 time
Total time: 0.000003
Self time: 0.000003
count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000003 retu s:itemtype > 2 ? s:getextvar('type') : 'path'
FUNCTION <SNR>45_IsInString()
Called 3 times
Total time: 0.000446
Self time: 0.000446
count total (s) self (s)
3 0.000444 return synIDattr(synID(a:lnum, a:col, 1), 'name') =~ s:syng_string
FUNCTION <SNR>52_MapNorms()
Called 1 time
Total time: 0.001414
Self time: 0.001414
count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000004 if exists('s:nmapped') && s:nmapped == s:bufnr | retu | en
1 0.000009 let pcmd = "nn \<buffer> \<silent> \<k%s> :\<c-u>cal \<SID>%s(\"%s\")\<cr>"
1 0.000008 let cmd = substitute(pcmd, 'k%s', 'char-%d', '')
1 0.000001 let pfunc = 'PrtFocusMap'
1 0.000040 let ranges = [32, 33, 125, 126] + range(35, 91) + range(93, 123)
4 0.000006 for each in [34, 92, 124]
3 0.000048 exe printf(cmd, each, pfunc, escape(nr2char(each), '"|\'))
3 0.000001 endfo
93 0.000061 for each in ranges
92 0.000939 exe printf(cmd, each, pfunc, nr2char(each))
92 0.000050 endfo
11 0.000012 for each in range(0, 9)
10 0.000114 exe printf(pcmd, each, pfunc, each)
10 0.000006 endfo
6 0.000013 for [ke, va] in items(s:kprange)
5 0.000056 exe printf(pcmd, ke, pfunc, va)
5 0.000003 endfo
1 0.000002 let s:nmapped = s:bufnr
FUNCTION <SNR>30_is_excluded_window()
Called 36 times
Total time: 0.001536
Self time: 0.001536
count total (s) self (s)
36 0.000067 for matchft in g:airline_exclude_filetypes
if matchft ==# &ft
return 1
144 0.000153 for matchw in g:airline_exclude_filenames
108 0.000621 if matchstr(expand('%'), matchw) ==# matchw
return 1
108 0.000063 endfor
36 0.000044 if g:airline_exclude_preview && &previewwindow
return 1
36 0.000019 return 0
FUNCTION <SNR>52_iscmdwin()
Called 1 time
Total time: 0.000030
Self time: 0.000030
count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000003 let ermsg = v:errmsg
1 0.000010 sil! noa winc p
1 0.000006 sil! noa winc p
1 0.000004 let [v:errmsg, ermsg] = [ermsg, v:errmsg]
1 0.000005 retu ermsg =~ '^E11:'
FUNCTION <SNR>52_unmarksigns()
Called 45 times
Total time: 0.000316
Self time: 0.000156
count total (s) self (s)
45 0.000292 0.000132 if !s:dosigns() | retu | en
for key in keys(s:marked)
exe 'sign unplace' key 'buffer='.s:bufnr
FUNCTION <SNR>52_walker()
Called 88 times
Total time: 0.000228
Self time: 0.000228
count total (s) self (s)
88 0.000209 retu a:d >= 0 ? a:p < a:m ? a:p + a:d : 0 : a:p > 0 ? a:p + a:d : a:m
FUNCTION <SNR>52_PrtExit()
Called 1 time
Total time: 0.003916
Self time: 0.000058
count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000015 if bufnr('%') == s:bufnr && bufname('%') == 'ControlP'
1 0.003886 0.000028 noa cal s:Close()
1 0.000012 noa winc p
1 0.000001 en
FUNCTION ctrlp#utils#readfile()
Called 1 time
Total time: 0.000050
Self time: 0.000050
count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000012 if filereadable(a:file)
1 0.000028 let data = readfile(a:file)
1 0.000005 if empty(data) || type(data) != 3
unl data
let data = []
1 0.000001 retu data
retu []
FUNCTION <SNR>52_Close()
Called 1 time
Total time: 0.003858
Self time: 0.000923
count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000027 0.000007 cal s:buffunc(0)
1 0.000005 if winnr('$') == 1
1 0.000294 try | bun!
1 0.000006 cat | clo! | endt
1 0.000027 0.000009 cal s:unmarksigns()
1 0.000001 en
34 0.000124 for key in keys(s:glbs) | if exists('+'.key)
17 0.000293 sil! exe 'let &'.key.' = s:glb_'.key
33 0.000037 en | endfo
1 0.000005 if exists('s:glb_acd') | let &acd = s:glb_acd | en
1 0.000003 let g:ctrlp_lines = []
1 0.000007 if s:winres[1] >= &lines && s:winres[2] == winnr('$')
1 0.000036 exe s:winres[0].s:winres[0]
1 0.000001 en
1 0.000015 unl! s:focus s:hisidx s:hstgot s:marked s:statypes s:cline s:init s:savestr s:mrbs s:did_exp
1 0.002871 0.000014 cal ctrlp#recordhist()
1 0.000028 0.000014 cal s:execextvar('exit')
1 0.000033 0.000007 cal s:log(0)
1 0.000004 let v:errmsg = s:ermsg
1 0.000018 ec
FUNCTION <SNR>52_writecache()
Called 1 time
Total time: 0.015257
Self time: 0.000029
count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000031 0.000018 if ( g:ctrlp_newcache || !filereadable(a:cafile) ) && !s:nocache()
1 0.015222 0.000007 cal ctrlp#utils#writecache(g:ctrlp_allfiles)
1 0.000004 let g:ctrlp_newcache = 0
1 0.000000 en
FUNCTION <SNR>52_SplitPattern()
Called 44 times
Total time: 0.011695
Self time: 0.007213
count total (s) self (s)
44 0.000060 let str = a:str
44 0.000120 if s:migemo && s:regexp && len(str) > 0 && executable('cmigemo')
let str = s:migemo(str)
44 0.000094 let s:savestr = str
44 0.000026 if s:regexp
let pat = s:regexfilter(str)
44 0.001043 let lst = split(str, '\zs')
44 0.000124 if exists('+ssl') && !&ssl
cal map(lst, 'escape(v:val, ''\'')')
176 0.000230 for each in ['^', '$', '.']
132 0.003633 cal map(lst, 'escape(v:val, each)')
132 0.000188 endfo
44 0.000020 en
44 0.000063 if exists('lst')
44 0.000042 let pat = ''
44 0.000054 if !empty(lst)
43 0.000221 0.000157 if s:byfname() && index(lst, ';') > 0
let fbar = index(lst, ';')
let lst_1 = s:sublist(lst, 0, fbar - 1)
let lst_2 = len(lst) - 1 > fbar ? s:sublist(lst, fbar + 1, -1) : ['']
let pat = s:buildpat(lst_1).';'.s:buildpat(lst_2)
43 0.004561 0.000143 let pat = s:buildpat(lst)
43 0.000019 en
43 0.000018 en
44 0.000017 en
44 0.000230 retu escape(pat, '~')
FUNCTION <SNR>52_autocmds()
Called 1 time
Total time: 0.000015
Self time: 0.000015
count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000004 if !has('autocmd') | retu | en
1 0.000004 if exists('#CtrlPLazy')
au! CtrlPLazy
1 0.000000 if s:lazy
aug CtrlPLazy
au CursorHold ControlP cal s:ForceUpdate()
aug END
FUNCTION <SNR>52_GlobPath()
Called 17 times
Total time: 3.953698
Self time: 0.030597
count total (s) self (s)
17 0.127910 let entries = split(globpath(a:dirs, s:glob), "\n")
17 0.482099 0.000234 let [dnf, depth] = [ctrlp#dirnfile(entries), a:depth + 1]
17 0.001128 cal extend(g:ctrlp_allfiles, dnf[1])
17 0.000172 0.000129 if !empty(dnf[0]) && !s:maxf(len(g:ctrlp_allfiles)) && depth <= s:maxdepth
16 0.714269 0.000131 sil! cal ctrlp#progress(len(g:ctrlp_allfiles), 1)
16 0.037901 0.002836 cal s:GlobPath(join(map(dnf[0], 's:fnesc(v:val, "g", ",")'), ','), depth)
16 0.000010 en
FUNCTION <SNR>52_MatchIt()
Called 44 times
Total time: 0.172274
Self time: 0.150770
count total (s) self (s)
44 0.000104 let [lines, id] = [[], 0]
44 0.000286 0.000223 let pat = s:byfname() ? map(split(a:pat, '^[^;]\+\\\@<!\zs;', 1), 's:martcs.v:val') : s:martcs.a:pat
6256 0.003763 for item in a:items
6240 0.004060 let id += 1
12436 0.086567 try | if !( s:ispath && item == a:exc ) && call(s:mfunc, [item, pat]) >= 0
408 0.000722 cal add(lines, item)
6608 0.002271 en | cat | brea | endt
6268 0.008351 if a:limit > 0 && len(lines) >= a:limit | brea | en
6212 0.002491 endfo
44 0.043585 0.022144 let s:mdata = [s:dyncwd, s:itemtype, s:regexp, s:sublist(a:items, id, -1)]
44 0.000048 retu lines
FUNCTION <SNR>52_setupblank()
Called 1 time
Total time: 0.000050
Self time: 0.000050
count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000018 setl noswf nonu nobl nowrap nolist nospell nocuc wfh
1 0.000021 setl fdc=0 fdl=99 tw=0 bt=nofile bh=unload
1 0.000002 if v:version > 702
1 0.000007 setl nornu noudf cc=0
1 0.000000 en
FUNCTION airline#parts#paste()
Called 93 times
Total time: 0.000262
Self time: 0.000262
count total (s) self (s)
93 0.000228 return g:airline_detect_paste && &paste ? g:airline_symbols.paste : ''
FUNCTION ctrlp#utils#cachedir()
Called 4 times
Total time: 0.000011
Self time: 0.000011
count total (s) self (s)
4 0.000008 retu s:cache_dir
FUNCTION <SNR>52_settype()
Called 1 time
Total time: 0.000003
Self time: 0.000003
count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000003 retu a:type < 0 ? exists('s:itemtype') ? s:itemtype : 0 : a:type
FUNCTION airline#update_statusline()
Called 6 times
Total time: 0.060914
Self time: 0.001087
count total (s) self (s)
37 0.000143 for nr in filter(range(1, winnr('$')), 'v:val != winnr()')
31 0.000121 call setwinvar(nr, 'airline_active', 0)
31 0.000163 let context = { 'winnr': nr, 'active': 0, 'bufnr': winbufnr(nr) }
31 0.046375 0.000231 call s:invoke_funcrefs(context, s:inactive_funcrefs)
31 0.000067 endfor
6 0.000008 unlet! w:airline_render_left
6 0.000005 unlet! w:airline_render_right
54 0.000049 for section in s:sections
48 0.000100 unlet! w:airline_section_{section}
48 0.000020 endfor
6 0.000011 let w:airline_active = 1
6 0.000032 let context = { 'winnr': winnr(), 'active': 1, 'bufnr': winbufnr(winnr()) }
6 0.013724 0.000041 call s:invoke_funcrefs(context, g:airline_statusline_funcrefs)
FUNCTION <SNR>13_on_window_changed()
Called 4 times
Total time: 0.040899
Self time: 0.000099
count total (s) self (s)
4 0.000026 if pumvisible()
4 0.000128 0.000027 call <sid>init()
4 0.040718 0.000019 call airline#update_statusline()
FUNCTION <SNR>52_comptime()
Called 807 times
Total time: 0.008872
Self time: 0.008872
count total (s) self (s)
" By last modified time
807 0.006922 let [time1, time2] = [getftime(a:1), getftime(a:2)]
807 0.001371 retu time1 == time2 ? 0 : time1 < time2 ? 1 : -1
FUNCTION airline#util#append()
Called 186 times
Total time: 0.001682
Self time: 0.001682
count total (s) self (s)
186 0.000292 if a:minwidth > 0 && winwidth(0) < a:minwidth
return ''
186 0.000585 let prefix = s:spc == "\ua0" ? s:spc : s:spc.s:spc
186 0.000486 return empty(a:text) ? '' : prefix.g:airline_left_alt_sep.s:spc.a:text
Called 80 times
Total time: 0.000405
Self time: 0.000405
count total (s) self (s)
80 0.000089 let self._side = 0
80 0.000277 let self._line .= '%#'.self._curgroup.'#'.(a:0 ? a:1 : '%=')
FUNCTION <SNR>52_Reset()
Called 1 time
Total time: 0.000761
Self time: 0.000038
count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000005 let opts = has_key(a:args, 'opts') ? [a:args['opts']] : []
1 0.000643 0.000012 cal call('s:opts', opts)
1 0.000022 0.000007 cal s:autocmds()
1 0.000077 0.000007 cal ctrlp#utils#opts()
1 0.000014 0.000007 cal s:execextvar('opts')
FUNCTION ctrlp#setdir()
Called 1 time
Total time: 0.000106
Self time: 0.000061
count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000002 let cmd = a:0 ? a:1 : 'lc!'
1 0.000083 0.000038 sil! exe cmd s:fnesc(a:path, 'c')
1 0.000021 let [s:crfilerel, s:dyncwd] = [fnamemodify(s:crfile, ':.'), getcwd()]
FUNCTION <SNR>52_multipliers()
Called 807 times
Total time: 0.007458
Self time: 0.007458
count total (s) self (s)
807 0.001087 let mp0 = !a:1 ? 0 : 2
807 0.001413 let mp1 = !a:2 ? 0 : 1 + ( !mp0 ? 1 : mp0 )
807 0.001513 let mp2 = !a:3 ? 0 : 1 + ( !( mp0 + mp1 ) ? 1 : ( mp0 + mp1 ) )
807 0.001531 let mp3 = !a:4 ? 0 : 1 + ( !( mp0 + mp1 + mp2 ) ? 1 : ( mp0 + mp1 + mp2 ) )
807 0.001235 retu [mp0, mp1, mp2, mp3]
FUNCTION <SNR>52_Update()
Called 44 times
Total time: 0.660695
Self time: 0.026522
count total (s) self (s)
" Get the previous string if existed
44 0.000172 let oldstr = exists('s:savestr') ? s:savestr : ''
" Get the new string sans tail
44 0.002333 0.000253 let str = s:sanstail(a:str)
" Stop if the string's unchanged
44 0.000172 if str == oldstr && !empty(str) && !exists('s:force') | retu | en
44 0.000234 let s:martcs = &scs && str =~ '\u' ? '\C' : ''
44 0.012137 0.000442 let pat = s:matcher == {} ? s:SplitPattern(str) : str
44 0.218709 0.024845 let lines = s:nolim == 1 && empty(str) ? copy(g:ctrlp_lines) : s:MatchedItems(g:ctrlp_lines, pat, s:mw_res)
44 0.426751 0.000217 cal s:Render(lines, pat)
FUNCTION <SNR>52_findroot()
Called 3 times
Total time: 0.002023
Self time: 0.000413
count total (s) self (s)
3 0.000011 let [depth, fnd] = [a:depth + 1, 0]
3 0.000006 if type(a:mark) == 1
let fnd = s:glbpath(s:fnesc(a:curr, 'g', ','), a:mark, 1) != ''
elsei type(a:mark) == 3
13 0.000019 for markr in a:mark
11 0.000821 0.000101 if s:glbpath(s:fnesc(a:curr, 'g', ','), markr, 1) != ''
1 0.000002 let fnd = 1
1 0.000001 brea
10 0.000005 endfo
3 0.000003 en
3 0.000003 if fnd
1 0.000115 0.000009 if !a:type | cal ctrlp#setdir(a:curr) | en
1 0.000004 retu [exists('markr') ? markr : a:mark, a:curr]
elsei depth > s:maxdepth
cal ctrlp#setdir(s:cwd)
2 0.000073 0.000011 let parent = s:getparent(a:curr)
2 0.000005 if parent != a:curr
2 0.000010 retu s:findroot(parent, a:mark, depth, a:type)
retu []
FUNCTION ctrlp#progress()
Called 16 times
Total time: 0.714138
Self time: 0.713401
count total (s) self (s)
16 0.020341 if has('macunix') || has('mac') | sl 1m | en
16 0.000145 let txt = a:0 ? '(press ctrl-c to abort)' : ''
16 0.000065 if s:status != {}
16 0.000126 let argms = has_key(s:status, 'arg_type') && s:status['arg_type'] == 'dict' ? [{ 'str': a:enum }] : [a:enum]
16 0.001140 0.000403 let &l:stl = call(s:status['prog'], argms, s:status)
16 0.000013 el
let &l:stl = '%#CtrlPStats# '.a:enum.' %* '.txt.'%=%<%#CtrlPMode2# %{getcwd()} %*'
16 0.692203 redraws
FUNCTION airline#parts#readonly()
Called 93 times
Total time: 0.000238
Self time: 0.000238
count total (s) self (s)
93 0.000178 return &readonly ? g:airline_symbols.readonly : ''
FUNCTION airline#statusline()
Called 521 times
Total time: 0.008037
Self time: 0.008037
count total (s) self (s)
521 0.003721 if has_key(s:contexts, a:winnr)
521 0.003169 return '%{airline#check_mode('.a:winnr.')}'.s:contexts[a:winnr].line
" in rare circumstances this happens...see #276
return ''
FUNCTION <SNR>52_buildpat()
Called 43 times
Total time: 0.004418
Self time: 0.004418
count total (s) self (s)
43 0.000080 let pat = a:lst[0]
946 0.000722 for item in range(1, len(a:lst) - 1)
903 0.002884 let pat .= '[^'.a:lst[item - 1].']\{-}'.a:lst[item]
903 0.000382 endfo
43 0.000039 retu pat
FUNCTION <SNR>52_byfname()
Called 176 times
Total time: 0.000281
Self time: 0.000281
count total (s) self (s)
176 0.000222 retu s:ispath && s:byfname
FUNCTION ctrlp#utils#cachefile()
Called 2 times
Total time: 0.000100
Self time: 0.000085
count total (s) self (s)
2 0.000030 let [tail, dir] = [a:0 == 1 ? '.'.a:1 : '', a:0 == 2 ? a:1 : getcwd()]
2 0.000035 let cache_file = substitute(dir, '\([\/]\|^\a\zs:\)', '%', 'g').tail.'.txt'
2 0.000032 0.000017 retu a:0 == 1 ? cache_file : s:cache_dir.s:lash(s:cache_dir).cache_file
FUNCTION ctrlp#utils#writecache()
Called 2 times
Total time: 0.017907
Self time: 0.017825
count total (s) self (s)
2 0.000063 0.000025 if isdirectory(ctrlp#utils#mkdir(a:0 ? a:1 : s:cache_dir))
2 0.017834 0.017790 sil! cal writefile(a:lines, a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : ctrlp#utils#cachefile())
2 0.000007 en
FUNCTION airline#themes#get_highlight()
Called 1674 times
Total time: 0.126274
Self time: 0.009188
count total (s) self (s)
1674 0.125811 0.008725 return call('airline#highlighter#get_highlight', [a:group] + a:000)
FUNCTION <SNR>52_offset()
Called 44 times
Total time: 0.000249
Self time: 0.000249
count total (s) self (s)
44 0.000133 let s:offset = s:mw_order == 'btt' ? ( a:height - s:res_count ) : 0
44 0.000098 retu s:offset > 0 ? ( repeat([''], s:offset) + a:lines ) : a:lines
FUNCTION <SNR>52_buffunc()
Called 2 times
Total time: 0.000033
Self time: 0.000033
count total (s) self (s)
2 0.000009 if a:e && has_key(s:buffunc, 'enter')
cal call(s:buffunc['enter'], [], s:buffunc)
elsei !a:e && has_key(s:buffunc, 'exit')
cal call(s:buffunc['exit'], [], s:buffunc)
FUNCTION <SNR>52_getenv()
Called 1 time
Total time: 0.000277
Self time: 0.000132
count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000031 let [s:cwd, s:winres] = [getcwd(), [winrestcmd(), &lines, winnr('$')]]
1 0.000008 let [s:crword, s:crnbword] = [expand('<cword>', 1), expand('<cWORD>', 1)]
1 0.000007 let [s:crgfile, s:crline] = [expand('<cfile>', 1), getline('.')]
1 0.000007 let [s:winmaxh, s:crcursor] = [min([s:mw_max, &lines]), getpos('.')]
1 0.000156 0.000013 let [s:crbufnr, s:crvisual] = [bufnr('%'), s:lastvisual()]
1 0.000036 let s:crfile = bufname('%') == '' ? '['.s:crbufnr.'*No Name]' : expand('%:p', 1)
1 0.000018 let s:crfpath = expand('%:p:h', 1)
1 0.000011 0.000009 let s:mrbs = ctrlp#mrufiles#bufs()
FUNCTION <SNR>52_sanstail()
Called 44 times
Total time: 0.002080
Self time: 0.002080
count total (s) self (s)
44 0.000740 let str = s:spi ? substitute(a:str, '^\(@.*$\|\\\\\ze@\|\.\.\zs[.\/]\+$\)', '', 'g') : a:str
44 0.000380 let [str, pat] = [substitute(str, '\\\\', '\', 'g'), '\([^:]\|\\:\)*$']
44 0.000044 unl! s:optail
44 0.000442 if str =~ '\\\@<!:'.pat
let s:optail = matchstr(str, '\\\@<!:\zs'.pat)
let str = substitute(str, '\\\@<!:'.pat, '', '')
44 0.000188 retu substitute(str, '\\\ze:', '', 'g')
FUNCTION airline#extensions#default#apply()
Called 36 times
Total time: 0.052480
Self time: 0.001502
count total (s) self (s)
36 0.000061 let winnr = a:context.winnr
36 0.000056 let active =
36 0.000352 0.000208 if airline#util#getwinvar(winnr, 'airline_render_left', active || (!active && !g:airline_inactive_collapse))
5 0.004599 0.000027 call <sid>build_sections(a:builder, a:context, s:layout[0])
5 0.000003 else
31 0.001849 0.000172 call a:builder.add_section('airline_c'.(a:context.bufnr), ' %f%m ')
31 0.000019 endif
36 0.001653 0.000297 call a:builder.split(s:get_section(winnr, 'gutter', '', ''))
36 0.000262 0.000160 if airline#util#getwinvar(winnr, 'airline_render_right', 1)
36 0.043311 0.000184 call <sid>build_sections(a:builder, a:context, s:layout[1])
36 0.000016 endif
36 0.000025 return 1
FUNCTION <SNR>52_narrowable()
Called 44 times
Total time: 0.000491
Self time: 0.000491
count total (s) self (s)
44 0.000471 retu exists('s:act_add') && exists('s:matched') && s:matched != [] && exists('s:mdata') && s:mdata[:2] == [s:dyncwd, s:itemtype, s:regexp] && s:matcher == {} && !exists('s:did_exp')
FUNCTION <SNR>52_MapSpecs()
Called 1 time
Total time: 0.000887
Self time: 0.000887
count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000004 if !( exists('s:smapped') && s:smapped == s:bufnr )
" Correct arrow keys in terminal
1 0.000018 if ( has('termresponse') && v:termresponse =~ "\<ESC>" ) || &term =~? '\vxterm|<k?vt|gnome|screen|linux|ansi'
5 0.000007 for each in ['\A <up>','\B <down>','\C <right>','\D <left>']
4 0.000032 exe s:lcmap.' <esc>['.each
4 0.000004 endfo
1 0.000001 en
1 0.000001 en
121 0.000130 for [ke, va] in items(s:prtmaps) | for kp in va
53 0.000564 exe s:lcmap kp ':<c-u>cal <SID>'.ke.'<cr>'
87 0.000038 endfo | endfo
1 0.000002 let s:smapped = s:bufnr
FUNCTION <SNR>52_getextvar()
Called 2 times
Total time: 0.000012
Self time: 0.000012
count total (s) self (s)
2 0.000001 if s:itemtype > 2
let vars = g:ctrlp_ext_vars[s:itemtype - 3]
retu has_key(vars, a:key) ? vars[a:key] : -1
2 0.000001 retu -1
FUNCTION GetRubyIndent()
Called 5 times
Total time: 0.022587
Self time: 0.001732
count total (s) self (s)
" 3.1. Setup {{{2
" ----------
" For the current line, use the first argument if given, else v:lnum
5 0.000044 let clnum = a:0 ? a:1 : v:lnum
" Set up variables for restoring position in file. Could use clnum here.
5 0.000027 let vcol = col('.')
" 3.2. Work on the current line {{{2
" -----------------------------
" Get the current line.
5 0.000017 let line = getline(clnum)
5 0.000008 let ind = -1
" If we got a closing bracket on an empty line, find its match and indent
" according to it. For parentheses we indent to its column - 1, for the
" others we indent to the containing line's MSL's level. Return -1 if fail.
5 0.000089 let col = matchend(line, '^\s*[]})]')
5 0.000032 if col > 0 && !s:IsInStringOrComment(clnum, col)
call cursor(clnum, col)
let bs = strpart('(){}[]', stridx(')}]', line[col - 1]) * 2, 2)
if searchpair(escape(bs[0], '\['), '', bs[1], 'bW', s:skip_expr) > 0
if line[col-1]==')' && col('.') != col('$') - 1
let ind = virtcol('.') - 1
let ind = indent(s:GetMSL(line('.')))
return ind
" If we have a =begin or =end set indent to first column.
5 0.000056 if match(line, '^\s*\%(=begin\|=end\)$') != -1
return 0
" If we have a deindenting keyword, find its match and indent to its level.
" TODO: this is messy
5 0.000167 0.000046 if s:Match(clnum, s:ruby_deindent_keywords)
call cursor(clnum, 1)
if searchpair(s:end_start_regex, s:end_middle_regex, s:end_end_regex, 'bW', s:end_skip_expr) > 0
let msl = s:GetMSL(line('.'))
let line = getline(line('.'))
if strpart(line, 0, col('.') - 1) =~ '=\s*$' && strpart(line, col('.') - 1, 2) !~ 'do'
let ind = virtcol('.') - 1
elseif getline(msl) =~ '=\s*\(#.*\)\=$'
let ind = indent(line('.'))
let ind = indent(msl)
return ind
" If we are in a multi-line string or line-comment, don't do anything to it.
5 0.000152 0.000069 if s:IsInStringOrDocumentation(clnum, matchend(line, '^\s*') + 1)
return indent('.')
" If we are at the closing delimiter of a "<<" heredoc-style string, set the
" indent to 0.
5 0.000050 if line =~ '^\k\+\s*$' && s:IsInStringDelimiter(clnum, 1) && search('\V<<'.line, 'nbW') > 0
return 0
" 3.3. Work on the previous line. {{{2
" -------------------------------
" Find a non-blank, non-multi-line string line above the current line.
5 0.012872 0.000041 let lnum = s:PrevNonBlankNonString(clnum - 1)
" If the line is empty and inside a string, use the previous line.
5 0.000039 if line =~ '^\s*$' && lnum != prevnonblank(clnum - 1)
return indent(prevnonblank(clnum))
" At the start of the file use zero indent.
5 0.000005 if lnum == 0
return 0
" Set up variables for the previous line.
5 0.000015 let line = getline(lnum)
5 0.000010 let ind = indent(lnum)
" If the previous line ended with a block opening, add a level of indent.
5 0.000197 0.000056 if s:Match(lnum, s:block_regex)
return indent(s:GetMSL(lnum)) + &sw
" If the previous line ended with the "*" of a splat, add a level of indent
5 0.000037 if line =~ s:splat_regex
return indent(lnum) + &sw
" If the previous line contained unclosed opening brackets and we are still
" in them, find the rightmost one and add indent depending on the bracket
" type.
" If it contained hanging closing brackets, find the rightmost one, find its
" match and indent according to that.
5 0.000030 if line =~ '[[({]' || line =~ '[])}]\s*\%(#.*\)\=$'
3 0.001831 0.000029 let [opening, closing] = s:ExtraBrackets(lnum)
3 0.000003 if opening.pos != -1
1 0.000004 if opening.type == '(' && searchpair('(', '', ')', 'bW', s:skip_expr) > 0
if col('.') + 1 == col('$')
return ind + &sw
return virtcol('.')
1 0.000007 let nonspace = matchend(line, '\S', opening.pos + 1) - 1
1 0.000006 return nonspace > 0 ? nonspace : ind + &sw
elseif closing.pos != -1
call cursor(lnum, closing.pos + 1)
normal! %
if s:Match(line('.'), s:ruby_indent_keywords)
return indent('.') + &sw
return indent('.')
2 0.000006 call cursor(clnum, vcol)
2 0.000002 end
2 0.000002 endif
" If the previous line ended with an "end", match that "end"s beginning's
" indent.
4 0.000101 0.000018 let col = s:Match(lnum, '\%(^\|[^.:@$]\)\<end\>\s*\%(#.*\)\=$')
4 0.000004 if col > 0
call cursor(lnum, col)
if searchpair(s:end_start_regex, '', s:end_end_regex, 'bW', s:end_skip_expr) > 0
let n = line('.')
let ind = indent('.')
let msl = s:GetMSL(n)
if msl != n
let ind = indent(msl)
return ind
4 0.000249 0.000022 let col = s:Match(lnum, s:ruby_indent_keywords)
4 0.000004 if col > 0
1 0.000004 call cursor(lnum, col)
1 0.000008 let ind = virtcol('.') - 1 + &sw
" TODO: make this better (we need to count them) (or, if a searchpair
" fails, we know that something is lacking an end and thus we indent a
" level
1 0.000022 0.000005 if s:Match(lnum, s:end_end_regex)
let ind = indent('.')
1 0.000001 return ind
" 3.4. Work on the MSL line. {{{2
" --------------------------
" Set up variables to use and search for MSL to the previous line.
3 0.000005 let p_lnum = lnum
3 0.005370 0.000018 let lnum = s:GetMSL(lnum)
" If the previous line wasn't a MSL and is continuation return its indent.
" TODO: the || s:IsInString() thing worries me a bit.
3 0.000004 if p_lnum != lnum
if s:Match(p_lnum, s:non_bracket_continuation_regex) || s:IsInString(p_lnum,strlen(line))
return ind
" Set up more variables, now that we know we wasn't continuation bound.
3 0.000008 let line = getline(lnum)
3 0.000007 let msl_ind = indent(lnum)
" If the MSL line had an indenting keyword in it, add a level of indent.
" TODO: this does not take into account contrived things such as
" module Foo; class Bar; end
3 0.000127 0.000021 if s:Match(lnum, s:ruby_indent_keywords)
let ind = msl_ind + &sw
if s:Match(lnum, s:end_end_regex)
let ind = ind - &sw
return ind
" If the previous line ended with [*+/.,-=], but wasn't a block ending or a
" closing bracket, indent one extra level.
3 0.000110 0.000018 if s:Match(lnum, s:non_bracket_continuation_regex) && !s:Match(lnum, '^\s*\([\])}]\|end\)')
if lnum == p_lnum
let ind = msl_ind + &sw
let ind = msl_ind
return ind
" }}}2
3 0.000003 return ind
FUNCTION airline#extensions#apply()
Called 36 times
Total time: 0.003007
Self time: 0.001471
count total (s) self (s)
36 0.000083 let s:active_winnr = winnr()
36 0.001669 0.000133 if s:is_excluded_window()
return -1
36 0.000064 if &buftype == 'help'
call airline#extensions#apply_left_override('Help', '%f')
let w:airline_section_x = ''
let w:airline_section_y = ''
let w:airline_render_right = 1
36 0.000033 if &previewwindow
let w:airline_section_a = 'Preview'
let w:airline_section_b = ''
let w:airline_section_c = bufname(winbufnr(winnr()))
36 0.000167 if has_key(s:filetype_overrides, &ft)
let args = s:filetype_overrides[&ft]
call airline#extensions#apply_left_override(args[0], args[1])
36 0.000104 for item in items(s:filetype_regex_overrides)
if match(&ft, item[0]) >= 0
call airline#extensions#apply_left_override(item[1][0], item[1][1])
FUNCTION airline#extensions#whitespace#check()
Called 93 times
Total time: 0.003689
Self time: 0.003689
count total (s) self (s)
93 0.000396 if &readonly || !&modifiable || !s:enabled || line('$') > s:max_lines
return ''
93 0.000301 if !exists('b:airline_whitespace_check')
let b:airline_whitespace_check = ''
let checks = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#whitespace#checks', s:default_checks)
let trailing = 0
if index(checks, 'trailing') > -1
let trailing = search(' $', 'nw')
let mixed = 0
if index(checks, 'indent') > -1
let indents = [search('^ \{2,}', 'nb'), search('^ \{2,}', 'n'), search('^\t', 'nb'), search('^\t', 'n')]
let mixed = indents[0] != 0 && indents[1] != 0 && indents[2] != 0 && indents[3] != 0
if trailing != 0 || mixed
let b:airline_whitespace_check = s:symbol
if s:show_message
if trailing != 0
let b:airline_whitespace_check .= (, trailing)
if mixed
let mixnr = indents[0] == indents[1] ? indents[0] : indents[2]
let b:airline_whitespace_check .= (, mixnr)
93 0.000129 return b:airline_whitespace_check
FUNCTION <SNR>52_match_window_opts()
Called 1 time
Total time: 0.000060
Self time: 0.000060
count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000012 let s:mw_pos = s:mw =~ 'top\|bottom' ? matchstr(s:mw, 'top\|bottom') : exists('g:ctrlp_match_window_bottom') ? ( s:mwbottom ? 'bottom' : 'top' ) : 'bottom'
1 0.000011 let s:mw_order = s:mw =~ 'order:[^,]\+' ? matchstr(s:mw, 'order:\zs[^,]\+') : exists('g:ctrlp_match_window_reversed') ? ( s:mwreverse ? 'btt' : 'ttb' ) : 'btt'
1 0.000007 let s:mw_max = s:mw =~ 'max:[^,]\+' ? str2nr(matchstr(s:mw, 'max:\zs\d\+')) : exists('g:ctrlp_max_height') ? s:mxheight : 10
1 0.000005 let s:mw_min = s:mw =~ 'min:[^,]\+' ? str2nr(matchstr(s:mw, 'min:\zs\d\+')) : 1
1 0.000008 let [s:mw_max, s:mw_min] = [max([s:mw_max, 1]), max([s:mw_min, 1])]
1 0.000004 let s:mw_min = min([s:mw_min, s:mw_max])
1 0.000009 let s:mw_res = s:mw =~ 'results:[^,]\+' ? str2nr(matchstr(s:mw, 'results:\zs\d\+')) : min([s:mw_max, &lines])
1 0.000003 let s:mw_res = max([s:mw_res, 1])
FUNCTION ctrlp#dirnfile()
Called 17 times
Total time: 0.481865
Self time: 0.171878
count total (s) self (s)
17 0.000372 0.000161 let [items, cwd] = [[[], []], s:dyncwd.s:lash()]
7792 0.005289 for each in a:entries
7775 0.032953 let etype = getftype(each)
8779 0.334753 0.024977 if s:igntype >= 0 && s:usrign(each, etype) | con | en
6770 0.006671 if etype == 'dir'
930 0.000737 if s:showhidden | if each !~ '[\/]\.\{1,2}$'
cal add(items[0], each)
en | el
930 0.001854 cal add(items[0], each)
930 0.000387 en
930 0.000552 elsei etype == 'link'
if s:folsym
let isfile = !isdirectory(each)
if s:folsym == 2 || !s:samerootsyml(each, isfile, cwd)
cal add(items[isfile], each)
elsei etype == 'file'
5840 0.010640 cal add(items[1], each)
5840 0.002230 en
6770 0.003994 endfo
17 0.000016 retu items
FUNCTION <SNR>52_dohighlight()
Called 44 times
Total time: 0.000410
Self time: 0.000221
count total (s) self (s)
44 0.000390 0.000201 retu s:mathi[0] && exists('*clearmatches') && !ctrlp#nosy()
FUNCTION <SNR>52_getinput()
Called 44 times
Total time: 0.002077
Self time: 0.002077
count total (s) self (s)
44 0.000178 let [prt, spi] = [s:prompt, ( a:0 ? a:1 : '' )]
44 0.000085 if s:abbrev != {}
let gmd = has_key(s:abbrev, 'gmode') ? s:abbrev['gmode'] : ''
let str = ( gmd =~ 't' && !a:0 ) || spi == 'c' ? prt[0] : join(prt, '')
if gmd =~ 't' && gmd =~ 'k' && !a:0 && matchstr(str, '.$') =~ '\k'
retu join(prt, '')
let [pf, rz] = [( s:byfname() ? 'f' : 'p' ), ( s:regexp ? 'r' : 'z' )]
for dict in s:abbrev['abbrevs']
let dmd = has_key(dict, 'mode') ? dict['mode'] : ''
let pat = escape(dict['pattern'], '~')
if ( dmd == '' || ( dmd =~ pf && dmd =~ rz && !a:0 ) || dmd =~ '['.spi.']' ) && str =~ pat
let [str, s:did_exp] = [join(split(str, pat, 1), dict['expanded']), 1]
if gmd =~ 't' && !a:0
let prt[0] = str
retu str
44 0.000202 retu spi == 'c' ? prt[0] : join(prt, '')
FUNCTION <SNR>45_IsInStringOrDocumentation()
Called 5 times
Total time: 0.000083
Self time: 0.000083
count total (s) self (s)
5 0.000077 return synIDattr(synID(a:lnum, a:col, 1), 'name') =~ s:syng_stringdoc
FUNCTION airline#highlighter#get_highlight()
Called 1674 times
Total time: 0.117086
Self time: 0.032251
count total (s) self (s)
1674 0.042961 0.005759 let fg = s:get_syn(a:group, 'fg')
1674 0.039547 0.005470 let bg = s:get_syn(a:group, 'bg')
1674 0.012225 let reverse = synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID(a:group)), 'reverse', has('gui_running') ? 'gui' : 'term')
1674 0.021210 0.007654 return reverse ? s:get_array(bg, fg, a:000) : s:get_array(fg, bg, a:000)
Called 3 times
Total time: 0.005352
Self time: 0.000368
count total (s) self (s)
" Start on the line we're at and use its indent.
3 0.000004 let msl = a:lnum
3 0.000006 let msl_body = getline(msl)
3 0.004276 0.000015 let lnum = s:PrevNonBlankNonString(a:lnum - 1)
3 0.000004 while lnum > 0
" If we have a continuation line, or we're in a string, use line as MSL.
" Otherwise, terminate search as we have found our MSL already.
3 0.000008 let line = getline(lnum)
3 0.000076 0.000028 if s:Match(lnum, s:splat_regex)
" If the above line looks like the "*" of a splat, use the current one's
" indentation.
" Example:
" Hash[*
" method_call do
" something
return msl
elseif s:Match(line, s:non_bracket_continuation_regex) && s:Match(msl, s:non_bracket_continuation_regex)
" If the current line is a non-bracket continuation and so is the
" previous one, keep its indent and continue looking for an MSL.
" Example:
" method_call one,
" two,
" three
let msl = lnum
elseif s:Match(lnum, s:non_bracket_continuation_regex) && (s:Match(msl, s:bracket_continuation_regex) || s:Match(msl, s:block_continuation_regex))
" If the current line is a bracket continuation or a block-starter, but
" the previous is a non-bracket one, respect the previous' indentation,
" and stop here.
" Example:
" method_call one,
" two {
" three
return lnum
elseif s:Match(lnum, s:bracket_continuation_regex) && (s:Match(msl, s:bracket_continuation_regex) || s:Match(msl, s:block_continuation_regex))
" If both lines are bracket continuations (the current may also be a
" block-starter), use the current one's and stop here
" Example:
" method_call(
" other_method_call(
" foo
return msl
elseif s:Match(lnum, s:block_regex) && !s:Match(msl, s:continuation_regex) && !s:Match(msl, s:block_continuation_regex)
" If the previous line is a block-starter and the current one is
" mostly ordinary, use the current one as the MSL.
" Example:
" method_call do
" something
" something_else
return msl
3 0.000074 let col = match(line, s:continuation_regex) + 1
3 0.000472 0.000026 if (col > 0 && !s:IsInStringOrComment(lnum, col)) || s:IsInString(lnum, strlen(line))
let msl = lnum
3 0.000003 break
let msl_body = getline(msl)
let lnum = s:PrevNonBlankNonString(lnum - 1)
3 0.000003 return msl
FUNCTION <SNR>52_strwidth()
Called 408 times
Total time: 0.001783
Self time: 0.001783
count total (s) self (s)
408 0.001663 retu exists('*strdisplaywidth') ? strdisplaywidth(a:str) : strlen(a:str)
FUNCTION <SNR>52_BuildPrompt()
Called 44 times
Total time: 28.141206
Self time: 27.419367
count total (s) self (s)
44 0.000336 0.000243 let base = ( s:regexp ? 'r' : '>' ).( s:byfname() ? 'd' : '>' ).'> '
44 0.002340 0.000263 let str = escape(s:getinput(), '\')
44 0.000359 let lazy = str == '' || exists('s:force') || !has('autocmd') ? 0 : s:lazy
44 0.000214 if a:upd && !lazy && ( s:matches || s:regexp || exists('s:did_exp') || str =~ '\(\\\(<\|>\)\|[*|]\)\|\(\\\:\([^:]\|\\:\)*$\)' )
44 0.661032 0.000337 sil! cal s:Update(str)
44 0.000018 en
44 0.059201 0.000227 sil! cal ctrlp#statusline()
" Toggling
44 0.000235 let [hiactive, hicursor, base] = s:focus ? ['CtrlPPrtText', 'CtrlPPrtCursor', base] : ['CtrlPPrtBase', 'CtrlPPrtBase', tr(base, '>', '-')]
44 0.000047 let hibase = 'CtrlPPrtBase'
" Build it
44 27.414028 redr
44 0.000589 let prt = copy(s:prompt)
44 0.000428 cal map(prt, 'escape(v:val, ''"\'')')
44 0.001662 exe 'echoh' hibase '| echon "'.base.'" | echoh' hiactive '| echon "'.prt[0].'" | echoh' hicursor '| echon "'.prt[1].'" | echoh' hiactive '| echon "'.prt[2].'" | echoh None'
" Append the cursor at the end
44 0.000114 if empty(prt[1]) && s:focus
44 0.000327 exe 'echoh' hibase '| echon "_" | echoh None'
44 0.000021 en
FUNCTION <SNR>52_shortest()
Called 1614 times
Total time: 0.006714
Self time: 0.006714
count total (s) self (s)
1614 0.006209 retu min(map(values(a:lens), 'v:val[0]'))
FUNCTION <SNR>52_sublist()
Called 44 times
Total time: 0.021441
Self time: 0.021441
count total (s) self (s)
44 0.021408 retu v:version > 701 ? a:l[(a:s):(a:e)] : s:sublist7071(a:l, a:s, a:e)
FUNCTION airline#util#wrap()
Called 725 times
Total time: 0.003201
Self time: 0.003201
count total (s) self (s)
725 0.001385 if a:minwidth > 0 && winwidth(0) < a:minwidth
return ''
725 0.000576 return a:text
FUNCTION ctrlp#utils#glob()
Called 1 time
Total time: 0.000056
Self time: 0.000016
count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000044 0.000004 let path = ctrlp#utils#fnesc(a:1, 'g')
1 0.000012 retu s:wig_cond ? glob(path, a:2) : glob(path)
FUNCTION ctrlp#setlines()
Called 1 time
Total time: 1.389865
Self time: 0.000025
count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000003 if a:0 | let s:itemtype = a:1 | en
1 0.000064 0.000004 cal s:modevar()
1 0.000002 let types = ['ctrlp#files()', 'ctrlp#buffers()', 'ctrlp#mrufiles#list()']
1 0.000002 if !empty(g:ctrlp_ext_vars)
cal map(copy(g:ctrlp_ext_vars), 'add(types, v:val["init"])')
1 1.389789 0.000009 let g:ctrlp_lines = eval(types[s:itemtype])
FUNCTION <SNR>52_Render()
Called 44 times
Total time: 0.426534
Self time: 0.009297
count total (s) self (s)
44 0.000321 let [&ma, lines, s:res_count] = [1, a:lines, len(a:lines)]
44 0.000205 let height = min([max([s:mw_min, s:res_count]), s:winmaxh])
44 0.000237 0.000178 let pat = s:byfname() ? split(a:pat, '^[^;]\+\\\@<!\zs;', 1)[0] : a:pat
44 0.000157 let cur_cmd = 'keepj norm! '.( s:mw_order == 'btt' ? 'G' : 'gg' ).'1|'
" Setup the match window
44 0.000860 sil! exe '%d _ | res' height
" Print the new items
44 0.000066 if empty(lines)
let [s:matched, s:lines] = [[], []]
let lines = [' == NO ENTRIES ==']
cal setline(1, s:offset(lines, height - 1))
setl noma nocul
exe cur_cmd
cal s:unmarksigns()
if s:dohighlight() | cal clearmatches() | en
44 0.000240 let s:matched = copy(lines)
" Sorting
44 0.000565 0.000160 if !s:nosort()
44 0.000101 let s:compat = s:martcs.pat
44 0.408583 0.002820 cal sort(lines, 's:mixedsort')
44 0.000053 unl s:compat
44 0.000017 en
44 0.000153 if s:mw_order == 'btt' | cal reverse(lines) | en
44 0.000222 let s:lines = copy(lines)
44 0.009181 0.001037 cal map(lines, 's:formatline(v:val)')
44 0.000692 0.000443 cal setline(1, s:offset(lines, height))
44 0.000319 setl noma cul
44 0.000494 exe cur_cmd
44 0.000440 0.000142 cal s:unmarksigns()
44 0.000300 0.000093 cal s:remarksigns()
44 0.000072 if exists('s:cline') && s:nolim != 1
cal cursor(s:cline, 1)
" Highlighting
44 0.000503 0.000093 if s:dohighlight()
44 0.001905 0.000203 cal s:highlight(pat, s:mathi[1])
44 0.000014 en
FUNCTION ctrlp#nosy()
Called 45 times
Total time: 0.000194
Self time: 0.000194
count total (s) self (s)
45 0.000180 retu !( has('syntax') && exists('g:syntax_on') )
FUNCTION <SNR>45_IsInStringOrComment()
Called 22 times
Total time: 0.017562
Self time: 0.017562
count total (s) self (s)
22 0.017545 return synIDattr(synID(a:lnum, a:col, 1), 'name') =~ s:syng_strcom
FUNCTION airline#highlighter#exec()
Called 3069 times
Total time: 0.090849
Self time: 0.090849
count total (s) self (s)
3069 0.003379 let colors = a:colors
3069 0.002269 if s:is_win32term
let colors[2] = s:gui2cui(get(colors, 0, ''), get(colors, 2, ''))
let colors[3] = s:gui2cui(get(colors, 1, ''), get(colors, 3, ''))
3069 0.068128 exec printf('hi %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s', a:group, get(colors, 0, '') != '' ? 'guifg='.colors[0] : '', get(colors, 1, '') != '' ? 'guibg='.colors[1] : '', get(colors, 2, '') != '' ? 'ctermfg='.colors[2] : '', get(colors, 3, '') != '' ? 'ctermbg='.colors[3] : '', get(colors, 4, '') != '' ? 'gui='.colors[4] : '', get(colors, 4, '') != '' ? 'cterm='.colors[4] : '', get(colors, 4, '') != '' ? 'term='.colors[4] : '')
FUNCTION <SNR>52_usrign()
Called 7776 times
Total time: 0.309807
Self time: 0.309807
count total (s) self (s)
7776 0.307783 retu s:igntype == 1 ? a:item =~ s:usrign : s:igntype == 4 && has_key(s:usrign, a:type) && s:usrign[a:type] != '' ? a:item =~ s:usrign[a:type] : 0
FUNCTION airline#highlighter#highlight_modified_inactive()
Called 27 times
Total time: 0.002721
Self time: 0.000705
count total (s) self (s)
27 0.000068 if getbufvar(a:bufnr, '&modified')
27 0.000236 let colors = exists('g:airline#themes#{g:airline_theme}#palette.inactive_modified.airline_c') ? g:airline#themes#{g:airline_theme}#palette.inactive_modified.airline_c : []
27 0.000013 else
let colors = exists('g:airline#themes#{g:airline_theme}#palette.inactive.airline_c') ? g:airline#themes#{g:airline_theme}#palette.inactive.airline_c : []
27 0.000042 if !empty(colors)
27 0.002183 0.000167 call airline#highlighter#exec('airline_c'.(a:bufnr).'_inactive', colors)
27 0.000020 endif
FUNCTION <SNR>45_Match()
Called 40 times
Total time: 0.001064
Self time: 0.001002
count total (s) self (s)
40 0.000836 let col = match(getline(a:lnum), '\C'.a:regex) + 1
40 0.000193 0.000131 return col > 0 && !s:IsInStringOrComment(a:lnum, col) ? col : 0
FUNCTION <SNR>30_sync_active_winnr()
Called 80 times
Total time: 0.021000
Self time: 0.000785
count total (s) self (s)
80 0.000503 if exists('#airline') && winnr() != s:active_winnr
2 0.020227 0.000012 call airline#update_statusline()
2 0.000001 endif
FUNCTION <SNR>52_modevar()
Called 1 time
Total time: 0.000060
Self time: 0.000026
count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000008 0.000005 let s:matchtype = s:mtype()
1 0.000008 0.000005 let s:ispath = s:ispathitem()
1 0.000021 0.000005 let s:mfunc = s:mfunc()
1 0.000012 0.000005 let s:nolim = s:getextvar('nolim')
1 0.000008 0.000003 let s:dosort = s:getextvar('sort')
1 0.000003 let s:spi = !s:itemtype || s:getextvar('specinput') > 0
FUNCTION <SNR>13_init()
Called 4 times
Total time: 0.000101
Self time: 0.000101
count total (s) self (s)
4 0.000011 if !s:airline_initialized
let s:airline_initialized = 1
call airline#init#bootstrap()
call airline#extensions#load()
call airline#init#sections()
let s:airline_theme_defined = exists('g:airline_theme')
if s:airline_theme_defined || !airline#switch_matching_theme()
let g:airline_theme = get(g:, 'airline_theme', 'dark')
call airline#switch_theme(g:airline_theme)
Called 1 time
Total time: 0.001277
Self time: 0.000123
count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000005 if has_key(a:args, 'args') && stridx(a:args['args'], '--dir') >= 0 && exists('s:dyncwd')
cal ctrlp#setdir(s:dyncwd) | retu
1 0.000004 if has_key(a:args, 'dir') && a:args['dir'] != ''
cal ctrlp#setdir(a:args['dir']) | retu
1 0.000004 let pmode = has_key(a:args, 'mode') ? a:args['mode'] : s:pathmode
1 0.000033 let [s:crfilerel, s:dyncwd] = [fnamemodify(s:crfile, ':.'), getcwd()]
1 0.000015 if s:crfile =~ '^.\+://' | retu | en
1 0.000012 if pmode =~ 'c' || ( pmode =~ 'a' && stridx(s:crfpath, s:cwd) < 0 ) || ( !type(pmode) && pmode )
if exists('+acd') | let [s:glb_acd, &acd] = [&acd, 0] | en
cal ctrlp#setdir(s:crfpath)
1 0.000003 if pmode =~ 'r' || pmode == 2
1 0.000004 let markers = ['.git', '.hg', '.svn', '.bzr', '_darcs']
1 0.000006 let spath = pmode =~ 'd' ? s:dyncwd : pmode =~ 'w' ? s:cwd : s:crfpath
1 0.000004 if type(s:rmarkers) == 3 && !empty(s:rmarkers)
if s:findroot(spath, s:rmarkers, 0, 0) != [] | retu | en
cal filter(markers, 'index(s:rmarkers, v:val) < 0')
1 0.001163 0.000009 cal s:findroot(spath, markers, 0, 0)
1 0.000001 en
FUNCTION <SNR>52_formatline()
Called 408 times
Total time: 0.008144
Self time: 0.006361
count total (s) self (s)
408 0.000376 let str = a:str
408 0.000271 if s:itemtype == 1
let filpath = fnamemodify(str, ':p')
let bufnr = s:nonamecond(str, filpath) ? str2nr(matchstr(str, '[\/]\?\[\zs\d\+\ze\*No Name\]$')) : bufnr('^'.filpath.'$')
let idc = ( bufnr == bufnr('#') ? '#' : '' ) . ( getbufvar(bufnr, '&ma') ? '' : '-' ) . ( getbufvar(bufnr, '&ro') ? '=' : '' ) . ( getbufvar(bufnr, '&mod') ? '+' : '' )
let str .= idc != '' ? ' '.idc : ''
408 0.003044 0.001261 let cond = s:ispath && ( s:winw - 4 ) < s:strwidth(str)
408 0.000818 retu '> '.( cond ? s:pathshorten(str) : str )
FUNCTION airline#check_mode()
Called 521 times
Total time: 0.265150
Self time: 0.027000
count total (s) self (s)
521 0.001737 let context = s:contexts[a:winnr]
521 0.001359 if get(w:, 'airline_active', 1)
93 0.000216 let l:m = mode()
93 0.000142 if l:m ==# "i"
20 0.000037 let l:mode = ['insert']
20 0.000019 elseif l:m ==# "R"
let l:mode = ['replace']
elseif l:m =~# '\v(v|V||s|S|)'
21 0.000036 let l:mode = ['visual']
21 0.000016 else
52 0.000095 let l:mode = ['normal']
52 0.000032 endif
93 0.000393 let w:airline_current_mode = get(g:airline_mode_map, l:m, l:m)
93 0.000051 else
428 0.000732 let l:mode = ['inactive']
428 0.001594 let w:airline_current_mode = get(g:airline_mode_map, '__')
428 0.000231 endif
521 0.000589 if g:airline_detect_modified
521 0.000886 if &modified
519 0.001587 call add(l:mode, 'modified')
519 0.000231 endif
521 0.000207 endif
521 0.000702 if g:airline_detect_paste && &paste
call add(l:mode, 'paste')
521 0.001623 let mode_string = join(l:mode)
521 0.001714 if get(w:, 'airline_lastmode', '') != mode_string
27 0.002869 0.000148 call airline#highlighter#highlight_modified_inactive(context.bufnr)
27 0.235625 0.000196 call airline#highlighter#highlight(l:mode)
27 0.000052 let w:airline_lastmode = mode_string
27 0.000013 endif
521 0.000386 return ''
FUNCTION <SNR>52_highlight()
Called 44 times
Total time: 0.001702
Self time: 0.001702
count total (s) self (s)
44 0.000090 if s:matcher != {} | retu | en
44 0.000080 cal clearmatches()
44 0.000082 if !empty(a:pat) && s:ispath
43 0.000118 let pat = s:regexp ? substitute(a:pat, '\\\@<!\^', '^> \\zs', 'g') : a:pat
43 0.000028 if s:byfname
let pat = substitute(pat, '\[\^\(.\{-}\)\]\\{-}', '[^\\/\1]\\{-}', 'g')
let pat = substitute(pat, '\$\@<!$', '\\ze[^\\/]*$', 'g')
43 0.000474 cal matchadd(a:grp, ( s:martcs == '' ? '\c' : '\C' ).pat)
43 0.000555 cal matchadd('CtrlPLinePre', '^>')
43 0.000036 en
FUNCTION <SNR>20_Highlight_Matching_Pair()
Called 147 times
Total time: 0.012518
Self time: 0.012518
count total (s) self (s)
" Remove any previous match.
147 0.000583 if exists('w:paren_hl_on') && w:paren_hl_on
1 0.000003 3match none
1 0.000003 let w:paren_hl_on = 0
1 0.000001 endif
" Avoid that we remove the popup menu.
" Return when there are no colors (looks like the cursor jumps).
147 0.000593 if pumvisible() || (&t_Co < 8 && !has("gui_running"))
" Get the character under the cursor and check if it's in 'matchpairs'.
147 0.000396 let c_lnum = line('.')
147 0.000336 let c_col = col('.')
147 0.000149 let before = 0
147 0.000559 let c = getline(c_lnum)[c_col - 1]
147 0.001897 let plist = split(&matchpairs, '.\zs[:,]')
147 0.000428 let i = index(plist, c)
147 0.000124 if i < 0
" not found, in Insert mode try character before the cursor
146 0.000416 if c_col > 1 && (mode() == 'i' || mode() == 'R')
15 0.000020 let before = 1
15 0.000046 let c = getline(c_lnum)[c_col - 2]
15 0.000035 let i = index(plist, c)
15 0.000007 endif
146 0.000114 if i < 0
" not found, nothing to do
146 0.000121 return
" Figure out the arguments for searchpairpos().
1 0.000002 if i % 2 == 0
1 0.000002 let s_flags = 'nW'
1 0.000004 let c2 = plist[i + 1]
1 0.000001 else
let s_flags = 'nbW'
let c2 = c
let c = plist[i - 1]
1 0.000003 if c == '['
let c = '\['
let c2 = '\]'
" Find the match. When it was just before the cursor move it there for a
" moment.
1 0.000002 if before > 0
let save_cursor = winsaveview()
call cursor(c_lnum, c_col - before)
" When not in a string or comment ignore matches inside them.
" We match "escape" for special items, such as lispEscapeSpecial.
1 0.000006 let s_skip ='synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 0), "name") ' . '=~? "string\\|character\\|singlequote\\|escape\\|comment"'
1 0.003580 execute 'if' s_skip '| let s_skip = 0 | endif'
" Limit the search to lines visible in the window.
1 0.000005 let stoplinebottom = line('w$')
1 0.000003 let stoplinetop = line('w0')
1 0.000002 if i % 2 == 0
1 0.000002 let stopline = stoplinebottom
1 0.000000 else
let stopline = stoplinetop
" Limit the search time to 300 msec to avoid a hang on very long lines.
" This fails when a timeout is not supported.
1 0.000003 if mode() == 'i' || mode() == 'R'
let timeout = exists("b:matchparen_insert_timeout") ? b:matchparen_insert_timeout : g:matchparen_insert_timeout
1 0.000006 let timeout = exists("b:matchparen_timeout") ? b:matchparen_timeout : g:matchparen_timeout
1 0.000001 endif
1 0.000001 try
1 0.000256 let [m_lnum, m_col] = searchpairpos(c, '', c2, s_flags, s_skip, stopline, timeout)
1 0.000002 catch /E118/
" Can't use the timeout, restrict the stopline a bit more to avoid taking
" a long time on closed folds and long lines.
" The "viewable" variables give a range in which we can scroll while
" keeping the cursor at the same position.
" adjustedScrolloff accounts for very large numbers of scrolloff.
let adjustedScrolloff = min([&scrolloff, (line('w$') - line('w0')) / 2])
let bottom_viewable = min([line('$'), c_lnum + &lines - adjustedScrolloff - 2])
let top_viewable = max([1, c_lnum-&lines+adjustedScrolloff + 2])
" one of these stoplines will be adjusted below, but the current values are
" minimal boundaries within the current window
if i % 2 == 0
if has("byte_offset") && has("syntax_items") && &smc > 0
let stopbyte = min([line2byte("$"), line2byte(".") + col(".") + &smc * 2])
let stopline = min([bottom_viewable, byte2line(stopbyte)])
let stopline = min([bottom_viewable, c_lnum + 100])
let stoplinebottom = stopline
if has("byte_offset") && has("syntax_items") && &smc > 0
let stopbyte = max([1, line2byte(".") + col(".") - &smc * 2])
let stopline = max([top_viewable, byte2line(stopbyte)])
let stopline = max([top_viewable, c_lnum - 100])
let stoplinetop = stopline
let [m_lnum, m_col] = searchpairpos(c, '', c2, s_flags, s_skip, stopline)
1 0.000001 if before > 0
call winrestview(save_cursor)
" If a match is found setup match highlighting.
1 0.000003 if m_lnum > 0 && m_lnum >= stoplinetop && m_lnum <= stoplinebottom
1 0.000036 exe '3match MatchParen /\(\%' . c_lnum . 'l\%' . (c_col - before) . 'c\)\|\(\%' . m_lnum . 'l\%' . m_col . 'c\)/'
1 0.000003 let w:paren_hl_on = 1
1 0.000001 endif
FUNCTION airline#parts#filetype()
Called 446 times
Total time: 0.000890
Self time: 0.000890
count total (s) self (s)
446 0.000668 return &filetype
FUNCTION <SNR>52_remarksigns()
Called 44 times
Total time: 0.000207
Self time: 0.000107
count total (s) self (s)
44 0.000183 0.000083 if !s:dosigns() | retu | en
for ic in range(1, len(s:lines))
let line = s:ispath ? fnamemodify(s:lines[ic - 1], ':p') : s:lines[ic - 1]
let key = s:dictindex(s:marked, line)
if key > 0
exe 'sign place' key 'line='.ic.' name=ctrlpmark buffer='.s:bufnr
FUNCTION airline#extensions#netrw#apply()
Called 6 times
Total time: 0.000105
Self time: 0.000105
count total (s) self (s)
6 0.000018 if &ft == 'netrw'
let spc =
call a:1.add_section('airline_a', spc.'netrw'.spc)
if exists('*airline#extensions#branch#get_head')
call a:1.add_section('airline_b', spc.'%{airline#extensions#branch#get_head()}'.spc)
call a:1.add_section('airline_c', spc.'%f'.spc)
call a:1.split()
call a:1.add_section('airline_y', spc.'%{airline#extensions#netrw#sortstring()}'.spc)
return 1
FUNCTION ctrlp#utils#globpath()
Called 11 times
Total time: 0.000123
Self time: 0.000123
count total (s) self (s)
11 0.000120 retu call('globpath', s:wig_cond ? a:000 : a:000[:1])
FUNCTION airline#parts#iminsert()
Called 93 times
Total time: 0.000469
Self time: 0.000469
count total (s) self (s)
93 0.000174 if g:airline_detect_iminsert && &iminsert && exists('b:keymap_name')
return toupper(b:keymap_name)
93 0.000046 return ''
FUNCTION airline#extensions#ctrlp#apply()
Called 6 times
Total time: 0.000042
Self time: 0.000042
count total (s) self (s)
" disable statusline overwrite if ctrlp already did it
6 0.000037 return match(&statusline, 'CtrlPwhite') >= 0 ? -1 : 0
FUNCTION airline#extensions#ctrlp#ctrlp_airline_status()
Called 16 times
Total time: 0.000737
Self time: 0.000737
count total (s) self (s)
16 0.000057 let len = '%#CtrlPdark# '.a:1
16 0.000593 let dir = '%=%<%#CtrlParrow3#'.g:airline_right_sep.'%#CtrlPlight# '.getcwd().' %*'
16 0.000050 return len.dir
FUNCTION <SNR>52_lsCmd()
Called 1 time
Total time: 0.000005
Self time: 0.000005
count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000002 let cmd = s:usrcmd
1 0.000002 if type(cmd) == 1
1 0.000001 retu cmd
elsei type(cmd) == 3 && len(cmd) >= 2 && cmd[:1] != ['', '']
if s:findroot(s:dyncwd, cmd[0], 0, 1) == []
retu len(cmd) == 3 ? cmd[2] : ''
let s:vcscmd = s:lash == '\'
retu cmd[1]
elsei type(cmd) == 4 && ( has_key(cmd, 'types') || has_key(cmd, 'fallback') )
let fndroot = []
if has_key(cmd, 'types') && cmd['types'] != {}
let [markrs, cmdtypes] = [[], values(cmd['types'])]
for pair in cmdtypes
cal add(markrs, pair[0])
let fndroot = s:findroot(s:dyncwd, markrs, 0, 1)
if fndroot == []
retu has_key(cmd, 'fallback') ? cmd['fallback'] : ''
for pair in cmdtypes
if pair[0] == fndroot[0] | brea | en
let s:vcscmd = s:lash == '\'
retu pair[1]
FUNCTION <SNR>52_matchlens()
Called 3250 times
Total time: 0.281106
Self time: 0.232068
count total (s) self (s)
3250 0.012320 if empty(a:pat) || index(['^', '$'], a:pat) >= 0 | retu {} | en
3214 0.003646 let st = a:0 ? a:1 : 0
3214 0.003797 let lens = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : {}
3214 0.003153 let nr = a:0 >= 3 ? a:3 : 0
3214 0.003724 if nr > 20 | retu {} | en
3214 0.071173 if match(a:str, a:pat, st) >= 0
1636 0.103749 let [mst, mnd] = [matchstr(a:str, a:pat, st), matchend(a:str, a:pat, st)]
1636 0.006727 let lens = extend(lens, { nr : [strlen(mst), mst] })
1636 0.006091 let lens = s:matchlens(a:str, a:pat, mnd, lens, nr + 1)
1636 0.000620 en
3214 0.001829 retu lens
FUNCTION ctrlp#init()
Called 1 time
Total time: 2.043998
Self time: 0.000123
count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000042 0.000012 if exists('s:init') || s:iscmdwin() | retu | en
1 0.000004 let [s:ermsg, v:errmsg] = [v:errmsg, '']
1 0.000003 let [s:matches, s:init] = [1, 1]
1 0.000770 0.000009 cal s:Reset(a:0 ? a:1 : {})
1 0.001550 0.000015 noa cal s:Open()
1 0.001287 0.000010 cal s:SetWD(a:0 ? a:1 : {})
1 0.001431 0.000017 cal s:MapNorms()
1 0.000895 0.000008 cal s:MapSpecs()
1 0.000220 0.000006 cal ctrlp#syntax()
1 1.389880 0.000012 cal ctrlp#setlines(s:settype(a:type))
1 0.000013 0.000009 cal s:SetDefTxt()
1 0.647894 0.000009 cal s:BuildPrompt(1)
1 0.000003 if s:keyloop | cal s:KeyLoop() | en
FUNCTION <SNR>52_SetDefTxt()
Called 1 time
Total time: 0.000004
Self time: 0.000004
count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000004 if s:deftxt == '0' || ( s:deftxt == 1 && !s:ispath ) | retu | en
let txt = s:deftxt
if !type(txt)
let path = s:crfpath.s:lash(s:crfpath)
let txt = txt && !stridx(path, s:dyncwd) ? ctrlp#rmbasedir([path])[0] : ''
let s:prompt[0] = txt
FUNCTION ctrlp#complen()
Called 807 times
Total time: 0.004591
Self time: 0.004591
count total (s) self (s)
" By length
807 0.002838 let [len1, len2] = [strlen(a:1), strlen(a:2)]
807 0.001170 retu len1 == len2 ? 0 : len1 > len2 ? 1 : -1
FUNCTION airline#util#getwinvar()
Called 189 times
Total time: 0.000641
Self time: 0.000641
count total (s) self (s)
189 0.000576 return getwinvar(a:winnr, a:key, a:def)
FUNCTION <SNR>52_dosigns()
Called 89 times
Total time: 0.000260
Self time: 0.000260
count total (s) self (s)
89 0.000218 retu exists('s:marked') && s:bufnr > 0 && s:opmul != '0' && has('signs')
Called 1 time
Total time: 0.001535
Self time: 0.001024
count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000020 0.000006 cal s:log(1)
1 0.000283 0.000006 cal s:getenv()
1 0.000012 0.000005 cal s:execextvar('enter')
1 0.000519 sil! exe 'keepa' ( s:mw_pos == 'top' ? 'to' : 'bo' ) '1new ControlP'
1 0.000024 0.000011 cal s:buffunc(1)
1 0.000007 let [s:bufnr, s:winw] = [bufnr('%'), winwidth(0)]
1 0.000005 let [s:focus, s:prompt] = [1, ['', '', '']]
1 0.000001 abc <buffer>
1 0.000003 if !exists('s:hstry')
1 0.000184 0.000034 let hst = filereadable(s:gethistloc()[1]) ? s:gethistdata() : ['']
1 0.000004 let s:hstry = empty(hst) || !s:maxhst ? [''] : hst
1 0.000000 en
34 0.000103 for [ke, va] in items(s:glbs) | if exists('+'.ke)
17 0.000256 sil! exe 'let s:glb_'.ke.' = &'.ke.' | let &'.ke.' = '.string(va)
33 0.000019 en | endfo
1 0.000005 if s:opmul != '0' && has('signs')
1 0.000012 sign define ctrlpmark text=+> texthl=Search
1 0.000001 en
1 0.000059 0.000009 cal s:setupblank()
FUNCTION airline#extensions#ctrlp#ctrlp_airline()
Called 44 times
Total time: 0.055963
Self time: 0.001847
count total (s) self (s)
44 0.001157 0.000212 let b = airline#builder#new({'active': 1})
44 0.000029 if a:3
call b.add_section_spaced('CtrlPlight', 'regex')
44 0.000102 if get(g:, 'airline#extensions#ctrlp#show_adjacent_modes', 1)
44 0.002834 0.000143 call b.add_section_spaced('CtrlPlight', a:4)
44 0.012615 0.000142 call b.add_section_spaced('CtrlPwhite', a:5)
44 0.011957 0.000155 call b.add_section_spaced('CtrlPlight', a:6)
44 0.000019 else
call b.add_section_spaced('CtrlPwhite', a:5)
44 0.011777 0.000139 call b.add_section_spaced('CtrlPdark', a:7)
44 0.000300 0.000105 call b.split()
44 0.000237 0.000170 call b.add_raw('%#CtrlPdark#'.a:1.(
44 0.002359 0.000105 call b.add_section_spaced('CtrlPdark', a:2)
44 0.011955 0.000111 call b.add_section_spaced('CtrlPlight', '%{getcwd()}')
44 0.000321 0.000114 return
FUNCTION <SNR>45_ExtraBrackets()
Called 3 times
Total time: 0.001802
Self time: 0.000965
count total (s) self (s)
3 0.000016 let opening = {'parentheses': [], 'braces': [], 'brackets': []}
3 0.000011 let closing = {'parentheses': [], 'braces': [], 'brackets': []}
3 0.000008 let line = getline(a:lnum)
3 0.000019 let pos = match(line, '[][(){}]', 0)
" Save any encountered opening brackets, and remove them once a matching
" closing one has been found. If a closing bracket shows up that doesn't
" close anything, save it for later.
16 0.000021 while pos != -1
13 0.000897 0.000060 if !s:IsInStringOrComment(a:lnum, pos + 1)
13 0.000037 if line[pos] == '('
2 0.000011 call add(opening.parentheses, {'type': '(', 'pos': pos})
2 0.000003 elseif line[pos] == ')'
2 0.000004 if empty(opening.parentheses)
call add(closing.parentheses, {'type': ')', 'pos': pos})
2 0.000008 let opening.parentheses = opening.parentheses[0:-2]
2 0.000000 endif
2 0.000002 elseif line[pos] == '{'
2 0.000009 call add(opening.braces, {'type': '{', 'pos': pos})
2 0.000002 elseif line[pos] == '}'
2 0.000003 if empty(opening.braces)
call add(closing.braces, {'type': '}', 'pos': pos})
2 0.000006 let opening.braces = opening.braces[0:-2]
2 0.000002 endif
2 0.000002 elseif line[pos] == '['
3 0.000016 call add(opening.brackets, {'type': '[', 'pos': pos})
3 0.000005 elseif line[pos] == ']'
2 0.000004 if empty(opening.brackets)
call add(closing.brackets, {'type': ']', 'pos': pos})
2 0.000009 let opening.brackets = opening.brackets[0:-2]
2 0.000002 endif
2 0.000001 endif
13 0.000009 endif
13 0.000082 let pos = match(line, '[][(){}]', pos + 1)
13 0.000025 endwhile
" Find the rightmost brackets, since they're the ones that are important in
" both opening and closing cases
3 0.000010 let rightmost_opening = {'type': '(', 'pos': -1}
3 0.000009 let rightmost_closing = {'type': ')', 'pos': -1}
4 0.000013 for opening in opening.parentheses + opening.braces + opening.brackets
1 0.000002 if opening.pos > rightmost_opening.pos
1 0.000003 let rightmost_opening = opening
1 0.000000 endif
1 0.000000 endfor
3 0.000007 for closing in closing.parentheses + closing.braces + closing.brackets
if closing.pos > rightmost_closing.pos
let rightmost_closing = closing
3 0.000006 return [rightmost_opening, rightmost_closing]
FUNCTION ctrlp#igncwd()
Called 1 time
Total time: 0.000103
Self time: 0.000016
count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000103 0.000016 retu ctrlp#utils#glob(a:cwd, 0) == '' || ( s:igntype >= 0 && s:usrign(a:cwd, getftype(a:cwd)) )
FUNCTION <SNR>52_MatchedItems()
Called 44 times
Total time: 0.193864
Self time: 0.021099
count total (s) self (s)
44 0.000134 let exc = exists('s:crfilerel') ? s:crfilerel : ''
44 0.020505 0.020014 let items = s:narrowable() ? s:matched + s:mdata[3] : a:items
44 0.000057 if s:matcher != {}
let argms = has_key(s:matcher, 'arg_type') && s:matcher['arg_type'] == 'dict' ? [{ 'items': items, 'str': a:pat, 'limit': a:limit, 'mmode': s:mmode(), 'ispath': s:ispath, 'crfile': exc, 'regex': s:regexp, }] : [items, a:pat, a:limit, s:mmode(), s:ispath, exc, s:regexp]
let lines = call(s:matcher['match'], argms, s:matcher)
44 0.172521 0.000247 let lines = s:MatchIt(items, a:pat, a:limit, exc)
44 0.000019 en
44 0.000093 let s:matches = len(lines)
44 0.000033 unl! s:did_exp
44 0.000025 retu lines
FUNCTION <SNR>52_nosort()
Called 44 times
Total time: 0.000405
Self time: 0.000405
count total (s) self (s)
44 0.000388 retu s:matcher != {} || s:nolim == 1 || ( s:itemtype == 2 && s:mrudef ) || ( s:itemtype =~ '\v^(1|2)$' && s:prompt == ['', '', ''] ) || !s:dosort
FUNCTION ctrlp#statusline()
Called 44 times
Total time: 0.058974
Self time: 0.002783
count total (s) self (s)
44 0.000084 if !exists('s:statypes')
1 0.000005 let s:statypes = [ ['files', 'fil'], ['buffers', 'buf'], ['mru files', 'mru'], ]
1 0.000002 if !empty(g:ctrlp_ext_vars)
cal map(copy(g:ctrlp_ext_vars), 'add(s:statypes, [ v:val["lname"], v:val["sname"] ])')
1 0.000001 en
44 0.000052 let tps = s:statypes
44 0.000086 let max = len(tps) - 1
44 0.000342 0.000208 let nxt = tps[s:walker(max, s:itemtype, 1)][1]
44 0.000246 0.000152 let prv = tps[s:walker(max, s:itemtype, -1)][1]
44 0.000109 let s:ctype = tps[s:itemtype][0]
44 0.000067 let focus = s:focus ? 'prt' : 'win'
44 0.000079 let byfname = s:ispath ? s:byfname ? 'file' : 'path' : 'line'
44 0.000167 let marked = s:opmul != '0' ? exists('s:marked') ? ' <'.s:dismrk().'>' : ' <->' : ''
44 0.000056 if s:status != {}
44 0.000336 let argms = has_key(s:status, 'arg_type') && s:status['arg_type'] == 'dict' ? [{ 'focus': focus, 'byfname': byfname, 'regex': s:regexp, 'prev': prv, 'item': s:ctype, 'next': nxt, 'marked': marked, }] : [focus, byfname, s:regexp, prv, s:ctype, nxt, marked]
44 0.056623 0.000660 let &l:stl = call(s:status['main'], argms, s:status)
44 0.000018 el
let item = '%#CtrlPMode1# '.s:ctype.' %*'
let focus = '%#CtrlPMode2# '.focus.' %*'
let byfname = '%#CtrlPMode1# '.byfname.' %*'
let regex = s:regexp ? '%#CtrlPMode2# regex %*' : ''
let slider = ' <'.prv.'>={'.item.'}=<'.nxt.'>'
let dir = ' %=%<%#CtrlPMode2# %{getcwd()} %*'
let &l:stl = focus.byfname.regex.slider.marked.dir
FUNCTION <SNR>36_get_syn()
Called 3348 times
Total time: 0.071279
Self time: 0.071279
count total (s) self (s)
" need to pass in mode, known to break on 7.3.547
3348 0.010219 let mode = has('gui_running') ? 'gui' : 'cterm'
3348 0.020275 let color = synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID(a:group)), a:what, mode)
3348 0.005614 if empty(color) || color == -1
290 0.001669 let color = synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID('Normal')), a:what, mode)
290 0.000139 endif
3348 0.005035 if empty(color) || color == -1
290 0.000707 if has('gui_running')
let color = a:what ==# 'fg' ? '#000000' : '#FFFFFF'
290 0.000469 let color = a:what ==# 'fg' ? 0 : 1
290 0.000131 endif
290 0.000099 endif
3348 0.002157 return color
FUNCTION <SNR>52_getparent()
Called 1616 times
Total time: 0.051878
Self time: 0.051878
count total (s) self (s)
1616 0.043113 let parent = substitute(a:item, '[\/][^\/]\+[\/:]\?$', '', '')
1616 0.004746 if parent == '' || parent !~ '[\/]'
let parent .= s:lash
1616 0.001067 retu parent
FUNCTION <SNR>52_opts()
Called 1 time
Total time: 0.000631
Self time: 0.000564
count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000003 unl! s:usrign s:usrcmd s:urprtmaps
6 0.000018 for each in ['byfname', 'regexp', 'extensions'] | if exists('s:'.each)
let {each} = s:{each}
3 0.000007 en | endfo
37 0.000081 for [ke, va] in items(s:opts)
36 0.000211 let {va[0]} = exists( ? {} : va[1]
36 0.000025 endfo
1 0.000002 unl va
6 0.000016 for [ke, va] in items(s:new_opts)
5 0.000038 let {va} = {exists( ? : va}
5 0.000001 endfo
1 0.000001 unl va
4 0.000010 for [ke, va] in items(s:lc_opts)
3 0.000010 if exists(
unl {va}
let {va} = {}
3 0.000001 endfo
" Match window options
1 0.000070 0.000010 cal s:match_window_opts()
" One-time values
1 0.000002 if a:0 && a:1 != {}
unl va
for [ke, va] in items(a:1)
let opke = substitute(ke, '\(\w:\)\?ctrlp_', '', '')
if has_key(s:lc_opts, opke)
let sva = s:lc_opts[opke]
unl {sva}
let {sva} = va
4 0.000010 for each in ['byfname', 'regexp'] | if exists(each)
let s:{each} = {each}
2 0.000001 en | endfo
1 0.000005 if !exists('g:ctrlp_newcache') | let g:ctrlp_newcache = 0 | en
1 0.000004 let s:maxdepth = min([s:maxdepth, 100])
1 0.000002 let s:glob = s:showhidden ? '.*\|*' : '*'
1 0.000005 let s:igntype = empty(s:usrign) ? -1 : type(s:usrign)
1 0.000013 0.000006 let s:lash = ctrlp#utils#lash()
1 0.000002 if s:keyloop
let [s:lazy, s:glbs['imd']] = [0, 0]
1 0.000001 if s:lazy
cal extend(s:glbs, { 'ut': ( s:lazy > 1 ? s:lazy : 250 ) })
" Extensions
1 0.000003 if !( exists('extensions') && extensions == s:extensions )
1 0.000002 for each in s:extensions
exe 'ru autoload/ctrlp/'.each.'.vim'
1 0.000000 en
" Keymaps
1 0.000002 if type(s:urprtmaps) == 4
cal extend(s:prtmaps, s:urprtmaps)
FUNCTION <SNR>52_execextvar()
Called 3 times
Total time: 0.000028
Self time: 0.000028
count total (s) self (s)
3 0.000010 if !empty(g:ctrlp_ext_vars)
cal map(filter(copy(g:ctrlp_ext_vars), 'has_key(v:val, a:key)'), 'eval(v:val[a:key])')
FUNCTION <SNR>52_lash()
Called 1640 times
Total time: 0.010011
Self time: 0.010011
count total (s) self (s)
1640 0.009513 retu ( a:0 ? a:1 : s:dyncwd ) !~ '[\/]$' ? s:lash : ''
FUNCTION ctrlp#mrufiles#bufs()
Called 1 time
Total time: 0.000002
Self time: 0.000002
count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000002 retu s:mrbs
FUNCTION <SNR>41_add_section()
Called 128 times
Total time: 0.045854
Self time: 0.002237
count total (s) self (s)
" i have no idea why the warning section needs special treatment, but it's
" needed to prevent separators from showing up
128 0.000174 if a:key == 'warning'
5 0.000025 0.000015 call a:builder.add_raw('%(')
5 0.000002 endif
128 0.044691 0.001093 call a:builder.add_section('airline_'.a:key, s:get_section(a:context.winnr, a:key))
128 0.000203 if a:key == 'warning'
5 0.000025 0.000016 call a:builder.add_raw('%)')
5 0.000005 endif
Called 80 times
Total time: 0.001296
Self time: 0.001296
count total (s) self (s)
80 0.000084 if !
31 0.000942 let self._line = substitute(self._line, '%#.\{-}\ze#', '\0_inactive', 'g')
31 0.000018 endif
80 0.000067 return self._line
FUNCTION <SNR>41_get_section()
Called 164 times
Total time: 0.003970
Self time: 0.003575
count total (s) self (s)
164 0.000438 if has_key(s:section_truncate_width, a:key)
113 0.000344 if winwidth(a:winnr) < s:section_truncate_width[a:key]
47 0.000042 return ''
66 0.000030 endif
117 0.000185 let spc =
117 0.001228 0.000833 let text = airline#util#getwinvar(a:winnr, 'airline_section_'.a:key, g:airline_section_{a:key})
117 0.000802 let [prefix, suffix] = [get(a:000, 0, '%('.spc), get(a:000, 1, spc.'%)')]
117 0.000447 return empty(text) ? '' : prefix.text.suffix
FUNCTION <SNR>14_invoke_funcrefs()
Called 37 times
Total time: 0.059827
Self time: 0.001176
count total (s) self (s)
37 0.001043 0.000156 let builder = airline#builder#new(a:context)
37 0.056975 0.000300 let err = airline#util#exec_funcrefs(a:funcrefs + s:core_funcrefs, builder, a:context)
37 0.000037 if err == 1
36 0.001260 0.000171 let a:context.line =
36 0.000203 let s:contexts[a:context.winnr] = a:context
36 0.000241 call setwinvar(a:context.winnr, '&statusline', '%!airline#statusline('.a:context.winnr.')')
36 0.000014 endif
FUNCTION ctrlp#files()
Called 1 time
Total time: 1.389780
Self time: 0.000128
count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000062 0.000006 let cafile = ctrlp#utils#cachefile()
1 0.000010 if g:ctrlp_newcache || !filereadable(cafile) || s:nocache(cafile)
1 0.000015 0.000010 let [lscmd, s:initcwd, g:ctrlp_allfiles] = [s:lsCmd(), s:dyncwd, []]
" Get the list of files
1 0.000002 if empty(lscmd)
1 0.000108 0.000005 if !ctrlp#igncwd(s:dyncwd)
1 1.366932 0.000033 cal s:GlobPath(s:fnesc(s:dyncwd, 'g', ','), 0)
1 0.000001 en
1 0.000000 el
sil! cal ctrlp#progress('Indexing...')
try | cal s:UserCmd(lscmd)
cat | retu [] | endt
" Remove base directory
1 0.007341 0.000009 cal ctrlp#rmbasedir(g:ctrlp_allfiles)
1 0.000003 if len(g:ctrlp_allfiles) <= s:compare_lim
cal sort(g:ctrlp_allfiles, 'ctrlp#complen')
1 0.015265 0.000008 cal s:writecache(cafile)
1 0.000010 let catime = getftime(cafile)
1 0.000001 el
let catime = getftime(cafile)
if !( exists('s:initcwd') && s:initcwd == s:dyncwd ) || get(s:ficounts, s:dyncwd, [0, catime])[1] != catime
let s:initcwd = s:dyncwd
let g:ctrlp_allfiles = ctrlp#utils#readfile(cafile)
1 0.000007 cal extend(s:ficounts, { s:dyncwd : [len(g:ctrlp_allfiles), catime] })
1 0.000002 retu g:ctrlp_allfiles
FUNCTION <SNR>52_mixedsort()
Called 807 times
Total time: 0.405763
Self time: 0.043465
count total (s) self (s)
807 0.000782 if s:itemtype == 1
let pat = '[\/]\?\[\d\+\*No Name\]$'
if a:1 =~# pat && a:2 =~# pat | retu 0
elsei a:1 =~# pat | retu 1
elsei a:2 =~# pat | retu -1 | en
807 0.261960 0.005886 let [cln, cml] = [ctrlp#complen(a:1, a:2), s:compmatlen(a:1, a:2)]
807 0.000592 if s:ispath
807 0.000639 let ms = []
807 0.000765 if s:res_count < 21
807 0.013076 0.003193 let ms += [s:compfnlen(a:1, a:2)]
807 0.015089 0.006217 if s:itemtype !~ '^[12]$' | let ms += [s:comptime(a:1, a:2)] | en
807 0.084368 0.004357 if !s:itemtype | let ms += [s:comparent(a:1, a:2)] | en
807 0.000318 en
807 0.002237 if s:itemtype =~ '^[12]$'
let ms += [s:compmref(a:1, a:2)]
let cln = cml ? cln : 0
807 0.001727 let ms += [cml, 0, 0, 0]
807 0.012511 0.005053 let mp = call('s:multipliers', ms[:3])
807 0.003064 retu cln + ms[0] * mp[0] + ms[1] * mp[1] + ms[2] * mp[2] + ms[3] * mp[3]
retu cln + cml * 2
FUNCTION <SNR>52_glbpath()
Called 11 times
Total time: 0.000180
Self time: 0.000057
count total (s) self (s)
11 0.000176 0.000053 retu call('ctrlp#utils#globpath', a:000)
FUNCTION <SNR>52_ignore()
Called 1 time
Total time: 0.000037
Self time: 0.000037
count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000010 let igdirs = [ '\.git', '\.hg', '\.svn', '_darcs', '\.bzr', '\.cdv', '\~\.dep', '\~\.dot', '\~\.nib', '\~\.plst', '\.pc', '_MTN', 'blib', 'CVS', 'RCS', 'SCCS', '_sgbak', 'autom4te\.cache', 'cover_db', '_build', ]
1 0.000007 let igfiles = [ '\~$', '#.+#$', '[._].*\.swp$', 'core\.\d+$', '\.exe$', '\.so$', '\.bak$', '\.png$', '\.jpg$', '\.gif$', '\.zip$', '\.rar$', '\.tar\.gz$', ]
1 0.000018 retu { 'dir': '\v[\/]('.join(igdirs, '|').')$', 'file': '\v'.join(igfiles, '|'), }
FUNCTION airline#highlighter#add_separator()
Called 299 times
Total time: 0.069703
Self time: 0.003958
count total (s) self (s)
299 0.001452 let s:separators[a:from.a:to] = [a:from, a:to, a:inverse]
299 0.068116 0.002371 call <sid>exec_separator({}, a:from, a:to, a:inverse, '')
FUNCTION <SNR>52_gethistdata()
Called 1 time
Total time: 0.000106
Self time: 0.000019
count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000106 0.000019 retu ctrlp#utils#readfile(s:gethistloc()[1])
FUNCTION <SNR>43_lash()
Called 4 times
Total time: 0.000031
Self time: 0.000031
count total (s) self (s)
4 0.000030 retu ( a:0 ? a:1 : getcwd() ) !~ '[\/]$' ? s:lash : ''
FUNCTION <SNR>52_lastvisual()
Called 1 time
Total time: 0.000143
Self time: 0.000132
count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000004 let cview = winsaveview()
1 0.000007 let [ovreg, ovtype] = [getreg('v'), getregtype('v')]
1 0.000010 let [oureg, outype] = [getreg('"'), getregtype('"')]
1 0.000027 sil! norm! gv"vy
1 0.000020 0.000009 let selected = s:regisfilter('v')
1 0.000005 cal setreg('v', ovreg, ovtype)
1 0.000018 cal setreg('"', oureg, outype)
1 0.000049 cal winrestview(cview)
1 0.000001 retu selected
FUNCTION <SNR>52_fnesc()
Called 943 times
Total time: 0.035694
Self time: 0.003255
count total (s) self (s)
943 0.035484 0.003045 retu call('ctrlp#utils#fnesc', a:000)
FUNCTION ctrlp#recordhist()
Called 1 time
Total time: 0.002857
Self time: 0.000059
count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000008 let str = join(s:prompt, '')
1 0.000006 if empty(str) || !s:maxhst | retu | en
1 0.000003 let hst = s:hstry
1 0.000007 if len(hst) > 1 && hst[1] == str | retu | en
1 0.000006 cal extend(hst, [str], 1)
1 0.000009 if len(hst) > s:maxhst | cal remove(hst, s:maxhst, -1) | en
1 0.002818 0.000020 cal ctrlp#utils#writecache(hst, s:gethistloc()[0], s:gethistloc()[1])
FUNCTION ctrlp#rmbasedir()
Called 1 time
Total time: 0.007332
Self time: 0.007321
count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000017 0.000006 let cwd = s:dyncwd.s:lash()
1 0.000006 if a:items != [] && !stridx(a:items[0], cwd)
1 0.000002 let idx = strlen(cwd)
1 0.007306 retu map(a:items, 'strpart(v:val, idx)')
retu a:items
FUNCTION ctrlp#utils#fnesc()
Called 944 times
Total time: 0.032479
Self time: 0.032479
count total (s) self (s)
944 0.001545 if exists('*fnameescape')
944 0.001726 if exists('+ssl')
if a:type == 'c'
let path = escape(a:path, '%#')
elsei a:type == 'f'
let path = fnameescape(a:path)
elsei a:type == 'g'
let path = escape(a:path, '?*')
let path = substitute(path, '[', '[[]', 'g')
944 0.009428 let path = fnameescape(a:path)
944 0.000379 en
944 0.000316 el
if exists('+ssl')
if a:type == 'c'
let path = escape(a:path, '%#')
elsei a:type == 'f'
let path = escape(a:path, " \t\n%#*?|<\"")
elsei a:type == 'g'
let path = escape(a:path, '?*')
let path = substitute(path, '[', '[[]', 'g')
let path = escape(a:path, " \t\n*?[{`$\\%#'\"|!<")
944 0.003042 retu a:0 ? escape(path, a:1) : path
FUNCTION ctrlp#utils#mkdir()
Called 2 times
Total time: 0.000038
Self time: 0.000038
count total (s) self (s)
2 0.000026 if exists('*mkdir') && !isdirectory(a:dir)
sil! cal mkdir(a:dir, 'p')
2 0.000003 retu a:dir
FUNCTION ctrlp#syntax()
Called 1 time
Total time: 0.000214
Self time: 0.000099
count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000011 0.000006 if ctrlp#nosy() | retu | en
23 0.000169 0.000059 for [ke, va] in items(s:hlgrps) | cal ctrlp#hicheck('CtrlP'.ke, va) | endfo
1 0.000012 if synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID('Normal')), 'bg') !~ '^-1$\|^$'
sil! exe 'hi CtrlPLinePre '.( has("gui_running") ? 'gui' : 'cterm' ).'fg=bg'
1 0.000006 sy match CtrlPNoEntries '^ == NO ENTRIES ==$'
1 0.000004 if hlexists('CtrlPLinePre')
sy match CtrlPLinePre '^>'
FUNCTION <SNR>52_log()
Called 2 times
Total time: 0.000040
Self time: 0.000040
count total (s) self (s)
2 0.000010 if exists('g:ctrlp_log') && g:ctrlp_log | if a:m
let cadir = ctrlp#utils#cachedir()
let apd = g:ctrlp_log > 1 ? '>' : ''
sil! exe 'redi! >'.apd cadir.s:lash(cadir).'ctrlp.log'
sil! redi END
en | en
FUNCTION <SNR>52_mfunc()
Called 1 time
Total time: 0.000016
Self time: 0.000014
count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000001 let mfunc = 'match'
1 0.000006 0.000004 if s:byfname()
let mfunc = 's:matchfname'
elsei s:itemtype > 2
let matchtypes = { 'tabs': 's:matchtabs', 'tabe': 's:matchtabe' }
if has_key(matchtypes, s:matchtype)
let mfunc = matchtypes[s:matchtype]
1 0.000001 retu mfunc
FUNCTION <SNR>52_compfnlen()
Called 807 times
Total time: 0.009883
Self time: 0.009883
count total (s) self (s)
" By filename length
807 0.004495 let len1 = strlen(split(a:1, s:lash)[-1])
807 0.003589 let len2 = strlen(split(a:2, s:lash)[-1])
807 0.001125 retu len1 == len2 ? 0 : len1 > len2 ? 1 : -1
FUNCTION <SNR>52_maxf()
Called 16 times
Total time: 0.000043
Self time: 0.000043
count total (s) self (s)
16 0.000031 retu s:maxfiles && a:len > s:maxfiles
FUNCTION airline#builder#new()
Called 81 times
Total time: 0.001832
Self time: 0.001832
count total (s) self (s)
81 0.000371 let builder = copy(s:prototype)
81 0.000158 let builder._context = a:context
81 0.000113 let builder._side = 1
81 0.000102 let builder._curgroup = ''
81 0.000089 let builder._line = ''
81 0.000756 call extend(builder._context, { 'left_sep': g:airline_left_sep, 'left_alt_sep': g:airline_left_alt_sep, 'right_sep': g:airline_right_sep, 'right_alt_sep': g:airline_right_alt_sep, }, 'keep')
81 0.000071 return builder
count total (s) self (s) function
44 28.141206 27.419367 <SNR>52_BuildPrompt()
43 27.494456 0.000423 <SNR>52_PrtFocusMap()
43 27.494033 0.000712 <SNR>52_PrtAdd()
17 3.953698 0.030597 <SNR>52_GlobPath()
1 2.043998 0.000123 ctrlp#init()
1 1.389865 0.000025 ctrlp#setlines()
1 1.389780 0.000128 ctrlp#files()
16 0.714138 0.713401 ctrlp#progress()
44 0.660695 0.026522 <SNR>52_Update()
17 0.481865 0.171878 ctrlp#dirnfile()
44 0.426534 0.009297 <SNR>52_Render()
807 0.405763 0.043465 <SNR>52_mixedsort()
7776 0.309807 <SNR>52_usrign()
3250 0.281106 0.232068 <SNR>52_matchlens()
521 0.265150 0.027000 airline#check_mode()
807 0.251483 0.011451 <SNR>52_compmatlen()
27 0.235429 0.065649 airline#highlighter#highlight()
44 0.193864 0.021099 <SNR>52_MatchedItems()
44 0.172274 0.150770 <SNR>52_MatchIt()
837 0.169407 0.020418 <SNR>36_exec_separator()
count total (s) self (s) function
44 28.141206 27.419367 <SNR>52_BuildPrompt()
16 0.714138 0.713401 ctrlp#progress()
7776 0.309807 <SNR>52_usrign()
3250 0.281106 0.232068 <SNR>52_matchlens()
17 0.481865 0.171878 ctrlp#dirnfile()
44 0.172274 0.150770 <SNR>52_MatchIt()
3069 0.090849 airline#highlighter#exec()
3348 0.071279 <SNR>36_get_syn()
27 0.235429 0.065649 airline#highlighter#highlight()
1616 0.051878 <SNR>52_getparent()
807 0.405763 0.043465 <SNR>52_mixedsort()
944 0.032479 ctrlp#utils#fnesc()
1674 0.117086 0.032251 airline#highlighter#get_highlight()
17 3.953698 0.030597 <SNR>52_GlobPath()
521 0.265150 0.027000 airline#check_mode()
44 0.660695 0.026522 <SNR>52_Update()
423 0.093495 0.023792 8()
44 0.021441 <SNR>52_sublist()
44 0.193864 0.021099 <SNR>52_MatchedItems()
837 0.169407 0.020418 <SNR>36_exec_separator()
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