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Last active November 6, 2023 01:38
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3D Phantom
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
def phantom3d(phantom='modified-shepp-logan', n=64):
"""Three-dimensional Shepp-Logan phantom
Can be used to test 3-D reconstruction algorithms.
phantom: str
One of {'modified-shepp-logan', 'shepp_logan', 'yu_ye_wang'},
The type of phantom to draw.
n : int, optional
The grid size of the phantom
For any given voxel in the output image, the voxel's value is equal to the
sum of the additive intensity values of all ellipsoids that the voxel is a
part of. If a voxel is not part of any ellipsoid, its value is 0.
The additive intensity value A for an ellipsoid can be positive or
negative; if it is negative, the ellipsoid will be darker than the
surrounding pixels.
Note that, depending on the values of A, some voxels may have values
outside the range [0,1].
BSD License
Copyright 2006 Matthias Christian Schabel (matthias @ stanfordalumni . org)
University of Utah Department of Radiology
Utah Center for Advanced Imaging Research
729 Arapeen Drive
if phantom == 'modified-shepp-logan':
ellipse = modified_shepp_logan()
elif phantom == 'shepp_logan':
ellipse = shepp_logan()
elif phantom == 'yu_ye_wang':
ellipse = yu_ye_wang()
raise TypeError('phantom type "%s" not recognized' % phantom)
p = np.zeros(n ** 3)
rng = ((np.arange(0, n - 1)) - (n - 1) / 2) / ((n - 1) / 2)
x, y, z = np.meshgrid(rng, rng, rng)
coord = np.vstack((x.flatten(), y.flatten(), z.flatten()))
pi = np.pi
for k in np.arange(ellipse.shape[0]):
A = ellipse[k, 0] # Amplitude change for this ellipsoid
asq = ellipse[k, 1] ** 2 # a^2
bsq = ellipse[k, 2] ** 2 # b^2
csq = ellipse[k, 3] ** 2 # c^2
x0 = ellipse[k, 4] # x offset
y0 = ellipse[k, 5] # y offset
z0 = ellipse[k, 6] # z offset
phi = ellipse[k, 7] * pi / 180 # first Euler angle in radians
theta = ellipse[k, 8] * pi / 180 # second Euler angle in radians
psi = ellipse[k, 9] * pi / 180 # third Euler angle in radians
cphi = np.cos(phi)
sphi = np.sin(phi)
ctheta = np.cos(theta)
stheta = np.sin(theta)
cpsi = np.cos(psi)
spsi = np.sin(psi)
# Euler rotation matrix
alpha = np.array([[cpsi * cphi - ctheta * sphi * spsi,
cpsi * sphi + ctheta * cphi * spsi,
spsi * stheta],
[-spsi * cphi - ctheta * sphi * cpsi,
-spsi * sphi + ctheta * cphi * cpsi,
cpsi * stheta],
[stheta * sphi, -stheta * cphi, ctheta]])
# rotated ellipsoid coordinates
coordp =, coord)
idx = np.nonzero((coordp[0, :] - x0) ** 2.0 / asq +
(coordp[1, :] - y0) ** 2.0 / bsq +
(coordp[2, :] - z0) ** 2.0 / csq <= 1)[0]
p[idx] = p[idx] + A
return p.reshape((n, n, n))
def shepp_logan():
arr = modified_shepp_logan()
arr[:, 0] = np.array([1, -0.98, -0.02, -0.02, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01,
0.01, 0.01, 0.01])
return arr
def modified_shepp_logan():
This head phantom is the same as the Shepp-Logan except
the intensities are changed to yield higher contrast in
the image. Taken from Toft, 199-200.
A a b c x0 y0 z0 phi theta psi
mat = '''
1 .6900 .920 .810 0 0 0 0 0 0
-.8 .6624 .874 .780 0 -.0184 0 0 0 0
-.2 .1100 .310 .220 .22 0 0 -18 0 10
-.2 .1600 .410 .280 -.22 0 0 18 0 10
.1 .2100 .250 .410 0 .35 -.15 0 0 0
.1 .0460 .046 .050 0 .1 .25 0 0 0
.1 .0460 .046 .050 0 -.1 .25 0 0 0
.1 .0460 .023 .050 -.08 -.605 0 0 0 0
.1 .0230 .023 .020 0 -.606 0 0 0 0
.1 .0230 .046 .020 .06 -.605 0 0 0 0'''
return np.asarray(np.matrix(mat))
def yu_ye_wang():
Yu H, Ye Y, Wang G, Katsevich-Type Algorithms for
Variable Radius Spiral Cone-Beam CT
A a b c x0 y0 z0 phi theta psi
mat = '''
1 .6900 .920 .900 0 0 0 0 0 0
-.8 .6624 .874 .880 0 0 0 0 0 0
-.2 .4100 .160 .210 -.22 0 -.25 108 0 0
-.2 .3100 .110 .220 .22 0 -.25 72 0 0
.2 .2100 .250 .500 0 .35 -.25 0 0 0
.2 .0460 .046 .046 0 .1 -.25 0 0 0
.1 .0460 .023 .020 -.08 -.65 -.25 0 0 0
.1 .0460 .023 .020 .06 -.65 -.25 90 0 0
.2 .0560 .040 .100 .06 -.105 .625 90 0 0
-.2 .0560 .056 .100 0 .100 .625 0 0 0'''
return np.asarray(np.matrix(mat))
if __name__ == '__main__':
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
p = phantom3d()
plt.imshow(p[32, :, :])
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pjueon commented Nov 6, 2023

Hi, I found some errors that likely occurred during the conversion of the Matlab code to Python code.


# should be 'np.arange(0, n)' instead of 'np.arange(0, n-1)'
rng = ((np.arange(0, n)) - (n - 1) / 2) / ((n - 1) / 2)

# at the end of function modified_shepp_logan() & yu_ye_wang(),
# the return value should be reshaped as 2D array
return np.asarray(np.matrix(mat)).reshape(10, 10)

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