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Demonstration of the pyqtgraph.opengl.GLScatterPlotItem in a pyqtgraph.opengl.GLViewWidget with Atom bindings. This is meant to be used as the basis of a point cloud GUI in Enaml.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sat Jul 20 14:27:48 2013
@author: silvester
Demonstration of Point Cloud tool using OpenGL bindings in PyQtGraph
Based on example from PyQtGraph
License: MIT
from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui
import pyqtgraph.opengl as gl
import numpy as np
import pyqtgraph as pg
import sys
from atom.api import Atom, Float, Value, observe, Coerced, Int, Typed
#: Cyclic guard flags
class MyGLViewWidget(gl.GLViewWidget):
""" Override GLViewWidget with enhanced behavior and Atom integration.
#: Fired in update() method to synchronize listeners.
sigUpdate = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
def mousePressEvent(self, ev):
""" Store the position of the mouse press for later use.
super(MyGLViewWidget, self).mousePressEvent(ev)
self._downpos = self.mousePos
def mouseReleaseEvent(self, ev):
""" Allow for single click to move and right click for context menu.
Also emits a sigUpdate to refresh listeners.
super(MyGLViewWidget, self).mouseReleaseEvent(ev)
if self._downpos == ev.pos():
if ev.button() == 2:
print 'show context menu'
elif ev.button() == 1:
x = ev.pos().x() - self.width() / 2
y = ev.pos().y() - self.height() / 2
self.pan(-x, -y, 0, relative=True)
print self.opts['center']
self._prev_zoom_pos = None
self._prev_pan_pos = None
def mouseMoveEvent(self, ev):
""" Allow Shift to Move and Ctrl to Pan.
shift = ev.modifiers() & QtCore.Qt.ShiftModifier
ctrl = ev.modifiers() & QtCore.Qt.ControlModifier
if shift:
y = ev.pos().y()
if not hasattr(self, '_prev_zoom_pos') or not self._prev_zoom_pos:
self._prev_zoom_pos = y
dy = y - self._prev_zoom_pos
def delta():
return -dy * 5 = delta
self._prev_zoom_pos = y
elif ctrl:
pos = ev.pos().x(), ev.pos().y()
if not hasattr(self, '_prev_pan_pos') or not self._prev_pan_pos:
self._prev_pan_pos = pos
dx = pos[0] - self._prev_pan_pos[0]
dy = pos[1] - self._prev_pan_pos[1]
self.pan(dx, dy, 0, relative=True)
self._prev_pan_pos = pos
super(MyGLViewWidget, self).mouseMoveEvent(ev)
class Scatter3DPlot(Atom):
""" A Scatter3D Point Manager.
Maintains a scatter plot.
#: (N,3) array of floats specifying point locations.
pos = Coerced(np.ndarray, coercer=np.ndarray)
#: (N,4) array of floats (0.0-1.0) specifying pot colors
#: OR a tuple of floats specifying a single color for all spots.
color = Value([1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5])
#: (N,) array of floats specifying spot sizes or a value for all spots.
size = Value(5)
#: GLScatterPlotIem instance.
_plot = Value()
def _default_pos(self):
return np.random.random(size=(512 * 256, 3))
def _default__plot(self):
""" Create a GLScatterPlot item with our current attributes.
return gl.GLScatterPlotItem(pos=self.pos, color=self.color,
@observe('color', 'pos', 'size')
def _plot_change(self, change):
""" Pass changes to point properties to the GLScatterPlot object.
kwargs = {change['name']: change['value']}
class Scatter3DScene(Atom):
""" A Scatter3D Scene Manager.
Maintains a scatter plot and its scene.
__slots__ = '__weakref__'
#: Scatter3D Point manager
plot = Typed(Scatter3DPlot, ())
#: Camera FOV center
center = Value(pg.Vector(0, 0, 0))
#: Distance of camera from center
distance = Float(100.)
#: Horizontal field of view in degrees
fov = Float(60.)
#: Camera's angle of elevation in degrees.
elevation = Coerced(float, (30.,))
#: Camera's azimuthal angle in degrees.
azimuth = Float(45.)
#: MyGLViewWidget instance.
_widget = Typed(MyGLViewWidget, ())
#: GLGridItem instance
_grid = Value()
#: GLAxisItem instance.
_orientation_axes = Value()
#: Cyclic notification guard flags.
_guard = Int(0)
def _default__widget(self, parent=None):
""" Create a GLViewWidget and add plot, grid, and orientation axes.
w = MyGLViewWidget(parent)
self._grid = g = gl.GLGridItem()
self._orientation_axes = ax = gl.GLAxisItem(size=pg.Vector(5, 5, 5))
for attr in ['azimuth', 'distance', 'fov', 'center', 'elevation']:
w.opts[attr] = getattr(self, attr)
return w
def show(self, title=''):
""" Show the view in a graphics window.
if not title:
title = 'pyqtgraph Atom example: GLScatterPlotItem'
app = pg.mkQApp()
def _observe_plot(self, change):
""" Synchronize plot changing with the scene.
if change['type'] == 'create':
self._guard |= PLOT_CHANGE_FLAG
self._guard &= ~PLOT_CHANGE_FLAG
@observe('azimuth', 'distance', 'fov', 'center', 'elevation')
def _update_view(self, change):
""" Synchronize model attributes to the view.
if self._guard & (VIEW_SYNC_FLAG) or change['type'] == 'create':
self._widget.opts[change['name']] = change['value']
def _update_model(self):
""" Synchronize view attributes to the model.
if self._guard & PLOT_CHANGE_FLAG:
self._guard &= VIEW_SYNC_FLAG
for (key, value) in self._widget.opts.items():
setattr(self, key, value)
self._guard &= ~VIEW_SYNC_FLAG
def main():
""" Create some scatter3d points and show a demo window.
pos = np.random.random(size=(512*256,3))
pos *= [10,-10,10]
d2 = (pos**2).sum(axis=1)**0.5
pos[:, 2] = d2
color = [1, 0, 0, 0.5]
size = 5
plot = Scatter3DPlot(pos=pos, size=size, color=color)
scene = Scatter3DScene(plot=plot, distance=80.)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Start Qt event loop unless running in interactive mode.
if (sys.flags.interactive != 1) or not hasattr(QtCore, 'PYQT_VERSION'):
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