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Created August 18, 2015 20:01
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Mock XHR
// Copyright (c) Jupyter Development Team.
// Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
// Mock implementation of XMLHttpRequest following
import expect = require('expect.js');
// stubs for node global variables
declare var global: any;
declare var process: any;
* Simple event class stub for node.
class Event {
constructor(type: string) { }
enum ReadyState {
UNSENT = 0, // open() has not been called yet.
OPENED = 1, // send() has been called.
HEADERS_RECEIVED = 2, // send() has been called, and headers and status
// are available.
LOADING = 3, // Downloading; responseText holds partial data.
DONE = 4 // The operation is complete.
class MockXMLHttpRequest {
static requests: MockXMLHttpRequest[] = [];
get readyState(): number {
return this._readyState;
get response(): any {
return this._response;
get responseText(): string {
return String(this._response);
get responseType(): string {
return this._responseType;
get status(): number {
return this._status;
get statusText() {
return this._statusText;
get timeout(): number {
return this._timeout;
set timeout(timeout: number) {
throw Error('Not implemented');
this._timeout = timeout;
set onload(cb: () => void) {
this._onLoad = cb;
set onerror(cb: (evt?: Event) => void) {
this._onError = cb;
set onprocess(cb: () => void) {
throw Error('Not implemented');
this._onProgress = cb;
set onreadystatechange(cb: () => void) {
this._onReadyState = cb;
open(method: string, url: string, async?: boolean, user?: string, password?:string): void {
this._method = method;
this._url = url;
if (async !== void 0) {
this._async = async;
if (user !== void 0) {
this._user = user;
if (password !== void 0) {
this._password = password;
this._readyState = ReadyState.OPENED;
if (this._onReadyState) {
process.nextTick(() => {this._onReadyState()});
overrideMimeType(mime: string): void {
this._mimetype = mime;
send(data?: any) {
if (data !== void 0) {
this._data = data;
process.nextTick(() => {MockXMLHttpRequest.requests.push(this);});
setRequestHeader(header: string, value: string) {
this._requestHeader[header] = value;
getResponseHeader(header: string): string{
if (this._responseHeader.hasOwnProperty(header)) {
return this._responseHeader[header];
respond(statusCode: number, header: any, response: any) {
this._status = statusCode;
this._response = response;
this._responseHeader = header;
this._readyState = ReadyState.DONE;
if (statusCode >= 400) {
if (this._onError) {
var evt = new Event('Invalid status code');
process.nextTick(() => {this._onError(evt);});
} else {
if (this._onReadyState) {
process.nextTick(() => {this._onReadyState()});
console.log('onload?', this._onLoad);
if (this._onLoad) {
process.nextTick(() => {this._onLoad()});
private _readyState = ReadyState.UNSENT;
private _response: any = '';
private _responseType = '';
private _status = -1;
private _statusText = '';
private _timeout = -1;
private _mimetype = '';
private _data: any;
private _method = '';
private _url = '';
private _async = true;
private _user = ''
private _password = '';
private _onLoad: () => void = null;
private _onError: (evt?: Event) => void = null;
private _onProgress: () => void = null;
private _requestHeader: any = {};
private _responseHeader: any = {};
private _onReadyState: () => void = null;
describe(' - mockXHR', () => {
global.XMLHttpRequest = MockXMLHttpRequest;
it('should make a request', (done) => {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', '');
process.nextTick(() => {
it('should yield a successful response', (done) => {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', '');
xhr.onload = () => {
process.nextTick(() => {
var request = MockXMLHttpRequest.requests[0];
request.respond(200, {}, '');
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