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Created August 30, 2016 11:59
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Compute V1 -> V3 weights for the 1507 phase space points
#! /bin/env python
import ROOT
v3_filename = "Distros_benchmarks_5p_500000ev_12sam_13TeV_JHEPv3.root"
# From
#v3_filename = "Distros_5p_500000ev_12sam_13TeV_JHEP_500K.root"
#v3_filename = "GluGluToHHTo2B2VTo2L2Nu_node_{}_mhh_vs_cos_theta_star.root" #=> used for v1/v1 check
# For 1507 limits
# From
v3_filename = "Distros_all_5p_20000ev_1507sam_13TeV_JHEPv3.root"
# Output of
v1_filename = "GluGluToHHTo2B2VTo2L2Nu_all_nodes_gen_mhh_vs_costhetastar.root"
def fold_cos_theta(input):
Create a new TH2 based on input, but with |cos(theta)*| instead of
output = ROOT.TH2F(input.GetName() + "_folded", input.GetTitle(), 90, 0, 1800, 5, 0, 1)
# Assume 5 first bins are -1 -> 0
# Everything is hardcoded, baaaadddd but too lazy
for i in range(0, 6):
for j in range(0, 92):
negative_value = input.GetBinContent(input.GetBin(j, i))
positive_value = input.GetBinContent(input.GetBin(j, i + 5))
# Bin 1 in input is bin 5 in output
# Bin 2 in input is bin 4 in output
# Etc.
output.SetBinContent(output.GetBin(j, 6 - i), negative_value + positive_value)
return output
v3_file = ROOT.TFile.Open(v3_filename)
v1_file = ROOT.TFile.Open(v1_filename)
v1_map = v1_file.Get("mhh_vs_abs_cos_theta_star")
v1_map_unfolded = v1_file.Get("mhh_vs_cos_theta_star")
## 1507 limits
output = ROOT.TFile.Open("weights_v1_1507_points.root", "recreate")
for point in range(0, 1507):
# Skip dummy Xanda
if point in [324, 910, 985, 990]: continue
map_unfolded = v3_file.Get("%d_bin1" % point)
# Normalize to the same integral as v1_map_unfolded
map_unfolded.Scale(v1_map_unfolded.Integral() / map_unfolded.Integral())
map = fold_cos_theta(map_unfolded)
ratio = map.Clone("point_%d_weights" % point)
ratio_unfolded = map_unfolded.Clone("point_%d_weights_unfolded" % point)
#map_unfolded.Write("point_%d_mhh_vs_cos_theta_star" % point)
#map.Write("point_%d_mhh_vs_abs_cos_theta_star" % point)
## => used for v1/v1 check:
#for cluster in range(2, 14):
#v3_file = ROOT.TFile.Open(v3_filename.format(cluster))
#v3_map_unfolded = v3_file.Get("mhh_vs_cos_theta_star")
#for cluster in range(0, 12):
# v3_map_unfolded = v3_file.Get("%d_bin1" % cluster)
# # Normalize to the same integral as v1_map_unfolded
# v3_map_unfolded.Scale(v1_map_unfolded.Integral() / v3_map_unfolded.Integral())
# v3_map = fold_cos_theta(v3_map_unfolded)
# output = ROOT.TFile.Open("cluster_%d_v1_to_v3_weights.root" % cluster, "recreate")
# ratio = v3_map.Clone("weights")
# ratio.Divide(v1_map)
# ratio.Write()
# ratio_unfolded = v3_map_unfolded.Clone("weights_unfolded")
# ratio_unfolded.Divide(v1_map_unfolded)
# ratio_unfolded.Write()
# v3_map_unfolded.Write("v3_cluster_%d_mhh_vs_cos_theta_star" % cluster)
# v3_map.Write("v3_cluster_%d_mhh_vs_abs_cos_theta_star" % cluster)
# v1_map_unfolded.Write("v1_all_clusters_mhh_vs_cos_theta_star")
# v1_map.Write("v1_all_clusters_mhh_vs_abs_cos_theta_star")
# output.Close()
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