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Last active December 15, 2021 16:40
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Scripts to setup an virtual external network with OpenStack after a setup with packstack --allinone
# see
set -x
echo "set term=xterm" >> .vimrc
yum install -y etckeeper
etckeeper init
etckeeper commit
yum install -y
sed -i -e 's/priority.*/priority=1/g' /etc/yum.repos.d/rdo-release.repo
sed --in-place '/^exclude=libmongodb/d;s/^priority=/exclude=libmongodb,pymongo\*,mongodb\*,python-bson,python-webob,python-mako,python-webtest\npriority=/g' /etc/yum.repos.d/slc6-os.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/slc6-updates.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/slc6-extras.repo
ssh-keygen -q -f /root/.ssh/id_rsa -t rsa -P ""
sh -c 'cat /root/.ssh/ >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys'
chmod 700 .ssh
chmod 600 .ssh/*
yum install -y openstack-packstack
sed -i'' '3 s/^/#/' /usr/share/openstack-puppet/modules/packstack/templates/innodb.cnf.erb
# I know this is bad, but OpenStack documentation keeps telling to do this
sed -i -e 's/^SELINUX=enforcing/SELINUX=permissive/g' /etc/selinux/config
packstack --allinone --os-neutron-install=y --provision-demo=n --provision-all-in-one-ovs-bridge=n --nagios-install=n
set -x
#trap read debug
# has to be an relative path inside /root
cd /root
function get_field {
grep "$2" $OUTPUT_DIR/$1 | awk "{print \$$3}"
function log_output {
tee $OUTPUT_DIR/$1
function setup_environment {
mkdir /root/backup
mkdir /root/scripts
mkdir -p $OUTPUT_DIR
yum install -y pwgen
function modify_neutron_config {
set -x
# trap read debug
# Step 1: Verify and Modify Neutron Configuration
#sleep 5m
for i in server dhcp-agent l3-agent metadata-agent openvswitch-agent; do /etc/init.d/neutron-$i restart; done
openstack-config --set /etc/neutron/dhcp_agent.ini DEFAULT ovs_use_veth True
openstack-config --set /etc/neutron/l3_agent.ini DEFAULT ovs_use_veth True
openstack-config --set /etc/neutron/dhcp_agent.ini DEFAULT enable_isolated_metadata True
# Step 2: Configure Router and External Network
ifconfig | log_output ifconfig_vanilla
ovs-vsctl show | log_output ovs-vsctl-show_vanilla
brctl show | log_output brctl-show_vanilla
mv /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-br-tun /root/backup/
for i in server dhcp-agent l3-agent metadata-agent openvswitch-agent; do /etc/init.d/neutron-$i restart; done
function setup_nat {
set -x
# trap read debug
# Setting up NAT and "virtual" external network
echo "#!/bin/bash
ip link set down br-ex
ip addr add dev br-ex
ip link set up br-ex
iptables -I FORWARD -i br-ex -j ACCEPT
iptables -I FORWARD -o br-ex -j ACCEPT
iptables -t nat -I POSTROUTING -s ! -d -j MASQUERADE" > /root/scripts/
chmod u+x /root/scripts/
function create_external_network_and_tenant {
set -x
# trap read debug
# Creating the External Network
. keystonerc_admin
neutron net-create extnet --router:external=True | log_output extnet
NETWORK_ID=$(get_field extnet " id " 4)
# Create Subnet
neutron subnet-create extnet --allocation-pool start=,end= --gateway --enable_dhcp=False | log_output extnet_subnet
# Create Router
neutron router-create rdorouter | log_output rdorouter
ROUTER_ID=$(get_field rdorouter " id " 4)
# Set the Router's Gateway
neutron router-gateway-set $ROUTER_ID $NETWORK_ID | log_output gateway-set
neutron router-list | log_output router-list
ovs-vsctl show | log_output ovs-vsctl-show_after_router_create
# Create a Tenant and a User
keystone tenant-create --name rdotest | log_output tenant-create
TENANT_ID=$(get_field tenant-create " id " 4)
TENANT_PASS=$(pwgen 15 1)
echo "rdotest" >> $PASSWORD_FILE
keystone user-create --name rdotest --tenant-id $TENANT_ID --pass $TENANT_PASS --enabled true | log_output user-create
USER_ID=$(get_field user-create " id " 4)
# Create RC file for rdotest
cat /root/keystonerc_admin | sed -e 's/admin/rdotest/g' -e "s/^export OS_PASSWORD.*/export OS_PASSWORD=$TENANT_PASS/" | tee keystonerc_rdotest
function create_private_network {
set -x
# trap read debug
# Step 4: Create Private Network
. keystonerc_rdotest
neutron net-create rdonet | log_output net-create-rdonet
neutron subnet-create --dns-nameserver --dns-nameserver rdonet | log_output subnet-create-rdonet
SUBNET_ID=$(get_field subnet-create-rdonet " id " 4)
. keystonerc_admin
ROUTER_ID=$(get_field rdorouter " id " 4)
neutron router-interface-add $ROUTER_ID $SUBNET_ID | log_output router-interface-add
ovs-vsctl show | log_output ovs-vsctl-show_after_subnet
function create_image_and_prepare_environment {
set -x
# trap read debug
# Step 5: Create image
. keystonerc_admin
glance image-create --container-format=bare --disk-format=qcow2 --name=cirros --is-public=True < cirros.qcow2 | log_output image-create
# Step 6: Create and Import SSH Key
. keystonerc_rdotest
nova keypair-add --pub-key .ssh/ rdokey | log_output keypair-idd
# Step 7: Create Security Group Rules
neutron security-group-rule-create --protocol icmp --direction ingress default | log_output security-group-rule-icmp
neutron security-group-rule-create --protocol tcp --port-range-min 22 --port-range-max 22 --direction ingress default | log_output security-group-rule-ssh
# expects 1 argument: number to attach to "cirros" to get the name of the instance
function boot_vm {
set -x
# trap read debug
# Step 8: Boot the VM
. keystonerc_rdotest
IMAGE_ID=$(get_field image-create " id " 4)
nova boot --flavor 1 --image $IMAGE_ID --key-name rdokey "cirros$1" | log_output "boot-cirros$1"
# expects 1 argument: number to attach to "cirros" to get the name of the instance
function assign_floating_ip {
set -x
# trap read debug
. keystonerc_rdotest
VM_ID=$(get_field "boot-cirros$1" " id " 4)
neutron port-list --device_id $VM_ID | log_output "port-list-cirros$1"
PORT_ID=$(get_field "port-list-cirros$1" "subnet_id" 2)
neutron floatingip-create extnet | log_output "floatingip-create-cirros$1"
FLOATINGIP_ID=$(get_field "floatingip-create-cirros$1" " id " 4)
neutron floatingip-associate $FLOATINGIP_ID $PORT_ID
boot_vm 1
sleep 5m
assign_floating_ip 1
boot_vm 2
sleep 5m
assign_floating_ip 2
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