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Created May 5, 2019 07:26
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Accounts package in perl
#!/usr/bin/env perl
#use Date::Manip;
use Time::Piece;
use POSIX;
my %gaaps;
my %qtys;
my $start_date = "2019-04-06";
my $pracc; # the default account we want to print
my $tacc = 0; # the total for that account
mkdir "out";
sub fopen {
my $fname = shift(@_);
$fname = "out/$fname";
open(my $fp, ">", $fname) or die "Cannot open file:$fname.";
return $fp;
#open(my $fcgt, ">", "out/cgt.txt") or die "Cannot open cgt file";
$fcgt = fopen("cgt.txt");
$fgaap = fopen("gaap.txt");
$fstocko = fopen("stocko.csv");
sub split1 {
my ($str, $n) = @_;
return split(/\s+/, $str, $n);
sub print_acc {
my ($dstamp, $amount, $alt, $desc) = @_;
$tacc += $amount;
printf "%s %s %10.2f %10.2f %-6s %s\n", $pracc, $dstamp, $amount, $tacc, $alt, $desc;
sub ntran {
my ($dstamp, $dr, $cr, $amount, $desc) = @_ ;
return if ($dstamp lt $start_date);
#print "ntran amount: $dr $cr $amount\n";
$gaaps{$dr} += $amount;
if($dr eq $pracc) { print_acc $dstamp, $amount, $cr, $desc }
$gaaps{$cr} -= $amount;
if($cr eq $pracc) { print_acc $dstamp, -$amount, $dr, $desc }
sub etran {
my ($dstamp, $acc, $ticker, $qty, $amount, $desc) = split1(@_, 6);
my $samount = ($qty <=> 0) * $amount;
ntran $dstamp, "flow", $acc, $samount, $desc;
$qtys{"$acc:$ticker"} += $qty;
my $dstamp1 = Time::Piece->strptime($dstamp, "%Y-%m-%d")->strftime("%d/%m/%Y");
my $aqty = abs($qty);
if($acc ne "isa") {
printf $fcgt "%s\t%s\t%s\t%d\t%f\t0.00\t0.00\n", ($qty>0 ? "B" : "S"), $dstamp1, $ticker, $aqty, $amount/$aqty;
# stockopedia
my $ticker1 = $ticker;
$ticker1 =~ s/^(.+)../LON:$1/;
my $way = $qty >0 ? "Buy" : "Sell";
my $uprice = $amount/$aqty * 100.0;
#my $commision = $amount - ($uprice*$aqty/100.0);
printf $fstocko "%s,%s,10:10:10,%s,%d,1,%f,GBX,0,,%.2f\n", $ticker1, $dstamp1, $way, $aqty, $uprice, $samount;
my $dep = $qty >0 ? "Deposit" : "Withdrawal";
printf $fstocko ",%s,10:10:10,%s,,,,,,,%.2f\n", $dstamp1, $dep, $samount;
sub gaap {
my ($meta, $base, $comp, $desc) = split1(@_, 4);
$gaaps{$meta} += $gaaps{$base};
my $acc = $base eq "=" ? $meta : $base;
printf $fgaap "%-7s %10.2f %10.2f %s\n", $acc, $gaaps{$acc}, $comp, $desc;
if($base eq "=") { print $fgaap "\n" }
sub scan {
my $filename = shift(@_);
open(my $fh, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', $filename) or die "Could not open file '$filename' $!";
while (my $row = <$fh>) {
chomp $row;
my ($cmd, $args) = split(/\s+/ , $row, 2);
if ($cmd eq "etran-3") { etran $args }
elsif ($cmd eq "gaap") { gaap $args }
elsif ($cmd eq "ntran") { ntran split1($args, 5) }
elsif ($cmd eq "start") { $start_date = $args }
sub print_qtys {
$fqty = fopen("qty.txt");
foreach my $key (sort keys %qtys) {
printf $fqty "%-10s %5d\n", $key, $qtys{$key};
close $fqty;
sub main1 {
$pracc = $ARGV[0]; # the account I want to print
close $fcgt;
#!/usr/bin/env perl6
#use experimental :macros;
#use Time::Piece;
sub splitn($str, $n) { split(/\s+/, $str, $n) }
my @inputs = q:x/cat ltbhv1.txt accts2019v1.txt/ .split("\n") ;
my @etrans;
my @posts = gather {
for @inputs {
my ($cmd, $rest) = splitn($_, 2);
given $cmd {
when "etran-3" {
my @args = splitn($rest, 6);
my ($dstamp, $acc, $ticker, $eqty, $eamount, $desc) = @args;
my $amount = sign($eqty) * $eamount;
take $dstamp, "flow" , $amount, $desc;
take $dstamp, $acc, -$amount, $desc;
when "ntran" {
my @args = splitn($rest, 5);
take @args[0], @args[1], @args[3], @args[4];
take @args[0], @args[2], -@args[3], @args[4];
}.grep({ $_ ge "2019-04-06"}).sort;
if my $pracc = @*ARGS[0] {
my $cum = 0.0;
for @posts.grep({ $_[1] eq $pracc}) {
$cum += $_[2];
sprintf("%s %4s %10.2f %10.2f %s", $_[0], $_[1], $_[2], $cum, $_[3]).put };
# produce the gaap file
my %gaaps is default(0.00);
for @posts {%gaaps{$_[1]} += $_[2]; }
my $fh-gaap = open "out/gaap1.txt", :w;
for 'gaap.txt'.IO.lines {
my ($cmd, $meta, $base, $comp, $desc) = splitn($_, 5);
next if $cmd ne "gaap";
%gaaps{$meta} += %gaaps{$base};
my $acc = $base eq "=" ?? $meta !! $base;
$fh-gaap.printf("%-7s %10.2f %10.2f %s\n", $acc, %gaaps{$acc}, $comp, $desc);
$fh-gaap.printf("\n") if $base eq "=";
#produce the qty file
my %qtys;
for @etrans {
my ($dstamp, $acc, $ticker, $eqty, $eamount, $desc) = $_;
%qtys{"$acc:$ticker"} += $eqty;
my $qty-text ={sprintf("%-10s %5d", .key, .value) }).sort.join("\n");
spurt('out/qty1.txt', $qty-text);
# produce cgt and stocko
my $fcgt = open "out/cgt1.txt", :w;
my $fstocko= open "out/stocko1.csv", :w;
for @etrans {
my ($dstamp, $acc, $ticker, $eqty, $eamount, $desc) = $_;
#my $y, $m, $d = split($dstamp, '-');
my $dstamp1 = split('-', $dstamp).reverse.join('/');
my $aqty = abs($eqty);
my $cfmt = "%s\t%s\t%s\t%d\t%f\t0.00\t0.00\n";
if $acc ne "isa" {
$fcgt.printf($cfmt, ($eqty>0 ?? "B" !! "S"), $dstamp1, $ticker, $aqty, $eamount/$aqty);
# stocko
my $ticker1 = "LON:" ~ $ticker.chop.chop;
my $way = $eqty >0 ?? "Buy" !! "Sell";
my $uprice = $eamount/$aqty * 100.0;
my $samount = sign($eqty) * $eamount;
$fstocko. printf("%s,%s,10:10:10,%s,%d,1,%f,GBX,0,,%.2f\n", $ticker1, $dstamp1, $way, $aqty, $uprice, $samount);
my $dep = $eqty >0 ?? "Deposit" !! "Withdrawal";
$fstocko. printf( ",%s,10:10:10,%s,,,,,,,%.2f\n", $dstamp1, $dep, $samount);
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blippy commented May 5, 2019

Refer to my blog for more information.

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