####HRBlock, Scholarship app####
- The IT guy from HRBlock still needs to update the DNS on their end to make the app point to the correct server because Amazon will be retiring the server on 12/4.
- After the switch is made, a backup needs to be imported into the app to avoid any discrepancies. That might mean bringing the app down for a few minutes to import the data. Alternatively a new database can just be created with the data import and then just change over the credentials.
####Ansible and creating new servers:####
- There are docs on how to create a new server with the Ansible playbooks here - https://sites.google.com/a/dosomething.org/tech/server/rackspaceprivatecloud-openstack/openstack-orchesration
- Horizon is fairly horrible, so the easiest way to create a new server is with the playbooks
- If you're unsure of what command to run, there are lots of examples in the history