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Single Month Calendar Selector in Elm
module Calendar exposing (..)
import Date exposing (Date)
import Debug
import Html as H exposing (..)
import Html.App as Html
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick)
import String
import Task
main =
{ init = init
, view = view
, update = update
, subscriptions = subscriptions
type alias Model = Date
splitDate : Date -> (Int, Int, Int)
splitDate date =
let month = case Date.month date of
Date.Jan -> 1
Date.Feb -> 2
Date.Mar -> 3
Date.Apr -> 4
Date.May -> 5
Date.Jun -> 6
Date.Jul -> 7
Date.Aug -> 8
Date.Sep -> 9
Date.Oct -> 10
Date.Nov -> 11
Date.Dec -> 12
in ( Date.year date, month, date )
dateString : (Int, Int, Int) -> String
dateString (y, m, d) =
[y, m, d]
|> toString
|> (\s -> if String.length s < 2 then "0" ++ s else s)
|> String.join "-"
|> \s -> s ++ " 12:00"
init =
let epoch = Date.fromTime 0
in ( epoch, Task.perform Set Set )
type Msg
= Set Date
| Select Int
| Next
| Prev
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
let changeMonth delta date =
|> splitDate
|> changeMonthHelp delta
|> dateString
|> Date.fromString
changeMonthHelp delta (y, m, d) =
(year, month) =
case m of
1 -> if delta < 0 then (y - 1, 12) else (y, m + delta)
12 -> if delta > 0 then (y + 1, 1) else (y, m + delta)
_ -> (y, m + delta)
day =
case Date.fromString (dateString (year, month, 1)) of
Ok date -> Basics.min d (daysInMonth date)
Err msg -> Debug.crash msg
(year, month, day)
in case msg of
Set date ->
( date, Cmd.none )
Select i ->
let date =
|> splitDate
|> (\(y, m, d) -> (y, m, i))
|> dateString
|> Date.fromString
in case date of
Ok date -> ( date, Cmd.none)
Err msg -> ( model, Cmd.none )
Next ->
case changeMonth 1 model of
Ok date -> ( date , Cmd.none)
Err msg -> ( model , Cmd.none )
Prev ->
case changeMonth -1 model of
Ok date -> ( date , Cmd.none)
Err msg -> ( model , Cmd.none )
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
weekPos : Date -> Int
weekPos date =
case Date.dayOfWeek date of
Date.Sun -> 0
Date.Mon -> 1
Date.Tue -> 2
Date.Wed -> 3
Date.Thu -> 4
Date.Fri -> 5
Date.Sat -> 6
daysInMonth : Date -> Int
daysInMonth date =
case Date.month date of
Date.Jan -> 31
Date.Feb ->
let year = Date.year date
leap = (year % 4 == 0) && (year % 100 /= 0) || (year % 400 == 0)
in if leap then 29 else 28
Date.Mar -> 31
Date.Apr -> 30
Date.May -> 31
Date.Jun -> 30
Date.Jul -> 31
Date.Aug -> 31
Date.Sep -> 30
Date.Oct -> 31
Date.Nov -> 30
Date.Dec -> 31
viewMonth : Date -> Html Msg
viewMonth date =
posOfFirst = (weekPos date - date + 1) % 7
week start current max =
let leftPad = (always <| td [] [text ""]) [0..posOfFirst-1]
elementStyle i = style <| [("text-align","center")] ++
if i + start == current
then [("color","white"), ("background", "black")]
else [("color","black"), ("background", "white")]
toElement i = td [onClick (Select <| i + start), elementStyle i]
[text << toString <| i + start]
in if start == 1 then
(tr [] (leftPad ++ toElement [0..6-posOfFirst]))
:: week (start + 7 - posOfFirst) current max
else if start <= max then
(tr [] ( toElement [0..Basics.min 6 (max-start)]))
:: week (start + 7) current max
else []
weeks = week 1 ( date) (daysInMonth date)
in table [style [("cursor","default"), ("width","100%")]] <|
[ tr [] <| (\day -> td [style [("text-align","center")]] [text day])
] ++ weeks
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
div [style [("width","240px")]]
[ div [style [("display","flex"), ("justify-content","space-between"), ("padding","5px")]]
[ button [onClick Prev] [ text "<" ]
, strong []
[ text << (\d -> toString (Date.month d) ++ " " ++ toString (Date.year d)) <| model ]
, button [onClick Next] [ text ">" ]
, viewMonth model
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