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Created January 7, 2016 21:29
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  • Save blitzrk/e3e01277b1e5447f6601 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save blitzrk/e3e01277b1e5447f6601 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Cellular automata playground made in 2.5 days. For use in and a good starting off point for making your own automatons with unique rules. Obviously could use some refactoring into separate modules for outside the browser...
import Array exposing (Array(..), append, get, set, length)
import Color exposing (black, white, darkGrey)
import Graphics.Element exposing (..)
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes as Attr exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (..)
import Maybe exposing (withDefault, andThen)
import Mouse
import Random exposing (generate)
import Result
import Signal
import String
import Task exposing (Task)
import Time exposing (Time, fps)
main : Signal Element
main =
Signal.map3 view
( (withDefault defaultGrid << List.head << fst) history)
update : Input -> Model -> Model
update ({action, position, time} as input) model =
action' =
if action == Toggle && not (inGrid model position)
then None
else action
in case action' of
None -> identity model
Undo -> undo model
Redo -> redo model
otherwise ->
model >>= handle { input | action = action' }
handle : Input -> Grid -> Model
handle {action, position, time} =
return <<
case action of
Toggle -> maybeToggle `ap` overCell position
Step -> evolve
Unstep -> unevolve
IncRow -> alterGrid Row Push
IncCol -> alterGrid Col Push
DecRow -> alterGrid Row Pop
DecCol -> alterGrid Col Pop
Clear -> clear
Generate -> randomizeGrid <| Random.initialSeed <| round time
otherwise -> identity
undo : Model -> Model
undo model =
case model of
([], hs) -> ([], hs)
([g], hs) -> ([g], hs)
(g::gs, hs) -> (gs, g::hs)
redo : Model -> Model
redo model =
case model of
(gs, []) -> (gs, [])
(gs, h::hs) -> (h::gs, hs)
type Dim = Row | Col
type Op = Push | Pop
alterGrid : Dim -> Op -> Grid -> Grid
alterGrid dim op =
\((Grid rows) as g) ->
(ncol, nrow) = dims g
case (dim, op) of
(Row, Push) ->
Grid <| Array.push (Array.repeat ncol False) rows
(Row, Pop) ->
Grid <| Array.slice 0 (nrow - 1) rows
(Col, Push) ->
Grid <| (Array.push False) rows
(Col, Pop) ->
Grid <| (Array.slice 0 (ncol - 1)) rows
clear : Grid -> Grid
clear (Grid rows) =
Grid <| mapArray2 (always False) rows
(=>) = (,)
view : Grid -> AnimationState -> AnimationSpeed -> Element
view ((Grid rows) as g) state speed =
(width, height) = dims g
gridElem =
flow down <|
spacer 2 2 ::
rowLine width ::
(Array.toList <| drawRow rows)
buttonStyle extras =
style <|
[ "width" => "calc(100% * (1/2) - 4px)"
, "margin" => "2px"
, "font-size" => "85%"
] ++ extras
btn attr action txt =
[ button
([ class "pure-button"
, buttonStyle []
, onClick formInput.address action
] ++ attr
)[ text txt ]
tog attr txt1 txt2 =
[ label
([ for "state"
, class "pure-button pure-button-primary"
, buttonStyle []
] ++ attr
) [ text <| if state then txt1 else txt2 ]
, input
[ type' "checkbox"
, id "state"
, hidden True
, onClick animationPlaying.address <| toggleAnimation state
] []
slider name =
[ label
[ for name
, style
[ "width" => "calc(100% * (3/7) - 4px)"
, "margin" => "2px"
, "font-size" => "95%"
] [ text (name ++ ": " ++ toString speed) ]
, input
[ type' "range"
, id name
, Attr.min "1"
, Attr.max <| toString maxSpeed
, value <| toString speed
, on "input" targetValue setSpeed
, style
[ "width" => "calc(100% * (4/7) - 4px)"
, "margin" => "2px"
] []
d = disabled True
formElem =
toElement 160 77 <|
[ style
[ "display" => "flex"
, "flex-wrap" => "wrap"
] <| List.concat
[ tog [] "Stop" "Play"
--, btn [d] Unstep "<<"
, btn [] Step ">>"
, slider "Speed"
, btn [] Clear "Clear"
, btn [] Generate "Random"
, btn [] Undo "Undo"
, btn [] Redo "Redo"
, btn [] IncRow "+ Row"
, btn [] IncCol "+ Col"
, btn [] DecRow "- Row"
, btn [] DecCol "- Col"
flow right
[ toElement 0 0 <|
node "link"
[ rel "stylesheet"
, href ""
] []
, formElem
, gridElem
rowLine : Int -> Element
rowLine cols =
x = toWidth cols
y = gridLine
spacer x y
|> color darkGrey
colLine : Element
colLine =
spacer gridLine cellSize
|> color darkGrey
drawCell : Bool -> Element
drawCell pred =
spacer cellSize cellSize
|> color (if pred then black else white)
drawRow : Array Bool -> Element
drawRow row =
flow down
[ row
|> drawCell
|> Array.toList
|> surround colLine
|> flow right
, rowLine <|
Array.length row
type alias Model = (List Grid, List Grid)
history : Signal Model
history =
Signal.foldp update (return defaultGrid) inputSignal
-- Model monad
return : Grid -> Model
return grid =
([grid], [])
(>>=) : Model -> (Grid -> Model) -> Model
(>>=) m f =
case m of
([], hs) -> Debug.crash "Error: lost the grid!"
(g::gs, _) ->
(g',_) = f g
(g' ++ g::gs, [])
-- Grid
type Grid = Grid (Array (Array Bool))
type alias Cell =
{ row : Int
, col : Int
topLeft = (161, 2)
cellSize = 25
gridLine = 1
defaultGrid : Grid
defaultGrid =
let t = [True]
f = [False]
do = List.repeat
from = Array.fromList << List.concat
in Grid << Array.fromList << from <|
[ [do 15 False]
, [do 3 False, do 3 True, do 3 False, do 3 True, do 3 False]
, [do 15 False]
, [f, t, do 4 False, t, f, t, do 4 False, t, f]
, [f, t, do 4 False, t, f, t, do 4 False, t, f]
, [f, t, do 4 False, t, f, t, do 4 False, t, f]
, [do 3 False, do 3 True, do 3 False, do 3 True, do 3 False]
dims : Grid -> (Int, Int)
dims (Grid g) =
y = length g
x = g |> get 0 |> length |> withDefault 0
(x, y)
inGrid : Model -> (Int, Int) -> Bool
inGrid model pos =
grid = withDefault (Grid Array.empty) <| List.head <| fst model
overCell pos grid /= Nothing
overCell : (Int, Int) -> Grid -> Maybe Cell
overCell (x, y) g =
relX = x - fst topLeft
relY = y - snd topLeft
row = relY // (cellSize + gridLine)
col = relX // (cellSize + gridLine)
(cols, rows) = dims g
if row < rows && col < cols && Basics.min relX relY >= 0
then Just <| Cell row col
else Nothing
maybeToggle : Maybe Cell -> Grid -> Grid
maybeToggle maybe =
case maybe of
Nothing -> identity
Just {row, col} ->
\(Grid rows) -> Grid <|
arrUpdate row (arrUpdate col not) rows
arrUpdate : Int -> (a -> a) -> Array a -> Array a
arrUpdate index update arr =
case Array.get index arr of
Just val ->
Array.set index (update val) arr
Nothing ->
Debug.crash <|
"Cannot access index " ++
toString index ++ " of " ++
toString arr
type alias Input =
{ action : Action
, position : (Int, Int)
, time : Time
clickAction : Signal Action
clickAction =
( (always Toggle) Mouse.clicks)
inputSignal : Signal Input
inputSignal =
Signal.sampleOn clickAction <|
Signal.map3 Input
type Action
= None | Toggle
| Step | Unstep
| Clear | Generate
| Undo | Redo
| IncRow | IncCol
| DecRow | DecCol
formInput : Signal.Mailbox Action
formInput =
Signal.mailbox None
-- Animation
type alias AnimationState = Bool
type alias AnimationSpeed = Int
animationPlaying : Signal.Mailbox AnimationState
animationPlaying =
Signal.mailbox False
toggleAnimation state =
not state
animationSpeed : Signal.Mailbox AnimationSpeed
animationSpeed =
Signal.mailbox 1
maxSpeed = 15
setSpeed str =
let speed = String.toInt str |> Result.toMaybe |> withDefault 1
in Signal.message animationSpeed.address speed
sendWithCounter frames address message =
maybeStep playing t =
if playing
then Just <| Signal.send address message
else Nothing
framesPerSecond n =
Signal.filterMap identity (Task.succeed ()) <|
Signal.map2 maybeStep
(fps n)
(\task (acc, _) -> (acc+1, task))
(0, Task.succeed ())
(framesPerSecond frames)
port animate : Signal (Task x ())
port animate =
scalePlayback (count, task) speed playing =
if playing && count % (maxSpeed - speed + 1) == 0
then (count // (maxSpeed - speed + 1), task)
else (0, Task.succeed ())
dedupCounter (t1, task) (t2, _) =
if t1 /= t2
then (t1, task)
else (t1, Task.succeed ())
in snd <|
Signal.foldp dedupCounter (-1, Task.succeed()) <|
Signal.map3 scalePlayback
(sendWithCounter maxSpeed formInput.address Step)
type alias Dist = Int
type alias Alive = Bool
type alias Neighborhood = List (Dist, Alive)
type alias Rule = (Alive, Neighborhood) -> Alive
type alias Array2 a = Array (Array a)
type alias NeighborhoodGrid = Array2 (Alive, Neighborhood)
evolve : Grid -> Grid
evolve grid =
Grid <| mapArray2 (applyRules rules) (neighborhood grid)
neighborhood : Grid -> NeighborhoodGrid
neighborhood (Grid rows) =
locs = (,) [0, 1, -1] `andMap` [0, 1, -1] |> List.drop 1
getByRel (c, r) (x, y) =
Array.get (r - y) rows `andThen` Array.get (c - x)
neighbors from alive =
\rows -> (getByRel from) locs
|> filterMaybe
|> ((,) 1)
|> (,) alive
|> indexedMapArray2 neighbors
|> mapArray2 (\f -> f rows)
rules : List Rule
rules =
let living = List.foldl (\(d,p) acc -> if p then acc + 1 else acc) 0
in [ (\(p, nbs) -> p && living nbs == 2)
, (\(p, nbs) -> p && living nbs == 3)
-- , (\(p, nbs) -> p && living nbs == 2)
, (\(p, nbs) -> not p && living nbs == 3)
applyRules : List Rule -> (Alive, Neighborhood) -> Alive
applyRules rules x =
let any = List.member True
in any <| (\f -> f x) rules
unevolve : Grid -> Grid
unevolve grid =
Grid <| mapArray2
(applyRules <| ((<<) not) rules)
(neighborhood grid)
surround : a -> List a -> List a
surround sep xs =
case xs of
[] -> []
[x] -> sep :: x :: sep :: []
x :: xs -> sep :: x :: (surround sep xs)
toWidth =
(+) gridLine << (*) (cellSize + gridLine)
filterMaybe : List (Maybe a) -> List a
filterMaybe ms =
(\m acc ->
case m of
Nothing -> acc
Just val -> val :: acc) [] ms
-- Applicative functors
ap : (b -> a -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
ap f g =
\x -> (f (g x) x)
andMap : List (a -> b) -> List a -> List b
andMap funcs xs =
List.concatMap (\f -> f xs) funcs
-- 2D Array type
mapArray2 : (a -> b) -> Array (Array a) -> Array (Array b)
mapArray2 f = indexedMapArray2 (always f)
indexedMapArray2 : ((Int, Int) -> a -> b) -> Array2 a -> Array2 b
indexedMapArray2 f rows =
withIndex row acc =
let y = Array.length acc
in Array.push (Array.indexedMap (\x v -> f (x, y) v) row) acc
Array.foldl withIndex Array.empty rows
-- Random
time =
Time.every <| 100 * Time.millisecond
randomizeGrid : Random.Seed -> Grid -> Grid
randomizeGrid init (Grid grid) =
accumRand p (acc, seed) =
(p', seed') = generate Random.bool seed
acc' = Array.push p' acc
(acc', seed')
randomize row seed =
Array.foldl accumRand (Array.empty, seed) row
accumRandArrays row (acc, seed) =
(row', seed') = randomize row seed
acc' = Array.push row' acc
(acc', seed')
Grid << fst <|
Array.foldl accumRandArrays (Array.empty, init) grid
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