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Last active December 18, 2015 19:52
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import String
import Result exposing (andThen)
import Text
import Color
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes as Attr exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (..)
-- View
view : Model -> Html
view result =
permutation =
[ placeholder "Permutation (e.g. \"1 3 0 2\")"
, on "input" targetValue (Signal.message query.address)
div []
[ permutation
, br [] []
, mapResult
((++) "Hashed: " << toString << hash)
, br [] []
, mapResult
((++) "Unhashed: " << toString << unhash << \m -> (hash m, List.length m))
mapResult : (Permutation -> String) -> Model -> Html
mapResult f result =
case result of
Ok val -> text <| f val
Err e -> div
[ style
[ ("color", "red")
, ("display", "inline")
] [ text e ]
-- Update
update : String -> Model
update model =
|> String.words
|> fromList
|> validate
fromList : List String -> Model
fromList list =
prependInt string acc =
case String.toInt string of
Ok int -> Ok (int::acc)
Err _ -> Err "Not an int list separated by spaces"
toInt s acc =
acc `andThen` (prependInt s)
List.foldr toInt (Ok []) list
validate : Model -> Model
validate result =
result `andThen` (\list ->
len = List.length list
correct = [0..(len-1)]
experiment = List.sort list
if experiment == correct then
Ok list
Err <| "Not a valid permutation of [0.." ++ toString (len-1) ++ "]"
-- Model
type alias Permutation = List Int
type alias Model = Result String Permutation
query =
Signal.mailbox ""
-- Main
main = (view << update) query.signal
{-| Below is the hashing algorithm. It is a perfect hash in that it has
no collisions. The constraints are that it only works for comparing
permutations of the same length and the values must include exactly the
integers `0` to `n-1` for length `n`.
However, it is not a true hash. It is in fact a reversible process. This
comes at the cost of taking O(n^2) to compute in either direction. It will
not work well as a general purpose hash for large permutations.
That said, it could be very useful for storing binary information about a
permutation. For a bitstring of `n!` (factorial) bits, the hash of a
permutation corresponds to its one bit of storage. So, for example, if a
permutation of length 14 represents your solution space on a graph, then
with ~11GB of memory you can track which solutions you have visited and
the hash/unhash will be reasonably quick to compute.
-- Perfect hash for permutations of a fixed length
hash : Permutation -> Int
hash permutation =
hash' permutation (List.length permutation) 0
hash' permutation length acc =
weight = factorial (length - 1)
in case permutation of
[] -> acc
x::xs -> hash' (decAbove x xs) (length - 1) (acc + x * weight)
decAbove x xs = (\y -> if y > x then y - 1 else y) xs
-- Reverse the hashing process
unhash : (Int, Int) -> Permutation
unhash (val, length) =
unhash' val length [] []
unhash' val length acc used =
pos = List.length acc
n = length - pos - 1
f = factorial n
x = incAbove used (val // f)
val' = val `rem` f
acc' = x::acc
used' = x::used
in case n of
0 -> List.reverse acc'
otherwise -> unhash' val' length acc' used'
incAbove xs x =
List.foldl (\v acc -> if acc >= v then acc + 1 else acc) x (List.sort xs)
-- Helper math functions
factorial : Int -> Int
factorial n =
factorial' n 1
factorial' n acc =
if n <= 1 then
factorial' (n-1) (acc * n)
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