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Last active May 19, 2016 03:00
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Simple Monthly Budget List in Elm
import Debug
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.App as App
import Html.Events exposing (onClick, onInput, onBlur)
import Result
import String
import Task
main =
{ init = init
, update = update
, view = view
, subscriptions = subscriptions
type alias Model =
{ title : String
, start : Float
, balance : Float
, items : List (Int, Item)
type alias Item =
{ name : String
, amnt : String
, spnt : String
, left : String
type Msg
= Add
| Remove Int
| InputName Int String
| InputAmnt Int String
| InputSpnt Int String
| UpdateBalance ()
| UpdateRemaining Int
| Normalize
init : ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init =
( Model "May 2016" 500.00 500.00 [(0, Item "" "" "" "")], Cmd.none )
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
let alter i fn =
{ model |
items = (\(j, it) ->
if i == j
then (i, fn it)
else (j, it)) model.items }
send msg val =
Task.perform Debug.crash msg (Task.succeed val)
totalBudget =
List.foldl (
\(_, it) acc ->
case String.toFloat it.amnt of
Ok amnt -> if amnt > 0 then acc + amnt else acc
Err msg -> acc) 0 model.items
updateRemain item =
case String.toFloat item.amnt of
Err msg -> ""
Ok amnt -> if amnt < 0 then "" else
case String.toFloat item.spnt of
Err msg -> ""
Ok spnt -> if spnt < 0 then "" else toDollar (amnt - spnt)
normalize items =
items |> (\(i, it) ->
norm s =
case String.toFloat s of
Err _ -> s
Ok num -> floatString num
it' =
{ it |
name = String.trim,
amnt = norm it.amnt,
spnt = norm it.spnt
in (i, it'))
in case msg of
Add ->
let items' = (0, Item "" "" "" "") :: ( (\(i, it) -> (i + 1, it)) model.items)
in ( { model | items = items' }, Cmd.none )
Remove i ->
let items' = List.filter (\(j, _) -> i /= j) model.items
in ( { model | items = items' }, Cmd.none )
InputName i name ->
( alter i <| \it -> {it | name = String.trim name}, Cmd.none )
InputAmnt i amnt ->
( alter i <| \it -> {it | amnt = String.trim amnt}, Cmd.batch [send UpdateBalance (), send UpdateRemaining i] )
InputSpnt i spnt ->
( alter i <| \it -> {it | spnt = String.trim spnt}, send UpdateRemaining i )
UpdateBalance () ->
( { model | balance = model.start - totalBudget }, Cmd.none )
UpdateRemaining i ->
( alter i <| \it -> {it | left = updateRemain it}, Cmd.none )
Normalize ->
( { model | items = normalize model.items }, Cmd.none )
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
(=>) = (,)
floatString : Float -> String
floatString n =
let whole = truncate n
part = round <| abs (n - toFloat whole) * 100
in toString whole ++ "." ++ if part == 0 then "00" else if part < 10 then "0" else "" ++ toString part
toDollar : Float -> String
toDollar n =
if n < 0
then "-$" ++ floatString (abs n)
else "$" ++ floatString n
toRow : (Int, Item) -> Html Msg
toRow (i, {name, amnt, spnt, left}) =
default = ["flex" => "1", "min-width" => "75px"]
div [style ["display" => "flex", "width" => "calc(100% - 10px)"]]
[ input [style default, onInput (InputName i), value name] []
, input [type' "number", style default, onInput (InputAmnt i), onBlur Normalize, value amnt] []
, input [type' "number", style default, onInput (InputSpnt i), onBlur Normalize, value spnt] []
, input [style default, disabled True, value left] []
, button [onClick (Remove i), style ["width" => "25px"]] [text "X"]
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
headers =
div [style ["display" => "flex", "width" => "calc(100% - 10px)", "text-align" => "center"]]
[ span [style ["flex" => "1"]] [text "Category"]
, span [style ["flex" => "1"]] [text "Amount"]
, span [style ["flex" => "1"]] [text "Spent"]
, span [style ["flex" => "1"]] [text "Remaining"]
, span [style ["width" => "25px"]] []
section [ style [ "display" => "flex"
, "flex-direction" => "column"
, "align-items" => "center"
, "width" => "100%"
, "max-width" => "650px"
, "margin" => "auto"
, "border" => "1px solid black"
] <|
[ span [] [text model.title]
, span []
[ text "Balance: "
, span [style ["color" => if model.balance < 0 then "red" else "green"]]
[ text <| toDollar model.balance ]
, hr [ style ["width" => "100%"] ] []
, headers
] ++ toRow (List.reverse model.items) ++
[ br [] []
, button [onClick Add] [text "Add"]
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