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Last active December 29, 2021 14:10
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TF IDF Explained in Python Along with Scikit-Learn Implementation
from __future__ import division
import string
import math
tokenize = lambda doc: doc.lower().split(" ")
document_0 = "China has a strong economy that is growing at a rapid pace. However politically it differs greatly from the US Economy."
document_1 = "At last, China seems serious about confronting an endemic problem: domestic violence and corruption."
document_2 = "Japan's prime minister, Shinzo Abe, is working towards healing the economic turmoil in his own country for his view on the future of his people."
document_3 = "Vladimir Putin is working hard to fix the economy in Russia as the Ruble has tumbled."
document_4 = "What's the future of Abenomics? We asked Shinzo Abe for his views"
document_5 = "Obama has eased sanctions on Cuba while accelerating those against the Russian Economy, even as the Ruble's value falls almost daily."
document_6 = "Vladimir Putin is riding a horse while hunting deer. Vladimir Putin always seems so serious about things - even riding horses. Is he crazy?"
all_documents = [document_0, document_1, document_2, document_3, document_4, document_5, document_6]
def jaccard_similarity(query, document):
intersection = set(query).intersection(set(document))
union = set(query).union(set(document))
return len(intersection)/len(union)
def term_frequency(term, tokenized_document):
return tokenized_document.count(term)
def sublinear_term_frequency(term, tokenized_document):
count = tokenized_document.count(term)
if count == 0:
return 0
return 1 + math.log(count)
def augmented_term_frequency(term, tokenized_document):
max_count = max([term_frequency(t, tokenized_document) for t in tokenized_document])
return (0.5 + ((0.5 * term_frequency(term, tokenized_document))/max_count))
def inverse_document_frequencies(tokenized_documents):
idf_values = {}
all_tokens_set = set([item for sublist in tokenized_documents for item in sublist])
for tkn in all_tokens_set:
contains_token = map(lambda doc: tkn in doc, tokenized_documents)
idf_values[tkn] = 1 + math.log(len(tokenized_documents)/(sum(contains_token)))
return idf_values
def tfidf(documents):
tokenized_documents = [tokenize(d) for d in documents]
idf = inverse_document_frequencies(tokenized_documents)
tfidf_documents = []
for document in tokenized_documents:
doc_tfidf = []
for term in idf.keys():
tf = sublinear_term_frequency(term, document)
doc_tfidf.append(tf * idf[term])
return tfidf_documents
#in Scikit-Learn
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
sklearn_tfidf = TfidfVectorizer(norm='l2',min_df=0, use_idf=True, smooth_idf=False, sublinear_tf=True, tokenizer=tokenize)
sklearn_representation = sklearn_tfidf.fit_transform(all_documents)
########### END BLOG POST 1 #############
def cosine_similarity(vector1, vector2):
dot_product = sum(p*q for p,q in zip(vector1, vector2))
magnitude = math.sqrt(sum([val**2 for val in vector1])) * math.sqrt(sum([val**2 for val in vector2]))
if not magnitude:
return 0
return dot_product/magnitude
tfidf_representation = tfidf(all_documents)
our_tfidf_comparisons = []
for count_0, doc_0 in enumerate(tfidf_representation):
for count_1, doc_1 in enumerate(tfidf_representation):
our_tfidf_comparisons.append((cosine_similarity(doc_0, doc_1), count_0, count_1))
skl_tfidf_comparisons = []
for count_0, doc_0 in enumerate(sklearn_representation.toarray()):
for count_1, doc_1 in enumerate(sklearn_representation.toarray()):
skl_tfidf_comparisons.append((cosine_similarity(doc_0, doc_1), count_0, count_1))
for x in zip(sorted(our_tfidf_comparisons, reverse = True), sorted(skl_tfidf_comparisons, reverse = True)):
print x
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Thanks ,There is any blog or code for json data
sample Json data :
{"intents": [
{"tag": "greetings",
"patterns": ["Hi","hai","Is anyone there?", "Hello", "Are you there","what is happening","how is it going","great to see you","Nice you"],
"responses": ["Hi there, how can I help?"],
{"tag": "open",
"patterns": ["what time does the bank open","when does the bank open","at what time does the bank open"],
"responses": ["usually opens at 9 am and close at 6 pm", "9am-6pm"],
{"tag": "lunch",
"patterns": ["what are the lunch timings of bank?","when does the lunch break starts in bank"],
"responses": ["after noon 1 pm-2 pm bank will be closed for lunch time for bank empolyees"],

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vdhug commented Feb 21, 2018

Hi, i would like to know if it's a good idea to use tf-idf scores to text classification.
Like, to classify a review as positive or negative.

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Hi,i was trying the code in Python 3 and found that in the function sublinear term frequency, it is not able to handle when the term checking count is zero for that document when making tfidf_representation,is this expected?

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Hi, i was trying to adapt your code with user input not by document input but i am having trouble at idf process. could you make something like that? anyway, thanks for sharing the code

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