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Last active February 8, 2024 22:52
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  • Save blockpane/fe03eb0839fac417b92cd7eb98cdf356 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save blockpane/fe03eb0839fac417b92cd7eb98cdf356 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Build, package, sign, image, sign again, notarize, and staple a app for MacOS
# builds a fyne macos app, signs it, creates a .dmg, signs that, and then requests notarization.
# ... stapling the notarization should wait until the request is approved which can take a minute ...
# Pre-reqs:
# Install the full xcode package
# Install the fyne command line tool
# Create a certificate request, send to apple developer site, and import the resulting certificate
# Create an application password in tied to the app's name in the keychain
# The name of the application
# The bundle / app ID for the app...
# This is the CN from the code signing cert
CERT="Developer ID Application: Your Name (zzzzzzzzzz)"
# This is your login for the apple developer site
# This is the name for an application password stored in the keychain
# A working dir where temp files are created, and final disk image will be placed.
# The entrypoint to compile:
# Set to "TRUE" if the app version should use the git tag:
### End of settings ###
# should permit a package built on MacOS versions >= 10.15 to run on 10.14 and later, maybe.
export CGO_CFLAGS="-mmacosx-version-min=10.14"
export CGO_LDFLAGS="-mmacosx-version-min=10.14"
set -x
# don't overwrite something that already exists when we compile our bin.
BIN=$(dirname "${MAIN}" |awk -F/ '{print $NF}')
MAIN_DIR=$(dirname "${MAIN}")
[ -f "${MAIN_DIR}/${BIN}" ] && { echo "refusing to continue, ${MAIN_DIR}/${BIN} already exists"; kill 0; }
# Cleanup old packages if needed
[ -d "${PKG_DIR}" ] && { mkdir -p "${PKG_DIR}/old"; mv "${PKG_DIR}/"*.dmg "${PKG_DIR}/old/"; }
[ -d "${PKG_DIR}/${APP_NAME}" ] && rm -fr "${PKG_DIR}/${APP_NAME}"
mkdir -p "${PKG_DIR}/${APP_NAME}"
go build -ldflags "-s -w" -o "${MAIN_DIR}/${BIN}" "${MAIN}" || exit
fyne package -sourceDir "${MAIN_DIR}" -name "${APP_NAME}" -os darwin -appID "${APP_ID}" && mv "${APP_NAME}.app" "${PKG_DIR}/${APP_NAME}/" || exit
rm -f "${MAIN_DIR}/${BIN}"
[ "${TAG}" == "TRUE" ] && sed -i'' -e 's/.string.1\.0.\/string./\<string>'$(git describe --tags --always --long)'\<\/string>/g' "${PKG_DIR}/${APP_NAME}/${APP_NAME}.app/Contents/Info.plist"
pushd "${PKG_DIR}"; pushd "${APP_NAME}"
# remove any existing extended attributes from new app:
xattr -rc "${APP_NAME}.app"
# Add a link for /Applications in the Directory, more covenient when becomes a .dmg:
ln -s /Applications Applications
# sign the app:
codesign --force --options runtime --deep --sign "${CERT}" -i "${APP_ID}" "${APP_NAME}.app" || exit
# Create a disk image
hdiutil create -srcfolder "${APP_NAME}" "${APP_NAME}.dmg" || exit
# sign the .dmg
codesign --sign "${CERT}" -i "${APP_ID}" "${APP_NAME}.dmg" || exit
# Request anotization from apple
UUID=$(xcrun altool -t osx -f "${APP_NAME}".dmg --primary-bundle-id "${APP_ID}" --notarize-app --username "${EMAIL}" -p "${KEYCHAIN_PASS}" |grep RequestUUID | awk '{print $NF}')
rm -fr "${APP_NAME}/"
set +x
# wait until approved and then staple the dmg
while true; do
sleep 5
echo checking....
xcrun altool --notarization-info "${UUID}" -p "${KEYCHAIN_PASS}" --username "${EMAIL}" | grep -s Approved && break
xcrun stapler staple -v "${APP_NAME}.dmg"
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